@Philadelphia 76ers

Sixers lose overtime thriller in Atlanta, drop 3rd straight | PHLY Sixers

Sixers lose overtime thriller in Atlanta, drop 3rd straight | PHLY Sixers

Oh man what a gut-wrenching loss that was to the Atlanta Hawks for the Philadelphia 76ers welcome to the PHL Sixers postgame show alongside my partners as always Derek Bodner Kyle newbeck I’m Devon given Bri producing you with us on this ah tough night tough night for the boys as they lose their

Third straight we have a lot a lot a lot to get into with this loss the first game of the week for the home team guys fellas tough one as we broke it down as the game was going on biting the fingernails eating donuts and Candy drinking water throwing

Stuff in the air it was a tough one though I I think the biggest takeaway for me tonight is I I might be on dejon Murray Island now so it was just you know a wild game honestly I never felt like I had a good grip on you know what

Was happening next unless you were asking me what’s kelly UB going to do next and the answer was suck because he was as bad as he has been all season other than that you know it’s one minute Tobias Harris is the worst defensive player I’ve ever seen the next he’s

Making three straight buckets in the mid post like is just super chaotic it definitely felt like a what I picture as a Hawks game which is just Anarchy basically we also learned that the Sixers without jbi and Ty Maxi probably wouldn’t win very many games up 132 to

129 with a minute 44 left did not score then over the last like I said nearly two minutes to play um to your point it was up and down the entire time I didn’t know outside of tyres and Tobias who you could really rely on obviously you had

That stretch with for Marcus Morris there in a second or he scored nine in the second quarter outside of that there wasn’t a whole lot of contributions uh that you could like I said there you could make a case that Mo Bomba was maybe your third or fourth best player

In this game considering what he did time he actually played pretty well and when that happens you’re probably not getting the greatest contributions up and down the roster that being said a lot of people had their moments for sure like DeAnthony had moments where he was good little curious why he wasn’t in

There more I guess probably minut restrictions you would assume if he could have played given you a full tilt probably would have made a a significant difference Tobias Harris was great offensively terrible defensively like you mentioned probably the worst game that we’ve seen from Kelly UB just

Infuriating all the bad things we talked about with Kelly over the offse was today was an example of those concerns but you had Tyrese Maxi and Tobias Harris at least on offense and for a long time it looked like that might have been enough to carry you through the

Finish Line on this and and even when Maxi fouling out as you talk about that 144 sixes up he fouls out and that’s way the questions then who’s going to close this out as good as Tobias Harris was offensively I think even with having it going tonight we still sit there and say

Okay does he have enough in him to bring them home and once we saw how things were going you knew the defense was going to start to really funnel to him to make him do something he had a wide openen three-point opportunity tonight at the top of the KY on catching it down

Three to at least attempted to try to tie the game up but he hesitated didn’t shoot it drove to the basket got the shot blocked for all of that again you just should should have just forced up the three-pointers so uh Maxi fouling out was was really big as we all know

The Melt minute restrictions because we were wondering once he found out who’s going to come in and take these minutes to possibly help Harris to close this one out Beverly was the one that came in that’s asking a lot for Patrick Beverly to come in and and be an offensive Punch

Or at least to to run the offense the right way to get it to who to get those points on the board to finish this one out so a tough win a heartbreaker because as it looked in the fourth quarter with the Atlanta Hawks taking the lead it looked like they were just

Going to punch the Sixers in the gut and say that’s enough we we’ve had enough we figured it out Trey Young shooting three for 12 at one point six is still in the game but they took the lead and it was like okay this is probably it probably

Not going to get much more out of this one but they fought back take the lead at the end of the fourth quarter but as as my my my teammates here said just some some bad Kelly UB things from quarter 1 to quarter four and then we’ll

Get to overtime to cause them to lose lose that game where Johnson gets to the gets a driving Baseline opportunity off a great pass he gets a dunk either you foul him hard or you let the points take you don’t just like tap him on the top

Exactly where he’s already just going to flush it anyway and he was having a good game uh Jaylen Johnson was I thought you were gonna say Kelly I was gonna be like whoa this the first time I just think you’re crazy to the free throw line to

You know feel good free throw line knock the free throw down and and and there’s that but just so many things up and down the roller coaster that this game was some good some bad some infuriating and we’re going to break it all down here on

This postgame show I want to point out a couple comments the spotlight already so our guy Furious said he was Furious we haven’t won since the Von been back LOL so you know you took your little nice nice little vacation again last week you come back and ow three cents I’m not

Saying that you’re personally responsible for what has happened since since but fair point you [ __ ] The Vibes up the bot what’s wrong with you we’re just messing around the other thing that before I really lay into U Kane points out why did he put Mars in at Center at

The end of the game the offensive rebounds killed them this is one of the first games that I can think of off the top of my head that I was scratching my head a little bit at some of the nurse decisions I thought end of the third

Quarter I know they didn’t have good options with a lot of guys back from injury as we talked about melting on the the minutes restriction all that but they go all bench end of the third they gave up some of the lead that you know start of the third quarter into the

Middle of the third quarter I thought they played pretty well you know Paul Reed had bounced back from a moment in the first half that we get to at some point I’m sure he had a couple moments yeah yeah he had a few moments in this

Game but they were all you know kind of moving along with the starters in there and then to go all bench felt like it it took the momentum away from them Atlanta seizes it back the rest of the way it was basically back and forth back and

Forth seesaw type of game and those are the type of stretches the type of moments that end up losing you games when you don’t have your star player right like the coach has to be just like the players like if we’re going to sit here and say you know Tyrese has got to

Be at another level level with Joel out Tobias has got to be at another level with Joel out well Nick nurse has got to be at his sharpest too and I thought you know as Kan pointed out the Mars decision in overtime the all bench stuff I thought there were some small

Decisions he made in that game that ended up having a negative impact I think certainly contributed to the loss the all bench stuff is I I agree with the the Mars point which is Kane’s talking about if you remember Mo bambo was there at at the center to jump ball

