@Indiana Pacers

Trade ideas and thoughts involving the Indiana Pacers with 3.5 weeks until NBA Trade Deadline

Trade ideas and thoughts involving the Indiana Pacers with 3.5 weeks until NBA Trade Deadline

It is January 15th trade season in the NBA is here we’ll cut through it all for the Pacers under the radar stuff for the Pacers to watch out for their Draft pick status and more on today’s locked on Pacers podcast you are locked on Pacers your daily Indiana Pacers podcast part

Of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what up y’all happy Monday and welcome into another edition of the lock on Pacers podcast where we of course talk about the Indiana Pacers as always my name’s Tony East I cover the team for Forbes and Si and today you are

Listening to a thre days pre-recorded podcast because I am out with my friends on a bachelor party so if anything happened in the Hawks or Nuggets game that seemed really important that you’re not hearing me talk about today it’s because I haven’t watched him yet but we’ll get back to the regular schedule

Tomorrow I’ll be back today though is convenient because I can pre-record easily because today for you listening it’s January 15th which is the last hurdle date for the trades in the NBA ahead of the trade deadline player signed using early bird or full bird rights in the offseason can now be

Traded so almost everybody not quite but almost everybody in the league can be traded for example Jeremy Grant and mati stel two guys we’ll talk about today they are available to be traded now among many other players so why not dive into the Pacers trade deadline with some

Under the radar stuff that I think is under discussed and I’m going to give you one my favorite fake trait something I never do and two a list of teams I think the Pacers should be contacting we’ve covered all the Raptor stuff with yakum here many times uh We’ve covered

What I think the Pacers trade strategy should be and many other things we’ll do more trade stuff leading up to the deadline now I think it’s time to get a lot more nitty-gritty and actually look at some other teams at what makes sense for the Pacers because as I’ve said

Forwards aren important uh and defense is important for the Pacers although really they could start to use depth at any spot next year Miles Turner Bruce Brown Andrew Mard among others with expiring contracts they’re not totally locked in at any position so I would understand them hunting for talent

Upgrades elsewhere obviously their wing and forward depth is where I think most people assume they will look but I think you have to ask yourself a baseline question if the pat before you take off in anything short of star trades right if you can get SE yakum at a good price

You do if you can get name forward X who’s good and would fit the PES very well for a good price you’re going to do it but if you’re going to go lower than that right if you feel like you need to make a small upgrade but you don’t you

Don’t see the really great star trade out there is there what what kind of question you have to ask for the Pacers to me you have to start with you have Aaron neith you have Obby toppen and his restricted rights in the summer you have jarus Walker on your team anyone you

Acquire you have to believe either right now they are better than one of of those guys and can play for you down the stretch of this season or in the future they’re going to be better than one of those guys and deserve minutes and Jordan war is even on the team now

Playing but like if they’re not ever if you don’t believe in their future above those guys and they’re not or they’re not better than them right now what value do they have to you the Pacers so not everybody today that I name I think is in that category but I would

Understand the argument from someone else that they could be and so that is where we will start though today we’re going to talk about the Pacers 24 draft picks we’re going to talk about teams I think they should connect with and again my favorite fake trade yes I actually

Came up with one for this so let’s start in the East running through teams that I think have a reason to be trading a forward for one reason or another their record they need guards their roster in Balance we’ll go through the West as well um I have Orlando typed down that’s

A boring place to start but jumo Kiki and Jonathan Isaac don’t play a ton for them Isaac it’s because of injuries and he literally can’t play a ton and they have a lot of depth so chuma one of their old first round picks can’t play a ton they need guards it’s the only

Reason I think in theory there could be something there but it’s not very flattering and I don’t necessarily think that’s a fun one let’s start with a fun one the Brooklyn Nets and a fitting thing today cam Johnson can be traded as of January 15th his contract’s big and

It’s a poison pill deal so it’s a hard trade to make but the Pacers have cap space I haven’t really calculated it I’m sure there’s a way to make it even though it might be complicated but Brooklyn does not have a good record haven’t been playing particularly great

Recently and they have Roy O’Neal Dorian F Smith cam Johnson along with Mel Bridges on their roster that doesn’t even account for you know playing guards at the three or they have Lonnie Walker on their team or if Ben Simmons ever comes back he was playing for them they

