@Milwaukee Bucks

The Milwaukee Bucks blowout the Boston Celtics, 135-102

The Milwaukee Bucks blowout the Boston Celtics, 135-102

What it do welcome to another new episode of lock on bucks on today’s show big blowout in Milwaukee the bucks even up the season series against the Celtics with a 135 102 win the Milwaukee Bucks got out to a super fast start during this game and it got out of hand pretty

Early for the Celtics with the Bucks taking a pretty commanding 75- 38 lead at halftime after that point we didn’t even see the Celtics starters anymore but we still have a lot to discuss from the Bucks dominant first half to a tighter bucks rotation big game from

Bobby por is Drew holidays return to Milwaukee plus a little look ahead to the weekend slate all that and more coming up next you are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Bucks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day you are locked on bucks part of the

Locked on podcast Network your team every day I’m camil Davis you can catch me weekly on the technical file podcast as well as cheese head TVs carry the G and MK joining me longtime voice of the Pod and founder of Brew Frank Madden we appreciate you for tuning in

And thank you for making lock on bucks your first listen every single day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast you can also find us on YouTube we’re up to 80 uh 850 I’m sorry I’m messing up my math 8,500 subscribers on our YouTube page so

Let’s keep that climbing today’s episode was brought to you by Jace medical Empower yourself when you get a Jace case providing you with a personal supply of five antibiotics that treat 50 plus infections get yours today at JM and use the code locked on to get $20 off your order that’s J now Frank coming into this game we were saying it’s another measuring stick game the first one against the Celtics didn’t go too well and honestly in this one the measuring only only lasted about a half as mentioned the bugs ran off to a crazy lead at halftime

7538 at half and that was the last we saw the Celtics starters we literally beat the broadcasting breaks off of the Celtics because TNT even switched the game in the third quarter to go to Mavericks Knicks which was also a blowout just not as bad as what the

Bucks were doing to the Celtics to be fair to the Celtics though they were on the second night of a backtack yeah and I I mean I thought back to I believe the last time these teams played in Milwaukee last year I think it was in March uh the Bucks were

In Indiana they won 149 to 136 blowout game it was the night that uh I believe that was the night where uh of the famous everybody’s sitting on the bench crossing their legs yes picture and then they went home and played the Celtics in a it was the

Biggest game of the season up to that point they were I think barely ahead in the in the East standings so I mean huge implications for the number one seed which they wanted and they lost 140 to 99 against the Celtics on the second

Night of a back toback and so um yeah I mean we know that rest can play a factor in games but Camille I don’t give a whatever I mean like uh you know you talk about a team that needed a boost um and a team that

Just needed to show a spark right and just show the level of Engagement that we saw tonight um that was this Buck team right and and we’ve been talking about the last few games after every loss it feels like it becomes this existential crisis over the past week or two

Giannis you know scolds scolds the team and like everybody’s saying about how they have to be better and then they’re not the next game right um so I think just coming out and you know they get out to a 10-2 lead Dame back in the lineup which was great to see you know

Gets whatever it was four days off to maybe take some care of some personal business hopefully saw his kids you know maybe just step away from a minute clear his head he hits two early bombs Giannis gets a couple of early driving emphatic buckets and you know Boston they hung

Around right it’s not like the Bucks just went up 20 to5 and and that was it I think at one point it was 217 and I think it was 31 to 23 I think went on this massive run and you know Bobby poris had pretty slow start

Actually he missed some shots early and it was kind of like ah Bobby like is this still the same crap like he’s just been in this rut it was those post-ups he started with and yeah they weren’t going yeah he was going at Sam Hower everybody thinks they can go at Sam

Hower but he’s sneaky sneaky kind of stout um but then Bobby and Giannis together just go on this huge run Giannis was dishing he was driving um and and you know they just go on this massive round was it 24 straight points and 25 25 you know curtains so um yeah I

Mean look to be up by 40 points on the best team in the league you’re probably going to make a bunch of shots and they’re probably going to miss a bunch of shots that’s sort of how you get a blowout it’s a maker Miss League yada

