@Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Trail Blazers vs New York Knicks Recap | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

Portland Trail Blazers vs New York Knicks Recap | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

E got all It’s Beginning to Look a Lot bike last year every game I watch stre what’s going on everybody welcome into the Blazers uprise post game show Eric why did I come back from vacation uh cuz you wanted to see the Blazers lose by 38 or whatever I don’t

Even want to do the math it’s a lot of points that they lost by tonight as they went into Madison Square Garden and got absolutely roasted 11284 win from the New York Knicks for out the last five games for the Blazers has been a miserable blowout every now

And then they’ll sprinkle in a little win where they’ll look competent and look like a basketball team but my goodness this is uh falling off the rails and man I I have not had a good past 24 hours I’m ready to kind of roast this team to be honest so that’s

What this stream’s going to be and I’m going to enjoy it because I mean got to take enjoyment out of something anyway uh are you ready to roast this team are you chilling tonight Eric uh I mean I was disappointed with the game tonight I uh on Friday night I

Kind of roast did their effort level I was a little frustrated watching them uh not give effort uh and seemed like they had already packed in it packed it in on the season uh but then they came out and played well on Sunday um so I wasn’t expecting them to

Go back to this right away but yeah unfortunately it just did not look good from the start so I don’t know like pretty early in this game I was already dejected did so I don’t know now several hours later if I’m that mad anymore just moving on or what you know

Dude like I’m coming off of so I a rec league game tonight part of the reason why the stream’s going live a little late um and we blew a 20-point lead and that was extremely frustrating and of course the Huskies lost National Championship last night so that was

Heartbreaking and I’m now 0 and five in Championship Games I’ve just had a really bad 24 hours and this is going to be my formed event this is why I love having the channel is I get to vent to you guys and you guys enjoy it which is

Pretty cool uh so happy that some are happy to have me back Rich did a great job filling in I was listening to your guys stream driving home from Bend just driving up that Highway through the Dows I wasn’t going to drive through the mountain pass and deal with snow and

Have to put on chains and all that crap um but yeah it was enjoyable just to be on the road listening to you listening to Rich do the postgame show on uh Sunday so great job appreciate you for running things Eric but I am back and I’m ready to

Absolutely go in on this team like I am not going to hold back punches on this stream tonight if that’s what you want fine this isn’t the stream for you I am going gloves off today okay but first before we jump into it you know something that is good it’s bet us they

Are one of the top sports books out there and if you use my link in the description box below you’ll receive a 125% deposit match they got all all types of betting they got slots they got games they got a bunch of fun stuff for you over there with the NFL playoffs

Coming up next weekend me and Eric actually have a competent team in the San Francisco 49ers maybe they’ll be able to break my curse I don’t know um but uh you can get in on that action they got spread lines they got prop bets all sorts of fun stuff and you receive a

125% deposit match with my link in the description box below they’re reliable secure great customer service great sports book love those guys over there at bet us shout out to them for in the Stream yeah they have some fun uh Futures I was looking through kind of

Want to do a video about it um H yeah the uh like odds on players next team if they’re traded uh those are always fun to look at so that’d be fun to do take an ad read off my plate that’d be awesome that’d be awesome so I got you

Hell yeah hell yeah um yeah shout out to them for real they’ve been a huge supporter all season long I’m very thankful to have them so if you guys want to get in on a Sportsbook definitely check out B us they’re good people over there uh all right Eric so where do I

Begin where do I begin do you want to like set the stage and then I’ll jump in yeah so in this game uh the Blazers came out in like a zone defense in the first quarter and it was atrocious then the Knicks were getting whatever they wanted and for some reason

We were still in the same defense in the second half um so I don’t really know um and then uh the offense featured a lot of iso ball and uh yeah I mean you can say what you want about the schemes and the Personnel or whatever but there was a play in this

Game where Chris Murray was in in the third quarter and there was still this was before they put in all the the garbage time um and Chris Murray gets a pass in the corner and the other four players just stand there and watch as he tries to dribble in can’t do anything dribbles

All the way back up to the top of the circle and then isos again for like 5 seconds and drives in and not one player of the other form moved or did anything they just St stood there and watched like that’s not a good coach team I

Don’t care if you have the worst Personnel of all time or the best Personnel of all time your offense should never look that way and you should never allow your offense to look that way so anyone who’s trying to argue that it’s a Personnel thing I think is

Just being ridiculous at this point like they they just don’t run much in terms of a set off offense so yeah okay this is going to be fun um our offense is a freaking joke we are maybe the most stagnant offense in the league we do not

Move the ball we were supposed to be a team that moved the ball and played off each other this year we absolutely do not play off each other at all we have no structure we don’t run good sets half the time we don’t even run sets and when

We don’t run sets it’s literally one guy standing with the ball while all four teammates sit around and watch him and then we get stuck so then Anthony Simons will try and bail it out and he’ll shoot a ridiculously tough shot and then when he finally has a bad shooting night then

He has his haters that are ready to come out of the Woodworks and say see he’s not that good what the hell is our offense what the hell is our identity on that end of the floor I’m going to get into um I’m going to get into our

Defense and our defensive identity but offensively what is our offense we look terrible I it’d be one thing if we cut if we tried moving the ball and failed to execute it’s another thing when we don’t even try to play the right style of basketball and people say it’s

Fine because we’re tanking right we’re going to get a good pick we’re in rebuild mode like we just got to develop the young players the young players aren’t being taught to play the right way because they’re playing in an offense that’s an absolute joke this stuff looks terrible I was talking with

People in my wreck league today right I was just talking with people some Blazer fans in my wreck League I had a couple people say to me that we we run better offense in our rec league than the Blazers do everybody sees it everybody sees how much of a joke their

Offense is if they want to but some people want to make excuses for it there’s no excuse for it if you have a lack of talent that’s even less of an excuse to try and play one-on-one we don’t have a bunch of one-on-one guys okay but somehow somehow there is people

Out there that love to kiss up to this organization that’ll have it be known that we don’t have the Personnel to to run a different offense we have to run this offense we we don’t have the Personnel to pass and move and make reads yada yada yada apparently

According to these people we don’t have the Personnel for one guy to run one direction towards a teammate stop stand still in the other guy to run past that guy AKA setting an off ball screen apparently we don’t got guys that can even run and still it’s a joke it’s an absolute joke

This offense is pissing me off man because it’s one thing if you got guys that can play one-onone it’s the one thing if you got Damen Lillard and you’re just going to run everything through him he’s going to play oneon-one he’s going to play Pick and R he’s the

Offensive engine and everything’s going to start with him okay we don’t have that guy Anthony Simons is trying his best to be that guy and he’s done a decent job but he’s not Dame he’s not Dame and even with Dame it was a critique of ours that that we still need

To find ways to move the ball and make things a little bit easier on him but at least we had that really good Superstar caliber player that could actually take control of an offense with very little structure and make it work we don’t have that guy anymore but somehow the

Personnel is why we have to play the same exact basketball that we did when we force fed everything through Dame but now we’re Force feeding everything through ant and Jeremy Grant there was a stretch there in the first half where they posted up Jeremy Grant like three

Times times in a row I don’t remember what he shot on him but it’s just like it’s the melow offense yep you know and it’s frustrating it it’s disgusting to watch like the the little bit of Hope for this season was that yeah they’re probably not going to be good but they

Should play a fun brand of basketball to watch this is not fun to watch this is disgusting I like it’s fun to watch a close game where they pull it out like the Brooklyn Nets game was fun the only way this brand of basketball is fun is

If we find a way to score 130 points because that’s the only way we’re in games right now is when we play against a lottery team like the Brooklyn NS or the San Antonio Spurs and we can put up 130 on the board which is funny because

Chanta’s whole whole message is we are a defensive team we’re not a team that is going to get it done by putting a bunch of points on the board the defense is an absolute joke as well but starting with the offense man we don’t run anything we have no structure we look completely

Uncoached and unprepared on that side of the floor we do not play team basketball and that was the thing that we were supposed to be able to do this year even media day there was little implied shots from people in me today interviews that yeah basically without Dame we’re going

To be able to play more team basketball this year right it’s not not everything’s going to be through him they didn’t come out and say it but they implied it we talked about it after media day like that was definitely some of the thinking this this is a joke I don’t

Know if they’re still last in percentage of their shots that are assisted on but you can say yeah they’re low in assist per game because they miss a lot of shots okay yeah that would make sense but in terms of the shots that we do make the percentage of them that are

Assisted is also extremely low that’s taking out misses yeah so across the board we do not play team basketball and what’s funny is like we finally have a g-league team so we can finally like have the g-league team run the same offensive system as as our NBA team if

We’re actually running some sort of structure some sort of offensive system when you got guys like Chris Murray in the game Ryan ruper in the game IUI in the game who have played with the Rip City remix they should be able to run what the NBA team is running in previous

Years that was a reason why maybe they weren’t able to run stuff if you had guys in the g-league not with the team and they’re on another organization’s g-league team but we solved that problem props to the Blazers for finally solving that problem the thing is it doesn’t

Even matter because we don’t run anything so the offense is a joke it’s pissing me off and people can say oh what do you expect like you knew this team was going to suck yes but I want these young players to be coached the right way and taught how to play the

Right brand of basketball right now the lessons that they’re learning on the offensive end are not good yeah I agree it’s just I mean it’s the same thing we’ve talked about now uh while you and I have known each other for a long time uh we talked about this

Even before Blazers uprise it’s just it it’s I don’t know it just it’s not good to continually coach this way even if let’s just say people were right and the Personnel was not good to run a structured offense or whatever um it it doesn’t matter like you still try to run

Something like it doesn’t you just throw up your hands and say well we just not going to run anything then like that that makes no sense um and this is what like people will try to tell you you that we should be doing is just we have

To do ISO we have to just play oneon-one because that’s all we all we can do uh really that’s all we can do like that’s that’s I I just I can’t stand the discourse that uh coach doesn’t matter or coach can only do so much um well

Like ch’s not doing anything right now so what how is how is that supposed to like I I don’t know it how is this developing anyone on the team to get better to get blown out and to not move the ball and to watch Jeremy uh shoot a

Bunch of times like U it’s not even Jeremy’s fault like because Chon’s even come out and said multiple times that he needs Jeremy to like do this stuff so like I I just I don’t understand what we’re doing with this season yep and as I’ve always said people that want to

Make excuses for the coach or the G M or the owner will always find ways to do so it doesn’t matter if we put 44 points on the board tonight they will find ways to excuse how bad this team is coached and at this point there’s just certain

People that cover this team and I’m not going to take any direct shots at any one particular person you can probably figure out who I’m talking about but there are people who cover this team that I am convinced will never have anything critical to say about a coach

Because I don’t know how you watch this product on the floor you watch this offense and you come away with it like yeah this is their only option is to run things the way they’re running things the letting Chris Murray play one-on-one while Four Guys stand around yeah they

They don’t have enough talent to do anything else other than watch Chris Murray play one-on-one do you guys realize how absurd that sounds to me does that not sound absurd to everybody else they literally drafted a pass first point guard to run the offense and to be

The next generation of players for this team to to be like a a full a flowing offense that has ball movement and a a pass first guy they literally like made their whole offseason around that guy and now they’re saying they don’t have the Personnel to do what the player they

Chose to move on from Dave for is best suited for playing a motion offense that has lots of movement like it they got three guards our core our core is literally three young guards but we can’t pass or move like like Trevin says in chat like okay so Cronin gets every

Excuse like what is he going to do no teams want to trade with him what is trony supposed to do like he doesn’t have any good players well people at some point one of those two people has to be held accountable by someone right like one of those two has to be what’s

Causing this right now right and like it’s not and it has nothing to do with us being bad or whatever it’s just like once again I don’t see how this is good for us moving forward to play this style where Sharps coming off the bench you

