@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls HUMILIATED with HORRIFIC Booing of Jerry Krause

Chicago Bulls HUMILIATED with HORRIFIC Booing of Jerry Krause

Chicago you know this city really doesn’t do itself any favors unless you were alive at the time or unless you’re a historian of the NBA you probably don’t know that the Chicago Bulls were a destitute franchise before the arrival of Michael Jordan matter of fact outside

Of a couple of years with Derek Rose the Bulls they have been a destitute franchise since the retirement of Michael Jordan basically if you removed the Jordan era from from this franchise the Bulls would probably be considered one of the worst franchises in the NBA at least in terms of playoff success

Winning and losing Michael Jordan he receives most if not all the credit for the success of the Chicago Bulls in the 90s and rightfully so I mean make no mistake about it Michael Jordan he put the city of Chicago on his back hell he put the entire league on his back and

Allowed the NBA to ride his cape but there is someone who doesn’t get the credit that he deserves they’re someone who is often overlooked when we look back at the Bull’s success people give credit to Scotty Pippen Dennis Rodman Phil Jackson even some of the role players like Steve Kerr John Paxton Bill

Winnington Scotty barell Horus Grant BJ Armstrong even some of the role players on those team they received their proper share of the credit but the one man who often gets overlooked was the architect of the team J Krauss the general manager of the Chicago Bulls while they were

Dominating the NBA it’s easy to say things like well anyone can win with Michael Jordan yeah kinda but that’s simply not true I mean if that was the case Doug Collins he would have won with Michael Jordan Jerry Krauss he was responsible for making the unpopular decision at the

Time to fire Doug Collins the man who had just led the Bulls to the Eastern Conference Finals the decision was unpopular with fans hell it was unpopular with Michael Jordan himself another decision that wasn’t popular was trading Charles Oakley to the New York Knicks Jerry Krauss made a lot of

Decisions that weren’t necessarily well received however a lot of those decisions work Jerry Krauss was not popular with players towards the end of the dynasty he didn’t get along with Phil Jackson which by the way without Jerry Krauss there probably is no Phil Jackson Phil Jackson was relatively unknown when Jerry Krauss

Promoted him to replace Doug Collins if I remember correctly his only head coaching experience at the time was coaching down in Puerto Rico where if you defeat the home team you’re lucky to make it out alive booing though booing has always been a part of sports outside of social

Media fans really only have two ways to send a message to the franchise or a particular player you can purchase tickets to the game and express your outrage by booing or or you can do what I’m currently doing with my Saints you can refuse to support them financially

And refuse to watch them on television it is no secret that I hate Dennis Allen as a head coach I don’t hate the man on a personal level but I hate Dennis Allen as the head coach of my team God forbid something tragic happened to Dennis

Allen I don’t even want to speak that into existence it’s just a hypothetical but if something happened to Dennis Allen and the Saints decided to honor him in the super doome I firmly believe that the City of New Orleans the Gulf Coast we would show Dennis Allen his

Proper respect even though he sucks as a head coach Dennis Allen has made a lot of positive contributions he was responsible for resurrecting the defense the saints went from having historically bad defenses to being top five top 10 every year if something happened to Dennis Allen and he was being honored in

The super doome the City of New Orleans would give him the the respect that he deserves unfortunately that is not what happened last night in Chicago Jerry Krauss was born and raised in the city of Chicago he is one of their own he’s a HomeTown

Kid last night the Bulls held a Ring of Honor ceremony to honor the 9596 championship season Jerry CL Jerry Krauss he was included in the ceremony now for those that don’t know Jerry Krauss passed away in 2017 so his wife Thelma she was there in attendance to

Accept the honor his face appears on the Jumbotron the announcer is listing out all of his accolades at this point you expect the fans and attendance to show some respect and appreciation this man was responsible for building the best teams in the history of the NBA we will never see another Dynasty like

The 1990s Bulls if you don’t want to show your respect you are well within your rights to sit there and shut the up what did the equality citizens of Chicago do watch for yourself two-time NBA executive of the Year represented by his wife felma Basketball Hall of Famer at

Former Bulls general manager Jerry Krauss disgusting it’s absolutely disgusting now thankfully there were some decent people in the arena that tried to drown out some of the booing but to hear it that prevalent there had to be thousands of people booing Jerry Krauss I’d be willing to bet most of the people booing

They were not even alive during his run and if they were alive they weren’t old enough to know what the hell was going on absolutely dis disgusting Behavior by the fans in Chicago fans in Philadelphia booing Santa Claus back in the 60s 7s or 80s or whenever the hell

That happened that was funny Santa Claus is a fictional character if there are kids watching this Channel right now I’m sorry to crush your dream but this channel is for adults only so kids should not be watching me anyway couple of months ago fans in San Antonio they relentlessly booed kawhai Leonard

Remember Greg papovich interrupted the game to chastise his own fan base for booing an opposing player you guys remember that Greg papovich is a doofus Spurs fans booing kawhai Leonard that’s just part of the game but what happened last night in Chicago that was completely different it was disrespectful it was unacceptable hell