Yada um but I don’t think you can take away anything from the Bucs tonight I mean they were obviously motivated they I think the level of Engagement was higher than it’s been um and again I just thought they looked like a team that had something to prove

Which they did did absolutely they did and to your point about the fact that it was close for a bit but then the lead just kind of it stretched out and part of that was because we have a double outlier game tonight and the Milwaukee Bucks started the game off shooting

Ridiculous levels from three while Boston couldn’t make a three in the first half Milwaukee finished 11 to 22 from three the Celtics were one of 16 from three at the end of the first half and for me like you look at that and you normally are like well that’s not going

To happen you know consistently which of course it won’t but one thing that was positive to me was seeing that the Bucks actually were able to stretch out a lead while the other team was having a poor outlier shooting game where yes if the Celtics are missing 15 of their 16

Threes I would hope that the Bucks are up big and they did not disappoint they came through they were knocking down shots and that comes off of a a quiet Chris Middleton game scoring wise it was a lot of Giannis a lot of Bobby a lot of

Dame it was honestly a pretty Balan scoring uh evening as well because you had Brooke coming in and contributing you had bees contributing and those guys really carried the load tonight yeah and hey Chris STS porzingis had the night off yesterday okay he had six points on nine shots so Chris STS

Has no excuse um but uh yeah I mean it again just a game where you know they got their mojo back a little bit and you know I think I don’t want to say it started on the defensive end because let’s be honest it was on the offensive

End it was a defensive end you know all work but it it was funny looking at the box score because the Celtics only had six turnovers which did not feel like that because I felt like in the first half in particular obviously in the first half because the game was over in

The first half but um but the Bucks had a number of plays where it wasn’t just that they forced a turnover but it was like you know pick six Bobby had an interception off of a like a some sort of I can’t remember exactly it was like

A screen action and they tried to dump it inside and he kind of jumped it and went the other way for a bucket Giannis kind of did the same thing and flipped it over to Malik who who finished you know and so it was kind of funny I think

Chris did that once as well um so it was it was interesting because I didn’t actually get a lot of turnovers but the transition game um was really good today they had definitely had the better of the transition game you’re looking at again are kind of cleaning the glass STS

I think it was like plus 5.9 points per 100 add versus Boston plus 2.1 so this Al a little bit um but you know we’ve obviously talked all year long about transition game being an area where the Bucks have been you know in deficit right like other teams have been having

Success against them and they have not been very good themselves and so tonight they flipped that and then of course the half court obviously was a huge area of advantage and you know I think the thing is you know the the test I always like

To do I think we’ve talked about this if you’re having one of these clear you know out type shooting performance games take the differential in three-pointers made multiply it by three and compare it to the the actual deficit of the game right like if you’re up 15 points and

You’ve got a 27 point Advantage from three then yeah that’s like uh very much a a three-point luck game and who knows right if it’s only 15 like that can flip in a quarter right and we saw that to a degree in the Utah game because Utah was

Flame-throwing threes in that first half in the second half they cool down the Bucks started hitting threes and they got it from 33 to seven eight points you know at various points in this game it was a plus 30 Advantage at halftime but it was you know almost a 40o lead too

And so kind of similar to what Utah did it wasn’t just that the Bucks were making threes but they also were getting Second Chance points and again they were just they were just a better team right and again like you know you don’t need to apologize for making shots in the

Game of basketball like that’s the whole point of the sport so we can say We can question whether this is like representative of what’s going to happen if you roll the ball out again in two days with both teams a little bit more rested fair enough right I don’t expect

The Bucks are going to do this you know the next time these teams play but the whole point is to make more shots than the other guys and I think again the Bucs defense was better they were more engaged and so I mean you know tip your

Cap to the Bucks like they they have not had a statement game like this against the Celtics in quite a while uh the last time you know I think the Bucks had a big rest Advantage the Celtics played their scrubs from the start and Bucks need overtime to beat them last year so

Um so again like you just can’t take anything for granted and um the Bucks didn’t they didn’t take anything for granted they took care of business and now the question is all right can you build on this right it’s one game I think it’s important hopefully the Vibes

