@New Orleans Pelicans

Golden State Warriors Game Vlog vs New Orleans Pelicans 2023-2024 NBA Season

Golden State Warriors Game Vlog vs New Orleans Pelicans 2023-2024 NBA Season

No yep no yep yo what is going on High Sports we get lit and we talk about fairis sports we are here on Warriors ground here in Frisco you see the bridge right behind me right there and um we’re going to go watch our Warriors who are obviously struggling

Unfortunately um aren’t playing too great so uh I believe we have a 17 and 19 record and we’re going to go play against the Pelicans and uh they played against Sacramento the other night I’m not too sure how well the Pelicans did but they have over a 500 record there’s

No Zion tonight there’s no Draymond but Draymond came back to practice after that you know suspension and everything like that so that’s really really really good but we’re struggling this year guys you know hopefully that was a a big moment in between Draymond and Steve Kerr I really just rally the troops

Together let us know like do we need to make a trade we need to make some moves get some guys out of here cuz I think so all along with me guys this should be a really really fun Vlog today see if we can beat the Pelicans let’s get it just

In case you guys are wondering how the weather is outside today here in the bay nice and rainy here on this Wednesday we got a fanny pack giveaway that we got to get to right now on our way over here to the Warriors game but they are redoing the mission Rock So for

You Giants fans you guys have a little bit more of an experience in the SF locals right here near the giant Stadium all right guys it’s pulled up to the chase Center we here baby got of love it guys one of the most beautiful Ras in the NBA it is

Gorgeous it’s got a lower ticket prices it’s all I got to say we got some good seats today leaving it off with these guys again they’ll take great care of it all right you guys Vibes of the game friendly brand let’s do it feel me let’s get a good Warriors win

Today against the Pelicans we definitely need it it’s going to be a nice little battle and we got some good seats for you guys so let’s get it you know what that sounds like the cough of Victory last time we were here they won hopefully we’ll bring them that luck

Again go Warriors just got here very very slow day today on a Wednesday not a ton of fans here at least an hour prior to the game we have arrived here on Thrive city’ll be the first in line let’s do it all right guys let’s cop another you

Know little giveaway got Warriors fanny pack right there you feel me something slight nothing crazy we go all right we just walked in obviously got all the fans coming in here for the giveaway and we got some nice seats so we going to head right over there for you guys all right guys

We are here we just made it watching some warm-ups of the New Orleans Pelicans hey that’s OG Cory Brewer right there we got Jose Alvarado right there CJ McCollum got all the fellas from New Orleans all right we got Larry NZ Jr right down there for the Pelicans alado’s getting some shots

Up Collins one of Val best da talking to us we got to keep this man off the boards today y’all boy Les has pulled up to the court Dario is pulling up out of the tunnel getting ready to get warm last warm up my boy Zion Williamson right there

Boy probably not going to play today I wonder if he is going to play today probably not we’ll get some warm-ups to him too if this dude lived up to his full potential he’d be a beast man bunny jumpers get the day started St just coming out on the Court training now getting them classic warmups they can feel the Court Brandon Ingram right there that boy is a menace out there on the court we got to be able to stop him tonight looks like he’s locked in play Thompson just holded up you feel me going to get some warm ups too spash brother step Curry right There play Thompson you know getting prep for the game let’s hope he could score over 20 points tonight as well need Them we got the fellas alongside with us from ESPN we got the boy Mike Green right there pods making an appearance on the court get Upom Doc Rivers good old doc man here for ESPN tonight ah a stepal pre game dun you feel me f the house we got some great performances indeed want to shout out to all the unions in the house T present as well a lot [Applause] always going to be in that Cera shot oh he going to try to oh no he’s gone there we go there’s warm-ups yo if you are here at the Chas and you want to play some virtual reality basketball they do got it here all right here come the New Orleans

