@Milwaukee Bucks

Golden State Warriors vs Milwaukee Bucks Full Game Highlights | Jan 13 | 2024 NBA Season

Golden State Warriors vs Milwaukee Bucks Full Game Highlights | Jan 13 | 2024 NBA Season

Five Middleton to deep two and lasers at home they had an interesting summer obviously getting Damen Lillard kind of signaling to jannis as Klay Thompson knocks down a three coming off screens signaling the Giannis that hey we’re serious about winning shich she beat Brook Lopez and Dario whether it’s a

Stretch five or Mobility that’s the way to counteract the size of the bus Lake Thompson got there before Splash Mountain could get to him I’m telling you this team can be had defensively straight to the Baseline I just don’t know how you cover him if you’re a

Normal human being Yannis when you start to look at 31 points and 11 rebounds and he’s worked on his threes he has now now you’re betwix and between trying to guard him the jsky opens with the three and we talked about Brandon struggling shooting the ball it’s good to see that

Go down cyclet to D and Lillard with the runner if you’re going to D team especially Brook Lopez you better be ready to rotate that’s one of the main Reas with the three make those bigs guard on the perimeter Lillard three yeah Milwaukee headed back the other

Way Lillard good find to the NBA’s leading three-point shooter Malik Beasley who hits the triple tra Jackson Davis he and clay have developed some chemistry in the last couple weeks Lillard some speed dribble and finish he is special he’s a tough cover High screen roll and Malik Beasley like you

Said at 48% essentially leading the NBA you cannot leave him at the three-point line think is on everyone’s scouting report but he went to the left hand that time you slow your body down you can go counter move jsky 100 mph to lay it up

And in he knew he had the Drive Brandon breaking the paint drop it off Trace Jackson Davis to lay it in you like the way PO jimsky is playing this game Yannis with a big step back out to conon for three and Pat conon rattles it home final minute of a really interesting

First quarter the Warriors got down nine they’re kind of scratching the claw hanging around and poris hits the three great awareness and post up by Trace Jackson Davis Middleton man he could hit from about 17 18 ft and Steve Kerr going to use a timeout there’s Jackson Davis Giannis is there he went

Right at him and scored that was a great adjustment there he expected that next Defender Master Kon an open three and he bottoms out Klay Thompson with another feed he kinon came ready you just go into your drawn kicks all these long close outs do not settle psky right down the lane so what I tell you you can get in the paint

On this team yanis with the offensive rebound and that’s tap city when he catches it in there trace on the Baseline cting Little off to the corner now attacks the big man and puts it up and in that’s perfect also started with kaminga getting that rebound and then Lopez beautifully done

On that lob and dunk bsky on a step around oh hello Andrew on this little mini trip so far his energy and effort level been great and right on Q wigin Banks it home see they’re giving Brook Lopez a lot to think about now Jackson inside denied

Got his own rebound good second effort he was the co- captain on the Connecticut National Championship team man fousy kaminga off the m bucket goes 94 ft and Adrien Griffin storms out on the court to take the time out and Brook Lopez dunks at home that wasn’t lack of

Warrior defense and scrambling and hustling Cory Joseph open three and he rails it 278 bench Advantage Warriors largest lead of the night at seven and Lillard we Marvel at his distant shooting but man his speed finishes are something else the honest the Finish Well done playing open three this time and he

Got it he and two of 10 run Middleton off the three-point line shot clock at 10 Lillard inside yis round it out Warriors fortunate and O dupa just hammering that down it’s a Wiggins Wing three and that came in a good time as the Warriors retake the

Lead get it out of Beasley’s hands Middleton from Deep shot clock at seven the jsky side step three Oh shot that from Appleton Wisconsin how about that Higgins serves it up and in that is Relentless Expos Lillard down low oh Wiggins what a pass to Looney it’s

Perfect shot clock at seven on Yannis Brandon s step three come come on come on now oh pvi fans are going what is happening play finally quickest man of the ball Andre Jackson that hurt you had a chance to get that Miss free free throw and the Bucks end up with an

Energy play Onis sing up Bobby poris from Deep you got a 17-minute ball game and Trace Jackson Davis met up top Andre Jackson what a block Lillard for three got it Dario in on a tupo to lay it up and in 42 points in the paint for Milwaukee

32 and kaminga what a block on Lillard they finally got to one of those speed layups he are up and in have a game Millard got that reach and then he floats it in man he is so [Applause] skilled Mario and he quick shot Lopez again how could has charage been shot

Clock at three here comes kaminga with a strong drive and float it home drive it drive it drive it that’s their mentality Rook Lopez what a lob Jackson able to to finish that rest for konz Cory Joseph Klay Thompson with Trac and kaminga how about that give it

Back to you I’ll give it back to you to lay it in idon he he is the safety blanket when you sit Lillard and you sit Giannis jaby poris for a push shot Trace Jackson Davis had a super long close out there play Thompson three he got it he Brook Lopez wasn’t close

Enough down three dominga to tie it he does that is a big time tough shot too the worse will not go away Middleton man this see something seven of 10 he’s got 15 hortis nice pass inside Trace Jackson Davis he got Jackson the first time and Jackson good Relentless energy andus

Sdes is up ptis will change his speed and then finish and foul htis is fifth foul yeah you just said it the change of speed there little but it’s been hit every time the Warriors feel like they’re getting going a little Middleton is there to rip it back from AWA kaminga

What a fourth quarter he hits the three here’s Giannis with the big step the field goal the foul he’s tough sh goes right back at him to score he’s getting into giannis’s body it 10 I don’t know how you stop him he is so good Easley is human and oh hre

Jackson he has had some blocks but that was the follow of the night out to Beasley catch and shoot three you miss a layup on one end and then the three on the other but psky stol it and B pz is easiest bucket of the night at a

Five-point game with 5 and 1 half left yis Onis at three gets a running start to put it up an end Warriors have gotten the the best of Giannis Lillard and Middleton as clay hits a three you’re in it there’s four minutes left you’re down

Six oh how good is an TMO that was beautiful Warriors have worn the Bucks down a little bit play another three down five inside three [Applause] minutes oh the little innocuous pushing the back Middleton made it anyway Honis he didn’t buy that ball fake if but he went right by him to lay

It in Yannis missing Brook Lopez rebounding and putting it in then Yiannis and we’ve got our first double digit lead of the night clock at five ler into Jackson he he’s been good fits in with the group doesn’t really need the ball very much Ohi a little Lefty hook double team Middleton shot

Clock at five Jackson is the release by Alvin I said nowhere to go Lopez for deep and this is why the Bucks could be a championship team they are really good MinGa putting it up and in the chsky the lob MinGa will dunk it down no need to shoot now but Giannis

Will have the dunp so [Applause] Milwaukee Here


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  1. Kuminga is really fun to watch, he was definitely wasted last year, he could have evolved a lot more if he got the minutes.

  2. Good game from the young guys for the Warriors. No Steph, Wiggins did nothing, Klay shooting barely above 30% from 3 when the team was at 42%. To be in it right up until late in the 4th is pretty good and there seemed to be a better feeling about the players, they were playing with positivity that wasn't there a few games ago.

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