@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons have started another losing streak

The Detroit Pistons have started another losing streak

After every Detroit Pistons final score this season I’ve often left myself asking myself what did I do to deserve this as a Pistons fan right the Pistons haven’t won a playoff game since I was like 1213 200 8 yeah 12 13 Pistons haven’t won a playoff game and I’m recording this the

Day after the Detroit Pistons just lost to one of the worst teams in the league the San Antonio Spurs by 22 points we’re at the point now where you only lose to this Detroit Pistons team if you don’t make it to the arena like if you somehow get lost on

The way with GPS even if you print out a map quest for those of you that don’t know kids Map Quest was something that your parents used to print out when they needed directions to go somewhere and if you didn’t follow those directions you were kind of cooked when K Cunningham went

Down I was like yes if this Pistons team loses to another NBA team by less than double digits that’s a win for me because if you look up and down this roster this team is just a collection of guys it’s not a coherent basketball team there’s no coherent strategy it just

Feels like this as if the NBA was an aaou team that’s what it feels like no Direction doesn’t feel like there’s any sense of urgency and I know the players are playing as hard as they can because of of all things the fans sadness pales in comparison to an athlete’s Pride I

Understand that I understand that this is hard on the coaching it’s hard on the players most of the Pistons fan most of our anger is at the front office and the lack of any urgency to get any move done period the Pistons biggest move this season as I

Make this video was signing Kevin Knox who was on the roster last season hey y’all thanks for clicking on the video if you know me welcome in and if you’re new here welcome back Please Subscribe like comment do whatever it’s free and it helps my channel out a lot I

Appreciate it also feel free to comment what other video topics you want me to cover as I’m trying to be more consistent on this channel all right back to the video and this K Cunningham injury just further exposes the cracks in this Pistons roster because I don’t care about

Anything else right killy and Haye should not play more than 30 minutes in an NBA game he just shouldn’t you you substitute too much for what Killian Hayes provides to a basketball team now I’ve said this on record and I will say this before Killian Hayes if put in a perfect

Position has a chance to thrive in his specific role in the NBA the problem is the Pistons do not have those players or any sort of structure that allows Killian hay to benefit from the other players on the court I think the most painful thing about this Detroit Pistons whole skid is

That you try to figure out where the Pistons went wrong but we we get into this endless cycle of stuff right so it starts with the front office the front office did not build a coherent roster this is not a winning basketball team in 2023 it doesn’t matter who the coach is

Because this team was built like the three-point line somehow didn’t matter right which is wild cuz even though I think I still think assar is a great pick it was a cool pick it was I think for number five I think it was the right pick but for still there’s some part of

Me in the back of my head that just like nags at me being like this Detroit Pistons team knew that they don’t have enough shooting and then they went and drafted statistically the worst Corner three-point shooter in the league now for AAR he’s a rookie I’m not

Going to hold that to him like the scouts knew what they were scouting well I guess piston Scouts may have not but that’s not that’s the thing is that you can have non Shooters on the wing if you build lineups that they can thrive in right when Russell Westbrook went to the

Houston Rockets right he wasn’t that good of a three-point shooter all around I think he there’s this one like there’s like one like left corner I think is where he thrives in don’t quote me on that but Russell Westbrook was still able to do well that’s I like the Westbrook assar

Thompson comparison not because they’re the same player of course but they are both non-shooters with otherworldly athleticism and Russell Westbrook while he was like stuck in the corner for the Houston Rockets he was still able to get value on offense with like perfectly timed back cuts and other

Methods of coaching that Monty Williams just hasn’t implemented with thear like even though non-offensive Wing is my le least favorite NBA archetype um I think that there are still ways as a coach that you could find ways to maximize the athleticism and the other skills that assar Thompson

Has right and we’ve seen it we saw it in the first like half of the Season before assar Thompson got benched and hasn’t been the same since so the front office didn’t give this Pistons like a coherent Pistons r then you go to Monty which means that Monty Williams has to try to

