@Memphis Grizzlies

Marcus Smart now out due to injury – should the Memphis Grizzlies tank the rest of the NBA season?

Marcus Smart now out due to injury – should the Memphis Grizzlies tank the rest of the NBA season?

The Memphis Grizzlies get more bad injury news Marcus Smart not just out six weeks Ria valuated in six weeks for his finger injury that occurred recently in that game against Dallas you know what that means it’s going to be longer than that to Michel Cole and I are going

To discuss what that means for the Grizzlies in the here and now we’re going to talk about whether or not it makes sense to tank the season now that another lead guard is out and we’ll preview the Clippers and nicks it’s a busy weekend for the Memphis Grizzlies

What remains of them we’ll talk about next here on locked on Grizzlies you are locked on Grizzlies your daily Memphis Grizzlies podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day how could I do our intro with without saying let’s lock in oh my gosh I dropped the ball on you ready you’re not ready to lock in I guess I wasn’t I’m just so distraught with Marcus Smart being out for this uh prolonged period of time it’s disrupted my flow it’s

Thrown off my groove so to speak uh disappointing maybe we can title this episode how Joe got his groove back we’ll talk about that uh throughout this installment this Friday edition of locked on Grizzlies I’m joined by my co-host Michael Cole the Commercial Appeal there in memph Tennessee Memphis

Grizli beat writer for that publication thank you for joining us whether it’s on YouTube wherever you get your podcast hopefully you’re in every day or coming and checking out the show every time it drops maybe this is your first time with us here on lockon Grizzlies maybe you’re

Somewhere in between whatever the case might be we are glad that you’re joining us to close out the week here on the locked on podcast Network your each and every day and in this particular case that team of course is the Memphis Grizzlies this episode of Locked on

Grizzlies is brought to you by Jace medical Empower yourself when you purchase a Jace case providing you with a personal supply of five antibiotics that treat 50 plus infections get yours today at JM and use the code locked on to get $20 off your order that’s J to Michael Cole I mentioned it earlier in the show Marcus Smart another bit of bad news for the Memphis Grizzlies John Morant just had his surgery best of wishes to John Morant and his recovery at least the surgery is done and now the guy that was his

Replacement in quotes uh uh Marcus Smart who we no is not truly a point guard he’s more of a combo guard sort of situation uh but he does play the point he is also out now so if you’re doing the math at home Derrick Rose who should

Be back in theory somewhat soon sooner than smart and Morant um Derrick Rose Marcus Smart johnar all on the bench I guess Ban’s gonna play point guard yeah guessing that Desmond Bane’s gonna play point guard but before we get into what that actually will look like on the

Court demichel do you have any update on what this injury is uh you know again I alluded to it a little bit earlier the Grizzlies said that it’s a six weeks and then reevaluates so don’t expect to see Marcus smt back at that six week Mark no

Don’t don’t uh it’s that’s pretty much the language and it’s it’s very clearcut uh how that has been laid out uh I think you mentioned Mark I mean not Marcus smart John Mor at the top of the episode as well right wanted to touch on that there he did have surgery yesterday and

Everything was successful the Grizzlies came out and made an announcement on that too and they did not uh in their release on margus SM I mean on johnar there was no timeline put in in terms of his injury again but we saw you know I talked to a doctor who’s very familiar

With these injuries before he said six months so I think John Morant from this point forward you could give it at roughly a six month time frame and he should be cleared to do all basketball activities now moving on to Marcus Smart it’s going to be less than six months

You know that’s the good news right but uh yeah to get back to your your language thing just talking to Taylor Jenkins yesterday after practice and whatnot and the feeling that you get with this thing uh this injury this this I mean did you see the words that I

Don’t know how to pronounce any of those words lots of very difficult words I’m not paid enough to try to figure out how to pronounce those words it’s it’s basic you know his right hand it’s on his right hand it’s ring ring finger and he ruptured some stuff in there and six

Weeks pretty much is how long he’s supposed to be in the splint from what I’ve been told so we’re we’re not talking about in six weeks he’s going to be uh back as you said he’s gonna be reevaluated because that’s when the splint will be taken off of his hand and