In overtime and that was strictly a for height thing to try to win the jump ball because Paul Reed we figured wasn’t going to play the rest of the way and Mars Kane was the one who had those minutes in the closing part of the game in the fourth quarter after Reed wasn’t

Playing well down that particular stretch so he was playing well he he was doing some good things there and that’s why I think and so I I just circle it back to the jump ball as soon as the jump ball happened Marcus mors was at the scores table and then nurse pulled

Marcus Mars back because of the block shot that moamba had and the offensive rebound leading to the Tyrese Maxi 3 in overtime so I think he saw where he got enough out of mooma for what it was and the game was close and Mars played well

In the fifth so I give him the credit for that but for your point it didn’t make up really for what happened during that stretch of that that all bench lineup that he went with and quite honestly I thought that moom even after that really good play Derek he looked

Tired in that overtime that stretch right there of course I do want to point out we have chill guy in the chat saying are we seriously blaming UB he’s on a vet he shouldn’t be out there yeah if you’re asking him to do more more than

He’s capable of the no you can’t blame him if you’re just holding someone accountable for the decisions that they make then yes you can you can hold him accountable for those decisions and look none of us are out here saying like they shouldn’t have signed him yadada ya y

We’re just pointing out he had a really bad game and it was like that right from the jump you know he lost bogdanovich in transition he had a couple of just really horrible like contested threes with 16 or 17 seconds left on the shot clock he had that really bad Outlet to

Debias um a obviously that drive there with 15 seconds or whatever left for the and one these are decisions that you can’t make if you are going to try to win a game like that was a game where you’re trying to win without Joel embiid on the road you need better from Kelly

So no I don’t think any of us are out here asking him to be someone he’s not like we’re not asking him to lead an offense and dish out 10 assists and give you 30 on efficient scoring he just made too many really bad plays really bad

Decisions and it cost them like that game should not have gone to overtime and when you’re when you’re losing 35 points in the game all right you get the 35 from Maxi tonight and you get the bonus of another 22 you know from or 20 from Tobias Harris to 32 from Tobias

Well I just me the extra for for him yeah yeah 32 overall but then you asking someone else to pick it up and knowing that DeAnthony Melton was already on a minute restriction Marcus Mars emptying his clip in the first half to help keep you in it yeah what you’re asking from

From Kelly UB is to be the scorer that we think that he is is with that punch coming off the bench and that’s better than chill the 3412 that he was tonight then it was the that shot attempts with the shot clock so much time left the

Effort just wasn’t there you could see it with him chill watching the game that the effort just simply was not there the way that we saw Kelly UB in the last game where he had 25 plus because he was in he was in a good Groove he was

Scoring and you know how it goes often times when you’re playing well you you bust it for everything and and this one it just didn’t look like the effort was there the decision- making overall wasn’t really there and and that’s why we’re pointing out that he did not play

A good game was he the sole reason why he lost that they lost the game no but he contributed and needed to pick up in other spots to help get the victory there tonight which was getable especially at the end of the fourth and going into overtime and again none of

That that doesn’t change like what he’s done up to this point that doesn’t even change what we expect him to do going forward but we sit here and we talk about every game and you can’t analyze this game talk about this game without pointing out that he made a couple of

Really bad decisions that hurt them at the end yeah and to both of your guys’ point like if you go down the whole rotation tonight you can pick out some good things that basically everyone else did right like Tobias Harris 32-point game enough said Tyrese Maxi nine

Assists 35 points all that Bo Boma comes in gives you good minutes in overtime Marcus mors has a good run in the first half hits some threes Nick patum has three blocks couple of assists hits a three gave you something De Anthony Melton first came back gave you a little little bit of

Ball handling some playmaking a little bit of shooting that’s all well and good Patrick Beverly hits a couple Runners he had a like a dream Shake in the lane that you and I were cracking up about Theon so Jaden Springer has an awesome defensive stretch at one point in that

Game y that’s literally almost every guy who played contributed something positive that you can say off the top of your head that guy did something to help them win tonight I couldn’t sit here and tell you one thing that Kelly did for more than like a play at a time that

Helped them and went the other way he was an active deterrent to them winning as Derek points out yes that doesn’t wipe away the rest of the season but if you’re sitting here asking me who’s one of the biggest reasons they lost tonight it’s Kelly like that’s just the reality

What happened same reason I brought up the Nick nurse stuff and I agree with Kane when he brought it up like I Nick needed to be better Kelly needed to be better and those guys played a huge role in it’s only one loss it’s only one game

But they played a big role in it and chill jumps back in and say I’m just saying we should be equally as mad at Tobias as Kelly no there is spots and moments that we were mad at Tobias Harris during the game but it’s not

Equal to what we saw from or didn’t see from Kelly and look one guy gave you 39 the other guy shot three for 11 exactly he picked you’re scoring that you didn’t give tonight because you weren’t scoring at your face you talk about the two I

Can point out two things that Kelly UB did good tonight one was off of a pass from Tyrese Maxi cutting Baseline for the alley he set him up perfectly great finish okay cool the other was he hit that short jumper that Tobias hit him in overtime there where I’m like I didn’t

Think he was going to make it but it was a good Kyle said it right away finally did something good he made a good shot right there to give them a bucket where where it wasn’t a wasted possession after that chill I mean I’m just we’re just being honest can’t point out

Anything else that was good from from him tonight and that doesn’t discredit anything that he has done positively all season long we’re talking about this moment this loss in a winnable game against that team especially where you had their best player struggling tonight where you fought back got positive help

From others he needed to be a little bit better tonight than he was and he just did not show now he might come out against Sacramento and give you 17 and help lead them to a win and we will say you know what good bounceback game Kelly

Of course but for tonight he was bad and that was a big part of why they lost they lost by seven points tonight and it was closer than that had he done a little bit better they probably win that game and take away that foul with the one point that’s probably the difference

I mean butterfly effect and we don’t know how the rest of the quarter or the like minute left in the game plays out if they don’t get that free throw but that was a point that’s the difference between a regulation win and an overtime loss and they got a gift because Trey

Young got fouled and miss one yes Trey young does not miss free throws he missed two one in in at the end of regulation and one in overtime which give them that opportunity but you have to take advantage of those situations and and they did not in that spot there

