@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] An unstoppable Embiid meets an immovable Sengun

[Highlight] An unstoppable Embiid meets an immovable Sengun

by FultzShoulder


  1. StudentMed

    76ers announcers said this should have been a foul because wasn’t vertical and arms came down. Arms only came down because Embiid ran into him.

  2. Does he really have to fall to the ground after every shot attempt? He’s the biggest guy on the court ffs, not some scrawny rookie guard

  3. Equivalent_Bet1519

    This guy had 15 free throws in nearly single half. And they were all like this it was honestly surprising how the refs didn’t call it

    It’s just not fair playing a guy like this. My condolences to the Atlantic teams that have to see this 4x a year

  4. EsotericPotato

    I know he’s an MVP caliber player and all but it’s really hard to respect Embiid’s game. This is a nightly occurrence that he’s doing this shit as a 300 lb center, like cmon.

  5. Frontier21

    As a sixers fan, is it embarrassing for you to watch your gigantic superstar flop like a goldfish out of water every time he’s touched by an opponent? I thought Philly was a tough guy town?

  6. There was a play where Embiid fell down and then did a magikarp 360 flip on the floor. I was impressed.

  7. TalenHortonTuckMeIn

    PatBev said Embiid would be one of the five guys in today’s NBA that would kill it playing back in the day and clips like this make me think he could not be more wrong

  8. HughManatee

    Flopping should be rewarded by hard fouls only. If you want to bait fouls then you should earn the calls you get. It’s just embarrassing for the league that there is absolutely no consistency with what is a foul and what isn’t, even within the same game.

  9. He pushes 2 guys off before and then when facing some defense he flops immediately, wtf is with the guy, no character whatsoever.

  10. Warren_Haynes

    It sucks how much talent he has because I have zero respect for Embiid’s game. Cannot stand the flailing, foul-baiting, flopping, “what?! I didn’t’ swing my elbows, I’ve never done anything wrong ever!”, Embiid bullshit.

  11. VRSvictim

    Of course he then tries to flop and pretend to be injured. What has this sport become

  12. legend023

    Comment section dickriding but he ran full speed to a 7 foot 150 pound man

    Just about anyone would fall there

  13. Trying to watch this on mobile, and the video is dimmed out basically right until the end. Not sure if this was just for my phone or what.

  14. lucarioburrito

    If the refs aren’t going to call flops in games, then they need to review these plays afterwards, because this is ridiculous

  15. Otherwise_Opposite65

    Just a reminder that this guy had 41-10 last night

  16. LogDogan4

    How did I know this would end with Embiid throwing himself to the ground.

  17. lamedumbbutt

    Can’t wait for the Nugs to come down on this floppy bro.

  18. Watch_Basketball

    41 and 10 and this is the only highlight you post u/FultzShoulder? Enjoy the karma, sellout.

  19. I read it as unfloppable and was coming in here to protest.

  20. GLOaway5237

    Wow made Embiid fall down, I’ve never seen that before

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