@Charlotte Hornets

Players only meeting?! Hornets desperate after blowout loss to Miami despite 21-10 from LaMelo Ball

Players only meeting?! Hornets desperate after blowout loss to Miami despite 21-10 from LaMelo Ball

The Charlotte Hornets lose another game over the weekend they get beat comfortably by the Miami Heat but now we have to ask a question are we seeing the final stages before the rebuild hits that’s all today on lockon Hornets locked on hornets part of the lock on

Podcast Network your team every day in a minute cuz we Live it’s locked on hornets part of the locked on podcast Network it’s your team every day thanks for making us your first listen we’re free and available anywhere you get your podcast and as always that includes YouTube today’s episode is brought to you by Jace medical Empower yourself when you

Purchase a Jace case providing you with a personal supply of five antibiotics that treat 50 plus infections get yours today at jcm use code locked on to get $20 off your order that’s j e jce medal there’s Doug Branson in his Charlotte Hornets Christmas sweater looking very

Festive and you look great buddy every Hornets box go check them out well thank you uh it’s just it’s very cold here in Nashville we are officially snowed in um we’ve got four inches of the white stuff outside and it is about 12 degrees feels like zero so yeah we’re

Bundled up here and we’re ready to talk some Hornets we were rained in last week as much as people hate snow and it physically traps you in more so than the rain does although we had some real flooding here the snow I would still choose over the rain I don’t know if

That’s a hot take but I’d still choose the snow I’m Walker M you can listen to me on WFNZ every weekday from 12: to 300 pm. still not good news to talk about on WFNZ or every Hornets box score about the Charlotte Hornets Doug they lose again and the first half was offensively

Challenged to the upmost degree how about 31 points in the first half for the Charlotte Hornets team 16 in the first 15 in the second they finally started to look and score at least maybe not look but they finally started to score like a real NBA team in the third

Fourth quarter the second half did look better they lose to Miami 104 to 87 last night but this is the real story it happened at the end of the game Rod Boon of the Charlotte Observer he dropped a piece about what players were saying afterwards here Doug here’s what PJ

Washington said a bunch of stuff is happening uh if I had the answers I feel like things would be different but for us we’ve got to buy into the process and keep trying to get better each and every day and have a better attitude and play more together here’s what Terry roier

Said I think we are going to talk it over at a players only meeting and I think we’re gonna figure it out because as bad as things are going we are only five six games behind to play in tournament spot we win the next three

Things can turn for us we’ve just got to believe believe that as a team and put that effort toward it I’ll reread that we’ve just got to believe that as a team and put that effort toward it toward getting to the play in so players only

Meeting I I feel like he talks about after the players only meeting Hey There Is Something to Believe In we are only a handful of games away from a playin tournament spot and so even if we don’t believe that they’re going to be able to get there it’s important that the

Hornets do if you want to salvage anything that looks like an NBA basketball squad out there on the court every single night so I do like that but anytime you hear players only meeting your antenna starts to go up your trouble radar now there’s been a

Lot of trouble this season but now the players now you look like a reindeer you are festive as I’ve ever seen you before now we have a players only meeting Doug what do you make of the comments from PJ trying to tell you we just have to buy

In we have to play together we have to play with a better attitude and Terry said said we’re going to talk it over as players well this is big news Walker because we don’t get many players only meetings in in Charlotte and and they’ve had some bad Seasons before and we just

Don’t get maybe we maybe they have them and we just don’t know about them maybe they’ve been more secret players only meetings but this has not been a team that has generally employed players that were super passionate enough to to Really rage you know in a postgame press

Conference or call a player only meeting so obviously things are are dire and it makes sense when you watch that Miami game that this would be the game where there’s a players only meeting because the body language did not look very good in this game especially on some of these

Transition possessions that Miami had Miami beat the Hornets 25-4 in Fast Break points now that that’s an incredible stat okay but let me just let me layer on that to that fact fact that the Miami heat turned the ball over 14 times for 23 Hornets points 23 Hornets points and they still got

Beat in Fast Break 25-4 in this game incredible Miami was getting back in transition the Hornets were not they were out of sync the communication was poor on offense and it was even poorer on defense uh but this team is totally out of sync and I think

