@Chicago Bulls

Zach LaVine & Chicago Bulls reportedly still want trade as Bulls face Cavs | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Zach LaVine & Chicago Bulls reportedly still want trade as Bulls face Cavs | CHGO Bulls Podcast

N What’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to cso Bulls pregame coming to you live from our studios here in the West Loop downtown Chicago I’m peek you can follow me on Twitter at Bulls corek joined by my guy will the go gotle willor gotle on the Twitter machine our

Palent producer Joseph spis back in this SLE what’s up Joe what’s up Matt there you go in your face missed you man glad to have you back missed you too missed you too had to deal with brags and his nonsense I missed you but it was but like it was

Also two remote shows oh but there was a couple that I did miss actually earlier this past I I missed a couple but I got I got some good uh producing in for having to be away so I missed you guys but I’m glad I wasn’t too far away

Indeed uh our guy Big Dave should be joining us moment barly and um we got Bulls Cavs on deck tonight thank you for joining us if you’re hanging out on YouTube hit that Thumbs Up Button shout out to Dinko Hoops spooky Kitty fish Joel what’s going on everybody Bulls

Looking for their first win against Cleveland this season uh took a loss to the Cavs in late December in a game when both teams were significantly short-handed we’ll get to tonight’s injury updates for both squads a little bit later on but William wanted to begin tonight’s pregame by touching on some

Interesting updates in the Zack LaVine trade market Saga are there updates I mean I I would consider them updates yeah because there’s there’s being you know we’re we’re hearing two different things right now from within the Bulls and Zach camp and then what certain National NBA heads who have Intel have

Been saying over the the past weekend let’s start with this you noted today on Twitter amongst others that today is January 15th so lot of other players who previously were not eligible to be traded because of their you know last offseason signed contracts are now eligible including names like uh oh

Austin Reeves and ruy haimura over there in Laker land um and on top of that there’s been a lot more talk about Zach he was uh at this morning shoot in Cleveland and uh was talking to the traveling beat uh media out there including including Casey Johnson uh

From NBC and Zach said this when asked about you know where his focus is and the January 15th and the upcoming trade deadline Zach said quote we’re winning there’s nothing better than that I don’t think about trades at all unless I got a call from my agent it’s just another day

At the office for me I’m glad to be out here playing will obviously that is the correct and probably predictable PR answer from Zach do you you believe that he has shifted his frame of mind from in early November when it was reported that he in his Camp told the

Bulls hey I’m I’m open to a trade I’m not sure I would imagine probably not I think I’ve been kind of saying this the toothpaste is out of the tube with this situation um such a gross metap it is but I think it’s true because like first

Of all and the way there’s been like a lot of people on Twitter saying Zach never actually asked for a trade I think that’s totally false he did not specifically demand a trade request but what happened was the Bulls tried to trade him last summer MH he knew that

And didn’t like it yeah the team came out and was really terrible to start the season he said he wanted he said now both parties uh acknowledge that they would like to find a new home for Zach meaning Zach is comfortable with the trade the Bulls who were already

Comfortable with the trade are still comfortable with the trade so really that whole situation in that report from Shams was that Z was coming to terms with I would like to be moved he didn’t explicitly ask for a trade but he may as well have and he probably did behind the

Scenes okay uh but that’s just a guess that’s not there’s no like hard reporting on that so fast forward to now when he goes down and the team starts playing better and now he’s back I think a big part of the frustration was that it was clear that one this team was not

Headed in any different direction that was more conducive to winning and two that they were so bad that it’s like if you want to win then you kind of have to ask out so even though they’re winning now and looking a lot better I don’t necessarily think this situation has

Changed Mark and I totally disagree that like what Zach wants matters here like I I don’t think if Zach decided that he wants to say that that changes things I don’t think if Zach decides that he wants to leave that changes things Bulls are going to do what they’re going to do

Because Zach is under contract and because Zach does not have a no trade clause so all in all I do not think that this really changes anything um other than maybe his reputation if he continues playing this way so the the frame of mind and and you know

