@Los Angeles Clippers

We Owe The Clippers An Apology

We Owe The Clippers An Apology

Over the past 15 games the Clippers have a record of 13-2 and if you can’t tell I am very surprised by this especially because about a couple months ago I talked about the Clippers right after the James Harden trade and to start things off they had a six-game losing

Streak and it seemed like this team was destined to fail however just a couple months later the Clippers have saved themselves and they are the hottest team in basketball right now but how did they go from failing with James Harden to now thriving with him well boys we got to

Talk about it first I want to talk about James Harden James Harden has been very interesting on the Clippers when joining the Clippers I said there was no way that Harden was going to be Houston James Harden or any other version of him himself I was hoping he was going to be

Like Philly James Harden but yet he’s a different version we haven’t really seen for one James Harden doesn’t need a lot of touches on this team to be effective and I mean that does make sense with guys like kawii Leonard and Paul George you have a lot of talent around you not

To mention James Harden shooting has improved a lot in fact currently at the time recording this video he’s shooting about 44% from three which is very different because James Harden isn’t necessarily known as a great three-point shooter usually a lot of scores in the NBA can make threes but they’re not like

The best at it but James Harden is shooting really well from three I honestly think a lot of people including myself were just waiting for James Harden to kind of fail right when he got to Los Angeles but I’m not going to lie he has definitely accepted his role and

He’s starting to mess with the team I mean you got to understand this is a completely different version of James Harden like when a lot of star or Superstar players go to different teams they can usually play the same Kevin Durant can play the same in Brooklyn

That he does in Phoenix for the most part however James Harden is not the same guy that he was on his previous team and he kind of had to adjust and if we’re looking at the numbers if we’re looking at the way the Clippers are playing he has definitely adjusted to

This role a lot better than I thought and honestly that’s a good thing I think this is a version of James Harden that can win a championship with the Clippers and it’s the same thing that I said in Philly Harden doesn’t have to score 30 to 40 points but you never know there

Could be a night where he goes off like I think he had a game against the Pacers a while back where he had like 35 points randomly Harden is not someone that is going to usually get you 35 points now but he can have those flashback games

Every now and then and speaking of accepting roles I need to actually give my praise to Russell Westbrook in my video about the Clippers I made a comment where I said that either Harden or Westbrook was going to have to come off the bench in my opinion it made

Sense for Harden to come off the bench Westbrook had earned his status on that team as someone that was willing to do anything a hard worker and a dominant player however when the team was struggling Westbrook said yo I will come off the bench and honestly that is a

Very respectable thing I’ve noticed that a lot of people try to make this narrative about Westbrook that oh he’s selfish oh he’s a cancer to every team he goes to but I’ve only heard good things about Westbrook from his teammates and people that have played with him or been in the same

Organization as him Westbrook is one of the most selfless players in the NBA and no matter what the media tells you this guy just wants to win and it is so f respectable I remember people used to tell me that Westbrook was just someone that was a ball Hawk that was a

Terrible teammate but I disagree he’s just somebody that wants to win he’s a hard worker and him doing this for the Clippers is something that a lot of star players would not do I mean this is a former MVP this is one of the most explosive players of all time yet he

Said yo I will take a backseat and that’s very respectable also statistically 6 and 1 half rebounds 4.7 assists one steal per game in only 23 minutes that’s not too bad Westbrook is getting limited time but he’s still doing well with the limited time that he has actually is 23 minutes per game

Really limited look that’s not the point look the point I’m trying to make is that Westbrook is somebody that is going to be very vital to the Clipper success even though he’s not the best player he’s not the best score he’s not the best defender so yeah shout out to

Westbrook for playing a role that a lot of former MVPs would not play at this stage of their career now of course the two most important players to this team kawh leard and Paul George that is something we really have to talk about because something interesting has

Happened that I don’t think a lot of people expected to transpire but first gentlemen we are on the road to 50,000 subscribers so of course if you guys are enjoying the video if you guys are enjoying what I’ve been putting out lately I’ve been putting in a lot of

Effort I’ve been trying to upload more and yet upload better content overall well leave a like on the video and subscribe also if you have video ideas put in the comment section below if there’s a team you want me to talk about a player or things overall I’m

Interested to hear also little plug uh you might want to follow the podcast Channel because we are dropping an episode sometime today so if you guys are not following the st5 will subscribe to our Channel like I said we’re dropping an episode today it should be

Live by the time this uh video drops all right with that being said let’s get back to the video now I want to talk about Kawhi Leonard for a sec because earlier in the season Kawhi Leonard was struggling for a while and this probably was due to the fact that he had been

Injured in the playoffs and he was you know getting off that injury but to say the least I’ve noticed something else that’s been kind of different about kawhai ever since James Harden got to the Clippers it seems like kawhai is back to normal and some could say even

