@Milwaukee Bucks

Are the Milwaukee Bucks fools gold?

Are the Milwaukee Bucks fools gold?

We in the house tonight we on fire tonight we in effect tonight yes we are y are in effect we are talking about the Milwaukee Bucks tonight that’s who I want to discuss because I watched them last night I watched them against Sacramento and I didn’t like what I saw at

All I did not I’d be lying to you if I said I had I didn’t have a problem excuse me I did not have a problem with what I saw from the Milwaukee Bucks last night against the Sacramento Kings I did not like what I saw from

That team this is a this is a this is a Milwaukee Bucks team that as of right now they’re in the bottom 10 in the league and points surrendered per game not only that not only that they’re not a good they’re not a good defensive rebounding team they are not

And Sacramento basically got whatever they wanted last night whenever they wanted to give up almost 40 points in in regulation in two of the four quarters and almost almost 40 points in two of the four quarters before the overtime to give up almost 40 points I I I I do not love

It I don’t love it at all I I have a really I have a really big problem with with what I’m seeing with this I’m just having I’m having a big problem with what I’m seeing right now with this Milwaukee Bucks team they come out slow in addition to them coming out slow

And in addition to them coming out slow they foul a lot defensively which is not good I’m watching them last night and both dearen Fox and monk both of those guys had an opportunity to ice the game monk misses those two free throws which before I go any further with

That I think it’s incredible when I hear people saying well that’s not what lost us the game if I’m at the free throw line if I’m at the free throw line with 22 seconds on the clock and we’re up two and I can make it a two possession

Game or if I’m at the free throw line and and I’m at I’m at the freee throw line and it’s seven seconds and I can make it a onep possession game but they still got to hit a three and I don’t I got to take responsibility for

That so dearon fox goes to the strike last night and with dearon Fox going to the strike last night he misses one of two free throws that only puts Sacramento up two but previous to that rewind Malik monk is at the strike and Malik monk misses two free

Throws and he can basically ice the game because now what he can do is he can make this a two-possession game and only make it a two possession game we got enough points we don’t need no more points to win all we got to do is make

Our free throws don’t trade threes for twos and we win this game only except he missed both those free throws then Darren fox goes to the strike and instead of making it a three-point game he makes it a two-point game and if we’re being honest with ourselves if we’re being honest with

Ourselves I know who Dame is in the meat and potatoes and games I do know that they might not be able to guard anybody which is gonna be their Achilles Hill that’s why I’m not sure if the Milwaukee Bucks are legit I think they may be I

Think they may be Fool’s Gold I do I think that this team may be Fool’s goal in the last 10 years in the last 10 years I think with the exception of the Golden State Warriors in 1617 and in 1718 let’s see I want to say Denver last

Year I want to say Denver last year and Milwaukee Milwaukee was 22nd in points per game not offensively but defensively it was giv up they they they were in the bottom 10 in the league Golden State Warriors who had a defensive rating which I can appreciate the defensive rating logic

Because with the defensive rating logic that means every every 100 possessions okay I get that part I care about when you’re playing games how much you winning by how close the games are how far how far apart you guys are and the Milwaukee Bucks aren’t blowing anybody out they’re not they’re not

Blowing out anybody sure they sure they they sure they are second in the league in points 100% thank you Brian I appreciate it brother sure they second in the league in points 100% they are but they they give up just about as much they give give up just about as

Much as they score there isn’t much difference now this is the same Milwaukee Bucks team that they’re in the top five in the league in the crunch in crunch time they’re in the top five in the league in crunch time in point in defensive rating and

Points the problem is is that when we get to that I mean they gave up 140 what 142 yesterday 142 they giving up almost aund I think that they’re giving up almost 120 a game this season on average they’re giving up almost 120 a game this is the same Milwaukee Bucks

Team that right around this time last year maybe a couple of weeks earlier they had only given up 120 less than 10 times they’re averaging that they can’t slow anybody down and offensively it’s good as they are with Dame as good as Dame is at some point you’re gonna have to

Slow people down thanks Miguel I appreciate it brother at some point you’re gonna have to slow people down you can’t get into track meets come playoff time you’re gonna have to slow teams down and you slow teams down with a point guard who can guard with Elite perimeter def with

Elite perimeter Defenders you slow teams down with that Denver had it last year with kcp the Warriors had it the year before that with Draymond with Andrew Wiggins Milwaukee had it with Drew holiday the Lakers had it with kcp and they had a great interior Defender so

The Toronto Raptors had it with kawh Leonard and Kyle Lowry golden state was just so good in 18 they were just so good offensively with KD but Klay Thompson was making all League defensive teams at that time so you had an you had an elite perimeter Defender at the helm in

16 I mean in in in 17 in 16 you had LeBron James on the wing playing playing defense in 15 you had Andre Iguodala and Draymond Green and 14 you had kawh Leonard in 13 you had Wade you had James in 12 again you had Wade you had James 11 you had Jason

Kid in 10 you had briyan I can I I can go on and on when you’re talking about when you’re talking about championship teams playing Elite perimeter defense in 2009 you had Bryant you had Trevor arza in 2010 you had meta in 2008 you had Rondo

So they had perimeter defense in in in these years right Miguel 2013 they had Shane Bader who by the way was on the other side of who he used to be but I think that he was a little further along than what Wade was in