Are people in the chat Chris Tyrone who says Kelly had nothing to do with that loss come on he played 31 minutes come on like how can you not be involved playing over 30 minutes in a game like even if you’re just saying it’s not as

Bad as we’re making it out which you know reasonable people can disagree you can’t play 31 minutes and just have zero neutral impact on the basketball if he had nothing to do with the loss in 31 minutes you need to type a little bit more and tell us who who

Was the reason why they lost this game tonight because that don’t make me go off like Stephen A don’t make me don’t make me there’s no Jason wh in the I don’t you know I don’t know I don’t know on Ty be better come on come on yeah

Come on man that that no I mean yeah I don’t want to get too distracted by the CH because we have a game to analyze but like he was definitely a part of the loss he definitely had a bad game it was definitely one of those games where it

Was like all right these were this was reminiscent of early career Kelly UB and to his credit it hasn’t happened all that often like I think he’s maybe veered off a little bit here of late but I think for the most part he has played the best version that you could have

Hoped for it’s just he wasn’t good tonight and we have to acknowledge it he’ll be back he’ll be back on Friday let’s see what he does they have some big games coming up one against the Kings they got the Nuggets coming out maybe you want to go see those games

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Next with this like I have a semi controversial take that I actually thought Tobias didn’t play well if you factor in defense because that is maybe the worst defensive game I’ve seen him play and he certainly has had some bad ones throughing his career I get that it

Was first game back from injured JY I get that without Joel embiid back there obviously changes the complexion of Defense a lot but I thought alongside Kelly there was just a ton of miscommunications Mis rotations guys beating him on back Cuts where he’s just not attentive enough got

Beat in isolation by multiple types of players like there were times when he’s guarding aong wo he got bodied by him obviously it’s tough to guard Trey young for any body but Trey young went right by him dejon Murray went right by him I can’t sit here and tell you like a

Single good or impactful thing he did on that end of the floor and then when it was like look not his fault Tyrese Maxi F out and he had to try to carry the team in overtime when he’s not a guard he’s not a guy who should be running the

Offense by himself but then when it’s his time to like all right Tobias you’re having a great offensive game and the ball’s in your hands just like clogged toilet offense and overtime can’t really get a quality shot and you said it Devon while we were watching the game probably

Should have just taken the the three that he had early in the clock on that possession where he drives into the paint and gets the I think it was aong who blocked him and looked like one of hundreds of Tobias drives we’ve seen in the past where he doesn’t actually go up

To try to finish it’s like a well I hope something good happens and like pushes it up and just gets the shot packed by a taller more athletic player so I don’t want to be too harsh on him but it was it’s a deceivingly bad game I

Think yeah I mean look he’s he’s the type of player like when when he gets jayen Johnson one-on-one in early offense he has a chance he had one real nice drive where Atlanta hadn’t gotten their Rim protection back yet there was a wide open Lane he took him off the

Bouns it worked but when he there’s a there’s traffic there that you when there’s no one beat a maxi like you’re over taxing Tobias to try to ask him to create that in the half court against a set defense when they have a chance to

Load up that’s just not who he is his defense is is is help defense his team defense his off ball defense is usually poor and tonight was especially poor but quite frankly outside of Mo Boma in overtime and that run from Jaden Springer I thought pretty much everyone

Was a disaster defense that’s probably true Paul Reed came out and he had no idea how to defend a pick and roll he was caught in no man’s land play after play after play they somehow went to his Zone on the very first possession in his

Zone uh he gave Aku a a wide open roll to the rim when he was in a Zone he supposed to be in the middle of the floor somehow he’s out on the wing and it was the easiest points he got all night he was real bad to start he had

Some nice finishes around the rim made up for some of that with his offense although he had some moments offensively too um but he was bad defensively everyone just really struggled and even Springer who was probably your best defender had Trey young in jail for a little bit there even about bonovich

Would shoot over him occasionally because Springer is just a little bit too short nobody really had any real Effectiveness on that and to your point about the Springer bogdanovich minutes there was one shot where he shot over him three-pointer and Springer had played good defense and Kyle blurted it

Out at right there there was nothing you can do with that one because of the height and the shot making that was there for bonovich and as far as Tobias goes first of all I saw um I saw a really funny One Flex hoop says Tobias might be the most blockable Dunk Dunk

Ownable player in the league that’s and he’s not unathletic either that’s the weirdest part it’s like he that shouldn’t happen but it happens all the time all the time all the time but I I agree because look the 32 points are the 32 points but when when you’re lacking

Again extra stuff from other people you do have to pick up in in a lot of different ways there are two ends of the floor and the one especially against de jontay Murray there and overtime would set up that Jaylen Johnson three-pointer to give them that that three-point lead

To break that tie to force nurse to call that time out I was just like yo man were you going to move your feet at all because he literally I I thought he was honestly going to try to just lay it up and reverse it the other way and finish

It but he made another really good basketball play to kick it to his open teammate on the wing and he knocked down a three-pointer Tobias not let him go by but his defense was not good the defensive position wasn’t good he didn’t wall him off the right way to to to

Force him while he’s forced in the middle force him into some traffic therefore Patrick Beverly then has to leave his man on the weak side get to the middle to cut that off again still thought he could have tried to make it but it may have been a charge because

Patrick gley is good but he did the right thing kicked it out and that was because Tobias Harris didn’t do enough resistance wise to prevent him from getting to the middle of the floor to be a a shot maker or a shot Creator uh

Which he did so he needed to be a little bit a lot better off defensively on the other end it’s not all him sorry will it’s not all him but it was him and this one so we put them there together because the defense by him just wasn’t

Good enough so as as Kyle points out the 32 and that was really good because he did some things offensively that I was like oh okay all right okay cool sustain the offense for long periods of time but then he disappoints in the overtime where to ky’s point of that

Three-pointer getting it blocked by a conu at least if he shoots that three and he front rims it you’re probably giving your team team Ates an opportunity again for an offensive rebound chance to try to get a loose ball get another opportunity to get a basket there in overtime and it didn’t

