@Portland Trail Blazers

Scoot Henderson scores 33 points as the Portland Trail Blazers Lose a Game They Can Feel Good About

Scoot Henderson scores 33 points as the Portland Trail Blazers Lose a Game They Can Feel Good About

In today’s show the Trailblazers are back and by that I mean that they lost a game that you can feel good about welcome to lockdown Blazers let’s get into it you are locked on Trailblazers your daily Portland Trailblazers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every

Day what up world it’s your past first point guard and Trailblazers reporter Mike Richmond you’re listening to another episode of locked on Blazers or the locked on podcast network available wherever you get podcasts and also on YouTube thanks for making this show your first listen coming at you every single

Weekday Monday through Friday so make it a part of your daily routine tell your friends to do the same make it your first listen it’s lock on Blazers your team every day in today’s show talk about two games over the weekend Friday night a loss to the wolves and Sunday night a good

Old-fashioned quality loss the Blazers getting back to their core competencies and that’s losing a game you can feel good about it’s it’s been a minute since they’ve they’ve come away with a loss that you could say heck yeah heck yeah coming out of a loss and I I thought uh

Sunday nights was was a um a much needed just sort of uh Feelgood L uh in a season that used to have many of them and that now only has feel bad losses of of late we’ll talk about both those games we’ll recap them both uh talk a

Little bit more about that Suns matchup and then we’ll talk trade season uh for some of you with your tin foil hats you will enjoy that third segment and for the freaks out there who really want to just only listen to trade stuff check the check the time stamps in the episode

Description for you but let’s do what we do fastest recap in the west Blazers wrapped up a seven game road trip with game s second night of a back-to-back in Minneapolis on Friday this game was always a loss so the Blazers went ahead and got it got it out of the way early

They lose 11693 they’re down 1536 3615 after one like down 21 points treiz many’s 22 uh but I thought they played pretty well start of the second quarter they didn’t they didn’t have that sort of like super quitter game that they’ve had recently uh found themselves still down 21 at

Halftime 6342 but uh a stinker third quarter kind of put the game away for good Blazers heading into the fourth down 5788 it’s your ball game they’re down 31 it’s it’s over uh fourth quarter mostly garbage time and they lose 116 93 uh to the box score we go jabori

Walker 17 and 13 Off the Bench he had eight and eight through three quarters um and then he had nine and five in the fourth quarter um I thought he played well even if you just say he had eight and eight I thought Babar Walker played

Well um it’s it’s weird with these games that are like over after three and there’s like an extended run of meaningless minutes but I thought he played pretty well uh 17- 13 he he hit six of 11 shots good to have him back of the lineup and and he played like it 14

From tumani Kamar played played well didn’t play like he was back in the lineup I guess he did cuz he participated 14 from tanar 14 from duop uh including six rebounds 13 from Jeremy Grant a four of 15 shooting eight from scoot Henderson to go along with six

Turnovers and four asss he was not good uh Amy Simons Five Points on 0 of 10 shooting 0 of 10 shooting five of five all of them came at the free throw line um and was just I actually this is like kind of homery I’ll be honest but like I

Don’t even think they played that bad about against the wolves like I think this was just like a normal like short-handed you know they have some injuries they were matis thel M Brogden and Grant all played in this one they didn’t play Sunday but like you know missing missing their missing their

Their starting center missing Shaden sharp kind of just like normal bad game where you get your butt kicked um I I didn’t think this was like that troubling except amre Simons missed a bunch of shots and I feel like if amre Simons hits some shots it is

Less TR going to still probably get thrashed and lose by 25 but like I said like I I didn’t think they played that poorly um I don’t think the effort was that bad in this game I I thought this was just a game where they got they lost

Cuz Minnesota’s a lot better than them and um they couldn’t hang uh and the size was a big problem to Minnesota just really big uh 23 from Carl Anthony towns to go with eight boards 24 and 17 rebounds for Rudy goar he’s just he just the Blazers kept switching and Rudy