It was I mean the man’s Widow comes to the arena to accept this honor she’s probably excited I would imagine that she has been looking forward to this night since she was invited she shows up to the arena smiling and she leaves in tears if Jerry Krauss was

Alive and he showed up to accept this honor and he was booed by fans in Chicago I guess that would be one thing I wouldn’t necessarily agree with it I wouldn’t understand it I mean time is supposed to heal all wounds it’s been over 20 years since he was the general

Manager of the Bulls I know people are still upset because he ended the dynasty early ran Phil Jackson out of town you can blame him for pushing Michael Jordan into early retirement I don’t think that should erase everything that he contributed to the franchise time is

Supposed to heal all wounds but if Jerry Krauss was there personally in a segment of fans wanted to boo him fine I mean that’s part of the game but the reality is he passed away 7 years ago his wife was there to represent him family should all always

Be off limits you don’t disrespect the wife I don’t know if his children were in attendance last night but you damn sure don’t disrespect the children I don’t care if they are adults now to their mother they’re still her kids there is been plenty of reaction to the

Behavior in Chicago last night Bull’s announcer Stacy King he lectured his own fan base now you guys know I’m not usually big on lectures but I thought this lecture was appropriate Stacy King called it the worst thing that he had ever seen in his life I mean it’s hard

To argue against that point normally the media likes to exaggerate things he’ll I’m guilty of doing it myself but I don’t think Stacy King is exaggerating here I thought the best reaction though came from Steve Kerr my boy Stevie Steve Kerr is no stranger to giving lectures

During NBA press conferences I mean who could forget his passionate lecture on gun control a couple of years ago during the Western Conference Finals one of my favorite Stevie lectures was when he spoke about the importance of defunding the police that was a good one and by

The way how’s that working out in San Francisco how’s that working out in Seattle Minneapolis normally I’m in complete disagreement with Stevie Kerr but lately I find myself agreeing with him couple of weeks ago he rightfully criticized the officiating in the NBA something that’s been a problem for years and

Somehow continues to get worse last night Steve Kerr got behind the pull pit delivered what I thought was one of his best sermons Steve Kerr was a part of the championship team that was being honored last night he is very familiar with the city of Chicago listen to his

Comments on the repugnant Behavior last night absolutely shameful um I cannot believe um I’m devastated for thma and for uh the kuss family and you you have to understand when you hear booze it’s not all of them right so the fans who booed um they know

Who they are and that’s um to me it’s it’s absolutely shameful and I I’m I’m devastated by that what are we doing you know whether whether you know people liked Jerry or not whether they disagreed with the decision to you know to move on from the whatever the I mean

Like we’re here to celebrate um that team Jerry did an amazing job building that team um tonight was and last night was all about the joy and the uh the love that that team shared with the city and I’m so disappointed in the fans Steve Kerr’s right every fan in

Attendance was not booing but it was a lot of them matter of fact it sounded like the majority of them time and place there is a time and place for everything you don’t go to a funeral and boo the casket when I’m in my disguise and covertly attending Sunday morning

Services at woke United Methodist I don’t boo father jayen Rose during his sermon even though I don’t agree with it even though I don’t believe the religion there’s a time and place for showing that that time and place isn’t during the middle of church during a time of

Celebration a ceremony meant to honor a championship team from what 30 years ago with the architect of the team no longer being with us that is not the time to boo and it’s damn sure not the time to boo his family themma Krauss she is just as important to the

Contributions of her husband she was the one making the ultimate sacrifice husbands on the road are stuck at the office most of the day and night who was at home raising the kids felma crra she might not have directly contributed to the team but her contributions to the household allowed her husband to

Contribute to the team that old saying behind every great man is a great woman there is truth to that saying last night was a great opportunity for Chicago to show their appreciation to Thelma Krauss by honoring her husband and they completely it up but give me your thoughts on this I

Can’t imagine that anyone in this audience thinks what happened last night was appropriate normally I come up with a couple of questions here but I really don’t know what to ask you so just give me your thoughts on what happened in Chicago last night sound off in the

Comments below like subscribe share the video I appreciate your support best way to contact me is by email at BTL kc84 kcbt l84 on Twitter I’ll see you guys later

The Chicago Bulls honored their 1995-96 championship team on Friday night. Included in the ceremony was the late Jerry Krause…who was represented by his widow Thelma Krause. Unfortunately…fans in Chicago displayed horrific behavior towards the Krause family.

We reveal and react to fans of the Chicago Bulls booing Jerry Krause. We also react to Steve Kerr criticizing fans in Chicago. We discuss the importance of time and place…and explain why it was inappropriate for Bulls’ fans to boo Jerry Krause.


  1. It's pretty rich for Steve Kerr to criticize bad NBA officiating since he's got two rings that belong to John Stockton because of it

  2. If Krause didn't want people to boo the mere mention of his name after he died, maybe he shouldn't have disrespected and trivialized the Bulls' dynasty with his "organizations win championships, not players" garbage, and then proceed to dismantle it and tank the franchise for almost a decade. People remember. I'm not condoning what happened– they should have been diplomatic and showed restraint. But this was an abject lesson in actions having consequences.