At that point he’ll be able to dribble and he’ll be able to shoot and he’ll be able to uh as Taylor Jenkins like to say uh go through you know all the vitamins and start to ramp up and things like that so uh roughly I think it’s going to

Be a little bit longer you know than that maybe not too much longer if you if you kind of line up where six weeks is right now it gets you to that late February stretch which is right around Allstar break so uh I think early March

Would be an ideal timeline to say hey when when is Markus smart gonna be back you should probably aim for around early March which is basically uh if the season continues you know at this face it’s probably going to be the last you know meaningful month of the season for

The Grizzlies so uh this is a this is a rough one for sure uh but yes Marcus Mark six weeks and danong we’ll talk about later on in the show this idea of tanking right because it’s very easy and very fun don’t get me wrong I do it on social media all the

Time posting you know gifs of like driving a tank and going W let’s tank and all those sorts of things that’s enjoyable uh we’ll talk about whether or not that makes sense for these Grizzlies here in a little bit um I’m curious though in the here and now right because

The Grizzlies have a back and back back toback to play a rare home weekend back toback I know the Grizzlies uh ticket sales folks love that the chance to have a back toback on a weekend there in Memphis hopefully some good crowds for the Grizzlies um I’m curious how you see

Them trying to fill the void right we talked a little bit yesterday about the idea of a Kennedy Chandler or some other sort of guard on a two-way deal maybe it doesn’t have to be a two-way deal because the Griz have applied for a hardship waiver they’re probably going

To get a hardship waiver and because of that they’ll be able to just sign somebody outright that’ll give them a chance to kind of fill the void at point guarden that way potentially if they see fit but in the short term how in the world do they try to address this is it

Desmond Bane do you let zire Williams and Luke Canard and even John conar we’ve seen him play the points a little bit or point forward kind of situation do you try to do it by committee I mean you kind of have to do by committee but

How how would coach Cole I know you like to look at it through the lens of Coach Jenkins however you want to interpret it uh what would you do again in the next two games because whoever they bring in isn’t gon to be able to help them

Against the Clippers and the Knicks how would you address it over this weekend coming up for memb well Jacob Gillard is gonna have to get some minutes it doesn’t have to forget about Jacob Gillard yeah doesn’t have to be super heavy minutes and whatnot but you you

Have to factor him into the equation and in some way shape or form uh he’s played against would you start Jacob Gillard oh no no I’m going I’m going with the same small ball starting lineup uh I think you start Desmond Bane Luke Canard Vince Williams and then you

Go jiren Jackson Jr and Xavier Tillman that’s your starting five uh that lineup gives you four outstanding Defenders yeah and and three if you don’t want to include dismond bang but you get four in my in my opinion four outstanding Defenders at very least above average Defenders Bane is very easily above

Average exactly yeah he’s good he he’s been better this year and then you get Luke Canard as well who uh as I like to say he’s a tryhard he’s not a guy who you you put on the defensive end you don’t have to worry about Luke Canard

Just putting his arm out and letting the guy go right past him he’s gonna try you know he has his physical limit limitations and whatnot but he’s going to put in the effort that’s the main thing you can ask for effort you you need effort so uh that’s the lineup I go

With I think it’s a decent lineup you know um given the circumstances and whatnot but I’m going to circle back to to what you you you weren’t trying to get out of me uh C because you you you touched on it but that’s a real big

Point that you just touched on the fact that Marcus Mark it’s out longer than two weeks that now gives the grizzly Stephen Adams Brandon Clark uh John Morant and Marcus mark four players who are out longer than two weeks which goes back to what we saw in December remember

When the G signed Shaq Harrison remember when they signed jayen no the 10day contracts because they were able to apply and they were granted from the NBA hardship waivers at the end of the day the NBA has to accept this hardship waiver and and grant grant it to them if

That happens the Grizzlies will be able to sign someone to a 10day and and not only just sign a player they’ll be able to probably keep that player for a couple 10 days after that given the fact that uh Brandon Clark may be the closest player in that group to return it

