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SHAMS: Dejounte Murray Trade DEAD? + Do The Knicks NEED To Make a Trade? | New York Knicks Rumors

SHAMS: Dejounte Murray Trade DEAD? + Do The Knicks NEED To Make a Trade? | New York Knicks Rumors

According to Sham shiran the Knicks are not looking to make a trade for a star-level player their next trade if it does happen is likely to be for a guard Off the Bench to fill the hole that Emanuel quickly left that’s what sham shiran said and then W Adrien wowski

Said this I think the Hawks are open to almost anything at the NBA trade deadline but there’s no question that they’ve gone as far as they’ll go probably on De jante Murray’s pairing with Trey young in the backourt they talking with Murray about deals and others throughout the league so Shams is

Telling you pretty much the jeante Murray trade is dead and W is letting us know that it could potentially still happen for the Knicks we’re going to break that down on today’s video but first I got to make sure all the real ones watching right now are subscribed

To Nicks now because if the Knicks make a move we are going to break it down we put out free informative entertaining and passion driven content every day and we are almost at 325,000 subscribers so if that’s what you’re looking for hit that sub button right Now welcome in to Nicks Now by chat sports I am your host Marshall Green in today’s video we’re going to talk about the Knicks and the five-game winning streak that they are on and then I’m going to try to go through my own head and my own thoughts and put it out there

If the Knicks actually need to make a trade or should they write it out with the squad that they got right now they are 5-0 since the trade with ogn and Obi but really they’re 6-0 because they also won the trade with the Toronto Raptors this basketball team right now is not

Just beating teams they are beating the breaks off of teams they are the only team in the NBA that has not lost a game in 2024 I know it’s only five games a limited sample size but my eyes do not lie that this is one of the best teams

In the NBA and it is because of the arrival of OG anobi what he’s been able to bring to this team is something that really was desperately needed he gives them a true point of attack Defender a guy that can hang around the perimeter on the defensive end and legitimately

Guard one through five in the first game of his Nicks tenure we saw him guarding Anthony Edwards did a great job on him then he went guarded cat we saw against the Philadelphia 76ers he started out on Tyrese Maxi and then he had some possessions against Joel embi he’s been

Great on defense and made the Knicks one of the best defensive teams in the league but he’s also giving you 14 points per game five rebounds almost a steel and a half per night shooting better than 54% from the deck and he’s up to 45 plus per from downtown a huge

Part of that is because what he did from Beyond The Arc in the win last night versus the Portland Trailblazers this team is playing special ball you watch this team and they’re playing a brand of basketball that as a fan is just enjoyable to watch when I do these watch

Parties people are like this dude hasn’t stopped smiling cuz this is the type of basketball that I appreciate the teammates the players on the team they’re playing for each other they’re trying to get other people open looks and I’m not saying that wasn’t the case with RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickley but

The proof doesn’t lie they’re 5-0 and they’re not just beating teams they beat the Minnesota Timberwolves the number one team in the Western Conference by six points then they went to Chicago beat them by 16 points then they went to Philly played Tyrese Maxi and the MVP of

The league in Jo embiid and they won by 36 points they just beat Washington by 16 points of the other night and last night they almost won by 40 points I understand that the Bulls are bad I understand that Washington and Portland are no good but Minnesota’s a damn good

Team and Philadelphia is a good team and the Knicks ran them off the floor this comes from Tommy beer one of my guys one of the best follows on Nick’s Twitter give him a look he’s that man he said the Knicks have played 2 40 minutes of

Basketball since the ogn and OB trait they have led their opponent or been tied in 212 of those 240 minutes since the Knicks have traded for OG they have been beating teams for 88% of the time on the floor it’s truly incredible the way they’re playing and I can make the point

And I actually do believe this fit fit and fit matters more than t you could have five superstars on the team but if they don’t compliment each other if they don’t make each other better it doesn’t matter the fit of this basketball team almost seems perfect and the way they

Are playing right now is a brand of basketball that they can continue to implement it’s a repeatable style it’s not like they’re just shooting lights out from three they’re playing great defense and they’re locked in on offense more ball movement I’ve seen from this

Team than I have in a long long time and the Knicks right now when you look at the top plus minus players in the NBA since 2024 started we’re talking about plus minus leaders number one Isaiah hartenstein at plus 125 number two ogan and Obi at plus 111 Jaylen Brunson plus

110 Julius Randall at plus 83 these aren Nicks NBA plus minus leaders these are the entire Association the New York Knicks have five players inside the top eight when comes to plus minus when you start this year it’s incredible and the thing that I think sticks out the most