Pelicans they is coming on to the fourth the Pelicans man all right Warriors getting ready to come out war warriors right let’s get it get that D fellas here they come and here they come up and welcome now to the cour your go Hell yeah yeah here we are here they come home game right here it’s a basketball game y’all let’s do it tonight game time baby Starting lineup for the New Orleans Pelicans New Orleans willamson Zion Williamson is playing today guys my correction for Wow horrible in warmup Ingram there got a full Squad oh we got a lot to handle tonight 63 car number three CJ M of theel pelicans are a good team guys they got a line Up now it’s us See my eyes Yeah we come yeah aming all [Applause] You and make some noise get up on your feet and your Golden State Warrior the season for the Democratic Republican cono Z Jonathan his first year from Santa clar [Applause] Two it is Year from U boy Washington State University 11 15 NBA season out [Applause] DAV Let’s Get It Go dubs dubs over Everything GP my boy Dre Mar greine back up in the building getting the guys ready you feel me it’s game time baby let’s get it we need you right now this is Warriors work Make Some Noise D Nation let’s [Applause] go Whistle hey hey whistle hey hey all right sorry guys for that singing but let’s go tip off time baby looney one attemp against B There we go Curry gives the ball over to kaminga D here the first drive of the game by it up here we go we’re going to give it

Right over to b b is going right over to clay clay back over to kaminga kaminga mes it all right that’s going to be first drive of the game not great all right the herb Jones 3 and the CJ mccum 3 it’s going to be 6 to zero we missed

All of our shots to start off the first quarter kaming got the ball giving it over to Clay here comes the screen see what happens here gives it over to kaminga back over to curry curry he’s driving floater jumper we go first points of the game J he’s got the ball what A that’s the score we’re getting a little destroyed right now so we had to take a time out to get stuff together we go so Warriors bring the ball in here we go let’s see what we can do with it Curry here he goes he’s going to give it

Right off toon Looney giving it right over to kaminga and kaminga there we go there we go let’s get something going all right Z Williams disc scor here comes the screen from Looney Curry’s driving he’s going to give it over to Bei back over to clay clay for three you know

What is good there’s the score here we go Curry for three oh there we go we go def Curry bring the ball up we Los it still by 12 12 to 24 and Wiggins is going to pop a three here yeah we go there we go Wiggins driving giving it

Over to clay clay thought about it still thinking about it he’s going to drive instead it back over the wigs give it over to Looney there we go War coming back a little bit we got psky bringing the ball up giving over to SAR SAR there we go nice drive yeah that

Was a great drive there we go giving it over to Moody for three yeah go nice all right here we go Wiggins he’s got the ball from the impound oh oh no there we go Jackson Davis there you go yeah good play good sticking with it sorry it’s second free throw he nailed

The first there we go Nails the second we have 20 seconds left here in this first quarter Zion bringing the ball up the Warriors won’t have it let’s see what we can do Wi on Zion Zion’s got to do something defense defense something with seconds left oh my

God Jordan Hawkins made the three and that’s off that’s going to be the end of first and it was terrible we’re down by 19 we got to figure this out boy we’re right next to DJ sharp that boy getting It all right start the second quarter guys Dario bringing it up giving it over to kaminga kaminga taking right oh my goodness oh my goodness wow that was crazy oh nice little pass there we go still down by 20 last coming free [Applause] throw all right we’re down by 25 points

Dead for three oh okay Looney Looney he’s driving oh there we go boom there we go finally all right we missed it Curry hit the last three so now it’s going to be still down by 22 oh three there we go we’re going to call time out and we’re going to check out

Those two threes we just missed boy Moses just nailed it Mees I don’t know hey there we go our C bringing the ball up we’re down by 23 points we have some good shots here we just need to keep that up Curry mixing wheeling and dealing that’s good you feel me there’s the

Score all right here we go M’s got the ball giving over to Steph St got to step oh oh nice little great play go down all right we down by 20 again there we go Steph Curry wheeling and dealing to Cory Joe nice little pass there’s the score Curry the last of his

Two Nails it there we go we’re only down by 16 now all right Curry got the ball I understand over toone there we go bu there we go score let’s get some points here Mr Steph Curry going to bring the ball up let’s see what we going to do with the screen

Oh he got over to Mr Moody Mr Moody oh oh this is just a wonderful play right there passing oh what a wonderful play by The Warriors there’s the score Warriors got the ball here we are play Thon oh wonderful Jackson Davis there’s the score we on the comeback oh my God all

Right well let’s still down by 16 we’re making a little bit of a comeback here there’s only 40 seconds left Curry what’s he going to do with it he’s going give it to Moses for three mes yeah you me there we go 6 73 oh great job Warriors really have 21 seconds left

