@Sacramento Kings

The James Ham Show – Is This Who the Sacramento Kings Are?

The James Ham Show – Is This Who the Sacramento Kings Are?

It’s funny I see all these clips of James Harden talking and all I hear is Kenny what he’s just there’s no there’s just clips of his podcast they’re on my feed and all I don’t Draymond yeah Draymond oh I was about say I a’t done

Of James Harden no I’m sorry you so I said James Harden because he was talking about James Harden being an All-Star um but I’m looking at him and all I hear is Kenny that’s all I can hear I mean I did that wasn’t a c for an impression at all

With ourselves it was my fault to be completely honest James Harden is playing at an Allstar level and quite frankly if you understand the game of basketball James Harden should be an Allstar your thought Shaq no no no no as we welcome James ham here uh of the of

The Insiders what’s going on James how you doing is that uh James Harden speaking in the third person that was Draymond that was Draymond oh that’s Draymond got it I don’t have a James James is I kind of know what he’s saying I’d have to work

On that though it’s a little mumbly yeah no I know James hard Daryl Mory is a liar I repeat Daryl Mory is a liar yeah uh James Sam fresh from King’s practice uh I feel like I know the answer to this but maybe you could fill

Us in a little bit I got the idea Mike didn’t talk about anything other than what happened in Golden State or uh with uh the Golden State Warriors coaches yeah it was all it was all of that like uh five minutes basically four or five minutes me and Sean and I think Sam

Asked a question understandable um yeah he he took it hard and uh was pretty emotional and you know like the guy spent an entire year with you know in Golden State and those things are tough you know especially you know he’s got kids uh married with kids and 46 years

Old is 46 absolutely insane he’s a big guy big like 6′ s like a monstrous of a man like big teddy bear guy and Mike Mike took it pretty hard so yeah he’s really close with Steve kirel and probably knew it early early early this morning what was happening because it

Sounded like it was like there was not a whole lot they could do yeah it felt like when the it it went from there was a medical emergency to the game being canceled it was like yo that escalated quick this is isn’t good no this isn’t

Good yeah very very sad very sad um did you guys get the opportunity I’m gonna attempt to transition to like the basketball stuff I just wanted to like there’s there’s not going to be sound from Mike Brown breaking down what happened in the last six minutes last

Night because of what happened um with the Golden State Warriors but did you guys get to talk to anybody was anybody made available for you did anyone talk about what happened last night we spoke to Trey lyes um yeah uh yeah we we were turned down for

Others uh which came as a shock because we had been waiting for like 45 minutes uh at least um but uh yeah I mean Trey was uh like the team is is not super happy with what happened uh they clearly understand that that they uh these last two losses were self-inflicted that’s

What Trey said and I mean that makes a lot of sense like that they’re taking ownership of the losses and saying they’ve got to be better and everything else uh at the same time like look this team has been a work in progress from the beginning of the year and you can

Look at it all kinds of different ways but you know their inability to consistently perform on a nightly basis has been pretty shocking and the last couple of games I thought that they were better as a team and then they fell apart late and so sort of the natural

Progression of a team growing and trying to figure things out that makes sense to me but I’m just surprised it took 40 games to get to this point where we’re finally worrying about how to close out a game and all that because for the bulk of the Season either they blow out teams

Or they get blown out that’s it yeah just a just a weird season so far it is a season weird you know things playing out in a strange fashion I’ve I’ve been speaking all day James about how uh in a in a weird way I think the kings are

Playing playing good basketball esates ain’t good I don’t know but they’re playing solid basketball right now even with the with the two losses that just happened a two and three five game Road Trip um that I was expecting not expecting I was looking for them to go

Three and two at least and you lose the last two games the way you are is it out of pocket is it inconceivable for me to think that they’re playing better basketball there’s little things that they have to take care of and Sh up to

To solidify a win in some of these close games but I think they’re they’re playing I think they’re playing good basketball right now I would agree with you outside of the Philadelphia game where I thought that they weren’t they weren’t good at all they just no- showed

Like they have like you know 10 other times a season outside of that I I think that they are playing better basketball um I I don’t like that you blow 22-point lead I don’t like that you blow a ninepoint lead in the fourth quarter uh or a six-point lead in the final you

Know whatever you know but again like for me it’s always this weird natural progression of a team of learning how to compete learning how to you know be in ball games late and then finally learning how to get over the hump and win games and usually by the time the