Gober kept making layups 14 for Nas Reed Off the Bench their centers feasted nine from Anthony Edwards who didn’t really have to do anything he had six six assists as well uh nine and 10 dimes from Michael Conley and nine points from Jaden McDaniels uh bunch of other wolves

Had points off the bench in garbage time let’s get to Sunday’s game that’s your fastest recap in the west Blazers lose 1693 I don’t think we need to say anything more about that one I thought they normal normal Beatdown file this under normal Beatdown I um I not I it

Was not troubling in the slightest to me Blazers come back Sunday night after a long road trip and the injury report was something to behold Blazers with just eight healthy players in this game no shade and sharp he was ruled out the day before and uh DeAndre and still listed

As questionable he’s upgraded from doubtful to questionable but still still didn’t end up playing this game IBU baji on on Saturday is is listed as questionable with a bruised hip so it’s like okay they’re going to be they could be real short-handed then Sunday afternoon at like

4:00 uh an an injury report update comes out and mati thel and Jeremy Grant are both on it and their listed as questionable with illnesses and Malcolm Brogden is questionable with a right groin injury and then about an hour later just as chony was about to do his

Pregame media the team announced that all those dudes are out so no Aon no Bodi no matis thel no no Jeremy Grant no Malcolm Brogden that’s you know along with shanon sharp obviously like they’re missing Moses Brown and Rob and Rob Williams but like end of season guys

Season ending injury types are not really on the you don’t really put them on the list Moses Brown’s only be out six weeks not season ending but like um they had eight players Blazers had eight players and and they lose 127 116 let’s get into it but I I think this was a

Legitimately good win um or excuse me good loss good loss good loss they’ll win again at some point they might win later this week Brooklyn and Indiana they might win this week um but we’ll see uh but Blazers came out hot they made Seven threes in the first quarter

Only turned the ball over two times uh they’re up 3331 after one like they just the the Suns um the Suns couldn’t slow him down and they made shots like that that’s that’s the that was the key in this one but uh Blazers go into the half

They had a chance to be only down single digits but the Suns shot clock violation then the Suns three Blazers find themselves down 10 9170 or excuse me 6171 after at halftime played well enough to be closer than that but only down 10 you’ll take it they go into the

Third quarter and the Suns uh start start to build a real lead lead lead by as many as 17 and and go into the fourth quarter up 92 106 this game’s over right Blazers the suns are finally up finally up 14 fin fin getting some a little bit

Of comforts you know the Leed by many 17 Deon Booker has 30 after 34s they’re going to roll wrong wrong the Blazers come charging back cut it to four twice in the fourth quarter including a scoot Anderson tip in with 4 minutes and 47 seconds left cut it to 109 113 Blazers

Down four with under five to go in this game a chance to shock the world with eight healthy players but Kevin Durant misses a three tamani Kamar misses like a Wing then Jabari walker and a he just he wasn’t shot ready he should got the ball

In the corner and he wasn’t ready to shoot so then he took a weird dribble to No Man’s Land turns the ball over and uh Suns run the other way Beal gets an and one they don’t really run they got it they end up just running a pick and roll

And and Brad beel attack duop reef and one six straight points then uh Blazers Blazers uh fail to score and yusf nkic gets a bucket inside on and go up by 12 and that’s kind of it that’s that’s that’s about a two minute a two-minute stretch in there with three three

Blazers possessions um you know a Miss three excuse me a Miss three the n one was before Jabari Walker turn over Miss three and one Jabari turns it over nerk gets a nerk gets a layup inside and they go up by 12 with with two and a half

Left that’s kind of that’s kind of your ball game and that’s that 127 116 that’s your fastest recap in the west uh Blazers were led by scoot Henderson who scored a career-high 33 points to go with seven boards nine assists three steals just three turnovers to go with

This nine assist three to one assist turnover ratio uh shot well from three four of nine shot well from the free throw line seven of N9 did not shoot well from two seven of 22 inside the arc um kind of wild that you can go seven of 22

