@Sacramento Kings

Trysta Krick, Heat Check – What Move Should the Kings Make?

Trysta Krick, Heat Check – What Move Should the Kings Make?

Every time we bring her into the show it looks different every time the big homie TK Trista cck what’s up man what’s up I’ve been trying to get things together arranged so I made a little made a little move what’s behind you is that what what picture is that behind you we

Got a little uh so this a friend did this for me oh you can’t see it that’s those are some J those are some jays ones yeah there it’s painted with watercolor yeah painted with watercolor uh this is from the Fel book I just took

Them out the prints and then this was uh came with the house this is painted painted did those people uh were were they on the Run they just left a lot of stuff left the piano left the picture they left a bunch of hooks and what else did they leave one of those

Step stool cushion like seating things you can go and you know go up to the top and they left that was all vintage so yeah a lamp they left a big lamp very heavy lamp see they probably thought with the piano it’s not worth you said what now they

Probably thought with that piano it’s not worth moving like we’ll have to hire an an entirely different set of movers I think it’s thousands of dollars to hire a piano mover it’s like a specific probably used it twice in 10 years well I’ve heard the same is true for a pool

Table so well you can hand that pool table over I’ll play on pool table all night every night okay he wrote when he was talking about his set we were talking about setting up places and he wrote pole table p l l pole table and I

Was like I think he means pool table but maybe he means pole table you Damian you did I do that yes oh no I was walking Sprout while we were texting that’s that’s I wasn’t paying attention to I was like I’m not gonna go back and ask

If it could have been it could have been uh Apple though because they be apple they be I ain’t gonna put that on Apple that was that was probably on me can can I can I show him the video that you sent me yeah sure Tris is out

There she just out there dropping wood she she s up her but it and that was the end result got got got a little got a little fire popping nice got a little pair of hiking boots little daners out there like 10 minutes 10 15 minutes what

To to get some log did Red bu table 15 20 minutes I got like a I probably cut chopped uh I don’t know five or six logs into little tiny ones or you know ones for the fireplace probably a little more I mean it’s a workout dude because oh yeah there’s I’m

Not buying so what I have done which probably people don’t really care but I get the wood from the forest around the house like I haven’t bought any wood there’s just a bunch of probably a cart and a half of wood in the backyard that

I have to I have to chop myself and it’s some of it’s like very old probably 15 to 20 year old wood and then a few trees came down in the forest right near me I was that you tell the story I’m trying to be an adult here I’m trying to be an

Adult I’m so TK you just kept saying it like I got through the first one real quick Side Road one um especially the word chop I don’t know if this is like a West Coast thing but definitely in Portland the word Chopper look up look

It up I got I got my ass beat by this girl gener because I was running around calling her a chopper in eighth grade and she was like call me a chopper one more time she put my shirt overneath my head and just punch me looking like Deon Booker on Christmas

Day big old swollen nose anyway a couple of trees came down in the park and so they they uh used the um the whatever it is chainsaw and they had some pieces in they gave the logs away so I’ve been whatever I’ve been making firewood making you guys uh ever used a

Chainsaw no I’ve never used I was I didn’t like that experience at all at all I didn’t like that experience at all there’s too much too much that could go wrong there so I’m still working out the studio I got this little Creator thing that has like this These Arms with the

With the um ring lights and the cam and the camera and the mic but should I get a wide lens like something to widen myself out so that I can be as back further away no I think you look great like the part of the reason you’re so

Close is because of the setup that we use right like that’s what it looks like when you wind up but when we do this we call it the PTI setup it just cuts out some of the background stuff and puts us all right next to each other got it my

Head just looks bigger than you two’s heads so well you might be a smidge B if it’ll I can pull the computer uh closer and it’ll it’ll it’ll uh even out the size of our craniums there well it’s because you guys aren’t using the camera that’s on the laptop that you’re using

It’s like some other camera right yeah that’s why it’s like a little further back um you have to move away from your Camp casy looks like how they did wi horse on ESPN few times Kenny wior over there with the giant head come on

Man um what’ you think of the OG deal oh I love it finally our man OG and an Obi is free he’s been wanting to go to New York for as long as I can remember I know that it was four first rounds or third three first round picks that Memphis

Offered I know there was some other deals that were in I’ve never believed that I’ve never believed that that’s what they said they even talked about it Zack low talked about it today I think that I think Zack low was the originator originator again I don’t I don’t

