@Miami Heat

Erik Spoelstra mentions Pat Riley telling him over the last 24 hours: “It’s ok to keep the score down and defend, and find a way to win in the end.”

Erik Spoelstra mentions Pat Riley telling him over the last 24 hours: “It’s ok to keep the score down and defend, and find a way to win in the end.”

by tomgreen99200


  1. OblivionNA

    Defense wins championships, that’s why the super teams keep losing in the playoffs.

  2. sharpshooter0600

    bUt wE ScOrEd 120 pOiNtS AgAiNsT ThE ThUnDeR

  3. Redmodtae

    The Heat is playing playoff style basketball. Those overinflated scores will not happen in the playoffs when defenses started to tighten up.

  4. airwillflow

    Loved we pulled out the win. Hoping they continue to play the right way in this upcoming 4 game stretch they rack up these wins.

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