Know he’s not even starting um you had a video about that so go uh watch that after the stream if you want a more indepth take on that one um like it’s just it’s fine to lose like if we’re if we’re doing things that are going to set

Us up for future success but to just run so much of our offense through Grant and uh I mean broen was bad tonight too and and the the iso stuff is just do not conducive to building the team the way you want them to play in the future and

What happened to running the freaking ball like why do we not run at all like we don’t push the pace we slow the ball down off a maid basket other teams can get fast break opportunities off ma baskets against us and we walk the ball

Up just like we did with Dame for years and people said oh Dame can’t the reason is Dame can’t play fast or whatever and you look at Milwaukee they’re pretty high I think in Pace uh right now so like um it it’s it’s the way we run

Things it’s not it’s not any any player on the team yeah um oh that’s funny um sorry that just threw me for a loop okay um so one of the guys that I’m talking about one the the guy this applies to the most apparently was on playback telling people not to listen to

The negativity over here I mean you can read his name in chat I’m just tired of the ass kissing for the organization cuz it’s disingenuous bro like I truly do not believe that dude thinks this thinks everything that says I truly don’t believe that maybe he does if he does

That’s bad but I’m just tired do not do not I’m just I’m tired of the ass kissing for an organization that puts this product on the court right now because here’s the thing if it was due to the roster then okay well Cronin had a hand on the roster oh no but he’s

Supposed to make the roster as bad as possible but also at the beginning of the year they might be good actually which just doesn’t make any sense but at this point man like the team’s getting worse the team’s not improving the style of play is not improving it was one

Thing earlier in the year to say well we’re starting Skyler Mae and I wasn’t that critical at the start of the season when we were starting Skyler maze because we were starting Skyler ma like okay I understand it we’re starting Skyler Mae we’ve gotten healthier we got an back

Scoot is like has slowly started to figure things out you got Sharp you got Brogden you got Grant right how is every literally everything is getting worse everything is getting worse the thing is if we’re young we should be improving as much as any other team in

The league over the course of the season oh but we have no practice okay fine why are we getting worse though right it doesn’t make sense and it’s funny CU you’ll have dudes like that that sit here and say don’t listen to the negativity in this channel why we’re

Down 30 points after scoring the other team by 14 and the third well what I what always drives me crazy and it’s the same reason I get frustrated when people come in and do it in chat it’s we didn’t we got outscored by 13 in the third I missed on my words

But yeah we we got we lost by 28 yeah there’s a ton to be negative about um the the thing that frustrates me the most is so we’ll we’ll sit here and talk about why we’re frustrated why we think this is a bad loss and why we’re not

Just like well we’re young we don’t care who like what are we supposed to do ch’s great um cronin’s put an amazing team on the court it’s just there’s nothing they can do right now is just going to have to watch this crap for years like we

Actually tell you why we think it’s not good that they’re playing this way we try to analyze it in a way that is just what we’re feeling yes the past few years have been mostly negative because outside of like that stretch to begin the year last year

There hasn’t been a whole lot of extended positive stuff uh so uh the thing is we’ll say we’ll give point a b and c as to why we’re frustrated and then someone will just come and say they’re always negative don’t listen to them they never they never argue with

What we’re talking about they can never counter any of our points yep and that guy particularly can’t because he doesn’t know enough about basketball and despite him being some sort of basketball genius but like so he can’t argue with any of our our criticisms uh so he has to like just

Condemn the negativity as just don’t listen to those guys they’re negative you know like that’s the only thing he can say to us to try and get his fan base to stop questioning why he doesn’t talk about some of the problems we have y yep

100% I am begging this team to give me something to be positive about like like longterm okay we got scoop cool we ran Dam out of town cool this season I wasn’t tripping off results I wasn’t tripping off losses I don’t care about losses right now at this point losing is

Probably good for this team what I care about is the process okay in the proc process ultimately longterm will determine if we win or lose but I want these guys learning how to play the right way I want these guys even if they’re not good at running

A competent offense I want them to try so that they can get better mhm okay if these dudes can’t run anything but ISO ball they should be trying to run things other than ISO ball so they can work on it what the hell are we doing settling

For ISO ball when we’re 10 and 20 six with a young team and saying we have to because they’re a young team that doesn’t make any sense why not lose by 50 because you were trying to run an offense and it wasn’t it just wasn’t working like but at least you were

Trying to run sets and stuff like that like how could that be worse than what we did tonight yeah like we have no practice time okay well when you lose four out of five games by like 20 points at least you might as well treat games

Like practices you know what I mean like there there is this is a developmental year right I said that before the season it’s all about Player Development okay it’s not necessarily about wins or losses the big problem I have right now is they are not doing what they need to

Do to properly teach these guys how to play the right style of basketball and I don’t know how you can argue otherwise because that’s the thing is it’s not that people say oh we’re actually running a good offense you because you can’t argue that we are running a good offense mhm the only

Thing you could say is well they have to run a bad offense which is just BS yeah it’s it’s [ __ ] man so frustrating it’s frustrating like Chanty needs chony needs to go after the season yeah um for the record the I would we haven’t talked about that guy in a long

Time um and the Reon why we’re calling him out is cuz he specifically mentioned us tonight apparently so uh that’s the reason why I went it on him and did more than happy to take shots back yeah 100% yep so don’t uh I might be on playback

Soon too so don’t poke that if you don’t want deal with the consequences yeah I have I have no problem I have no problem um if you guys have been here since day one you guys know we have no problem engaging in beef yeah meanwhile you got another

Media guy called call uh Raymond Felton a Blazer Legend on Twitter what are we doing today man I mean I mean if it was a joke good joke great joke that dude that’s sacriligious if if that was not a joke I mean I can’t see that no Raymond felt played here one season

And it was terrible oh my God that dude’s the worst might as well call GP two weeks a Blazer Legend too at this well you know there’s the um what was his name Tanner or something on Twitter calls every former Blazer a legend I think it was more like that I don’t even

Think he would call Raymond Feld Blazer Legend maybe um yeah I hope he’s joking I hope he’s joking um I mean here’s the thing you got people that work for the team that know people in the organization and like them personally and that probably has a part

In some of the opinions that they have I can’t even blame him for that right if if I was really good friends with Chanty Bops shoot it would probably be harder to sit here and just hold him over the fire for the job he’s doing right yeah

Like I I wouldn’t want to be friends with or be like tight with anyone in the organization for that reason because I want to call it like I see it and try and be as unbiased as possible and whether that means I’m positive or negative I try and base everything I say

Off the job that they’re doing I spent the first third of last year like when everybody’s freaking out at chony saying like I want to give chony more time I want to give chy more time it was maybe the first half of last year people came in here and said you’re not criticizing

Chanty that’s ridiculous like when are you going to finally start calling chony out and I sat here and I said I’m just being patient like I there’s no reason to rush to judgment he’s he’s had a year and a year over barely over a year in

His first year Dame got hurt right so I didn’t know so I wasn’t going to criticize him when I felt like I still need more time to evaluate him right but at this point we’ve seen enough and it is what it is it’s not good and you can’t sit here and make

Valid excuses for us having to play offense this way when this dude when he was hired preached ball movement preached connectivity has he completely given up on all the things he said he wanted to do when he got hired I know it was a different team but what is his

Identity as a coach what are his redeeming qualities you know what Eric it’s pretty bad when the number one thing you can list as a redeeming quality for a coach is that his guys try his guys play hard especially when they don’t even consistently play hard yep hold on I’m reading chat um

What chat’s wiing tonight shout out to Chad who is Greg yeah who are we talking about say who is Greg um no idea who Greg is yeah uh anyway like man I I truly personally as a fan of this team am very frustrated with the product on the floor

Right now and it’s not that it’s bad it’s about the offense they run the lack of effort defensively the effort’s falling off a cliff and this team not improving like it bothers me it bothers me not as a oh I have to cover this team

And you know I I want to cover a team that’s good and you make it easier for my jaw and you know I I like the guys on the team or this or that none of those reasons apply I’m a Blazer fan I want this team in this

Organization to be topnotch I want to talk about this team contending I’m a fan like literally anybody else that’s out there that claims to be a Blazer fan this is not coming from a hatred of the team it’s the opposite I want this team to be good I want this team to hold

To I want this team to be coach right I want this organization to hold themselves to a high standard MH when they fail to do that it frustrates the hell out of me and that’s what we’ve seen yeah and outside of eon we weren’t really missing a ton of like our regular players

Right yeah Jabari I mean he’s like our eighth man or something you know yeah yeah you know I mean if we had Jabari he would be trying to play ISO ball too I guess like I mean shout out to Jabari he cuts like some of these players just got

To take it upon themselves but man we’ve seen it Chon’s entire tenure here we’ve seen little flashes of better basketball but they’re just flashes they’re not real aeromancer has been digging in a lot of uh of analytics lately uh we’re we’re 30th in Cuts according to him we we have

Athletes we got guys we can throw a lob to if they if they back door they just it’s too complicated to cut the dude I mean like I understand that we don’t have a ton of shooting so maybe that that hurts our cutting but like that’s a flimsy excuse for being

Freaking last but aeromancer second point is that we are about League average in terms of points per possession on a cut so um that it signifies that that’s not a problem with cutting it’s just a lack of cutting yep yep and it’s it’s it’s a lot better

Than our our ISO PP points per possession yeah we’re last guess what if if you’re if we’re sitting here like 23rd 22nd and cutting like okay fine maybe you can find some excuses young team this that whatever when you’re last you’re freaking last there’s there’s no excuse for there’s no excuse being last

And if he had veteran teams that cut better earlier in his tenure here then you can say it’s a product of the roster but then when the roster has changed and changed and changed and we’ve consistently not cut what’s the common denominator it’s not the roster what’s the common denominator sometimes you

Just got to think about these things logically MH um in terms of how many players do you think we have suited to ISO uh basically anony um right now that’s pretty much sometimes yeah I mean like Germany can do it a little bit if the offense bogs

Down but I don’t think that should be excuse me that shouldn’t be like the like we shouldn’t be calling a Jeremy or an ant ISO right now in any possession we should that should be like a last resort if the offense breaks down right yeah but I mean the offense breaks down

On almost every possession too cuz we just stand around the arc kind of move the ball around the arc do like a weak handoff don’t turn the corner off the pick and roll and just like and then we have to Chuck up some crap that’s literally our entire offense so

I mean I it’s frustrating man it’s frustrating there’s no excuse for it people that make excuses they want to make excuses for one reason or another I don’t know why um but and then that’s the other thing we heard for years under thoughts who are you going to get that’s better right

Um which like I mean obviously it’s a legit question to ask it is but I will say I mean how many people knew I mean some of you die hards of course knew these people but how many people knew who like Mark dagol was or will hardy um

Like those are guys n before he became the Raptor coach like those are guys who you would ask that question of other teams fan bases that wanted coaches and they never really came up except for like I said Die Hard people who follow that kind of stuff uh

So but then we come and uh they come in and those guys would be like perfect for us right now I I feel like they would develop us they run their sets uh dagal despite OKC being bad for years um until last year uh they were like pushing top 10 defense with

Like hardly any defensive personel no Rim protection like nothing on their roster and uh they had like one good point of attack defender in in Lou Dort and not much else uh like a veteran like Kenrick Williams and like they they were pushing the top 10

Defense even when they sucked um so that that’s I’m not saying that Blazer should be like top 10 in anything right now this year but it’s it’s just he was developing a system and now that they’re good and have the pieces for that system the players are integrated into that

System and it works out like it’s working this season for OKC and yes the Personnel is not necess neily there for the Blazers yet but that’s why it’s important to set the Personnel that’s going to be here longterm up for long-term success and not just well this

Another season what are we supposed to do uh we just were not good enough uh you know we couldn’t make any trades because no one wanted to trade with us so uh we just had to we just had to keep our roster and and go for it you know um

So this is uh this is what my frustration is it’s I don’t feel like chony is setting himself up as a coach for long-term success it’s more just well I mean I’m trying to coach these guys but they’re not good enough what am I supposed to do