Walker as they get guys back this is the problem when you’ve been injured when you got injured so early so often and now you’re in the middle of the Season you’re you’re deep out of the playoff race and now you’re welcoming guys back and you’re going to run into a few

Problems no one is in the groove like you were coming out of Camp right that’s what camp is for Camp gets you in the groove then they lost all these players and the players that remained were in a Groove they weren’t very talented but they were in a Groove and now you’re

Bringing all these guys back now they’re out of the groove and on top of of that you’re going to have guys coming back like lamelo like Cody PJ Mark eventually who are going to want to ramp back up they’re going to need possessions they’re going to need the ball in their

Hands meanwhile everybody else that’s been there the whole time is like hey what what what about M what about me I’ve been here the whole time what about me so there’s all of these competing egos competing forces and I think that’s what they have to get figured out in

This players only meeting is what what are we all doing here yeah and especially here just some more quotes from Terry and PJ here’s more from Terry defense is all effort so we’ve got to come out more ready to play next game because we weren’t ready to

Play the first half was terrible if teams don’t feel us on the aggressive side then it’s just not going to work out for us you are playing against the best players in the world so we have to be more physical PJ Washington said we

Have to do a better job buying in it’s a simple as that quote we are messing up on coverages we’re not doing the right thing on offense so we’ve just got a lot to clear clean up it’s as simple as that yeah it it does feel more player Centric

Though Doug you know how sometimes when you get this dysfunction maybe dysfunction is too harsh maybe we’re just talking about a bad basketball team right I I don’t know if I look at full-on dysfunction there’s a lot of problems there the problems are there’s a ton of injuries and they’re not

Playing well and so the players are frustrated that can certainly lead to dysfunction that’s how you get there I don’t know if I see that what I do see are players frustrated withs at least in their comments sometimes we’ll see players make some not so camouflaged comments towards the coach

Well you know if we would have done this then maybe we would have won this game or gotten back into it I don’t see any of that I don’t know if you’ve seen anything that would counter that no but I do think that they’re frustrated within themselves and so when we go to

The players meeting players only meeting usually means some bad stuff and and that might be the case here just because they’re playing poorly but I I do hope something good comes from it because I think that is a possibility if you have the vocal leaders speaking to the media

In this instance PJ being very forthcoming on what’s going on Terry roier who we’ve heard this before he’s always been that guy to be more outspoken than everybody else in the locker room I’m hoping you actually have some leadership from those guys that step up and it translates to something

That we see on the court we’ve heard comments before off of it does it translate to something on the court doesn’t mean you’re going to win a lot more basketball games but you got to look better than what they’ve looked here Doug because it it’s it’s it’s

Really bad we’ve gone through 7 and 59 we’re always gonna have that as Hornets fans we’re always gonna have seven and 59 to rely on that as being the worst season we’ve ever seen but it’s pretty bad it it’s it’s tough to watch every single night well and the problem Walker

Is that when they get frustrated it’s because they’re getting frustrated with their offense when the offense is out of sync then it starts leaking into the defense they’re not not enough guys on this roster that that Pride themselves that sort of uh ground their entire game on their defensive effort and I think

That’s that’s the message that needs to get through in this players only meeting is that if we want to fix this that it’s got to start on the defensive end of the floor because when they start missing shots this is not the kind of team that

Traditionally is able to lock in on the defensive end and and Salvage a game instead what you’re seeing over and over again as this team get down 105 and not be able to get back up and that’s despite the fact in this game that lamelo ball and Terry Rosier did pick up

Their offense in the second half they came out of that they came into that third quarter and they were able to get the lead back down to 12 but that’s where it stopped and that’s because Miami consistently was getting back on defense they were consistently getting steals they were consistently getting

Out into transition and making shots and the Charlotte Hornets were unable to get enough stops on Miami uh to to Really finish off a a comeback and so yeah I mean they’ve got to start taking Pride on the defensive end or this thing won’t get fixed and look

Going back to what you said at the beginning at this point I think most reasonable people would look at their record and look at their roster and say it might be a rap okay but as a professional athlete you cannot be a reasonable person you have to you know

These guys aren’t reasonable because they’ll Miss six shots and then take another one right that’s not reasonable they have to they they can’t think like that they have to have that Supreme confidence because you want this team even if they’re not going to make the playoffs you want this team to play well