Question that Zack low was told that I just have some serious I just don’t believe that that’s true what players oh I think it was mostly pics so I think they wanted my mom doesn’t like the Shadow on my cheek she’s told me she doesn’t like it so we

That’s where we’re at on that so is she texting you right now honey this second right this second Mrs Mrs C hello hey Mrs CRA need to when you come for for OG I feel like he has been and I said this to someone who does a lot of the um soft

Tissue work on him and we were talking about just I think OG’s reputation has taken a hit I think there are a lot of people right now saying well is OG and anobi worth the 40 million that he’s INE inevitably gonna get paid is he really the bell of the

Ball he’s a seven-year vet now you know his upside who knows like is it any better than what he is now and does he really fit into needing a role carved out for himself right does he really need quot quote touches or the offense built in a way to get him specific

Amount of touches per game and to that I have been riding for OG and an Obi I’ve been saying his attempts have gone down every year his efficiency has gone up his defensive rating is the worst that it’s been in his entire career as a second all NBA defense guy but like

What’s changed Darko has changed the coach has changed the defensive scheme has changed they don’t switch like they did with Nick nurse so the way that he he gets into the passing lanes and is on ball Defender and off ball Defender he just doesn’t look as good and then he

Goes to New York and immediately shows he’s irritating Anthony Edwards holding him to like 27% from the field in the 63 possessions that he’s guarded him forces him into three turnovers zero assists so on and off the ball as a Defender we know what he can do catch and shoot

Threes that’s what New York needs right RJ Barrett is real trash at the three right like we’ve known that he’s been much better this year but that’s I think that’s kind of an anomaly and when they get to the playoffs they’re going to need guys that can space the floor and

Keep a defense honest because that paint was so packed and you could not that’s why Julius Randle I think was so bad in the playoffs is they didn’t respect any guy shooting from Deep so they were like okay you just go into traffic like we’ll build a wall and made the whole offense

Sputter so I think he’ll help them in that way but he loves to move without the ball as we’ve seen right he’s constantly cutting very high IQ I think the the people who are slandering OG and Obi right now are going to be eating their words in three

To six months I don’t know if I was slandering ogan and noi because I think he’s a good ball player I think he’s very very helpful very beneficial uh to a team trying to get to another level but I think and and this is something that I always say that I shouldn’t or

Others shouldn’t do I shouldn’t do it myself right I’m a little caught up on like uh that number he’s going to be asking for in the off season like I don’t know if he’s franch like that’s almost like franchise money it feels like now we’re in a new NBA we’re in a

New salary era so 35 $40 million that could be for your number three guy as that used to be for for your number one but I I don’t know I just OG’s cool does he take them to a championship level though no but that’s not what is intended right I think that’s people

Talk about him like though I think it’s the next Domino you need a specialist and you need a valuable role player who can do a bunch of things that you currently are lacking but by all means this is not it they are not done obviously like what do they

Have well I thought RJ and Emanuel quickley were like their two biggest assets what do they have left to like move in cap space too they’ll have some cap space they’ll have bunch of first round picks but here’s the thing too they’re going to probably I think try to

Go get somebody like Jordan Clarkson to come off the bench and be Emanuel quickly and so then You’ replaced what IQ did for you for way less because IQ you talk about a guy who wants a lot of money he wants Jaylen Brunson money he

Wants 25 to 30 he’s not you know maybe he gets the 30 and he’s a starting point guard for them but the Knicks are not paying their six-man $30 million a year no shot Jaylen brunson’s up for extension this summer so no chance the name that I keep

Hearing keep hearing it keep hearing it heard it this offseason didn’t believe it there’s been Rumblings there’s been talk Joel embiid I keep hearing it that they’re waiting for Joel embiid to be disheartened for them to be a good regular season team again and to get bounced out of the playoffs in the

Second round again I don’t know the culture looks really good now what’s it going to look like in the playoffs but there’s been talks there ‘s been lots and lots and lots of talks about we’re just waiting for J what would that even look like though

Now in terms of the package pause yeah um because you guys have got the flags out ready for me okay you guys are ready New Year same BS okay [Laughter] BS yes what would the package look like I know I wanted you to say it I don’t I

Mean I don’t know I think there’s probably maybe you maybe you end up moving Julius Randall I don’t know you probably want to maybe a lot of picks um and they do have a lot right like they have a lot of picks I think the Knicks have they’ve