Are better but what do you do the next time out Golden State Sacramento coming up if you Lo lose those two games you know like how good do you really feel about this game in retrospect but if you can use this and kind of build on it and

Dare I say play a little bit better defense moving forward I don’t still room then then then maybe You’ you’ve kind of actually bottled something here yeah there’s still room to grow of course for the bucks and I saw throughout this game as well where the Bucks still were having some defensive

Lapses and miscommunications and guys were open they just weren’t knocking down their shots but one thing to call out is just the fact that again I mentioned they had a very slow start the last time out against the Jazz the last time time they saw the Celtics they had

A slow start tonight it was a 4123 first quarter the last time we saw the Celtics it was a 297 first quarter with the Celtics taking that lead so I’m happy how it came about like I mentioned they got the broadcasting break speed off of

Them there was no local fee for the game so we were all on Twitter begging TNT to it was like it was like the Miami G I was so I wasn’t on like the Heat game right where they set the record for threes just how often does this happen I

Feel like does this only happen to the Bucks like every couple years the Bucks have such a big blowout win that they get literally taken off TV I mean just uh what’s what what’s going on here it’s not fair that’s what it feels like it feels some like some type of bias or

Something off joking but that Knicks game was a blowout too wasn’t it they were changed over and they down 21 points it wasn’t as big of a blowout as what we were doing here in Milwaukee but Hey listen to that end by the end of the

Third quarter the Bucks were up 111 to 70 our friend Justin Garcia the co-host of lockdown bucks he tweeted out that the Bucks 41-point lead going into the fourth quarter is their largest lead through the fourth quarter since they took a 49-point lead into the fourth against the magic back in November of

2021 a big game for him a big game for him and again I mentioned the Bucs did deploy a little bit of a tighter rotation during the first half of the game when it was starters versus starters and I want to take a look about what was different in this game compared

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Bucks rotation in the first half was a little bit tighter than what we saw the last time out against Boston and Boston is always an interesting conversation right we’ve had the conversations about is Bobby por is playable against Boston and tonight Bobby Porter scored more

Points alone he had 28 then the entire b bench or bucks bench scored in the first Boston match up where they had 22 as a full bench tonight the Bucs really only went eight deep in the first half you had the starters you had Pat conon you

Had Bobby poris and you had Andre Jackson Jr there was no Maron no campaign in the rotation like we saw the last time out and I gotta say Bobby having this game against Boston with the noise that’s been around him the trade Chatters picking up everyone understand understands that’s a contract that is

Tradable there have been the conversations as mentioned before about how playable is Bobby against the Celtics and although they didn’t have Al Horford he did come out and have a really really good game shooting lights out from three which you mentioned the post-ups earlier which I don’t I’m not

As big of a fan of the post-ups but seeing Bobby getting open looks from the corner open looks from three I’m going to take that every time yeah and Giannis was like throwing like weird over the head you know he was kind of feeling himself a bit and I

Think I can’t even describe exactly what he did on one of those Bobby like he like jumped up and kind of like I don’t know tossed it behind his head yeah like but it was a bounce pass behind his head it was never seen it was I don’t know I

I think I have I think I started a while ago a Giannis Cool Pass thread where I was just like putting cool passes I’m going to have to dig that one up and throw it on there because that was a cool pass um yeah I mean this is what

This is what they need from Bobby right like I mean to me it’s funny cuz he obviously it’s not like he’s um you know a guy who Chucks from three all game long right I mean he doesn’t he does other stuff he takes shots he likes to post up um get

Offensive rebounds Etc so it’s not like he’s the most three-point dependent guy in the world but it does feel like that’s the bellweather for you know him swimming from a guy who is like us sitting back and saying like is this guy going to play in the playoffs like can

We count on him to be a value ad especially in what we’ve seen that when he’s not making threes to being this just you know when when it is going down it’s stretching the floor it’s pulling out the opponent Defenders because obviously a lot of times he’s being

Guarded by centers tonight he was guarded by some of the small guys too because they were switching a lot um and he’s a guy that can punish switches and I think that’s been one of the things I think that hurt in you know two years ago in the playoffs especially against