Have forwards and forward depth and size on their team and they don’t have a ton of shot creation cam Johnson can create for himself Spencer deny has a been enough for them they kind of need guards so naturally that could be a fit to me for the Pacers Maybe something smaller

And Ry oal is in the Pacers rotation down the stretch of this season maybe they like vny Smith going forward a guy who used to play for a carile maybe they think cam Johnson could be a long-term fit he’s a goodish player on both ends although a little overrated but he’s

Still a good player um those that is a team that makes some sense to me just depending on where their season goes they don’t have incentive to tank because they don’t have their own picks um but they do have incentive to maybe make their roster more balanced

Positionally uh the Raptors are on this list for me but less so than they were before they traded ojan anobi um I mean look Pascal cakam is a fantastic forward I have thought he was been the better fit for the Pacers then OG on the court

The whole time that that both have been linked uh to the Pacers via trade um there were reports that the Pacers and Raptors CH chattered extensively at the g-league Showcase Sam Amic in the athletic reported last week that perhaps there is a that the Pacers are one of

The favorites or not the favorites but just one of the most connected teams to seak right you can read all this stuff you know those connections go on and on I’ve done lots of stuff on this but he’s a fantastic basketball fit he turns 30 in April his contract’s expiring and

It’s big and requires salary matching this year so there’s a lot of hurdles that make it not the easiest trade ever we’ll see where that ends up heading towards it might depend on how the Pacers do in this Sans halberton stretch and again perhaps seak is traded in the

Three days between me recording this and this podcast coming out perhaps something dramatic happens with the Pacers and I say some that is a little outdated I hope that doesn’t happen but I will do my best to make sure that that is not the case or I’ll come back in and

Edit it if something crazy does happen the Hornets are a very interesting team to me for the Pacers who think about connecting with with the trade deadline here miles Bridges can now be traded I personally would be pretty annoyed if the P traded for Miles Bridges but miles

Bridges is still relevant here because he’s on the Hornets as is Miranda Miller as is Cody Martin as is PJ Washington as is Gordon Hayward could any of them be fits on the Pacers would you value list listener or Pacers those guys any more than n mop and jarus whatever or could

Any of them contribute this year and you figure it out from there maybe so uh especially in the case of Martin and Hayward who may not be long-term fits on a Hornets team uh the Hornets are so fascinating to me because they also have

Like kind of a lame duck GM and coach at least that’s what people in the league have been kind of wondering with new ownership coming in there we’ll see what they end up doing but they do have a lot of forwards that are interesting to me

The Wizards are interesting to me from a Pacers perspective because they have a new front office and so they that front office resigned Kyle kosma to a great tradable contract it’s also a tradeable contract and then they this front office did not draft Denny AIA or Corey kissper

Two very interesting young wings kissper for his offense in his shooting AIA can kind of score and is a decent Defender would either of them be viewed as either more immediate fits for the Pacers or long-term upgrades the Wizards are interesting to me because of their new

Front office and what they value so in the East it’s interesting because the top teams are harder I mean obviously the those teams aren’t likely to be sellers so it’s less natural to just come up with a trade anyway but none of the top teams make a ton of sense as a

Trade partner to me for the Pacers in the East besides Orlando but basically once you get below the Bulls everybody has reason to maybe be moving stuff the Bulls have been really solid of late so we will see in the East the West has more teams and my favorite fakey uh on

This entire list uh so we’ll we’ll head over to there but of course in the non-star category I think there’s a lot of names that I just said or teams that make sense like the wizard stink and will probably be sellers the Hornets stink and will be sellers the Raptors I

Just shrug every time I talk about the Raptors but they roster makes a lot of sense now maybe they won’t trade seaka it’s weird with seaka I’ll talk about him for a little just a couple more seconds like he has a lot of incentives to stay in Toronto they could offer him

A fifth year no one else could right now uh at least whatever team he’s on on that’s the case they can offer Mano trade clause no one else will definitely be able to do that next year or in free agency he could get a supermax with them

