@Los Angeles Clippers

Ty Lue Reacts To The Clippers 128-119 Win Over The Grizzlies. HoopJab NBA

Ty Lue Reacts To The Clippers 128-119 Win Over The Grizzlies. HoopJab NBA

How much of the benefit is it to have Paul playing so much off the ball getting him spot of opportunities uh movement opportunity to just catch and shoot and be team way last yeah it’s been great you know I think um like you said mve him come let

Him come off screens catch and shoot um different situations where his single side tags and he’s you know benefiting from the passes and um like I said with James and a way he orchestrates the game and make makes the right pass makes the right read guys going to get a lot of

Wide open shots and so um PG’s in a great Rhythm right now um 10 threes again tonight I wish it’ take you know about three or four more but um just the way shooting the basketball um the way we’re getting better with our space and offensively and um kind of just going

From there you had a 42 Point second quarter large part of that was that lineup with PG and James with uh a norm and Daniel how was that group able to provide the Sear you need in this game I think um like I said PG scoring the ball

And um James just orchestrating um in the pick and roll just you know U making the right play making the right reads and then defensively was able to get some stops and kind of get out in transition as well um the end of that game was obviously not what you would

Have wanted to see and I know like there were plenty of moments even in the first half just breakdowns transition defense and look like it was as sharp as it needed to be like you know what is your level um just I don’t I don’t say

Concerned I’m not going to let you say concerned I mean we won the game we’re up 20 with four minutes ago in the game and the guys we brought in the game havn’t played the whole game so of course it’s going to be going to be

Instances like that so I’m not I’m not no way at all um disappointed about you know the way they ended you know our young guys came in they haven’t played so I’m not worried about that but a couple times like you said in the first half um you know it was frustrating we

Score a basket we know told them they’re going to play fast and we get back they score twice we don’t get matched up so those are things that are frust frustrating but you know this going to be a tough win you know um a tough game

To play and so we knew that coming in and um like I said it was a big win for us how do you how do you guard against teams that want to that want to run that want to push the BCE get to the pains as much as possible you saw it Wednesday

Night as well you know I’m not sure if you’ll see that as much yeah just just making a conscious eff to get back and get matched and um you know in transition you’re not going to be running to your own man you just got to find a man in transition and the way

Teams are playing now they’re trying to play faster against us and our half court defense is so good that you know teams are going to try to exploit us early before we can get back and get set and so we just got to make sure we do a

Good job you know shot Raaz of the shot we got to get back get square and then um go from there you one eight of nine what’s been the difference over that that run front game so far just being able to win in different

Ways you know I think you know a sign of a good team or a team that wants to win a championship um as your ultimate goal you got be to win pretty you got to be able to win ugly you got to be able to win whatever’s in between there and you

Just got to be able to win games like that and so it’s not going to be a perfect game every single night we understand that but we still got to just build off the concepts that we’re working on both offensively and defensively and do those things every

Single night and then you can live with the results Amir had a really solid performance tonight just what have you seen in his ability to come through for you being able to craft the rotation for you this year and give you like meaningful you know contribution yeah I

Mean yeah I like a lot and um it goes back to two years ago you know when PG and kawhai were both out and um Amir was starting and the way he played and earned him a contract you know to be here um long term and I just he’s a

Great glue guy you know he can make shots he can catch the ball and drive it in in transition get to the basket Drive Closeouts he can make passes and the biggest thing he can defend you know one through four you know and so I’m just

All around you know a solid player and um that’s what you need around guys like you know James uh Russ Y and PG just having solid players that can do a little bit of everything and play hard every single night so I’m happy for me to finally like you said crack the

Rotation and get some consistent minutes coach talk about as far as the Rhythm that you guys have hit do you feel that you’re at the Peak Performance or you’re still still have a long ways to go um still a lot of things we got to clean up

And do better um but we’re trending in the right direction you know for sure but there’s still a lot of things that you know we can get better at um on both sides of the basketball you know and so um it’s not a finished product and you

Know we’ve been saying it for a while but it’s not a finished product still a lot of things we can do better and um you like I said our guys are putting in the work to make sure they do that to get better and our coaching staff is

Doing the same thing as well so um by the time we get to March you know April we want to be playing our best basketball and make sure we find tune everything we possibly can coach what what’s one of the specific things that you like to get cleaned up by

Yeah I think um the pace we play with in a half court you know our Cuts you know our spacing when we supposed to slot cut slot cut to give our guys room to play um defensively you know rebound the basketball at a high level every single

Night and then be able to mix up coverages you know be able to change coverages and not have breakdowns and so um if I could pick one thing defensively right now would be our transition defense of getting back getting matched get set and make teams play against our

Half court a half court defense last week can I ask about Daniel Ty Daniel t I mean bring I apologize no just his energy you know another big body that uh we could play at the five position you know and so when when mace went down in

New York you know we struggled for five or six games because we had to play small and um we weren ready to play small yet and that really hurt us and so um DT you know be able to come here you know a rim protector he you know

Verticality he can shoot the three-point shot um his energy be to roll when he setting the pick and rolls and then his ability to switch on defense at times as well so he’s been a big pickup for us coach I got one question we’re in Memphis Tennessee smart Luther King’s

Weekend or the King’s Day come out on Monday what does that mean to you to be here at this point in time oh it means a lot you know as a young black man um grew up and you know one of my heroes growing up was Mar Luther King you know

Just reading about him and understanding who he was and what he meant um to so many people especially our black culture and so when we had the opportunity last year to go over to the museum and see um everything they’ve done in honor of Dr Martin Luther King it’s just tremendous

And so I take great pride in and Dr Martin Luther King and what he stands for and what he meant for us for our culture and for our people overall as well all more question let’s get ready for hoop Jab

Los Angeles Clippers Head Coach Ty Lue speaks to the media following the Clippers 128-119 win over the Memphis Grizzlies


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