The Celtics was he was he had a lot of matchups against like Jaylen brown or like guys that he really should have had a physical advantage and get to that little short little push shot um which normally he’s so good at right like he’s

One of the few guys I say few guys but you know it’s like when you think about guys on the Bucks that can punish mismatches Giannis is kind of weird it’s almost like he’s better in on certain spots of the floor against big guys rather than small guys and Brooke like

Weirdly doesn’t really put small dudes under the rim like he’ll just settle for like weird step backs that he can still make but you know whatever but Bobby’s like it feels like almost like he’s the the most reliable like post up a small guy type guy maybe him and Chris um and

So yeah that’s what they need him to do right they need him to be able to punish the other teams offensively and then just kind of survive defensively so um you know he needed this game I think Dame needed to see the ball go through I

Mean Dame didn’t have like a huge raw scoring game 21 points but um you know I thought hitting those early threes and and then the other piece too I thought he had a couple nice finish finishes uh going at porzingis as well um so you

Know 21 points on 12 shots 50% from the field no turnovers plus 25 for assist yeah we’ll take that you know 27 minutes like that that obviously was was great to see and you you compare that to to Derek white and Drew Drew goes two for

Nine six points you know another kind of WW game from Drew similar to the first game right even as well as the Celtics play in the first game Drew just just did not look like the same dude offensively and Derrick White who’s been awesome this year 18 minutes two points

One rebound no assists no steals no blocks minus 14 I mean that’s probably the worst game Derek White’s had all year and he’s been incredible so um so yeah I thought it was you know important for Bobby and I don’t know just a Get Right game for the bucks overall

Obviously right like a lot of guys needed a Get Right game and a lot of guys got it absolutely they did and you did mention Drew holiday in this game and wasn’t a great game from Drew holiday here tonight but the Bucks did honor him throughout the game and Bucks

Fans gave him a standing ovation which is something that Justin and I talked about wondering what the response to Drew holiday would be here in Milwaukee once he did return I was saying I would hope that bugs fans stand up and give that man some love because of what he

Did like I know he plays for the Celtics but I was like I think that bugs fans would be able to to just respect what he did during his time here and they absolutely did he also made the there was an article in the Journal Sentinel Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about him

Still being a big contributor to the health of the Milwaukee Community with um some offc court giving he is still investing his dollars here into our community so when you pair that with what he did on court I mean the the steal to the oop in the finals will be a

Forever played clip here so it was nice to see him get some love yeah and I mean no question I think that he was going to get that respect and um you know doesn’t mean that people are rooting for his shots to go in but right

Um but you know and and I don’t I mean his comments after the game yesterday um you know coming in here I I don’t know I mean I’m sure it’s still still weird feeling right because he gave three years of his career the most successful three years in terms of

Playoffs and you know just having the team success that he never had before um and becoming an All-Star again you know and I’m sure it still feels odd right to to kind of have that I don’t want to say taken from him because you know he’s still getting paid a huge amount of

Money to play basketball and he’s on the best you know has on the team with the best record in the league so you know pretty good life you know still um but I don’t know it’s it’s interesting I mean it’s a luxury that the Celtics don’t

Need him to be a go-to scorer but it also just feels like and this I mean his his overall numbers are not like bad his efficiency is not bad right but you know he’s averaging what 13 and five something like that so I don’t know we’ll see it’s it’s it is sort of

Interesting though I mean defensively like he’s always going to be I mean obviously everybody would want to have him no matter if he’s averaging you know six points or 20 right like Drew is always going to be a net positive value guy I think um even if he’s not getting

The ball a ton but I do kind of Wonder you know for him I’m sure obviously winning is great uh but you know how thrilled is he that he’s like a fourth option and he’s in the contract year he’s going to be eligible for extension later this this spring definitely going

To be kind of an interesting thing to watch but um hey at least he’s the one guy you know if the Celtics finally win a championship at least I can take some Solace that Drew holiday gets to have the last laugh if it’s at the bucksense

Expense that sucks but um you know Drew Drew’s a bucks Legend um I’m it’ll be interesting to see I do you think do you think there’s any chance that his number would get retired TI I would I would guess probably not because three seasons is just so short like that’s pretty much