So that young players have an opportunity to play good basketball and develop that way you want players that look if you if you want to trade Terry Rosier or any of these other players if that’s your desire as a fan then and and for the team to get the most value out

Of that then they need to be playing well cuz if they’re not you know remember what what happened to PJ Washington when he went out of the free agency market teams were like team hasn’t really played well and you know we we don’t find a ton of value in that

And so the Hornets were able to extend that free agency period and get a good deal so you want the Hornets playing some level of good basketball to attract those kind of pieces so there are a lot of reasons for this team to play well and hopefully this player’s only meeting

Matters Walker because it doesn’t have to matter right I mean uh Gordon Hayward recently was on the Paul George’s podcast and talked about players only meetings multiple players only meetings at those Celtics teams with Kyrie Irving and um and and you know they had a bunch of Allstars that team Tatum was Terry

Rosier Tatum was on the on the come up and they would have players only meetings and then everybody would walk away and be like ah whatever so so like you can have the meeting right you can all get together and have the meeting it’s only going to matter if guys go if

Everybody is on the same page and they walk away and actually make changes yeah finishing point for me you just hope that they feel they still have something to play for I imagine it’s really hard to go out there and even if you’re right they’re playing for contracts they’re

Playing for pride they’re playing to move on and fit with another team if you wanted to go get traded if that was the case but also that’s why I really hope they buy into we’re only five games out of the play in spot because if there is

Still a team oriented goal for this specific team then maybe there is something to play for in their brains and maybe they can turn it around and just play better basketball that’s all we’re asking at this point we have a couple more segments to go coming up next on the lockdown Hornets

Podcast we’ll give you some player observations what else we notice from this Miami loss over the weekend that’s still to come right here on lockdown Hornets today’s episode is brought to you by Jace medical I know we come to sports to escape from some of the crazy realities of real life but can we just talk for a minute about preparing for real life if you found yourself cut off from Modern Medical Care and treatment

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Ahead let’s go to some of the game observations here Doug we can start off with lamelo playing now what is his second game back from injury after coming back the previous outing you see lamelo stat line he goes nine of 24 from the field not a great shooting night

From distance three of 13 from Beyond the arc 10 rebounds five assists three steals ends up finishing with 21 points what did you make of lamelo ball in his second game back I thought it was a decent game uh as you said he got the double double uh only five assists I

Think Terry was the one Distributing more he was the only major rotation player with a positive plus minus he was plus eight in this game uh only played 30 minutes and that’s you know look they they’re going to be careful with his minutes uh they’re trying to be careful

With Cody Martin’s minutes as well he’s down to 22 as he comes back from injury you know there’s a recognition by Clifford that he’s got to start reducing the minutes of some of these guys that are coming back from injury to make sure that they stay back uh with the team so

9 of 24 three of 13 you know he his his three ball did come alive probably at the right time in that third quarter when they needed to make a run but missing 10 three-point shots is typically not going to be a problem for lamelo ball you want him to to keep

Shooting the problem is in this game when when nobody wanted to get back on defense those deep threes were just easy for Miami to take and make and make quick shots I mean that’s you know and it wasn’t just lamelo missing those threes I mean they were they were

Atrocious uh from Beyond The Arc in this game 10 of 41 24% 34 uh well 35% from the field overall um this is a game that with with a really wild box score uh Walker they got 17 offensive rebounds uh for how many Second Chance points did

They have they had 23 Second Chance points to the Heat’s two the heat only had four offensive rebounds typically when you dominate a team like that on the offensive boards you win that game when you get 23 points from the other team in turnovers you typically win that

Game that’s how bad the offense was in this game it was it was truly a Wonder to watch well yeah and you’re right about I mean 17-4 is a big old Gap and even just outrebounding Miami period I mean because of that really they got out defensive rebounded 40 to 33 but you’ll

Take 50 to 44 in fact if you were to just that’s the classic if you were to just give me that stat before the game I thought oh okay I would think the Hornets are going to be in it with Poss a chance to win it but that was just not

To be this is just classic shots are not falling for them either right I mean they everybody was cold the best shooter on this team the best scorer was clearly miles Bridges who goes eight of 17 but also misses six of his seven3 point attempts yeah so every nobody was

