@San Antonio Spurs



Listen the San Antonio Spurs are really impressing me they they’re really they really impressing me and the reason being is because not only did they beat the Hornets because beating the Hornets isn’t enough all right beating the Hornets would not have been enough for me uh just like the Detroit Pistons game

Beating the Detroit Pistons would not have been enough for me they beat him down and that’s what’s important they beat them down and there should be no room for questioning here I’ve been saying this over and over and over and over again trying to hit it home that

This whole narrative that they don’t give wimy the ball they don’t pass wimy the ball they don’t lob wimy the ball and maybe just maybe the reason why wimy wasn’t getting the ball is because they didn’t know how to give him the ball maybe just maybe wimy wasn’t getting the

Ball as frequently as we wanted it’s cuz wimy didn’t know his spots now the team is starting to come together a little bit and this usually what happens right it’s around the January Mark where you start getting things going you start learning each other maybe just maybe that’s what

Happened that’s it no see that’s what I’m saying Texas this is what I’m saying this is what bothers me see you’re you’re you’re throwing out a narrative stop with the narrative narrativizing stop stop with the narrativizing please for the love of God stop stop we’re we’re not ES PN okay

Like we’re we’re we’re we’re not skip bis here stop with the narrativizing maybe he got threatened maybe po of his job got threaten no stop stop he been consistent this whole stop with that that’s not what happened that’s not you want to know what happened here you know what we we’re

We’re we’re venturing off okay this is another segment this is what happened this is what H what happened we I I knew this the entire time uh but pop went ahead and confirmed it a lot of similarities with drug two the two organizations I think here in Detroit

Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel in your situation what do you find the hope and the belief that there’s there are better days go faster well I I think that’s just a let’s go faster you have a choice you either believe that or you believe the

Other and you become a defeatist uh you know everybody has ups and downs in their lives personally professionally and you know the old uh sort of boring comments about you know you don’t know who you really are until you’ve been knocked in the teeth a little bit you

Got to get back up listen now listen kind of I Love You clam but man no no no let Texas listen listen listen okay he’s talking to you swarm me to some degree but it’s absolutely true uh and the media bullied the spur to pass to to wimy see we’re narrativizing again sham

Listen yes listen to Pop okay shush so you hope that the players that you’re coaching have the character to understand that uh it’s a process it’s not instantaneous and you hope that you know yourself and your coaches uh understand that uh you have to have the patience and know that it’s a teaching

Situation it’s it’s not a you know when I was with uh those Hall of Fame guys uh there was a lot less teaching and a lot more adjustment now this this is the part where everyone was saying papovich why aren’t you coaching why isn’t he coaching it’s like you got to take the

Baby steps first before you even get to that point our entire time of being Spurs fans okay our entire time and I don’t care who it is by the way people can say I’ve been watching the Spurs since the 70s I don’t care okay the Spurs have been good for a very long

Time they’ve been a winning team for a very long time okay never could get over the hump but they’ve been a winning team for a very long time it doesn’t matter uh as long as we’ve been Spurs fans we’ve been accustomed to Excellence every single season but the reason being

Is because even when we started off with Duncan we had vets okay so this is a different situation this is what every team goes through but fortunately we have papovich to seek us through so listen to this okay like during games you know on and a lot more adjustment

Like during games you know you you come up with this play because of this or you change these lineups or these matchups uh or you you know play a little bit of a different defense but you make those decisions during the games when you have your team set and you’re ready to win

Championships this is totally different where it’s more about teaching to try to get people to that point uh where they understand what it takes to win and that’s a whole different Dynamic you know it’s a whole different practice situation uh and then you hope that you have some

Of those games where you can do something as a coach where you might help somebody win a game yeah it’s like how do you H H how do you how do you start to race when you don’t even know how to drive yet like that’s the problem

That I was having with so many people it’s like allow them to learn first everyone keeps jumping to things like just just jumping to conclusions maybe this happened maybe that happened no maybe they’re just young maybe that’s what happened maybe they’re just inex experience and and I hate that we we

Can’t give this team how could you not give this team the benefit of the doubt like seriously how could you not give I PE I get accused of being a homer all the freaking time when it comes to the Spurs all the time I I people say oh

You’re just a homie you’re just going to go whatever they say no they I’ve been watching I watch this team I watch what the franchise is doing continuously and they usually for the most part 90s something perc of the time make good moves I can’t get angry with this

Franchise they always make good moves they always make make the smart decisions all the time it’s a few time and and that’s the thing people will bring up like very specific situations well Clan what about Lucas salonic what about okay yeah okay you had you had a

Bust in the draft okay like every other team go look at any other team and look at their Drafting and see how well they do compared to the San Antonio Spurs that’s my problem it’s like you got to compare us to other teams every other team sees the Spurs as great but Spurs

Fans that bothers me that bothers me so all I’m saying is I hated the narrativization of of what these guys are doing that they’re just trying to show out they just want to shine no they’re just young and they’re playing with the player that no one in the NBA