Better and I think there’s a really good reason for that when you bring in another offensive weapon like with a player like James Harden it leaves more opportunities for other players I mean let’s just break this down in a very simple way kawh Leonard Paul George James Harden those three players are

Pretty solid scores and that’s me saying that in a conservative way I mean honestly how are you going to game plan for this team Paul George could go off any night Kawhi Leonard could go off any night James Harden might not go off for

30 to 40 but he’s going to make it a pain in the ass for your defense because James hard is the primary ball handler and he’s the one to control the offense Kawhi Leonard has been able to just relax and do what he does best and because they now have James Harden that

Leaves Kawhi Leonard going back to being able to be a good Defender I’ve noticed with some star players when they have to be the whole offense their defensive production does start to go down and for Kawhi Leonard’s case while he can still be one of the best scorers on the team

The Clippers defense is now sitting at number 12 in the NBA mind you this is a team’s defense that was falling in the rankings earlier on in the year however now it seems like they’re picking up things and I mean they’re damn near top 10 in every single category I genuinely

Believe that James Harden did a lot for Kawhi Leonard and a lot of people aren’t going to talk about that I feel like a lot of people had narratives about James Harden and how you know he came to LA and was going to tear everything apart

However I feel like for a lot of the players even a guy like Ivan zubach he’s impacting everyone in different ways now I know some people are going to get mad that oh you didn’t talk about Paul George but I think everything with Paul George is pretty much a given we know

He’s a great scorer we know he’s important to this team we know that come playoff time I believe pa George is going to be the second best scorer on this team maybe even first but there’s something else that I think we need to talk about and that’s the fact that the

Clippers could actually win the championship this year now I’m going to be honest with y’all one of my boys NBA nerd he’s one of my good friends he told me and my boys earlier in the year that he thought the Clippers were going to be

One of the best teams in the league and they could possibly win the finals now mind you this was before the James Harden trade this was right before the season started and I’m not going to lie I laughed at him all my friends laughed at him were’re like bro shut the up

Your being stupid however I need you guys to understand something the western conference is wide open right now there are only a few teams that I genuinely believe are going to be the hardest to stop and now that I say that I actually think there’s one I think it’s Minnesota

I genuinely believe Minnesota is the best team in the west right now I know people are going to be like oh what about the Nuggets well whatever you do do not look up the Nuggets record versus above 500 teams of course I would love to say the Suns but we all know that

Team is kind of in a weird stage right now so unless they go on like a 10 20 game winning streak I’m not confident in Phoenix right now you might want to say the Lakers which boy if you don’t so to say the least there’s only one team that I’m genuinely terrified however

Minnesota doesn’t really have that much experience so I’m now just editing this and I forgot about OKC but the same point I made for Minnesota still stands for OKC all right back to the video so is it crazy for me to say I think Los Angeles a team that has players full of

Playoff experience could take over the West they’re one of the hottest teams in basketball right now and I don’t know what is stopping this team from doing well except injuries so I asked this question do you guys think that the Clippers could end up making it to the

Finals if they keep playing the way they are and chemistry stays the same and Westbrook is doing his thing and James Harden’s doing his thing and even guys like zubach to the bench if they keep doing their thing could they possibly win the finals I think there’s a real

Possibility but we need to see everyone involved including Tyron Lou who hasn’t been the best coach we need to see everyone involved just play their role because we’re at a point now where I don’t even know what’s going to happen in the NBA anymore this is just you Know

We Owe The Clippers An Apology

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  1. Appreciate the video but saying Russ is “not the best defender” bro watch the games, he’s been arguably the best on ball defender in the entire league this season

  2. No we don’t owe the Clippers an apology yet. They haven’t proven anything. Plus they gonna get judged in the playoffs. No one cares what they do in the regular season. Harden and Kawhi critiques never was about the regular season. Well Kawhi kinda was but we gonna see how they play in the playoffs.

  3. Harden isn’t known as a great 3 point shooter? He’s top 3 in all time 3s made and will likely finish his career at number 2 your a casual

  4. James Harden is number 3 on the all time 3 point list. And he’s not known for 3 pointers ?

  5. Kind of disagrees that Harden isn't a good 3-pt shooter. He was known to shoot 3s really well back in Rockets and popularized the side-step/step-back 3 even. He had off nights for sure, but he is generally a threat from the 3. He just took less in Nets and Sixers and passed the ball more but you can tell the 3s are still there.

  6. IVAN Zubacs,,,,?!? Bro give Zu the respect to get his name right. He’s been very efficient since they turned things around

  7. Harden is 2nd all time in made 3's but he's not " known for being a great 3 point shooter" lol okay man

  8. Mehh!!! Just wait till.playoffs before you say such thing… For as long as i know that clippers team didnt reach the NBA finals with the great roster that they are having with

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