  3. Thelma Krause was waiting ALONG time for this moment, but unfortunately she wasn't the only one some fans still think her husband Rob them of 1-2 more championships, Jerry Krause hasn't been GM over 20yrs but in some fans eyes 20yrs too soon, it happened very unfortunate time to move forward I hope

  4. I don’t know why people are surprised.

    We stopped teaching children and practicing ourselves, the many ways to be respectful to others, a long time ago.

    I don’t want to offend anyone with religious preaching, but it’s been about 50 years ago since we began moving in a more “godless” direction.

    Words like respectful, compassion, empathy, courteous and civil have lost their meaning when relating towards others.

    If we could treat each other like we treat our pets, that would be a big step!

  5. bulls would have won 8 in a row if mj doesn't take his two year baseball gig. bulls would have won 10 in a row if krause doesn't break bulls up for good of the organization. bulls haven't sniffed shit since '98. and krause would be nothing if portland doesn't take bowie over mj.

  6. Gimme a break. You get paid to accept the yays and the boos. Grow up. She got his $, she good. That's what you get paid for. She was happy because she was crying from an emotional tribute. She heard what you heard but dont keep it in her head, making a week long conversation about it and all this clown bs yall do on these networks. She might be tougher than you. She might have brushed it off and kept it moving and here your negative a$$ come putting up material about it that will make it hover for weeks or forever when she's already past it. Yall are the problem.

  7. Chicago are THE WORST sports fans, there is. These people saw “The Last Dance” and have personally adopted MJs beef with Jerry Krause and for them to boo a dead man like that is absolutely classless. I’ll never forget the Saints losing to the Bears in playoffs before we won the Super Bowl. The Bears fans were absolutely disgusting. People yelling at us that we should have died in Hurricane Katrina and worse. This is the MOST DISPICABLE group of people in all of sports. To hell with Bears/Bulls fans.

  8. Never boo a deceased man, he cannot defend himself especially when the spouse is there in their place 😢

  9. Regardless Krause gave Chicago 6 championships… how greedy can a city get???

    Chicago: Boohoo I want a 7th championship… why are you blowing it up

    Cmon Chicago fans most franchises would kill get their first ring 😑

  10. Two days ago bro it happened. Are you really hurt ? Move on, worse things have happened. Let's talk about Harvey Weinstein again.

  11. They watched the last dance and believe the villian deserved to be booed even with his widow there on his behalf. Then again these are the same people that elect the same knuckleheads touting their sanctuary status which is shutting down their airport. Fools.

  12. Shitcago never fails to be what it is 😂. Besides being one of the murder capital in US, its too woke. NBA free agents should stay out of it.

  13. All true but because of Jerry jealousy, envy and ego, he will go down as an egomaniac and the man that ended the Bulls run.

  14. If I were still a Bulls fan, I'd stay quiet. Jerry may have had a bad relationship with Phil Jackson and been responsible for breaking up the Bulls in 1998, but booing his wife is uncalled for.
    Edit: But in all fairness, I don't think they meant to boo his wife, they were booing the man who dismantled the Bulls dynasty.

  15. Jerry Krause was rightly credited with building the championship Bulls teams of the 1990s. BUT…when MJ retired for the 2nd time, he thought and announced that he could rebuild the Bulls. Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman were traded away. Tim Floyd was hired as coach. THE BULLS WENT FROM 60+ GAME WINNERS TO 60 GAME LOSERS FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS!!!!!! Jerry Krause and REINSDORF were to blame. Bulls fans remember this like it was yesterday!!!

  16. Am I shocked? No. What do you expect from a city that keeps electing woke mayors and everything else? One of if not the highest murder rate in the U.S. But go ahead and boo a guy who did good and has been gone for 17 years. Disgusting.

  17. The Reality is Jerry Krause performed as Hall of Fame General Manager 🏆 Truly saddened by how the fans booed and how it hurt his wife . That is all just terrible. The phrase that “ Organizations Win Championships “ has been tied in the fans minds from the propaganda from the Bulls Organization and Ownership. Unfortunately, Jerry Krause has been associated strongly with that . The Bulls Organization had options just as the players and coaches did …. If Jerry Reinsdorf would have wanted to keep the team together it would have been. Jerry Krause has been the focus of fans issues when in reality it should be with the Bulls organization. Krause should be always respected and revered by Bulls fans . Krause truly made moves that were absolutely essential to the Bulls Winning each of the 6 Championships they did in the 1990’s ✅ Thank You , Jerry 🏆

  18. I used to live in the Chicago area. Both Jerrys are hated very much, this should have come to no surprise from the Bulls organization. I think they gambled hoping that his widow being there would quell some of the fury…obviously not. I feel bad for her…but this was an outcome the Bulls should have accepted as a possibility.

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