@Washington Wizards

I feel bad for Jordan Poole

I feel bad for Jordan Poole

I’m about to say something I never thought I would say if you asked me this two or three years ago I feel bad for Jordan pool and now the reason why I’m saying that is because one thing about me is I do not like the Warriors Dynasty at all

And it has nothing to do with the players I don’t really like like I don’t like rooting I’m not going to root for Draymond Green I I have another NBA team and the way that Draymond Green has acted over the last eight seasons and injuring other players and all of that I

Can go on that tangent forever I like Steph he’s fine um but the reason why I don’t like like the Warriors Dynasty is because of how Warriors fans acted on Twitter it got like so annoying because it felt when they went for 73 wins whenever you tweeted uh attention about

Like some other player you’d be like you get like step better in the replies and I’m like dude I’m Reminiscing on like Tyreek Evans or something along those lines but yeah I just find Warriors fans uh they got a little bit too obnoxious and then they signed Kevin Durant and

You basically had to skip two or three seasons of NBA basketball knowing that your team wasn’t going to be competitive enough to even get anywhere close to competing but that’s not the point that’s not why I’m here that’s not what the point of this video I feel really

Bad for Jordan pool because it feels like a lot of his current NBA situation if you’re new here welcome in and if you’re not welcome back always feel free to subscribe feel free to like feel free to comment it helps take my videos a long way now let’s get back to

Talking about Jordan pool could have been prevented in so many different aspects but before I talk about that let’s talk about like Jordan pool before the the incidents and before the trade Jordan P got drafted I think 28th to a Warriors team that would then go on to

Win 15 games next season because I think Steph and Clay got injured and you know when Steph and Klay get injured on the Warriors then then they’re just a collection of basketball players that’s you can’t really replace those two right so Jordan pul has like a pedestrian

Rookie season like he’s not like one of the R iie radar honestly and Jordan PA actually goes to the G league for like 11 games in the second year but he came out of that all the better and really showed as one of the rookie like not one

Of the rookies but one of the Warriors young guys who could actually like thrive in terms of the fact that the Warriors for such a long time had been focused on so have been so focused on Steph Draymond clay um you know that the Warriors young

People that they were like picking up if even like a fraction of them would have been like successful it still helps them in the long run but those that’s your core and anything any production you get out of like your late first round draft picks

Or whatever um is a bonus I in my opinion in years three Jordan pool goes on to average 18 and a half points and lead the league in free throw percentage and I know it’s only 3.5 free throws attempted per game but that’s still impressive especially leading lead the

League in free throw percentage when Steph Curry is on your team but I think more importantly Jordan pool kind of like solidified this is I think this is the championship year anyway Jordan pool like solidified the fact that even though it was Steph Curry like it was Steph Curry clay Draymond whatever

Jordan P was so instrumental to that NBA championship you can’t say you he got them out of so many like tough spots and whenever someone else needed a bucket like whether it’s bench production or whatnot Jordan pool did step up and on top of that Jordan pool was

Like exciting not he wasn’t Camp Miss TV he was he was a walking highlight reel on the Warriors and but the thing that stood out about p is that he played a lot differently than a lot of those Warriors teams in the past where the Warriors you know Steph does dazzle and

All that but for the most part the Warriors is like a really high motion offense like it’s a o well oiled machine and only isolate when necessary whereas Jordan P like he want wants that isolation he wants to like dance and just be so Shifty and all of

That and I think that Steph does that like at a necessity a lot more than what he wants because honestly if I was T basketball coach I’d be like yo I wouldn’t be smart oh I don’t think I’d be smart enough to be like let’s do a

Whole motion offense I’d be like you’re the best shooter of all time shoot it whenever you want to Buddy and that’s why I’m sitting here and not on the sidelines but I digress but Jordan pool was like high flash but still had that um that substance to it

And even though he was turnover prone at times even though he would make some of the most mind-boggling decisions the Warriors have always been that kind of team like the Warriors sometimes their biggest weakness is sometimes they’ll just be a little bit too careless with the ball like you see you’ve seen the

Highlight of of Steph Curry with the behind the back to Klay Thompson with like the finals on the line or some something like that I I’m trying to remember like off the top but like the Warriors have always had that issue that weakness weakness like they overcame

That obviously but it really showed that like even though the Warriors core was still there and aging and whatnot the young guys were still able younger people on the team were still able to produce and be indispens ible like Kevon Looney uh Andrew Wiggins Jordan P like

All of those players everyone was like yeah without them and their production they wouldn’t be here at all like but anyway but everything all changes when Jordan pool gets hit by Draymond Green in practice and somebody leaks it on TMZ and the thing is is that when we all