The the quote that I just read Zach finished up those comments with something similar to what we heard him say before one of those terrible performances against Orlando you know soon after that trade report came out saying hey like my focus is here as long

As I’m here in Bulls jersey my focus is on the next game at hand i’m bought in St you know saying all the right stuff and then he went out and played like a disinterested you know disengaged not very good version of Zack LaVine in that

Game so myself and plenty of bulls fans called [ __ ] your focus is clearly not on the Orlando Magic in tonight’s game cuz you played like someone who’s checked out and played poorly but him saying the same thing when he did say it this morning shoot around you know the

Focuses on Cleveland Cavaliers tonight maybe you believe it a little bit more because of the version of Zach we’ve seen since he came back from injury and that is kind of what they were discussing on a recent the most recent episode of NBA today wi Bon was there

Talking with wior amongst others um I think Kendrick was there Malika hosting and and wilbon saying well the sample size from Zach since he came back is small but should it be changing my mind as a bulls fan about whether the Bulls keep him or trade him and then he tossed

It over to wior who said something that is quite the opposite of of oh I’m bought in I’m I’m I’m happy to be here you know as long as I’m here I’m here Brian wior said quote if the Bulls could trade Zack LaVine in the next 5 minutes

They would trade him and Zach would happily go to the airport I don’t think anything has changed there I think they absolutely want to trade him so that is a fairly in the no person and I think somebody uh pdus X or 10 in the comments

Pointing out uh you know Windor and his relationship strong relationship with the people high up at clutch might be really in the no as far as what’s going on with z in his Camp saying the Bulls still want to trade Zach and Zach still wants a trade himself well I think also

Zach probably realized that he can’t just like pout his way to another team like regardless of whether he wants to be here or not he still has to play and show up every day and be professional which he was not doing to start the year yeah now he’s doing that and that’s

Going to maybe help his trade value but I don’t necessarily think that means that he now all of a sudden wants to stay here like I said I just don’t see that situation changing I think it kind of is what it is at this point but but

What has changed is I think Zach has an understanding or at the very least clutch has told Zach that look if you if you do want to leave you have to start playing like a professional basketball player showing up for work every day and fitting into a system to prove to other

Teams that you can show up to work every day and fit into a system and that’s what he’s doing so to me this is more just about helping his trade stock around the league marketing himself as a co-star as opposed to a primary star and I think that’s exactly what he needs to

Do in order for somebody to feel comfortable trading for him yeah Dinko in the comments mentioning that they are not a fan of Wind Horse because they believe Wendy is a big bulls hater biggest Bulls hater in in big media uh I wouldn’t necessarily agree I think there

Are some big NBA media people who dislike or maybe discredit the Bulls way more often and more aggressively than windhorse does I mean one of his regular co-hosts on hoop Collective Tim bontemps loves trashing the Bulls the city of Chicago yeah John Hollinger there’s there’s another one for you I think they

Just dislike teams that are clearly doing something that does not make sense to them right and and that is the other thing wior said in that conversation on NBA today that I was like thank you somebody in the National media needs to say this thank you for saying this when

He was talking with wilbon about the well is this version of Zack and the fact that the Bulls are winning more games recently enough to convince whoever Zach you know the the Bulls brass Bulls ownership front office that what you need to do is actually keep Zach because this version of his is

Useful in helping you win and the Bulls have climbed up the standings to at least be in the playing picture now so yay and wior said no because that’s not where you want to be you don’t want to be in ninth four or five games behind seventh and eighth which I think the

Bulls have made up maybe a game or game and a half since this conversation happened because of some losses taken by the team ahead of them but it’s it’s still the same thing like I am terrified that the Bulls are going to talk themselves into standing Pat and doing

Nothing at this trade deadline because hey we won a few games we got closer to being back to 500 halfway through the season let’s keep this group together because we have seen them do it time and again with mediocre rosters I it was I’m it’s just refreshing to hear somebody like

Windhorse say that on a national NBA TV show because that is how that is how I feel and I don’t think I’m alone there as a bulls fan yes good for Zach he’s playing better maybe it’s uping his trade value just because you’re winning a few games does not mean you should

