@Sacramento Kings

Should Kings consider Zach LaVine?

Should Kings consider Zach LaVine?

Manny and Morgan I’m G be honest I’m starting to talk myself into especially after the seum thing fell apart we’ve learned today seak would not be excited if you were traded Sacramento I’m starting to warm up to the idea just warm up say it Zack LaVine no why yeah Manny I like

Your reaction why there’s risk I the contract scares me some of the injury history I feel like the buying part I’m not worried about this guy’s been an All-Star level player in this league he’s been an All-Star literally he’s a dynamic scorer he’s got good

Size he can get Buckets he had a really good game tonight in an overtime game for the Bulls he makes a lot of money and I just think it would make the Kings even more Dynamic now it doesn’t fix all the issues and that would not fix some

Of the defensive issues I don’t know I don’t know and can I can I also present one other thing that may not matter much to people but for some reason it sticks with me a little bit what back in 2018 when Zack LaVine was a restricted free agent he signed an offer

Sheet with the Kings the Bulls matched it and he didn’t just like docu sign this okay he didn’t just like docu sign it Zack LaVine flew to Sacramento his arms re tired shout Rick lastman thank you I got it um he flew to Sacramento the kings were bad he flew to Sacramento toward

The facilities met with the front office felt The Vibes and went I’m signing this [ __ ] and I don’t know I go you know what this is a guy that if the Bulls didn’t match he would have been here and he was cool with living with that potentially

So you didn’t think that he knew he was that they were GNA no CU he part of the thing one of the quotes he had at the time I actually went back and looked at it I’m glad you brought it up Manny he’s so glad you brought it up man going back

To this ESPN story the quote says I’m disappointed that I had to get off offer sheet from another team but Sacramento stepped up and made a strong impression it appears Sacramento wants me more than Chicago oh and now we know what happened he ended up getting matched and he

Stayed with the bulls blah blah blah the point is he want to be here one time he flew here he felt The Vibes and he still signed that offer sheet now maybe I’m wrong and maybe he knew they were going to mat it and someone said Zach only

Signed for the money he knew Chicago would match okay maybe you’re right maybe you’re right okay but let’s not so let me yeah let me present us scenario to you and here’s what I thought about with the Zack livine right um obviously it’s a big risk right with all that

Money if he if they did that big move they’re tied to him they’re tied to a lot of money and you have to hope he buys in so let me ask you about this comparison and I don’t know if it’s a good comparison or not Paul Pierce and

Antoine Walker are in Boston right they’re putting buckets every night but they’re not winning right so Boston makes a drastic move at some point goes and gets Walker’s gone they grab Garnett and that whole big three there and all those years Pierce did not play a lick

Of Defense Garnett got there Garnett and rivers got there and they basically got in his ear and nobody’s gonna say by a stretching of imagination that Pierce is was an all defensive player but he flipped what he did he he still was an offensive threat but he actually he put

Down and played deep because Garnett held him accountable during that time that he was there and he actually used his athleticism and showed some decent defense is that what you think Mike Brown and this and this uh the coaching staff and this and de you know these guys can do with Zach I

Mean I I think I think there would be an excitement for him I think I mean we’ve already read reports that he would have interest in getting traded to Sacramento well guess what that’s a little more than seum today and we could talk about that in a little bit right um so that

Matters a little bit for sure I think the if you’re going to go with an area of concern Zack LaVine guy who likes the ball in his hands is he comfortable knowing that fulc and sabon is have the ball in his their hands a lot and I I

Don’t want to take away from Malik monk because that’s another Dynamic with all this Malik monk has been so good for this team this year Morgan and like taking why would that take away if especially if he’s moving really to that backup point guard position coming off

The bench well I mean you’re still Zack lavine’s going to take shots you know I mean it’s he’s going to get some wouldn’t that but here’s my question wouldn’t that still be Pascal seak too like you know what I mean it’s like I think sometimes we think of the mindset

Of these two and we feel more confident in the seaka mindset than you do in the Zack LaVine but I think that’s also unfair to Zach LaVine in a new setting and look at me selling you on Z you’re asking him right you’re talking about somebody buying in so whether it was

Pascal or whether it’s Zach you’re telling him hey you’re not going to get this volume of shots here you’re gonna buy into the system so you’re not going to get your 20 shots a game this is a you know this is a system that we run

And whoever’s hot is hot you need to play the same way all these other guys do the way monk does the way dear play sabonis you’re buying into the whole thing buying in see I feel like it start this started with me talking you guys

Into it and now you guys are trying to talk me into it that’s hilarious I’m still as much as I’ve seen of him the the the Carlos Boozer defense that he puts forth uh you know what though we’ve watched Fox not play defense and now he is you know over the years and

Look at what he’s doing now I think lavine’s athletic enough he’s long enough to be engaged defensively and maybe being inspired a new a change of scenery and let’s be honest playing with some pretty damn talented players D Roan’s talented for sure but I I think

Playing with Fox who’s in the prime of his career sabonis these two players he’d be playing with are both playing the best basketball they’ve ever played in their NBA careers so you add him that may rejuvenate him a little bit on the west coast he doesn’t have to deal with