First heard about this we were like what no way how could this happen the the season after a championship and I think this really brought to attention what we now know is there’s like an age divide in the Warriors like Jonathan kaminga is upset with his playing time Moses Moody’s upset with a

Lot of people are upset with Moses Moody’s uh playing time like when Moses money got into a game they had like a standing ovation after like War got out that he’s not happy with his role and I didn’t know how many warriors fans were upset with Steve cerr I always knew that

Steve Kerr got criticism for certain things and I always like Shrugged it off a little bit being like come on guys you guys are being so picky like would you rather have Mark Jackson back I didn’t think so that’s not the we can go down why whenever someone’s like bring back

Mar Jackson I’m like no you don’t you haven’t read everything yet go do your go read some articles on how Mark Jackson was running that team um but now this year of all the years I I start to see him like oh yeah people hate Steve

Cerr like people not now I can see why people are like oh yeah people are upset with Steve Kerr and I can see like from what he’s been doing I can understand why the punch heard around the NBA was a really interesting like peeling back of the curtain for

Like not budding of heads but just like Old Guard versus the new guard right like old gods vers new like it’s Game of Thrones so what stood out to me in all of that is that Draymond Green at that point didn’t get like really reprimanded

Got like a slap on the wrist right I don’t remember him getting suspended for that because that is the but that is the literal definition of conduct detrimental to the team and they had a like a whole rest of the season to play which made it very weird because Jordan P gets this

Extension I think he signed the extension of eventally but you know you knew that this season wasn’t the same right this season was not going to be the same and you could just tell in like the body language and like the chemistry issues and there’s something there’s been something

About the Warriors where like the energy has just fell off ever since that Championship even leading up to that Championship where like even after that Championship clay was just like even if the Warriors would lose a game clay would be like I got four rings and everyone’s L like it’s we’re we’re tired

Of this right even clay talked on a podcast he’s like I’m not proud of that and while he has every right to do that we just are like okay dude fine I think the bigger thing about all of this is that while Jordan P’s minut stay the

Same going from championship year to the next year his turnovers went up his assists went down and his efficiency cratered not cratered like not it it went down but there were a lot of just like plays throughout the season that you could see Jordan pool and and you

Just be like man I don’t I don’t think Jordan P it didn’t people were like I don’t think Jordan wants to be here and I know it’s all speculation but people were compiling just a lot of just like sideline stuff and whatnot and I don’t

Blame Jordan Paul D if I got punched in the place by a teammate and someone was like yeah you got to play a whole season with them oh also by the way we’re not suspending this other teammate because he’s helped us win so many championships and he’s been here

Long it felt like it would sound to me like oh he’s just been here longer and I’ve talked about at length why how Draymond Green had like the biggest leash in the NBA in terms of just like doing all these things against like other players and like getting what I

Think are a lot of lenient suspensions or fines or whatnot there’s also one Tech Draymond Green where if Draymond gets a technical all it often felt like the referee would be like oh he’s too Val able to kick out of this situation even though Draymond Green would like do the

Exact same thing like he wouldn’t get the technical and like back down he would actually like get even more like aggressive and be like oh hey I’m doing like and everyone’s like dude I feel like every other player if they kept on going like this would get ejected from

The game but seeing Draymond Green not get like really a repand I feel like if I had to guess I feel like that showed not only Jordan pool but the Warriors like young guys that like they weren’t a priority and I feel like Warriors fans have been like let’s develop the young

Guys for a lot and it feels like Steve cerr is just like stuck in his we got to play these we got to got a last D the thing is the Warriors keep people keep saying the Warriors are doing their like last dance thing but I don’t remember the last dance in that

Documentary I don’t remember the Bulls also having like some promising young Talent on the team that you Bes besides like Tony kach let me look this up real quick yeah the 98 Bulls win 13 games the season after so yeah I this team looks completely different but like the Warriors know

That they have kaminga they have moody they have Jordan pool and this is I’m not even talking about how they smoked the James wisman pick like that man’s not even an NBA player in my I’m a Pistons fan I can say that but I think the Warriors have just shown track

Record wise that they’re going to side with the seniority rather than the the younger guys but I feel like you can do both you can side with each it it doesn’t feel like you have to pick a side here Steve Curr especially when Jonathan Kingo is like oh I I want

More playing time and Stephen and Steve CER was like I used to fight for playing time back in the like I used to not get playing time back in the day or whatever he said that like didn’t help the situation it seems like um anyway but after the season I feel like the