Possibly Marcus Smart but there’s ways a way you know for the Grizz because since three of them are pretty much you know I mean really all four are are ways away from playing so uh that is a big piece and we talked about the players that are

Out there you uh you can go out there get you some point guard help you can go out there potentially get you a big now uh in free agency you have more realistic like realistically helpful options out there I think that’s a big deal but in the next couple couple games

Get back to your point Desmond bang pretty much is going to be your deao point guard I think going into our Monday episode of the show obviously we’ll be talking about Martin Martin Luther King Jr game my personal favorite game of the year every year and we’ll

Talk about that I’m sure um maybe our Monday show we can do some research over the weekend and see if we can Target some hardship waiver type guys because today’s show for those of you that are every day or is we were supposed to be talking about trades and then Marcus

Smart decided you know to disrupt and throw that plan out the window but I guess in a roundabout way our next topic can lead us into that discussion uh should the Grizzlies tank at this point you just mentioned those four guys that are out that’s almost a hundred million

In salary cap space that is on the injured reserve list long term should the Grizzlies tank does it make sense for them to tank we’re going to talk about that next here on locked on Grizzlies but first this episode of Locked on Grizzlies is brought to you by

Jace Medical I know we’re supposed to use this show and Sports in general as some sort of escape from the crazy realities of life but we have to take a minute here and prepare for those realities according to the FDA pharmacies are running out of antibiotics like amoxicillin it’s the

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Locked on to get $20 off of your order when we come back here on lock on Grizzlies we’re talking tanking should the Grizzlies do it should they not stick with us welcome back to lockon Grizzlies I am Joe mullenax one of your hosts for this episode of the show

Joined by my wonderful co-host to Michael Cole of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee it’s our episode Eve of the Martin Luther King Jr Day game one of my personal favorites every year but we have a couple of basketball games to play before that and

The Grizzlies just got the news as we’ve talked about throughout this episode to Michael that Marcus smartt is out for Beyond six weeks he’s getting re-evaluated at the six week Mark so as I mentioned before the break John Morant Marcus Smart Brandon Clark Stephen Adams all out for prolonged periods of time

That’s roughly aund million give or take a few million what a few million between friends right um give or take a few million on the bench four key contributors four guys that if you added you know like when Luke Canard was out injured earlier in the year that’s a starting five right

Probably for a playoff team the Grizzlies tanking has been mentioned on social media and elsewhere and again as I said earlier in the show it’s fun to pretend right it’s fun to send out the gifs and and act like they’re going to do this but I don’t

Know where you stand on this to Michel I’m very anti- tanking and maybe it’s not for the reason that people would think it’s not because I believe in the value of competition don’t get me wrong if jiren Jackson Jr were to wake up tomorrow or wake up today excuse me and

And tomorrow right back to back to a double double or excuse me a backto back at home tomorrow today whatever and go oh my knees kind of sore he’s out for a week like that’s how I would treat this moving forward uh you don’t want your

Stars to get injured you don’t want them to aggravate anything you keep playing if they’re healthy but you’re extra cautious I don’t think they can tank at this point because even with all their injuries they’re still too good like I don’t know if you’ve looked at the

Bottom of the standings of the of the NBA at this point but the San Antonio Spurs are atrocious the Detroit Pistons atrocious the Washington Wizards atrocious Charlotte horns also super bad the Grizzlies are four games away from all of those teams so that puts them

Outside of the top four if you want to argue they could be worse than Portland maybe I don’t necessar see it but the the Grizzlies have are pretty solidly in the six spot right now in that Lottery space the Toronto Raptors we assume are going to keep getting better the Golden

State Warriors are going to keep getting better Steph Curry is calling for trades and trying to shake up that roster uh aside from the Utah Jazz maybe if they trade everybody away and doing a tank job the Grizzlies probably aren’t going to be anything worse than seventh or

Eighth in the lottery at this this point in reality so they’re not going to have to tank all they have to do is play the best they can if a good trade option comes along you listen of course but they don’t have to be concerned with

