@Denver Nuggets

Back again with a new Nuggets concept – this one based around the Flag of Denver. Would you wear this?

Back again with a new Nuggets concept – this one based around the Flag of Denver. Would you wear this?

by sgzjzy


  1. Skinnee11

    It looks like a movie or tv series team. I don’t mean that negatively at all. It’s a great looking design. It just looks…fake?

  2. u_n_p_s_s_g_c

    Looks sick. My only note is the text and numbers on the front and back look a bit crowded – I think this could look even better if the ratio of blue to red was 2 to 1 instead of roughly 1 to 1 like it is here

  3. Now I really wanna see you do a powder blue concept lmao.

  4. Shenanigans80h

    Not my fav but a substantial upgrade over this season’s no doubt.

  5. Yellow is a bit too much and shape od letters and numbers seems weird 

  6. Mile_High_

    Really good, but needs a bit more contrast and details – maybe try white or red collar/arm seams?

  7. brookeaat

    i like it. i think it might look a bit better if you got rid of the yellow circle and just did yellow numbers on both front and back.

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