@Chicago Bulls

Chicago Bulls Q&A | Rebuild Time in Chicago? | Coby White’s Future | Dalen Terry’s Ceiling

Chicago Bulls Q&A | Rebuild Time in Chicago? | Coby White’s Future | Dalen Terry’s Ceiling

What’s going on guys it’s Ross here at shy Sports Ross back with another question and answer video where I went on Twitter and asked my followers to send me questions and now I’m going to answer them right here not scripted totally just off the top of my head so

Make sure to follow me at shy Sports Ross on all the social media platforms see when I’m looking for questions for a video like this and make sure to hit like And subscribe if you enjoy the video Let’s just dive right into it our first question comes from mocha jobi the

Question is what constitutes a failure for this season not moving zacher dear missing the Playoffs it’s kind of a loaded question but it’s an important one because I think this season is very pivotal with regards to their strategy right rebuilding retooling we talked about this a little bit in the last

Video um you know what the plan is for the future because you do have dear expiring this off season you do have Zack LaVine out in the trade rumors every single offseason so the question then becomes you know what’s actually going to be the next move are we going

To continue to build around dear as a a veteran leader are we going to continue to build around Zach and dear as a dynamic duo so long story short what constitutes a failure for this season um I think not picking a direction right not making a decision whether the future

Of this team is going to be a rebuilding core um whether the future of this team is going to be you know going all in to make some trades for another star potentially you got to pick one side you can’t keep doing the one foot in one

Foot out thing so I think a failure for this season is just not picking a direction you know if you want to go all in at the trade deadline you want to try to trade for one of these disgruntled stars out there there’s quite a few Pascal sakam is looking for a trade

Apparently Deonte Murray is looking for a trade you might be able to get Donovan Mitchell even there’s a bunch of players out there that are in trade rumors right now so if the Bulls want to actually make a finals run and make a championship contending team they have

To go out there and they have to make some trades they have to acquire some picks or they have to trade future picks for a player kind of like what they did with Nico vuich couple years back that’s a risky proposition and one that I’m not

Totally a fan of the flip side of that is rebuilding trading Zach maybe trading toar 2 um trying to get some picks back and rebuilding around a young core I think the failure would be if you run it back and you go with continuity one more time cuz clearly continuity the best

It’s going to get you with this current core is maybe a play in appearance maybe at best a playing appearance is that really the best that we can do is that the best we want to strive for as fans of this team we want to see an actual

Overhaul um of the culture of of the young developmental Talent on the team as opposed to you know just throwing a few more draft picks to the wind see what sticks so failure to me is to not make a decision at all our next question uh comes from DN VCC you’re looking at

Potential here asking do you believe Kobe white can be a number one option on a contending team you know this is an interesting thought I think it’s too early to tell still you know we’ve talked about Zach and kind of how we’ve somewhat given up on the dream of him

Being the number one guy on a contending team um you know Kobe white in his current in his current you know Kobe White currently no he’s not there yet but I don’t want to take that away from a young player who could still develop into that guy I think the future for

Kobe white really does look like more consistency if he wants to become an All-Star on a consistent basis you know he has to play that that kind of stretch that we’ve been seeing from him lately you know the 25 26 points per game Kobe white off really efficient shooting

That’s the kind of star player that could one day you know be a be a number one option on a contending team I think today there’s still a little bit too much inconsistency um there’s still a little bit to be desired on the defensive end but eventually one day Kobe white does

Have that kind of star power and potential I think um it it all really just comes back to you know how he continues to develop and the kind of player he grows into you know is he going to be a pass first point point guard is he going to be a shoot first

Point guard I think the jury is still out on that I I don’t think we know for sure kind of style that he’s going to be longterm um because he’s still s he’s still being or he’s still such a new player to being this good I think is the

Way that I look at it you know he was coming off the bench last season he started some games but even when he was starting it wasn’t quite the level that we’ve seen this season so this is all still pretty new to Kobe I think he’s

Still feeling it out but in terms of being a number one option on a contending team I don’t think we’re quite there yet as much as I would love to throw labels out like that it’s definitely a possibility I don’t want to take it away from the guy it’s not sure

That we’re quite there yet trading for a current star okay here’s a strategic question um from Santo coup would it make sense if the Bulls trade for a current star to mix in with their young core or do the Bulls trade for young guys and role players SL picks to build