Like I think there’s some examples of that guys playing three seasons and then you know having a number retired Oscar played I think four in Milwaukee um but man that I mean that that would be pretty rare but if anybody would get their number retired for three years I

Mean I’m not going to argue with Drew holiday yeah I think that would be a close one because like you mentioned it’s a it’s a small burst but like you were able to get a championship one of the first in 50 years and you were a key

Contributor to that you had an All-Star appearance here while representing the Bucks which as we know before Giannis there hadn’t been too many Allstars outside of Michael red uh when he had his appearance so it’s an interesting case to think about I know for a while

There which still makes me shake my head but there was a debate about if Chris Middleton would get his number retired and it’s like we know 34 and 22 are going up there but the question is is 21 going up there I’m actually going to ask

Those watching on YouTube let us know in the comments if you think that Drew holiday’s numers should be retired in Milwaukee for what he did during his three years here because it’s interesting to think about yeah and I mean Brooke there will be a little bit different conversation about Brooke

Obviously Brooke now year six so he’s had a longer duration here um obviously you know not even last year I mean last year he was incredible Defensive Player of the Year you know whatever I still would say you know didn’t get to the point of a Drew holiday at his best um

But if he’s here you know a year after that as well I mean if he’s here seven years with a title freaking everybody loves him um it wouldn’t shock me if Brook Lopez was also you know ultimately a champion a guy who got his jersey retired and that would be pretty cool I

Mean if if all four of those guys at some point get their jerseys retired I don’t know you’re not gonna you’re not going to hear me complaining like you know and 10 years like oh why are they retiring Brook Lopez’s number you know I’ll be old and washed in the will be

You know a garbage team with no no picks like you know like I’ll be happy to see Brook Lopez back in the building if he gets his number retired bring Drew back why hasn’t Drew gotten his number retired we all be kind of asking that question probably so um you know but uh

It’s it is an interesting thing to think back you know maybe maybe just win one more title win one more title and then nobody can ask the question yeah then Brooke will be solidified for sure for sure there’s no questions asked on that one but by the way the other other weird

Thing just as you were saying that and you were saying 34 and it is it is pretty crazy right that the two numbers the two obvious numbers that are going to get retired for Giannis and Chris are also numbers that you know Michael red and and Ray Allen have

Legitimate claims on having retired so that that’s like one of those things I’m I’m just fascinated sort of like what do they do with that like does the fact that Chris and Giannis have those numbers does that mean that they’ll that they they’re less likely to get retired

Co-ti co- retired that’s what I always wonder if they would co- retire it just like two names but honestly once jannis won that Championship I was like 34 is that’s his number it’s no disrespect to Ray Allen like Ray Allen’s time here is fundamental to my bucks fandom but

Giannis the longevity the team record same with 22 the Chris Middleton 22 where it’s like the longevity plus the title plus how many records They hold in the Bucs franchise record book like it’s hard to argue that when you see those numbers you think of anyone else first

Before you think of Giannis or you think of Chris so my my prediction I think I think Michael red will have his number co- retired whatever I mean they’re not going to do it on like the same night obviously but like I think Chris at some

Point will have his number retired is my prediction and then I think that they’ll retire well they’ll put you know red underneath Middleton or they’ll maybe actually they just hang another Banner just put 222s up there um in part I think he was at the game tonight I

Thought picture of Mike um hugging Yannis after the game and you know he’s had some really thoughtful um you know social media posts when people have passed him for for records and you know he’s still very much a part of this franchise and you know he was you know

There for the championship celebrations like I don’t know it’s cool right like he obviously didn’t win very much as a player when he was here but you can tell he’s it means a lot for him to see the Bucs having success in now and um you

Know obviously not not that Ray Allen is obligated to come back to games all the time or something like that but I think Michael Red’s sort of ongoing relationship with the franchise like that’s got to matter in some respect um and so who knows I mean hopefully Ray

Allen kind of gets to a better and not that he’s in like a bad place with the franchise or something like that but um but hopefully we kind of continue to see that and and I don’t know we’ll see I mean I was always a big dog guy between