That because it’s kind of going to take care of itself they’re already too good to catch up in air quotes with the teams that are worse than them so you might as well just play out the Slate because the teams that are going to be in front of

You are almost certainly going to keep gaining ground on you regardless of what you do yeah you got to laay out perfectly for me and I’ll take the big picture look on this and say that I I I am I am pretty much firmly against the whole even idea of tanking in general

Just because uh especially for a team like the Grizzles for one this the rest of this season the way that I’m viewing this season this is a evaluation period here everyone on this roster needs to be evaluated around your core guys that means around Desmond Bane J J Jackson Jr

And John Mor everyone everyone’s fit going forward matters because if they don’t fit into the timeline that you’re about to go into starting in a 2024 2025 season you need to figure out a way for them to get up out of here because now is the opportunity for the Grizzlies to

Clean up on pass mistakes you drafted the wrong guy a couple years ago okay well here’s the chance to kind of you know redeem yourself uh in that way now with that being said uh the whole thing with tanking doesn’t work for this team because you need these guys to go out

And play you need to see look okay we’ve seen Z Williams have highs we’ve seen him have lows guess what throw him out there for the next 30 40 50 games and you’ll know by the by the second week of April you’ll have a very clear idea of

What he can be you know same thing with Jac laia or if you know sure someone’s probably going to be going by the trade deadline but the guys who make it past the trade deadline uh this is going to be a huge evaluation period for them you

Don’t want to go into this oh no Jake levia our Precious first round pick uh hurt his toe in practice today let’s sit him down for four games absolutely not and here’s another big part of that for me you mentioned jiren Jackson Jr Desmond bank I completely understand

Your thinking there in terms of you want to be extra cautious with those guys I do think you need a little bit more caution but at the same time those two guys playing is just as important to me because if they’re not on the floor

You’re going to see a lot of guys like Z Williams get up shots that they won’t get next season so you won’t get a clear evaluation you need to see those guys playing alongside of Desmond bang you need to see those guys playing alongside of jiren Jackson Jr because they’re

Already not getting a lot of minutes with John Morant uh this is gonna be a crucial evaluation time that’s the lens that I’m viewing it from I think the idea of tanking you know you see I’ve seen people you know comment on the Grizzlies I think they’re just reacting

Out of emotion because right now at the end of the day the team is won three games in a row like right when they start to struggle I me I mean we think it’s G to come but when they start to struggle then we can okay have certain

Conversations but right now I think you know uh people have to just let this thing play out and let it kind of take care of itself so my idea is let them play you know that’s how we found out with what Vince Williams is kind of brought to the table right watching him

Play alongside of jiren Jackson Jr and Desmond B because that’s where his value lies if those guys aren’t playing and Vince Williams is playing the same exact role I don’t think we react the same way because it looks different it looks like winning it looks like a winning formula

When you’re playing beside winning players I think for me demichel and I’ll articulate it better here I what I was saying was more so along the lines of if they have an injury that if they were still pushing for the play in okay right they could play they could play through

It and we have to make up games like Dez with his toe last year like he wasn’t a lot of that season but he still played because they were pushing proceeding and the playoffs and all those sorts of things uh and obviously with the John Moran stuff they needed him later in the

Season now if that happens he doesn’t play that’s what I’m referencing okay if they’re healthy I’m not saying shut him down like the Thunder did with sgaa a couple of years ago yeah that’s not I’m not talking because that’s tanking that is tank you’re like making up an

Injury or you’re oh we’re managing something that happened 18 months ago whatever the case might be that’s not what I’m saying I I agree with you that this is an important evaluation period yeah and I think that it’s also important to understand that this team has won their last two games without

Johnar right so the starting five that you said earlier of Bane and Canard and Williams and jiren and X extremely solid defensively and what have we talked about numerous times on this show to Michael defense keeps you in games yam it’s unlikely that they’re going to

Get blown out as long as they can consistently play defense and then you go into a fourth quarter down three four five points you see where it gets you and you see where you go I do believe that it’s going to allow for the Grizzlies to accumulate data uh there’s

