@Utah Jazz

POSTCAST – Red hot Utah Jazz take on Denver Nuggets on 90s night

POSTCAST – Red hot Utah Jazz take on Denver Nuggets on 90s night

The Utah Jazz at won eight of 10 the Denver Nuggets at won eight of 10 the Denver Nuggets are the NBA champions the Utah Jazz blasted them this game wasn’t close a blowout win in Salt Lake City for the Utah Jazz and we’re talking about it next on

Postcast David lock along with Ron Boon is the Utah Jazz stunningly blow out the Denver Nuggets 124 111 if you’re just tuning in and you want to know what happened and you see the final score the final score is not as close the game was not as close as the final

Score final score is a mirage the Jazz started the Night by outscoring the Denver Nuggets starters 25 to 11 the Denver Nuggets starters are plus 20 per 100 possessions they’re the best starting five in the NBA they plays the most minutes of any group and the

Jazz led the game by 11 at the end of one the Nuggets caught it down to six and then the nuggets the starters came back in the game and the Jazz blasted them again 21 to9 to close the second quarter and the Jazz led by 18 at the

Half and the Jazz with 357 left in that second quarter hit a three that made it an 11-point game and never again was the game ever inside single digits and the Jazz led by 20 points for most of the night they led by double digits for over 40 minutes of the night I

Believe they crushed the Denver Nuggets who were not on a back end of a back toback who do not have any injuries who did not have an altitude problem who do not have a single explanation of what happened to them tonight other than the Utah Jaz kicked there you know

What wow I don’t need to add any more to that Holy that was that was well said because that’s exactly what happened and it it’s it’s remarkable on how the Jazz have so much confidence in who in in their game regardless of who they’re playing uh that first quarter outscoring

Him by 11 points in that first quarter and as you mentioned this just never looked back I mean was able to score outscored them in the paint I mean those are the areas that the JZ struggle with sometimes with teams but I just man I just couldn’t believe how and I I have

To talk to will sometime to see or maybe even Scott Morrison about what they were able to do to the front line there of of the Denver Nuggets with with Gordon and Porter let me go big picture just here for a second we’re 19 and 20 it’s the exact same

Record that jazz had last year yes we are 15 and nine I think in our last 26 games prior to that 15 and N Run we were awful runon I was legitimately scared that we were going to go to Detroit and lose when they were on a 24 game losing

Streak and that we were gonna go to San Antonio and be on a 23 game year we played the Detroit Pistons and the Detroit Pistons were favored to beat us that was not that long ago what has happened it’s h who knows we we have to

Listen to the coach I mean what we’re seeing is is J the the talent level is a little bit different fars of the Jazz and their opponents but the the way the Jazz are playing the game and the way they’re defending teams now are are making it difficult uh and uh you know

For teams to beat them I think the key to playing any team in the NBA is to stay in the basketball game make the opponents play one of their better basketball games in order to beat you and I think that’s probably what we’re seeing right now Zach Peterson on our

Chat somewhere just said this reminds him of when Ru Rubio got hurt checked back in in Detroit made the pass and then the next night hit the three in Toronto and the Jazz went on this incredible 20 game Run I I am a very big believer this in this in one thing here

And that is whenever the NBA schedule comes out I always look for a soft spot can you find it where the schedule gives you like three or four wins so that if you suddenly go six and seven and you believe and you can get rolling we’ve seen plenty of teams that aren’t that

Good that suddenly believe they’re good and then they just roll this team now believes it’s good they believe they’re really good they’ve won nine of 11 will Hardy’s got them bought into this like all of you have strengths all of you can play your own thing and we’re going to

Do it together and you’re going to have to sacrifice but it’s going to be worth it because we’re to win and they’re totally have bought into it and some of it’s because they got to play San Antonio Detroit in these teams that weren’t very good in a very close

Proximity and they got a little lucky that Joel andb didn’t play in Philly and they got but in the meantime they went and beat Miami they beat Brooklyn they beat New York and they just whooped the Denver Nuggets so what what as long as you’re winning and and things are going

Well uh and and the game plans are working and and and the key there is is trusting the game plan and and uh it’s I mean it’s not a lot you can say what we’re seeing is is as you mentioned remarkable but it’s just the way they’re