Happen he just ran right into the traffic as Derek talked about and it got snuffed it wasn’t even close don’t even know what the hell he was doing and thinking on that drive because once he gave himself up from that catch and shoot three he already made himself

Super guard and whatever it was what was it called on the most dunkable on player whatever he was on the other end for the lack of defense that he did not put on display there and while we’re on defense Batum really struggled he did but I don’t really blame Batum what the hell

Is Nick nurse doing putting him on Trey young out on the perimeter and asking him to try to deny him 35 feet from the basket batum’s never been quick and by the way he’s 35 now so like it’s not getting any better to ask him to try to

Deny Trey young 35 feet from the basket was just setting him up for a back door cut I was really surprised by that de but actually the other day at practice made a joke where he’s like yeah I don’t move that well anymore brother I gotta we

Saw Nick didn’t see it though but like his batum’s whole value on defense is that he’s smart and he can see plays before it happens and he good reactions well when you put him out on an island all the way out there it’s like putting your slowest guy at cornerback like what

Are you doing so like the eagles yeah well I mean don’t we don’t I this is depressing enough so you brought up Paul Reed a little bit and I think he has maybe not so slowly become a real Target of scorn for a good portion of the fan base I

Think what we’ve seen through 30 whatever games that we’re at now is that you know Nick nurse came in and said I want guys to play with freedom like there are a lot of people on this team are gonna get to do some things and try

Some things that they didn’t in the past know from Daniel house Jr all the way up to Joel and be to Tobias Harris guys in training camp are throwing doc under the bus saying you know look the offense we’re just all so much more involved like we’re so happy and all

That I think it’s safe to say that Paul Reed is a guy who does not need as much Freedom as he has that play where he went Coast to Coast was like and Nick did do it but that was the most obvious put his f [ __ ] ass on the bench

Immediately play of the entire season I will say it was also followed up he got the ball top of the key with like 5 and a half minutes left in the fourth quarter and he’s sitting there like lining up three I’m laughing as he’s getting ready to start saying things

Because that’s the first one that came to mind he’s lining up a three for like five seconds thinking about it you can see the calculus going on in his head like oh I might sit down if I actually take this but he spent a good couple seconds debating it no and I were

Sitting there like oh he better not take but hey man for comedy purposes it’s like oh and I will say we were I think Kyle and I were both Devon wasn’t because he was still on his vacation but Kyle and I were both on the like hey maybe this

Isn’t the guy to give all that much freedom to like maybe you don’t want him shooting all that many threes maybe you don’t want him trying to ISO and I think we’ve been right on that one hey man that first let’s go back to the play

Where he got the rebound and decided to Maxi I got this did he even hit the rim on that shot attempt I’m pretty sure it came off back and did not hit the if somebody has the replay available to them I I would say Chris say it right

Here he waved off Maxi was right here he was as close as KY is to me folks and he just looked at him like I got this let’s go I’m pushing the break it’s Ben Simmons time right here pushing a break in the open floor and then everybody

Else is expecting him to just give it up and he kept going and he kept going and then as KY did he hit the rim I don’t know he w that’s Chris and he waved off Tyrese and I looked to the bench immediately because I saw Nick nurse

Look to his left just like okay you come in and then who’s getting off the bench Marcus Morris is getting off the bench and we didn’t see Paul Pauli I to his credit he started the third quarter and he played well but man and then you saw

As as there was a dead ball Tyrese Maxi I don’t know if people saw it in the background Tyrese looked at him you know same draft class there tight him Isaiah Joe all that yo what were you doing and he was very animated as he’s telling him

And when he sat down someone else looked at him and talk to him and he he was like yeah you’re right I know it was too late man he gave us a moment though hey can we get a Paul Reed moment of the night forget Marcus morr that was the

Paul Reed moment of the night I mean in all honesty that that might be a much better because like the Marcus Morris moment night was more just making fun of me the Paul re mement of the night I feel like is something that can be sustained as long as he’s here but that

Pointed though that one can we what about the other one where he was opening the corner remember the one in the corner late in the game and we were like oh he’s about to do this one too because he was wide open and he passed it up and

Re he reset to allow but okay that’s enough again I I I almost don’t like saying this but like Nick nurse has to get him back to the doc River School just set a screen R that’s all you set a screen roll the rim get offensive rebounds that’s all you do on offense

That’s it which wrestler was know your rle and shut your mouth was that uh is that stone cold or was that the rock I should know this I I was never a wrestling guy so I think no that was the rock it was no your roll and shut your

Mouth that’s I feel like that’s probably the approach you need to take it really is an ounce of freedom and Paul Reed put himself back in jail he put himself back in the mud yeah he did and I would say this man there have been more of these

Yeah but there been more of these moments and I like I’m not sure I’m not so sure that they’re not going to bring in another big at some point in the next it might not be a trade we you well we’ve talked about this already where it

It that might need to be addressed it was more of the mo Boma part but now we’re starting to see it from both of them where we started throwing just different names of course the Andre Drummond stuff came up I think we talked about Kelly oen because we were talking

About the Utah Jazz and Lowry markting a little bit about Jordan Clarkson and and it’s it’s um yeah it’s it’s tough they might have to really address it yeah Joel’s going to play 40 minutes in the playoffs but you’re going to also have to get by with maybe 8 to 12

Occasionally and as good as Marcus as good as much as they trust Marcus Mars to play those five minutes we also know that’s not the that’s not the option that you want it’s the opt option that he had tonight because the other two just weren’t getting it done enough and

He was on the floor with Batum so they were trying to figure it out between the two to see if he could at least hold things down and and figure it out and see how they can get by those Center minutes and hoping that the guys that

Were scoring were really just going to make a a nice run to give them a little bit of a cushion but it just it just did not happen you know who else needs to figure it out who needs to figure it out me pronouncing the word Bagels

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Y all right we have a lot of other things to get to here probably a good time to mention that watch party since you reference it though uh 7:45 on Monday at uh Wicked Wolf there will be a watch party it’s a busy day on Monday Sixers at one o’clock say we can