To me when I’ve watched this team since anobi has become a part of it is he makes other people better and not in the way that a lot of us conventionally would think he’s not out there getting people open looks he’s not out there you know Finding ways to get other teammates

Involved but what he does was desperately lacked from this team he makes Brunson and Randall tremendously better look at what they’ve done in the five games since he’s got here brunson’s up to 8.8 assists the addition of ogn and Obi has allowed Jaylen Brunson to get kind of into that more of a

Distributing point guard and Flor General type of role because when he’s on the court with Randle and they’re at the top of the key you got dvon chenzo in one quarter you got ogn and OB and another and you can’t help off them if you do brunson’s going to make the easy

Easy swing pass what about last night Brunson throws a fast ball from the top of the key from Anon Obi cutting from the short Corner pump fake re reverse layup up and in the way that Julius Randall has played as well has just been smarter and I think more calculated

Since anobi has been here still a little bit too much hero ball at times and I wish he would cut that out because the Knicks don’t need that from him anymore but it’s the efficiency that I’m absolutely in love with shooting 49% from the field and 35 Plus perc from

Downtown and over four assists per night I truly love the way that last night against the Blazers Randall was looking to get an anobi involved something about this group just feels special I watch this team and it feels special they’re playing for each other they’re completely in sync they’re rocking out

In the locker room after the game everyone’s laughing and joking and that’s easy to do when you’ve won games so I don’t just want to say that this is going to continue to happen because the Nicks I promise you will’ll lose another game probably be tomorrow night when I’m

In the building against the Mavs but something about this team just feels a little bit different but do the Knicks need to make a trade we’re going to break that down and the guy that we’re going to talk about is Miles McBride because if the nck do make a trade I

Believe it’ll be for someone off the bench to play a little guard minutes just like sham shiran talked about well dece McBride is doing absolutely everything he can to stop the Knicks from making a trade because in the last three games he’s had given you 12 points

Per night three assists almost a steal per game shooting 60% from downtown dece mcpride is shooting 60% from Beyond the arc on five attempts per game Deuce is heard it all he said he’s heard that you can’t play he he heard that you’re not going to be the guy he’s heard that he’s

Going to be replaced well he’s making a lot of people look stupid cuz he’s playing damn good basketball right now when he we know that Tom Tibido loves him and we know the best that he could be on the defensive side of the floor I’ll ask you this question do the New

York Knicks need to make a trade prior to the NBA trade deadline you’re five and0 you’ve looked damn good you’ve been the B best basketball team in this league since the new year started what do you think type y for yes Type n or no coming up around the corner I’m going to

Give you my take and if on if I think the Knicks need to make a trade pretty damn intriguing if you ask me but first I got to give a huge shout out to today’s sponsor prize picks go to priz clns use that promo code clns and prize

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Goal because the way the roster is constructed right now they can compete in the second round I think they will win a first round series and I think if they get to the second round they can compete with one of the top four teams in the East and I do actually believe

The Knicks are the third best team in the Eastern Conference right now I think they’re better than the Philadelphia 76ers and I think that they’re better than the Miami Heat I’m a little scared about the Milwaukee Bucks because of their size and obviously the Boston Celtics are extremely deep I do think

They are the third best team in the Eastern Conference right now and I love what Duce McBride is giving you how can you not love what he’s giving you it’s energy it’s effort and I appreciate it but at the end of the day when I really

Take my emotion out of it when I take out the love and respect I’ve got for Mr miles McBride I cannot forget what happened in game six of the Eastern Conference semifinals last year where the New York Knicks lost to the Miami Heat look at this game log from right there at

9:55 left in the second quarter Jaylen Brunson subbed out of the game and that was after he played 48 minutes in game five and they won with 9 minutes and 55 seconds left in the second quarter the New York Knicks were beating the Miami Heat 36-29 when Duce McBride came out of the

Game and jayen Brunson checked back back in the Knicks were losing the lead evaporated the Knicks could not get anything going on offense and that may have been because he was playing with guys like RJ Barrett and things like that but the offense was stagnant the offense was unproductive the Knicks

Could not survive when Jaylen Brunson was not on the four contenders in this league have multiple creators and right now the New York Knicks only have one guy that I truly trust in the playoffs to get it done I know randle’s been great I’m singing for Randle to get his

Third all NBA appearance and his third NBA Allstar selection but I know just like you know that we are all unsure what he’s going to do in the playoffs and you need multiple creators I think the Knicks need to make a trade but I’m not sure if I’m pushing all my

Chips into the table for de Jon Murray and I don’t think the Knicks are actually going to do that I thought that was the trade for quite some time but the more people I’ve talked to the more people we’ve thought about this the more time we’ve thought about this situation