13 but with that be so so with with with that being said with with that being said this unit I mean they won it in 21 and they were at the they were in the bottom 10 in the league in points per game but they did have an elite perimeter defender in Drew

Holiday they definitely did right they they they did have an elite perimeter defender in Drew holiday and no we not in Greek you want to spam up my my my comments I can tell you right now y’all gave up 142 points last night you think I’m buying I think your dude I

Think y dudes might be fools go right now you think I you think that I don’t recognize which is also interesting too that you come around I think that it’s interesting that you come around when this kind of stuff is going on I didn’t see this dude a month ago when his team

Routinely was giving up what they’re giving up now I didn’t see them I didn’t see him when Boston beat them earlier this season I didn’t see him I I I did not see him but it’s but Milwaukee is is is is getting it together because they’re so good in terms of offense

Giannis is fantastic but he’s showing up now you a fraud my man I’m good on you I’m I’m I’m straight on you I’m I’m good but anyway like I was saying when I think about Championship units again Milwaukee and 21 with Drew holiday at the at the

Hel when you have a when you have a point guard that’s that good defensively when you got a lead guard that’s that good defensively plus those guys behind him in Brook Lopez in Giannis in Bobby poris that stuff is infectious but when you have a guy at the lead guard that’s that

Deficient what ultimately happens is that’s infectious because now what we got to do is we got to cover for him and what us having to cover for him right now with us having to cover for him that takes away from what we have to do

Also don’t get me wrong we got a cover for each and every one of us but he he makes their job a lot more difficult than what it already is because when guys like Alberton is standing in front of him when guys like dearon Fox is standing in front of him Trey

Young guys like this that are standing in front of him looking at Dame lilet going this dude can’t stay in front of me this dude cannot stay in front of me he can’t and when you have that it’s difficult it what is what’s the most difficult about it is

Schemes what you what do you mean OG when you say schemes well in terms of jumping people in terms of switching not just jumping people switching because I got a guy who can defend at multiple positions and his ability to defend speeds up the game make the game faster like Drew

Holiday did so Giannis can get out and transition more Lopez that stuff was infectious when you got a guy like Damen Lillard who for all intense purposes is fantastic on offense as a scorer whatever buckets you’re looking for he can get them for you 100% he can do that however when the game

Starts to slow down we go further along in the playoffs we’re going to have to guard and we’re going to have to guard for stretches and what I can’t do is I can’t die on screens not only can I not die on screens I can’t switch goat screens what

A goost screen is is a guy who’s not even gonna screen he’s just coming over and they’re anticipating that you’re gonna switch there is no screen there so when Damien Lillard and Brook Lopez Damen Lillard is covering his man and the five is coming over to screen Daman lard he’s not even

Screening Dame he’s just in Dame’s he’s just in Dame’s vicinity he’s not he’s not screening Dame because he’s not screening Dame Dame switches that’s called a ghost screen okay I’m gonna stay here when you don’t have to because there’s no screen there and when you have an when you have

An offensive player that’s that deficient defensively like that scheming is tough that’s why people are saying about Adrien Griffin his schemes aren’t very good well it’d be a lot better if he had Drew holiday I can tell you that right now they’d be a lot better if he had

Drew holiday or if he had Marcus Smart or somebody like that if he had somebody like that at the leag guard spot that defends that doesn’t die on goost screens that doesn’t SL that doesn’t switch slip screens which you don’t have to switch you don’t have to slip you don’t have to

Switch slip screens you do not have to do that no that is not necessary to switch slip screens because all this guy is doing right all this guy is doing when he’s coming to screen when you’re on the top of him he’s not he’s coming to the

Screen and he’s diving to the basket we don’t have to switch that we don’t we do not have to switch that and when Bigs like Brook Lopez his man comes to screen like like Turner for like miles Turner for example who doesn’t screen we don’t have to switch that number one we don’t

Switch we do not switch ones and fives we don’t do that I don’t know where you do that and you’re effective you don’t switch ones and files big guys what’s up big fella what up I’ll see you soon brother I will see you soon we just got some cosmetic stuff

We got to work out but I’ll see you soon brother everything everything is good we don’t switch ones and fives nowhere there is nowhere that you switch ones and fives even if your F even if your one is 69ine Magic is not magic is not switching on to Robert Parish

No no that’s not going on on Stockton is not switching on to elijan Bryant is not switching on to Tim Duncan and Brian is a two but Jason kid is not switching onto Tim Duncan or David Robinson no so because of that because of that they have problems Minnesota does

Not Minnesota I’m sorry Milwaukee does and I’m not I’m not on I’m not on the fence man I think they might be fools gold I do I think that the I think that the Milwaukee Bucks are fool’s gold and I need to see something different come play off time because I don’t like

What I’m seeing from this team defensively right now I don’t I do not Man Ted Hart sends a Super Chat he says chill just checking in to see if you still think Oklahoma City is fool’s gold as well can they be the exception to the rule and overcome their lack of

Experience well number one I don’t think that Oklahoma City is fool’s gold number one I don’t think that I don’t think that they’re a championship contending team though I I don’t think they’re that good no I do not think they’re that good but I don’t think they’re Fool’s Gold neither I don’t

Think that they’re a fraud or I don’t think that they’re a team that I look at and go this team isn’t as good as everybody thinks that no I don’t I don’t I I don’t I don’t think that I had them I had the Oklahoma City Thunder

Before the season started I had them as a Bonafide playoff team did I have them as the number one or the number two seed in the Western Conference I did not have them as that good no I didn’t no I did not and they have some holes they definitely have some holes