Kings do that uh they have no chance of winning more than like 35 games so I I’ve seen this play out a million times but this this year they just kind of skip way ahead of that where it’s just like Hey we’re going to blow out teams

And then like every third game they just get blown out and so there is like this weird disconnect with this season where I would like to tell you that a team can grow from a game where they just flat out nobody shows up or or five people

Four people that are in the rotation just flat out don’t show up but I don’t think there’s a lot you can learn from that like you walk into a game you know against the Houston Rockets early which we thought oh it’s just an anomaly they just something happened right but that’s

Been a continuing theme throughout the year they’ve lost a couple of games to the Pelicans that way the you know the Celtics game like there’s so many games where you just point to and like where were you guys like what would you just didn’t even like TR attempt to like put

Any passion or hard into what’s happening and that’s it that’s the reoccurring theme of this season so to have two loss where you know again against two very good teams and you make it a super close game and you probably should have win but you should have won both of them

That to me is actually progress I I don’t want to see 25 Point losses or 20 point losses or or 14 15 18 point losses there’s just too many of those and like again you walk out of this game here with uh with the Suns you’ve got you got

A whole bunch of tape of hey we have to be better at this this and this and we would have won you walk out of the game with the Bucks like man we hit our free throws they win the game like flat out they if they if Malik monk hits one of

Two or hits them both and or dear and fox hits one then we’re still playing right and and that game goes into a second overtime but those are things where you’re like mental lapses or or coaching moments and then again with the Phoenix thing Phoenix went small and the

Kings didn’t have an answer and the coaching staff called timeouts they tried to work with it they pulled sabonis at a point and and try to work with it but then it just became like herob ball and weird like really random like forcing everything at The Rim getting blocked turning the ball over

Throwing the ball into the front row like it was a meltdown and this team has not done that late in games that I can remember outside of the Charlotte game where they just waited to beat the Charlotte Hornets the whole time and then didn’t and you know you allowed

Terry roier to get get hot late in a game and and you turn the ball over a couple of times and you lose that’s the only other game where I can really think of that was built like this game here and uh again I I I think it’s it’s

Something you can grow from where these other losses I don’t know how you grow from a a game where so many people just like don’t bring in energy don’t don’t bring any intensity do you know what you’re going to get from the Sacramento Kings on a night toight basis like do

You have any idea what we’ll see versus the Pacers tomorrow night no no and and if I were a betting man and I don’t consider prize picks a betting man that’s just for fun but if I were a betting man I wouldn’t touch this team with a 10- foot pole nightly basis not

At all you can’t trust them and that’s a problem so I don’t know if it’s one player you know you make one trade or anything else but also say look at this point I think that plays into what’s happening with sort of the inconsistency it’s been out there for a month month

And a half that the kings are shopping guys like Kevin hder guys like Harrison Barnes uh Davon Mitchell it’s been out there and it doesn’t feel good to be in a locker room where you know that anytime the the phone can ring the the the Toronto game where everyone is

Walking into the night thinking this could be the last time we see like three or four of these players and Pascal SE yakum could be in the king’s locker room a couple of days from now or the next day that doesn’t feel good if you’re a player who’s got a family who’s who’s

Put down Roots who has a a home and a dog and like whatever it might be it’s just really awkward and to have it be such a long prolong situation which the Kings just keep doing yeah I mean this is not new but how many other teams do

You hear in every single trade rumor like three or four three or four okay but then there’s 20 teams out there that are just motoring through the regular season not thinking about the trade deadline Minnesota have you heard their name once no they’re just cruising along like OKC just cruising along we’re

Just gonna go do our thing they don’t have to worry about things like this the Kings have to worry about it all the time and it’s been a constant theme of the last five years or four years of Kings basketball but now I think we’re

Seeing it play out where a lot of these players like they see that they’re being Sho they see the light at the end of the tunnel is it fair sorry Casey is it fair to say it was pretty quiet last year yeah I mean we get through the

Trade deadline they did nothing yeah but I mean it was like I don’t remember I mean Harrison was on an expiring contract and we discussed that situation to death leading into the season about what happens if you’re playing well what happens if you know chemistry is cooking

Like how do you deal with that and ultimately I feel like the this trade season if you will kind of came and went and I don’t feel like it ever really got loud and I think a big reason for that is how they were playing it’s so loud