Ray and and and Glenn big dog was my guy um obviously he’s got a claim on on a jersey retirement as well um I don’t think Malcolm Brogden is is is gonna make make too on his number 13 Luke rower you know Luke rower uh number 13 um Jordan wara

Probably not but uh but yeah we’ll see I don’t know yeah it’ll be interesting and I I do Wonder Too what Ray Allen in particular like if you were just to say Ray Allen to a person and I think most people might associate him with the Celtic before they associate him with

The buck at this point so I mean hey it’s kind of interesting way to come wrap wrap that back around after a a Boston Celtics Milwaukee Bucks game and I do want to look ahead to the back-to-back weekend that the Bucs have because this was the first of a three-

Game stretch that I thought was going to tell us a lot about this team so let’s get into that next prize picks is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and honestly it’s no wonder why that is it’s truly the easiest and the most exciting way to play DFS because it’s

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It we hear it we hear it we didn’t BL blabber the point when it was the Bucks in the other half of this last year but this weekend we have the Warriors coming in on Saturday and then we have the Kings coming in on Sunday so it’s a West

Coast back-to-back taking place here in Milwaukee and while the Warriors might be going through their challenges and the kings are out here with their names and all these trade streets both of these teams present a really good challenge for this Bucks team because they have Dynamic point guards that lead

Their offenses so that point of attack defense is going to be put to test against Steph Curry on Saturday followed by dearen Fox on Sunday yeah I mean probably couldn’t pick a better time to to catch the uh the Warriors at this point um you know

Chris Paul just going out with a broken hand he he’s been one of the few kind of like guys that seems to be in all the positive lineups for the Warriors but um it’s it’s just such an interesting kind of dynamic for them because their kind of their core starting five last year

They weren’t on the floor very much but when they were they were incredible and this year it’s just been like a total flip and I think a lot of that has been laid at Andrew Wiggins feet he’s been just really struggling to score with any Effectiveness and just hasn’t doesn’t

Look like the guy that you know was the second best player in the in the NBA Finals two years ago so um hopefully he continues to not look that way and uh step’s had some pretty bad shooting games of late too um so we’ll see I

Don’t know it feels like we’ve had feels like we’ve had like a number of games going back you know to the Drew holiday era where Steph did not have big performances um I mean I remember West Matthews face starting him from the opening tip a couple times during the

Butt era and the Bucks having some some big wins um you know even without Drew actually being the one to kind of guard him um on every possession so um so we’ll see you know hopefully you just got to take advantage of of that opportunity to play The Warriors right

Now they are not big so you hopefully can take advantage of the the size differential and you know you just hope that you don’t have a supernova shooting Night from from Stephen Clay um and then Sacramento I mean offensively they’ve been obviously super Dynamic um you hope that they don’t go

Full Indiana Pacers on the Bucks uh dearen fox has been amazing and it’s just bizarre how like that trade right like that trade you hear if if you didn’t know who the the Kings got you would say like oh man the Kings Trade away young Tyrese Albert and like that

Must have been just a disaster but Deen Fox you know has ascended since that move and sabonis has been terrific having another huge year this year um 20 points a game you know over I think leading league and rebounding um so hopefully I think we’ve seeing the bucks

With their size can bother him down low a bit with Brook and Giannis and then you know obviously uh you hope that they don’t make a ton of Threes I’m just having visions of Kevin herder just going absolutely Bonkers in the second half last year in that game in

Sacramento and you have the Trey ly Giannis push and Brooke getting on his face so it’ll be interesting to see if any of that carries over um I think herder got benched he hasn’t been playing too well so good riddens to to the uh the red rocket Kevan uh herder he’s just Kevin

Now again I guess um but uh but we’ll see so yeah I mean if you can Bank two more wins on the weekend on a back toback and show that you don’t do what we just saw when you know the Celtics come to town but you yeah get up and and

Play inspired basketball on both ends you know just most nights God forbid um that would that’s that’s really the the kind of the key thing now right I mean you’re not even halfway through the season so you can’t just you know Circle the next two Celtics games and kind of