Actually go to this because I don’t know can’t speak for all of us I will probably go to it let me know we gonna do it we do this united we just let you know so there you go I just let you know live on see how yells at me folks this

Is about as this is about how the the the show prep goes too [ __ ] it we’ll just do it live just do [ __ ] it so what time is it what time is it watch party 7:45 7:45 how you feeling feeling about the bird we don’t need to not feeling great

This has been depressing enough I feel good about the watch party listen those drinks at Wicked Wolf will make all the pain go away so it’s like I said if you have to suff through watching that defense I at the very least want to have drinks in hand with friends around team

Binding folks team binding experience so you might as well uh get out there Birds Tampa elicit traps is so mad tonight he’s even mad about the ads that we’re reading come on man we got we got to keep the lights on somehow buddy like there’s a reason we’re here come on and

By the way there’s a lot of light shining on our faces listen we need it I need any 745 Wicked Wolf 12th and Chestnut can we also talk about the great gear that we have uh oh yeah got some some new merch drops new merch you

See the the hoodie that Kyle has on of course these are the originals with the uh the the mascot the nuck there PHL it’s a great hoodie but we also have some cool new hoodies it’s hoodie season you can see it on the screen if you’re listening go make sure PHL

Check it out you got the bird’s hoodie you got the Sixers hoodie you got the phy Sixers podcast hoodie the same for the birds now with the meof hoodie for the flyer side of things we have some great merchandise there the hats are available we don’t have them on right

Now but there they are right there on the screen the dad hat the trucker hat the flat brim and the golf hat we own three of those hats right there hopefully you can get in there and there’s some more ads for you Elissa that’s right put that in your pipe and

Smoke it right that’s right and go buy a hat or a hoodie go go support hang out with this uh with the cool merchandise so make sure you go PHL anyway let’s go tyes Maxi was good tonight he was real good I thought he

Had a real good floor game too like a bunch of real good dump off passes bounce passes um I thought he had it besides the 30 what he end up with five 35 35 I thought he and he had like one moment where there was like he had two

Turnovers in a span of like 45 seconds outside that real good with the ball like I said just a real good floor game creating shots for others I really like the way he the only negative that we all talked about was that you could still see something is up with the three-point

Shooting where weather’s fatigue the you know the legs he’s he’s thinking too much about it he he didn’t take one three-pointer in the second half where Tyrese Maxi typically takes the three-pointer off of a off of a catch or a step back three but then he redeemed himself with the three-point shooting

That he had later in the game again the offensive rebound by bomba to find him on the wing in overtime but before that the big shot over dejonte Murray deep one there in that in that uh fourth quarter to give them that what was it five-point Advantage four-point

Advantage at that point and the guy that’s the only negative I I have for Tyrese Maxi other than that the floor game was phenomenal his attacking the rim recognizing who he had on him uh defending him whether it was they were hunting of course Trey young because of

His poor defense but if he had sadique Bay dejonte Murray it did not matter he was going at them far as coming in the game bogdanovich it did not matter he saw he saw a green light every time those players were in front of him and

He took advantage of I thought he was real strong tonight good bounce back game so I would say here are the two sides of it I I think there were there was some tunnel vision at the end of the game that I wasn’t thrilled with but at

The same time it’s like that’s your best player available tonight I’d rather him have tunnel vision and take too many shots than like defer defer defer and I have to live with like is Marcus moris going to hit a three or and he hit a bunch of Threes tonight so that’s no Di

At Marcus mors I just would rather live with the best player you have live and die with him so that’s great on the playmaking from I said to you during the game Devon when it happened the one turnover he had that he tried to throw a skip pass that bogdanovich read yeah I

Was honestly happy to see it like we we talked Derek and I before you got here Devon about the growth Tyrese has to make as a playmaker like we have to point out every every time he was that we’re revisiting so we can revisit him good content we talked a lot about sometimes

Or a lot of times with young guards it’s okay if they’re high turnover players early in their career because what it says is they’re trying to make advanced passes and they’re making high level reads they might just be you know getting a little too bold with the type

Of passes that they’re making and they have to learn all right where’s the line between aggressive and you know running the offense and playing it safe and to see Maxi try to throw that skip pass and throw a lot of passes tonight you know little dump offs drop offs but also wraparound passes

Kickouts on his drives where he sucking in the defense and then he’s hitting a guy who’s wide the hell open it shows the maturation process he’s already gone through this season with those on ball reps and I think he only he ends up with nine assists probably could have ended

Up with at least a few more with some better shot making so totally agree with you that I thought the floor game was awesome I thought that was a big reason he was able to get by without the outside shot for a lot of that game hit

Some threes late that gave them a chance to win but I loved seeing him figure out a way to keep them in that game and looked like he was going to potentially win that game for them if he hadn’t fouled out I know there’s been a lot of discussion about the

The refs obviously in the the chat and elsewhere I will say this not going to be well liked for this one his sixth foul was a foul it was a soft foul for being his sixth foul in an overtime game but that’s a call that Joel and B gets

Basically every single game I thought the fifth foul was more questionable just because he went straight up they said his leg hit Trey Young no Trey young hit his leg because he was trying to eurostep to AV void him that was the one that I question more than the 65 I

Do think on that 61 Trey was leaning in a little bit with the shoulder I think he initiated some of that contact now I don’t think Maxi was in perfect position so you can see that there’s a little bit of a question there but I’d have to go

Back and rewatch it I it was certainly when you factor in overtime starish level player I would have liked to see a no call on that one I I understand a gripe even if by the letter of the book it might have been a foul and if the

Star is going to get it the other Allstar who has the reput already in that moment like it didn’t even if if regardless of who initiated the contact I don’t think it affected anything let them play let Stars play uh elicit trap says that was not a foul bro

Which one are you talking about because we just laid out both the sixth or the fifth I’m sure it’s the sixth the sixth is the one that people are M but like look that’s the one that Joel gets two or three times a game yeah but if Joel

Is going up against against Anthony Davis I bet you he doesn’t get that call I mean they they beat the Lakers by so much that there’s no real no real proof of concept for that okay if that was yic I bet you andb doesn’t get that call

