@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks Shake Off Wembanyama, Spurs 109-99

Atlanta Hawks Shake Off Wembanyama, Spurs 109-99

You are locked on Hawks postcast part of locked on Atlanta on the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into the Atlanta Hawks postcast we are Desa T and tonra batist and we’re glad that you guys stopped by on this MLK Day for local Insight and

Haw talk that you can’t get anywhere else but right here at Lon today’s episode is brought to you by Jace medical and yourself when you purchase a Jace case providing you with a personal supply of five antibiotics that treat 50 plus infections get yours today at JM and use code locked on to get $20 off your order that’s J and of course the lockon Hawks postcast is part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day Deshawn the Hawks needed yes I said needed a win after not showing up against the Pacers team that was minus

Tyrese halberton and a Wizards team that had only w six games on the season when they face the Hawks we’ll talk about the 109 and 99 win in the and one and talk about who got next It’s Des Shan Fields the a deserving of the accolades I know

He is or something in the neighborhood of Kudos because we still have some things we need to talk about we still have some thoughts but first let’s get T and Tate’s takes and thoughts on the win the Spurs and Deshawn you say they were lucky they were lucky they were lucky

Tanra and for multiple different reasons um they were lucky I want to say they were lucky that they were playing the San Antonio Spurs on today but I can’t even really say that based off of the performance of when they play the Washington Wizards who is at least at

Very best neck and neck with the San Antonio Spurs and we saw how that panned out um they were lucky that it was Martin Luther King day I told you on the tail end of our last show you better not even dare think about running out here

And suiting up with the kind of recent performances that we’ve been seeing and then let something like this happen on Martin Luther King Day in Atlanta of all places like that can’t happen um but I think that they were lucky and by the way I don’t think uh Dr King was too you

Know pleased with the second half play of Atlanta by the way but I’ll just leave that right there um think about something for a second tanicha how long has it been since we’ve been able to actually smile at the beginning of our shows it feels like you

Know what I mean like having some positivity and some optimism not because we have to but because that’s really how we feel genuinely and and authentically um but tomorrow starts today so I brought I stole a t-shirt years ago from the back of somebody’s seat right tomorrow starts today and I

Think that that was the perfect motto uh for this team to to live by um putting other things in the past and just kind of looking forward to the future um and that’s certainly how they played if not nothing else certainly in the uh in the

First half but um I will say enough to say that you know I was certainly thinking at least for the first half if nothing else why can’t it be Dr King day every day and obviously for the Justice reasons and everything else and so forth but also so that this team can perform

The way that we know that they can and it seems like we only get a chance to really see strong showings and outings from them at this particular time of the year specifically yeah yeah and um I I would agree with you on that one because I definitely said to myself okay you

Held on but why do you have to hold on like why and so when you said we’re smiling I was like well kind of smiling kind of smiling yeah because I really feel like this should have been a conversation where we were talking about the Hawks

Being up by as many as 35 points but maybe winning by 25 or maybe winning by 20 or even 18 because we do know the teams go on runs all the time in the NBA we also know that when you get up by 35 points typically your starters are going

To be you’re G to sit them down at some point so we’re not saying we expected that the 35o lead was going to be the end result but I did have an issue with the fact that the 35o lead got Whitted down to six points I don’t care who’s in the

Game six points is not what that lead should have been Whitted down to now yeah you did by 10 points but again that still bothered me that you kind of held on to win the game and when I look at the score I like balanced scoring I don’t think I like

Balanced scoring that says 10 from Bay 16 from Johnson 13 from capella and 13 from Murray and 36 from Trey i’ actually prer Trey to hover around that 2930 Mark which means hopefully DJ gets up to the 20 Mark or Jaylen at least two of those

Starters should have been closer to 20 I do have a problem with the fact that every starter was other than try was hovering around the low to mid teens and that no bench player got into double digits so there were still some pieces to that that kind of bothered me and

Well that would explain in part why you held on because really truly if we’re being honest Trey had an excellent first half and then nobody else really had an excellent game he didn’t game he had an excellent first half because he hit threes which gave him 18 of those 36