Experiment with this roster and my main Theory this this uh my main theory that I have for the Detroit Pistons is that they don’t seem to have an analytics department or either if they do they just do not follow it because Monty Williams for the last like four or

Five for the games that K gunningham has been out in injured Monty Williams has decided to start Killian Hayes and Isaiah livers now I have a subscription to cleaning the glass like it’s like $5 these are like Advanced stats it’s really cool um I can pull up any Killian

Hayes Isaiah livers lineup of them two together and it’s not good and Monty Williams insists on starting them both I would rather have Alec Burke starting than Isaiah livers but I I there’s a part of me that wants to understand Monty being like if you do that then there’s no bench scoring

Right Monty Williams is being asked to play chess with like four pieces is already missing and K Cunningham is the queen so now he’s asked to play chess Without a Queen oh oh I’m losing it anyway um and I’m not the the kind of YouTuber as you can

Tell I’m not the kind of YouTuber that gets mad that yells or gets like angry because then that would feel like forced on my end and that’s not me however my frustration with this team kind of builds to a point where I’m just like dude I we don’t the fan base do not

Deserve this because the fan base has been for a lot of things patient and the fan base has been understanding on a lot of points in terms of the fact that hey Detroit is not the sexiest free agent destination and this is year four or five some people say five I think I

Still think it’s four of a rebuild I can’t remember the last rebuild that took this long to get nowhere like even even a rebuild that gets nowhere in my mind wins like 35 to max out at 40 games right and every I look at every other

Rebuild in the NBA currently or like in the process of like where the Piston should be and I’m like yeah this is this is what should have happened like I look at the Thunder rebuild the Thunder did a perfect rebuild dude and I know that they had different assets and Detroit

Lost their assets from well not Detroit had to buy out Blake Griffin so it’s not the same but the Thunder have done the rebuild perfectly right then you look at a team like the Orlando Magic and their rebuild has gone swimmingly you know they nailed a lot of

Draft picks in terms of getting the the picks right you know Pao fron all that jayen Suggs even you know and they have an identity they are such a good defensive team like I’m I see the Orlando Magic play and I’m so jealous because I feel

Like they weren’t in the exact same spot CU they got to trade vous and Gordon but it’s wild seeing teams that were like bad when the rebuild started for us and then we’re still in the same position like even the Rockets man the Rockets had three of the worst seasons

I’ve ever seen after James Harden left and even though they’re not like oh they’re not like a contender or anything like that that’s not the point the point of the rebuild is to just get to a point to where you’re not rebuilding anymore in my opinion and the Pistons are still

Doing that and there is nothing about this front office that gives me the confidence that they’re going to make anything work because they dug themselves into such a bad hole that I don’t think that any anyone that steps in is going to be able to make a quick

Fix like trading for Zack LaVine is not going to fix anything there are not many free agents that are going to want to come this doesn’t look like a fun free agent destination right now like Detroit Pistons fans are like a lot of I’ve noticed that some free agent

Targets are players that used to play for us like Tobias Harris or like hey we can go get Jeremy Grant cuz at least that’s better than the I’m like wow I think that that’s the I think that’s the biggest sign of like an ineptitude of a franchise where like you want the

Players in free agency that like left like hey we could instead of being like hey Tobias Harris could have like spent his whole career here in theory right but now he had to go somewhere better and the better opportunities and now the Detroit Pistons want him out of desperation isn’t that just sounds

Frustrating to me it’s just it’s just annoying also I just had to recently watch the Spurs I had to watch Victor wanyama get a triple double in 21 minutes of play man oh God I think that’s the worst part of it all is that I don’t hate the

Lottery I understand why the lottery is the lottery but there’s some part where I’m like when you when you’re a historically bad team and you get the fifth pick it just starts everything over again right and I know that this year we are going to be historically bad yet

Again and the lottery is going to cook us that’s how that’s how low morale is here in Detroit like the Detroit Pistons Lottery look it’s going to be like that fifth pick getting in the that fifth pick in the wanyama draft I don’t think other fan bases