Right now because of the way that they’re playing and the fact that Mike nearly benched a starting two guard in training camp I don’t think that that helped I see where you’re going and and I agree to a certain extent where it’s just like a constant drum beating in the

Background that there’s something happening right and we go back to last season they were playing so well that anyone who was thinking the kings were going to make a move it wasn’t a earth shattering trading two 17 or8 million doll players to try to get a $35 million

Player it was Mason plumbley it was Mason plumbley or it was matis styel or it was Darius basley there were all of these tertiary players that you might go add to what you’re trying to do and not really change the dynamic of the you know the foundation of your team now

That’s not what we’re talking about you know and I think you’re seeing a guy like Kevin herder find his way through finally he’s finally starting to play better he looks more like the player we saw last year the second he does the Kings look I don’t know they look different

They look like a 50-some win team right away you’re like all right they can go into Milwaukee and realistic they should have beat Milwaukee that’s just that’s just bad free throw shooting it’s inexcusable you got to beat Milwaukee in that situation you go into Phoenix you’re by 22 you should have beat

Phoenix that’s not like a you put it on the fence like well maybe they could have won that game no that’s a game you should have had in the win column and both of those games in the win column you’re 10 games over 500 and you’re cruising now you put yourself in a

Situation where you’re seventh but even that I I this is a the stretch of games coming up will probably Define their season and it’s two games at home and then seven games on the road and then a couple of games after that I the this 10 games right here you

Should be able to win eight of them dangerous game to play but I don’t know dangerous game to play yeah team did lose to the Hornets like two weeks ago yeah and but that’s that’s um that’s one of the things that we didn’t talk about that I think you’re you’re right

Am it does does feel like this team can go one way or the other From This Moment does feel like it’s a bit of a fork in the road moment um I feel like they’re gonna bounce back and like I think they’re going to play well tomorrow uh I think they’re gonna

Over these next 10 games that you talk about I think they’re going to continue to play well the frustrating thing is I don’t know if that always is going to result in the W but I think because of what I’ve seen from them these past five

Games this five game Road Trip I think they’ll play well but it does feel like this is a this is a moment where you can sink or swim if you’re just this king’s team right now yeah and the tough part is that at any time they could make a trade and you

Could lose three or four games because you made a trade and and are you know going through the trade process that’s why they’ve been trying to push like you have these little tiny Windows here even this weekend you know they what do they play tomorrow and then they don’t play

Again till Monday so you got Friday Saturday Sunday off that’s a absolutely perfect time to pull off a trade because then you don’t have to you can get the players in they can have a practice or two get them ready for Monday and Away you go but I don’t there’s nothing

Imminent there’s nothing imminent right now that I’ve heard there’s no you know Earth shattering move that’s that’s happening we heard some Buzz last week I I think it was Thursday I started to hear that maybe there was something cooking uh that someone thought that there was something coming down the

Pipeline but then that quieted down you know I I’ve heard the Jeremy Grant rumor uh you know sort of the murmur that the Kings might shift gears and be in on Jeremy Grant but now he might not be available like there’s just a lot of

Things going on I I don’t believe that I I think Jeremy Grant’s gonna be available because if not like how are you going to move a 30y old with $120 million left on on a when you’re a horrible team um so there’s a lot of question marks there but that doesn’t

Mean that like this is a moment where you probably need to do whatever you’re going to do so the team can actually settle in be who they’re going to be figure out who they’re going to have with them the last 40 plus games of the season and you don’t want this to get

Down to 25 games because you can’t really make an impact on a team in the final 25 games of the year that’s more looking forward to next season and I don’t think anyone’s ready to look forward to next season yet with this club I hate that I can hear the

Announcers now talking about the long layoff the Kings just had and W their first game back they’re just so slow and not executing yeah don’t get me started I’m already preparing myself for that incredible absolutely incredible so you’re are are you you and you and Kenny

Kind of along the same the same Vibe here you’re not super down with what you’ve seen the last couple of games the heartbreaker versus Milwaukee and then the obviously disastrous seven minute stretch last night yeah I think those those are major motivational pieces they are does this team look motivated that’s

The part that I can’t get over though you got guys like dear ain’t out there talking to nobody like no one’s like Trey L is talking that’s what we’re doing I mean like are we are we sure that they’re motivated by this so or are we projecting our own feelings about how