That cold Chicago weather anymore here’s my question what do you have to give up for him well that’s the thing his contracts a lot so I think it’s going to be a similar package I mean we’re talking about like herder barns more and I you know you know I I I don’t know

What should the market if you believe reports the market hasn’t been great on him um and you look at his salary Morgan unlike zakum who’s his final year of his contract LaVine makes 40 this year 43 next year 45.9 and then an option for 48.9 that’s

Still I mean that’s your average on a star player that you’re trying to get now the here’s the issue is just like again this team is going to be pretty expensive right like and but that’s what it would have been if even if you were

Signing pas so and this is where I go with LaVine I go look I understand the shortcomings and I’m I need to acknowledge this I’m scared to death of it a little bit because of the money and kind of the injury history over the years but I think he he shoots it well

The spacing with this team I mean he’s going to get great looks um and it’s another guy that can go out there and get a bucket for you I want to just see what his stats are this year on this season so he is 28 years old this season

How many games this season he has played in 20 games so he’s missed some time he has uh he’s averaging 20 points a game uh five rebounds game three and a half assists he shooting 44% from the field 33% from three so all of his numbers are

Down this year all of them are down so is that just like hey it’s down because Chicago wasn’t really vibing early in the year it’s just not doing well um last year he was averaging just under 25 on 48% shooting 37% from three he’s a career 38% three-point shooter and a

Career 20 20 points per game in the NBA um tonight The Bu the Bulls played by the way uh against where where they they they beat Houston tonight this is a nice win in overtime D rozan all the guys played LaVine had 25 points 13 rebounds seven assists three Steals on

Eight of 15 three of eight from downtown okay I don’t know I just I’m trying to be open-minded because we’re trying to take the step you know so anyway let’s go let’s let’s watch his game after this okay all right that sounds good Manny I appreciate you checking in thanks for

Vibing with us on this LaVine talk thanks you guys Manny Manny’s the best yeah and I’m I’m just trying to I just want to I want to see where he’s at right now with his body his life I mean his life but you I I know

Sometimes it’s hard to be to tell when a team in their culture is a little weird it’s losing but it’s like what are you doing as an individual like are you a pro are you staying with it and I I think they would still need need to be

Additional moves like I still need like a wing Defender for sure like that’s why I oh can you get thigh ball or someone like that uh you know I a dream thing would be hey could you get LaVine and Caruso that just seems like it’s going to be really expensive you know

Um yeah I I I think after the news today for those who missed it we did do a clip on this earlier but the athletic came out our buddy Sam Ami had a report that cakam would not be excited if he were traded the Sacramento in fact he went on the right

That according to two leak sources the king should have very little of any optimism regarding the prospect of SE yakum resigning in the summer if they were to land him SE yakum is Seeking a full-term Max salary deal no matter where he ultimately lands and while

Sakam has not asked for a trade the sources say he doesn’t view the Kings as a good long-term fit if the Raptors choose to move him you know we talked about this earlier today and I think my thing was like well I don’t know do you

Calls Bluff and see I don’t know I I’m starting to as the day went on I’m kind of with you it’s like dude if he doesn’t want to be here here I know there are players in the past that Chris Weber people bring up but Chris Weber still

Had years left on this deal you know if if if it’s not a rental I I don’t want to be faced with a situation where the Kings give up some assets get SE yakum and then they have to talk him into like buying in for the rest of the year and

What kind of environment is that the questions that surround the team like hey is he going to come back do you want to come back it just seems like it’d be a big distraction unless this is all a smoke screen it’s [ __ ] now you know

If he buys in it’s all about I’m all about going after seakan but if he doesn’t want to be and if Sacramento doesn’t excite him then then go have fun playing with Trey young you know go have fun if you don’t want to go be paired with Fox and sabonis two guys playing

Their best basketball their career you’d rather try to have fun being a 1A or or a 1B or a two in Atlanta or somewhere else then then so be it you have a chance to come to Sacramento be an impactful player here win some games but you don’t want it because either you

Don’t like Sacramento you view sabonis as Fox as people who are maybe a little below you and you want the shine if that’s the case then fine you want to be a team guy I don’t want you either I sound Petty you you do it’s not even the

Sacramento thing it’s not even the Sacramento thing I’m just like it’s yeah no I and it’s tough it’s tough when you you do see that because you go okay someone in his camp or him they’re pushing out they don’t want Sacramento and um in one way or another it’s like

Okay well then bye like I don’t want someone that doesn’t want to be here I just I’m I’m over that because there’s actual good basketball going on here and there’s a good culture here for once where if this was four years ago five years ago even four or five years ago I

Would been desperate like nope you you try and trap anyone here you get them you put them here and you convince them you know do what you got to do but I don’t think the Kings need to be desperate at this trade deadline now there’s other people who I’m sure will

Hear me say that one line and be like are you serious Morgan they need to make some moves to be a better team I go down the list of the Western Conference and I’m just like I don’t see the Kings being at this point dues Western Conference contenders