There we go and 15 seconds left in in the shot clock Curry against Brandon Ingram right here what’s he going to do with it I think Chef’s going to shf oh yeah there we go Curry come on give it over to Moody do something with it

A all right and that’s going to be the half time all right we’re losing by 13 we got to figure it out cuz it was sloppy this quarter or this half sorry all right boys I are worri fans I area halftime report but man stuff is terrible man we started off

The game really really slow you feel me it was awful we got to put it together if we don’t we’re going to lose this game we’re down by at least 25 of one point so we can just get it together man we’re going to be set you feel me let’s go

Dubs let’s put it together and just get a good win all all right second to begin let’s get let second half we’re about to start it let’s do it all right P Miss Warriors ball kaming bringing it up all right what’s he going to do with

It oh he going Drive oh nice little sck nice bucket you feel me there we go all right Steph got fouled there’s a second one for him yeah there the score all right Curry giving it to Clay Clay’s going to launch yeah we go play we’re down by 11 all right

Clay giving it over to Mo smoody SMY yeah there we go good shot War got the ball Ry he’s got light one up yeah that’s good that’s the score all right Kavon with the ball he’s giving it over to kaminga kaminga what’s she going to do with it against Williamson

All right there’s moody moody oh pushes him oh big body there score all right kaminga got fouled he made his first one let’s make our second nice we’re only down by 11 now let’s try to do something with it all right we’re down by 15 again 7590 play for three yeah go

Best interviewing people here in the con courses hey Warrior fans test your knowledge yo thank you bro appreciate you thank you man you have a good one all right we’re playing terribly right now down by 22 points 50 seconds left third quarter sorry it’s over to Jackson Davis it

Up now we’re down by 20 all right back up to 23 now Warriors look Lost all right sorry s come on Warriors 13 seconds left come on SAR give over to Jackson Davis yeah there you go Bud there you go I love but I got to say e thank you all right half time I me try end of the third you guys there we

Go start of the fourth quarter y’all Cory Joseph oh to Moody for three no all right but we got the ball back Second Chance point we got wiggin I’m moving W yeah it’s really rough right Now now we’re down by 30 what are we going to do are we going to play our bench But Here Comes Wiggins he’s going to try to do something there you go it’s nothing but counts all right so this vent in Cory Joseph the moody moody driv yeah but it’s still we’re down by 27 points 28 points

Wow [Applause] boy helping us try the comeb back well cannot play at all a yep and that’s how it’s been yeah all right and then here we go and the Warriors got the ball back there we go Jackson Davis good second chance it good job Warriors let’s go let’s go oh Jonathan

Comingo here comingo wow well we’re still getting destroyed but it’s all right oh all right Warriors here we go look at s got a number 15 out there S ohz Davis yeah that guys are kind of getting it done Santos got fouled score is still pretty

Bad yeah all right here we go Kinga got it is driving Draymond D ever get jsky driving oh there we go Jackson Davis [Applause] J 19 seconds left it’s a blowout though that’s going to be the game unfortunately War your fans there is a lot to think about before going on this

Road trip here but we are going to take this L unfortunately and it’s been really really rough really really rough for us and hate seeing this it is what it is we lost that was not a great game for us but hey it is what it is all right you guys that was

Unfortunately an ugly one we took that L very lost 105 to 141 there’s a lot of things we got to do goes down the Curve rotations do we have to make a trade not having Draymond sucks it’s been a lot for us Warrior fans so man sucks so

Hopefully we can do you know more on this road trip and then we come back here play the against the Mavericks we will see you guys at another Warrior game soon don’t know which one don’t know which sporting event we’ll see you guys soon might be the ners just because

Of how the playoffs is going but other than that it was a good Vlog hopefully you guys are able to watch it like comment and subscribe and we’ll see you guys on the next one stay safe out there y’all go Warriors figure it Out

Check our Golden State Warriors game Vlog at Chase Center vs New Orleans Pelicans 2023-2024 NBA Season. Fanny Pack giveaway. Enjoy the video we got great footage for this one! Like Comment and Subscribe!

Time Stamps:

Intro to video/Getting to Chase Center/Vibes/Pregame warm ups-0:14
Game Highlights- 10:45

Social Media:
IG: @higharea510/@highareasports_510
Twitter: @HIGHAREA510


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