Getting it done it’s just Gordon it I think Jordan Clarkson enjoying coming off the bench yeah he’s playing a role to to the point where he was Sixth Man of the Year well will hardy was super interesting in the pregame today about how Jordan had the ball too much in his

Hands initially in possessions early in the clock early in the clock and he’s far better if he can get lost in The Possession bend the defense and have them lose him somewhere along the way and then come up with a basketball and a possession and that’s a better use of

Will is just done an incredible job of frankly a team that looked like none of the puzzle pieces belong together at all finding a way to make these puzzle pieces work let Colin start and that puzzle piece works when he’s playing with Chris Dunn who lets him never have

To you know Chris Dunn’s the puzzle piece that now fits it’s crazy play hard pass the ball right and if you wear the Utah Jazz uniform give a beep about the Utah Jazz like the Line in the Sand he drew on the when we were 4 and 11 in in

Portland is it’s it’s wow yeah well let’s keep it going all right what did they do do against yic tonight let’s get into I mean we’re kind of big picture but what did they do tonight this show is ideally supposed to be about what they were trying to do and what they

Wanted to do worked on in practice this morning usually when you want to double team a player you wait till he puts the ball on the floor then you run at him and double team they wanted to go and double team him early and force him to

To to pass the basketball um and they were able to do it a couple of times but whenever yish wants to score he’ll go down on the Block he’ll go down there and he’ll use his body and all that kind of stuff and and but I really think they

Found a way to take away the effectiveness of the of the the the front line Porter who’s their three-point shooter and and he takes more three-point Shooters shots anyway than anybody on the team he he didn’t exist tonight I mean one for three from the three-point line he only got nine

Shots in 24 minutes uh Gordon who’s a very respectable rebounder and scores and transition uh between those two guys 17 points they have they have to get more than that from those guys in order to to compliment Murray and and joic sometimes the hardest things to see in a

Game particular as a broadcaster are things that don’t happen good point so let’s go to pregame Scott Morrison says we’re gonna double team joic and we’ve got to make sure he doesn’t get assists to Cutters in other words if he wants to pass back out to three-point Shooters

Will’ll try to close we’ll live with that they did not they hit 39% they were 13 to 33 but we do not want to give him Cutters Cutters one assist to a cutter the entire night tip of the hat to Lea toen was on our stats doing that tonight

One assist to Cutters All Night Long by the Denver there you go there’s the game plan right there and as a result yogis only had six assists for the for the night the other thing this team has done if we go back again Scott Morrison is so incredibly valuable that’s why you

Should listen to our radio broadcast Scott Morrison we talked about after Z the loss in New Orleans how poor the Jazz had been at finding getting the player they wanted engage defensively into the offense they they just were not like they were supposed to engage Zion

And make him play defense they didn’t do it all night long and then tonight they played pick and roll and made yic involved tonight they played and had Michael Porter Jr defending out on the floor that’s you’ve got to find your Edge get into the paint on your Edge and

Then play off of that and that’s what this team’s begun to do offensively they weren’t doing earlier well you heard Colin seon talk about the game plan and and and trusting in each other uh and when you do that I mean good things happen you good things happen if it

Doesn’t happen then the coach it’s on the coaches now you got to change our approach and change our game plan on on how we want to uh to play this game everything varies from from Team to team and we saw this the last two ball games anyway with playing the Milwaukee Bucks

And now playing the uh the Denver Nuggets only thing that was the same was how they wanted to defend um Giannis and how they want to defend uh joic you look at the Box SC Walker plays the fewest minutes I think at 15 maybe aashi played 13 so you still he’s we’re

Doing the same thing every night with 10 m 10 guys Lowry’s the only one playing 32 and everyone else is playing between like 15 and 28 this is kind of unheard of in this league Ron it is and and I’m glad you brought up um lri I mean I’m sorry um

I wanted to bring up Kesler yeah um points in the paint and and trying to remember my prep here I thought that Denver was averaging somewhere in 60 something probably points in the paint pretty close to Leading the league and scoring in the paint and they only get

40 points in the paint tonight Jazz I scored them 54 wow uh so uh that is because of uh I think Porter and and um well that’s Gordon that’s no assist on Cutters yes there we go uh the biggest story of the night is the jazz beat the