Warriors sent a bigger message of fact that like hey this this here is all about just Steph Curry Klay Thompson and Draymond Green no matter how much Steph and Clay are declining by the way um that’s another thing about this is that only Steph is the one that’s like not

Really declining clay and Draymond are declining like normal NBA players but Steph Curry like LeBron and Kevin Durant are like really still playing at an elite level right so they trade Jordan pool promising young player who fit well in his role at Golden State and we’ll

Get to that later they trade Jordan po to the Washington Wizards for Chris Paul who is like 39 38 years old further I think cementing the fact that the Warriors are just like hey we want to win now we want to get the most out of Steph Curry which is which

Is fair but I also think you could get the most out of Steph Curry while also developing the young guys to help Steph Curry it it does make me it I know that people were like yes pick Draymond and I would sadly pick Draymond too but I’d also suspend him um

If you had to pick one I guess i’ pick Draymond because he’s indispensable defensively at the time but the way that he’s been playing this year I don’t I feel like I would look at it again honestly but now the thing is is that Jordan p is getting clowned

Because he’s on the Washington Wizards he has an awful plus minus and whatnot but I want to talk about something that I like to call a championship roll ceiling so a champion ship rooll ceiling is what I like to call if a player is on if a player would be on a Championship

Uh Team what would their ceiling be on that team so for let’s say kavus call well Pope on a championship team the Denver Nuggets he is like the uh like the fourth or fifth option at best on a championship team right where like Jeremy Grant on the Detroit

Pistons he’s the number one option for the Detroit Pistons but if he was on a championship team he would be the third or fourth scorer and that’s where I want to get to Jordan pool because I think that we didn’t understand truly what type of player that he

Was as a championship role ceiling because when Jordan pool got sent to the Wizards everyone was like oh the Wizards he’s going to be the tank commander he’s going to score 30 points per game on like 25 shots you going to take all the shots and I know that we said this we

Exaggerated or whatnot and Jordan pull on a championship team as your second to third scorer is fine there’s nothing wrong with that but now you’re going from a really good fit for you basketball Wise from the from the from the Golden State Warriors a really good fit for you being

Able to score next to Steph Curry next to Klay Thompson and be able to have all that space be able to not really be the focus while also like kind of being the focus sometimes to now you’re get you’re sent to NBA Siberia man the Washington

Wizards who are like they just and the Washington Wizard have been a mess for like a de the Washington Wizards have been a mess ever since John Wall left right and they were in a position where they weren’t really tanking they overpaid for Bradley Beal Bradley Beal wouldn’t go and that would like

Kind of get in the way and then they add Russell Westbrook as like a off a bad contract Russell Westbrook they take on his contract and then they somehow make the playoffs that Russell Westbrook year which like kind of uh long-term like set back the what they needed to be doing a

Little bit and now Jordan pool is being sent to a team that just got off winning a championship and being good to a team where no matter how good you are at this stage in your career you’re not going to get that team to wins like this team

Just isn’t good and this not only is this team not good this the franchise the Washington Wizards franchise is inept ask any Wizards fan and that’s where I feel bad for him the most Jordan pool was in the perfect place for him to succeed and now has been traded

To a place where he is in the perfect place to fail right it’s Jordan pool Kyle kosma and tus Jones those three have the most shot attempts per game and dude you’re not going to win any games that way and also now you’re playing for a coach that’s in year

Three and but I think PE the thing that people are keep like saying they keep being like Jordan is part of the problem for the wizard I’m like the Wizards are part of the problem for the Wizards Jordan Pool isn’t going to magically like help you win games but I think the

Problem with Jordan pool that people have is that Jordan Pool isn’t even a fun tank commander like kosma is still leading the Wizards in shots per game like Jordan pull his like per points per game rebounds per game like his those averages are like de like the same pretty much their

Pedestrian and I think that people are like really quick to count him out because he’s not on a serious team right now Jordan P has had some unserious moments of course he had that uh that scoop lay up that got blocked by assar Thompson that went viral and then he’s

Had the one where the Clock Was supposed to he thought the Clock Was supposed to not start and then it kept starting like but the thing is is that Jordan pool is 24 years old and when you go from an NBA team where it’s it’s not your NBA team and you’re

Like the third fourth option to like the number the number like a more important role in the offense or like in the and and when you’re on The Scouting Report at a higher like when you’re first or second on The Scouting Report that’s a little bit different and I know that a

Lot of people compared Jordan P to James Harden and we’re like is Jordan paol gonna become James Harden when he gets there and I’m like I feel like James Harden made that transition seem way easier than that is for any other NBA player it’s really hard for a player to