And in their armor they got some chinks in their armor for example the difference that I thought ch would make he’s making that difference the problem is is he is the one the only one that’s a real paint presence Joker Aaron Gordon they got they they got big guys up front mpj will

Rebound Aaron Gordon Joker Minnesota’s got cat who cleans glass Rudy mans the paint we see what those guys are so with that being said with that being said that’s going to be a problem for Oklahoma City and the reason why is because I watched

Them a couple of nights ago I was at the game in Miami a couple of nights ago and B beat up on check don’t let that 23 and and or that 20 I think it was I think I think B went 24 and 11 he beat up on him

He straight beat up on on CH and and as he should we talking about a rook who’s Ram Finn come playoff time in a seven game series it’s going to be different it’s gonna be a lot different so I’m not I’m I’m I’m not one of these

People that is easily swayed when it comes to Championship contenders I’m just not because I’ve seen Championship contendant not necessarily W to wire because I’ve seen teams turn it around I have I’ve seen teams turn it around but I’m not buying what Milwaukee is selling right now I’m

Not and they’re gonna have to prove me wrong because I don’t like what I’m seeing from these dudes I’m not I am not Liam sends a Super Chat he says byebye Cowboys I could and we’re not GNA talk too much about the Cowboys but I could

Talk and laugh about the Cowboys but in the end it’s the Cowboys that’s who they are it’s the Cowboys if you think about everything that’s happened with the Cowboys over the last I don’t know let’s say eight years how many more coaches are you gonna go through how many more running

Backs are you gonna go through how many more wide receivers are you gonna go through there is one constant though that’s the quarterback that’s the one constant who had fantastic season by the way but you’re a cowboy I feel there’s a there’s a there’s a part of me that

Feels bad for Cowboy fans I don’t mean current Cowboy fans because current Cowboy fans you guys are ridiculous you guys are living off of what I’m about to talk about that’s who you guys are see I was around with Troy Amman Michael ER Alvin HW EMT Smith were running around

And that’s what the Cowboys were they were fantastic man and these guys they expected it to just be the way it was with them and it’s not it is not so I’m not gonna get too much into the Cowboys but they are who they are they’re the Cowboys they’re gonna fire another

Coach and they’re going to keep their quarterback there’s your so but I don’t know guys I think I’m I feel like the Milwaukee Bucks of Fool’s Gold I do from what I’m seeing right now I am not I am not sold on who the Milwaukee

Bucks are right now I’m not I don’t like what I’m seeing from these guys to I I understand how good Sacramento is I do I understand how good Sacramento is offensively I do understand that but to give up 141 like they did y42 I’m sorry like they did

Yesterday to give up 37 almost 40 points in two quarters that’s half the game not including the overtime right not including the overtime two of the four quarters they gave up 74 points not beating you’re not going far in the playoffs doing that you’re not you’re the regular season doesn’t matter yes it

Does yes it does it absolutely matters monk came off the bench yesterday and had almost 30 monk came off the bench and average almost 30 I mean I’m not average had almost 30 I just I have yet to see a team that’s that good offensively and garbage defensively

Win the NBA championship golden state was not a bad defensive team they were a damn good defensive team damn good defensive team Denver is a damn good offensive team but they were a good defensive team last year they played defense they rebounded you’re not gonna you’re not

Going far with a lead guard that doesn’t defend that’s not happening man it’s not you are not going far with a lead guard that does not defend you aren’t I don’t see it happening man I don’t but I want to hear from you guys I

Do I want to hear from you guys talk me off the ledge why am I wrong about thinking that the Milwaukee Bucks of Fool’s Gold why am I wrong about that no steady Steph did defend you’re wrong about that Steph did defend yes sir he did he didn’t defend at an all League

Level but Klay did Draymond did absolutely did absolutely he did when you and and and Steph Curry’s much Steph Curry is absolutely a better Defender than Dame Lillard the effort is there Closeouts are there switching and on top of that on top of that step will rebound there aren’t many

Guys there aren’t many guys who there aren’t many guys who will rebound Steph will rebound yes he absolutely will rebound you don’t have to defend your lead guard defending at an all League level is not an is is is is an anomaly however however your lead guard being completely

Deficient at re at at defending you’re not gonna win you’re not and that’s not true Hitman because Jamal Murray did defend he didn’t defend like Drew holiday no he didn’t defend like Marcus Smart he did not that’s not true he did not defend like those guys but he wasn’t a cone

Neither it wasn’t you score I score you score I score no that wasn’t it that was not it so I’d like to think that Jamal Murray gave a lot more effort than Dane does 100% I believe that so with that being said I I do I want to hear from

You guys man because I need to be do I need to be talked off this ledge of the Milwaukee Bucks being Fool’s Gold do I need to be talked off that LED because I’m I’m being honest with you man I think that they are I think that

They’re Fool’s go right now so if I’m if if I’m out a line yo straighten me out what up y OG what’s up what up yeah I seen him in the chat saying today was your birthday happy birthday my man thanks brother uh yeah I’m with you

Though I I I kind of been saying this out here I still part of me thinks in a postseason I really prefer Miami Milwaukee but I just don’t know if they can get their offense together right but I really want to because in the series they messed up like we know that the

Type of space Jim B go to when it come to postseason time and if it come to a full season match up with them I don’t know who they had a guard nobody JM Butler if Jimmy Butler has the kind of postseason against Milwaukee this season that he had last season they