What have the Knicks been since they’ve been with Leon Rose and they got jayen Brunson they’ve been patient they they don’t want to trade all of their assets right now for someone which takes them out of the running for a player that might become available after the season

Or into next year’s NBA trade deadline so who do I want the Knicks to go get it is Malcolm brogon and I know if you watched that game last night you’re like Marshall malcol brogon didn’t do anything for the Portland Trailblazers one he’s the only player on the Blazers

That is a legit NBA guy that’s got it done for multiple years he would be coming to the Knicks to maybe be their fourth fifth or sixth option he would be a very similar role in what he was with the Boston Celtics last year where he averaged 15 points per game 3.7 assists

Shot over 48% from downtown and almost 45% from three he’s putting up good numbers this year he’s having to just be the complete engine for that team almost at all times and that’s why the efficiency is a little bit down but I’m not trading for Brogden to start I want

Brogden to come off the bench I want the ball in his hands creating offense for the team and offense for himself when Jaylen Brunson sits down I still want Dante dant chenzo in the starting lineup because I think his ability and his Readiness as a catch and shoot player

From well beyond the arc spaces out this offense and it helps a guy like Randall and it helps a guy like Brunson brogen very good shooter as well but I would like for him to come off the bench even more so I am not trading Quinton Grimes

For Malcolm Brockton I think it would be asset mismanagement 101 if you traded Grimes for Brockton why because the New York Knicks in the summer of 2022 did not want to include Quinton Grimes in a trade for Donan Mitchell you can’t do that and then turn around and trade him

For a 32-year-old Malcolm Brockton and I love the way Grimes has played since he has been inserted back into this rotation since RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickly were traded to Toronto what Grimes has done in the last five games has showed me that he’s ready to become

A part of this team that he’s ready to get back out there and be a big piece on a winning team in 19 minutes in those five games he’s averag at 12 points per game I love the rebounding that’s energy that’s effort that that’s want to almost

Four per night he’s shooting better than 45% from the field and 45% from downtown on north of six attempts per night his ability to defend multiple positions and be a catch Ando player makes him a piece in this rotation and he’s a winning player look if you watch this show last

Year I sung the Praises of Quinton Grimes all year long I truly believe in the player and I am a process over results guy to a te to the absolute Max I just believe the way he goes about playing the game on the floor is the

Right way to play and he fits this culture of Brunson of Josh Hart of divid chenzo of oan Obi of Julius Randall Isaiah hartenstein and even Mitchell Robinson this team is special right now and I’m not sure if I’m ready to risk that by trading for a superstar or a star like

Deonte Murray I think brogon is more of a seamless fit and I think he fits with the way the Knicks want to play basketball so let’s close Today’s Show with a question for all of the real ones if you had to choose a player for Leon

Rose to make a trade for prior to the deadline Which is less than a month away February 8th who would it be is it de jonte Murray factor in the trade cost you’re not getting Murray unless you’re giving up Grimes I think you can get

Brogg in for for Pick and I think that could get it done let me know what you think down below as always I just want to say thank you appreciate you for hanging out with us for a couple couple of minutes little bit of a longer video

We had a lot to say look it’s not often the Knicks are on a five-game winning streak and we’re the best team in the NBA so when they are we’re going to talk about it and we can continue to do so over on Twitter so give me a follow at marshall Greenore

New York Knicks rumors are discussed on Knicks Now by Chat Sports as the NBA Trade Deadline is less than a month away. Shams Charania believes if the Knicks make a trade it will be for a guard to come off the bench to replace Immanuel Quickley and not a trade for a star like Dejounte Murray. Is that the right move for Leon Rose and Tom Thibodeau? NY Knicks Now by Chat Sports host Marshall Green shares his thoughts on the latest Knicks news and rumors in today’s show!

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Next – more New York Knicks YouTube videos:
– MAJOR Knicks Trade Coming After Opening Roster Spot? + ESPN LINKS Daniel Gafford To Knicks –
– New York Knicks Rumors: 5 Knicks Trade Targets Ft. DeMar DeRozan & Mikal Bridges –
– REPORT: Knicks INTERESTED In Dejounte Murray, Malcolm Brogdon & Alec Burks | Knicks Trade Rumors –
– LATEST Knicks News & Rumors After WIN vs. Bulls on Dejounte Murray & What’s NEXT For Leon Rose? –

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New York Knicks 2023 Coaching Staff:
Head Coach: Tom Thibodeau
Associate Head Coach: Johnnie Bryant
Assistant Coaches: Darren Erman, Andy Greer & Larry Greer
Strength & Conditioning Coach: Richard Williams
Two-Way Liaison: Aaron Brooks
Assistant to Head Coach: Daisuke Yoshimoto
Assistant to General Manager: Frederick Cofield
Advanced Scouts: Larry Greer & Matt Harding
Basketball Scouts: Reggie Johnson, Makhtar Ndiaye, TJ Zanin
Amateur Scout: Vince Baldwin, Gene Cross, John Halas, Tim Hardaway, Alex Kline, Mike Smith
Assistant Video Coordinators: Ike Azotam, Gabriel Snider
Equipment Manager: Mike Martinez

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  1. The Knicks need a a guard to initiate the offense off the bench…. If we can get Murray to fill that role then great but we don’t need star starter.