Give up on the idea of significantly changing this roster at the deadline 100% agree and to me you know there’s been a lot of push back about well AK inherited a rebuild he doesn’t want to do that again you know well he had a bunch of young players and he traded for

Vets he doesn’t want to like go through that stuff again but he also said mediocrity is not good enough and at what point during his tenure after Lonzo went down have the Bulls been anything other than mediocre at best so to me I don’t care about 14 and9 I don’t care

About this stretch that the Bulls have played and looking a lot better to me there’s still need to be major changes I think you have some pieces that you can feel comfortable building with but there’s no foundational piece that you can build around and that’s the hardest

Thing to find in basketball right I’m not knocking them for not having that but I am knocking them for not putting themselves in a position to try to eventually find that because the longer they continue on with this the harder it’s going to be it’s not easy to find a

Superstar in the draft every other year between 10 and 14 it’s not easy to find a superstar in free agency when you are right up against a luxury tax and you can’t trade anybody on this roster because everybody’s value is so low that it’s not really helping you that way

Either so to me and we can talk about Zack LV and trade market stuff to me I think they do need to trade Zach eventually but right now I don’t think it helps them to trade him for nothing to dump him for essentially salary relief when he represents one of the

Only ways that you can eventually come to a point of working with a surplus of assets right now the Bulls are not at a surplus of assets so that’s the best way to eventually inherit a star whether it’s through the draft and getting lucky in the lottery or trading a bunch of

Picks to go out and get somebody right on the trade market like the Bulls have no way of doing that and I think if they trade Caruso if they trade dear right now they can capitalize on their value still stay relatively competitive because the teams behind them are really

Bad and also put themselves in a position to to have assets to be able to use down the line and right now I just think they are making life so much more difficult for themselves and we’ve already seen the effects of that right Zach’s trade value has gone from who

Knows something potentially good to absolutely nothing where the the landscape is Barren and there’s no trades out there for him and I think the same thing is probably going to be true with you know dear next year at this uh this offseason certainly if they extend him maybe Caruso gets injured and he’s

Got a half a year left on his contract and you can’t get anything for him now I just think the priority has to be on asset collection and to it all comes back to this idea of why are you competing to be in the plan race if you

Said mediocrity wasn’t good enough why are you competing for the plan race preach uh I mean will you you did some of your part to up Zach’s trade value on bulls Twitter today uh by pointing out that of all these players that are getting talked about being traded

Between now and February 8th he has among the highest the highest among the highest uh defensive epms of that entire group of trade uh players on the trading block right now who says Zack LaVine can’t play defense well it’s it’s more about like his perception on the around the

League is just so bad right now yeah and I understand a lot of people just don’t like him I understand a lot of he’s making a ton of money and that’s a very tough contract to swallow when you’re facing down the barrel of these you know massive ramifications in the new CBA it

Is but he is a average Defender who can score 20 points per game on 50 40 85 efficiency like 60% true shooting that’s super valuable he can shoot threes like to me why wouldn’t you prefer Zack LaVine over Pascal sakam if you’re a team like the Lakers the Kings who one

Of these guys can shoot 40% on volume of threes and will be under contract another might leave in free agency can’t shoot threes and actually has a worst defensive EPM I just don’t understand the narrative about solid argument right there and like I’m not trying to say

Zack LaVine is like this all World stopper I don’t think that’s the case I think he is average when he’s locked in and if you are a 25 Point per game scorer like a Jamal Murray or a Deonte Murray or maybe dejon is not even quite

There yet but Bradley Beal like he’s on the same level as all these guys he just hasn’t been in the right situation I really want to see him get moved to a team like the Lakers who can put him in a position to be great yeah uh and

Speaking of that I see people in the comments also talking about the Lakers specifically um and you had it by the way go check it out a column that came out out today six different potential Zack LaVine trades with six different teams I think one of them was

A three- team trade one of them was a three team trade um there’s some cool frisky stuff in there but um not on the NBA today but on the latest episode of hoop Collective that I was listening to today windhorse also said and we know he has an inroad with the Los Angeles