Sweep the Milwaukee box yeah cause I don’t think they beat them in in six games they smoked them dudes yeah yeah I don’t uh C you know Chris mil them injuries he used to be a real real good Defender like he can’t move like he used

To he’s a lot slower trying to slide step for step with you uh I and I want I I don’t want to be hard on Brook Lopez but I don’t know if Drew holiday may have made him look a little bit better defensely than he actually is but this

Year I’ve been kind of see him getting like like you know spaced out a little bit more and it ain’t been pretty well number one he’s a little long in the tooth so let’s let’s let’s not we can’t disregard that number two he’s much better closer to the basket Brook Lopez

Has always Brook Lopez always been a mudfoot always been a but but he can definitely defend in the paint he can man the paint that’s always who he’s been now if you put him on the perimeter which I’ve always said this not just with Brook Lopez D not not with just

Brook not with just not with just Brook Lopez ones and fives don’t switch Yeah on both ends you can’t put Brook Lopez in a in a pick and switch on Tyrus halberton no you can’t put him on Kyrie Irving put him in a blender don’t do

That no you cannot do that you’re gonna get him killed man you switching you switching you’re gonna switch Brook Lopez and Jamal Murray he’s gonna fry him no he’s going to fry him they G he FR them if he get them in the post too that’s why that’s why that’s why

Mike Malone does not switch Jamal Murray on Brook Lopez when on the Block hell no CA Lopez will destroy him down there yeah you right you right about the teams like they defense the worst of those teams I remember the worst team that had like a bad defense that I remember

Winning I remember the Lakers that year they went back to back uh with Shaq and Kobe in in the regular season that defense wasn’t great I think it was in the like 20s or something but in the playoffs like it like they just hit s i

You know every team can’t do that though well the first year that they won it Shaq was yeah the first year that they woned Shaq was awesome defensively and Bryant was becoming that the second year defens absolutely they was trying to figure out who they were defense not

Defensively they was trying to figure out who they were because Shaq came into the season he was a little out of shape Kobe came into the season wanting to take over so they were having some they were having some difficulties there defensively I mean sha still made the O

League defensive team he was playing at an old League def in 20 in 20 was he second in defens player the year I think second in defensive player of the year that year and then the next year he still made the O League defensive team again and Kobe

Made the O League defensive team again so they still was playing at that level yeah when I’m looking at Milwaukee the difference with them in 21 like you said they hit that switch well you got a guy like Drew holiday who can slow guys down

I saw him do it in the finals to Chris Paul I saw him do it in the finals to Chris Paul I can’t say that I I I think that Damen slow down and I ain’t even thinking about I ain’t even thinking about Chris Paul can he slow tyes halberton

Down can he slow Jaylen Brunson down I ain’t talking about stopping a guy can he slow these guys down because when you get into the playoffs we can’t go bucket for bucket and then thing about it too if you take him if you take D Mo who who

You putting on him like Malik beasler he ain’t moving the needle to me like he getting fried too he he’s food too Jay Crowder Oh he old and he ain’t like like be surprised if Jay Crowder came back this season i’ be surpris he I’m surpris

He was still in the leag to be honest surprised he came back this season so I need I’m I’m I’m just trying to make sense of it I’m just trying to make sense of it D that this this Milwaukee Bucks team I think they might

Be Fool’s Gold I do I think they might be fools go I’m not saying that they are but I think that they might be and I even if they won this year what even if they even if not even if they didn’t win this year I still think that this is a

Three-year window for them that’s the window that I think it is for the Milwaukee Bucks because Dame 33 I think Dame starts to slow down significant yes I think that what what the Dame L you see now in three years he’s not gonna be that he’s gonna be something completely different Giannis

In three years he’s gonna yes see Giannis is 29 right now 32 he’s still gonna I think he’s still gonna have the goods I still think he’ll be a top op player but we’re coming up on that time when yo we we’re we’re we’re getting close to Giannis starting to slow down

That’s not to say that he’s slowing down at 32 because I seen kg still awesome at 32 jannis game the way that jannis plays his style of play with that rough and rugged getting up and down the floor that’s not going to age well it’s not

He’s gonna have to he’s gonna have to put more this game he had some unfortunate circumstances too like you know he won the title in 21 and you know we start having the conversations you know where where can he land all time on all time list you know certain things of

That nature then the next year his second best player goes down in the uh playoffs Chris Milton with the knee injury that year too I did before before Middleton I had winning it again they they were better they way better than they were the year before every time I

Don’t know if everybody pass to this but the NBA history the hardest thing to do is kind of like get the first one once you had that confidence coming back you see it in players they be better uh Curry he won in 2015 and 2016 came back

He was on a whole another level y LeBron in 2012 he won 13 he would come back uh playing free all the confidence in the world was a whole another level I think and me personally I think Shaq in 2001 he probably was better but Kobe took

Took such a leap up that it didn’t show because he had the you know C came now I got to share a little bit of and um Kyrie in 2016 he came back in 2017 he was better yeah and U Dwayne way too when he won the title in’ 06 when he

Came back in 07 he was a better player he just he hurt his shoulder unfortunately more time more time more times than not more times than not when you win that first one especially when a team is Young like the Lakers were I mean Shaq was 28 right Shaq was 28 years