If he makes all NBA that seems unlikely but like he has reasons to want to stay in Toronto and if seems like if he was willing to resign elsewhere there’d be a lot more Buzz about connected teams Brooklyn it’s just about the imbalance of their roster they’re kind of the

Anti- Pacers in that way not really the Pacers Wings have been better this year and forward depth and then Orlando has a ton of forwards and is need of non Jalen sugs guards Cole Anthony’s been hurt Marquel folz has been hurt Gary Harris has been hurt those guys are solid when

They play haven’t been playing enough and are they the long-term answers in your guard rotation for the magic who knows the Western Conference has some other teams and my favorite one to talk about and that is where we’ll head hey all quick little break after to

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Again that’s code lockon at JM back here on lockon Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day if you want game coverage from Hawks Pacers or nuggets Pacers again I apologize I’m recording this before those games because I can’t talk about them I don’t have time um

Locked on Hawks and locked on nuggets exist highly recommend you check those shows out fantastic host the nuggets have a a lot of hosts for their show um but Matt and Adam are the best and locked on Hawks Brad rolland’s been unlocked on Pacers he kills it covering

A very interesting positioned Hawks team let’s keep going here let’s go to the Western Conference CH chalk up some teams that maybe do or don’t make sense same kind of deals the top of the East the top of the West like has a lot of teams that I guess might be looking to

Make moves but none that would be selling wings that are of value to the Pacers right that makes it hard the only team in the top eight of the West as of I’m talking to this I suppose this could in theory change uh that I actually typed down was the Clippers and that’s

Only because PJ Tucker isn’t playing for them the Pacers think PJ Tucker would play for them I don’t know I don’t think he would um play for them he’s not better than any of their forwards that are playing but he’s a nice veteran he also has a contract that goes into next

Year so I don’t think it makes sense but I I could hear an argument for would play for a playoff team this year so we’ll see but that’s that’s the only one all the rest are non playoff teams in the west that either might be sellers or

Need to be balancing their roster the Clippers need to do either of those things uh PJ Tucker just doesn’t play for them which is where all that one comes from amazingly the Lakers are in a weird spot again 10th in the west H I’m recording this right after they just got be pretty

Bad by the Suns so they’re under 500 as I’m talking 19 and 20 10th in the west tied with Utah for 10th and tied in the Lost column for the Warriors for 12 so clearly with LeBron and ad on their team they’re going to want to try to get

Better or at least shake things up as they did last year with a Russell Westbrook trade that went pretty well for them but not perfectly so now they need offense bad right they have on their team tor prince who can kind of shoot and kind of defend he’s pretty

Good ruy Aima who is Young and can kind of do those things I’ve never been in love with aim Mur game although he had an awesome postseason last year of course Jared Vanderbilt fantastic Defender uh not a great offensive player cam reddish same thing I guess he’s just

Some size and Max Christie who’s young and interesting and probably should be playing more for them that’s a lot of forwarded guys who need to play especially on a team with LeBron and Anthony Davis who are going to play and Austin Reeves is their most reliable

Guard even though he’s had not the year people expected so where do they go from here how can they get more offense onto their team their defense is as I’m talking top 10 their offense is bottom eight I believe so do they want shooting right could they still have their

Interest in buddy heel is there a deal to make there could they want some offensive punch with the ball is there a deal to make with a Pacers ball handler I don’t know but they have a lot of names surprisingly funnily enough it actually makes more sense for me for the

Pacers and Lakers to make a trade this year than it does last year I don’t know how that is the case after the many things that have become over intertwined between those two franchises but um not not to be there they did make a trade last season remember it just wasn’t the

One people remember uh it was pick 47 and cash for pick 40 the the trade that everybody had been waiting for they just make sense to me as a team that needs scoring and needs guards that could in theory trade a defensive player for an offensive player and hey the Pacers

Would probably like to do the inverse of that I typed the Rockets here and then I typ the question mark the Houston Rockets are good and above not like ahead ahead of schedule um but you know 500 team right now ninth in the west they don’t necessarily have anybody I think that

They would like to trade right like I don’t know why they’d be selling anybody unless they really want to go for the eight seven six seed whatever but they have a lot of interesting young stuff that’s just like if you can Pride Jan Tate you know he’s not like super young