Hitting nobody like just to give here here are the field goal numbers one of three for Cody Martin in 23 minutes eight of 17 for miles one of five for Nick Richards closer to the basket you are the more you dunk it and you go one

Of five puts it in perspective nine of 24 for lamelo eight of 23 for Terry we go to the bench two of seven for PJ 0 of six for morthor Mah he goes one of one Mah goes one of one he’s 100% from the field but yeah everybody is it miles is

Almost at 50 and then everybody else is you know 40 somewhere around there or below it was really bad shooting night and Steve Clifford uh mentioned that after the game nobody could hit shots we desperately need Gordon Hayward and Brandon Miller back that’s what Steve Clifford had to say yeah well and he’s

Right I mean look and 41 three-point attempts for the Charlotte Hornets that was by Miami’s design that was not by the Charlotte Hornets design okay because every time the Hornets went into the paint you would see three or four Miami Heat jerseys collapse immediately and the Hornets could not kick the ball

Out and they were they were either hesitating for a half a second too long or they just couldn’t pass it over the the four or five hands that’s look Miami’s defensive attack is so sound it’s so solid it’s so aggressive it’s everything you want the Hornets

Defensive attack to be and it’s not and it’s because all five guys are dedicated to executing the game plan and the game plan was the same game plan that we’ve seen from multiple opponents against the Charlotte Hornets when they get into the paint surround them do and and try not

To even let them get near the paint because here’s the thing if the Hornets even do manage to kick it out they’re going to be kicking it out to Bryce mcowens to Cody Martin to JT Thor guys that just have not proven that they are consistently miles Bridges not

Consistently shooting the three ball very well teams will take their chances every time letting the Hornets shoot because the Hornets to this point have proven that they cannot I want to get back to something on lamelo ball though I kind of got this is my fault I got a

Little off topic on the lamelo ball thing multiple times I don’t know if you saw this walker multiple times lamelo ball attacking the rim trying to get the same whistle that he got in his first game back did not get that whistle was very frustrated but more concerning he

Kept falling into the stands whether it be the fans on the sideline or he kept falling into photographers and every time I’m like oh my God no please no please get up like he’s tripping over photographers it is scary especially with a guy with that many ankle injuries

Oh my I don’t know how you felt but I was like oh my God no no I don’t want to this is it’s not quite to the joke nothing good ever comes from hustling I don’t I want him to still hustle I don’t want him to go into the stands trying to

Make sure that oh my neck my back in order to get the foul I don’t want that to happen and yeah got zero here I mean the exact opposite of going for a career high in 15 of 16 the previous out and gets zero where this is like maybe some

Of not all of them were fouls but this is one where this goes to more of the lamelo just can’t buy a foul call it’s been his problem the last last couple of years and he just it it doesn’t seem to be fixed consistently like I do think

He’s been getting it more this year and I think like part of my problem with that Doug was in previous Seasons I think lamelo would shy away from contact and try to finesse at The Rim I do think he’s welcomed it a little bit more I

Think he’s gone up before he got hurt that’s the sample size we can go off of he was going at it with two hands um I I think he’s getting better in that regard and I think the free throw attempts are up because of it but it’s still not

Happening consistently and the officials they’re to blame too I mean the officials aren’t calling it nearly as much as they should well they’re not calling it consistently because he was getting the same kind of contact in this game that he was getting in the last

Game and he shot 15 of 16 from the free throw line in the LA and two games ago and in this game uh he ended up shooting oh zero zero free throw attempts for lamelo ball insane considering how many times he drove to the cup and can Saye

And insane in terms of how physical Miami plays U so there’s that but I think the problem is that lamelo over his career has lived on two extremes of trying to get foul calls right you were right early in his career he was over on the the left side of the Spectrum which

Is I’m not going to seek contact I’m going to play finesse and then somebody got in his ear maybe he watched some tape and was like oh I got to get to the free throw line if I ever want to score 40 points so he went all the way over to

The Other Extreme which is I’m going to like he’s operating like mkg and like crash uh Gerald Wallace where he’s just like the FL when he gets frust when he doesn’t pick up those first couple of foul calls he starts flailing his body into the stands that’s go eventually

Over time that will lead to injury watch Luca watch Jason watch Shay all these other guys they’re not falling into the Sands getting foul calls they’re not flailing they they use stop and star dribbles change of pace they they are very crafty James Harden you never see