Old Kobe was 21 22 years old he he 21 years old so when you young like that more times than not I I I I had said it when they won that first one I was like you better get used to seeing these dudes they gonna be around for a while

Got a few more runs yeah I think these dudes gonna be around for a while so you better get used to seeing them but yo de good to talk to you brother I know where to find you at yeah yeah y y I think it’s interesting too Matthew

That you say we was real quiet when the Bucks beat the Celtics and you were even quieter when the bucks came to Boston and Boston served them not a peep out of you not one word out of you not one word but now and don’t get me wrong I didn’t

Appreciate what I saw a couple of nights ago at all from the Boston Celtics they deserved every bit of that ass whooping that they got a bit of it that was unacceptable that effort was poor I didn’t appreciate that at all at all but with that being said let’s not ask like

You dudes are around here when they rolling y’all dudes it’s crickets from y’all when they rolling but soon as Jason Tatum has a bad night soon as the Celtics have a bad night hear all of you dudes come yapping and running your mouths I don’t hear peep out of you

Dudes when the when I don’t hear peep out of you dudes when the Milwaukee Bucks are giving up 138 to the Indiana Paces when they giving up 136 I don’t hear peep out of you dudes when that’s going on not one word not one what up hello can you hear me what

Up um yeah it’s interesting chill when Boston had bounced Milwaukee when they had come over to Beantown like I didn’t hear anything but now all of a sudden when Milwaukee when Milwaukee goes yeah when Milwaukee goes and beats Us by 35 or 32 in their house now it’s all like

Oh my God the Celtics aren’t as good as they as good as everyone says they are and all this other stuff yeah like is a fraud all yeah like Jaylen Brown can’t go left all this other crap 45 though when he goes not a PE crickets nothing when he beats when he

Beats Minnesota in overtime just quiet I know right I know lose Oklahoma City Jason Tatum’s a fraud give me a break this is supposed to be the MVP candidate like yeah but but but but I don’t keep the same energy you actually don’t keep the same energy I’ve

Been talking about Jason Tatum for years what are you talking about what are you dudes talking about I keep the same energy when it comes to Jason Tatum I talk about him when he’s awesome I also talk about him when he’s suck too you said plenty of times you’re on record

Saying it anybody who knows knows you’re on record you’re on record saying criticizing Tatum’s game and and his uh his late game decisions and when like certain things that he does in the game that is detrimental to his team you’re on record saying these

Things all you got all you got to do is go back and rewind the tape it’s on it’s it’s on tape they got me on tap this isn’t like this dude making this up or something like that no this is on tape me talking about Jason Tatum that yo we

Would I would get into a fight with him so this isn’t just me making up this isn’t this dude making up stories no this is me talking about Jason Tatum when he’s awesome and when he’s suck that’s called keeping it a beam you dudes on the other hand when they

When they aren’t good here you dudes come I believe they call those haters that’s what they call but anyway yeah yeah yeah yeah like when when we beat when we bounced Sacramento in their building I didn’t hear nothing I didn’t hear nothing oh my God the Celtics are

Winning a championship nope it was Zero peep but anyway back to don’t leave out when y’all beat the Clippers by almost 40 not a word not a word oh they a have kawh Leonard just know Jason Tatum only played three quarters he only played three quarters or when we beat or when

We beat Philly without two starters not a word crickets anyway as you were saying but anyway yeah anyway back to the Milwaukee Bucks chill what do you think they could do to get that defense back up get Caruso I mean that’s really the only piece they can get huh I don’t

Know if they I don’t know if they could get Caruso but if they called up to Chicago Bulls and ask for Caruso and Caruso were to come to the Milwaukee Bucks I think favorites to win the NBA championship I do would you agree with it do you think

They I really believe that I think he’d be the difference winning because he’s the he’s the arm ball Defender he’s the point of attack guy he’s what they’re missing because now Dame could focus solely on scoring the basketball that’s it he doesn’t have to do anything else

He wouldn’t have to do anything else all he would have to do is get Giannis involved when he has to and close games score when he’s score when it’s necessary but get Giannis involved close games and they would protect him Giannis uh Caruso Brook Lopez they would protect

Dame they can’t protect him now because there’s nobody on the perimeter to defend so they can’t protect him that’s the downside I don’t know if they can get their hands on Caruso because first the Bulls already said they they said they’re not trading him away and if they

Did trade him away they’re going to ask for something ridiculous at like Bobby poris or in like a hall of picks or something like that like they’re going to ask for some ridiculous things I think that this Bucks team like this I mean chill this was a bad idea from the

Start because like Dame is not going to go to a team for a bucket of extra Krispy and a six-pack that’s why Miami wanted to give Tyler hero they were not willing to give a a bunch of their defensive pieces just to get Dame and

Now they have to scramble to get a bunch of defensive pieces Plus the luxury tax and all that other stuff financially right so there wasn’t really a team that I think in the NBA that could have gone Dame and not giving up a bunch of their defense and and and not suffered

Repercussions defensively well that’s why it didn’t work with the Miami Heat because of what they were what what was realistic and what was what was Fool’s goal as I know bam was not on the table and I’m sure Portland asked about him but he was

Not on the table Jam’s not on the table no I’m I’m sure he wasn’t and if we’re being honest Miami wasn’t really serious about D they weren’t true there’s stuff there’s stuff like uh they weren’t they didn’t love having to give up hawz you know what Doc Rivers didn’t love giving

