@Milwaukee Bucks

Bucks’ Griffin after lopsided loss to Cavaliers

Bucks’ Griffin after lopsided loss to Cavaliers

Think we executed when we didn’t execute on the offensive end you know it’s a very very good defensive team and when you play a team like this on the road I thought it was just a lot of you know one pass shot or just breaking off plays

And get in you know we would get in to the paint or um you know we leave our feet looking for fouls or you know just our continuity our the rhythm of our offense was just not existing and that’s what I was talking about before the game is

That you know you come in here you got to execute you know we very rarely that we play uh to the second side very rarely did we look go to our second third option it would just like literally come down shoot or come down one shot pass shot and it’s you’re not

Going to beat a team uh like Cleveland with their defense the way uh they have their defense so you know I just talked to this team after the game about you know we have to learn from this you you have to you can’t continue we can’t

Continue to to uh make these type of uh mental errors when the first especially the start of the game you know the start of the game which is uh again we dug ourselves in the hole and this time we couldn’t get out of it just what e game

In the first quarter they seem to be up prompt of those strugles offensively well it was tough you know tough knife officially um but collectively we you know we got to find uh you know we got to find the energy from from the beginning you know from the jump I just

Thought our offense just put us in such a bind you know we uh we were not able to get floor balance because of our shot selection and then they were racing it you know down uh you know down our throat in in transition you know we didn’t give our our defense opportunity

To set up because you know the quality of our shots you know a lot of them were again out of rhythm and when you take uh those type of Alor Rhythm shots you your your teammates just don’t know what to do right you catch them off guard they

Don’t know if to crash they don’t know if to to Sprint back because it just um you know it catches them off guard as well you know so uh on offensive end we just we’re we’re not we were not connected tonight for whatever reason and and again when you come in here on

The road you have to be um extremely together uh as far as like our paint touches you know a few paint touches you know you got to set great screens you got to roll um you know you got to play to the second side and then um you know

You got to make one more pass and we be and we did that a couple times we got clean looks you know and and some of them fa some of them didn’t but when we you know executed and you know the ball was hopping and we play the way we know

How to play good things happen you know but you know I thought some guys came in in cam came in and played extremely hard played well uh Bobby played hard played well um but you know we just need everyone you know especially you know when we short-handed you got to everyone

You know whoever I put in the game I believe they can help us so um everyone just has to be ready

Milwaukee Bucks head coach Adrian Griffin after the loss to the Cavaliers.


  1. Trade Brook Lopez. We can could get a much younger in shape center who is versatile. Cant take Brook always getting cooked in the paint and can’t get himself a bucket as big as he is.

  2. Yall rely on brook and giannis for defense too much… I'm afraid both of them will be burned out by playoffs if not already

  3. This kind of looks like one of those games that happens right before a few pieces get traded away and they already know it's happening.

  4. Love brook man, still gets blocks. But an extremely overrated defender, if your gonna come at me all I’m gonna say it “watch a game”

  5. Whats with the blowouts this year? Its like games are decided at random. You got contenders losing to bad teams , good players playing godlike basketball one game , then terrible basketball the next. Teams scoring 140 , then next game barely 100. Why is that?

  6. 42 3-pt shots and no ball movement . You have to learn from this coach. Your offensive schemes are the ones that allow for this to happen

  7. this coach is horrible they shouldve got Nick Nurse, this was a horrible hire, Mike B wouldve done better with this team

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