Inside the arc and go four of nine from three uh but anything’s possible scoots finishing still leaves something be desired sometimes his decision-making his explosiveness around the rim but like I’m not too worried about the inefficiency stuff with the 19-year-old 337 and N when they needed him was big

Four threes was big he played well Andre Simon B is back from that uh 0 for 10 night to go eight of eight of 18 from the floor six of 12 from three um you know as long as we’re doing this he was he was two of six inside the arc

Everybody shooting 30 30% inside the arc ant 28 points five boards five assists he was really good first time uh that Scoot and ants had both had 20 plus in a game together telling that it has taken so long but hey he’ll take it when you

Get it 17 from dap breath uh he had 11 in the first quarter to help the Blazers build that lead finish with 17 and six 11 from Jabar Walker who got the start to M kamaro had two 13 Off the Bench for Chris Murray career high I thought Chris

Murray played really well uh Justin manah Justin manah had a great line one points two boards five fouls he was over one he missed his only three-pointer was one of two at the free throw line um 5 FS 17 minutes dude didn’t get cheated played played hard Blazers needed him he

Played his butt off Ryan ruper played real minutes in this game and hit three threes he finished with 11 points on four of five shooting go with five boards and two assists um let’s talk more about this one I think this was uh like I said I think this was a game that

You can kind of feel good about I don’t know if you like I don’t know if you go as far to celebrate it celebrate might be a little far but I think in a season when you are searching for like positive vibes I think there was I think you know

You know leaving the Arena tonight you got feel good got to feel good about at least the effort they put in eight players against the Suns team after all the losses they’ve had after the road trip that kind of just like torpedoed their whole season laid bare all of

Their problems all of those things you come back and this is a Suns game that if they had lost by 35 like yeah I guess this is what they do but instead they were in this game and they played pretty well and it got it hearkened back to

Earlier this year when they weren’t a mess and they were competitive in these games let’s talk a little B about that in the second segment a little more about that in the second segment first I want to tell you about Jace medical they are the company that wants you to have

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Lost I know I know the Blazers lost I know they’ve lost a lot of games I know they’re 10 and 28 um you know I excuse me 10 and 29 my apologies like I I know I know um I do this five freaking nights

A week here um so like some of this is honestly I am in need of Positive Vibes um just because I think it’s been a little Doom and Gloom like you listen to the last podcast it’s like I’m calling for like the coach to not come back the

Next season or next season right it’s like um my goal isn’t to come up here and yell and be some sort of shock jock thing I think that’s um this is not who I am my goal is to be honest and I feel I feel like honest to goodness I coming

Out of that third quarter the beginning of the fourth quarter when it’s a lineup of Anthony Simons and Ryan ruper and and Chris Murray uh Al along with duop reef and and mixing in a little Justin manah in there like a a super duper deep bench lineup with ant and they’re hanging in

The game I’m feeling pretty good I’m like hey this is what you wanted so many times earlier in this early in this season the Blazers were you know 10-point dogs going into a game and just found a way to hang around and make it you know stay within um you know stay

Within that 8 to13 range and just make it make the other team sweat it right like and and force turnovers and and and be and be a menace right and and I don’t think the Blazers necessarily did that tonight what the Blazers did tonight was they made a bunch of

Shots the best plan the best plan you can you can um you can come up with as a coach is to have your dudes shoot 48% from three uh the lasers were 20 of 42 from three so I don’t know if this is like necessarily like repeatable right

Scoot Henderson made four of nine threes uh Chris Murray played you know probably best game of his career hit three of six threes Ryan ruper hit definitely played the best game of his career three of three threes um you know they they were huge huge and and ruper was hitting

Threes in the fourth quarter you know he hit two from the from the left side that were huge threes to keep the Blazers in this game and make and like make the Suns take time outs and be like yo I don’t know who the skinny 72 is like I

Do not know who that is but he’s acing us and we keep helping off and it’s a problem like I think this was you know the reason that they were kind of in this game is because they they made 23p pointers they shot incredibly well right like they