We’d feel well I can’t speak to them not speaking today went back at home in front of the media but they sure look motivated yesterday after blowing that game against Milwaukee I thought so too like they look like they were pissed and ready they sure did for 42 minutes they

Look motivated and then they fell apart they thought they thought they had it in hand and they in this case they let go of the rope in a in a way to collapse like lose a game then it cost them it cost them like they entitled they they

Got they they got caught you know just being being LAX daal yesterday but to answer the original question like they they lost the game in Milwaukee they should have won they looked like they were pissed off and ready to play in that game yesterday for 42 minutes yeah

L I think like to if you look at just the way the the Phoenix game goes Phoenix went small and the Kings didn’t respond and again I think Mike and his staff they tried to work with what was happening they even pulled sabonis out at one point and everyone in Sacramento

Like what are you doing pulling sabonis out and I I thought Fox and monk just made like like mistake after mistake like Fox did not take good shots Malik running into the key and getting blocked again and and and the three turnovers in the fourth like none of that was great

They forgot about Keegan completely he gets one shot drills a three they forget about Kevin hder took they didn’t even play him you probably needed to go back to Kevin herder at some point just because well you can’t because you got to have Harrison Barnes out there because Lord knows Harrison Barnes is

Never yeah and then Harrison had the moving screen I hope someone loves me the way Mike Brown loves Harrison Barnes yeah they’re going small it doesn’t matter we got to keep harison out there you GNA have five guards out there you have four guards in uh in in in sabonis

Out there I I just thought it was strange you know again Trey Lyles is a guy who’s played really well and then even when he doesn’t put up numbers it doesn’t mean he’s not playing well just means he’s not taking a bunch of shots and so I was surprised he didn’t get a

Little bit of a look again in that game they the Sasha VZ zenov stuff was so successful in the first half they barely go back to Sasha in the second half but they let him they had him gave him some burn but they’re not giving him any opportunities and that’s the problem I

Think a lot of times with this team when it gets into crunch time it is dearon fox and Malik monk show and sometimes you forget about the other guys and again with sabonis uh coming out of the game like sabonis did not adjust to a five like five Shooters on the court for

Phoenix he was running back and getting in the in the paint on defense and then four guys would walk up ready to shoot a three and sure he’s there for a rebound but the the Suns just moved the ball around and played four on five on the

Perimeter on the offensive end he kept coming out and trying to set screens at the top of the key like he always does it’s like hey man they don’t have a big man you need to get in the post and start raising your hands and call for

The ball like go push Kevin Durant under the basket and dunk on him like you do everyone else’s side and so there were I I don’t want to like let off dear Fox and who again I thought like his shot selection late in the game

Was you know just not good at all and then the the turnovers from Malik but I think it plays into a larger thing that the offense just went to hell in a hand basket and it was all of their faults it wasn’t one player the one guy I’m going

To say it’s not his fault is Keegan and maybe it is maybe he needed to be yelling give me the ball I’m the you know he had 18 points he’d been hitting his shots so look you can make some mistakes like that and have a game like

That you just can’t have a bunch of games like that and as long as the Kings win from uh like learn from it then I think you know okay this is okay again I think this is the fourth loss this season I can think of like this right

You got the game where clay hits the the shot over Davon um you’ve got these two games here and then you the Hornets game where again the Kings look like they were in control I think they were up four or five with with four minutes left and then just forgot how to play

Basketball for a short stretch and got beat well and that reminds me too I talked about it earlier and and that that’s probably the the fourth time now that this has happened and it’s just frustrating so I talked about a situation last night 134 left to go and kings are up six

And I’m sitting there in the living room and I tell ree is that really what they got to do is make sure there’s no threes like that’s your job make sure there’s no threes suns were spreading them out for some reason sabonis was on Booker and I’m like if Booker Blows By sabonis

And makes a layup that’s fine the twos aren’t going to beat you the suns are gonna have to make some threes for you to beat you don’t allow any threes at that point it’s kind of it’s It’s not like exact signs or exact math but it’s

Almost math 134 to go if they go and make two layups because they blew by you and nobody helped on the perimeter that’s you still got the ball for another 48 seconds of the game like at some point they’re goingon to run out of time and they they just they they had a

Situation where sabonis was guarding Booker and for whatever reason I don’t know if it’s the players I don’t know if it’s the coach’s strategy but Keegan Murray inexplicably leaves Aaron Gordon Eric Gordon goes to double and that starts a whole scramble Gordon hits a three on the perimeter they’re up three