Points but that’s what kind of bothered me the fact that yeah great 43% field goal shooting but that three-point number 34% I mean that’s barely bar acceptable you already know that I’m going to Grumble and gripe about the free throws because like you said that’s easy money

Y that you just don’t take advantage of that’s a problem and I didn’t like that but I will give give some flowers in terms of getting 40 excuse me 43 defensive rebounds which at least tells me you didn’t allow for a whole lot of Second Chance points excuse me guys I

Guess they do traumatize me oh good I’ll say this much real quick to n that you know there was a couple things that I was impressed by uh obviously to see um the Hawks get out to an 110 run to start the game I was kind of curious to know

Where they were going to go because for how many weeks in a row did we open up our show saying they started the game by trying to get somebody going early and it was always DeAndre Hunter so my focal point has kind of been on who’s going to be

That person since we haven’t been seeing him that person has either been you know but a combination of dejonte Murray which it was him on today um Clint capella as well and some instances Jaylen Johnson even um but even more so I think that they got DJ going a little

Bit on the early side um but you know when you’re up by 35 and and that lead is cut to a two-possession game um you know generational player on the other team or not you know you you’ve gotta you’ve gotta you’ve got to flex your muscles a little bit Yeah and

Then when he gets pulled because at the point he did get pulled and the the Spurs entirely reset their starting team and that kind of was a part of the spark by the way but yeah to me it’s still a challenge because I find it still troubling that number one and we’ll talk

About it a little bit more in the uh not who got well talk about it who got next as well but really want to Deep dive into it in the n one but there are still those pesky little issues because you had 71 points at the half which means

That you then only scored 38 the rest of the way that to me is a challenge right it is yeah and I think specifically because to score 38 or I’m sorry 40 points you scored in that second half you only scored 18 yeah 18 points in the third quarter while you allow the

Spurs to almost double that that productivity so that’s where you know I find a challenge but I do still want to give like said the the keys to maybe a few things that help them to hold on and like I said I do think that the defensive rebounding helped them to hold

On a 55 43 to 35 outdoing of the Spurs on the boards and then when you look at the number of uh points in the paint they at least tightened it up I wouldn’t they didn’t win obviously they didn’t win points in the paint but they at least tightened it

Up from what we saw last night and I think that’s one of the areas where I will give them some credit the fact that some of the areas that we mentioned last night that uh excuse me Saturday night where there was just a woeful Chasm between the Hawks and the Wizards you

Saw some of those things tighten up but that said in the Deep dive and in the and one we still got to talk about the fact that wasn’t exactly as tight as it should have been we’ll talk about it on the other side in the and

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Offer code locked on to get $20 off your order that’s code is locked on for $20 off your order so Deshawn we look at this game and again it’s a win and we do say from time to time a win is a win is a win

Because hey the hog finally got back in the win column but you asked a great question and I want to repeat it how was your I refused to lose again today guy who was that guy for you rather who jumped started things for the Hawks to get back in the wi

Go there we go if if I’m just being honest to NRA um I really felt like in at least if not nothing else in the first half that that guy was Trey young um but that guy didn’t exist in the second half I feel like um you know we

We seen some some guys play better um you know in the first I’m sorry in the second half versus the first but I’m not sure that we saw someone that say no I’mma put this on my back like and we’re not going home not on my watch like this

Ain’t happening refuse to lose Kobe mentality and all the Mamba ment you know all that kind I don’t think that we really saw that um and give him credit for gutting out a win um that shouldn’t have even been as close as it was on the

Tail end you’re up by 35 that shouldn’t happen um you know we spoke a little bit about how lucky they were right they were lucky that the quarters aren’t are 12 minutes and that they’re not 15 minutes because an extra three to four minutes in this

Game we could we could be having a whole different conversation and then somebody would either a be fired or B be traded by the time the the press conference wrapped up or even got started for that matter so to answer the question um I’m not sure that that guy really existed

I’m sometimes now this being a team that I’m always looking at okay you know I know that one thing they need is that emotional leader that vocal leader I know people tend to hate the Draymond greens and the Markus smarts and the Dylan Brooks and some of these different