Shot incredibly well from three but they also you know they they didn’t they didn’t get totally punked they were they were plus 13 uh they had 13 more field goal attempts because they you know they turned the ball over 14 times the Suns turned the ball over 14 times but they

Didn’t get totally annihilated in the offensive glass cuz the suns are kind of small they’re plus plus five on the offensive glass and while the Suns took five extra five extra free throws so it’s like shooting possessions uh throw that in there and then play had like plus eight in total shooting possessions

The way I do the math like plus eight shooting possessions and you make threes you’re going to be in the game like that’s that’s that’s what the Blazers did they’re they’re a possession team and they and they played well and like you see things like scoot Henderson

Diving to save a ball out of bounds do uath gets the loose ball and gets for a layup late in the in the four quarter the Blazers off of what’s going to be a turnover Justin M manah tracks back on Devin Booker forces a a loose ball tie

Up and four Blazers end up on the floor like just like the scrap was there um there’s been some games where they just have been you know when you’re down like 30 you’re just not going to play that hard it’s just like the nature of the sport but like they didn’t get let

Themselves get down 30 because they shot well and then they stayed in the game with their physicality and this was a game when they could have rolled over um I think the defense was still kind of a mess they were they’re incredibly small you know do upath I think in the last uh

Little bit has kind he’s just like he’s a backup center I think he’s kind of got exposed a little bit as like being that and I don’t think that’s like a knock on him right like he’s a 27y old rookie who’s like make getting his first break

In the league but the more he has played at as a starting center in the league the more just like his defensive deficiencies and his lack of like s of pick and roll Comfort has kind of come to the Forefront it’s been obvious that he’s like

That’s he would be better in a smaller minute role that’s not a knock on him right but like he’s your best center by a lot tonight by a lot you’re playing Jabari Walker you’re playing tamat kamaro you’re playing tiny little lineups with Chris Murray and um Blazers played tough

As heck they played a ton of Zone um I thought the Zone got shredded in the first half uh the sun’s got a lot a lot a lot of corner threes but like you’re playing a totally new team incredibly young team like um with you know with

Justin manah two-way guy and and Ryan ruper a teenager and Chris Murray who’s someone who’s played more games you know more minutes with a remix and has with the with the uh the NBA Squad and then like it’s like oh well we’ll put our experienced team in there which is like

Rookie tumani Kamara second round second year player uh Jabari Walker and 19-year-old scoot Henderson like you’re and rookie D up wreath like you’re incredibly young like I’m not surprised that the defense didn’t look great but like they made up for it by great shot making and just playing their butts off

Playing their butts off and that’s that’s you know they needed a Vibes game and they got it uh and I also think like ant just bounced back and played like a nor he’s like he’s capable of being pretty good and he was pretty good in the game and Scoot was great scoot was

Great um great actually might be an overstatement scoot was darn good he missed 20 shots like that’s why I’m not saying great but like I’m the efficiency stuff I’m not super worried about with scoot um if we are still having this conversation next year sure yeah in year

Two but in year one as as like we’re talking stepping stones and to have 337 and N it’s like solid as hell solid as hell and making through threes um it matters like and and that allows amre Simons like if scoot is aggressive and makes shots it allows

Anre Simons to like be himself they’re they’re a wonky pairing as is like they’re just not a great pairing period on either side of the ball um I think we’ve we’ve seen enough of them to know that it’s not great but like if scoot can make jumpers and make threes and it

Attacks through him and gets downhill it lets it lets anrey Simons be a little more judicious with how he attacks it’ll lets them not just run a kajillion pick and rolls send two to the ball I thought an in the beginning of this game was having a little bit of trouble getting

It out of the traps and a little bit trouble decision- making but but they you know they didn’t spam it a whole bunch they they they didn’t run a million du upath and a Sim picking rolls and they kind of were able to get a little bit get a little bit loose and

Get going and I I thought a played um you know shot it well and and that that’s what matters neither him or or scoot shot it from particularly well from two which just scoot was his volume of bad twos was way higher so um you know if scoot’s going to get nine free