And I just have so much faith in the Denver Nuggets in the Los Angeles Clippers and what they’ve been I know they just signed kawhai to a longer deal and sure Kawai has actually been playing basketball this season probably more so for that contract and then he’ll play 40

Games next season or something but where they had to they had to bring him back they had they have the new Arena coming it made yeah selling tickets and everything is meshing for them I I hear you on that but I think if you make the

Right move it could Elevate the Kings to another level and and the reality is if you make the right move and next year Keegan takes another step then we’re talking about you being in that and here’s the other thing if you make that move this season and it does

Elevate you then you are getting the experience of what it takes to make it to the second round of playoffs and we talked about how important even just making it into the playoffs uh that experience was for this team to grow off of and when I say grow off I’m talking

About like like team culture grow off of I know so many people are like the next step is second round of playoffs the next step is Western Conference contenders and I get we always want the next thing to be defined as something but sometimes you really have to like

Take a step back and go okay how is this still making this team better I mean go down the line of different organizations where teams kept getting knocked out kept getting knocked out but they kept keeping with continuity or like making those small tweaks or whatever they

Needed to do to get to that next level and they stayed patient with it my point is I just don’t want any freakout trades where you’re losing all your assets doing the wrong thing just because you wanted to make that push for the second round of playoffs like make it make it

Make it not out of fear there’s some names out there right like people are mentioning kma still you know there’s Jeremy Graham matis thel Caruso there’s other names that we’re not even talking about aren’t going to even move the needle that much and that’s maybe even

Where the Kings need to do not it has to be moving the needle more than kler Edward but no I know but kozma to me doesn’t like oh I think they get way better I think they get better they get better they get better it’s an upgrade

I’m not here going they get way better okay they get better you start talking about someone like LaVine and yes I know you’re on the deuce Mason roller coaster ride right now where I’m like yeah talk to me I’m talking you guys into LaVine then you guys are talking me into it and

Now where are we at I I love Malik Monk and if LaVine meant losing monk it’s like in free agency if he was just like you know what I want more of an opportunity like one I I’m not going to get paid as much in Sacramento compared

To other teams cuz they can only offer me 17.5 so I’m already taking a discount and like you guys got like a lot of guys now you got LaVine Fox sabonis Keegan like where do I fit into this I thought I was helping you guys win I can come

Off the bench and give you 20 points and close to 10 assists why can’t I be that guy

Deuce wonders if Zach LaVine would make sense for this Kings team and they talk about what type of moves should the Kings pursue before February’s trade deadline.
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  1. No. I just think he doesn't have the heart the Kings desperately need. He is an awful defender and we all know that this would be a huge problem added to a team that can't defend in the first place. Caruso is the player the Kings need, NOT LaVine. He does all the things the Kings need….the little things that really matter in a game.

  2. would rather try and nab caruso or derozan by jumping in on a three team trade. lakers are gonna move some people, and i think they go for lavine.

  3. I think that the move is at most average but if we think about monte McNair there is zero chance he makes this move. 1. Our defense is bad already and Levine doesn’t help it. 2. They are hoping that Keegan sort of turns into a Zach Levine type player. And 3 monte is not a risky type of GM. He will only make extremely smart moves and this one is too risky and could really not move the needle

  4. As a Bulls fan I speak for us all when I say we should blow it up and trade Caruso and LaVine to the kings for Huerter, Barnes and a second! 💪🏻

  5. There is a report out that said hb, huerter, davion, and picks were available for siakim who also said he wouldn't re-sign if the kings get him, so he's out. If the report is accurate, and I think most Kings fans would agree it sounds accurate, best we can do is wait for someone to get really desperate and call us. We. Have nothing. To offer. For trades. Sad.

  6. No Lavine, please. It feels like it would desperate move. To be honest we shouldn’t make any moves, because there’s nobody good that we can afford available. We need patience.

  7. Isn’t LaVine’s contract has 15% trade kicker? If so, that’s 46 mils instead of 40 mils. How many players Kings would need to include just to make salary work. Kings doesn’t have big expiring contacts to make LaVine deal worth while. It’s pretty much mute point to me.

  8. Honestly, Zach LaVine is the type of player this Kings team would want at the 2 spot. Very good shooter, can create his own shot off the dribble, he's a slasher/cutter, and he can finish at the rim. That contract though is just…..yuck.

  9. No!!!! Let me give you $49,000,000.00 reasons why not…. Payroll pergatory!!! We will be fu__ked in years to come.

  10. I think the LaVine trade could work for the Kings. And money wise they can make it work while Keegan is still on a rookie deal. Another benefit is LaVine has 2 less years on his contract compared to what Siakam would have if he signed an extension.

  11. Would Lavine be Malik insurance? Malik will be one of the top AND youngest guards in free agency with 6 teams that could use him having cap space to top the Kings offer. Malik has yet to receive a large 2nd contract. Kings media needs to discuss Monk being a greater flight risk than people realize. Also, I don't want the Kings to be like the Mavericks with Jalen Brunson and lose a player for nothing. As a small market team, the Kings cannot afford that.

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