Lakers he said he believes there is a 0.0% chance that the Lakers trade for Zack LaVine before the deadline yeah I mean maybe I don’t know that I really buy it I think a lot can change between now and then I believe the deadline maybe he’s just doing the

Lakers Dirty Work and trying to get the Bulls to lower their asking price for zck well it’s like if you’re the Lakers the best thing you can offer is like a protected pick in six years yeah or Austin who’s becoming overrated in my opinion he’s a good player on a good

Contract pretty overrated uh as a trade asset I get you don’t want to put $40 million worth into a third star but if you are the Lakers and you are outside the playing tournament looking in and you have LeBron James and Anthony Davis both playing at the level they’re

Playing you have nothing to give up like why wouldn’t you want to go by low on a star player that fits them really well like you think Pascal sakam would fit better there I don’t yeah no I’m I’m with you there Deonte Murray’s pretty overrated too I think uh yeah I you know

Uh I think Atlanta made that move thinking that not only could he add some you know dynamic scoring punch to that back cour do with Trey but kind of mask some of tre’s defensive uh weaknesses and I really don’t think that version of dejon has also like showing up in it

Leine is an upgrade defensively over D’Angelo Russell yes like a upgrade so if you can replace D’Angelo Russell’s minutes and with into Zack LaVine and the cost of doing business is a pick in six years right and rura like that seems like a no-brainer to me uh okay let’s uh

Take a quick break Shout out some sponsors then we’ll come back and shift our Focus to tonight’s bull Cavs action I saw Anthony I think it was Anthony in the comments earlier asking about injury updates starting lineups we will get to that on the other side both teams have

Released their starting five for tonight’s game uh while we are sharing these words from our friends and sponsors you know what to do hit that Thumbs Up Button if you’re hanging out with us on YouTube we appreciate it Joey needs it for his jar of thumbs

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Guaranteed because will the go [ __ ] what time is it te time who um all right so shifting to tonight Bulls we just mentioned Patrick Williams ruled out uh I did see there was a tweet from Casey Johnson relaying an update from Billy Donovan before Pat was ruled out saying that there is nothing

Structurally wrong with this ankle that’s been giving Pat problems on and off for the last month or so uh that Patrick has been playing through a manageable amount of lingering soreness and some nights he can go and some times he can’t uh also Donovan adding that

There has not been any Talk Amongst him team doctors anybody uh of like shutting Patrick down for an extended absence dealing with this so gets the scratch tonight hopefully he can come back and play in their next game in a couple of days um IO and dalen also popped up on

The injury report uh but probable I assume they also will have the green light tonight and with no Patrick May uh may may see some more Dal minutes IO with a left shoulder contusion I’m guessing it was when he took that hard fall into the St in their game on

Saturday night uh and then dalen dealing with some left patella tendon tendonitis uh but just uh just Pat as far as people who are out tonight no B will there goes nine points and three rebounds uh Cavs meanwhile Darius Garland still out with that freak injury

Where he had a fractured jaw in that game in mid December Evan obly still on the Shelf recuperating he had arthroscopic knee surgery in mid December he is out for a while longer so help for the Bulls on that front Max stru who actually lit up the Bulls and

The Bulls lost on December 23rd to these Cleveland Cavaliers um was questionable game time decision with n soreness the Cavs did give him the green light so starting five for Cleveland we are looking at Donovan Mitchell darn who by the way did not play in that Bulls lost

To the Cavs in December Max dreu accordo Wade and Allen so this is still a short-handed Cavs team but the Cavs were even more short-handed than they were when they beat the Bulls back in December uh because they did not have Donovan Mitchell in that one also worth

Noting Bulls did not have Zack LaVine in that game Kobe white also had one of his really bad three-point shooting slump games in that stretch he was of eight from downtown in that game which the Bulls lost um 109 to 95 not a great offensive night

What what do you see will as being uh the key or a couple of keys you’ll be keeping an eye on tonight for the Bulls to try to get their first win against the Cavs this season well I think for one the Cavs are just on fire in last