You know sputter through the rest through the rest of the schedule so um so yeah great job bucks I’ll do it again absolutely absolutely and we will see if they can do it again on Saturday when the Warriors come in the Warriors will be coming in on the second I have a back

Toback themselves they’ll be in Chicago on Friday night before they come to Milwaukee on Saturday the Kings will have a day off before they see us but should be a fun weekend we’re going to learn a lot more about this team as we continue adding on to the sample size of

Games and we got some pretty good comp coming up so that’ll do it for us today again let us know in the comments if you think that Drew holiday’s number should be retired here in Milwaukee I’m very curious to know what other Bucks fans think about that also after we close out

Here head on over to lock on sportsday on YouTube subscribe to that first ever National Sports 247 Channel and enjoy all of the top sports stories coming from local experts who you can trust so for Frank and myself we’ll catch you later

The Milwaukee Bucks have evened the season series against the Boston Celtics after a dominant 135-102 win. The Bucks built up a 37 point halftime lead which led to the Celtics resting their starters during the second half of the game. Bobby Portis (28 points, 12 rebounds) Giannis Antetokounmpo (24 points, 12 rebounds) and Damian Lillard (21 points) led the way for the Bucks.

Camille and Frank discuss what fueled the Bucks big first half, Jrue Holiday’s return to Milwaukee and then look ahead to this weekend’s back-to-back games against the Golden State Warriors and Sacramento Kings. 

0:00 Intro
1:50 Bucks big first half set the tone for the game
18:53 Jrue Holiday’s return to Milwaukee — should he have his jersey retired?
29:08 A look ahead to the Bucks’ weekend back-to-back

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  1. KP didnt play B2B, and Tatum had 3 day rest before Twolves game. Don’t buy that front runner B2B garbage. This was a legit matchup, we wanted it way more. Came out and punched them in the mouth. I’ve never seen a team give up at half, OR cutting away from a game because it was so brutal. HILARIOUS!

  2. To the people saying jrue doesn’t deserve his jersey retired. He is literally one of the big 3 that brought us our first chip in 50 years. We are not the lakers or Celtics our history is not some sacred thing where you have to be a multiple time champion or record breaker to get your jersey retired. Brook, Khris, Jrue and Giannis all deserve there jerseys retired for bringing us a championship

  3. If players like bob lanier, junior bridgeman, Brian winters, John mcglocklin have their jerseys retired but jrue can’t there’s something wrong with the standards of this fan base

  4. As a buck fan, I needed to see that effort and victory over the celtics But it pissed me off that the celtics waved the white flag And didn't even bring their starters in to start the third quarter. That's just Wussy basketball.

  5. Camille, please don't talk about back-to-back nonsense. I am even surprised that y'all are bringing it up. We have seen the Bucks play back-to-back against the Celtics and nobody said anything. How many times have we seen Giannis and the Bucks treated like trash? TNT cut off the Bucks-Celtics games because of that blowout to protect CELTICS' image. Would they have done the same thing for Giannis and the Bucks? They would have laughed and laughed and laughed. Yes, TNT and the entire NBA would have made fun of the Bucks. If this were the Celtics, the highlights would have been everywhere. This actually pisses me off that y'all are even talking about "The Celtics playing back-to-back"?😡😡.

    Could you imagine what Kendrick Perkins would have said if the Bucks got blow-off the court? Y'all are ruining a great night with that back-to-back nonsense. Just stop watching.

  6. Nobody feels sorry for Giannis and the Bucks, but y'all are here feeling sorry for the Celtics because "they played a back to back game". Are y'all serious? You think Kendrick Perkins would have said poor Bucks, they played back-to-back?

  7. The post up game is very underuse and underrated in todays game. If used correctly by the right person it’s bbq chicken all days for the opposing player and team. easy money players should post up more would open things up for them and there team mates

  8. These medical adverts are infuriating . Plenty of flu antibiotics about don't believe that bs 😂😂if there's a shortage it's because jase medical bought more than they should have

  9. If Jrue doesn’t make the Valley Oop play, we may not have won the chip. Maybe. Retire his number. And Brook’s too.

  10. This whole back to back debate is a 2010 and on issue. Before that was never mentioned, players just played the schedule. Same thing with games off for player maintenance, soft pampered mentality.