They come down have an offensive possession don’t score sabonis for whatever reason is trying to deny Booker 75 feet away from the basket falls down Booker gets the ball now that’s another scramble drill and Durant hits ER Gordon again for another three all the sudden the game is tied within 30 seconds and

You talk about the Charlotte game that reminded me they were up four with about a minute to go and it’s the same principle the three is going to beat you do not allow any threes what happen they don’t get too close to Scary Terry he step back it’ss a three now it’s a

One-point game now where things Canna have it’s a one possession game same thing happened on Sunday you’re up four Giannis drives to the basket stay home they don’t stay home they leave Brook Lopez wide open hits a three now it’s a onepoint game with 11 seconds to go and

It’s one possession game these are things that they have to be aware of somebody where I’m sure the coaches are I’m not exactly sure the players always are but it keeps happening and they got to be aware of score time and situation yeah the uh the Kevin herder mistake defensive mistake

Where he almost went to double against Milwaukee and left a guy wide open in the corner and it was what are you doing like what is happening why is this happening even there’s a hidden piece to the final play in Milwaukee Giannis came to go get the ball

And and monk flew up and denied him the ball and so he went to Damen Lillard with 5 seconds left having to travel the entire length of the court I’m having Giannis an tumbo in that situation over Damen lard every single step of the way

Go ahead let him take the ball in now you got a guard trying to defend him but the full length of the Court where Damen Lillard the second he gets the ball he can shoot the ball from anywhere on the court and hit MH I mean I don’t know

About you guys but I watched him Two Steps early oh this game’s over boom boom ball leaves his hand that’s pure like there was no question in my mind and that’s a problem so again even if you break down that play Fox overplays to try to cut off Lillard has to race

Back sabonis stays back on on Lopez but all the way at the three-point line doesn’t push up to where Damen Lillard clearly is going to shoot from because you know the guy can shoot from 40 feet anytime just these little tiny mistakes that they make but it comes down to you

Made a tiny mistake in a game where you made a whole bunch of mistakes and there are so many ways that it should not have got to that point you know you hit the three free throws it doesn’t get to that point same with the Suns game there’s a

Play where dearen Fox is yelling at an official on one end for missing a call sabonis runs back and is yelling at another official herder standing over to the side trying to defend Eric Gordon because he’s standing at the three-point line again and someone just runs right

To the basket and dunks while sabonis is yelling at the official and you see herder just walk over to sabonis like what are we doing like what like I can’t leave my guy to stop ball because he’s hitting all the threes and we’re having too much conversation with the officials

So you know again the Kings like I I don’t even remember the officials being a part of that game at all except for maybe dearn Fox got fouled on a three again and he didn’t get the call but outside of that like it wasn’t really about the officials it was it was about

The Kings not staying engaged 100% the entire game mental lapses monk shot at the end Falls Kings win by one what are we talking about today should have could have would cuz how much is different the shot the shot goes in they’re three and two on the trip everything you’ve said James and

Everything you’ve said Casey is still the same but monk shot goes in what are we talking about is that stuff being discussed the learning experience that they they were able to survive feels like it’s a whole lot easier to learn when the shot walls versus when it

Doesn’t well yeah but I mean it’s just two signs of the same coin it’s a learning experience when you lost or The Learning Experience when you won either way you got to learn from that game and I think there are teachable moments in that game it it

Would certainly feel better the the I think I think what would change is we still should be talking about the the things that we’re talkinging the situational stuff that that you can improve on and be better but I don’t think we’re talking about this team just

A’t got it like I don’t think we’re having that conversation are we having that conversation now we did for three two hours we don’t think the team has it yeah like they they Jesse was saying like they well no I I don’t think we’re calling them a playing team I think

We’re saying they’re in the top six yeah I don’t think that’s where we’re at I think right now you’re just you’re watching a team they are very literally a playing team right now just to be clear no I I know but I think right now we’re watching a team that’s just a

Little off and still trying to figure out who they are like they they’re having an identity crisis part of that identity crisis we see like glaring issues the glaring issues that are like Harrison Barnes or or Kevin herder you know both of them having stretches where they just don’t look like themselves at

All but then once you get past that now we’re saying okay the guys who have been backpacking you for the better part of three months they’re making some mistakes and costing you and and that’s tough because it’s you’ve become so reliant on thearon Fox Malik monk Keegan