With two minutes left in overtime which is like to me it’s stupid like I I am in agreement with you that in that spot especially don’t call it I would go a step further and say I don’t want to see that foul called I don’t think that

That’s like a what Tyrese is doing there is sliding his feet and moving with Tre and trying to do the right and for marginal contact like that to be a foul would it hurt Joel if they didn’t call that yes would it be better to watch of

Course it would so we’re in total agreement there all I’m saying is if if we’re bitching about this one go back and look at the comments when Joelle got that call on like Dean Wade in the Cavs game and Cleveland fans had a stroke talking about how it’s not a foul it’s

Happens all the time and it gets caught a fou often but probably more often than I would like and Lista trap said he was talking about the sixth like you mentioned and Ike says the fifth foul was BS like we also talked about because again he just went straight up to

Prevent him from he was protecting the rim his leg clipped him he Euro stepped to try to get around him to try to get a shot off uh what do you think because we did have and I was going to go here but we had a good question from Sam says

Well what about the end of regulation when Tyrese spun on on on Deonte Murray I think it was and and lost outs he thought he was a foul I’m ask I didn’t see contact and I went back and watched it a couple plays but we’re also didn’t necessarily have a great angle on

It but I didn’t see obvious contact let me put it that way I thought to your question I thought Trey young actually when they showed the replay from what I saw I thought Trey young got ball okay for the first time in terms of his defense I thought he got the basketball

And then it went off of of tyres Maxi my thing was when he spun I thought he should have kept the dribble one more one more dribble it’s it’s easy for me to say sitting there watching it especially when the defense closing on him you know it’s the last few seconds

Not a lot of time I think it was what like a second left after the ball went out of bounds so I understand what he was doing but it was just one of those things of if he could have kept it one more dribble he probably would have

Gotten a better opportunity to get a shot off maybe even get fouled and get to the free throw line yeah okay so should we make our official pitch for the Sixers to trade for Deonte Murray after that game F this was the one I was waiting for because it was fun to watch

The game I always watch it with these guys uh whether it’s a home game Road game and Kyle’s sitting there we’re looking at each other he makes like two threes I think it was and we’re just like all right you know whatever because he wasn’t playing all that well

Offensively to that point he smoked a couple layups that he should have made but then he hits one where he gets he hits a corner three he gets foul and yeah guess who fouled him by the way yeah Kelly UB correct just to enhance the points we’ve been making and and he

Also hit the the the the big point was the catch and shoot threes that we talk about and I saw people already in the chat speaking about ma Maxi and Murray would be a nice back court Etc so Kyle you were talking about maybe buying some

Real estate there on the island so let’s start with you man because he did for what we talk about offensively as a secondary score especially with Trey young struggling he did play well tonight especially on the catch and shoot threes well look like that game is an example of at least offensively

That’s a high-end outcome for that’s that is an example of like if if you want Murray you just point to that game and say that’s the proof of concept because but well it’s not an average game for five seven from three tonight that’s the third most threes he’s made all

Season he’s only had seven games with more than three made threes my point is this is an outlier game yeah but but you but it’s an out but you’re also not asking him to make the five you’re probably asking him to make three I mean in the game if you’re looking at him

Well that would be great yeah he would probably be to have a guy who takes seven threes playing more than often he’s probably gonna make three two three out of those seven he’s probably goingon to do that sure all right if you completely buy the shot this year then

Yes okay but so some of it is about the jante right like yes you see the catch and shoot you see him able to take guys off the dribble get his own shot now there was some real struggles in the fourth quarter and overtime we don’t

Have to talk about some of the the runner attempts that either barely hit the rim or missed everything certainly had some ugly moments but there’s enough secondary creation or at times primary creation that he was able to keep the offense moving along he’s able to when

He hits shots like this he can play next to anybody obviously but to me the more important thing is the thing that we keep hammering it’s that you put Tyrese in a position where not all his threes are pullup threes are step back threes are sidestep threes so you can get him

In that catch and shoot rooll more often it’s not saying that you need to trade for a Murray level player or above for that to happen I just think that you can see some of the justification for why you’d hunt for a real Creator rather than a couple of role players where

Tyrese is still the clear-cut number two at all times no deferring no no none of that I just would like to see a trade perhaps multiple trades where there’s at least the option to use Tyrese in a different way and to get him going a

Little bit so that he’s not so riing on driving into the trees and drawing free throws and doing all that which I love seeing him do but if the three-point shots not there because he’s taking these crazy difficult shots there’s got to be a way that they can use him to

Manufacture points we are all in agreement that they need another Creator to help Tyrese out I’m not sold that deante is that Creator and look he was really good tonight from Beyond he’s been really good this season from three he was a 33% three-point shooter on nearly 1100 attempts before this season

The 200 or so that he’s taken this season I have honestly at some point between now and deadline I will go back and I will watch every three he’s attempted this year and see if I can convince myself that this is more than just an unseasonably hot shooting

Stretch un unreasonably hot half seon because that happens pretty often in this league I need to buy that this is the new dejonte Murray to be a fit next to Tyrese Maxi I am in full agreement that they need another shot Creator whether that is a wing that you can put

In pick and rolls or a guard that can you know run some offense yes I agree they need that I need a little more evidence than tonight to buy one game’s enough I look like if if I bought that he is a 38% three-point shooter right

Now and that you could actually run him off ball then yes I would like that archetype of player I’m fine with I just need to be able to buy into that shot and I I I think that of course this one’s an outlier tonight with the outside shooting and all because he

Still still blew a few layups where it’s like come on man well and that’s also part of the problem too if that outside shot isn’t there then he’s very reliant on that pull-up mid-range jumper then he’s very reliant on floaters at the basket and that’s not an archetype that

I want to put next to Tyrese so I have to buy not only a catch and shoot three but an off dribble three from Deon and watching him enough we’ve seen him over the years for me when I watch his pullup jump shot right around 17 15 17 it it

Never seems clean where he’s just going up and shooting it it always looks like he’s shooting it with a with a little double pump to shoot it because he’s not a natural shooter to that point from that spot where that could get in the way but he’s not a natural shooter I’d