  11. I know bucks fans are happy right now but don’t be fooled. That was Bostons 5th game in 7 days. You didn’t really play the Celtics and I think y’all know that lol

  12. Look I’ve been critical of this team for good reason this year but this win against the Celtics was much needed. Was great to see them play with energy and connected on defense for most of the game. Just a good confidence win. Hope they can build on this moving forward.

  13. As a Celtics fan, congrats on the win. You guys have a right to feel good about this win. Seriously though, if the NBA didn't have an anti-load management rules in place, our top 6 guys would've sat this game out and Bucks would blow us out the same. Either way, Bucks win. So congrats! 😀

  14. This game kinda shows how irrelevant Kris is in this backs FIRST team. I am sorry to say this again and again but over the series of the games since Kris is playing full minutes, Dame, Malik and Giannis can easily cary the offence AND also get rhythm with the ball in their hands. Having Kris out there is making it worse, he is inconsistent in his shooting, equally bad to Malik in defence (I actual like Dame on defence) and makes easy TOs. Kris needs the ball to get rhythm and that inhibits Dame and Malik. Kris INSTEAD of Malik should lead the bench with Bobby. Kris ended up being our 3rd perimeter shooting option and he should either accept that and pass the ball (he is a good passer) OR come from the bench.

  15. We kinda saw what is the difference between Jrue and Dame last night. Jrue was typical in bricking open shots and YES great defender, but he can get cooked as well. Something we saw for so many years, first row. I am sorry to say I would put Kris, Bobby, Pat and Marjon on the table for sure if we are talking Carusso or crazy Smart trades….

  16. IF we d gone through Boston on that game 7 without Kris and get a back to back chip Jrue's shirt should be UP THERE. But he underdelivered so nope…. big THANKS and lots of LOVE nonetheless.

  17. Last night I went to bed visualizing the game at 85 – 45 at the half and 150 – 108 final..
    I also saw the Packers leading the Cowboys 21-13 at half and 31-20 final. So far so good.

  18. You're exactly right Frank. The last time I've seen ESPN or TNT turn off from a scheduled game was our 3pt record setting game vs Miami

    And come to think of it, I've watched the NBA for going on 30 years and these are the only 2 instances of this happening that i can recall 🙄

  19. I hope they do retire Jrue's number. We don't win a chip without him

    And as far as 22 and 34…it would be amazing of the franchise to retire each number for 2 players. Idk if they can do that, but why not at least try? And tbh I wouldn't mind 3 being retired too, especially if we're gonna coretire 22 for Redd. Like he was awesome, but he didn't win anything, just like BJ3. They are Bucks legends though imo

  20. The Bucks not only found their big boy pants, but they put ‘em on. And yes, Jrue should retire his jersey. His contribution to the first championship in 50 years outweighs his three years, especially considering his continued contributions to Milwaukee. But when Giannis and Thanasty retire, I expect monuments and fountains to be erected.🥹#FearTheDeer

  21. Go Bucks! It’s crazy how when we win everyone keeps saying ohh Celtics was on a back to back! But if it was the other way around it’s completely different statement! It’s ALOT OF HATERS out there. We can get better defensively doe but great win bucks we needed the motivation! 🦌🦌🦌

  22. Yes! Our TEAM actually made a cohesive effort to Win the last part of Defense: gain better position over your opponent when shot goes up, box out & battle for the Rebound… eliminate 2nd & 3rd chance opportunities for your opponent.

  23. When the offense works before half time the defense will also work. If they played like that in the previous games they would have also won some of them.

  24. Bucks haven’t had many all stars or championships so I think he’ll get his retired . Brooke as well for the time he was here

  25. miicheal redd was a beast much better player than anyone not named Giannis, no chip but so what he was twice the player holiday ever was, the thing about this blowout is that its not anything that can't be repeated, Ajax closing out quarters on Tatum is a lock

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