Yep yep um it’s funny to me that a play or or a coach can’t possibly be bad if he doesn’t have really good players mhm because that’s legitimately the argument that’s being made for Chanty he doesn’t have good enough players to do anything so he but he so

He can’t be bad it’s not him it’s the players so you have to have good players to be bad really guess what you can have a bad roster and a bad coach I don’t understand why people think those two things are mutually exclusive like I don’t understand as Carl pan says they’re

They’re kind of throwing our players under the bus to protect chony is kind of weird it is weird I mean it is weird we got a dude in chat like I thought the goal was to be bad bro the goal is to develop players to teach them how to

Play the right way we are not ingraining good habits in this team we also need to the whole goal is to be good in the future right we need to figure out if Chanty Billups can be the coach for the future or not so his performance matters

It’s not just about let’s lose every game as bad as possible and look as bad as possible doing it and it’s not just about the results it’s not just about did we win or did we lose that is so simplistic so simplistic we need to figure out if John C bips can coach

Right now we are figuring out that he can’t he is proving to me that he can’t and I’m the dude that wanted to replace dos with him I’m the dude that was preaching patience on him last year okay I have legitimately no reason to sit here and criticize Chanty for the hell

Of it but I’m going to talk about what he is or isn’t doing and right now I don’t know how he could be doing a worse job I don’t understand so at the end of the day I’m worried about development I’m worried about who our coach is in

The future this dude says if we worried about development why do we have a brand new head coach running this he’s not even new anymore he’s in year three like can’t say his inexperienced year one 100% I’ve wanted chony to improve as a coach I can’t sit here and say he’s

Improved from when he first stepped on the job and he’s in your three that’s the other thing mhm is like this year it’s like chony needs to improve this team is probably going to be rough starting off completely new but the team should improve as well over the course of the

Season we’re seeing the opposite and that’s what I have a problem with we are not even 30 games in bro this is game 30 stop trolling this is game 36 you don’t even know how many games we’ve played stop trolling smoke less meth you don’t even know how to count past 30

Apparently yeah and uh to the people who think that the development is fine going into the season if I would have told you game 36 we’d be having issues with Shaden sharp looking like he’s being completely messed with and not really even a part of our team right now uh for the most

Part um is that development to you like how shanen sharp looks right now that’s development to you guys compared to how it looked earlier in the season I’m like I feel like he’s being messed with and regressed right now like and it’s not even his fault I don’t think I I just

Think he’s like not even a focal point of the offense or anything like our I mean he not starting uh like like I mean it it’s not even like his mindset like I don’t I’m not even talking about that um but like I feel like we’re kind

Of losing him right now right like like what are we doing with him like are we isn’t it like one of the most important things about this rebuild is setting himself setting Shaden sharp up to be a star and if he’s not we’re going to have

A really tough time I I feel like because then we’re relying on two smaller guards again and instead of a bigger guard so if it’s not if this season is not about getting Chanty to be or getting sharp to be at the highest level possible at the end of this season

And not kind of question whether he’s even a starter or not like this makes no sense to me like I I I just I don’t understand um I don’t understand how we’re how you can look at that and think that oh well at least we’re developing our young guys well yeah yep 100%

You remember that board they had like their offensive principles and one of them was play fast in training camp you remember that got leaked yeah play fast we had 11 fast break points today we do not play fast so like even the principles that chony supposedly wanted

To instill before the season I don’t think anybody can sit here and say that we’ve success successfully instilled that within this team as a part of its identity like like we have young guys we should be able to run the freaking floor we have athleticism we should be able to run the

Freaking floor we got multiple guys that can actually handle the ball and bring the ball up we should be able to run the freaking floor we our whole defense is like we’re going to force a bunch of turnovers we’ve actually done a decent job forcing turnovers this year we

Should be able to run the freaking floor we don’t why not there’s no explanation it is baffling to me and people blamed Dame for that last year what are we blaming now I literally everywhere I look it’s just like this team is not being coached well yeah we’re 28th in transition frequency

And last in points per possession on transition so yeah still Things Fall rich I understand maybe like not being great at executing in transition but like last with the guys that we have the athletes we have with guards with scoot like this the one thing scoo should Thrive it

Right like he’s struggled so okay fine if you want to say we should be last in executing in transition five we shouldn’t be third to last in terms of frequency yeah that makes no sense if we’re running like half the time or even like 25% of the time and

Scoots getting like 10 turnovers a game because we’re going too fast I’m more okay with that than him turning the ball over two or three times in a slow Pac like half court offense right yeah our half court offense is a joke like points for possession in the half court is

Probably pretty low as well I think scoot turned the ball over on his on our first two possessions in the half court today and he threw a pass right to dienzo on the first play of the game that led to an open dunk um like so

That’s not good but I’d rather him be learning how to push the tempo and play that way than than doing what he’s doing now and then I I mean I got to go back for a second okay guys there is Nuance to these conversations both things can be true we

Can want sharp to have a bigger role and be a bigger part of focus for the offense and all that but we could also not want him to go back to playing 40 plus minutes and being run into the ground there is all this middle ground

And I I get so sick of people nowadays who think it has to be either 100% one way or 100% the other way and there’s nothing no gray area no middle ground there needs to be middle ground with these people don’t freaking run sharp into the ground but

Also don’t play him the way you’ve been playing him these last few games where he’s not been able to get going outside the Brooklyn game where Mo multiple people got going and uh he he did well because ant was getting double teamed every play and and got a lot of

Attention um outside of that game it should not look like what it’s looked like with him at this point half almost halfway through his second season after how much growth he had shown both at the end of last season and early this season yep but you know no he either has

To play 22 minutes or 40 Eric yeah either or I mean the problem is is people come in here and they don’t they want to disagree with us it doesn’t matter if we make a good or a bad point right they want to disagree with us so if we

Say oh sharp 22 minutes doesn’t seem involved in the offense right now like what are we doing Oh I thought you said you didn’t want to play him 40 minutes and now you’re still mad it’s just people that like think in a way way where they just want to be

Argumentative um is really what it is so yeah g says this an easy solution make him a starter and give him 25 to 35 minutes why can’t even do that exactly there there’s a comment maybe we shouldn’t complain about the amount of minutes he’s getting when he comes back

From an injury he played 40 minutes last game so should he not like it was an over time so I give him a pass but if he’s limited because of injury in terms of minutes why did he play 40 minutes last game2 this game yeah he had his minutes restriction

Lifted um but yeah like I understand we play some garbage time and stuff but like he ain’t on a minute restriction the injury is not an excuse anymore and that also does not address like his usage I it’s not enough for me to like really criticize Chanty yet but it’s a bit

Concerning the way Sharp’s being used right now that’s the thing is like I’m not even making any definitive statements with like yeah they’re screwing with them neither are you you said but but people take things as drastically as possible like there is such an utter lack of nuance with some

People that come into our chat and literally all our conversation are about Nuance all our conversations are about context if you strip away that context and that Nuance you can make anything sound dumb if that’s your goal and that’s the problem with some people that

Come into our chat that is their goal so fine fine but there’s people I can disagree with and actually have a conversation with and then there’s people that like I just explained the latter is frustrating the former I can respect it and the other thing too is I mean

Sharp’s an exciting player when he gets going um like why would they not want the excitement of of sharp getting lobs or back door Cuts or um getting featured in the offense right now wouldn’t that be good for them trying to keep viewers entertained and not tuning out right now

Yep 100% um yeah we should see this is a perfect example of this dude yeah we should bench Malcolm to get Shan n scoot those extra 28 minutes a game bro we can play sharp at the three we’re going to have to play sharp at the three there’s

Enough minutes for all four if you play sharp at the three I know that’s not necessarily his natural position but the wing positions are very similar so but that’s that’s why me and Eric wanted Brogden traded before the season even if we got back a little bit

Less then maybe we can get back at the deadline at least you wouldn’t have to risk him reinjuring himself like hopefully he doesn’t get hurt between now and when he’s supposed to get traded but that’s why we wanted him traded and people were like no you need this

Guy you need this guy to Mentor the young guards you need this guy as a as a veteran piece now it’s now it’s oh well they’re screwed like they they can’t play sharp because they have to play Brogden because they have to trade him like what are we talking about uh oh

See the the wing POS the two and the three are not different at all especially when you’re standing what are we talking about Eric I need you to explain this logic to me we need malol having Malcolm means that sharp basically can’t play the two

Right like very few minutes at the two I was wrong last game I said he played all his minutes there was a brief period where he aunt and Scoot were both on the bench but for the most part uh night too like he was out there with anony and Brogden or scoot and

Anony uh so you want Malcolm which blocks Shar from playing the two but then you also comment that sharp can’t play the three so do you just not like sharp or what what are you saying because because he he’s going to have to play some three and if you if you played

Ant sharp and and Scoot 36 minutes a game that’s 12 minutes just 12 minutes right am I doing the math right 12 minutes that he’d have to play small forward and it could be more or less or whatever um if they got less so how many minutes do you say let

Me do the math again say I think it’s 12 minutes at the at the three if they all played 36 minutes and we had no other guards right no because if you play three guards at the guard spots they’d each get through 32 minutes a game three guards at the point guard and

Shooting guard spots so then um so like if you’re playing ant 35 and Scoot like 29 and Brogden let’s just say you played I’m not saying Brogden bro like only three guards okay yeah 32 32 if you play three players at two positions they each

Get 32 minutes a game adds up to 96 divide by two that’s 48 no I’m saying how many so to get to so four more minutes for each of them is 12 minutes so you play you’d have to play one sharp at the three for 12

Minutes right yes um yes because it’ be 36 36 and uh yeah 24 yes so 12 minutes you’re right what I don’t what I don’t get is 12 minutes a game with three guards is not a big deal yeah every team play plays more than 12 minutes a game with

Three guards every single team and the four best teams I saw this on a Blazers uprise reply um the four best teams in the league all start guards under six two guards under 6’4 so it’s not like they like good teams play Big guards or whatever um like it’s

Just it just doesn’t make sense to me why we have to say it can’t work because of Shar playing the three or whatever like it it just it makes no sense to me the thing is is in a lot of sets the two and the three are basically identical it

Just depends on what side of the floor you run the set to like horns you got a four and a five normally at the elbows you got a two and a three in the corners and you got the point guard up top right so like point guard pass it to one of

Guys with the elbows you can run it either way and then might go down to the corner and set a pin down for that guy and he can curl and then the the point guard after setting the pin down can come back for a handoff if you don’t hit

The curler from the corner um but that’s just the two and the three are the same rules in that set the two and the three and a lot of sets sets that you can run to either side of the floor are identical it just depends on

What side of the floor it’s run to but the thing is like we barely run anything so truly offensively what is the difference between a shooting guard and a Ford I would love for somebody that thinks that sharp can’t play the three he has to play the two to explain how

That applies on the offensive end especially right now with our system mhm it it doesn’t if we’re going to run curl sets for Sharp it doesn’t matter if you have tamani next to him on the other side of the floor spacing the floor or Anthony at the two guard because Sharp’s

The three space in the floor in fact it’s actually easier to run a corl for Sharp if he’s the three if you got ant in the game compared to tamman right because if Tani’s the three Sharp’s the two if an’s in the game an’s the two sharps the three so offensively

There really is not much of a difference defensively there is because you’re going to be guarding guys like Ka Leonard LeBron James more than like a Devon Booker and sharp is probably better suited to guard Devon Booker but he Sharp’s defense I mean isn’t that

Great right now like he kind of needs to be challenged and B we switch so much what does it matter if sharp St out on a shooting guard when he’s probably going to be switched out onto a center if they run a pick and roll because we switch

More than anything defensively we switch into all these mismatches so who cares at the start of possessions if it’s a slight mismatch or whatever that people want to say because he’s guarding somebody that’s slightly bigger we can’t do that that’s awful we have to play him