Realized how much of a blow that was and I think the thing thing about Pistons that off season was that’s the pessimistic the worst case scenario in our mind was we were going to get the fifth pick in the wanyama draft overpay for Dylan Brooks and then sign Kevin

Oly now those last two I’m like actually wait a minute I would love to have Dylan Brooks on this team and Kevin Oly can literally cannot do worse than what how Monty Williams is doing right now like legitimately can’t be any worse than this I’ve seen Pistons fans on Twitter

Apologizing to Dwayne Casey and I’m looking there like hey man they might have a point I just don’t and yet dur case he wasn’t perfect but neither was the Pistons lineup that he was handed it starts at the front office man Troy Weaver every day Troy Weaver remains

Employed it’s just a giant like what are we doing here man because I feel like there are only there’s only like one other organization that I know would hold on to a GM this awful for this long and it’s the Wizards because I remember Wizards fans were like fire grunfeld they they did

That for years right that’s the only other GM situations that’s coming to mind for me today but yeah man it was so weird just I took a nap during the Piston Spurs game because it not because it was boring I was just very tired I’m in the process of moving

Out of this apartment and into a new apartment um so that’s why if you ever see the background look different it’s cuz I moved but that’s not the point but it’s so wild seeing that even the Spurs a team that is just as bad as we

Are in theory they them and the Wizards both this year showed us that we’re bad but we’re not Pistons Bad the Spurs beat us by 22 that’s a little bit different than getting blown out by 32 to the Sixers losing that bad to a team that’s also

Supposed to be as bad as you are it makes you feel it makes you reach another Breaking Point that you didn’t know that you had at the time and it’s very frustrating to know just how bad and I know that people often joke hey this is

A g-league team this is a g-league team and no while no that’s not the case it also doesn’t feel like an NBA team it’s not a g-league team it’s but it’s also just not an NBA team right now there are 29 NBA teams in the league right now and then there’s one

Collection of players plus K Cunningham that just feel like they play aimless directionless emotionless basketball and it sucks and I I feel bad for the players having to hear Sell the team I know they don’t own the team but hearing sell the team chance over your performance can’t be

Fun I don’t think the players are listening to sell the team chance being like yeah maybe they should sell the team that doesn’t they’re only saying sell the team because the team is so bad so I’m guessing I’m guessing that that sell the team chant also affects the team as a

Whole and the thing is is that I really see no end in sight for this there’s no quick turnaround there there’s no magic free agent that gets here and I feel I I’m just thinking about the day where K Cunningham leaves to go to another team because we’ve just let him down so

Often over the years I can see it happen K Cunningham signing with blank team and everybody in the Pistons fan base is going to be like yeah that totally makes sense there’s probably is not going to be any like how could he do this how could he leave he is Detroit we’re going

To be like yeah he’s 100% right we wasted his time here I feel bad that we’re wasting a bunch of players time because I can see this roster and I know that if you were put on any other NBA team right now you would be in such a

Better position that goes for Cade that goes for Ivy that goes for durren that goes for for assar that goes for Isaiah Stewart that goes for Killian Hayes that goes for Marvin Bagley that goes for buck donovic that even goes for Burks they like the top eight players in our

Roster I look at you and I’m like you are an NBA player but you need the right situation to reach your potential and that is something that we here at Detroit Pistons can’t do until we get Troy Weaver out of there until there’s a front office shakeup that’s what’s sad that’s what’s

Saddest about this is that game after game after game you can see the product you can see something not working in today’s NBA and the free agent sorry and the front office hasn’t done any the side of the front office idly stood by for 2 months

That’s nuts that is nuts to me and also every loss after the win streak makes me look at the Toronto Raptors being like if the Toronto Raptors hadn’t somehow lost that game we would still be talked about the front office would feel more pressure because we’re just going to start another losing

Streak as long as Kate is out I don’t see his winning a game until K comes back especially since like the load management rules are in meaning like cuz I feel like if the load management rules didn’t exist teams would be like subbing like they would be resting Their Stars