Up Shay but he gave him up for Kawhi Leonard he didn’t love he didn’t love giving up Shay but he gave him up for Paul George so if y’all was really serious they would have gave him up if it if if it meant getting Dame Lillet if

They were serious but I don’t think they were I don’t think Miami was really serious so what team could Dame have what team could Dame had seriously gone to where like their defense wouldn’t have like taken a big hit what team not a team that’s a contender not one not

Not a team that’s a contender Milwaukee uh Boston they they would have asked for Jaylen Brown they would have asked for Rob they would have like T yeah like I will tell you this Minnesota and I I I wasn’t on the fence about this

I was ready to die on this hill I felt like if you called up Minnesota and asked for cat they would have gave cat up for damee I do believe that I do yeah I do believe that they would have given him up for cat I think it would have

Been ridiculous to do that because you still didn’t look you still didn’t get to see what cat and Rudy looked like which now you seeing what they look like and they’re they’re the best team in the Western Conference arguably so I’m glad they did make that I’m glad

You think Phoenix do you think if Phoenix had called up Portland and you know tried giving him eighton and like a few picks do you think they would have given him up not for Dame no they not for Dame no not for Dame that that wouldn’t have been good enough I just

Thought that Minnesota they could have fleeced them for Dame that’s what I thought all right brother good to talk well wait hold on just just a minute chill um you know have a happy birthday chill hope your birthday goes well thank you appreciate it brother

Yep what up OG what’s good can you hear me what’s up brother first off happy birthday didn’t know was your birthday today so happy birthday than know that anybody knew I was trying to keep that on the L basketball next thing I know yo happy birth I’m like damn I ain’t

Telling nobody how y’all knew this that’s the power of social media it’s a day and age we living in nothing is sacred no more I guess not nothing is sacred no more but um as far as it relates to the Milwaukee bugs I don’t think that they’re Fool’s Gold for the

Simple fact that we just haven’t seen them enough we have not we we we are we are what has it been where it be like 40 games into the season now somewhere around there where are we in the season tell you right now I’ll tell you right

Now where where we are 42 games somewhere around there 40 games that’s where we at right now 40 games about 40 games okay so you know I think of it as it just hasn’t been enough time it hasn’t been enough time you know they only got 40 games together Dame I think

One of the most underrated um pieces about this trade is aside from obvious fit and adjustments and know you know new head coach you know this is a completely different style of play than the than the majority of Damien L’s career you know this this is his time with the with the Portland

CH blazes and how he was the hero of that offense he was the Portland ger Blazers and this is his time with the Milwaukee Bucks you it might than that it might even exactly so I’m saying that to say that for example what any time

Almost you know if you go back and look historically anytime that you do a blockbuster trade like this it always takes about a year or so I look at the 200 uh 2011 heat essentially where you know they they they were clearly better and outmatched you know uh uh on paper

At least than the Dallas Mavericks but the Dallas Mavericks had a certain level of continuity on top of the fact that Dirk ninski was playing out of his mind yeah he was awesome yes he he was he because he went through if I’m not mistaken he went through Co he went through San

Antonio through uh OKC OKC and the Lakers and then get you get to Braun and you beat them too that that right there was you know and but that next year when when when LeBron came in and dwade came in it was just like oh no like it was clear from

The oh oh think I lost him I think I lost him see if we can get him back last thing I heard from him is it was almost clear from the beginning see if we see if we can get him back I I ain’t saying I didn’t Josh I’m

Just saying I don’t know if I I don’t know if I remember saying that that’s all I I ain’t saying that I didn’t I’m just saying that I I don’t uh I don’t remember saying that I when when was it was it in the in the beginning of

The I don’t know if I I I don’t remember telling anybody that today birthday I don’t remember that I ain’t saying that I ain’t say it I’m just saying Terry with two dads hit me with the Super Chat he said happy birthday chill thank you brother to me the Bucks feel like

They’re the baddest girl on your street but when there’s a neighbor there’s a neighborhood block party she’s no longer the bad [ __ ] like so when other chicks come through the neighborhood that don’t live around here you’re like you know what you ain’t really that fly like you

Was dope CA ain’t nobody else around here but now that you know we got a block party and you know it’s it’s it’s chicks from other parts of town and maybe even other cities right now all of a sudden you ain’t that fly you was fly

A minute ago I can get with that logic I can definitely get with that logic I got him back back I think I got him back nope thought I had him back but I don’t I think I do he’s Frozen I had him and I didn’t see if we can get him

Back see if we could get him back try it again um anyway um I want to switch it up a little bit when I ask because last time I talked to you guys last time I talked to you guys I asked you who the best two guard in the game

Was and some of y’all told me that it was Aunt some of you told me that it was uh Devin Booker so I’m asking you tonight Who’s the best small forward in the game who is the best small forward in the game and and when I think about the small forward the three

Man I’m thinking about the guy who buckets rebounds gets out in transition who are some of the better small forwards in the game if if if you think about the small forwards in the game who are some of the better small forwards in the game James still I can’t believe I’m saying that

James KD Tatum right so with that being said because I asked you already who the who the who the best two guard was uh Brandon Ingram who else best small forwards in the game Bridges uh kosma H some of the better how uh Vagner from Orlando

Leonard who who who was some of the better who’s the best who’s the best small forward in the game when I when I think about the best three man in the game I think it’s Jason Tatum that’s who I think it is I I I I personally think it’s Jason Tatum but I