Less so we can showcase Malcolm so we can make it so that sharp doesn’t have to deal with what exactly like like in a comment say so you play small at the three you’re going to have a harder time rebounding which leads to harder fast breaks we already suck at rebounding we already

Suck four five too you need the right four five like the thing is is yes sharp at the three with ant with skoo our rebounding is probably going to struggle long term when we’re actually trying to contend actually trying to win games sure you can look at that be like maybe

You need a change if that’s bad enough but when we suck when we’re trying to develop 10 and 26 I don’t care if the rebounding struggles a little bit if it means that we’re trying to develop our young guys because if you’re because our core is three guards so if you’re trying

To develop all of them a byproduct of that is probably going to be your playe smaller and you’re not rebounding as well but you just kind of got to live with that so and again if they play 36 minutes that’s 12 minutes where they’re each sitting out so that’s 24 minutes

Out of your 36 minutes that you you get to play shooting guard and you’re bigger I don’t understand why that would affect rebounding and fast breaks when 2third of the time is there and then Randy you also say it’s almost like we have too many guards to put them in the right

Positions that’s true that’s exactly why we do not want Malcolm Brogden on the roster that’s been our whole point this whole time and you’re arguing that we need Malcolm for some reason this is exactly why we do not want Malcolm on the roster because it forces you to play sharp if you play

Sharp it it’s always three guards on the floor pretty much and if not you’re sitting one or two of scoot and and uh scoot sharp and ant you’re sitting two or two out of the three of them at most points if you have brogon in the game so

That’s why we don’t want them we want the three guards so the majority of their time 2third of their time for one of the three and 100% for the other two are all at guard that’s uh yeah I don’t I don’t know I are you sure he said we

Needed Malcolm I don’t recall him saying we needed Malcolm I think I think he’s in agreement with us that Malcolm needs to go and I think that’s the one thing we can agree on is Malcolm needs to be traded we probably should have did it before the season so we would have never

Had this problem but um yeah like like at the end of the day yes you have Malcolm yes you don’t want to completely bench him yes you want to play up his trade value it’s doesn’t make things easy in terms of like yeah it’d be great

To play sharp more at the two than the three but when you got Brogden Simons and Scoot you’re going to have to play sharpet some three and playing him more at the three more minutes at the three to work on developing him and giving him a consistent role and consistent responsibility within this

Team right now is more beneficial than any perceived downside of playing him at the three and if you challenge him do you really think he could not be one of the better rebounders at the three position in the league with his athleticism like I would rather

Challenge him to see if he can like effectively play some three and find out that he can’t than just to not even try it you know what I mean like it’s it’s not everything has to be perfect you can try to do some things that maybe won’t

Go well and see if they work or put players in uncomfortable positions to see if they grow but the problem is when literally everything is is we’re just going to stand around we’re not going to do anything difficult we’re just going to play a crappy style of ball where

Like guys are giving up on defense it feels like then the result is you’re not not going to get growth from that and that’s what when we go back to what we said before the season this entire season is about growth yeah well to be fair Randy’s the one who

Said yeah bench M Malcolm to give them 28 more minutes so I I took that as him wanting to play Malcolm which he does for his trade value yeah I mean like I don’t I don’t want to bench Malcolm yeah I mean that’s what I’m saying he’s too

Good to bench just bench Malcolm like that’s not what I want but yeah yeah so like we’re in we’re it seems like we’re in agreement on the Malcolm thing like he needs to go you can’t bench him because you got to try and play up his trade value because being able to get

Assets back for him would be beneficial so we are in agreement on that um it’s just at the end of the day like I think we’ve been very clear that we value the development of scoot Simons and sharp we’ve said that before for the season we’ve said that all season long

That is the most important thing these guys need to be developed properly when their offensive system is an absolute joke that’s not being done correctly they’re not being developed correctly playing in this crappy offense and then sharp lately like he plays 40 minutes last game great and

Then 22 today like I understand there’s garbage time man but my goodness like it’s just he has started to feel a little checked out and I am slightly worried I’m not saying anything definitive do not twist my words to make them out to be more than what I’m saying

But I am slightly worried because I think when he’s been given responsibility he has grown with it he has ran with it it the problem is there was just stretches where we’re playing him 40 to 42 minutes a game I believe he got fatigued he even spoke on that

Earlier in the season so at the end of the day you got to give him responsibility within the offense you got to run some things for him you got to put the pressure upon him to take it upon himself to have a bigger role in the offense some of that is running

Stuff for him some of that is just him being more aggressive but you got to preach that when you’re bringing him off the bench I’m not sure how you can effectively do that when he’s just a bench player it’s harder for guys who struggle with this it’s harder for guys

To come into a game that’s already been Ono and immediately like take it upon themselves to run the offense or um you know like be aggressive M often times there’s like a little bit of a feel out period but but you’re joining people on the floor that have already

Maybe built a rhythm already gotten their legs under him Etc so some guys can come in and be just fine I don’t think Sharp’s necessarily one of those guys that’s why I would like to see him start but if he’s not going to start you

Got to bring him into the game you got to start running you got to run some things for him they don’t run enough curls for him we saw him Feast on those we need and it’s not just curls utilize his athleticism get him going because when he gets going he is very

Very dangerous however there is massive stretches where he feels like a little bit of an afterthought on the court right now which is fine because he’s only 20 years old but they need to build towards him being consistently the guy he is when he has it going they need to

Get more of that guy and less of the guy that’s just kind of like standing in the corner and then defensively just like isn’t really engaged and whatever so the problem is it doesn’t feel like they’re doing that and when you look at like his game today 22 minutes eight shots four for

Eight like nine points when we’re getting smoked and the offense is an absolute joke he was four for eight with four assists one turnover you can make the argument he was our best player today outside of Jeremy Grant he Grant was eight for 16 but no assists no

Assist for Grant he ain’t creating plays for others sharp was but he only plays 22 minutes yeah and his first two shots were airballs you’re like oh God did he was he out partying last night or something in New York but um yeah yeah and then he

And then he bounced back after that and and he got that and one dunk that got him going I think um but yeah so uh the question that was copy and pasted by two different people uh if you start sharp then ultimately Kamar D and Jabari come off the bench

How is that supposed to be remotely functional offensive well I think I I don’t want to speak for you TOR but with the three guards there’s no reason to not have two of them in the game at all times right so you’d always have one or two of ant

Scoot and sharp in the game and stagger their minutes and that’s how you get sharp playing um you know two-thirds of his time at the two and that’s why I want to trade Grant and that’s why I want to trade Brogden uh because um and I want to trade thel too I I

Don’t think thel makes much sense on this team either so um it’s it’s like it’s like we’re bad the only way that we’re going to become good is to develop sharp Scoot and ant and give them as much responsibility as possible does it make it tougher if you don’t have

Competent players next to him in the front court maybe so that’s why like I understand the argument of keeping Grant around but I think at the end of the day um at the end of the day they have each other and at the end of the day like you don’t

Need a Jeremy Grant to make it easier on those guys if it’s a guy that can just knock down threes space the floor and then maybe create a little bit off the dribble that’s fine when it’s somebody that you force feed ISO possessions to for stretches constantly like that’s

Kind of taken away so I understand both sides of that argument I am for cashing in on Jeremy Grant’s value with this year’s deadline especially cuz I think the blaze will be able to get back a lot for him but at the end of the day like I you got to trade

Brogden and you got to start running more things for Sharp there needs to be more structure to this offense just every aspect of the way things are progressing right now is going bad you know what’s sad though is I predict it I predicted it basically at the start

Of the stretch like things start to go bad in January for this team it happened last year it happened this year and that’s the problem I’ve had under choni is like his teams haven’t improved at this time of the year where other teams are improving and it’s just a bunch of

Excuses and I’ve sat here and said I don’t want to be the organization that makes excuses is for why they suck I want to be the organization that figures out why they suck and fix it this is professional sports nothing we could do we’re talking about a billion doll multi-billion dollar Sports

Organization Phil Knight offered a little over $2 billion for team it was a lowball offer we’re talking about a bill multi-billion dollar organization but when it comes to the product that matters which is on the floor the team Etc when they’re are awful and they suck it’s just excuse here excuse there

Excuse here Excuse excuse excuses excuse they just throw a million excuses they got people that love to suck up to the organization that will throw a million excuses out there as well and it’s sad it’s sad stop making excuses figure it out it’s like the freaking Mariners bro the Mariners have

A problem where their owner is extremely cheap and the GM had a press conference like oh the gold of ours is to win 54% of our games and like not to make super rash bold decisions yeah you know just like a bunch of BS but Mariners fans all held them

Accountable all all held the GM accountable they’re holding the owner owner accountable for some reason in Portland it’s just not like that like if if the Mariners were in Portland I think the fan reaction would have been different you know I I feel like there would have been a lot of people

Defending the GM’s comments yeah we’re Portland what are we supposed to do yeah good 64% is pretty good for Portland yeah um I’ll take 54% so at the end of the day like I’m I’m tired of excuses improve get better I understand that it’s going to be a

Process I understand that there’s going to be growing pains but growing Growing Pains what’s the first word in Growing Pains growing we ain’t growing Colonel panic says Grant is a 20 plus points per game scorer not really efficient but if you take him away who replaces that scoring well for me

Personally you’re you’re welcome to feel differently but I would say who cares who replaces that uh but the bigger question is over the last five games who would replace his seven rebounds total in the last five games uh who’s going to step up and grab those uh one or two

Rebounds that he has not had more than in the last five games you missed it Toro he had a streak three on Friday night of one rebound games in a row and now he’s on a two game streak of two rebounds so he’s doubled his output progress yeah dude he had like

Back-to-back games at the end of December with 10 and six rebounds and it was like oh my God eight rebounds a game in a two game stretch against San Antonio’s spur team that sucks like that’s amazing it’s sad when you and he play 40 minutes a game it’s sad when you’re

Celebrating eight rebounds a game over a two game stretch against a bad team from your athletic power forward who plays 40 minutes a game in both those games but that’s how bad his rebounding is this month he’s averaging 1.3 rebounds per game that’s that’s that’s this comically

Bad he’s allergic to rebounding and it’s been a problem before he got here and I said that’s one of the reason why we didn’t like him yeah and I said you know what I am kind of curious I am kind of looking forward to figuring out why he

Can’t rebound I still haven’t figured out why can’t rebound Beyond just the fact that he like doesn’t box out and then just doesn’t pursue the ball like he just does not rebound Jeremy can score okay I respect his scoring he’s a very gifted scorer the problem is

Everything else the problem is he’s not the defensive player at least in Portland that people chocked him up to be the main thing is you can’t put him on guards because he can’t get through a freaking screen to save his life said that before he even played a game here

People were talking about him being amazing Defender in the bubble so I went in and watched bubble games with an open mind it just focused on his defense the entire time and it was like he had some impressive moments in isolation that like people would see and and Rave about

But when you watched his screen navigation it was like man he is out of the play on every pick and roll and it’s just an easy two-on-one on every pick and roll because he gets screened so badly out of place he can’t navigate screens so you can’t put them on guards

On forwards it’s like he’s not he’s just not a lockdown guy he’s he’s solid but he’s not lockdown material against his own position defensively he is okay people labeled him as like a legitimate two-way player I don’t think he’s that I don’t think he’s that I think his defensive reputation is

Greater than his actual impact on that side of the floor boards he’s awful for a power forward passing the ball he’s just he he’s not somebody for as much as he creates he’s not somebody who passes the ball he’s averaging 22 points per game he’s averaging two and a half

Assists with his and that’s with him being able to draw a bunch of attention at The Rim if he just consistently made the right play he would be getting five assists he would be getting double the amount of of assists per game as he’s getting right now the problem is he

Doesn’t consistently make the right play it’s just all the other things he’s literally just a scorer and when you’re building a team around three guards that can all hopefully be like super highlevel offensive players I would kind rather have a guy that just does everything that does the little

