@Boston Celtics

Who here loves this guy?

He make me a Celtics fan, this team was not the best but damn its a special feeling 💚

And for short guys like me damn he is a legend.

by Opening_Outside_5788


  1. aClout2222

    Top 3 favorite Celtic of all time. Man was ready to give his soul to the organization.

  2. ImeStopPlayingDennis

    You won’t find many Celtics fans who don’t love IT he’s got maybe the biggest heart I’ve ever seen from a Celtic

  3. Think_fast_no_faster

    His “give a shit” level was off the fuckin charts. That alone would endear him to me even if he was a meh player, which he decidedly was not

  4. Automatic_Reality546

    The 2016-17 season was appointment television. He was unreal.

  5. chmcgrath1988

    He left it all out on the floor. It’s such a bummer his body gave out on him just as it seems like he was ascending to becoming a superstar.

    I’m really glad, it seems as if him and the Celtics have mended fences, at least somewhat. I know Celtics don’t celebrate non championship teams but I honestly wouldn’t be opposed to a reunion of that 2017 team in a couple years. They brought a lot of excitement to TD Garden years before anyone expected meaningful playoff basketball to return to Boston.

  6. SyncRacket

    Sign this man to a ten day and break the curse!

  7. Sgt_LincolnOSiris

    Loved him.. but god damn did I get sick of listening to him cry about being traded. Thank god we never gave him that max contract

  8. Reason I got into basketball and support the Celtics

  9. BroccoliSuccessful28

    He was unreal. Wish he had better players around him.

  10. NotADogIzswear2020

    Had more heart than height and was 100 %shifty. I ALMOST miss him as much as Smart.

  11. King of the 4th!

    Some of the most electric, non-playoff moments were happening in the Garden when he would light people up in the 4th quarter. I’ll always love, as Tommy referred to him, “the little guy.”

  12. The time he spent starting at PG was some of the most fun I have ever had being a Celtics fan…. But god his presence on social media drives me up a wall the last few years. He is so annoying.

  13. SignificantNinja679

    I’ll never forget the day. I found out nike was doing the nba jerseys and was happy as hell. Found out we were getting the black statement jerseys and was even more excited. My plan was to get a thomas statement jersey since we both have the same last name… and then the news broke that they traded him. I. Was. DEVASTATED 😭😭😭love my guy IT

  14. Shovelman2001

    Downvoting because this is the laziest karma farming I’ve ever seen

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