Murray and deonis sabonis and if they aren’t spoton each and every night you don’t got a shot and now the other guys are starting to wake up a little bit and starting to show some life and it’s like oh maybe maybe they can be a little bit

More of who they were last year but you got to give these other guys who are exhausted from carrying you for since October they’re going to make some mistakes and they’re going to cost you a game here and there and that’s okay because that’s that’s basketball but you

Just don’t want it to be too many of them and and everything else and have it stack up I still think they’re a good team I just think that they’re just a little tiny bit off of who they they they should be and who they think they

Can be and there are so many out outside factors that go into that the argument against that and I think it’s fair I don’t I may not agree but I think it’s a fair argument that has been laid out today by Jesse and and you kind of said

It and others is we’re halfway into the season like they they you can make the argument they just are who they are like they’re gonna I don’t know where it’s going to land them ultimately sixth or seventh or eighth but they’re going to be a team that hovers around seven games

Over 500 I mean if they win Thursday that’s right if they beat the Pacers tomorrow we’re at the exact 41 game marker and they’re on Pace to win 48 games yeah what did they win last year 4 48 games and I think they’re I think I think this team it’s just a different

Path I think you said that earlier it’s a different path to get to 48 than it was last year I think they’ll they’ll end up for Better or For Worse in the same spot they ended up last not three se but like record-wise about the same

Type of record that they had last year it’s just a different path to getting there 48 will probably on Pace right now will probably be good for anywhere from five six or seven yeah a lot of that depends on does Phoenix ever turn turn it on what’s

Really going on with Utah what do the Lakers do over the next month and is this really the Dallas Mavericks that’s the one I’m hung up on the most like is is are the Dallas Mavericks a seven game over 500 team are they a team that’s

Going to keep a 48 49 win Pace because that’s a team I you know we’ll we’ll put them on here in just a few minutes when they play the Lakers but I’m not that’s that’s the one that I’m just not sold on yeah because I think at this point but everyone else

Around the league is saying that about Sacramento sorry I think right now we can we we know that the Lakers are very iffy we know that the although some team out there for some reason is gonna magically give them a star level player for nothing which is like an annual

Event uh could be Dallas there we go I would expect Atlanta is the one like I’ve heard murmur of where it’s like oh what are they gonna do here oh okay well does that make them great or not I I don’t know but it might make them better uh

The Warriors I think you can just kind of put to the side now n not me not me can’t do it yet there yet not yet thought big move they got trade pieces I thought the big trade they were going to try make though was Pasco seak yeah but

You gota but now that that’s off the table like they can and I I don’t know I don’t know who can they get to change their season just let the deadline go and Chris Paul still be there with this 36 million and then then I can write

Them off not because of Chris Paul because I thought that was always the contract they were going to turn in you know just like they did with D’Angelo Russell and Andrew Wiggins like I thought the Chris Paul contract was going to be the next contract they turned into something else when February

9th gets here fine but until then that contract’s still there and it can land any player in the league yeah um I agree but the problem that they have is that they owe $186 million in luxury tax this season well I also think they hate each other I think that’s the true problem

Yes I I I do think collectively that group of individuals hates each other no I don’t disagree with that I would just say like how State Eagles how can they possible land a player because like we did the math last week I if you can shave $6 million off their payroll right

So Harrison Barnes Davon Mitchell for Moses Moody and and Andrew Wiggins all Warriors fans are like oh the Warriors would never do that right that only shaves six million bucks off of their salary it shaves $38 million off their luxury tax and saves them a total of $4

Million uh they would do that they would do that in two seconds and so I don’t see them going out and getting a player that to take on more salary it’s the other way around yeah I got you in my apologies it feels kind of weird talking

About the Warriors right now so yeah go on to some some someone else what about like Phoenix like I’m not sold on Phoenix not either yeah they made me Believers for seven minutes last night though and that that final stretch in the fourth quarter you you see it oh

Look at there’s Kevin in the other the other thing about last night and it’s it’s not a popular opinion like I said one man wolf pack over here but I mean that was The Perfect Storm everything what they hit like eight threes in the fourth quarter they hit eight threes the the Kings

Didn’t score for like five minutes or score a field goal for like five minutes Grayson Allen scored 90 yesterday it felt like it he just hit every three-pointer there ever was to hit I mean yeah man that was that that’s that’s tough man because everything that could go wrong went wrong in that