Guys because of all their extra Antics and so forth but there’s reasons behind why those guys are valued on their teams that’s one of those things that I don’t think that this team has and that it needs but definitely going to be keeping my eyes and my ears open for who that

Player is and looking a little bit more closely um because it’s something that I think that they need so desperately and to be honest with you forget about the you know what’s on the stat sheet and the box scores and all this sometimes those little things like that and having

A player like that uh can kind of substitute for the for the other stuff that you’re not getting on the box it can actually make a bigger difference in the end result as to whether you win or lose the game but I don’t think that player exists on

This team so when you say you’re looking out for that player are you looking out for that player who’s with another team who could come on board because I’ll be honest with you when I go top to bottom of this roster I literally cannot see anybody you see moments here and there

Like Jaylen you know he gets hype and the team gets hype the bench gets hype if he has a dunk right or if Trey hits something from the logo you know that might be a moment of excitement so there are moments of excitement or when on oku

Comes off the dunk with off the pick and roll there are moments where each player has something signature that they do that gets the rest of the team going but as far as that guy who is the emotional leader of this team meaning that guy and

You know I I I’m perfectly okay and was always perfectly okay with this team letting go of John Collins but you cannot take away the fact that he was that guy yes yes he was he was he was and I’ll say this too um to answer your

Question um keeping my eyes and ears open for potentially number one who someone is that they can bring in yes but also until we get to that point I want to keep my eyes on who it who could potentially be trying to see themselves growing in that role who can I see

Themselves growing in that role who can they see who can they see themselves growing in that role if that even makes sense so I want to see some guys take some steps I’m not saying you’re going to you know wake up tomorrow morning and all sudden be you know the emotional

Leader of this team and you’re barking out signals and you’re you know running the show in the in in in the Huddle around the clipboard and everything else but I just want to see who’s the guy you know that’s kind of stepping forward and putting guys in their place not in a

Disrespectful manner but in a disrespectful manner if that’s what it calls for if that makes sense yeah which is why I go back to some things about this season that have troubled me or confused me about de Jon Mur because I know for a fact I have seen him in

Podcasts let you know that he is that dude like don’t come for him yeah because he definitely can get with you and anybody else who who steps his way so I really had expected that guy who I’ve seen and even there were a couple times last season where he called his

Teammates out at the microphone at the podium he called him out in the locker room he called him out in team meetings and it seemed to fect them at least for a couple games and hey you take what you can get with a team that you know isn’t

Necessarily one that gets jump started in that manner but I think my disappointment is and really I want to say confusion confusion is probably the better word I’m confused because I thought he was going to be that guy I’m confused because that’s the guy that

Like I said I’ve seen in a couple of podcast and I thought woo he’s going to let you know you can’t Punk this team and then I saw that guy in some press conferences and I saw that guy in some locker room moments why haven’t I seen and this is a

Rhetorical question I agree I know I agree why haven’t I seen that guy because when he’s vocal and when he’s emotional there’s a level of respect that everyone gives him for him to have the caveat and the cache to do it rather and we’re not seeing it and I don’t know

That other than de jante there’s anybody else on this team that can bring that type of vocal energy that type of emotional energy that would make everybody wake up and stand up and say okay we better get it together I you know what I think cuz I think that he

Has some of those capabilities and and within him um to be that person and I know this is going to sound crazy and it might not I feel like I’m about to say something that a lot of people are already thinking I think one of the

Reasons that we haven’t done that uh why we haven’t seen him do that is is because we know that he’s not that number one option we know that he knows that it’s not his team and he’s kind of playing that you know Robin role to the Batman which is number 11 um whether

He’s trying to do it respectfully and kind of letting him do it you know the way he wants to do whatever what have you but but that’s and I could be totally wrong about all this because this isn’t something I know but that’s the vibe and the energy I get because

Being around deante the same way that you have as as as little as have and as much more that you have um we both pick up the same things yeah it wouldn’t surprise me the least bit and let me make this very clear for the viewers and

The listeners I’m not saying this is going to happen I’m not saying this needs to happen or any of anything in between but I have a really good feeling that in the event someway somehow that Trey young was no longer on this team and Deon Murray was on this team MH he