Anymore but if you can get Jan Tate Maybe think about it if you can get tar een you absolutely do your best to do I don’t know why they would trade away tar een I just think he’s a fantastic player um they have so many young guys that a

Lot of them can’t even play like Kim whitmore’s been in the g- league a lot this season and I don’t think they’re gonna trade Kim I’m just that is how much depth and young depth they have so if there is a young interesting forward that could be moved from the

Rockets I would sniff on it on the Pacers as the Pacers excuse me but I don’t know who that would be or why they would do it my literal note under Rockets question mark is nothing great trade-wise that make sense but they have a lot of nice young stuff so we’ll see

We have reached the Warriors um the I heard for the first time today I think it was Jake Fischer on the No Cap room podcast talking about the Pacers potential interest in two Warriors forwards one is Andrew Wiggins the other one is Jonathan kuminga who I both had

On this list before I heard that so interesting stuff there the Warriors are just what on Earth do they want how do they proceed right so I say I only ask that question and I don’t want to opine too much on other teams on a Pacers podcast because if I’m the Warriors I’m

Not trading Jonathan Kuma like I have his restricted rights clearly they they’re not playing him as much as he would like to play but like he’s played more minutes every season of his career he’s looked way better this year and they’re trying and they clearly value him somewhat or else they would have

Traded him for an upgrade nextus St already it’s like I’m not trading him if I’m the Warriors especially because I’m not good I’m 12th in the west why am I trading away my young guys but at the same time I would hear the argument of

No you try to win as much as you can every season Steph Curry’s on your team and in that way you trade maybe your best young interesting player to make that happen so I’m receptive to both of those the Warriors as of me talking of lost six of eight and have not looked

Particularly awesome they have a lot of interesting young stuff to maybe make upgrades including uh kuminga do you think Moses Moody is a wing I don’t know I think he’s more guardy but I loved him in that draft as many of you remember he is great uh they

Also have Bren B jsky who I loved in this draft they have a lot of guys I liked in their draft who are good young players but it’s hard for them to play on this Warriors team so the an the Warriors have to figure out what they

Want to do can they keep going forward around Steph or are they not good enough and they have to find other Creative Solutions so if if Jonathan kuminga is available he would be among my my highest priorities as the Pacers because he is both young and good right now he’s

Not like awesome he can’t really shoot it which would be interesting in a Pacers system that features a lot of who can shoot but he’s still mostly efficient because he’s good on his twos right he hovers around 60% true shooting every year he’s a decent rebounder he’s

A good good size good athleticism to play defense like I would consider playing him over Obi top and I think he could have a high long-term future because again he is still 21 he turns 22 in October he’s in his third season that’s crazy so still some potential to

Explore there if he is available I don’t know what the Warriors would want from the Pacers a good vet a good player presumably that would be something I would be all over as the Pacers I think that would be maybe my priority one of the reportedly available players

Although again if I’m the Warriors I personally am not trading Jonathan kaminga the other Warriors player named that I mentioned is Andrew Wiggins who’s fascinating to me uh because a couple years ago he turned into a fantastic player where did that come from he was an Allstar out of nowhere right that was

Too seasons ago they won a championship he was a 17o per game scorer he shot 39% from three last year he was also a 17-point per game scorer and shot 39% from three closer to 40 decent enough rebounder had this awesome playoff run lots of exciting stuff about Andrew

Wiggins right then they said wow we like this guy you know we had that off court stuff that many he played under half of the games last season but a good player this year stinks he got the four-year $109 million contract this is the first year of it it’s only three years

Guaranteed than a player option it only runs till he’s 31 so this is through his prime but this year he’s averaging these are not misreads for me 11.7 points 4.1 rebounds he’s shooting 41.8% from the field 29.8% from three his all of his numbers are down and some of that’s that

His minutes are down but his minutes are now because he’s playing bad right like good Wiggins would be a good fit on the Pacers he would play he’d be valuable if he can shoot and rebound it’s he’s what they need he’s got athleticism on defense what he has been this year is

Not valuable and what he’s this year is not the player at his salary level so if he starts playing better he’s not going to be as available so it’s kind of a risk but if you could acquire him with a low cost because the Warriors are panicked about him being a toxic asset