Things that can score can knock down threes but will rebound we’ll set good screens W is able to guard guards able to guard forwards able to do it all yeah completely agree um I’m looking up this stat to see if it’s true uh it’s not true um so

If you take out Robert Williams who obviously isn’t playing right now and Moses Brown is out so shayen is fifth on our team in rebounding but Moses and Robert Williams are ahead of him so he’s only behind DeAndre and Jabari for regular players playing right now in

Terms of rebounds per game so he’s a better rebounder than Jeremy Grant or or thel or any of those guys yet playing him with the three makes it worse rebounding like I don’t understand that um yeah that’s the thing is everybody just overlooks every area of Jeremy Grant’s game because he can score

The ball yeah so I had that uh I had a Twitter poll up for 24 hours yeah uh with the month of the trade deadline what should the Blazers do with Jeremy Grant and uh the options were keep Jeremy treade Jeremy are on the defense and

65% of the 762 votes were trade Jeremy 18.1% keep him and on defense was only 16.9 so see I feel like if you asked that on say Reddit or CH that’s probably audience but I’m surprised by that though for sure there was a lot of people responding that they

Wanted to keep him and stuff and people that you always see on Twitter saying we have to keep him and stuff uh so I don’t know it might be that they’re just more of a vocal minority yeah yeah that’s possible that’s possible I mean at the end of the

Day it’s for the right package you made the point on the last postgame show like they should be able to get the right package so they should trade him um at the end of the day obviously you don’t trade him for second round picks like he’s not

Gp2 um so you know like we say they got to trade him but like if they only got back second round picks it’ be like that’s all you could get back like then it then you think back to cronin’s First trade deadline where he didn’t get

Enough back for for Norman pal and CJ lost the lottery Pick and that deadline was just a disaster you start to think like man yeah this is just another one of those deals if you trade grant for next to nothing so at the end of the day

They do have to get enough back for him I hear what a lot of people responded in the comments saying it depends on the trade we have to get good value for him but I would argue that it would I mean I can’t say it’s impossible because of who R GM is

But I can’t figure a scenario every team that is interested in Jeremy has an asset that is worth trading for him for the most part and so so I don’t see why we would lose a trade or not get enough value for him with how many teams

Would be interested in him and how many of those teams have decent enough assets whether it’s picks or a young player and how many teams have shown or been rumored to have shown interest in jery I just don’t see how there cannot be enough value in a trade if we decide to

Move him um so I don’t think it’s a question of well we get a good enough offer I think it’s a question of does Portland even want to to talk about it realistically trading him or not yep 100% we’ll have more regarding try talking videos and streams and whatnot um

But Jed Line’s less than a uh less than a month away because it’s on February 8th it’s January 9th it’s uh four weeks from Thursday yeah yeah so um we’ll have tanon coming up and maybe talk about a couple of prospects in that segment and maybe take

A couple questions from chat uh before I want Burning Down The House apparently but how’s Burning Down The House the house is already in ashes yeah the house is already a p i want them to build back the house yes we need that we know that

Are going to be a foundation for a decade not players that you will eventually have to move on forward won’t be a part of it for more than half of the primes of Anthony and Scoot and all that Eric we need lumber we don’t need a

Pretty vase that we can set on a table that we don’t have yes so yeah 100% uh shout out to JB Savvy member for one month a new channel member love to see it what’s up JP good to see you man he says shout out to the

Nicks broadcast IU baggie no typo did they misspell it or did they call him IU baggy bad I listen to the Blazers one I keep I kept hearing that joke on uh on Twitter but yeah I don’t know I think they said Anthony Simmons at some point which if you’re still calling Anthony

Simons Anthony Simmons you should have your your media card or broadcast card revoked like this dude is averaging 25 a game and it’s spelled with one M like Simon with an s on it if you can’t figure that out that’s kind of embarrassing so that stuff annoys me

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Like the thing is 125% deposit match do you guys realize that’s free money so like if you put in 10 you get a free what I believe it’s a minimum minimum minimum whatever yeah yeah yeah so 100 100 is even better right if you put in a

100 you get $125 free dollars like why would you not want to do that yeah yeah obviously bet responsibly um but you know it’s it’s a fun way to enjoy sports especially like I like just creating the extra Intrigue in games so college games that’s like something I’m planning to do

Just like placing some money on the spread red line just a little bit um or placing money on a prop and especially with the free money that they give with that deposit match just to keep me like invested in games because I want to scout players but like I don’t know how

You do it there’s times where I just struggle to like care and just like man and then I get on my phone and then I’m like oh yeah there was a game on because I completely forgot because I’m just not invested at all so uh that’s a that’s

Like my strategy to just be invested in games is to like have something else that I care about a spread line maybe a team to root for that’s fun and then when March Madness comes around I’ve had pretty good luck in March Madness so I’ll try my hand with that but that’s my

Plan for like scouting guys because I want to be as prepared as ever for this year’s draft with our draft content you guys know that we go hard on the draft we know basically everybody that gets drafted we try and uh put in the work so you guys can have good content

Surrounding the draft have guys that know what they’re talking about around the draft like for as much hate as me and Eric get for being negative like we care about we care about the channel and we care about the product that we bring to you guys we will put in the work to

Make the product better whether it’s Graphics whether it’s scouting whether it’s knowing trade talk knowing salaries knowing the CBA knowing team situations all that we put in the work man we’re always being here yep even if it’s later or one of us isn’t here yep so even if

I’m struggling with my internet in Sun River you know I tried I tried to I tried to come on post game streams on vacation yeah even though they’re losing well they did win one of the two games but I get there literally get off the road immediately get to the place and

I’m trying to stream within five minutes of walking into the place after we lose by like 25 points so fun yeah but um I’m uh later this year or this season I’m planning on doing a stream from Vegas so that’ll be fun oh boy don’t bring any strippers

Onto oh it’s kind of funny to say we’ll get demonetized that’s the only reason telling you not to you know no uh taking my daughter there for her 21st birthday yeah uh later on and uh my wife and her are going to go see uh probably go to a Thunder Down

Under show speaking of strippers um but uh yeah so was like that’s cool cuz it was on a Blazer night and I was like I I’ll just go to a sports book and watch the game and stream hell yeah that’s the life man that is the life um so when is

That uh it’s in April oh I was going to say if that’s in February the Super Bowl’s in Vegas right so oh yeah no I could afford to go to Vegas during Super Bowl time yeah actually the other thing too with bet us shout out to them they’re giving away Super Bowl tickets

MH um they’re giving away Super Bowl tickets let me look up like how you guys can enter so I can make sure I don’t don’t mess it up but you guys can win Super Bowl tickets and like whichever Creator their Community you know like they get to announce the Super Bowl

Giveaway winner so I would love for that to be me I’d love to tell people like yeah you won Super Bowl tickets um but yeah basically let me let me pull this up here so you guys can know in case you guys want to win Super Bowl tickets I

Want to go to the Super Bowl um but let’s see here so so yeah in order to enter you just have to place a bet on any NFL line on BET us Ure your bet slip on Twitter minimum $25 bet and then when you tweet it you tag bet Us official and the

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Righty to keep an eye on this Laker Raptors game yeah what’s the score in that one 3128 did I spoil it uh yeah Raptors just hit a three the Raptors are yaka purles out they don’t have their pick unless it’s top six because they traded it for yakob

Purle messiah has run that organization into the ground bro what have you given your full thoughts on that trade though I mean I think the trade’s okay I just I feel like they probably could have gotten something a little better I mean they need to they need to blow it

Up they they have no chance of getting to contention unless they do a full scale rebuild in my opinion Scotty Barnes is still young enough to do a full scale rebuild around him you can do it with Barrett you can do it with quickly they already suck when they got

Pascal seum who’s great like but you’re you’re just running lineups out here running like now they’re playing jonte Porter Chris bu Thaddius young like it’s just not a good team who’s their third best player RJ Barrett is not good enough to be your third best player on a on a legitimate like

I mean was he third best player in New York they got seaka Barnes and uh hle I guess is your third best player quickly Now quickly is quickly good enough to be a third the third best player on a good I think is yeah um but you the thing is in order

For him to be the third best player and they still are they still lose oh they lost by one 131 13 I was like cuz on the court Thad young seak Barrett Schroeder and Trent I’m like what kind of lineup is that right now when you have quickly and Barnes uh they both

Fouled out looks like yeah but you know what it is is like they still are not going to be good enough offensively and they got worse defensively yeah we we’ll see what they they score 131 in this game and they lose because they give up 132 yeah like you like I’ve never been

Impressed with arj Barrett’s defense he’s like okay I guess Emanuel quickley is not a good defensive player both those guys were great offensively today demands ESPN ESPN mute okay um I just I mean obviously I think they need better do they got to do a full scale

Rebuild to get to contention in your opinion or is there a path without doing a full scale rebuild which is basically trading SE yakum for picks getting everything they can get for Gary Trent Jr probably and just like well I don’t embracing the suckage that comes with they

Rebuild I think they have a pretty good start with Barnes and quickley um so I don’t think it’s like a fullon rebuild but I I think that’s a good point to start from it’s not as good as us hopefully but I definitely think depending on what they get from seum if

They got a a jerus walker or something add to that I think that that’s a pretty good base level to start with yeah but like if they do that they need another star the thing is to seum is a star and you got Scotty Barnes who’s like broken

Out in his third year and you got quickly now and Barrett they’re still not good I mean they’ve been playing better but yeah it’s the rest of the roster like you said is a bunch of mediocre players so they barely beat a depleted Cavs team they barely beat the

Grizzlies they lost to the Kings they beat the Warriors by 15 on the road like that’s a solid win um but it’s just like not that game not every team can look like the Knicks after they pull off a trade and I once again their defense is just noticeably worse since that

Trade though and I don’t think like they they they lose the Kings they score 130 and give up 135 they beat the Warriors 13 3 118 okay cool they lose to the Lakers 131 to 132 so I I just don’t think they’re going to be the team that outscores

Everyone on their way to success yeah all right can we do tank ofon tank ofon time yes we can do tank ofon let me all right uh here we go let’s see here just give me a second engage with chat Eric all right what’s up chat how’s everyone don’t get engaged

To chat just engag with them okay Eric Olsen is really high on Zach Ed by the way I mean I’m not ly is he really that much more mobile like Jonathan gavone says I mean yeah yeah I mean it’s okay you don’t know I mean I don’t know I I still

Think that’s why it’s tough to answer I feel like it’s mased in college because there’s no defens of 3 seconds so you don’t have to come out and you don’t have to get hunted and pick and roll cuz there’s ways to avoid that happening in

College so I still think in the NBA he’s going to get hunted and pick and rolls and he’s not going to be quick enough to to do it could he maybe just be in the right system like a Brook Lopez um and and just have it be perfect

For him in a drop scheme with really good point of attack Defenders that can get through screens I maybe that’s the only way I think it can work but um I still don’t think he has the lateral quickness for uh getting as many times as he’ll get

Hunted uh in the NBA uh I I just don’t see how it could work yeah agreed but it’s hard because like like I said you can just plant him around the rim you don’t he doesn’t have to leave like a 5 foot radius on defense you know like so in college um because

You can play zone and all that kind of stuff not that they play a ton of Zone but um yeah Eric have you ever seen the YouTube film session smaller Channel dude breaks down defensive Mistakes by teams and he slays me think it would’ be cool if you guys

Collaborated at some point ha uh have you ever heard of that channel I have not no I don’t I would love for him to roast our defense though yeah I would watch that I would watch that for sure okay tank ofon time for tank what’s up the NFL literally made every rule making

It possible to play good defense and we have someone in chat arguing that the NBA needs to be more like the NFL and have defense because that’s what will bring in viewers and go back to hand checking and uh more rules to help the defense because that’ll bring in