Them we rarely see him fall in Sands they are crafty in the way that they generate contact such that they are not sacrificing their own body and yet getting to the free fre throw line I think it’s probably going to be another off seon of work that’s what lamelo has

To find otherwise he’s going to find himself back on the injury list yeah and plus just the rip through right the easy one the one that’s so frustrating is when somebody puts their hand in there to take your cookies and then you just rip right boom oh now there’s contact

I’m going to the foul line especially in the bonus oneon-one whatever yeah hopefully we can see a little bit more of that and him actually get the foul calls because he is drawing contact one more segment to go coming up next on the lockdown Hornets podcast we’ll give you

Some of the injury updates Brandon Miller where do we stand on the rookie that we actually desperately need right now not even just the next five years we need them right now if the Hornets will play better basketball that’s still to come in the final Segment this episode is brought to you by FanDuel the NFL regular season already said and done but there’s still time to get in on the action with FanDuel now that we’re about to get past Wildcard Weekend we’re about to be part of straight up Conference Championship

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Comments after this game against Miami said they need Brandon they need Gordon they need him back just for offense they just need some more scorers on this team that’s what happens when you scored 31 in the first half well we can speak to Brandon Miller’s injury Steve Clifford

Said he does not think that the injury for him is serious serious I think it’s more dayto day hopefully he’ll be able to practice on Tuesday we’ll have a better idea then but that’s on Brandon Miller’s back injury that kept him out against the Heat that was the nasty fall

That he took against San Antonio when of course lamelo comes back for his first game since November 26 so Brandon Miller he’s much needed here Doug no question about it we knew that pretty early on and now that he’s injured we’re seeing some of the effects especially without

Any shooting lamelo and Brandon and ter like it’s weird they have shooting it just hasn’t all come together and they’ve had so many guys out at different times but Brandon Miller certainly could help with that three-point shot oh totally and it’s good to know that this injury that he

Sustained on that hard fall that he took when Kellin Johnson uh tried to take him out that that that that injury has not really evolved much from what we heard you know when they declared him out for the rest of the game it stayed a lower

Back contusion because I saw his head I really thought it hit the floor so I was super concerned that this might turn into a concussion protocol situation so happy does look like it moved his hip either it looks like his hip is okay right now just as bad which is very nice

Totally and and but it shows you the weirdness of like the lower back contusion because that’s but I think they’ve changed from calling Mark’s injury they started calling it a lower back contusion when he was doubtful now that that now that he’s outfull um he I think they’ve just changed it to lower

Back so I think there’s obviously something maybe more than a back bruise going on with this with this deal but you know maybe different guys recover from it or the severity of the lower back contusions are different with different players but you know it it seems like we’re not going to be missing

You know A month’s worth of time from Brandon Miller and that’s good and what will be interesting to see is how his minutes are managed going forward because that’s one guy that Clifford has definitely ridden and ridden hard and you don’t want to do that really with

Rookies or you’re going a risk Not freak I mean you know you’re always at risk for like a freak injury like that where you go up for a big dunk and somebody knocks you down but you know o other kinds of injuries just wearing down the

Body uh this is going to be a player that’s going to be very important to the franchise for many years and when you your playoff hopes are you know pretty thin at this point there’s no reason to to risk any like long-term damage on these younger guys well this is where it

Comes down to Steve Clifford how much does he care about the future cares about the right now right like and if you’re this this is the problem Steve Clifford knows he he flat out told you he’s got to cut down on Cody Martin’s minutes when he returns he has to cut

Down on Brandon Miller’s minutes but clearly for his best interest he needs to put the best players out there as much as possible and so you would hope that logical Minds evaluating what Steve Clifford does would understand that Steve coming back in him feeling like

This is his last shot yeah that he would want to play the best players as much as possible and that means Brandon because Brandon flat out one of the best players on the squad and so if you’re sitting him in for Bryce mcowens who only played

Five minutes by the way that’s the guy that has he’s not even really in the rotation now that lamelo’s back dog house where he is he had his shot he’s look he a lot this very similar to book Knight right book Knight got some shots because of injury and really failed to

Live up to to what he needed to do and and you you can see has difficulty ever finding the floor again at some point it might be the same fate that Bryce McGowan faces so you know Brandon you need Brandon Miller I Steve Clifford wouldn’t do this I I like just ride Brandon