Be like the third best player on a team and then go be like the number one option on a team and then it just goes smoothly also it takes a lot on the outside as well it takes good rock posture construction which the Wizards don’t currently have it takes a good

Coach in Mike deanton who knows how to put Jordan pool in the best situations sorry who knows how to put James Harden in the best situations possible the Wizards don’t have that like a lot of things that are needed to get the best out of Jordan pool right now I don’t

Think the Wizards have in any like they just don’t have it will they have it down the road yes but I feel like with this season and maybe even next season Jordan p is going to have a lot of growing pains because he’s not playing alongside Steph Curry and

Klay Thompson and Wiggins and Draymond and he’s going to be he’s going to be memed of course there’s going to be the media cycle that whenever he has a stinker it’s going to go viral but I still think that he’s going to be all right long term like there’s too much

There’s too much talent in in Jordan pull for him to be this mediocre right I want to believe that but I also just believe that he’s one of those players where like on a good team he’ll raise a good team but he’s not going to he’ll raise a team uh he’ll

Raise a team’s ceiling he won’t raise a team’s floor if that makes sense um but yeah I think I still believe in Jordan pool but I’m really interested in what the Warriors are about to do this year because Jordan pool is just the beginning for what the Warriors are

Going to do and even like Bob Meers getting out of there I was like oh Jesus um but yeah what do you guys think I know I kind of rambled there but I think I really I still I feel bad for Jordan pull man just a interesting situation

It’s very weird thank you guys for watching until the end of the video feel free to like And subscribe and I’ll love you forever thank you

Jordan Poole got sent to the Washington Wizards. That’s rough buddy

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  1. Im going to tell my kids about a time when the Warriors had to asseble the greatest lineup to ever grace a court just to beat one man.

  2. So I played a low but competitive level of soccer and our first choice goalie punched me in the face in front of the couch he did nothing did not care. I did not stay on that team long after that.

  3. As a warriors fan I was hoping they were gonna teach the young guys to play around Curry while molding Poole to plug into that role

  4. I have been watching you from tiktok and now more here on youtube, I love what you are doing and the commentary you give. Hope you keep it up all 2024

  5. It all started when Klay came back from injury and forced JP to the bench, besides 22 playoffs, Warriors have been a .500 team since.

  6. I’ve been loving these talks Kofie! I think your takes are super solid and you have such a great way of articulating your thoughts

  7. I think it’s okay to criticize a player for bad play or whatever but the full on bullying of Jordan Poole by the nba community has gone too far

  8. As a warriors fan I’ve grown so tired of the punch talk, but I have to say I really appreciated hearing your take on it and am looking forward to checking out the rest of your content. Cheers!

  9. Outside of the punch and scapegoating i dont feel bad for Poole because he plays without good fundamentals and ends up playing a losing style of basketball.

  10. The "championship ceiling" is the same thing for Andrew Wiggins with GSW. On Reddit, you see people super confused about why he's doing so poorly this season. Not to downplay his personal tragedy, which obviously plays into it, too, but he was very much like this with the Timberwolves. It's literally why they traded him.

  11. If he had better shot selection I would agree with you however he just be out there doin some bull you’re one of my favorite sports commentators but go watch the wizards play and tell me he isnt responsible for the loss with them wayy too deep 3s and just poor basketball IQ

  12. I don't remember if it was just speculation but there was the idea that Draymond wasn't suspended because of ring night. If ring night is that important, fine but suspend him anyway after even if it is awkward.

  13. Kuz was tearing the game up earlier in this season and I think it’s due to him not caring about anything when he gets on the court. He’s a little bit older and doesn’t really hear the footsteps that Poole is hearing. I don’t think Kuz be a superstar but he’s not a scrub as Espn would lead you to believe.

  14. The Bulls didnt do anything to MJ for beating up Steve Kerr and he swallowed his pride and kept playing. He's probably dissapointed that Poole couldnt do the same.

  15. JP is a pretty good player. But he really got a raw deal going to the wizards. He's not a star player. He's a great piece of a team, but not ready to run his own franchise. I really hope they let him go anywhere else and continue to grow. He deserves better.

  16. Simply put, JP and Kuz are now the main focus of the scouting reports, JP is learning now how hard it is to be the main man, that even at the pro level…there's levels to this. Scorers like JP are a dime a dozen in the league, give them the freedom to take that many shots with no repercussions, majority of the guys in the league can and will make buckets.

  17. He was the 4th option and his efficiency was trash he was just a small bus rider 13.2 in 43% shooting is trash in that offense

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