Maybe you think about it as the Pacers but that one’s tricky for lots of reasons um but the Warriors are an interesting team to me they would be among my top three interesting Pacers teams the Raptors obviously in there and then this is a personal project Here

Comes My Fake trade and the team that I think is now exceedingly fascinating heading into the trade deadline the Memphis Grizzlies the Memphis Grizzlies why are the Grizzlies so interesting to me thank you for asking listener because what the heck are they gonna do they were terrible without Morant he came

Back then they were good he came back and they were good they won uh eight or eight or nine of 13 with him back right they’re currently 14 of 23 which is a bad record but they were like completely awful for their first 10 games of the

Season they started one and eight right they’ve been respectable ever since JW looked good and now he’s out for the season and stepen Adams is out for the season and Brandon Clark’s out for the season and jiren Jackson is dealing with a knee issue Santi dama has been out for a bit and

Derrick Rose has been out for a bit and now Marcus Mart’s got a finger injury and he’s gonna be out for six weeks their whole team is hurt so they’re clearly not going to make it anywhere this year AG Gap years are fine the Warriors won a title after a gap year

But it’s not awesome right so what are they GNA do are they gonna try to just strip it down anything that’s not tied down their trading if so they have zy Williams that’s an interesting young Wing who could somehow be available they have David Rody who hasn’t been awesome

But is is interesting to me right they have some interesting young pieces on their team particularly those two guys neither of them have been awesome but are at least interesting but the thing that makes the Grizzlies more interesting to me and why they’re my maybe favorite fake trade

Team for the Pacers is they have tax concerns next year so they might I’m not saying any of Mor Bane jiren Jackson Markus smart be available for trade but they might be willing to trade almost anyone else who could cut their salary and so I I I back of the napkin math am

Interested in thinking would the Grizzlies consider this buddy heeld and Jordan wara for Luke Canard and Brandon Clark the the the this would have been more likely to me for them if they were trying to be good because heeld can shoot it and Canard can shoot it so they’re replacing shooter for shooter

Wara is there for money but they get two expiring contracts for a Canard that is in and out of their rotation weirdly I guess I get it he only played 14 games this year but he’s shooting 41% from three and Brandon Clark who’s out for the season but they get off Clark’s

Money next year to deal with their tax and he’s a positive value player but he’s out for the season It’s Tricky now because that is totally just a cost cutting move for the Grizzlies now if they do it instead of having any benefit this year with heeld so maybe they’d

Need to be a third team for buddy heeld but that is my concept is there and this is all based around two things one is I think Brandon Clark’s awesome for those of you who remember me back in that draft or were listening to the show that

Long ago I loved him in that draft couldn’t believe he was avable when the Pacers picked I get why they didn’t pick him they picked GOA that year I would have picked Brandon Clark and never looked back he’s a good player um but I I get whatever doesn’t matter why he’s

Not on the Pacers but he’s a good player he’s a good defensive player he finishes a lot he’s a good rebounder he’s good he’s just a good player Luke Canard is a great shooter like heeld and has a team option next year so what the Pacers

Could do is get it keep buddy heels shooting ability via Luke Canard another year and cheaper funnily enough get Clark with it for two expiring they they probably have to include a pick now given the Grizzlies changed goals but I like that structure I think that’s very

Interesting for the Pacers I’ll be very curious again what the Grizzlies look at but there’s a fake trade for you listener I don’t do those often so I I’ve thought a lot about gley Pacer trades the last team I want to talk about very quickly is the Blazers two

Guys who are available for trade now for them Jeremy Grant probably a neutral value guy just because his salary is pretty high uh and matis styel who’s a great defender and is shooting better is this season not fantastically better but because of that I think he’d fit better

With the Pacers and they can both defend and they both have an argument to make that they fit that test of n smith top and jerus what he could be experiment so those are teams that I think are sneaky interesting obviously if you can get a

Young stud or a star that’s different it don’t throw the teams out doesn’t matter if the Pacers are looking for forwards or long-term forward depth or solution I think those are teams to keep an eye on in the next couple weeks as we progress last thing I want to talk about