Miller for 48 minutes just because that’s the best thing to do for himself but it you you feel bad because there’s just not a lot of pieces on this uh on this team and last thing just real quickly Doug Gordon Hayward continues to be outfull mentioned so you know he’s

He’s in shoot he’s in shoot around you can see him warming up he’s taking some jump shots but just not com uh comfortable cutting on that hamstring yet and so the wing that looks like he’ll come back a little bit sooner is Brandon Miller based on the comments

That we heard well there’s there’s always two sides to a coin right and that goes for guys who are on expiring contracts especially veteran guys older guys that may you know Gordon hayward’s probably looking for his last or second to last contract of his entire career

And so if you’re him put yourself in his shoes for a second if you’ve got an injury that’s a feeling kind of injury like ooh like o am I a little tight am I little you know and and you don’t want to be hurt at all for the rest of the

Season because again you don’t want to be hurt in the off season because that’s when you’re going to be trying to get more money like why would you rush that back I mean that’s you know that’s going to always be an issue with guys that are

On expiring deals um but on the Brandon thing and on the Clifford thing Clifford’s obviously conflicted and and you can tell that when you hear him talk about the minutes that he’s Distributing out he’s not a psychopath like Tom Tibido who’s like I’ll play guys 4 you

Know what I’m saying like he cares he cares about the players right but his he understands what his mission is his mission is to go and win as many games as possible and until the ownership group or the front office or whoever is above him

Gives him a new Mission he’s going to do what it takes and what he feels like is best while at the same time having some compassion as a human being for another human being but you know that’s that’s the difficulty of this whole thing is what you know especially for the

Ownership group like when do you pull that plug how hard do you pull that plug um a as you’re trying to sell folks on reimagining Spectrum Center and all these other different things that’s right all right that’ll do it here just real quickly wanted to clean up Gordon

Hayward calf injury I said hamstring calf injury Gordon Hayward is I’m sure he suffered hamstring that’s right that’s right um but yes it’s a c injury for Gordon Hayward and final thing go check out a lot of those comments I got from Rod Boon on the Charlotte Observer so plenty of other

Comments he also discusses some of the other issues with this squad go check him out um Rod Boon on his Twitter timeline just go to charlott and you can find some of the other Charlotte Hornets content that we relayed here on lockon Hornet that’ll do it thanks for making lockon Hornets

Your first listen we are free and available anywhere you get your podcast and that includes YouTube have a great rest of your day we’ll be back with you tomorrow potentially giving you more updates on injuries but also Doug has some thoughts on this Center rotation is it still bad despite us actually taking

One that we all felt good about and Mark Williams is it still bad Center rotation find out tomorrow thanks again N

After the Charlotte Hornets loss to the Miami Heat, Terry Rozier reveals his wishes to have a a players only meeting in order to fix some of the current issues. How worrisome is a players only meeting? Finally, the guys share some observations on a rough offensive night and provide injury updates on Brandon Miller and Gordon Hayward.

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  1. Still have respect for cliff but the way he has torn this offense down to pieces is a horrible look there is zero system and we just devolved into hero ball just like it was when we had kemba.

    That’s malpractice for the type of talent this team has funnily enough we already have the formula in a Spursian Borrego style and we need to go back to that immediately and hopefully get healthy and ad a high defensive minded draft pick this year.

  2. Nick Richards was so lost last night. Cody was trying to do too much to be the better twin. There was no urgency to get back and bother shots and anytime they did it was a “foul”. Whatever defense scheme they were running always allowed for two open players behind the 3pt line that can either shoot or fake and pass or fake the pass and shoot. It was disgusting.

  3. LaMelo falling and stepping over the people on the sideline… I was cringing every time. Has this guy not learned his lesson ?

  4. We should have picked up a Bol Bol or A Mo Bamba or even Christian Wood type in the off season WE NEED A center that is long and can run and SHOOT the 3 to make our offense more dynamic and still have shot blocking….Also to unclog the middle so we can take advantage of our abilities to attack the rim with Lamelo and others…THE GM IS HORRIBLE he just keeps letting players go and never adds the parts we need that work well together to have balance!!! Its not too late we could trade for one of these players…at least make it seem like we are trying to win.

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