@Utah Jazz

Tonight’s game has been postponed due to a very serious medical emergency. Best wishes to Golden State assistant coach Dejan Milojevic and his family.

Tonight’s game has been postponed due to a very serious medical emergency. Best wishes to Golden State assistant coach Dejan Milojevic and his family.

by Andrewski18


  1. AcidSacrament

    Damn I hope he’s alright. I was looking forward to beating on golden state but I prefer all individuals involved to be in healthy and safe condition while it happens

  2. This is the right decision. I hope for the best

  3. Wait, they’re postponing a game because one assistant coach isn’t able to attend? Not trying to be insensitive but I legitimately don’t understand the logic.

  4. JazzYotesRSL

    Hope for a speedy recovery for him. Was looking forward to the game, but this is the right call. At least we get an extra rest day before playing OKC

  5. ChaseBank5

    I’ll probably be downvoted but I’m confused about this. Coaches have missed games in the past due to health reasons but the game doesn’t get postponed. What’s different here?

    I genuinely hope the coach is okay and makes a full recovery.

  6. People being confused about why this is being postponed are missing a key element. This isn’t being postponed because he’s sick. He must be undergoing some kind of emergency procedure for it to be postponed. Woj, in a later tweet, said he basically collapsed during their team dinner and was rushed to the hospital.

  7. This is what a ~~Russian~~ Serbian site is reporting ( (This is translated with google translate if you don’t want to go to the site):

    > We wish this news were not true, but unfortunately it is – Sport Club was confirmed by sources close to the legendary basketball player that Dejan Milojević (46) suffered a heart attack and is in the hospital, where he underwent surgery. Milojevic got sick the night before during dinner in a restaurant in Salt Lake City, where the Golden State Warriors – whose coaching staff he is a member of – will play a game against the Utah Jazz tonight. Sport Klub learned that Milojević was quickly transported to the nearest hospital and then underwent surgery. His current condition is difficult and serious. More information about the health condition of the former Serbian national team player and long-time coach of Mega will be known during the day. The editorial staff of the Sport Club wishes Deki a speedy and complete recovery, as well as a return to basketball.

  8. emerald_flare

    This sucks, get well soon coach! Totally understandable to postpone, it sounds like he’s in serious condition at the hospital.

    For those of you with tickets and an eye on rescheduling, I think Jan 21st or 22nd is the most likely date (given the current schedule for both teams). I don’t know the availability of the Delta Center on either of those days though. But obviously the priority for the Warriors for the next couple days at least is their coach’s health.

  9. So are we playing OKC then next on tomorrow night, and maybe Warriors after that, or? But of course speedy recovery to the Warriors coach.

  10. Will the game be rescheduled this week or at the end of the season?

  11. itaccckoit

    Sad to see the game postponed, but makes sense. No team should have to play when one of their coaches in cardiac arrest, there’s no way they would be able to focus on the game

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