Here is the Pacers draft picks they have two extra ones on top of their own this season where do those stand how does their draft night trade look from last year and the reason that’s important is how valuable will these picks be on the trade market let’s talk about that to

Close out Today’s show but first one more break here guys got to talk about the lovely people over at FanDuel the playoffs of the NFL are rocking Lions Rams was awesome the rest of the games were me but there’s still time for you to get in on the action of

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NFL back here on lock on Pacers thanks for making us your first listen today and every single day for your second listen listen to lockon Grizzlies because how the Grizzlies manage their next couple weeks will be fascinating their season has gone horribly wrong and it’s not the grizly fault at all but

They have to now decide what they do with their new situation Joe Mullen X and the Michael Cole will just crush it unlock on Grizzlies go check it out let’s wrap up here by talking about the Pacers draft picks if you don’t remember um they made a big trade at the

Draft last year where they traded pick 29 and 32 to Denver in exchange they got pick 40 and a 2024 first let’s talk about that pick right now that pick originally came from OKC and at the time it was and it still is the worst of the following four teams Oklahoma City

Houston LA Clippers and Utah Jazz whichever one of those teams finished with the best record meaning their pick was the worst of the four it would go to the Pacers the Rockets was protected one through 10 and the Jazz was protected or excuse me the Rockets was protected one

Through four Jazz protected one through 10 so the I I I understood the thinking of that trade I defended it quite a lot right OKC very young no one knows how good they’ll be I didn’t think they’d be nearly this good and they’ve proved everybody wrong right and then the

Clippers were really stumbling to start the season they didn’t have James Harden yet even when they got Harden they were like 10 and 12 at one point right who knows what they’re going to be this year and Houston’s a 500 team and Utah was not good until they were good and now

They look good so at the time that made sense right like in absolute best case scenario that could have been like the 15 to 20th pick right that is totally worth trading 29 and 32 for but here’s what actually is happening Houston’s a 500 team Utah’s playing awesome they

Have like I think the best record in the NBA as of me talking over their last 10 games the Clippers have won 14 of 15 and the Thunder have the second best record in the NBA so as it stands that trade has not worked out for the Pacers they

Have they traded 29 and 32 last year for 40 which they then traded to the Lakers for 47 in cash so that’s how Mojave King is in their organization for what will become we’ll see Mojave king plus currently pick 29 that is the thunder right now at their record they’ve been

Very good this year and that’s the second to last pick in the draft now they are two losses away from the Sixers they’re three losses away from the Kings you know it’s not like the difference between them and the Pacers even who have 15 losses is that big they’re 26

And 11 so that pick could move it’s too early to call anything but the Clippers are one of the teams right in that range who were 24 and 13 and would have picked 25 which would go to the thunder so if you’re the Pacers you’re rooting against

The Clippers and Thunder and you really hope it happens very soon extremely soon because the worse those teams start to look the better that pick looks otherwise you’re trading one of the bottom five picks in the first round and the Pacers can hardly fit in another

Late first round pick onto their team so it’s really interesting to see how that like at the time that trade made sense it has not worked out for them right so it’s a very very very very small scale example of how you view trades I talk

About this a lot right the George Hill Kawhi Leonard trade right for the at the time the Pacers did it made all the sense of the world for the Pacers georgeo was good for them was helpful in two Conference Finals teams but obviously you’d rather have Qui Leonard

Right so do you judge the trade for the logic at the time or the results because on the other hand the Victor adipo trade didn’t look so good for the Pacers when they did it and turned out awesome so it’s it it it’s depend depends how you view trades uh at the

Time they made it did it make sense or did the result make sense because the result of this one is not looking good right now the logic at the time did make a lot of sense we’ll see if the Thunder or Clippers stumble but right now one of

The Pacers tradeable Assets in fact maybe one of their most like ready to part with things to me I don’t know that they’re thinking this way they’re late first uh is very late in the first round their own pick is 20 they still have

That um that is what it is and then they also have a second could be their own currently it would be their own I believe um at pick 50 so they have 20 in the first round 50 in the second round and then they have the Bucks second

Rounder as well uh the Bucks just beat the Celtics a couple hours before I recorded this and that is pick 57 they got that pick uh in the Jordan AA salary dump last season so as it stands the Pacers draft capital for 20124 is