Been stacking first rounds it gets buried because of the Oklahoma City stuff but they have a lot of tradable pieces and if if it comes to that like if that’s really on the table I like Julius Randle you moving they have absolutely hary they have their own 2024 they have

Dallas’s 2024 protected one through 10 they have Detroit’s 2024 protected 1 through 18 which probably will not convey because Detroit is Boo Boo they have a Washington’s first round pick a top 12 protected they have a Utah or Cleveland’s second round pick they have Miami second round pick this is all just

In 2024 and they got their own and they’ve got their own in 20125 they’ve got their own they’ve got Milwaukee top four protected uh they’ve got a 20 a second round pick from Brooklyn with no protections they’ve got a second round pick from Detroit protected only 31

Through 55 in 2020 and then that’s pretty much where it kind of ends in terms of a bunch of Firsts so that’s that’s a lot of picks though guys it is that that is absolutely plus they got like you said in a situation like that Julius randle’s on the table um I think

He’s an expiring so maybe this wouldn’t work for the offseason but they still got Evan forier uh there they want to make a de oh yeah they can move that off the off the books too he’s an expiring this year though right yeah I’m looking

At that right now Evan forier is on the books no he’s on the books it’s um it looks like a club option so you could pick up his team option and then move them that’s an idea um so you’ve got a little cap little cap space you’ve got looks

Like so yeah they’re a little bit over the cap but you can still go into the luxury tax depending on how you want to do it and I feel like they’re doing it the right way I mean if you’re New York you you get your brunson’s you go get

Your OG you have Julius there you got all these guys you can um you can I also forgot you can put Mitchell Robinson in the deal even though he’s out for the season in the in the offseason you can put him in a deal because he

Makes yeah and now now that you have those pieces in place now you go Star hunting you just you and what they’re doing is right like you kind of wait for a franchise guy to say he wants out and that’s kind of what you do so if you had

Joel EMB yeah you’d have to trade Mitchell Robinson right so you keep penstein Off the Bench so your starting five would be uh Jaylen Brunson it would be your three would be OG and anobi Josh har Josh Hart he kind of plays a little two a little three yeah

Maybe you end up bringing Quinton Grimes maybe he’s a starter starter for you and then you’ve got uh no and then you’ve got ogan anobi embiid is that five maybe Josh Hart that’s a pretty thin team they’re going to need to round that out with some depth for

Sure uh you talked about Domino’s falling OG was the guy who Kings fans talked about quite a bit uh what’s the next Domino to fall for Sacramento with ogan noobi now in New York you want Pascal I mean I don’t think he’s gonna resign anywhere seaka

More than I think there’s a lot of people here who wanted seaka more than OG to yeah to answer your question yeah I take seak I take now the price not going to sign yeah and that’s where the so to be clear I don’t think he’s signing with anyone right like that’s

Not I’m never going to sign with Sacramento or I’m never going to sign with the scene that’s trading it does not make Financial sense for him to sign with anyone until the season is over and he’s a free agent yeah for sure he’d help you but you’d have to give like really Pennies

On the dollar we know from what Messi and I said this on Twitter Messi did not want to move OG in an Obi that’s been kind of one of his prize possessions on the roster despite how poorly he was used he wanted to keep them and OG just

Frankly said I can’t promise you that I’m going to resign here and Pascal’s not promising he’s going to resign there so you may have two guys that you lose for nothing that are somewhere in the in the max money neighborhood so what do you really have if you don’t get

Anything back they were forced to make this move I think IQ helps them a lot but I think absolutely pass is a player that they’re now going to try to move even though that was their first option and they couldn’t move them even for pennies on the

Dollar yeah I to when you talk about Sacramento I definitely would take him because right now I’m looking to upgrade at the the starting number uh the four spot starting four spot so um like I said the price because I it’s up in the air whether or not he’d sign with you I

Wouldn’t be giving a whole lot yeah but if you could get him absolutely I’d bring him in start him at the four move Keegan to the three and do you move Harrison Barnes yes yes yes because worst case scenario worst case if you get SE yakum

And Barnes is in the deal uh and you don’t sign SE yakum back now that money’s off your books so you can go do something you can go be involved in a trade get a free agent something like that so if Barnes is what it would you

Know would get the deal done yeah I’d make that move what else what other players you guys thinking about that we would want yeah who’s available you think is actually possible you know who I thought about over the over the weekend they were talking about it on the Insiders

