@Los Angeles Clippers

The Los Angeles Clippers Comeback is Real…

The Los Angeles Clippers Comeback is Real…

James Harden I’m sorry Russell Westbrook I’m sorry Kawai Leonard I’m sorry Paul George I’m sorry PJ Tucker I’m sorry everybody else on the squad I’m sorry because I like many many many other NBA fans was too quick to judge you when James Harden went to the Clippers I’mma Be Real I’m an NBA

Fan I live and breathe this game but when I saw how many games they were losing and how they were not clicking right away I’m like man James Harden is watchh what is going on this team is just going downhill and they proved me and the world to be honest with y’all

Wrong James Harden Los Angeles Clippers this video is for you it wasn’t that long ago in which probably the biggest trade of the Season thus far I still think more trades are going to happen just wait for it but at least thus far the biggest trade of the season in which

The LA Clippers acquired 10 time Allstar guard James Harden and a blockbuster trade with of course the Philadelphia 76ers you already know that James Harden just didn’t want to come back to the squad the drama Etc that was the whole offseason Vibe and he just wanted a new

Home and obviously the Clippers were his Preferred Home playing alongside Paul George kawh lonard Russell Westbrook his former teammate and others and that’s exactly what happened Philadelphia obviously when you’re trading a great alltime talent like James Harden although he’s a little bit older now he’s still James Harden right he has

That name they obviously obtained quite a bunch right PJ Tucker Marcus Morris Covington Batum KJ Martin 2028 unprotected first round pick couple second round picks a swap all this type of stuff is obviously what they got but when James Harden went of the Clippers and you saw them lose game lose game

Lose game James Harden is playing Wild go it was a five game stretch where they just were not doing it and they were one of the biggest laughing stocks in the NBA and I’m not going to lie I even as you know somebody who roots for the

Lakers was like yeah the Clippers just don’t got it this season right kind of just brushed them off if you will but as LeBron James recently mentioned what right after actually ironically beating the Clippers you know in a game he obviously commended their coach he commended their

Coach to such an extent in which he said it only took Tyron Lou about five games or so to get it all together and boy did the Clippers get it all together as of this recording the Los Angeles Clippers right now are literally one of the best

Teams in the NBA they’re the fort SE just two games away from the first seed in the west they’re 23 and 13 and this team is just doing nothing but winning games okay obviously they may lose a game or two but they’re getting a bunch of stretches and all their players are

Playing exceptionally well people know their roles and of course the bench obviously the role players are just really really helping the main you know core of this squad really Excel and I got to give props to the main core of this squad because each and every single

One of them are playing well you pair that with a coach like Tyron Lou the Clippers are one of the most dangerous teams in the NBA and I got to admit it I obviously was one of those dudes that said you know that ruled this team out

And they proving me and they proving everybody wrong that’s why I’m making a whole video dedicated on the Clippers dog literally now let’s get started with some of the main players on the squad obviously we know Kawhi Leonard is their biggest superstar literally Kawhi Leonard just signed a three-year

Extension with the Los Angeles Clippers nearing to almost over $150 million this brother about to be getting guaranteed 50 plus million a year in an extension okay and you got to give kin a props I’m going to give him a lot of props because this brother obviously went down with an

Injury not too long ago with the clippers but he’s back back this season and he is literally playing at an All-Star level Kawhi Leonard right now is literally in just what maybe about 30 32 games or so is averaging 24 points a game he’s averaging six rebounds almost

Four assists almost two steals he’s obviously shooting at a very high clip 50% from the field goal percentage from the two 43% which is literally almost a career high from the three he’s doing it all he’s making the big shots and he’s obviously the clear you know vocal point

Of this offense but what makes the Clippers honestly so special bro what makes this team so special is that they have people such that if their main star which is in this case kaai Leonard you know isn’t playing the way he’s supposed to in a game or two they have such great

Role players who literally at one point in time were the a1s of their squad number two you got yourself a solid Paul George who’s literally playing play really well Paul George 33 years old in 34 games he started 34 of them 23 points a game very similar stats to the kaai

Obviously offensively you know six rebounds a game four assists almost two steals obviously shooting a little bit less of a clip from the field goal percentage but you know he’s Paul George right he obviously takes a little bit more shots a game but he is playing well

And he’s a great defensive guard and he can make a shot he can get you a big bucket he can get you a big bucket in the clutch as well so now you got somebody like Paul George and kawh Leonard that’s who obviously the Clippers had with these this this two

Tandem right and then of course they had Russell Westbrook now Russell Westbrook clearly was a starter when the season started but unfortunately he had to go off the bench when James Harden came and he was open to that he was okay with that and that really just shows the type

Of player he is it really shows the type of player he is it wasn’t the first time that he had to go to the bench but he had to go to the bench in a circumstance with the Lakers which was because of his play play okay was because of his play

They said you’re not good enough whatever you got to go to the bench and he embraced that bench roll very very well you got to give him props but with the Clippers he was the starter he was embraced he just found a home in you know with Los Angeles and you got to

Give him respect because even last season he had some big games especially in the playoffs with the Clippers right now as a bench player Russell Westbrook is still getting some solid stats he’s obviously playing a lot less minutes 23 minutes a game but he’s averaging ing 11 points