  2. I wouldn’t touch the starting lineup with the way Hartenstein & DDV are playing. McBride is extremely confident off the bench & his defense is always refreshing. NY should look to trade Fournier’s contract to grab a backup C more than anything. Hartenstein should be the C of the future because he’s a much better fit in this current starting 5 than Robinson. NY should trade Robinson in the offseason & pay Hartenstein.

  3. N…. The only trade IMHO is they need to wait for D. Mitchell… Go all in on that and leave everything else alone!

  4. Lets chill. The NYK went from like 8th place to the 4th spot and can realistically scoop the 3rd spot….I like deuce a lot but he is kinda missing that IQ spark for me….we need to grab a solid bench role player and just let the chemistry continue to develop with the core squad.Also not sure Mitch should deebo back his starting spot when he gets back from injury. Isiah has been balling and he is so impressive in that starting 5 spot tbh.

  5. No, they don't need to make a trade. If they play even close to the way they've been playing the past 5 games they are good. I'll roll with this team as is into the playoffs.

  6. We could let the season just play out and do a sign and trade for DeMar Derozen.

    We’d have to pick up the last year on Fournier’s deal, but we could make it work for pretty cheap.

  7. Neither of those two guys. If it's Fournier and 3 2nd round picks, I say do it! Otherwise, Say Jabba no Botha……

  8. Leave the team alone for now,don't force season is when you go for a star player. Things happen with teams and they want to go in a different direction

  9. they need more off the bench. A guard off the bench to replace quickly would be perfect. If Robinson comes back ..they should play him and Hartinstien should get equal time. Maybe bring Robinson off the bench. Idk

  10. Sometimes success is determined by the moves you don’t make.. To my surprise, OG has been a difference maker; with that said, we should not make a trade.. I hear alot of Knicks fans screaming to use Fornier’s contract in a trade; what about this crazy idea, why don’t we let the money come off our books, to give us some salary cap relief. We have two major free agents next year to resign, in IHart and OG.. Next, I would like to keep our draft picks, we use them for player development purposes.. Randle is 29, Mitchell Robinson is always hurt and IHart is a free agent. We have to be patient and not get caught up Star gazing , that’s always been the Knicks down fall

  11. The Knicks are doing great. They're doing all of the things I was suggesting that they do at the beginning of the year. Thibs is pushing the players to: move well without the ball, cut to the rim for easy passes on the run, get out in transition, passing the ball faster out of double teams and set screens to make it easier for players to get open shots. However there are some things that they aren't doing which include: more pick n' rolls, more alley oops and passing the ball faster in general. This might make it harder for them to get to the 3rd round in the playoffs again. I do agree that they are likely the 3rd best team in the east. However I actually think they can get better.

    They still need: some more scoring, guys who can get their own shots, guys that can space the floor and guys that can get out in transition and score. This would increase their ability to challenge the top teams in the league including Boston. Also don't the Knicks have a ton of draft picks? They should be able to use some of those picks, along with Evan Fournier's contract, to get a few more players. Plus they could do a 3 way trade with another team.

    I personally believe the Knicks should go for at least 2 of these players: Terry Rozier, Buddy Hield, Mikal Bridges, Dejounte Murray, Kyle Kuzma or Lauri Markannen.

    I wish they could get a star player, but I'm beginning to think that they don't need one. The Detroit Pistons with Larry Brown as coach were scrappy defenders and lethal scorers at every starting position except center…just like the Knicks. All they had were all stars and yet they still won a championship. The Knicks might be able to do the same.

  12. N. There is currently a Tyus Jones or Dan Gafford trade scenario. We don't need another guard, we are guard heavy. Gafford's contract (he is a 5) is not up until 2026. This means that we would have to work a trade. No. I would rather the Knicks wait until the end of the season, and sign Drummond (whose money is currently at the minimum, and is a free agent at the end of the season). Imagine Hartenstein and Drummond??? We would out rebound all of the NBA. We can then trade Mitch and Evan, still look toward the upcoming draft and maintain our draft capital to contemplate our next move(s).

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