During the Christmas break and I I’m not I don’t know where I’m at with it yet but I’m kind of intrigued it brought up the name dejonte Murray and I’m thinking about a guy at the spot that could defend and create in the open court his three-point shooting or lack thereof is

What concerns me a little bit um uh s ever since he left San Antonio he’s just done things where I haven’t been a big Deon Murray fan like I don’t know about the guy but I’m intrigued by by him by him coming to Sacramento and starting at

The two now he’s on an expiring as well so I wouldn’t be giving up much for him because you don’t know if you can retain him but he he’s speak my interest what you think about D jonte he doesn’t seem interested in playing defense anymore

That was his thing and I feel like he’s kind of gotten a little funny style like he just thinks he’s better than that now he I don’t know I don’t want to say Diva esque but like a little diva-esque and he goes on a team with Trey young and

That was why they traded for him they traded for him to play off ball and to play defense and to be able to shoot the three you know be ble to like bring the ball up when needed you know spell Trey Young when he’s on the bench or just like have another shot

Creator but what is dejonte now he stands around in the corner does not get involved in the offense whatsoever and the offense is absolutely abysmal when he’s the point guard they are absolutely terrible he will not play defense whatsoever even though he gets a steal

Of game it’s just not the same level of high quality intensity that we were used to from him and it feels like well I guess now that I’m in San not in San Antonio anymore I don’t have to do this anymore is there a team ahead of

Sacramento because we we we talk about deals and you know that there’s obviously things going on in starting lineup with Kevin herder and all of that stuff Harrison Barnes is always going to be a a trade discussion but with this team as it is is there a team in the

Western Conference particularly the four above Sacramento that you think are particularly scary above the four or below the four above above above where Sacramento is so like the Oklahoma cities uh Denver Minnesota and the Clippers yeah I think for me I obviously think the nuggets are the best

Team in the NBA I think when the playoffs come that’s a take right there they’re gonna be they’re gonna in the best they’re the best team in the NBA best that’s that’s because you’re your focus on the regular season right now but what we know is what I continue to

Say and I continue to be proven right is that first and foremost the Trope is correct folks Jaylen Brown doesn’t go left his handle is extremely suspect for a two three like he’s just not that Tatum in half court play when you need

Him to go out and get you a bucket I am not sure why Tatum Tatum is tween tween tween tween tween step back from 30 but he needs to quit with that BS like he needs to stop with that go to the rack move the ball around Joe Missoula I am

So out on him he’s gotten better but I am just not I am not a fan of Boston whatsoever love Drew holiday love Chris D porzingis I don’t I am not messing around with Boston they’re going to need to prove me wrong in order for me to feel differently same thing with

Milwaukee I don’t play any defense we know what time it is there I’m more afraid of OKC if I’m the Nuggets or Minnesota really Minnesota probably because of how they play yic and they make it so difficult where they have two bigs Blitz him one’s coming you know he

One’s playing directly on yic on defense and the other ones coming in as an irritant but I’m more afraid of the Western Conference than I am the Eastern Conference okay see beat the breakes off them boys the other night yeah um okay see the real deal uh I think Minnesota’s the real deal

And it’s happening again I I I said this wouldn’t happen anymore it’s happening again Clippers are really me man Clippers are really me they do it every year and then they fall in her face every year I I go through this about about the same time every year every

January February I start to feel the same way and they and they get into the playoffs and and they do nothing but it’s happening again Trista I know I’m starting to feel it too it’s like um it’s almost like a spell you know they’re the siren on the rock you know

They’re oh and you’re like oh my god do you hear that it’s the Clippers calling it’s Kawai Leonard MVP kawhai Leonard do you hear that oh it’s the splash of the net with Paul George oh my God it’s two-way oh you see that it’s Harden as a

Distributor oh my God is that a plumbly double double meanwhile what the Clippers should be is what what’s it called uh you got Pride Rock what’s that that that dark place that Mustafa was showing Simba don’t ever go uh that’s where what’s his name Liv scar

Liv yeah you you never go over there we rule over all stay away from that that’s what the Clippers really are is there that that dark area where scar is and you don’t want to go over really be boy they are and they’re just they’re like Kenny trist coming to get

You yep and we know how that ends you off the cliff I know I know hey but you know I love to shout out to Russ join top 25 in in alltime scores yesterday shout out Russ man they a got Norm we ain’t even talking about Norm