Want to get back to my man Eli we we we got cut off we were talking about how small the sample size was with with uh with with with Dame Lillard and the fact that the teams someone had called me so that’s no problem the teams that the teams that we had

Seen they had had pretty good playoff runs but more times than not when you have a I can definitely get with that logic more times than not when you have a team that’s put together like that especially when you basically changing the dynamic of the crew it’s gonna it’s

Gonna take some time for it to work I mean James said it himself in 2011 he said I quote I don’t know how we got to the NBA finals let alone what he he said that I don’t even know how we got there exactly exactly um yeah with Dame you

Know and like again we were just talking about how it is historically I think there’s a lot of factors to consider it’s the fact that Dame is now trying to learn a brand new head coach and a brand new system on top of when is when did

Dame ever play with somebody along the along the lights of Giannis never you know never he had larcus Aldridge but larcus Al great but Yannis he’s not no jannis jannis is Yannis is on a different on a complete different there’s that and then same can be said

With with Giannis I think Giannis is still the best player on the team clearly but he’s never played with someone that has the offensive Firepower of a Damian lulet that’s gonna take you know that that time on top of the fact that there’s Eagles now jannis seems

Like a humble guy and so does D but you know how it is these these these We Men we have pride you know so it’s it’s it’s it’s a lot of factors to consider and something else I’m just going to add too was that the Milwaukee Bucks I don’t

Think that I think they’re in an I think they’re at an advantage right now I don’t think that they’re in a time where they have to win right now I think that like you were talking about earli with the dude uh before me that you may have

Another three to five year window of maybe years jannis okay mayis yeah with Yannis being being at this level and then maybe another three of Dame if you can you know maybe you don’t win this year but if you can get maybe one or in a dream

Scenario two out of these next three to five years with this unit of course you’re going to have to upgrade your pieces if you’re going to want to make that happen as well as you know even if you don’t you play perfect with the pieces that you have which we know is

Not going to happen because nobody’s perfect or you upgrade pieces obviously the front offers got to do their job you know there’s so much that goes into winning a championship outside of just the onc court basketball play right um but I think that the Milwaukee Bucks franchise is serious about winning um I

Think that it’s going to be something that they’re going to have to look at remember how you were talking about the other day how Golden State should have moved on from clay should have moved on from Dre and because of their loyalty it caused them to probably hold on longer

Than they should personally I thought they should have blew it up before they won the title and devalued them too and it devalued as well also devalue them as well but to to your point when I think about a guy like Damen Lillet I think about the teams that you talked about so

You know the Miami Heat in 2011 when they first got together it didn’t work if you remember when got traded to Miami that first year it didn’t work didn’t work it worked the next year though the next year there was health issues but it it’s still ended up in a championship

They still ended up winning the championship I think about Giannis at 29 years old I think Giannis has another four or five years at this level and when they traded Drew holiday and they signed Giannis to that extension what they did was they traded for three more

Years of this group at this level absolutely and that’s what I think the window is with this group in particular I think it’s three more years now you’ll get some people that yo this team got together so they gotta win it now well

No I I I I think that that’s the case in Phoenix why one KD is 3 35 years old EXA KD is so he doesn’t have that kind of time exactly even though Bradley Bill and and Devon book are still young guys Bradley Bill’s 29 Deon Booker is I think

2 they hurt all the time right they but we do have these guys under contract but the window for this team is shorter because KD is older exactly that’s why Dame on the other hand isn’t right Dame on the other hand is not so Dame still

Has some good years left he still on the younger side what we would consider he’s still on the younger side of the old dudes right he’s not he’s not on the older side of the old he’s not a old head just yet like like KD like KD for

Example I mean how many I it bugs me out when I be hearing people say KD got you know three more years at this level you do know KD in three years is not still gonna be 35 right clear he’s not as awesome as he is he’s not gonna still be

35 in three years people are seeing with James is is like made them believe whether you love him or you hate him that everybody is built that way and that’s just not the case LeBron James is a superum me and my friends have this

This joke and we call it he he runs what this this this underground vision called the labs where wherever he’s going to make sure that he takes care of his body those are them same genes pumping through the through Bryce and bronnie and and and and Zuri you know that’s not

Available to everybody else he is a superum He’s Not Gon We’re not gonna see this again at this level you know and some dudes you gotta remember some dudes don’t want to play I think over time one of the most underrated things that people don’t talk about especially when

You’ve reached the highest level and you’ve peaked sometimes you lose your passion sometimes you just want to move on to other things ladies and gentlemen what he just said why is that ridiculous to hear I don’t want to play basketball no more I’m 37 I’ve been doing this for 18 years

Professionally and then you know younger than that I started maybe what four five this has been my whole entire life I could see KD just quitting one day right I could see that I could and not only quitting one day I could see KD like at the Y

At the center I don’t want to play pro basketball no more I don’t mean I don’t want to play but I I don’t want to do this no more I don’t want to do this anymore and to your point and to your point about a guy like James who’s an anomaly for

Those of you who don’t remember I remember Brett fa at 40 years old wasn’t very good yeah I remember Drew Brees at 40 years old yeah wasn’t very good yeah I can talk about I remember jabal at 40 years old he wasn’t very good no Vince was average 7.4 points per game at

40 twice that I think he’s like three times that he’s like almost three times that yes Jam is like this not this is one this is one person out of 450 500 or so give her this is not the the normal Eli I’m on record I’m on record saying I