Two weeks they are 4- one with a plus 12.6 Point differential at second in the league uh they’re second in defense and 13th in offense so uh one thing they’ve been doing is just playing a lot more through Jared Allen and when you remove a second

Non-shooting big in mop Le and you can replace him with George Yang or you know some various combination of other Shooters at the wing that really opens up the floor and now you put Donovan Mitchell back in there there’s a ton of space to operate spread pick and roll

Action where he’s really really deadly so um defend his five as usual that’s kind of their their MO on that end of the floor and they’re going to have to do a really good job of crawling him but I think the big thing is trying to turn

Off all these other you know dribble handoffs into threes from guys like streu um Dean Wade killed them on some of those last games so it’s just staying attached staying in concentration with all these guys it’s so tough just from a like I said concentration standpoint to

Be able to chase these guys off of screens and contest shots and not foul and stay focused on them I think that’s going to be the key and then also just finding ways to you know chip away and like get into the the middle of the floor against them um second overall in

Defense in the last two weeks they are a really really good defensive team even without one of their best defensive players was Moy all defense last year he might have been if not he was right he was right up there so yeah um yeah they’re just a really really solid team

And a team that like I said generates a ton of system points and when you combine that with you know shooting well from some of your role players from defending well it becomes a really tough team to be but the way that they’re passing the ball through Jared Allen in

The middle of floor I think is really dangerous uh Moy was all defensive first team yeah last season um the uh you know this Cav team you mentioned this this hot streak they’re on they are on a four-game win streak coming in tonight uh they’ve won seven of their last 10

Currently sitting fourth place in the Eastern Conference it worth noting that their level of competition in this recent hot streak has been subpar those four straight wins are two wins against the Wizards who are hilarious uh the San Antonio Spurs who the Bulls managed to beat and uh the Brooklyn Nets in that

Paris game that just happened I think this is the Cav’s first game since getting back from their Paris trip uh and Donovan Mitchell dropped a season High 45 points in that win so kudos to the Cavs for putting this nice string of wins together but level of competition

Has not been great yeah but when you are missing a bunch of your good players what you want do is stay afat and so they’re taking care of business doing the things that they need to do to beat the teams that they’re clearly better than and I mean this Eastern conference

Is still so jumbled up Cavs right now in fourth place at uh seven games back heat are seven games back in fifth place Pacers are seven games back in sixth place the Knicks are seven and a half games back in seventh place and the magic are eight and a half back in

Eighth place so they maybe it’s not like the most impressive teams that they’re winning against but down and was out for a while too like to be that short-handed and still be taking care of business on a nightly basis tells you that they’re a well coached team that they’re a

Defensive team and that they can generate points through system play and through moving the ball and through Jared Allen who’s been racking up the assists that he has um Connor in the comments saying that he’s more terrified of Max stru than Donovan Mitchell uh I think I saw somebody earlier in the

Comments mentioned that Donovan Mitchell what was it 71 that he had against the Bulls last season of course including the uh the uncalled lane violation that ended up being one of the key plays late in that close game that the Cavs ended up pulling out um and you know streu led

The Cavs the very short-handed Cavs in that win against us in December uh with 26 points he was five of 17 from three so you know I I I don’t see Max truce chucking up 17 more threes tonight but to your point I feel like the Cavs have

Have done a better job after kind of Rocky start figuring out where to find their looks offensively and obviously donov Mitchell being back will help that but I mean an undrafted rookie Craig Porter dropped almost 20 points against the bull Team like he he could play but that

Was a a rare game it’s not like he was getting a lot of minutes until the Cavs were so desperate with this string of injuries so people people on Cavs team have proved time and again that they can step up and uh the Bulls defense that’s

Looked okay at times and then lack at times uh in in this recent sort of midseason turnaround they’re having they’ll have their hands full with uh with a at least a healthy Donovan Mitchell Allen streu out there playing you know it it it’ll be a tough task for

The piece I forgot to mention which I think is going to be a very big key for the Bulls is defensive rebounding Cavs kind of killed him in that last game I believe that was the game where Billy went to the V and Drummond lineup briefly uh Jared Allen who’s averaging