That phrase again on a lot of important pieces and it’ll allow for them to have a road map to exactly what you said yeah next season they have to push to contend who’s going to be a part of that who’s not we’re gonna have a better idea of

That this time three months from now and that is a silver lining in this Dark Cloud for sure when we come back here on lockon Grizzlies we’re going to preview a busy weekend for Memphis the Grizzlies have the Clippers at home tonight and then Saturday night against the New York

Knicks two high-profile opponents in FedEx forum going to be an exciting time to watch Grizzlies basketball even with all the injuries two of the NBA’s best coming to Memphis but first this episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by prize picks to Michael I know you’re

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Stick with us here on lockon Grizzlies welcome back to lockon Grizzlies I am Joe Mullen X joined by my co-host to Michael Cole he of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee Memphis Grizzlies beat Rider very excited to be talking Grizzlies back basketball with him and with you on this Friday edition

Of the podcast we’ve talked about Marcus Smart being out to Michael we’ talked about the idea of tanking why it doesn’t make a ton of sense you go out there you compete do the best you can let the chips fall where they may they are three and0 they’re on a three- game winning

Street going into tonight’s contest with the Clippers Saturday night’s game with the Knicks let’s lump them both together here partner what are you looking for because again both of these teams provide different types of positive winning energy right now right like it’s not not hyperbole at this moment in time

To say this could theoretically be an NBA Finals preview right now the Knicks are probably a little bit further away from that than the clippers but the Clippers to me are very much the threat to the nuggets in the Western Conference and since OG anobi has arrived in New

York it’s like theck have leveled up so two very good opponents coming into the Grizzlies home court of FedEx forum we’ve talked at length about how the Grizzlies have struggled at home this season how do you see this weekend playing out what are some keys for you

Uh going into both of these contests well if you remember last week we were talking about jiren Jackson Jr I said it’s a couple teams I want to see him play against uh in in the upcoming future sometimes so and and the Lakers was one of them and then I said the

Other one was the clippers because of the the toughness that those two teams play with and just the matchup difficulty historically that they’ve kind of given I think this Clippers game and then to compound that with a team that plays arguably as tough as anyone in NBA uh a

Tom timido a coach New York mix team with hartstein and Julius Randall you know in the in the front and Isaiah hardenstein has been I think you were on you were on him at one point he has been really good defensive minded Center for them pretty it’s pretty wild that Mitchell Robinson will

Be back eventually and he hardin’s going to be their backup center they’re pretty loaded at that spot they got two starters in in that way I tell you what he he looks really good but both of those will be uh really big test for jar

Jackson Jr but here’s what I want to see uh just you you know I’m about the game within the game and the game within the game for these next two games causes for what in the world is the center position gonna look like Xavier tman is your one

Primary Center left on the roster Santi Alama is out tomorrow and he’s I don’t want to say speak too soon but I I think it there’s a decent chance he’s probably out over the weekend probably with that being said you got Jaren Jackson Jr and you got Xavier to they’re starting and

They’re gonna have to play pretty much all of your minutes at Center because bis’s gone right bism bio is no longer those are the two guys who are gonna have to play your minutes at Center because Santi Alama is out right now what if Xavier tman gets in foul

Trouble what if J gets in any foul trouble what if that was the focus of the Clippers and the Knicks which obviously is going to be it would be very easy so the point is I just want to see how Taylor Jenkins is going to incorporate mix and match these lineups

Clearly the Grizzlies are going to play more small ball in terms of you’re gonna see some David Rody at the four you’re probably gonna see some John conart minutes at the four of Vince Williams who’s been very good as a rebounder you’re going to see him probably mix it

Up a little bit at the four as well against the the Clippers you can get away with a little bit more because their fours are basically threes so that’ll be okay when you play the Knicks though they put Julius Randall uh at the four for 30 plus minutes uh you’re gonna

Have to bang and that’s gonna be a curious matchup and that’s kind of one of those things I want to see how it’s going to play out soon because there is some urgency you know from me and that the center position needs to be addressed because right now you know

