@National Basketball Association

[The Wrap] James Dolan Accused by Massage Therapist of Sexual Assault, Trafficking in Lawsuit That Also Names Harvey Weinstein

[The Wrap] James Dolan Accused by Massage Therapist of Sexual Assault, Trafficking in Lawsuit That Also Names Harvey Weinstein

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. SalahManeFirmino

    Bye bye Dolan, the league will not miss you one bit.

  2. Knicks fans don’t get too excited by your owner being even worse than we already thought

  3. king_lloyd11

    Oh damn not totally unconvinced that this was setup by a Knicks fan to make Dolan finally sell the team.

  4. MarvelsGrantMan136


    >The civil lawsuit, filed in California by plaintiff Kellye Croft, says she was hired by the Madison Square Garden magnate in 2013 to be the official massage therapist for Glenn Frey, the late singer for the Eagles, who were launching a tour. Croft says Dolan leveraged his power and influence to initiate sexual contact; flew her around the country for his “lewd desires” in what she claims was human trafficking; and set her up for an encounter with Weinstein that ended in rape.

    >The suit says Croft was a 27-year-old licensed massage therapist when Dolan, then 58, was opening for the Eagles with his band JD & The Straight Shot. They met in the context of a professional massage, but Croft says manipulated into a series of sexual encounters that continued when she was flown to Los Angeles in 2014 for “his sexual gratification.”

    >A few days into the trip, the lawsuit says Croft returned to her hotel room to find Harvey Weinstein – a close friend of Dolan’s, whom she had not met prior – who struck up a conversation and invited her to his room to talk about working on film productions. From there, her story takes on a chillingly familiar ring: Like the many Jane Does who testified against Weinstein in criminal trials, Croft says Weinstein changed into a bathrobe, tried to intimidate her into a naked massage, then pursued her back to her room where he forcibly penetrated her.

    Statement from Kellye Croft:

    >”I have suffered so profoundly because of what James Dolan and Harvey Weinstein did to me years ago, and it was not an easy decision to come forward and seek justice. But for me, to truly address my trauma, I need to seek accountability. James Dolan manipulated me, brought me to California to abuse me, and then set me up for a vicious attack by Weinstein. My hope is that my lawsuit will force Dolan to acknowledge what he did to me and to take responsibility for the harm he has caused.”

  5. Holy shit. 
    Knicks fans might finally be rid of Dolan. 

  6. WorldWideWes2

    get this sicko out of our beautiful league!

  7. everyoneneedsaherro

    It’s the ones you suspect the least /s

  8. I like how everyone on this sub knew Knicks fans would be ecstatic about this news.

  9. SnooPies5622

    NBA would be so much better without this dude, after all these years I’d love to see the Knicks with a good owner

  10. cesarjulius

    still less offensive than his musical projects.

  11. This could be the best news Knicks fans have gotten since MJ retired in ’93


    Adam Silver giving James Dolan the Donald Sterling treatment is going to hit like CRACK

    Does this include his uncle too who owns the Cleveland Guardians? Can we get him to sell because of association with James? Please

  13. twotonkatrucks

    The least surprising news if allegations are true. The guy oozes toxicity.

  14. slowakia_gruuumsh

    Knicks fans hoping for a Sterling/Snyder type situation revving up their paralegal google searches as we speak.

  15. Knicks fans might get a new owner depending on how this shakes out. Lol

  16. So when this rich dude faces exactly 0 consequences for these actions can we finally move on from Deshaun Watson (who actually faced some accountability)?

  17. Little-Geologist-754

    Justice is for the poor. He’ll be fine. He’s rich and white.

  18. So Sex Worker’s primary service is to be paid discreetly for a sex act and then have a business interest to stay quiet.

    Yet, wealthy sportworld figures keep conflatining masseuse services with sex work.

    There are way too many fans of wealthy people that you can bang with consent for free. There are a ton of sex workers you can bang and expect discretion. Let masseuse do their job and go about their day.

  19. This won’t get half the media coverage Ja Morant got for having a legal gun 🤔 interesting

  20. Oh man this is what Knicks fans need. Silver time to get him out.

    I’m a die hard Heat fan, basketball is better when Knicks are good and Dolan is horrid.

  21. PestyAssassin33WU93

    what’s next? james dolan being a part of the jew tunnels in new york?

  22. be_to_the_bop

    I didn’t realize the whole NBA fanbase knows how much us Knicks fans hate Dolan.

  23. BobLobLaw_Law2

    He should have been kicked out once we saw his band.

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