Throws it’s going to be a good game he you know he’s playing T minut it’s 37 and uh excuse me 40 uh and every time he’s played 40 but it’s like you got eight eight guys they’re going to have to play and the Blazers delivered and and

Like they lost to a okay team I’ll say this let me actually I’m going to take a big sip of haterade ah okay that’s really good the suns are not good they’re not good they’re not good I just like blindly I would not pick the Suns to win a playoff

Series I do I not a Believer um if you’re a Suns fan you made it 20 minutes into the podcast congratulations yeah I don’t think the team’s very good um but you don’t apologize like Suns look pretty good just a couple days ago they look bad tonight they look bad in

Their other game in in Portland like the Blazers just need there’s going to be a lot of games through the rest of the season where they’re playing super young and they are saying scoot you can go take 30 shots and nine get nine free throw attempts like you can just have

Like you can just be on the ball and do everything in try everything because like that’s what we’re doing from here on out there’s going to be a lot of these games down the stretch of the Season you want games like this where you can come away saying like hey they

Lost and you know after the you know they were kind of in it vaguely at the five-minute Mark and you know a brick and a turnover and they’re all of a sudden out of the game pretty quickly I mean it’s just over with two and a half

Minutes left and there might be a lot of games like that but that’s way better than the seven-minute mark of the third quarter down 40 and the coach is pulling everybody out obviously like duh but you want this you want the Vibes you want the Vibes uh I think this one felt

Better and at this point in the season that’s what the Blazers need they need more games where it feels better and if and if you head down the stretch and you are really young and the young guys are Scrappy it’ll be so much easier to tolerate the scrap of Youth versus what

Seems like just kind of the bailing out of the canoe of of what they’ve been recently uh whether that has to do with the Vets or just has to do with like they made shots tonight so they kept themselves in the game um I think we’ll

Get a couple more chances to see if like I guess what I’m joking there is like I’m not sure that like Ryan ruper makes the team more watchable than Jeremy Grant but what I do actually think is that Ryan ruper struggling will feel a lot better than watching Jeremy

Grant and and and Malcolm Brogden struggle and this could be more palatable and I felt like coming out of this game I said you know what the season might be really Rocky here we are three weeks ahead of the trade deadline might be really Rocky post post deadline

It’s been really Rocky the last couple weeks like in the all of January so maybe this would be more pal palatable version of that turbulence okay it is officially as you’re listening to this Monday January 15th show trade season it’s here um I guess that was the

Ghost of trade season I don’t know what that character was in any case let’s talk trades because it’s here let’s do it that’s what we’ll do to close the show join me there first let’s talk about FanDuel America’s number one sports book the NFL playoffs are here we

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An official partner of the NFL still a pass first point guard I’m still Mike Richmond you are still listening to lock on Blazers it is trade season and by that I mean we’ve already had two trades in the NBA uh I will say I’m I’m a I’m a

Regular reader of of the Stein line Mark Stein’s uh substack and he’s and he’s our newsletter and he’s he’s been pushing that trade season actually starts in De on December 15th when you know 40% of the league can be traded and if you go back the last eight years

Within a month of December 15th there’s been at least one trade and it always happens and the people who say it doesn’t start till January are actually wrong and I’m one of those people Mark and you might be right cuz we got our second second trade of the NBA season

Today Marvin baggley headed to the uh Washington Wizards in exchange for denil and Isa livers with a couple second round picks in exchange for Danilo galinari and Mike muscala the the Pistons gets a chance to create a b load of cap space this summer to either you

Know load up on bad contracts and yada yada Y and build or sign someone to the Detroit Pistons we’ll see we will see how it works for Detroit uh they paid a total of four second round picks two to get Bagley and two to send him out the

Door four second round picks for the right to not really enjoy the Marvin Bagley experience what what a time in Detroit um it’s why I don’t believe in bad I don’t believe in losing culture I believe in losing franchises the decision makers screwed up more than the Vibes um but it’s trade season