Pal now they finally after three years they’ve implemented uh my boy coffee into the rotation I goodness great Terence man I mean they oh man my boy coffee just a tiny little mirr coffee they cooking yeah yeah they cooking for sure but the the point was

And you you’ve got the Pelicans when you round out the the the the group you know Sacramento’s right there in the middle you have pelicans Dallas Phoenix Houston La I name off those teams the Pelicans strike a little bit of concern given the fact that the kings are 0 and three

Versus them but the other four don’t um not that I don’t have a healthy respect for the other four teams but it like Houston’s beat Sacramento twice boy if the Kings don’t make a trade man Houston might get him I don’t really feel that way but Lakers are 500 we’re really it’s

Crazy we’re really hung up on on the Sacramento Kings making a move and it’s kind of like okay like I I get it but then what like can they not compete with this roster that they have it’s same thing like with the ogn and Obi thing you’re not going to get ogn and

Obi unless you’re trading something of value and what was that going to be that was going to be a guy that none of us want traded which is Keegan Keegan’s not going anywhere that’s that’s foolish like I and I don’t understand so I don’t understand that line of thinking why

Does Sacramento have to be the only franchise that trades something to acquire something like Sacramento has to be the franchise that gives up on their their their their their rookie prospects again trist I’ve said this a million times you pulled that rip cord once and it worked you can’t do it again no

Unless it’s Giannis or Joel like you’re not doing it for OG and anobi you’re not doing it for Pascal cakam no chance James James brought up a great point and this is what this is what sits in my head you trade for whoever Zack LaVine Pascal seak seak

What’s that mean for Malik monk because you tell me before you do anything we can go acquire a hundred million in salary we could bring in more100 million doll more in salary next year and here’s how we resign Malik monk in the process that’s all I Malik Monk’s one of The

Untouchables he can’t facts that’s right and what Daman is talking about is not only is he Untouchable but you have to make sure you’re able to resign him contract protect at all costs not just because of how he plays Off the Bench and how he’s a spark plug but you

Can tell he’s like an emotional leader for this team he’s not I don’t it’s almost disrespectful to say this but it’s the only word that comes to mind but it’s like mascot Vibes like he’s more than that obviously he’s incredible as a as a just like an immense athletic

Phenom but the chemistry with Fox is obviously important too but like I feel like fans rally around monk oh for sure absolutely you ever CHR trist you ever um you ever seen the movie High School High you remember that movie I it was like a like one of those

Parodies it was like a parody of Dan or something like I don’t know if you remember but I always use the analogy McKai feifer in that movie and the kid class David uh that’s right yeah like a rhinestone cow boy that was the scene right but Makai

Fifer’s in the movie and he’s the the class is bad or whatever and and the guy the sub comes in says everybody get out your books and the whole class turns and looks at Makai Fifer in the back and maai puts his headphones on and then everybody says Ah Yeah we’re like

They’re throwing they’re acting up or whatever right so uh the guy gets through to maai and he asks him like a month later like everybody get your books out and turn to page 15 they all look at maai he gets his book out the whole class gets their book out that’s

What I use like a lot of time in sports that’s what I feel like dearen and Malik are here in Sacramento like they they look at them and they say are we good they say we’re good then we rolling if they show any tinge of like frustration

Or they’re not like or uneasiness then everybody’s uneasy that’s what I feel that’s leadership though for you and I think for somebody who’s a six man to be an emotional leader and you feel like Fox and monk should have been always together right they should have always

Been on the same team from the very beginning and now that they’re there it would be it would be heartbreaking and I know that fox knows it’s a business because this happens all the time but if you if you can keep them together on this team for their entire careers I

Think you you should cck heat check pod

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  1. Monte is really shrewd. I don't see him making a move that jeopardizes his flexibility, assets, and core. He'll find bargains but won't overspend.

  2. Pascal stated that he wants to try free agency to see how much money he can get… if I’m a GM I’m not looking in pascal’s direction 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ I wouldn’t knife into my roster to get a player that said he won’t resign with any team that trades for him because he’s looking for the most money he can possibly get…

  3. Jordan Clarkson… Anferie Simons… Keldon Johnson… Devin Vasell… Saddiq Bey… just to name a few cats that I think could help us at the guard position, and that’s just off the top of my head 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ there are some real go getters out there but I don’t want to get rid of our top 4 players to get NOBODY!!! 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

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