Has ever seen before this type of talent even to this day when they try to give him B it’s like it’s still ugly when they try they still ugly but it’s night and day better than what it was at the beginning of the season so I just hate

That man I hate it and it was really going sohan’s way it was going sohan’s way of quite a bit and I get it I do get it I get it because uh with soan he has the personality that he kind of like he will get under people skin but he never once

Went under like got under Spurs fan skins I don’t know why Spurs fans attacked him the way they did it’s probably new newer fans I don’t know know but I I don’t know why Spurs fans attacked him like they did um thank you Gregory hold on let me let me hear let

Me read what we got here Andrew gave me a Super Chat he said you made me a fan of your work bro not a lot of Spurs love like the way you show it oh thank you and then Gregory said at least here let’s put an end yeah we’re not doing it

Here let’s put an end to these silly narratives patience is paying off we will dominate with wimy in time preach Clan yeah dude we’ll be fine I just hate I just hate it dude I just hate it so much you don’t understand how much I hate

It that like like leave that like I keep saying man leave that to freaking skip bis or whatever leave leave that to them I don’t watch those shows anymore I haven’t watched uh skip bis or first take or any of that stuff I haven’t watched that in years because I I

Started to realize the narrativizing behind all of it it just turned into okay there’s no analysis here at all it’s just assumptions well maybe this player is thinking this maybe this player is thinking that maybe they’re doing this and I’m I’m sorry I don’t want to play this

Look maybe just maybe papovich who’s around the team continuously these players that are around each other continuously would know a little bit more about what direction they should go in for the season that maybe we would now one thing about papovich and I I will say this okay this isn’t for every

Single team cuz there’s some coaches where it’s like what what what are we doing here but I think papovich earned the benefit of the doubt I’m sorry I’m I’ll just say that um and I think anyone would agree with me outside of Spurs fans uh but I think that with papovich one thing

That he does with players is he tries to make sure that he puts you in the most uncomfortable situation imaginable and the reason being is he wants you to get better at the things that you’re bad at while still you know perfecting the things that you’re great at he could

Have easily went into this season and said soan you’re just going to do your power for thing okay we’re not going to do anything else he could have easily did that he never does that no matter who’s on the team he tries to put you in situations to make you a better player

Every single player that’s good faith okay there’s only two in that I have in my mind that’s very bad faith we know who we’re talking about um but usually when players leave San Antonio they will say I became a better player because of papovich and that’s why you can look you

Go back to Richard Jefferson Richard Jefferson talks about this how papovich saved his career because he became more of a spot up three-point shooter and obviously as time went on and he played for the Cavs it helped him right uh Championship bound like he does this

With everybody he tries to make sure you become the best possible player you can and the byproduct of that is winning in championships and that’s what he did with this young team soan yeah you could go to your natural position I don’t think the spur I’ll be honest I don’t

Think the Spurs would have won won more games early on I’ll just be real with you but yeah yeah you could have you could have put him in his natural position but no he put him in the point guard position and now regardless of what people say I don’t know what games

They’re watching soan is a better player now I’m sorry I know you I know that might be mindblowing I get tired and sick of seeing like these journalists and seeing these writers put things out there these even YouTubers put stuff out there saying the Jeremy soan up that God

That experiment just didn’t work it just didn’t work it it failed what are the Spurs doing and it’s like dude if you’re paying attention he makes better reads than he did last season he he he’s seeing the court better he’s not just going direct he’s not going down down

The court and back to the basket as soon as he gets to the three-point line he’s not doing that anymore his head is up his eyes are out he’s looking for the open guy now he’s a much better player than he was but hey uh nobody notices

Cuz nobody cares and you know I don’t know they just look at the stat sheet they look at the highlights look at the stat sheet and then come up with a conclusion I guess see what I’m saying Texas still doing it okay now you’re just trolling

He says Sohan not even dying his hair now maybe he’s depressed I think you’re trolling I think you’re trolling me I think I’m pretty sure you’re trolling at this point you don’t mean that but yeah I don’t know that’s my rant that’s my rant um stop the narrativizing man stop

It stop it uh yeah Spurs are who I thought they were okay uh character-wise as far as these players and it’s starting to come together now oh you weren’t kidding that’s sad that’s sad Texas


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. Also the "narrative" doesn't come from Spurs fans, it's randoms on YouTube and Spurs fan just react, it didn't come from here!

  2. Pop was masterful in that game against the Hornets, timeouts, rotations etc. I mean even vs the Pistons, his challenge was well timed. He took a lot of heat recently and when he's pulling the team upward it has to be said.

  3. Wait. You mean Pop isn’t throwing the games to tank?! He’s not poisoning the games with lineups that don’t work?! The players aren’t jealous of Wemby, denying him the ball?! Say it isn’t so!

  4. Whole thing I was frustrated with the team was not even the narrative of "his teammates do not give him the ball." It was more like the teammates do not look for him to give him the ball, playing the hero ball, and Pop is just letting this happen all the time up until now. I do not think Sochan experiment was necessarily a bad thing but I do believe it was stretched little more than it should have. Problem with Sochan was not even him not liking Wemby; he just lacks the court vision like typical PG which is expected as he is not natural PG before.