Upon in the future I kind of answered this earlier in my uh in one of the previous questions but I’ll I’ll talk about this in a little more depth here um I think it makes more sense right now for the Bulls to build and invest in a

Young core because I don’t think that this team in its current roster construction the way it’s built with Zach dear and Vu I just don’t think that that’s a championship contending core I it’s just the truth you know these are players who have been to the playoffs before in their careers and historically

Have not succeeded very well you know it’s not something that I’m trying to keep throwing those like labels out like Vu is a bad playoff performer dear is a a playoff choker I understand that those are are kind of stereotypes and and tropes that have been thrown around for

Years at this point I’m not trying to you know rehash any of that but the problem is historically these players have not had success at that level and if we want to talk about potential for contending potential for a even just a second round appearance I just don’t

Think that this team currently has a lot of potential for that I think you have to overhaul and if you’re going to overhaul you’re not going to be able to trade you know Zach and dear for a superstar there’s no team out there that wants to take a package on like it’s

Just not feasible so the real path forward then is to kind of strip the team and to go piece by piece you know you trade Zach and you see what you can get look around and see what you could get for dear maybe even you look around

And see what you could get for I think truly that is the right way forward for a team that has not been able to pick a direction you know that’s kind of what the the previous answer was about picking a Direction that’s what they need to do they need to pick a direction

And they need to stick with it and unfortunately I think the direction of adding another star to potentially take us over the edge I just think it’s a little too late for that I don’t think that this team has that kind of Firepower um to be able to expect you

Know one more player to come in and make that difference and not only that they just don’t have the assets to go out and get a star player like that anyway you know you’re going to trade Alex Caruso or Patrick Williams you’re going to be trading a core part of what could be

Your developmental young core for the future and that’s risky that’s it’s a really really risky thing to do so when I look at like Patrick Williams and Kobe white and even Alex Caruso to a certain extent you know I I think I want to keep those guys around I don’t want to see

Them get traded away for picks right now or sorry get see them traded away in part of a big deal for another star player um who might end up not doing as much as we thought they could for this team they might not move the needle as

Far as we thought they would so it’s a risky idea one that I feel like the the odds of it working out in in favor of us winning a championship are very low so that’s why I end up going back to rebuild nine times out of 10 when I go

Through this in my head that’s the conclusion I end up with all right our next question is about dalen Terry from at dalen scary uh so just a tiny bit of bias on this one but um they’re curious about what is dal’s future um it’s always exciting to talk about the

Potential of young players but I think here for dalen which I’ve talked about this in my previous video which you guys should definitely go check out which is kind of of an in-depth Deep dive on Dal Terry’s game um but in terms of the future of Dal I think that he has a

Potential to be a really really nice role player in this league for years to come as long as he can keep playing with high IQ and with consistency I know that I keep bringing up that consistency thing but for a young player that really is the biggest way for them to get

Minutes right they can Flash every now and then but if that’s only happening once every five or six games it’s going to be really hard to justify giving them consistent minutes um within the lineup so if you’re dalen Terry and you’re looking at all these opportunities to

Come in um he has been efficient when he’s gotten the opportunities um he has shown out in certain ways uh certain ways he hasn’t as well there have been some rocky moments and you know even in recent games we’ve seen that when Zach has been back um since Zach has been

Back in the starting lineup uh dalen maybe not looking the best Off the Bench um so definitely some questions to be asked there about what it is uh in terms of development and what’s going on from the the coaching perspective um how can they put him in positions to best

Succeed you know what game situations can he go into and help contribute the most I think he’s really helpful um from a rebounding perspective and from a defensive perspective will’ll give you good minutes on the defensive end offensively that’s where things can be a little more up and down sometimes he

Takes bad shots sometimes he rushes shots that’s something that a young player has to get better with we’ve seen that kind of growth and development with Patrick Williams and even some of the pain points with that sometimes not looking as good as we wanted to look so

I think for Dal the biggest thing is just being consistent is when he gets those minutes to put some good minutes together and eventually you know I I I don’t think dalan is going to be that Superstar or that star player one day I think that his top his his ceiling in

The NBA is being like a really high-end role player a really nice high energy guy maybe even a six-man Off the Bench one day um but for now definitely just need to see him put some consistent minutes together uh because when he gets those minutes we’re going to need him to

Perform usually it’s in the play place of someone who’s injured or in spot minutes when someone’s in foul trouble all right our last question here for today is from at Matthew with a few underscores um have you seen enough to want to build around Kobe um I think I