Nonetheless the trade deadline is February 8th and the Pistons and perhaps Wizards have kicked us into higher gear and listen I know you tinfoil hat folks I know at after 400 p.m. when the Blazers had three veterans show up out of nowhere on the tra on the injury report you said

Hey TR trades coming and I’ll say this typically this time of year just use aam’s Razer whatever is the most simple solution whatever is the most obvious solution is or answer is going to be the correct answer like don’t complicate it the Blazers just spent 2 weeks 15 days

On the road playing seven games in five different cities um they were all over the freaking map traveling everywhere and their 40 person pirate ship that travels all around the country in a private jet yeah there’s an illness going around so Jeremy Grant and matis

Thel are sick um it’s like it happens uh the the Malcolm Brogden thing is like better for the tinfoil hats right because I think he’s certainly the most likely player to get traded let’s be clear I don’t think Jeremy Grant will be traded at the trade deadline I think he

Could be but I think the Blazers will ask for a lot because they don’t feel pressure to trade him um and they think like if we’re going to dump him for salary relief and two second round picks let’s just dump him for salary relief and two second round picks later like

Why would we do there’s no pressure so like you’re going to have to wow them right like you’re going to have to wow them um and and so I don’t I’m not I don’t think Jeremy Grant will get traded because I don’t think they’ll get wowed

I think they’ll be um I think I think they’ll hold I Hold On to him matis Thal basically isn’t he’s he has effectively a no trade clause since he signed a um a offer sheet with the Mavs and the Blazers matched it he can for the first

Year of his contract for an entire year um he can veto trades so he basically him and his representation uh Aaron Goodwin can if the if the Blazers are trying to trade him they can make sure they’re going to go to a situation that works out for them like that’s like why you

Have an agent so they they get you to the right spot um Milwaukee Wisconsin everyone’s preferred destination so I Gotti is not really on the trade block um there’s no such thing as a trade block anyways Brogden though is a likely trade candidate I would be it would be wrong if the Blazers

Don’t trade Malcolm Brockton it would just be a mistake um they they got guards who needs to play and it’s just just it’s time it’s time to move on he was a rental they rented him trade him for a good package considerate part of the Damen Lord Hall and and and pat

Yourself in the back or get frustrated whatever you want to do but they got to trade him so like if if you’re really tinf foil Hatty thing Malcolm Brogden resting on the first night of a back-to-back playing and then showing up as a late edition questionable with left

Gro excuse me right groin soreness right abductor soreness keeping them out that is like more tin foil Hatty than the other stuff was like dudes being sick um I don’t uh I don’t buy it I think the simplest explanation is that Malcolm Brogden is going to get traded in the

Next couple weeks and tonight his groin was a little bit sore both at the same time porin Loos uh before the game chy bips told reporters that deandre’s getting close uh getting very close so seems like he could be back this week the Blazers have Monday and Tuesday off they play Wednesday against

Brooklyn and then Friday against the Indiana Pacers so uh we will we will perhaps uh see him soon later this week hopefully hopefully Wednesday against Brooklyn uh but I think in general uh sort of wrapping up a a sort of mini little trade Saga about the Blazers or

Segment about Blazers rather excuse me um they are one of the few teams that is going to be selling so I don’t think there is reason for the Blazers to go early another reason I don’t believe the tinfoil hat stuff why would the Blazers need to make

A trade on January 15th why wouldn’t they just make the best trade they possibly can on February 8th at 10:00 a.m. right like a couple hours before the deadline um you know maybe they get vlat defo and I had a better trade yesterday type of thing but um I I I

Think like the real truth is that they’re the biggest not the biggest sellers because Pascal seak exists but like um and de Jon Murray but like uh so Toronto and Atlanta are certainly maybe the bigger dominoes here but the Blazers are a seller they’re one of the few

Teams that’s like would would do you want a valuable vet and and Malcolm Brogden who’s like just crushing it as a catch and shoot shooter how many teams could use a reliable ball handler playmaker who crushes in an off ball role a lot a lot of good teams could use Malcolm Brogden so