    Players still tend to drive in / shoot with a double than passing the ball around to look for open shooters. Even Wemby kept jacking 3s when he had the clear advantage in height and dunking over people. Those poor basketball choices and mistakes were what was frustrating, not the narratives that haters create.

  5. This season Wemby is literally taking more shots per minute than LeBron, Davis, Giannis, Durant, Trae, Tatum, Booker or Jokic. This whole narrative of the Spurs not giving him shots or holding him back has been dumb since day 1. Like seriously, wtf do these people want? Wemby taking 36 shots in 19 minutes?

    They let him loose early in the season to figure out rotations, roles and simply trying to learn what Wemby is, what he can do, where he is effective.
    Now they're slowly figuring these things out and you can start to see a structure.

  6. Thats the curse of having a generational talent on your team.. KD once said that he wouldnt want to play with LeBron because of his toxic environment. He was talking about these casual bandwagons that will blame teammates, coaches and the ballboy for everything.. and sadly in the age of social media, they actually can hold power over team decisions.

    Thank god he's on the Spurs.. they can whine all they want about Jeremy not making a pass on a TikTok video.. RC, Pop and Wemby dont care.

  7. I think most fans are casual fans and just listen to whatever the media says and just run with it. They just repeat everything they hear and think they know ow what they’re talking about because ESPN told them it was “true” . Most people saying 1 aren’t even spurs fans 2 don’t watch games/watch highlights 3 a casual fan/troll who either think they know what they’re talking about or want to be funny.

  8. 7:35 I agree it holds no logic what so ever they just take a narrative and run with it. We losing because we rebuilding and young not because we aren’t passing to wemby.

  9. What was that play, I think it was a Wemby to Sochan dunk or something and Sochan just like grabbed the sides of a Hornet player and like tickled him or something 🤣 that was so weird Hahaa. Also, yeah it takes time to develop a young(est) team. 🍻💯

  10. We’re not the same as these other bad teams. Wemby gives us direction, and HE IS 20. We just need to get better. If these guys on the team are able to shut out the narrative and get better they can be good for a long time.

    We have foundational players, direction, and things to get better at. Fans should be excited. An easy way to do that is tune out the media, and watch these young Spurs work hard and get better each game.

  11. There is so much slander and it kills me.

    1.) Pop is stuck to his old ways. How? How do you watch these games, listen to former players, see that he is the winningest coach in history, and have players buy into his systems and still think that he’s suddenly not a great coach anymore?

    2.) Sochan is a bust/low IQ/selfish player. He’s in his second year. He was asked to do so much for his team and didn’t question it even when it was frustrating him. Sochan is the glue guy, he is such a defensive baller and yet people still go for his throat and put up lowlights of one mistake.

    3.) The team doesn’t praise Wemby enough. This one to me is the craziest because I can tell this is new Spurs fans. We have had Tim Duncan, David Robinson, Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker, and George Gervin. Our entire existence, the Spurs have been always been about not one single player. I love Wemby, he might end up being the GOAT but I do not believe in putting down other players just to praise him.

    I had to rant because I feel like I’ve been seeing the 3 specific things constantly making its rounds and they’re so mean and cruel and for what?

  12. “StOp WiTh ThE NaRrAtIvSiNg” proceeds to tell us his narrative can we just trade you to another fan base?

  13. You’re getting heated and acting like we just won 10 straight we beat 2 of the bottom 4 teams it was lemelos first game back stop acting like you told us anything sochan hasn’t proven anything this season and we still need a point. Maybe just maybe you don’t know anything about the spurs or basketball

  14. Dont make it seem like it was just spurs fans giving Sochan hate for no reason, it was definitely for a reason and everyone saw it including Pop and Devin and a lot of former nba players and commentators along with spurs fans. Yes they needed to figure it out and thats what everyone was saying. Some ppl took it too far saying he was trash and needed to be traded, which i dont agree with but I also didnt make excuses for Sochan. I feel like thats why pop started him at pg so he could get better court vision which even you agreed that he needed to improve.

  15. I don’t see why you ranting about these narratives when they have been called out even by Spurs players, Pop & other NBA brass, you stay telling the fans their eyes are lying to them, theyre not, Pop has tightened the reigns & they are being forced to be accountable to not taking the lessons & execute them, they literally were not looking for Wemby or passing to him wide ass open, that’s not a young minded, youth issue—egos are fragile in SA because there’s a reason Spurs are not promoting Wemby unlike previous stars & seasons & they downplay the significance of having Wemby on this team, maybe see the other side & then be objective about it

  16. Pop cost wemby rookie of the year by starting sochan at point guard and wemby at power forward instead of center. Soon pop made the switch the team is playing lot better. And every armchair coach knew that except pop. Because the only thing that experiment prove was wemby losing the ROTY trophy because of do many losses

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