Would bring that out instantly and you would see it but but Des at this point I feel like we should be past that and here’s here’s my example and don’t get me wrong I’m not suggesting that their play is at the level of the example that

I’m about to give but I am suggesting that other players have been in that situation and have had to figure it out I’ll give you an old school or past example that comes to mind and I want to get you in ex uh Robert is as well and

Then I want to give a new school example but you know what before I do so don’t let me forget that’s Miami and that my the Miami Heat and that is in in the past and Milwaukee Bucks but first things first Robert says even though it was a win the Hawks

Escaped embarrassment I really like how he put that I really like how he put that it was succinct but he hit every single thing that needed to be hit even though meaning although but there’s a pause that’s what that means it was a win a win so only one the Hawks escaped

That’s right they got up out of that joint with the win but they also escaped embarrassment because we literally are having a conversation where we’re digging into some of the things that still are troubling to us but at least we’re not digging into what it could

Have been so like he said they very much escaped embarrassment and I appreciate that Robert because you you hit the nail on the head and so many points that made in that statement but I’ll say this too deshun I feel like going back to my DJ comment that he had that situation

LeBron James walks in and he’s wondering how do I manage through this because this has been D Wade’s team right d way dwade won a title before I ever got here Chris Bosch walks in and he’s like okay I’ve been the man so now I’m my number

Two or am I number three I think I might be number three or I might be number four for all I know because of all of the rest of these guys who’ve been stacked on the squad as well it took him a season it took him a season and that’s

Why they ended up losing when they got to the final one season exactly they got there season two early the Mavs end up getting them and we know the rest of the story oh was in season two everybody had figured out what their role was and they

Understood the assignment and that is my question here we are now halfway through the second season of these two guys being together why is that still a possibility and I don’t think you’re wrong by the way that could very well be what it is that we could find out if

Trey or Dante gets traded particularly DJ we may find out after the fact that part of the disconnect or part of the reason they weren’t as successful as people thought they were going to be is because there was that disconnect between the two but it is bothersome because also you’re seeing Dame Lillard

Who had always been the alpha male on his team walk onto this Bucks team and somehow some way he and jannis and ten Kumo have already started to figure it out that is where have a problem with that being a reason for this team where

They are but you are not wrong this very well could still be the reason yeah no doubt and and and again I’m not I’m not the person that’s trying to create false narratives and no we’re just trying to understand and and and add fuel to Fire

And injury to insult all this other kind of stuff but that is the feel and and I feel like during the times when deante has played that Trace that out that game which isn’t very many you know examples um or when you see even Trey who is

Active in a game but is on the bench in that moment and Deon is the one running the team or what have you I think you you see some of that it’s not ironic and coincidental that we do see instances where Trey is not in the game or Trey is

Not playing in that game and dejon is and that team still looks very good and people feel really good and confident and comfortable with the effort amongst other things with with the team I don’t know if that’s a Trey young style of play thing I don’t know if that’s a

Deante you know that’s that’s actually a weakness of his he needs to be able to bring that even when Trey is active or and or on the floor or what the case is but it is something that honestly is is notable nobody wants to really address

It but I think that is something that is there yeah yeah because we haven’t talked about it since last season but it seems like it’s one of those silent assassins that could be killing it but like you said no body’s willing to talk about it because it is one of those

Things that could be quite a taboo subject whether you’re outside of those walls of State Farm Arena or the Emory training complex or whether you’re inside so we’ll talk next up about who’s got next because there’s still a lot more left to play for in this homestad this episode of the lockdown

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Magic Wednesday but if we’re honest about it if we want to have some real conversation the Hawks Now find themselves right there right 39 games in Magic will make 40 and then they’ll play the Heat and will officially be at the midpoint of the season but if we’re

Keeping it real right now we always do on this Hawks postcast now you start to really get in the thick of the conversation about the postseason and the trade deadline that’s just three and a half weeks away so I ask you this are the HW one or two players away

For making a run to get into the playoffs or are the hwks in need of a reset with only the play in a realistic expectation at this point where they would still probably need three or four players new players to get into that or is it just flat out time for a

Rebuild and I’m taking some time to think about it intentionally for a second I appreciate that yes just because I don’t believe I’m getting on here saying anything I think that a combination of all three of those first of all um I think that there is

