@Golden State Warriors

BREAKING: Tonights Warriors Game Has Been POSTPONED

BREAKING: Tonights Warriors Game Has Been POSTPONED

About like Legends of the game you know when when you’re comparing Bosa wow we got some breaking news here breaking news breaking news out breaking news s sorry to cut you off 957 the game breaking news man Adrian woski ESPN ESPN sources with the serious medical situation surrounding assistant coach Deon mil

Yovic the NBA is postponing tonight’s game between the Warriors and the Utah Jazz in Salt Lake City again de milovic had a private dinner yesterday Salt Lake City had a serious health issue a health scare he’s been hospitalized the is the NBA has postponed tonight’s game between the

Warriors and the Utah Jazz our prayers up go to Deon our prayers up go to him he’s a great guy Dey is a great dude man love decky good Lord I hope it’s not serious oh my gosh I hope he’s okay so no Warriors game tonight

And the NBA doing the right decision if this is serious that we all anticipate boy they’re not going to play this got oh my gosh Poor decky Man Poor decky yeah that’s that’s not good you know um you know my dad’s in the hospital right now and you know i’ we’ve been

Going through it as a family I’m going to get a little emotional here and I I will say that you know I know a lot of people um might not understand what it’s like to go through trauma but it’s very difficult to try to balance your normal

Life and to pretend to move on and keep going when something comes out of left field that is serious and it’s a health scare and it involves someone you love or someone you work with or someone you care deeply about and uh if this is you know obviously as serious as it all

Seems to be then then yes the NBA is making absolutely the right move oh boy absolutely and and all I can and I’m not trying to push anything on anyone one I’m a religious person I believe in a higher power I’m sending all my you know yeah wishes and prayers and thoughts and

Everything in their Direction and I hope this man’s okay de milovic assistant coach with the go to State Warriors helped to win a championship back in 2022 works with the big man if you see the big guy uh he’s always working with cavon Looney he’s always working with

Dariio sards he’s always working with the Warriors bigs he was hospitalized last night in Salt Lake City in Utah after suffering a medical emergency at a private team dinner um and so it’s so serious that the NBA moments ago has decided to postpone tonight’s game in

Salt Lake City it will be postponed as a Warriors tend to deon’s Medical situation all right Warriors get a day off we’ll see him Friday night against the Dallas Mavericks I hope I’m just my prayers go all the day out man you never you know with your dad I you know last

Last Thursday it was a very emotional show um especially with s situation as well and there’s just a lot going on man here it’s been a weird start to 2024 it really has well you know and everybody goes through different things in life and now we’re here at real life stuff

Like my dad had a cardiac arrest during the middle of the show last week and I didn’t know if I was going to be able to see him alive again or not and I know maybe the audience doesn’t need to know every little detail and this that and

The other but I do feel like you know now that the doors opened up I I found this you know uh show to be a respit and and an area for me to kind of clear my head over the last couple of days it’s been horrible what we’ve been going

Through and I pray every day that my dad gets a miracle and is able to come home one day and down the line but you don’t realize how many people are affected by things like this I mean you know you I listened to what you were saying about

My dad it was so beautiful I got so many text messages from people who are dear family friends casual friends people who have never met me before the the the amount of people that have reached out has just been absolutely unbelievable but all of the different Fabrics of our

Lives and my my mother and and our family and everything it’s all on pause everything’s on pause and it’s so hard cuz the world keeps churning and churning and moving and going forward and all these things keep happening and it’s so incredibly difficult to try to balance everything and when quite

Honestly you just want to curl up on a ball and cry yeah and I’m manad enough to admit it and it’s really difficult and what my poor mother’s been going through and that’s why I instantly think about this Man’s family what my poor mother has gone through has been so

Unfair and I’m I’m probably going to cry right now but it’s it’s freaking hard and what I would say and you said this last week just freaking cherish the moments you have with people because you never know what tomorrow brings and I know you said like Joe you do so many

Things and I was thinking about this like man this life is so short and these teams and all the sports and yes we get great enjoyment and it’s a great distraction from all of the real crap that we have in our real lives like real crap out there people AF can’t afford

Bills you can’t afford health care you can’t afford child care you don’t know where your next meals come whatever the real world problems that you have sports and all this stuff it’s a great you know distraction unifies everybody it unifies everybody and it does absolutely does it

Does you know no no it help you distract people distract you from The Real World issues we all go through our issues every day and the Warriors right now are going through their issues their own assistant coach it’s terrible te is in the hospital right now terrible so I

Hope and Dey if you see Dey dei’s always got a smile on his face always got a smile on his face and it’s not good right now for Dey oh my gosh oh man these these healthc care people that are out there you know we did this during Co

And it’s like oh they’re Healthcare people man when your family member is in there you realize how selfless and how giving these people are when I say that these surgeons and these doctors and these Physicians and these nurses are literally the Steph curries of their profession you don’t realize how incredible they

Are and how amazing modern medicine is until your family member is in those positions and I say it to every single I literally go to these people I hug them I say I love you I can’t thank you enough you are literally waiting on people who are Knocking on Heaven’s Door

With hand and foot like help it’s unreal these people are we can’t thank them enough in society and anybody that does that profession I know we we goof around a lot you people are literally saving lives no they are it deserves a lot of credit especially over the last 3 four years

With all everything with covid-19 and the pandemic and the way the hospitals got filled up with that it’s they’ve been going through a lot now dei’s 46 years old too young he’s 46 years old from Serbia um so I hopefully his family is on Deck hopefully his family knows

What’s going on but the game tonight is postponed between the Warriors and the UT Jazz as Deon milovic is in the hospital he got hospitalized last night after a private dinner Salt Lake City Utah so the game tonight between the Warriors and the Utah Jazz um has been postp let’s go

Due to a serious medical situation with Warriors assistant coach Dejan Milojevic, the NBA has postponed tonights game against the Utah Jazz in Salt Lake City.

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  1. My dad is also not well… he is 80 yrs old and the health issues are taking over big time atm. I feel ya Schasky! Keep your head high!

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