People yeah no uh not hand checking people don’t want to watch hand checking people what they want what they want is when a Defender slides and cuts off a drive and that guy just lowers their shoulder into them they don’t want that to be called a defensive foul they also don’t want the

Like unnatural actions that offensive players take to draw fouls where they initiate contact as much as the defender to be called against the defense the problem is there’s plays where the offense initiates the contact the offense initiates things rle tonight yeah and it’s called a defensive foul

They don’t got to bring back handshaking they just got to give the the defense more freedom in terms of being able to use their body to defend because that’s what you’re supposed to defend with you’re supposed to defend with your body the problem is there’s numerous times

Where it’s like what was the defender supposed to do when an offensive player initiates contact and it’s super inconsistent so there needs to be more for the defense in terms of being able to like cut guys off and use their body to stay with guys and to slow guys down

And to stop guys than there is right now because defenses get punished all the time well they were supposed to like take out the foul baiting I don’t understand but also it’s like it’s not just hand checking players are more skilled now that’s why offense is better

That’s also a thing that I feel like people kind of brush under the rug like you got centers that can dribble pass and shoot now far better than they could 30 years ago and analytics has made it so like a lot of big men have to incorporate more than just scoring

Around their basket or their they can possibly not stay around unless they’re lead at something else Yousef nurkic would have been one of the most skilled centers in the league 20 years ago mhm like and he dude he would have been actually really good like 20 years ago

Cuz he had the big body to be physical because centers were more physical less skilled but then he would have had the skills too like he might have been an All-Star 20 years ago shoot Chris Cayman was an All-Star so um yeah anyway ton we’re in fifth we got

Three and a half games of clearance against Memphis who’s without jaw for the season but one um have won three straight so three and a half games of clearance over the next team is kind of nice we a game better than Charlotte they’re 8 and 26 we’re 10 and

26 it would be better if they were like 10 and 28 and we were 10 and 26 mhm you know what I mean it’ still be a game difference but it’d be different because they wouldn’t have to make up two wins on us two wins for the Charlotte hits might take two months So and we need to find a way to stay ahead of Memphis cuz they luckily won tonight but um that’s going to be it’s pretty clear now that there’s three teams out of the playoffs race in the in the west that’s Memphis Portland and San Antonio are not

Going to make a playoff run um outside of that I think all 12 teams could make the case that they have a legit chance of making the playoffs yeah the phrasing like we have to stay ahead of Memphis I don’t I don’t like thinking of it that way like um

Okay maybe not that way but yeah yeah like at the end of the day if they’re developing players properly and winning games because of it I’m fine I’m fine so if they pass Memphis because they start running more of a legitimate offense and the results end up being better they’re

Developing players and we win some games that’s fine like that’s the goal right the byproduct of things being such a joke is we’re sitting here with fifth best odds so that is the Silver Lining with all the BS it would be nice to have fourth best odds Alex SAR would be awesome

Especially under a different coach in Portland so let’s simulate this thing and scroll up from the bottom at 14 is Phoenix I got a Sim where like Phoenix went from 14 to one but like the pick got SW swapped to Washington and like another pick op swwa it it was just

Comedy it was hilarious I wish we had a first stream uh at 13 Lakers to New Orleans at 12 Utah to OKC Utah 18 and 20 pushing for 500 at 11 you got the Brooklyn Nets pick going to the rockets that moved down two spots

Eric awesome so 10 and 11 moved up into the top four who was that I don’t remember Golden State oh the Golden State eight pick is top four oh no I mean it’s fine I mean but this also makes it far less likely that our pick is top four because there’s already two

Teams filled and they’re not likely teams at 10 you got Toronto to San Antonio at nine you got Atlanta at eight you got Memphis at seven you got your Portland Trailblazers yay we get re shepher six you got Washington at five as always you got Detroit I swear our Detroit’s always

Five so you got Chicago destined to be you got Chicago Charlotte San Antonio and Golden State yeah Golden State wow okay at four is the Golden State Warriors keep their pick at three is San Antonio at two is Charlotte and at one is Chicago that would kind of be a depressing

Result I have a question for you yes shoot if Portland was to trade with golden state would getting the protections taking off taken off their pick this year be something that intrigues you cuz if we traded them if we traded them Grant it could make them that pick much worse for

Us as like as like a fill the Gap thing though yeah but it could also be really a nice risk because then uh if this scenario happens then we’re fine moving down a couple spots because at least we have four to yeah I just think like the nine% and if we trade grant

That if anything would probably go lower right I think it’s like a throw and fill the Gap thing we need other value too like you gotta if if Grant goes to Golden State you got to get kaminga back in my opinion you got to take a flyer on

Him if we trade with golden state and don’t get kaminga I would be pissed so what if it’s just like Chris Paul kaminga and them taking the protections off the first is that enough no no all right I so cause CA like you’d have a basically a 91% chance that it’s

Just Chris Paul and kaminga and that’s just not enough for that being the far most likely result yeah if you get back another first even if it’s like top six Pro protected then you do it well the Reas something else I believe they traded at 2030 first if I’m

Not mistaken let me just look it up to make sure you know what I would want if they if they have their 2029 pick Eric I would want the right to swap any of our 2029 first with theirs uned interesting so yeah they suck by then so because of the protections of

The pick they owe us this year that could possibly go into 2026 and then they traded a top 20 protected first to Washington 2027 yeah and then it just turns in no in 2030 oh in 30 uh and then it turns into a second round pick if it

Doesn’t convey so it’s most likely just a second um so that right now like if they’re trying to trade for seaka mcgrant or ever they can only trade at 2028 first so they would have to come to us even if it’s sakam not Grant uh if they want to try to get

More picks than just that pick um but yeah you could possibly do something with a slightly protected 2028 U but yeah I like your idea of doing a pick swap in 29 yeah okay I just like trying to maximize the chance of having the number one overall pick while

We’re good in 2029 all right that’s intriguing so so Chris Paul kaminga I mean I think we’d have to throw in someone else to make a money work perfectly because I don’t think we’re going to go into text but uh okay kaminga Paul unprotect the first this year and a

2029 swap for Jeremy Grant are you doing that I do it there’s there’s there’s a lot of upside in that trade yeah or maybe in hindsight it does doesn’t look good but at the end of the day we need upside we need the chance to

Get like a true stud and I think kaminga has upside I think kaminga could be as impactful as Jeremy Grant by being like a better rebounder better Defender better you know um he’s a little bit more of an athlete like he’s not going to be the pure three-point shooter that

Grant is probably but Grant wasn’t a great shooter coming into the league his first couple of years either and he developed into a shooter so maybe that’s something you develop if you have faith in your ability to develop players you should want Jonathan kaminga so I’m not saying I have faith

In this organization’s ability to develop players but uh kaminga is a piece that I really like at a forward spot and I think he can play either forward spot like I think he plays pretty big he has long arms decent strength like decent body I like kaminga

And he’s cheap he’s cheap this year and next year so like if you want to try and some cap space so you can take on salary and accumulate assets like it makes things a little bit more flexible because Chris Paul’s not guaranteed next year yeah and then you got you know if

Their pick moves up to number one this year magically like if they can continue to struggle maybe they have the ninth best odds right and have you know a 15% chance of the top four like you’re maximizing your chances of having a good pick this year and then in 2029 I think

They could be really really bad if you get an unprotected right to swap any of your 2029 first because you have the unprotected 2029 Milwaukee first you have the unprotected 2029 Boston first you have your own 2029 first and then golden you know you could swap any of

Them for golden states you’d basically have four picks that could be number one overall four separate picks that could be number one overall you could be sitting there on lottery night like we are a playoff team we have the 24th pick right and then you got Boston in the

Lottery let’s say they like 11th and we get their pick Milwaukee in the lottery they have like fifth best odds we get their pick and then Golden State in the lottery they have like third best odds we get to swap our pick with them basically just one of those three picks

Becomes the number one pick and it’s ours who know who knows who’s in the 2029 draft I don’t know but I like the idea of just trying to maximize that year since we already have the 2029 first from Boston and Milwaukee unprotected I like the idea of just

Trying to maximize that year as a year we get a great pick even if we’re we good so if they didn’t take the protections off the pick this year would you still do that with just the swap no okay so you need both yeah yeah CU you’re not outright gaining

A first right so you need both yeah in my opinion yeah and they might be desperate enough to do something like that I could definitely see them doing something like that so I would not want Wiggins back don’t want that contract don’t think it’s worth it with our in our

Position yeah and then and then you have kaminga who’s cheaper you try and get off Aon you trade Brogden for assets then you have some cap space then you try and take on bad contracts accumulate more assets maybe you can increase your you know draft pick capital in 2028 to

2030 because in 2028 we could swap picks with Milwaukee that could mean we’re good and have a lottery pick right that’s how you get yourself into a position where you don’t make the same mistake you made with Dame that’s how you get yourself into the position where

You can surround whoever our core with whoever Our Stars are with complimentary pieces we could be in play for any Star we could draft the next Jason Tatum we could draft maybe have an opportunity at the next victor WN banama the next chat Homer you know what I mean like having

That opportunity down the line is what I like and then in the meantime you focus on just rebuilding things in the next 3 to four years without relying on those assets and if you do it properly you should be able to be good when they come

And then you get over the top with them and then you win a freaking Championship like that’s kind of how I that’s that’s my mindset towards the timeline so yeah would would you be willing to throw uh thy bll into that trade think that’s one of the only ways to

Make the money kind of work better and for them not I mean obviously I don’t think they want like Moses brown or whatever I would I mean I would like you you’re Golden State we should be better than Golden State in 2029 if we’re not better than Golden State than

20129 something went wrong right so you’re gaining something there you’re getting kaminga who I like can we ban the person in chat um you’re getting um you’re potentially getting a number one pick this year if they move up you know so I am all I’m all for that

Type of trade not even throw in th why you guys stuck on the warriors uh because the Warriors moved up to four and we have their pick this year so it’s an interesting that’s the thing with tank ofon is it presents different scenarios to talk about yeah yeah we

Haven’t really talked about that but you know it it turns into top one protected next year who knows they could be worse next year they could be better next year like it’s this might be a one-time thing where this is the perfect year to get that pick or they could be horrible from

Now on so yeah um we don’t know um but this would be one way to kind of do both right yep um Bank on them being bad this year but maybe not in the future but also if they are bad in the future we’d have that 2029

Swap I don’t know I we not can we ban the dude man why is he still here I got it where’s our mods we got Arrow who’s given us stats so shout out to Arrow where is all our other mods we need to keep attending we might need we might need new mods

Eric because there’s a couple of mods that just have not been here on postgame shows like all year and we need help when this dude comes in and tries to post fake W bombs and also I like seeing some blue names in chat where are all our mods we should

Do we should do job interviews for mods and we should stream it on the second channel that would be funny that would be funny for real see I I love Arrow my trade idea will generate a 27.5 million tpe I love it I love it shout out to Arrow mod of

The night mod of the night giving us stats coming up with trades that generate huge PR exceptions like me and you do he’s one of us um what is a mod a moderator which means they can like ban people from chat remove messages like that sort of thing Nate Jones out here defending

Chanty did you see my quote tweet uh did you do it I already quote tweeted you saw it on um yeah so Nate Jones had a tweet that said and this is exactly what I’m talking about I okay I quote tweet this tweet said can’t be a

Bad coach unless you have great players right because he said I see some of the commentary around chony and the Blazers and it’s obvious these fans just aren’t used to a rebuild young guys except rare situations make a lot of mistakes it doesn’t matter if you have the best

Coach ever there’s a reason winning teams don’t play young guys what’s funny is like you know look at OKC they’re winning a lot of games they’re playing uh Jaylen Williams a seconde guy a ton of a ton of minutes they’re he’s starting they’re playing cat hren who’s a rookie a ton of minutes