Foul a little foul trouble here a little uh stepped on something there and you’re really in a tough spot at the center position and remember this is a evaluation period if you got guys playing out of position then that defeats the whole purpose of my plan for

The rest of the season Joe I mean if you got you know David Rony having to play some small ball five minutes for example that does nothing for the 2024 2025 G’s yeah I agree with you on that I I personally love the idea of David Rody

At the five because I’m big on Swit defensively imagine if you had Rody at the five Vince Williams at the four Kar at the three you know you could do all sorts of fun give up paint points that’s what yeah probably so especially against the Knicks and I agree with you on the

Julius Randall matchup I think Rody might be able to defend Randall a little bit because of that physicality but Rand was obviously a better player so that might cancel out and then some I I’m I’m with you on the the two main positions where the Grizzlies are weak right now

Right they don’t have a point guard except for Jacob Gillard a true point guard uh at the moment and then they don’t have a true Center I guess you can call Xavier Tillman a true Center but he’s undersized in that spot so they’re really in a position where they’re going

To have to be experimental at times but I’m with you in terms of the evaluation piece that is what this should be about moving forward and they have to do their best to make it so that they can evaluate these guys David Rody has to

Play the four to me on a good Grizzlies team next year if David Rody’s still a fringe rotation player he has to be able to play the four otherwise what’s the point of David Rody I I think that you have to maximize the opportunities for

These guys to be in the roles that you envision them being when the team is healthy and when the team is a championship Contender the the wins and losses I legitimately don’t care about those anymore people in the comments are going to crush me on that we just won

Three games in a row why are you giving up on the season because I have common sense if I’m being honest you you are you have to have the notes app they say Common Sense isn’t common you have to have the notes app or the notes section

On your iPhone to do their injury report right now you mentioned Santi Alama in passing like he’s an important rotation player so they’re down Brandon Clark Santi Alama Stephen Adams Marcus Smart John Moran what are we talking about like they’re if they won one of these games against these two legitimate

Contending teams in their respective conferences it would be a minor miracle in my opinion if they win both of them I’m gonna be flabbergasted when we’re on these uh these podcast waves again come Monday I just am interested in them prioritizing exactly like you said Team going to look like making it

Fit in that system go ahead my my question for you because we’re talking about two positions here the point guard position clearly it needs that the center position U with that part ship way respond maybe this is something we dive a little bit deeper into next week

Because but I feel like they may may address it by then but um are which which position do you prefer getting that help for are you going out to get a center or are you addressing a point guard like which which position needs help more diely right now for me

Personally I would address this is kind of a copout whoever they want to develop you signed it a two-way because like a Kai Jones we talked about Kai Jones on yesterday’s show I would sign him to the two-way for development purposes and then you know Jaylen noell I’m not as in

Deep on the CBA I don’t know if they can even resign him to another two 10day contract because they’ve done the two already they can okay well then maybe you bring him back we know he can handle the basketball at least uh maybe it’s Jaylen noell on another 10day and it’s

Kai Jones on the the two-way deal right yeah that’s how I would do it and again it could be vice versa not necessarily with Noel but if they find a guard that they want to invest in and then it’s a big you know I’ll say Boogie cousins

Just because I think it would be hilarious uh not because I think it should happen but maybe he’s the guy that you fly halfway around the world for a 10 day or two you know it’s one of those things where it all comes down to whoever they want to develop you use the

Two-way for a guy that you could say goodbye to in six weeks or eight weeks yeah that’s the person that you would use the hardship wa that would be my response yeah makes sense makes makes complete sense to me uh making sense yeah you packaged them together so I

Like that there you go all right well I am interested because I agree with you I think they’re gonna move pretty quick on this I would be surprised if by the next time we have an episode there isn’t some sort of reporting at the very least

About what Memphis is going to do and we’ll talk about that on our next show plus like I said Martin Luther King Jr day coming up my personal favorite regular season game of the year we’ll talk about the significance of that all the amazing things that the Grizzlies organization does around Martin Luther

King Jr day we’ll talk about basketball don’t get me wrong but if you’ve been to Memphis obviously demichel from Memphis living there now I live there for a few years still stay close to Memphis through all the work I do covering the Grizzlies it means more than basketball