Six rebounds five assists you can’t beat that you can’t beat that he’s struggling from three but he gives you that huge spark Off the Bench and literally is getting you a near triple double you know if given the opportunity so I got to give respect to Russell Westbrook

He’s also 35 years old he’s proven himself and he is just about the system and and he is bought in and you got to give them respect cuz that’s why they winning and lastly I want to shed some light on James Harden James Harden obviously was the big facility

Who the Clippers if you watch the games they actually trust James Harden a lot in the end James Harden gets the ball a lot in crunch time to make the right play take his three whatever and he’s doing it bro he’s averaging a little bit less points a game than you know prior

Seasons probably actually his lowest points per game average in over 10 Seasons or so but you know what that that’s fine CU you got a Paul George and a Kawhi lonon on your squad he’s averaging almost 18 points a game right so this is his first time under 20 in a

Minute he’s averaging a whopping almost nine assists that’s really solid and he’s still getting you a solid five rebounds shooting 46% from the field goal shooting actually one of his best seasons wow actually as I look at this this is his career high shooting from

The three at 43% he’s never even shot in the 40% range ever in his season in his career I mean right that is wild brother is shooting 43% he’s never even shot close to that the highest he’s gotten after was maybe 39% and that was his

Second or third year with OKC you know what I’m saying 43% just shows to The Testament of how well he is playing it’s not like he’s had a significant drop in three-point attempts he’s pretty much average right now this season yo this team is just clicking dog this team is

Clicking and you know what I don’t watch every single Clipper games but I try to watch the highlights I try to keep up with what they’re doing and there is no way if you’re an NBA fan and all you hear me talk about is the four players on their squad what Russell Westbrook

Paul George kawh Leonard James Harden anyone’s going to hear that and be like yo you a casual you know what I ain’t no casual cuz I’m going put some respect in some other people’s names I’m not going to name the entire roster but look Norman Powell is a 1,000% starter on any

Single given team in the game bro straight up starter anywhere you go okay anywhere you go he’s averaging 13 points a game this season two rebounds a game but I’m telling you you put this dude as a starter another Squad he’s going to average at least 18 20 points a game he

Did that bro with uh Portland right so he is 100% a starting material he did really well in Toronto as well this brother actually won a ring with Kawhi Leonard he hits Big Shots only 30 years old I’m going to put some respect in his name as well PJ Tucker not getting as

Much time as he used to obviously right he’s only averaging one point a game but when it comes down to making a big shot he’s going to hit that big shot but obviously teren man playing really really well he embracing it averaging seven points a game got to give respect

To Terence man and I obviously the big men right so zubac is a little cheat code averaging 13 points a game and 10 rebounds literally a double double he’s just always there the Lakers had him they lost him he’s just consistent he just does the job dog he just always is

There and just gets the rebounds and just that dirty work that you know that helps this whole Squad so zubac if you watch basketball you just see what zubac does it’s like man he does all those tiny things that really really just helped make the squad who they make it

Right Mason plumley’s obviously on their squad they also got Daniel Ty who actually is getting more playing time as well as a bulls fan we had Daniel Tyson sometime and I love the way he plays he can hit that three he can play Down Low when you need him to and that pretty

Much sums up you know a lot of their players right so of course they got bones Highland and a couple other players and we’re not going to get to every single player out there on their squad but I I wanted to highlight some of those like you know big players that

I think those role players that are helping this squad be the that they are obviously obviously obviously Tyron Lou is The Mastermind behind this offense but this Clipper Squad really is there bro they got a big big big future if they can stay healthy I genuinely think

They can make a lot of damage in the playoffs I would pay money bro to go see a Luca donic versus Clippers because they got that rivalry since who knows when and Luca Losa shut that team up so I’d love to watch you know just the back and forth between Luca against the

Clippers uh but nonetheless man the Clippers are a scary team they’re dangerously good and they’re such a team in the sense that they are straight up loaded you take one star player away you can easily replace it with a straightup starter from the bench right a Russell

Westbrook a Powell Etc so I’m proud of this Clippers team they provve me wrong and they’re only playing better and better and they’re only getting more chemistry and more chemistry and we seen people like James Harden play like he’s 27 right now which is crazy to see you

Got to respect it this team got my respect am I going to say I’m rooting for them in the playoffs probably not but do I say are they a legitimate team you better believe they’re more than just a legitimate team they may very well be one of the best teams if not the

Best team in the NBA or at least the Western Conference we’ll see how this season plays out in the comments down below let me know are the Clippers of fluke are they the real deal let me know in the comments down below and I’ll see you on the next video If you haven’t

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#LAClippers #Clippers #nba
James Harden, Russell Westbrook, Kawhi Kawhi Leonard, Paul George, and the Los Angeles Clippers proved a BUNCH of people wrong, including myself. After a rough start, this team has turned it around and has become one of the best teams in the NBA today. Mad props to Clippers head coach Tyronn Lue as well as being the genius behind this massive comeback!

What are your thoughts on LA Clippers comeback this season? Do you think they can win it all?

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