He’s been great for them I mean we we literally starting Jeremy Grant who’s a multi-year veteran Anthony Simons has been in the league six years I guess tomani and Scoot are rookies but when we have more veterans on the court it doesn’t look any better

So how is that the the cause how is that the reason it’s not critiquing execution that’s the thing is like all these people take it as like the critiques of Chanty are based on critiques of players on the floor not executing things the critique of Chanty from us is that

They’re not being given anything to execute in the first place so but that’s entirely how how these people look at is just if you don’t have you can’t be a bad coach if you don’t have great players if you don’t have great players well it’s the players fault it’s not yours

Can’t be a bad coach if you don’t have great players man y that’s what we were talking about earlier in the Stream man there’s no there’s no sort of discourse with some of those people and Nate should be better than that yep yep but I mean it’s people that care

Too much about what the narrative is instead of what reality is I don’t care if like I I want chony to be good but in regards to holding him accountable talking about what he’s doing what I want doesn’t play a factor mhm like sure I’m probably biased

Towards this or that I try my hard is not to be like it’s yeah I try as hard as anyone out there to not be biased um so anyway not used to rebuilds I mean me and you me and you are nerds in regards to like who’s on what rosters what teams

Are doing are they rebuilding like what do rebuilds look like come on come on man this is the most athletic lineup one through five they’ve had uh they’re going to be able to do all these things this year and now it’s what do you want them to do they can’t do those

Things they’re too young to those same story yep yep you predicted it going this exact way Chad do you remember when Eric predicted this discourse like months ago I mean it was pretty obvious that’s I’m not going to take credit for that yeah but it was very obvious that they were trying

To set expectations super low so that when they accomplish their goal of trying to win they would look like Geniuses and now they’re trying to say well we told you we weren’t going to be good this year but that’s exactly why they said that and tempered the expectations

Because they all suck at their jobs and they all failed this year and now they’re trying to use the excuse that that they said they’re going to suck at they’re jobs once again just like Cronin told you last year that he said that they were going to S he was going to

Suck at his job U when he said that um like it’s not easy building doing a rebuild and all this stuff uh like he literally tells you he’s going to suck at it and then gets credit for telling you that he sucks yep when you re when you start to

Realize that this organization and the people that support it in the media sphere like I’m not saying Nate Jones is one of those guys cuz he’s not he’s just you know he’s more a Dame guy but when you start to realize that this organization tries to lower expectations through the

Floor then you start to understand a lot of the uh the narratives that you hear on the broadcast yeah around the team oh did you did you hear that tonight no oh yeah collab was going on like well they’re known by a lot but this is what you get with a rebuilding

Roster and a young team and like there’s not much you can do about it you’re just going to have nights like this he went on some whole Ste about that meanwhile you know season ticket holders that didn’t want to pay a bunch of money to watch this right they tried to cancel

Their season tickets and uh they were saying that cro you know the season tickets cronin’s going to show you cronin’s going to show you cronin’s gonna make you forget all about Dame this is something that was legitimately said by a season tier rep by the way

Um cron is gonna make you forget all about Dame like okay okay I mean I just don’t understand how people don’t see the comedy because in the at the end of the day it is actually pretty funny it is actually pretty hilarious when you step back and look at it for what it

Ish but there’s a lot of pain and the laughter you know H rich rich always brings the receipt February trade deadline of 2023 there is no margin for error we got to get this right Cronin two months later you know I’m young in this job I’m learning

Sorry oh man um Cronin the Rockstar at Fan Fest will always be funny laughable LOL yeah I it just sucks because we’re just we’re like fighting an information battle there’s no way if you would if you would have given him true serum on FanFest night like when he went home

That night if you would have talked to him on this on the phone like let’s say your buddies with them and you called him after that there’s no way he would have been like yeah we’re going to be like 10 and 206 and we’re going to suck like I this roster so bad

Like oh but well how did I know that players were going to get injured um you know they always do yeah I bet he thought he he would have said he would have said I think we’re going to be in the play in we’re we’re like we’re going

To be good Robert Williams is going to be huge for us oh he got hurt again like he always does how could I have seen that coming yeah I mean come on man it’s funny like him getting hurt ain’t funny but I expected him like at some point you got to take the

Status quo for the status quo and you got to expect the status quo to continue to be what it is it with Robert Williams II third the status quo is he will get hurt do not expect him to be able to be healthy for an entire season if he does

Great pleasant surprise the expectation should be that unfortunately for whatever reason his body his knees can’t hold up for the course of an NBA season I hate it I wish it wasn’t true I feel awful for him I have some form you know but unfortunately it just is what it

Is and if you don’t expect that like why don’t you take into account the past five years I don’t know I guess it’s just blind optimism which I freaking hate I hate blind optimism and then the blind optimism turns into such Clairvoyant Vision like how could you expect this team to do

Anything with the roster there they have y man man oh man is there any prospects that can save us next year that you’ve seen Eric that you’ve watched I mean alexar is really the only one I could see saving us or like being the right player we need there’s a lot of

Other players I think that could help us a lot but um like let’s just take Cody Williams for example someone I really like a lot and who I think can help a team uh but like he’s a three so he just talked about playing sharp you know like

So I know you could play him like 36 minutes at the three but it’s still kind of awkward to need a three if we’re keeping Anthony scoo and sharp um so yeah it’s just uh I don’t I don’t know if there’s like the right prospect that can help us in this

Particular draft other than SAR I think I think a lot of them could be you know rotation players moving forward for us but not necessarily the star player we’re needing if you want a long shot upside guy to John salon however you say his name is yeah he he’s

Athletic he looks like a legit 69ine he’s shooting the three ball well like 38% he like he looks like a deer out there on the court though but apparently he hasn’t been playing organized basketball for too long and on draft night he’s not even going to be 19

Yet he’s like might be the youngest player in the in the draft so if you can develop any sort of like ball handling ability with his like athleticism um with his shooting ability like you could definitely have a player and he’s young enough that you can maybe

Have some hope you can develop him into somebody that can do things but I don’t know if he’s coordinated enough to be able to do those things and that’s not really something that you just develop so given how young he is he could still be getting used to his height I don’t

Know when he stopped growing but uh that’s like a guy that’s a little different than some of these just like safe High floor low ceiling guys so he’s somebody that’s intriguing to me yeah I agree uh been trying to been trying to catch a game of his uh

But it’s kind of hard with some of those International prospects yeah yep um anybody else you want us to on um as I spam music on accident I watched Kentucky the other day uh Dillingham continues to play really well Shephard looks pretty good um yeah I still like I still like uh

Wagner too but yep Kentucky guards are intriguing I mean there’s intriguing guards in this draft I wish we needed guards man yeah I wish we needed guards um anyway chat anything else you want us to get into anything from this game you want to get into or what another stream on

Thursday Two streams on Thursday Two streams yeah you’re right you’re right um um does Ronin Holland have no fuel fair question I don’t know he’s skilled but yeah I kind of get why you asked that question though Eric Eric yeah I think he has field defensively not offensively though just kind

Of Rip City retro if you find the time stamp of of him whining about us I would love to see the reaction from everybody else on the panel I am curious because I was thinking about doing a a playback thing with those guys um the guys that run like the Blazers

Playback they reached out to us and I’d be down to do it you know nothing against anyone you know like I don’t know the guys they’re probably cool guys but uh that it was different it was just mering by himself I think oh okay cool yeah awesome awesome I’m kind of glad to

Hear that because yeah there was somebody that joined their Discord that like said they handle like Blazer playback stuff and seemed like a cool guy so I was looking forward to it I was just hoping that he wasn’t like on there with mering hating on us with mering you

Know yeah because it always sucks when like somebody you think you’re you know you might be cool with someone like and then you find out that they’re hating on you and yeah that’s happened before people have given YouTube advice to yeah so chat there is this there is this

Person okay A little story at the end of the stream there was this person that like hit me up a couple years ago and was just like I want to start YouTube covering the Blazers like what do I do do you have any advice like I was like yeah if you start out

Just you know do it for the fun of it do it for the passion you know try if you have the money try try and invest in some good equipment like so if I tell anybody you know what I mean like just try and have fun with it like don’t go

Into it with any like wild expectations don’t go into it like expecting to chase numbers because it’s hard it’s grind and you’ll get discouraged so just do it for the fun of it and he immediately was like okay but when can I start making

Money off of it I’m like H his mind is not I already I already know this mind is not in the right place I’m like well you got to get you know do this to get monetized and this and that um I was like you know I just I gave him advis

But I said like It’s a Grind to get monetized and then you’re not going to make a ton of money off of it once you do so you got to be able to do it for the passion Do It For The Love Like You know um if you need advice for equipment

Let me know like basically just try to give them the best advice I can was like very I don’t know like I just tried to be cool about it like try and give good advice anybody that wants advice on this type of thing I normally try and give

Them advice um like I’m down to help anybody that wants to do podcasting or do YouTube or that sort of thing like it’s cool so then like a month later I see this dude like replying to someone about someone else saying oh don’t worry he’s a part

Of the Blazer’s uprise cult he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or something like that and then like there was another tweet where he is just this dude that asked me for advice a month earlier is just roasting me I’m just like cool sick man like that’s kind of L

That’s kind of lame to do just like insulting me so I don’t know like there’s people that I’ve tried hard to just be cordial with be cool with and just some people it doesn’t matter they hate our opinions so they hate us like whatever um but that’s why like the cult jokes were

Spawned from that statement like we are a cult baby fine I’ll embrace it yeah we’re a freaking cult we brainwash everyone one um yeah while you were saying all that it’s it’s funny cuz uh I this is probably a couple months ago now but I was having this exact

Conversation with Rich not to get discouraged on yeah like stuff just like you’re H you seem like you’re having fun just making videos like just focus on that don’t be so like oh I have this many subscribers and I need this many or this this video I got this many views

And the last one got more like why is this one not doing as well and like like that kind of stuff will drive you crazy I think especially when you’re starting out yeah and also your expectations raise and this is the thing with anything like something that’s cool once

You get used to it it’s no longer as cool right so like I drove a really beat up truck for the longest time and then F like I was just dreaming of like any decent car like would have been amazing to have right I finally was able to buy

A 2018 Toyota Corolla and when I first started driving I was like oh my goodness I can’t believe this is my car like this is insane this is awesome you know what I mean just had such an appreciation for it drove it so carefully but then like after a while I

Just like got used to it like yeah this is just my car like this is what I’m used to you know it’s still a nice car like I still have an appreciation for it but it’s not like the same level of like oh my goodness this is insane this is

Awesome it wasn’t the same level of like dopamine Rush from just stepping into my car and that applies to anything right so when it comes to YouTube If you like there was a day where getting a th000 views on a postgame show was amazing okay at the

Start of last year when the Blazer started 10 and 3 10 and four whatever it was it was like man we’re getting 5K 6K 7K I’m not happy if I get less than 5K my expectations Rose so what used to give me the same Joy of getting 1K views

Now the bar was set to 5K and if you’re constantly relying on that Joy from the numbers you’re going to get disappointed CU now it’s like man like we average between 2 and 3K like every stream win or loss like two and 3K right now if the

Team was better sure we’d win more but what I realized when the team started struggling last year views dropped I was upset about the team struggling but then I was also like super upset because man like the numbers they’re just not what they’re like half of what they were when

We were playing great M so if you get too caught up in that you will mentally destroy yourself and it’s just kind of like a bigger lesson about life little life advice at the end of the stream it’s a bigger lesson about life appreciate when something is new to you

Or appreciate when you have something to achieve in front of you right like because if I look back to before I bought that car like I had all the joy that comes with getting a new car in front of me getting a car that nice in

Front of me I had all that Joy coming my way I could sit here while like oh I don’t have a nice car like this sucks this is you know I really wish I had a nice car like I’m so tired of this crap like I could have thought about it

Negatively instead you think about positively like one day I’m going get this nice car it’s a motivational thing but then also it’s all that jooy all that um fun of getting something new like that achieving something like that because it is an achievement buying something like that having all that in