Say no generally like the fact that he is even as good as he is is a testament to the improvements he made because that was the the reason he fell like he did in the draft because everyone was like look this guy’s a great athlete good defensive player

Playmaker all that but everyone was like I can’t shoot worth a damn so like or and we don’t believe it can be fixed so to get to this point is a testament that he has put in a lot of work but this point is still to dereck’s point is

Still only at a certain threshold where you don’t really trust him as much as you would like to especially if you’re going to move real draft Capital real stuff to get him and then pay him you know 25 plus million dollars for the next few seasons no look and a lot of

This comes down to like it’s not like would Murray make the Sixers better yeah he would yes sure you put him in has a number of of slots and he would improve the team it just is he worth all the other is is the opportunity cost of what

He would take in terms of draft capital in terms of salary the one you want to go all in for and like I said I need to buy that shot in a big way but the other guy who as we were talking about him the other one that was doing his work that

We talk about as a trade possibility also was bogdanovich doing the bogdanovich stuff that we’ve been speaking about over the last couple of weeks where he came off the bench he was seven for 16 didn’t look like he had bad shots though especially he one for eight

From three too so like everywhere else was we know he only made one but it didn’t leave that impact right it it just seemed like he had a much better shooting performance but that’s why you talk about your point it’s like he’s one for eight from three and that means he

Went six for eight everywhere else so you saw the off ball utility right like he back cut guys a couple times he hit some tough mid-range shots and that’s why we have all preached like he’d be a good addition because the offensive versatility is there and when the

Outside shot isn’t there he’s still able to get to you know a respectable night there I even thought you saw some like some playmaking stuff from him some like nice lobbed passes into aong wo some nice pocket passes like I he’s a very good very versatile offensive player and

I think he’d make a ton of sense here and that one made me and watching the game tonight want him more because I’m still of the belief that they probably won’t get that bigger name yeah B donov is a big name because of how long he’s been in the league the production offensively

Of who he is and what he has done from Sacramento to Atlanta and we’ll see what happens by the trade deadline but watching that again just kind of lays out why you guys talked about it first I’m jumping on the back end of it of that makes sense if they

Are able to if if they decide if Landry Fields who is the general manager now of that team if he decides that they are gonna feel old if they’re going to make some moves and he is one of them that would be a Target that I think of of

Course would definitely help because of the versatility from his frame to the outside shooting the the playmaking playing with someone like Joel embiid there where it’s not capella where you have to set him up every time aanga has gotten much better offensively but you

Still have to set them up if it’s not an offensive rebound you still have to do things for him a lot of when we talk about these players coming in for me we always speak about playing with maxi and and be I focus on the fact that they’re

GNA be playing with him and many of these players have not played with that guy because they are not that’s why he’s so special because they’re not a lot of him Joel embiid I’m speaking of in this league and you look at what he brings bogdanovich playing in an in an offense

Obviously with maxi and whomever else will be there but Joel embiid specifically the space that he’s going to have is it would be amazing so that just this game tonight as good as Murray was it’s still the bogdanovich piece where that that seems more likely and one that

Would fit just as good yeah and and Spencer in the chat basically saying like what would the opportunity cost actually be noting that free agency looks weak especially now Kawhi Leonard and Paul George probably being off the board uh well if you’ve been listening like we we think free agency is sort of

Like a last resort that being said like there is a very active trade period at the draft and because at that point the six would have essentially up to five first round picks that they could trade um and cap space they can absorb salary into in a trade not cap space isn’t just

Useful as a way to sign players but as a way to facilitate trades as well when you have cap space and five picks to trade there is an opportunity to make deals now what could that mean that’s what’s going to make this very very tough if you sit here at the deadline

You go all right there’s someone like deonar somebody like bogdanovich they can help us make the stretch run now they’re not necessarily either a good enough player or a good enough fit to be like the obvious yes let’s go in for this guy kind of player do you want to

Bank on somebody else becoming available in a trade in June or July it’s a very tough decision to make because there is a lot of uncertainty you can’t look there and say oh we’re gonna go Target Kawai or we’re gonna Target poor George there’s probably not gonna be someone

Like that available probably not going to be able to Target OG now because he was traded to New York uh and his his agent’s father runs the team um there’s a lot of uncertainty and that’s going to be a that like that is why Daryl gets

Paid to big bucks because he is not just projecting like I can look at a free agency list and go pick and choose my guy he has to sort of like predict who will become disgruntled who will become available which team will underperform which star that we’re not even talking

About now could become available in June or July and make that calculus in his head he is in a a for a guy who has a a MVP another All-Star three to five draft picks to trade depending on when they make that deal in cap space he has a lot

Of flexibility but he also has a lot of responsibility and a lot of uncertainty to deal with and our guy furious with the Super Chat is really on the Murray train says Murray averaged nine assists in San Antonio he can definitely playmake I’d rather have a willing three-point

Shooter than Toby he won’t even shoot well the willingness we’re all in agreement on that like we harp on that all the damn time I do think like as much as I’m saying this is the game go get Murray all that like Derek’s points are fair like do you want to move I’d

Say if I had to guess if Atlanta moves him and it looks like they’re going to it’s going to require two firsts is that fair probably yeah one of them might be like protected where it might be uncertainty on when or how it will convey but yeah probably like one

Legitimate first and one protected first yeah so let’s say you move two first and the key is if one of those that unprotected Clippers pick then that really limits what else you can do yes so then you could you could be down to either one pick to move one real pick to

Move or potentially zero depending on how that trade plays out and if you make that move you have to be super super confident Murray is the guy he is the third piece that is going to take Joel embiid and Tyrese Maxi from you know that’s a very good team but probably is

On the outside looking in on the real Contender list right now to that Contender list and I don’t think we can I don’t think anybody would sit here including Murray fans in the chat and be like yeah that’s abs absolutely like no doubt the move and I understand we sit

Here all the time and say well this guy’s got flaws this guy’s got flaws and it seems like we just say well they can’t trade for anyone no that’s not true I think our big thing is just like there is risk every door you open that is available to them right now comes