Take pretty good care of myself and I think that I’m gonna be around I don’t know but I think I’m gonna be around I don’t think I’m gonna be around and see another James I don’t think I’m I think I’m gonna be around to see that again I’m considerably younger and I don’t

Think that I’m gonna be around either this is not I just don’t think I’m gon be around to see that again I don’t this is just not the last thing I’ll say is that I think to your point about the Warriors being loyal and you know to their guys

And how I started to think about some of the other teams who have that certain loyalty um or who could potentially have it I think that it should have kind of already been taken care of but if you’re going to put the Milwaukee Bucks in the best possible position you’ve got to

Make a move and the person that you have to move off of in my opinion is Chris Middleton because this dude when he’s healthy can look like Michael Jordan some nights you know like he can he I I watched him in the playoffs completely destroy the Atlanta Hawks when Giannis

Was out I watch this dude Drew close that series him and Drew just Clos that series out going one for two while Drew is also taking the defensive assignment of gard and Trey who’s 30 and 10 you know Sure Fire almost every year umre so

So I thought that if you were gonna move him it should have been The Following Season the 22 23 season last season essentially but you know I understand the fact you just won a championship you want to stay loyal all that stuff but I think that if if Milwaukee can somehow

Fleece Minnesota being that this is their first time being good you may be able to get one over they should go after like o jayen McDaniels or or or somebody like that you know who is a wing that can switch one through four and I think if you can give up because

It’s not really a big three I mean let’s be honest if Middleton was healthy and still at that 21 playoff level then absolutely I wouldn’t even be having this conversation I think they I think that to your point I think that they brought him back I don’t think it was

From a loyalty aspect I think it was they wanted to see what they still had because they hadn’t seen him healthy and I think this is probably the healthiest that he’s gonna be like like you know we talk about guys well when he’s healthy well we’re not gonna see Kawhi Leonard

Today like we saw him in 19 that dude’s gone he’s yeah he’s over that dude in 21 before he tore up his knee that dude is gone so the the Leonard you’re seeing now this is as healthy as he’s going to be and that’s you gotta strike while the

Iron is hot that’s it so the same logic I think the same logic is going on with with with Middleton where we’re talking about a guy and him being healthy Eli I think this is as healthy as he’s gonna be and it’s that’s not much in

Comparison you know so like if you can get Minnesota into a deal or maybe strike a three team with you know you send I don’t know uh you know you get Caruso um so that and everybody wins I mean Min the reason why I think Minnesota would be all right with me

Possibly giving up uh a McDaniel is because if you can get an Al Caruso back from Chicago you send uh Middleton to the Bucks and you give McDaniels to the I’m sorry you send Middleton to Tim uh Minnesota and you give uh McDaniels to over to the Bucks that’s a trade where

Everybody wins where you still got some of that defense differ though the difference is that I’m not buying Minnesota picking up the telephone and going okay we’ll do that click they’re not interested in an NOA J the only reason why I say may is because go bear is the anchor of that

Defense yes he is and I think I think that I think that though MCD I think McDaniels is is an added plus I don’t think he’s the core of of of that because he’s not experienced enough yet I still think that amongst the top guys that they they’re gonna they can give

Him the business you know right with that being said with with that same logic him being younger McDaniels has the ability in the potential to be the best perimeter defender in the game so I’m not prepared to hand that over because we might win with Chris Middleton who stretches the defense no

I’m not interested in doing that because I’m gonna have I’m gonna have McDaniels a lot longer than I’m gonna have Middleton true way longer just like I’m gonna have ant way longer so I think I’m gonna I think I’m gonna hold on to I think I’m gonna hold on to JD McDaniel

So you might have okay so what about the Caruso deal would you or I’m thinking about Marcus Smart also too but I think he’s such a good fit in Memphis that I don’t know if they will be willing because this year they’re probably gonna tank you know get a high draft yeah

They’re they’re gonna get a high draft pick but I think healthy um you know this Grizzlies team could be scary I think when everybody’s healthy you know Stephen Adams from this beginning of the season was out now now uh Desmond is out J’s out for the season

So I I I I think that the point that I’m making is that there’re I’m not willing to call the Milwaukee Bucks Fool’s Gold just yet um because we haven’t seen them in the playoffs and I just don’t think that one year is enough time you know considering all the external factors to

To give this team you know Drew holiday is a big loss that’s huge that’s huge dude is what what what team what team in the NBA do you remember having to give up their best whatever and it not being substantial any team that gives up their best rebounder any team that gives up

Their best score any team that gives up their best distributor they’re going to be hurting right so so for this team to have to give up not just their lead guard he’s their best perimeter Defender arguably the best perimeter defender in the game in the game that’s huge for

Your crew huge so good to talk to you brother I appreciate it absolutely my man no doubt that that that’s that’s just that’s a big ass deal man that is a big deal my goodness can’t just hand over Drew holiday and just think all right we got game so we going to be

Rolling no that’s not happening at all nuh-uh that is a big deal and it’s difficult to replace something like that too way difficult to replace something like that so well guys

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  1. What’s crazy is , bucks were not credited for smoking Boston because it was a b2b.

    But now the bucks are discredited for winning in OT on a back to back 😂.

    They hate is real because people want to love the Celtics

  2. Og I’m sorry bro you tripping the first thing you said was the bucks aren’t a good defensive rebounding THEY ARE LITERALLY 3RD in the league.

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