Denver starters by 25 points yeah that’s huge that’s that’s the story Denver plays the most minutes of any team in the league with their starters and they beat them by 25 point they beat their starters by 25 who are plus 20 per 100 points Ron I don’t know that we’re

Allowed to go home we have two times our regular audience right now Jazz nation is fired up I know it’s 11 o’clock at night but we have two times our regular audience they want more romoon they want more cowbell they is that is that a 90s

Cowbell was 90s cowbell was 90s I want more cowbell I should have used that in the broadcast I I waited for how about them apples till the final big call of the night Sacramento California sacamento Kings I had a plan all night long to give this guy a

Star I think I’m gonna be laughed off the broadcast for doing it um and it’s probably not quite as good as I think it was so I maybe talk about him instead of giving him a star but I really wanted to give him a star I thought Simone fonia’s defense on Jamal

Murray might have been the most important thing in this whole game M you don’t agree at all I mean they’re like they’re playing a two-man game and if Murray doesn’t get going then they can’t like Murray never got going tonight Murray actually looked didn’t look healthy tonight to me he

Didn’t get off the ground very well he looked like like like y the length of fono bothered him he couldn’t get free he couldn’t get a step back uh I I didn’t think Murray looked good I thought fono unnerved Jamal M Chris Dunn Chris Dunn and how about Chris Dunn and

Simone fono Chris dun picked up Murray on the first possession of the game the mid crossed half court like I am in your beep all night long and then fono later in the game was in his beep as well like I I I thought those two guys and maybe

That’s what’s actually changed about this team is that those two guys are playing defense and we and se’s playing hard and you got guys in the starting lineup in the main lineup they’re playing that kind of basketball because we didn’t have that earlier you’re not buying that at all he

Didn’t buy that at all he didn’t buy that even a little tiny bit come on a little bit why did Jamal Murray go like what did Jamal Murray do today stop shaking six of 15 how many free throws he take four he did nothing tonight he that’s why their starters were minus 27

So you just want to give him a star let’s give him a star I mean no but like don’t you think that was a huge part of this game that we actually were able to D up on Jamal Marie okay let’s give him a star and

Give no Chris Dunn Chris Dunn and they don’t deserve stars but I wanted to give them credit you want to give him credit I like that okay all right Clarkson and marke and what do you think Clarkson and we’re just we’re just right Clarkson was great

Clarkson put the dagger in low is the Superstar yeah like Lowry put up a monster night and he guarded yic for part of the night yeah everybody had a a very good night and it’s it’s but if your two stars combined to go 18 of 32 you win yeah absolutely me right all

Right Jordan markon l huge audience thank you largest audience of the Year Jazz if won N9 of 11 it’s late at night it’s totally crazy Ron’s past his bedtime he wants out I should host another show and just stick around and hang out with you guys all night but

I gotta go to bed too it’s snowing and my drive home May suck but I’ll be happy and smiling and enjoying it thank you all very much for tuning in jazz are home Friday Saturday Monday wednes two no wait what is it we have what are we we’re home got Friday

Saturday Monday and then and then back to back yeah we got Friday oh that’s I’m sorry that’s we got Toronto LA Lakers Indiana Golden State Friday Saturday and Oklahoma City yeah so Friday Sunday Wednesday Thursday yeah Friday Saturday Monday Wednesday Thursday five games seven nights get out here come to the

Delta Center join us watch this team it’s crazy it’s unrecognizable frankly I’m flabbergast and tomorrow’s lockedown jobs would be why lock has no idea what’s going on I’ll need to be re-educated on the NBA thank you all for tuning in uh don’t forget to hit the like button says Lacy she’s right I

Should be promoting that you guys are the best have a good night

The Utah Jazz came home having won 8 of 10 to play the equally hot NBA Champion Denver Nuggets and the Jazz blasted the Nuggets in commanding win. The Jazz jumped on the Nuggets starters to open the game and never backed off. The Jazz lead the game by 10 or more for the final 27:30 of the game and lead by 10 or more for almost 40 minutes of the game.

David Locke and Ron Boone bring you POSTCAST after every Jazz game, tonight the Jazz were lead by Jordan Clarkson and Lauri Markkanen.

David Locke and Ron Boone bring you POSTCAST after each Utah Jazz game


  1. Remember when we were thinking it was possible that we go 0-4 during their current stretch against top tier teams, and instead went 3-1?!

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