Against us they’d be resting their entire starting lineups against us if that was the case I could because they have no re players have no teams have no reason to play their best players against us CU they know that all they have to do is show up to the

Arena and they win it’s crazy to think about and I people can people keep comparing these people keep comparing this team to the 2011 2012 Bobcats but the situations are mad different the Bobcats the year before lost two of their leading scorers they also Couldn’t

Shoot threes that well um as a team so that’s what we have in common I think the about the Bobcats and the Pistons the difference is is that the Pistons I feel like the season had a lot more hope than the Bobcats season right I feel like that’s

The it might be revis’s history but a team that won 13 games got back the number one pick the thing that the Bobcats never had right they didn’t have a number one pick they had kemell Walker as a rookie but the number one pick after sitting out all season comes back

To a team where the core is basically kind of the same you get a top five pick added onto that and the team is somehow worse this is one of the worst teams in basketball history this is one of the worst basketball teams I’ve ever SE I

Can’t think of I can’t think of many NBA teams that are worse than this that were not intentionally trying to lose games because people the Pistons are not tanking the Pistons are not tanking like they’re not this is not a process cuz there is no process there’s nothing to

Trust here the Pistons came into the season being like we could compete for a playin Squad that’s what the front office thought that’s what the owner thought this team is not tanking this is just some of the biggest ineptitude I’ve seen ever and I don’t know I feel like

And people keep tweeting if Adam Silver going to step in but there’s nothing to be like oh you’re just you guys are so bad at your jobs that I’m going to I don’t know what Adam Silver does here like there’s nothing I don’t think there’s anything to do we’re just

Lost every time I get the alert that the Pistons are playing I just like in my day I just get so sad I’m just like wow oh yep I got to be reminded that this team is playing I feel so bad for Cunningham cuz a lot of these players

They’ve been winning their entire career like you think K Cunningham had a losing streak in high school no do you think any of these players like I feel like all these players they were the best basketball players at whatever level they got to before the NBA they weren’t losing this many games

There’s no way this has to be this has to hurt this is New Territory for probably all of them I feel so bad and I don’t there’s no end in sight dude I don’t see a fix I don’t see nothing it’s j I have no answers bro

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  1. Imagine if they break their own record

    Then next season they do it again

    They will forever be stamped into hestory

    After a thousand years, people will say detroit pistons, like we talk about rom or Greece

  2. All it took to break the last streak was a team to he on the second day of a back to back and be down 2 rotation players because of a trade that day.

  3. Hi Kofie, I found your channel because of the losing streak and I really enjoy your insights on NBA. I would like to hear your opinion for the old guards (Lebron, KD, Steph) this season.

  4. The Kings and the Lakers have picked up a few players this week alone that other teams have waived. A couple of seasons ago we use to look around the g-league and any waived players and sign them on a 2 way or 10 game or day contract but we ain’t doing squat this time except fail and give the same excuse afterwards

  5. We as fans DONT DESERVE ANY OF THIS SHIT. But since we're here I wanna keep going cuz damn, yall TRULY wanna show the world how bad we truly stink. It's always been Detroits fault that Detroit sucks.

  6. Good to see that even after losing their star guard they didn't lose hope and is still going for the record

  7. It's definitely year 5 bro.
    This is year 4 for Killian. Killian was pick 7.
    So the year U got pick 7 and 4 years of Killian is year 5.

  8. It feels like the only way the PIstons could potentially get any wins this season is if during the All-Star Weekend there's a powerful stomach bug that affects every good player in the league. I say potentially because let's be fair, it's the Pistons.

  9. I bet 4th-dimensional higher-being Kofie is having the time of his life making this Detroit Pistons fumble dimension video right now

  10. Troy working on a huge trade and will still have cap left. Just watch it’s coming. Will prove all you haters wrong

  11. You so chill, I just envision you with the mic in your hand all day talking about the Pistons, Laying down still talking into the mic.

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