@Dallas Mavericks

Kyrie Irving Assesses Dallas Mavs First Half of Season, Dereck Lively Impact & Lively Connection

Kyrie Irving Assesses Dallas Mavs First Half of Season, Dereck Lively Impact & Lively Connection

Uh he’s having an incredible stretch right now uh making a lot of the right reads taking some tough shots for sure um but uh I think he’s right in his wheelhouse of allowing the work to translate into success on the court finding some consistency see there

Obviously we have some guys out so the aggressiveness and him being a starting lineup um creates more opportunities for a lot of us and I think you see him you’re see you’re watching him create a lot of opportunities for himself and be highly efficient at it so happy for him

And want him to keep it up um yeah playing good basketball right now you guys are halfway through the year and all the injuries you and Luke have only been able to play 20 games together obvious got you guys who been out how do you kind of evaluate the the

First half of the season so far and and where this team is now where this team can go uh I mean that’s that’s a very interesting question I think that’s way above my payg grade in terms of I need some guys up here to help me discuss

That because I’m I’m really just focused on being as healthy as I can be game to game and and being prepared to play but um in terms of a personal evaluation uh I don’t dive too deep into it uh you know it’s the early portion or halfway

Portion of of the season um we’re not even at All-Star break yet so um you know you never know if um you know things could change over the next few weeks or the next few months and um you know that that’s not talking about any trades or anything like that

Or foreshadowing anything like that it’s just changes in lineups changes in dynamics of our team and testing out um you new strategies where uh we can find that consistency on both ends of the floor and we have guys that are playing those those quality minutes and our IQ

Level as a basketball team is uh helping us or propelling US to wins instead of us using our talent and overcoring teams I think if we’re smarter uh throughout the second half of the season and and we play well possession to possession game and um you know and and just allow each

Other to grow into these roles that we have uh has set even for the last few games and even for since the start of the season so I’m just allowing this thing to grow without putting too much pressure on myself on my teammates um but obviously there’s a um

You know there’s a there’s a fire inside all of us we want to win every game um and I think that’s what that’s what’s helping us right now uh even as guys get healthy so I think we’ll have another evaluation in the next 20 games or so

But right now just it’s good not to think too deep into it and and really uh take a game by game what you dery his first game back you said what what Derek livley in his first yeah no he just need reps he just needs reps he’s um you know

Coming off a college season where he’s only play 30 games or 30 some oddd games and he’s coming into the a man’s League where uh you know night to night uh people are getting ready to play against him scheme for him know that he’s uh

Going to be a huge factor in the game and and they and they try to stop him but I think uh if he’s able to find Opportunities hitting offensive glass and continue to set good screens and we find him on certain roles like I got to

Get him a l earlier in the game just to make sure he stays engaged and he stays active um and that’s just my job as a I can make his life a lot easier out there and especially coming back from injury um just don’t want to put too much

Pressure on him on on him um but I know he’s going to do that himself so uh when he brings that edge uh helps out our team so just want to keep helping him speaking of Derek he’s connected with you quite a few times this season when

You’ve been top locked and then you cut you know with to good passer yeah good passer for a young guy playm M yeah no it’s playmaking is is definitely improving game to game and I think we’re getting used to playing on the same court together where um I don’t

Necessarily have to come off all those dribble handoffs he can really utilize me as a screener or as a back door threat and um just reading multiple options out of the out of the um defensive schemes that the other teams are putting against us you know that’s

That’s the key right now is is being able to play um not the first action but probably the third or fourth so we can get a great shot you guys think about 23 different starting lineups this season you got guys in and out yeah haven’t practiced a

T how you I guess try to chemistry on fly when guys are in out like that like game yeah you just do your best you just do your best as a professional to come prepared and uh be ready to play the role that the coach is

Asking you to play how can you guys keep your momentum going into this upcoming road trip uh by not getting to ahead of ourselves and being satisfied uh with this win against the New Orleans Pelicans um you know I feel like every time we take our foot off the gas pedal

And we start hip you know hipping hering and and cele celebrating wins like this then next game we kind of drop a dud I don’t I don’t want to have that happen and I don’t want to say even if that does happen in the next game I don’t

Want to say I I I I planned it it’s just you know I want to find that consistency I know uh my teammates the coaching staff our management want to find that consistency as well and that’s what the healthy challenge is every day is waking up preparing as best you can and then

Going out there and trying to play your best game and living with the results outside of the victory what is the importance of today and man well today was is definitely um about bigger things than just the game of basketball um you know I want to give

A a huge shout out and uh send my love and incredible energy to the king family um and to everybody part of that lineage everybody part of that Revolution uh everybody part of that movement um that he was leading um you know he’s he’s definitely missed in today’s world um his words are

Are still reigning true um throughout um you know time and I think we’ve seen it over and over again um that his dream was not just supposed to be a dream it was supposed to be manifested and materialized into a reality that we can all coexist in um you know and I think

Martin Luther King Jr stood for more than just racial or social issues he he stood for the character and the content of someone’s heart and their integrity and um he was far from perfect and and I think that’s what makes him the one of the most beautiful human beings I’ve

Ever read about and and focused on on um because he accepted that uh you know he was going to make mistakes but he was willing to risk his life for a lot of us to at least feel liberated um in a society like this that we’re growing up

In or or we have to survive in so um you know again I want to give a huge shout out to Martin Luther King Jr and his family and everything he’s done for all Races and all walks of life um you know he really brought a lot of people

Together and I’m happy to be part of that that ancestral history thanks yep shirt by the no practice Tomorrow

Watch as Kyrie Irving Assesses Dallas Mavs First Half of Season, Dereck Lively Impact & Lively Connection

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