Definitely a need for a reset if is what you plan to do um players away I don’t even think it’s necessarily about players away I think that there’s some some sudden chemistry if we’re talking about somebody on the bench or somebody coming off the bench you know rotational player whatever what

Have you you know you definitely need to get somebody no matter what you any of those options that you decide to take somebody is going to have to be that emotional and vocal leader for this team I think the direction of of which that they are going in is considerably a rebuild

Um how much truth there is to the mirit that you know um of rumors that we’ve been hearing where any and everybody except for number 11 and Double J are expendable at this point and uh there’s nobody else that’s untouchable right but it feels like rebuild and

Um I’m I I think we’re closer to that than some people think we are and I think we’re further away from that than other people probably think we are yeah yeah um but at least one person being moved is something that I think that we’re desperately going to see and I

Think that that’s something that we desperately need to see I agree and I think it’s a great conversation and guys we’re going to continue to have this conversation over the next three and a half weeks as we approach the trade deadline and something that DeShaun just said that he and I talked about

Pre-production as well is something that we want you guys to join in on comment and definitely comment on the live show but if you guys think of something afterwards you want to DM us or you want to tweet us we’ll talk about that as well because I think that there are

Levels to this and that’s what I told deshaan I said you know you can look at it in those three spaces of whether or not the Hawks are just one or two players away getting that person at the trade deadline there person’s at the trade deadline and all of a sudden it

Gets them into playoff contention that’s one option another option could be sort of a reset where you kind of probably need to move three or four players in order to just get into the playin at this point because it’s that crucial or the one or two players that we talked

About may only get you into the playin or Real Talk are they at a point in place where there it’s just time for complete and total rebuild like you’ve got to tear this thing up or blow it up whatever your verbiage is and then just kind of start it from scratch and

Honestly guys we feel like it could be very well closer to rebuild but the question then becomes what is that mean right so what how are you attacking it are you attacking it as in hey we’re looking at each position right are we looking at the one two three four and

The five or are we looking at Players saying yeah that player has to go I’m not even so much looking at the position but that player or those players have to go or we looking at it from this perspective of reset the back cour are we looking at it holistically reset

The front court or to des’s point uh des’s Point are we looking at it from a perspective of that one or that player not touchable but everybody else is up for grabs it’s a very good question it’s a very compelling question that you have asked and then I will add to what you

Said as well uh deshaan there’s the opportunity or the possibility that it could be about just that vocal or emotional leader because we’ve had those moments where uh and I I speak of one guy in particular and I’m like nope I refuse to have a um a brain freeze on

This one I’m going to figure out what his name is Solomon Hill I was like solo yeah I was kind of remember like Solomon Hill could be a great example because solo would be that person who doesn’t fall in either of those categories of uh like front Court back

Court individual player bench Etc he would fall more into the emotional and vocal leader that you’re missing so we’re going to talk about this Guys across these next couple of weeks or if a trade dictates the conversation postcast we will talk about that as well but as always appreciate you guys for

Stopping by and thank you for your input Robert appreciate you for always rocking with us and stopping by the lck on Hawks postcast remember to like And subscribe to our YouTube channel you guys are definitely starting to come up on our YouTube and we appreciate you for that

Keep it coming but for more on the hwks also check out lock on Hawks with our guy Brad Roland and we will see you next time

After leading the entire game by as much as 35, the Atlanta Hawks found a way to claim victory over generational talent Victor Wembanyama and the surging San Antonio Spurs at State Farm Arena.

How would you grade tonight’s overall performance?

What led to the Spurs’ comeback to cut the Hawks’ lead to single digits?

Does and emotional/vocal leader exist on the roster?

Tenitra Batiste and DeShaun Tate give their analysis during the who’s got next, and-1 and deep dive segments including should the Hawks entertain a rebuild.

#atlantahawks #tomorrowstartstoday #truetoatlanta #nba #sanantoniospurs #victorwembanyama #statefarmarena

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1 Comment

  1. The Hawks need to swing a trade for Jerami Grant to be a three and if we do trade DJ I say go for Brooklyn Nets draft picks and personnel.

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