Like they wait and get the best deal right um also like for my tinfoil hat folks they’re not making a deal with JG Malcolm Brogden and matis thall that’s like $60 million involved that’s like a huge trade um I I I think if they were to trade both veterans it would be in

Separate separate deals that would be my guess I guess conceivably they could but it just seems it just seems unlikely that another team is going to come up with $60 million in salary that kind of fits what the Blazers want to do but multi-team deals exist I get it

Uh I think the Blazers are inevitably going to trade Malcolm Brockton I don’t think they’ll trade Jeremy Grant I don’t even think matis thel is is like he basically has a no trade clause so you know the they’re not going to trade amre Simons at at the trade

Deadline it would be it would be an absolute stunner and no one else on their team has like real value that they would consider trading like Scoot and shade and sharp um and I don’t think I don’t think injured and and underperforming and has much trade value

So I think they’re going to be patient I think they’re going to wait and I think their move is to eventually trade Malcolm brogon sometime here in the next 3 weeks but as of tomorrow or as of today I’m recording this on Sunday night as of today Janu uh excuse me January

15th on Monday the whole league can be traded you know there’s a handful of guys who have um can’t be traded because of when they signed contracts and and some sort of extension rules and stuff like that but for the most part 90% of the league can officially be traded now

Trade season is here it’s going to it’s going to happen over the next 3 weeks I don’t expect the Blazers to be the team that moves first but I expect them to be a team that eventually makes a move and that move being Malcolm brogon

I I can be specific about it okay uh guess what tomorrow show we will look ahead to the rest of the week and Chase down some statistical Trends as well as the latest the latest updates in Blazer land uh that is that will be Tuesday show W Wednesday show ahead of uh ahead

Of the Blazers next game will be a draft look ahead with rapael Barlo make sure you miss make sure you do not miss that one it’ll be in your feed on Wednesday uh you know late Tuesday night if you’re an audio listener and Wednesday morning if you’re a video listener uh Rafael

Barlo host of Lockton NBA big board and the writer of the NBA Big Board newsletter plugged in professional Scout he’s going to get us caught up on everything Blazer fans need to know uh don’t miss that one uh there is a chance winter weather derails that uh for for

But sometime this week Wednesday’s the plan if not later this week Raphael Barlo uh check that one out that’s what we do 5 days a week wherever you get podcasts and also on YouTube I appreciate you listening tell your friends about the podcast I’ll talk to you Soon

Finally, a loss that wasn’t embarrassing! The Trail Blazers wrapped up a miserable road trip with a beatdown against the Minnesota Timberwolves, but bounced back (kinda) on Sunday with a competitive loss to the Phoenix Suns despite having just eight available players.

0:00 – Recapping Losses to the Wolves and Suns
12:04 – A Loss to Feel Okay About!
22:45 – It’s Trade Season

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  1. Not seeing Grant play last night was actually great. This guys falls on every drive to the rim and is a liability on transition defense in my opinion.

  2. A loss to feel good about? that sounds like gas lighting… there was nothing to feel good about, just gonna prolong the Chauncey and Cronin garbage

  3. Thanks for your quick correction. Secretariat was "great", Scoot wasn't – rather, he was "good", "effective", "solid", "a handful", etc. "Greatness" perspective: what's the mathematical possibility that the fastest times in each leg of the Triple Crown could be held by THE SAME HORSE?? AND that ALL THREE record race times haven't been beaten in 50 years???!! That's called "great". Though it's already been half-a-century, someday each of those record times (KY Derby, Preakness, and Belmont Stakes) will be beaten. But they won't be beaten by the same horse. Tom Brady says Secretariat was the greatest athlete he's ever seen. NBA broadcast voices claim no fewer than 20 "great" plays/shots PER GAME. (10 games per night = 200 "great" plays/shots per day!!) Sometime, give a listen to NBA games just for how frequently & loosely "greatness" is conferred by broadcasters. Greatness is special…and rare.

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