Front of you is kind of a beautiful thing mhm so and that’s that translates directly to YouTube like don’t get too caught up in the views you will do better views if you stick with it if you put joy into it that’s the thing with Rich is you can tell he enjoys his

Content it makes it funner to watch because you can tell he enjoys just making content his humor is awesome so that comes through to the viewer as well I think um so just being able to have an appreciation for where you’re at and not chasing things and chasing it in a

Negative way I think is huge yeah so anyway got sentimental on the at the end didn’t expect that but yeah good good speech Tory thanks try my best try my best yes we’ve been doing this for five years well almost five more like four and a half we started

Summer of 2019 right after the Western Conference finals and uh yeah four and a half years and we have three three playoff wins you know what’s funny is people people just assume I’m just like the most negative person ever everything I just talked about is truly like how I

Think about life yeah but like I’m I’m not going to I’m not going to BS when things are like not being done properly you know what I mean like I’m not going to sit here and pretend with fake optimism right when things are going bad like when things are going bad it’s more

So it’s a more positive mindset to be like okay things are going the way I want how can I fix this how can I improve things that’s why I hate all the excuses that don’t make sense that’s why they drive me crazy but then I get labeled a

Negative guy cuz I want the mindset like okay this is a problem this is legitimately a problem sometimes you got to admit when you have a problem in order to improve it in order to fix it and it’s just like we’re just sitting here with blind optimism it’s like the

Meme with the dog in the burning house saying this is fine I I don’t I don’t like that that’s that’s not good yep do you want it to snow Tori I mean as long as I can drive in it I’m cool with some snow I got some snow in Sun

River it was beautiful yeah je mys space views good luck with that Alex um I don’t I don’t want it to be like six inches of snow although I did buy chains cuz I thought I would maybe have to drive through some pretty deep snow coming back from Sun River and then

Didn’t have to drive through anything like it was fake out a pump fake so do you want it to snow Eric um I don’t know um I love snow but I also if I still have to work it doesn’t make it easier for me

So yeah I don’t know if I have to go to work I guess it depends on how much snow there is yeah if if I got if there was enough snow for me to not have to go to work I’d enjoy that Tyler says it snowed

Over an inch maybe I’m in Vancouver so who knows it’s probably different me and Eric don’t we live in the Portland area but like on opposite sides and it’s a pretty big area so it’s probably gonna be different um did I find the clubs in

Sun River you know what I love I love when I’m not on a post game stream and I can just come into chat and troll it’s very enjoyable and I know you were getting a little annoyed with the random coaching names the awful coaching names but it was so funny it

Was so dumb you know what I mean it was like one of those things that’s so dumb is funny so just tossing out like Urban me I was just like who’s the funniest dude I can think of right now it was very enjoyable to be on chat side of it

Well then the stream before that you were just argu with Taylor the entire yeah yeah it really was I just sitting on the couch at the at the place it was a weird built little like time share probably used to be an apartment it was strange but yeah I was vibing I

Was enjoying that argument what’s up coach Prime yeah yeah coach Prime dude I think Deion Sanders would be harder on these players than chony and Deion Sanders is the Players coach chy just feels like like a friend of the play he doesn’t feel like a coach he’s like just a buddy that’s standing

On the sidelines but don’t dare laugh after a game if miles bridge is the favorite to come to the Portland trbl I have seen that uh bet against that because they won’t bring in somebody of that character you dude if you wanted to see me really lose my mind at this

Organization that’s like the one thing they could do to just like triple down upon how bad they are is to bring in Miles Bridges I would you guys don’t even know like you guys don’t even you guys don’t even know do not bring that dude anywhere near my team that might Be pun intended a bridge too far from my fandom yeah that’d be bad I don’t I don’t know if I I don’t know if I could watch this team with him on it just every postgame show just bring up yeah F him he has he has 40 F him don’t don’t care um

Yeah please no I should I be worried they wouldn’t do that right that’s the one thing they care about is like we’re not gonna bring in any jail Blazers typee of guys but I don’t like no one on the jail Blazers did anything that bad though

Right the only thing I can think of is if you got like similar to the Kevin Porter Jr trade where was it OKC that traded for him and cut him or who traded for him and cut him uh yeah someone did and then uh they basically just got assets and waved him right

Away maybe um but yeah that I would be fine with like if if they immediately cut him like they’re not bringing him in to be a part of the organization they’re actually bringing him in to make it so he’s not on a team yeah as arer points out we

Did we do have Terrence Davis on the remix right now so I guess oh God I can’t say 100% that they wouldn’t do that cuz that’s bad but uh man see that would be the one thing where like people that support CH or support Cronin would turn on him yeah

And I think he knows that well there’s cuz he doesn’t get I mean he’s not going to get backlash for chony because he can always just say that wasn’t his hire or whatever um but technically a lot of people believe Chanty did something and uh yeah Ruben

Patterson uh back in the day the jail Blazers uh was accused of raping as nanny so that’s pretty bad oh yeah that’s even worse yeah okay um yeah that’s bad but a lot a lot of the future jail Blazers were just weed stuff which isn’t bad now but there

Was uh do fighting stuff going some Michael Vic type stuff uh yeah I just there’s the thing is is like 99% of NBA players at least from what I can tell are fine like it’s only a few guys that have issues it’s not hard to keep guys like that off your

Team cuz luckily they’re the exception not the rule so shut up Jo what do you even talk what does that even mean I don’t know that’s a great comment to end the stream on man um post game wow that’s a great comment um post game show on Thursday will be probably the same

Time going live like 8:30 p.m Pacific the game starts at 5: so it’ll be over like 7:30 p.m. Pacific so another late postgame show but um with this team getting absolutely Molly whopped like they are and we’re playing OKC’s so there’s about to be another 20

30 point blowout like if we go live an hour late we’re still doing postgame shows we don’t front run and only do shows when we win cuz I know that’s a thing for some channels uh we’re here after every game Tuesdays and Thursdays are a little rough because of our schedules but every

Other day going forward should be good to go should be good to go yep although we do have 5:00 P PM another at OKC game 5:00 pm on January 23rd on a Tuesday so yeah Tuesdays and Thursdays are rough but yeah Co says then we signed chance

Kamanche well uh he was charged for murder this year he was on a team for one game last year so technically he was a former Blazer but he wasn’t on the Blazers when he committed murder appar allegedly yeah or I think he admitted to it already so yeah yeah he did what the

Hell man you’re playing professional basketball what like like obviously there’s no excuse for anything that heinous I just understand it even less when it’s just like man like you you’re doing something that a lot of people would dream of what is wrong with you like I don’t get

It don’t understand anyway we are getting into a lot of heavy stuff to end um thank every for watching appreciate you all yep screw chance kamanche and screw miles bridges that is all uh thank you everyone for watching thank you to bet us for sponsoring this post game

Stream once again if you want to enter for those Super Bowl tickets you got to do three things okay you got to place a bet on any NFL line andure your bet slip on x/ Twitter has to be a minimum of $25 tag bet Us official and the friend you’re inviting and use

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For bet us use the link in the description box below gives you 125% deposit match and helps out the channel shout out to them for sponsoring the stream and if you win Super Bowl tickets uh please bring torer myself so go watch the ners why is play press on Reddit again

Is there another uh is there another Thread about us it’s probably that it’s probably that yeah yeah oh man I love our haters excitements to Miami for Tyler hero okay with that being said it’s time to end the stream hopefully you guys have a good rest of your

Night and uh I hope you guys have a good Wednesday we will catch you on Thursday with Blazers uprise live on our second Channel and the postgame show going live around 8:30 p.m. Pacific time with that being said we’re out of here we’ll catch you next time

Until then as always peace out go Blazers

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  1. Brogdon deserves to be with a contender, Grant is either the most selfish player in history who will not pass the ball or Chauncey is the worst coach telling him to play one on 5 whenever he touches the ball. No one moves on offenese, they all stand around and watch Ant or Grant play one on 5. We seem to have a way of not rebounding and losing 95% of 50/50 balls. Chauncey has got to go, love to have Stotts back with this young lineup or take a chance and go get Bobby Hurley. Someone who shows emotion and doesn't act stoned like they could care less.

  2. how the heck was Sharpe supposed to be "more aggressive", if he's getting benched and barely gets to touch the ball? That post game presser was terrible. When in doubt… blame Shaedon ??

  3. Pretty sure the coaching staff isn't telling the team to go out there and runniso constantly every game. Now, that said, CB isn't a head coach. Becasue clearly his message isn't getting thru and he's nit holding people accountable. Even the vets don't listen. Or, if that is his message it's awful. CB and his staff simply aren't doing a good job developing an identity and playing the right way. Onnthe flip side, our player bbiq is crazy low too. How does Sharpe not start?

  4. Been watching for almost 4 years now can't always make it to the lives but love this channel please keep being you guys

  5. I completely agree with y’all, it doesn’t matter if you win, but you still play the right way.

  6. This may be bias but I feel like the blazers should look at Jaron Collins as a head coach. He’s had an injury ridden pelicans with a top 5 defense back to back years.

  7. What if Chauncy wants to be fired? If he wants out, getting fired is a good way to go, since you get to keep your money in the NBA.

  8. Its fun to listen to eric be closet GM but its silly to suggest blazers trade jeramy grant when there is zero chance of that happening because Grant was Cronin's big resigning this past offseason. Keep it real fellas. Conjecturing about the right move (and yeah grant is a dud) is not the same as living in the reality of what might actually happen i.e. brogdon or thybulle gets transferred.
    As frustrated as we all are it doesnt help to "influence" moves that simply arent going to happen in this cycle. This Blazer mess brought to you by a front office of bad decisions and now lacking the gumption to undo them.

  9. Grant and Brogdan must be traded asap. They are taking playing time away from the young guys who will be here long term. Sharpe deserves to be starting, and the team needs to see if they can build chemistry and begin to develop the scoot, Ant, Sharpe lineup. See if those guys can grow together. Start Camara at 4 and Badji at the 5 BUT i understand Reath spaces the floor better so maybe he starts. Badji is the best screen setter they have, and that's saying a lot about other guys though. Camara and Badji at least hustle and compete. SCOOT, SIMONS, SHARPE, CAMARA, BADJI/REATH. There should have been no priority on short term success AT ALL THIS SEASON, Portland just needs to develop youth and send out everyone else for draft assets and live with the record they end up with. Hopefully, netting a top 3 draft pick. Ayton will be dealt with after season. They showcased Grant and Brogdan enough to find a suitor for them, Cronin. And look to move off Billups and Ayton in off-season.

  10. I dont understand why Scott Brooks dont see this? He is a legitimate head coach who took OKC to the finals???😊

  11. Grant has had 85 games in his career with 1 or less rebounds. 22 of those games he had zero rebounds.

  12. Great show. Been off the billups train from the beginning, says the right things but his teams don’t play well. Brogdon will be traded, and surely he has imparted knowledge to shae and scoot, so I don’t think personnel is anywhere near the problem as coaching.

  13. BLAZER UPRISE is the exact opposite of a cult. They just tell it like it is and give credit when its due. They arent afraid to give harsh criticism when its apparent too. The other Blazer Yt channels dont seem to be as transparent. Im here for their unfiltered opinions on matters and its virtually all correct assessments too because of their actual acumen of basketball having played it themselves at varying levels. There is a reason they are the biggest and best Blazer YT channel. GO TOREY AND ERIC!

  14. In the last 10 games were dead last in the league in TS%. This looks like a bad 2000s offense (which makes sense considering who our coach is)… terrible isos, lack of off ball movement, and vets being given the green light to play hero ball. I hope grant and brogdan are moved asap while they are not negative assets. We were literally moving the ball better in garbage time last night😭

  15. How can you claim to be unbiased but also personally hate DeAndre Ayton?

    One thing literally negates the other….

    Make it make sense PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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