5750 29 and 20 i s that to say one that might that like sounds like four picks but like none of them are awesome 20th pick’s pretty good but none of those are like awesome like for example that is a worse package that is two firsts and two

Seconds that’s a worse package than what the Raptors got for anobi right so just to put that in perspective but that is what the Pacers are working with and it’s it’s fun to say they could trade two firsts this year they can’t they could trade their whole draft this year

Reasonably but it’s not like that it’s a good package anything with two first in it’s a good package package but it’s not like that powerful as it thought it could be because either maybe the Pacers you know I predicted they’ be a 500 team this year right that would have them

Closer to the back of the lottery for example the Rockets who are a 500 team right now would pick 14th that’s going to OKC but still um you know their own pick thought would be better than or the one they got from the Nuggets thought would be better than 29 and their second

Rounders aren’t very good so just keep that in mind as you think about what the Pacers could do at the deadline their pick package isn’t as awesome as it looked like it could be you know four months ago some of that’s because they’re better some of that’s because

The thunder away better but that is an interesting part of the asset game is their young players certainly have more value than their this year pick package and their way out in the future pick package while they have Tyrese alurn on their team for six years so uh it

Doesn’t take a lot of math to figure out what those could look like we will see how the Pacers progress we will see what they do and we’ll cover it all here on the lock down Pacers podcast again this was pre-recorded we’ll talk nuggets and Hawks and Jazz

Uh I will be watching the Jazz game live in the next couple days we’ll catch up on all that stuff how the Pacers are handling their business without Halbert hope you guys had a great weekend and enjoy today’s show you can find me on Twitter at Tony R East or uh comment

Down Below on YouTube the best ways to reach me depending on where you’re listening or watching the show is on Twitter at lockon Pacers hope you guys enjoyed if you have any trade thoughts fake trades are not my favorite thing to assess but just in general thoughts let

Me know until then we will see you tomorrow

The NBA Trade Deadline is 3.5 weeks away. What teams should the Indiana Pacers be calling? What deals should they make? Host Tony East breaks down the teams that make sense as trade partners for the Pacers before sharing his favorite fake trade. He also looks at the Pacers 2024 NBA Draft picks and what they are and could be in deals.

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  1. Pacers with Hield in the starting 5 (due to injuries) since they started winning with the new starting five (Turner/Smith/Nesmith/Nembhard/Tyrese) – 0 wins, 2 losses.

  2. Sick & tired of Carlisle talking about defense because whenever we play a team with a big 3, he puts Buddy (or even Nesmith) on them to set us up for failure. He has a big enough lineup—Obi should be starting at the 4 but against teams like Denver, etc. he should be starting at the 3. But no, we run around double teaming & the lone guy left wide open almost every damn time is Porter Jr.—their best 3 pt shooter! And Carlisle hardly plays our best current 3 pt shooter outside of Nesmith & Haliburton in Toppin! Carlisle simply is a dumb ass when we play bigger lineups then whines about “bad” defense when our 6’4” guy gets hosed by their 6’10” guy!🤦🏻‍♂️

  3. Omg stop trying to change this lineup with some outside likely cancer to our chemistry. Obi’s having a career year on both sides of the court & is getting no objective praise due to prejudicial reputation! Shame on every hater! Kuminga?—what a joke! He’s shooting only 50% & Obi’s shooting nearly 60% Tony!

  4. I dont understand why we drafted Walker if he doesnt get any minutes. The only reason we are dexent is because we gave young guys real minutes and they developed. Neismith, Jalen, Mathurin, Toppin, Jackson….all guys we let develop through play. So why not Walker? Is dude that bad in practice? If you cant use him, trade him before he losses value.

  5. Players who shouldn’t be traded should be: obviously ty, mathurin( just needs time to be more consistent), jarace , nesmith, tj and maybe Jackson. Obi has been good this season but too much depth in the position. However we should have jarace coming off the bench next year getting more mins and with jalen smith and obi ahead of him it’s just not gonna work. Myles is just way too inconsistent. Bruce brown isn’t worth 20mil let’s be honest. Nembhard has been mid but still very young. If we’re going to trade for someone it’s either for the now like Siakam .

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