With pretty considerable risk it’s because they made a lot of poor decisions over the years long before darl Mory arrived that box them into where they are right now but it makes this next month leading into the deadline and certainly the six months or so before free agency in July a really

Fascinating time period for this and really I mean Kyle and I are sitting here poo pooing all potential trade targets because we’re just sitting here trying to get Devon to talk his cousin into jock Bon being an idiot so then we can get the guy that we actually want

Are you guys gonna sit and watch the second half with me tomorrow after we’re done they got a one o’clock game tomorrow tomorrow Paris game oh oh I forgot about that man Paris game so by the time we’re done we will probably be well I might be pulling a Devon and uh

Not showing up tomorrow because we already talked about this before the show we’ll see It’ll be like a big surprise reveal um but no to to to the point of what they may or may not do by the deadline and the Murray availability a couple of things that happened even

Today impacts the offseason already because while whether you felt like Paul George and Kawhi Leonard were going to be on their radar or having the opportunity to get them kawh Leonard signs an extension with the Clippers today they were already there were already reports that Paul George and his

People are in conversation with the front office to also do the very same seeing a report from Pascal seaka where he wants super max well not super max but he wants big money he could potentially get a supermax from Toronto but he’s got to make all NBA this year

And then he’s locked in in Toronto as well so to to what the guys are L out again that would be only Toronto that can offer that it can’t even be a signed in trade it has to be Toronto the summer with all these big names there’s

Potentially two right there that will be off the board before we even get there yeah the Kawai thing came kind of out of nowhere right that was a three years I think he got years 152 something like that might be misremembering the exact details yeah I

Mean look I don’t think any of us really thought they were a high probability to leave la like they weren’t at the top of my I’m not gonna say priority list but they weren’t at the top of my mind because I just assumed they were going

To stay there but you know weird [ __ ] can happen you were kind of hoping some weird [ __ ] would happen in La uh they’ve been playing good basketball and I guess it’s enough to keep them around yeah well we’ll see about U deante Murray see what happens bogdanovich and fun D Jon

Island some I’m a resident for at least right now I’m renting an apartment on deante Island no FL just that just the apartment just running just just running we’ll see I might be talked out of it by buddy of mine was a more serious friend

You know bud a buddy of mine was his his and Ben Simmons trainer if you remember they trained because they were both clutch yeah my buddy JC worked both of them out of course and at that time he was like the Sixers need to draft both

He wanted both of his guys and look they had they had this because of 24 24 and 25 or 25 and 26 that they picked that was a and 24 26 20 24 and 26 and they had an opportunity to I loved TLC but I may have been swayed

Because of those Jersey that Mega Lex wor those were absolutely incredible and it might have distracted me from how little basketball skill he had yeah man well we’ll see by the way we’ve had a lot of chatter about the Jazz beating up on Denver tonight on national TV did

They they it’s ongoing but yeah friend of the Pod marinin probably I don’t know what the is right now but no he’s only two for five wow Trey vales down go get him what’s what’s what’s Clarkson doing what what is he doing I need to know he’s

Seven for nine there you go Kyle Wren an apartment on the Clarkson Island come on man Jordan Clarkson is not playable in the playoffs he can’t defend my grandmother rest her soul but yeah I I am not going to be renting any property on on Jord Clarks and is I don’t know

Like someone like tus Jones can defend the playoffs either but he’ cost you way way way less and is yeah is not going to be on the payroll next year either which is a important thing all right fellas it it’s about that time about that time it’s it’s 11:30 my computer’s about to

Die right now I get to a charger Kelly oin there you go go back up are you on oin Island I don’t know maybe I should stop saying island with all the I I rent a room I think we can still talk about Islands I don’t think that guy ruined Islands

Forever listen there’s between Aaron Rogers I just I don’t we’re good no probation on Island no more is we just rent some space we just rent some space in these places of where we want these everybody thank you so much and we also had places in like Florida too can we

Not talk about Florida I mean then might I prefer not to generally but you know as I say all the time everybody who do we have thank you so much for being here love you guys being here at 11:35 on a Wednesday evening that’s amazing my guys

And gals Dan mcglade Brian Knight weebay boot Zilla Kane furious two minute warning our guy no AP this episode because we know he’s with us SB Cole money Mah hypothetical man elicit traps R Smith there was a guy earlier I wish I get those name too far dlea Spencer

Furious again I I’ll give you a second shout out Furious because a Super Chat super Coleman pots our guy Carlton Hudson pots and pant pots and there was somebody toward the beginning of the stream that had I don’t think I’m going to repeat his name we had Chris tou Jake M Liam

Stevens 72 elicit traps again because he’s been all up in the chat tonight thank you guys so much for being with us here as I always tell you please if you haven’t hit that subscribe button and if you hit the Bell icon ding love the ding from Devon you will get notifications

Each and every single time that we go live and if you hit the thumb th up button on this video it’ll give me a nice warm and fuzzy feeling inside warmer and fuzzier than this hoodie gives me and this hoodie gives me some great warm and fuzzy feelings that’s at if you like that hoodie P Locker get it right there’s two websites there’s all and there’s PHL does not exist Devon oh my God my bad Derek I’m sorry it’s 1137 man all right everybody we will see you tomorrow have a good rest 2:30 tomorrow we’ll catch [Applause]


The Sixers lost their 3rd straight game, falling to the Atlanta Hawks in overtime, 139-132. Tyrese Maxey and Tobias Harris combined for 77 points but the Hawks’ end game execution, plus Maxey fouling out with just under two minutes to play in the extra frame was too much to overcome.

Derek Bodner, Kyle Neubeck and Devon Givens break down the highly contested.

An ALLCITY Network Production




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  1. The Sixers need help, We need bigger guys on the team, To compete with other teams, We cannot Win a Championship with this team, Make that change 😔😔😔😔

  2. That last foul call on Maxey was a killer.
    Best time to have a slump is now. I'm hoping to see a much better improvement once Jo is back.

  3. They better trade him while he got very high value!! Build around Maxey😢😮 get 5 first round and great players back. The Process is over, done, Faneto'

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