@Atlanta Hawks

Chouinard – Trae Young, on Quin Snyder: “Quin is such a cerebral coach and cerebral person. He needs time. He needs people in there that are going to listen and just give the effort that he says … It’s a lot – but it can work – like it can 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 work – and it just takes time.”

Chouinard – Trae Young, on Quin Snyder: “Quin is such a cerebral coach and cerebral person. He needs time. He needs people in there that are going to listen and just give the effort that he says … It’s a lot – but it can work – like it can 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 work – and it just takes time.”

by Ice2jc


  1. artninjatheo

    Sounds like Trae is still all in on Quin, but he doesnt believe the team is the right fit. Which seems like the case on the court. Only players who look comfortable in this system are Trae, JJ, and Bogi. Everyone else seems to be lost or just doesnt give a damn to try

  2. not-a-potato-head

    copy/pasting something I’ve said on r/nba regarding this:

    > I can’t believe I’m defending the 2023-24 Hawks, but…

    > tl;dr the last couple seasons of Hawks defense were propped up by Nate’s lower ceiling/higher floor system, and the switch to a more demanding system under Snyder as well as Capela regressing due to age and not having JC has revealed just how bad the roster is defensively

    > Nate’s system defensively was simpler than the system Quin wants to run, and it employed a lot more drop defense than Quin’s. That was good, since our best defenders last season were Capela and Okongwu. Atlanta didn’t need their perimeter defenders to shut down opposing players since Capela was good enough to cover up any errors. John Collins was also a huge contributor defensively, his help defense has been hugely underrated and was part of why Capela/Okongwu were able to be the anchors they were.

    > The problem with Nate’s system is that it’s really hard to win a championship while only playing drop. Look at the Bucks under Bud, they won while playing drop only with Jrue/Giannis/Lopez as their best defenders. Without multiple defenders at that level, it was hard to imagine the Hawks winning a championship playing drop. So the decision was made as Quin started his first full season with the team to switch away from drop to a new defensive scheme.

    > The problem is that we didn’t add anything to the roster when we made the switch (in fact, we subtracted from it with the JC trade). All of those players that were covered defensively by our centers were now put on full display, and the results haven’t been pretty. Capela has lost a step, and while he’s still a serviceable center he’s (edit: not) the “in DPOY talks” player he was in 21-22 and partially in 22-23. Capela’s decline has been worsened by not having JC’s help defense to cover any weaknesses. Jalen definitely has the potential to be a better help defender than JC (and you could argue that he’s a better on ball defender now), but without JC there’s not a single player on this roster that I trust to provide competent help defense. Maybe Okongwu at the 4, but that’s a whole new debate I don’t want to get into.

    > Add all of the personnel issues to the issues that naturally come from learning a new system, and that’s how you get the 23-24 Hawks.

    > At this point it’s too early to judge Quin. His goal is to create a defensive scheme around Trae Young that is good enough to win a championship. Running a defensive scheme that caters to the current roster at the expense of that goal is counterproductive, even if it makes the team better in the short term.

    > Can things improve? The one good thing about being this bad is that it provides enough incentive to quickly restructure the roster. I guarantee that if we were 0.500 it would take 3-4 seasons for Quin/the front office to cycle through the roster and bring in players that actually fit the scheme. Now, with us looking like we’re selling at the deadline, that can happen in 1-2 years. Next season is going to be when we can start accurately evaluating Quin’s system here. If we bring in better players without signs of improvement, then that’s a red flag. But until then it’s too early to say for sure

    Trae’s 100% right here. The roster does not fit Quin’s system, and until it does this team isn’t going to be competitive. I still believe that Quin can build us into a championship team, but that’s 100% not happening until we make substantive moves

  3. noobrektsucks

    i’ll believe it when i see it but until then i’m not sold

  4. MiserableSoft2344

    Trae knows he’s playing with some of these guys for the final time.

  5. Trae knows he has practically no help in Atlanta right now

  6. Historical_Main5261

    I love you Trae, and I am reluctant to call a coaches defensive scheme bad when we have the roster we do so I am willing to stick it out for now

  7. CounterInsanity

    I’m confident that Trae and Quin have a strong relationship. I’m more curious how the relationship between Quin and DJM is. When Trae says Quin “needs people in there that are going to listen”, my attention immediately turns to DJM. Just based off his personality and what we’ve seen on his social media and all the bone headed stuff he’s pulled, I can see him being a headache. I can see him not wanting to play in a system and just play his own game.

    Either way, it’s an obvious fact at this point that the roster isn’t working and changes are imminent. I’m eager to know what route the team takes in term of changes. Do we do a soft rebuild or do we try and change pieces for other pieces? I think a soft rebuild is more likely and I think Trae will be on board with it….after the All-Star break.

  8. Trae is hurt so I give him a pass, for now but he needs to bulk up this offseason. Nobody can stay in front of their man, especially Trae.

    Players are used to funneling into OO or Capela who jut sink down low in the old system.


    At times, you think, is it this player or that player? but then you realize that Jalen Johnson who’s NOT a vet can play in this system That shows that we just need better players.

  9. WzrdKelly10

    Sounds like Trae and Quin has had A LOT of conversations about the future of this roster and know who staying and who going lmaooo

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