205 and five with a steel and a block and and a half over his last eight games is also averaging 5 and a half offensive rebounds per game they’ve really got to be sure to not let that become a problem cuz that’s where the kick out threes happen that’s where the free throws

Happen on Second Chance points so uh they just they have to make life easy on themselves and preventing teams from offensive rebounding is the way to do that uh yeah game time Bulls nation in the comments saying Drummond has been silent since the benching look forward

For a bounce back uh on his end um you that it’ll be interesting to see uh if Billy Donovan kind of continues this recent Trend since Vu got back into the starting lineup job after a couple games off the bench um that uh you know Drummond’s minutes have taken a bit of a

Hit for all of the talk about how great Drummond and vchart rebounding Bulls are 20th in defensive rebounding percentage Yeah which I I believe they were top five defensive rebounding percentage team last season they were until the end of the year and then completely fell off

A cliff fell off a cliff yeah um shout out to Anthony who said hope you guys are saying warm there in shy Town C red let’s go it is a cold one it’s a cold one yesterday cold one today but I honestly I was excited about the fact

That I got to wear my real heaviest winest coat today I I hadn’t worn it in since probably last winter what I was wearing two wear two coats also a hoodie and a flannel is that one piece or are those that’s layers layers you got a

Good looks man got a lot of layers the uh the the plain gry hoodie that’s a different plain gry hoodie different speaking of which D and Terry y’all can go check it out on the Bulls Twitter account his uh in-game walking into the stadium fit was a plain gray hoodie with

An extra hoodie compartment off to the side I’m confused I hope we get a question and answer about that because why does your hoodie need two head holes if you I think he forgot his conjoin twin today you don’t have any hoodies with two head holes I do not and I’m I

Don’t know who makes that hoodie with two head holes but I’m guessing it was more expensive than the one you’re wearing I would venture to guess uh shout out to PE supporter in the comments he was talking about the bulls not uh how they can’t let uh Cleveland Shooters open tonight dealing

With their their switching issues also asking me if the Bulls get to 500 will I cry no um I’m I I am someone who will cry if if the emotion hits me um in the right ways but no I won’t cry if the Bulls get to 500 will will I be

Frustrated if a Bulls team that manages to drag their ass to 500 right around as we get close to the trade deadline encourages the people in charge of decision- making with this front with this organization to do nothing then yes I will be frustrated I will not cry but there will probably be

Many thrown hats involved Matt is the person who invented heart attack of relief so this this is true you can never really be sure about what’s coming with regards to his emotions uh P will also appreciate you saying that you enjoyed my my Jordan rant I mean it

Wasn’t just a Jordan rant it was a rant about all of the people and reasons that were responsible for what happening uh what we saw happen Friday night happen um I think a lot of people are to blame for what happened but I I I hold firm

Despite getting a lot of flak from a lot of directions from people who it’s you’re never allowed to say anything bad about Michael Jordan in this town I said I said one bad thing about Michael Jordan that I still think is kind of true that he was partly

Responsible for what happened at the United Center on Friday night but so are the Bulls so are their event coordinators and most importantly and most responsibly were the dumbass fans who booed um all right that’s it we are past 6 o’cl central time that means tip

Off is just seconds away we’ll be right back here for postgame live with our guy Big Dave on the other side follow will for his ingame thoughts and updates will _ got I’m Bulls Pac we are chore Bulls our producer is Young Joseph spathis give that man your thumb uh all right

Talk to you after the game Let’s [Applause] hoop

The CHGO Bulls crew preview Monday night’s matchup between the Chicago Bulls and Cleveland Cavaliers. It’s the second meeting between the Central Division rivals this season, with the Cavs taking the win on December 23rd behind 26 points from Max Strus. The Cavs and Bulls were both shorthanded in that one. While the Bulls have Zach LaVine back, the Cavs will still be without Darius Garland and Evan Mobley tonight. Meanwhile, the Zach LaVine trade talk got an interesting update from ESPN’s Brian Windhorst, who reported the Bulls and LaVine are absolutely still looking for trade partners. Matt, Big Dave and Will get you ready for tipoff!

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