Have dude honestly I I just I feel like with Kobe the the kind of player that he’s blossomed into is is a very Team friendly player I think he’s an easy player to build around the things that he’s good at are the things that you desire in a player right um you know

He’s smart from three he’s able to drive the lane he’s a playmaker he’ll give you good minutes on defense so I think the the big thing with Kobe again goes back to consistency and just making sure that you know is he really going to be that

That 25 per points per game player um night in Night Out is that something that he can do on a consistent basis I personally say yes I’m ready to build around Kobe I think that Kobe has a very bright future in this league and I think

It’s in the Bull’s best interest to keep nurturing that and fostering that that growth you know guys like him are are the kind of players that you want the Bulls to draft that you want the Bulls to lock into in the draft um he’s just already here you know he’s already

Developed he’s already the player that we need at the point guard position here today that’s not to say that Kobe doesn’t come without his weaknesses you know there are definitely things that that in his game he struggles with at times when he’s cold from three he can

Struggle to find ways to be productive within the game um that’s something that I’m looking for him to to take another step with this season is that you know when his when his shot isn’t falling from three which lately it has been so there’s not a lot to complain about but

Every now and then he does have his cold stretches so when he has those cold stretches and that shot isn’t falling what else are you doing to positively impact the offensive game you know how are you getting your teammates involved how are you switching your game up you

Know how are you getting to the Lane how are you getting to the foul line like how are you going to score um when that three pointer isn’t dropping and I I don’t think that he’s bad at that you know he has crafty moves at The Rim he’s

Able to draw fouls he’s one of the best free throw shooters on the team so not too concerned about his ability to score points it’s more just you know when that three-pointer isn’t falling can he still get you double digit points can he still be one of the top scorers on the team

You know if he’s not doing it from three-point land that’s the question so I think that’s the the answer that we want to we want to try to find through the rest of this season um is how how much higher can Kobe take this thing um

You know with each passing game it seems like he shows us something new um as I’m recording this you know just last night it was the game against the Warriors and Kobe you know right before halftime he was just absolutely lighting it up from three but then he went cold in the

Second half and we didn’t see as much from him in the second half and the Bulls ended up losing that game so I think that’s an opportunity right there for growth you know that’s an opportunity where continue that that hot streak from that first half they’re

Going to switch up the defense on you in the second half Kobe you know they’re they’re going to put Steph Curry on you they’re going to trap you what are you going to do you know to to get out of that how are you going to positively

Impact the the game um when they’re coming at you with different defensive looks when they’re trying to get the ball out of your hands quickly you know how are you going to make the right read how are you going to get to the free throw line what is it exactly that

You’re going to do to positively impact the offense um when the defense is is specifically keying in on you I think that’s the next step for Kobe is is to really take that step um and and really take over as the guy uh to build around

He has to actually look like the guy in those late game situations and that also calls for you know taking some late game shots taking some clutch shots I think that’s on the coaching staff that’s on Billy Donovan to drop some late game plays for Kobe white that’s on Demar

Rosan and Zack LaVine to identify when he’s the hot hand and get the ball to him but that’s another part of his growth story that’s another step in his in his trajectory is is being the guy late in games so all in all to answer the question I do think that Kobe is

Worth building around but we do still need to see some more of those things in his game um to really feel confident about that going forward well that is it for answering questions today thank you guys for watching this video If you enjoyed it make sure to hit like And

Subscribe make sure to follow me at shy Sports Ross on all the social media platforms and we will talk again very soon

Chicago Bulls Q&A | Rebuild Time in Chicago? | Coby White’s Future | Dalen Terry’s Ceiling
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Chicago Bulls, NBA, basketball analysis, Bulls Q&A, team rebuild, NBA trade rumors, Zach LaVine, Bulls strategy, Bulls offseason, Patrick Williams development, Coby White potential, NBA Draft prospects, Bulls trade scenarios, Vucevic vs Drummond, Bulls future, NBA season failure, building an NBA team, Bulls roster, NBA 2024, Bulls game highlights, NBA player potential, sports talk, Chicago basketball, Bulls fan discussion, Bulls predictions, basketball commentary, NBA team management


  1. I can see coby white being a winning player on a championship team like Jamal Murray. I still think the team’s future is still reliant on Patrick Williams.

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