Scenario you and really with losing by two you needed one thing yeah not to happen that happened and you didn’t get that I told you I I think I told you both this when Keegan got the rebound I was like all right they survived they’re gonna they’re going to survive this he

Got the offensive rebound extended The Possession more time off the clock again you had another opportunity just to get a single basket nope nope could get it yeah uh pretty pretty pretty incredible how Things Fall Apart like that but we also like we talked about me and Kyle

Earlier the other thing is this this isn’t a road map to beat the Kings there’s only one team in the league that has Kevin Durant and if you can run a a roster out there with four Shooters and one of the greatest Shooters of all time and Kevin

Durant you you got something and it still took like I don’t even want to call Dean Fox’s defensive play a poor play like at the end of like it it was a foul without any question but at the same time I thought he played that close to as well as you

Can play it you can’t just give him a wide openen look because he’s gonna hit it because he’s Kevin Durant so yeah I don’t know I think it was I’m more of the perfect storm and I don’t even see a trend it’s a perfect storm against two great teams

Over two days like right now if they do this four more times or three more more times or or they do the exact same thing against Indiana where they just get beat up out of nowhere then yeah we we got a problem but two games against the

Milwaukee Bucks and then the final game of a road trip against a really good Phoenix Suns team that’s tough that sucked last night that sucked I wish they would have won that game that sucked watching a collapse was Kenny with the captain obvious moment of the day not great

Wasn’t good literally ruined everyone’s night like you know how much pressure is on that team it just ruined everyone’s night yeah they had it’s the it’s just the and and and and but isn’t it the perfect microcosm of the the season that game encapsulated Extreme highs and extreme

Lows all in a fourth quarter period That’s the blowout losses the blowout wins it’s the it’s the Klay Thompson one-point loss it’s the the Kings 124 123 win like it it encompassed everything that has been this Sacramento Kings season in four quarters of basketball I even think if

You look at the Atlanta game the how the first half and second half at least this was three quarters in one quarter that because we saw the same thing where they they got clubbed or even you look at the the Detroit game where they give up one

Quarter like what was it 47 in the first quarter they gave up 90 James 300 yeah yeah I think they hit seven or eight threes in the first yo we were Kenny and I were chuckling last night no one was firing off jokes about the nuggets and and 76ers being tied at 78

At halftime oh I remember Kings give oh please oh they’re firing their jokes off but it’s the nuggets and the 76 or 78 78 oh that’s just normal okay all right rough all right well it’s the Pacers tomorrow and I assume it’s a Bruce brownless Pacers and a pascal seakist

Pacers and yeah Tyrese Albert it’s it’s it’s Buddy heel time at the golden one Center baby up buddy gonna get him up buddy heel time at the golden one Center that man gonna do everything he can to go for 40 and get booed the entire time for no

Reason no there there’s reason I guess I guess just randomly says stuff during a when you when when you when you yell for a city to do something to your Anatomy like it’s that’s true that’s true it’s going to be the TJ McConnell game it always is oh we’ve seen that before yeah

We’ve seen that before that’ be frustrating Stephen Brown says Buddy goes for 40 on 40 shots that checks out Yeahs checks outs good kid dad City said buddy heill sighting in Old Sacramento let’s go interview him it be like that sometimes shano shano with DLo and

KY uh well I guess we’ll get ready for it um it’ll certainly be a a a slightly different game obviously it it sucks the Pacers one trip here and Tyrese halberton won’t be here the next time these two play two teams play on February 2nd uh it’s it’s obviously

Going to be a different looking team than what they’re seeing tomorrow we’ll be six days away from the trade dead Dawn it could be a really really different looking team uh by the next time these two teams play uh but it’s a chance for the Sacramento Kings to I

Guess execute some of the lessons that they’ve learned over the last two games either way we’ll be here uh tomorrow morning beginning at 10:00 a.m. with the Insiders

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  1. Remember Mr. Miyagi. Walk on road. Walk right side, safe. Walk left side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later, get squish, just like grape…. that's the kings there a middle of the road team….not good enough to fight for a championship and not bad enough to get first over all draft pick .. that's the kings squish like grape 🍇

  2. When teams pack the paint and shooters all a sudden cant hit a wide open 3. I wish we had a low post scorer that can play a little defense.

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