In Memphis so we will talk about that a little bit on Monday we’ll preview the Martin Luther King Day game we’ll look back on the weekend that was and hopefully have an update on some of that hardship waiver two-way contract movement I think de Michel’s on with

Something I think we’ll have some more Direction the next time that you see us a friendly reminder that lockon has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube lockon sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day but the local experts have locked on

Plus our national shows covering every league go to lockdown sports today on YouTube and subscribe to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel remember that we are free and available wherever you get your podcast check us out on YouTube Apple Spotify literally anywhere you get a podcast you can find

Locked on Grizzlies as proud members of the locked on podcast Network your team each and every day big things are coming in 2024 to the locked on podcast Network some big things coming to locked on Grizzlies that we can’t quite talk about yet but we’re very excited about what’s

Coming down the pike over the next few months it’d be nice if like a point guard came along with it but I don’t think that’s part of what David lock and uh and Nick have in in store for us but it’s going to be a great 2024 here on

Lock Don Grizzlies we’re excited to roll out all these things and continue to talk to you about these Memphis Grizzlies hopefully you’ll be back with us on Monday for a special Martin Luther King Day edition of The Show for D Michel Cole I’m Joe mullenax stay locked

In over the weekend enjoy the Grizzlies basketball as best you can and enjoy the weather hopefully wherever you are we’ll catch you on Monday’s show have a good

The injury hits keep on coming for the Memphis Grizzlies. Now you can add Marcus Smart and his seriously injured finger to the likes of Ja Morant, Steven Adams, and Brandon Clarke. What now for the Memphis Grizzlies ahead of a busy weekend at home against the Los Angeles Clippers and New York Knicks? Should tanking the rest of the season be on the table? Hosts Damichael Cole and Joe Mullinax discuss that and more on this episode of Locked on Grizzlies!

Today’s episode is brought to you by Jase Medical. Empower yourself when you purchase a Jase Case, providing you with a personal supply of 5 antibiotics that treat 50+ infections. Get yours today at and use code LOCKEDON to get $20 off your order. , that’s J-A-S-E

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  1. Marcus Smart never wanted to be here anyway, so he not trying to speed up his rehab, he is gone by the summer, just watch.

  2. Not just a tank – I think the team should rebuild. Ja Morant can’t stay on the court unless it’s front of a judge, JJJ and Desmond Bane are good but not great, the coach is garbage, and the whole team is constantly injured. They already hit their ceiling when they won the series against the Timberwolves a few years ago. Since then, they have shown no improvement as a team overall. Hit the rebuild button and hoard draft picks like the Thunder. Don’t drag out the mediocrity just to hope your players stop getting injured all the time.

  3. Good point Joe, they dont have to tank, just send out their regular guys and we will be bad

  4. Tank the season? Heck to the NO! Do we not have enough on the roster to compete? I know Bismarck Byombo is gone, I think we have enough young bodies to compete….yes, its going to be an interesting rest of the season though.

  5. Honestly being straight up they jus punishing us for ja old behavior they don’t wanna see ja doing good or the team it’s just crazy how smart injured now that he was doing good I feel like anybody who help us enough to win they gonna be injured like how was Jaren out for the Dallas game the injuries is not making sense such as adams I honestly don’t think ja Injured at all how u dunk or a 7”6 player but next game injured not making any sense

  6. I watch y’all show daily but y’all gotta believe in the team we don’t need another guard we need a BIG and a BIG ONLY that’s where we lack gettin killed on the glass

  7. The Good News: The pressure is off this year. Let the boys go hoop. Let the rookies prove themselves (and hopefully they will be more valuable by the end of the year) Keep the trade line open but don't do anything unless its for the benefit of the future rather than the now. I am excited to see some of our rotation players get consistent/more minutes.

  8. Joe always wants us to lose and don’t believe in our team didn’t believe we can go on the road these last couple of games and win but we did now he wants us to tank win a couple of teams ahead of us are playing way worse we still have a chance get this guy out of here

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