@Sacramento Kings

Kings Collapsed And Lost To the Suns – January 17: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

Kings Collapsed And Lost To the Suns – January 17: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

Hey there they are good morning j h I’m friendos Ramsey got the belt again second day in a row congrats Ramsey it’s big time for our guy we are 1 minute and 15 seconds to the legal Identification people are freaking out that was a tough one yeah definitely a counseling session for a lot of people out there yeah no it’s it was not a uh we got you friends yeah yeah what up what up Michigan what’s up Dr David oh oh oh here we go up

War a will Z in the building wiy 30 seconds hey how are you all right 15 seconds to the legal ID we’re gonna have a fun show guys it’s going to be all right we got this I believe in you I Believe in Us let’s have a great show good enough smart

Enough all right happy Wednesday let’s get to it I know it all right what we’re here’s what we’re not GNA do all right we got to have a real Frank discussion about what the hell happened to the kings in Phoenix last night and that’s going to happen we’re

Going to talk about the collapse we’re going to talk about things they did wrong we’re going to talk about some things they did right we’re not going to hit Panic buttons we’re not going to ask for people to be fired we’re not going to bench anybody

We’re not we’re not doing any of that so if that’s what you’re looking for sorry if you’re not looking for that and you’re wanting a more kind of level-headed discussion that still provides you know a critique of whatever that was in the desert yes uh well also

Still having a little bit of of optimism for the future uh we’re here for you we got you good morning James good morning kle Wednesday it’s Wednesday it’s not your favorite day of the week it’s the most Tuesday Wednesday of all time it does feel weird like it feels like it

Should be later in the week we have a lot of these lately these four day weeks they’re odd Kyle I don’t know what’s happening it’s a dude that’s the radio thing starting Thanksgiving week through uh I mean really Martin Luther King day it is just a four day week okay

This person’s off okay person’s off to make matters worse I’m off next week yeah you’re just bailing on me I’m dude I’m getting out of Dodge yeah you’re just bailing zoom in wait till you find out that I’m leaving the last week of the regular season too oh I know these here’s the

Problem with getting laid off here’s the problem with getting laid off is you’re you’re planning things out assuming that you’re going to have a job yes and so at my last job I had all these PL things like plan out and mapped out where I knew like okay I’m solid to

Do this I’m solid to go here I’m solid to go here and then you get a new job and it makes it look like wow that guy leaves a lot yeah like well sorry and this this vacation coming up it got it got pushed back we were supposed to go

To to Maui but of course there the devastating fires down there uh so we had to move some things around and push some things back and obviously we’re no longer uh gonna go uh visit Maui so we’re doing something else so anyways uh that’s also happening so yeah weird week and

Maybe that’s what’s going on with the Kings right now maybe yeah it’s just a it’s a little strange like look strange stretch man these dips in the season happen they happen all the time and I could make the argument that the Kings have never really had the natural

Progression of a season like what we’ve seen so far from them the disjointed look that we’ve seen from start to finish is something that is an anomaly in NBA circles like you have good teams that that win a bunch of games and then lose every once in a while by lopsided

Margins sure you have bad teams that lose by lopsided margins all the time and can’t figure out but there’s usually a very natural progression the first couple of weeks of the Season you want your team to learn how to compete sure whether they’re good or bad then as they

Progress you want them to learn how to win and and sometimes that’s tough because you can get a bunch of games late in fourth qu quars and and blow a game like what we saw last night in Phoenix and then the next step is that they learn how to win consistency uh

Consistently and they progressed from there right I think in all honesty the Sacramento Kings had just never had any of their steps at all this season they just either thump somebody or they just don’t show up and there was no middle ground one game early in the season I

Can remember where you know they had the good game against uh against Golden State right where they lost on the Klay Thompson buzzer beater right that was a good game we saw the comeback but that even that comeback against golden state was totally bizarre and like had no

Business being put in any sort of shell of like that was a Dr and fox oneman show yeah that was a 20-point lead and you’re trying to get into the play in tournament the the End season tournament like the whole thing felt weird like they they’re trying to not lose by 12

Points to Warriors and they ended up losing the game like the whole thing is weird so for me this week was actually really big you got thumped by Philadelphia 76ers team that clearly was better than you even without Joel embiid without the league MVP they still

Crushed you but then the effort we saw against the Milwaukee Bucks was spectacular the game was great they look like they had it and then of course they blow the nine-point lead right that in that game the veteran team that’s been together forever who’s who’s already established what the those steps are for

Them they’ve already already figured out how to win games how to win close games and they beat you yeah you get to the Phoenix game and realistically I I think it’s part of the same thing a team made adjustment a team got hot a team that’s

A veteran team who has veteran stars and they figured out how to win a game and you barely lost a game so I’m not of the uh this team easily could have been four1 on this trip they finished two and three but I’m not like you know like

Chicken little here the sky is falling at all these in a lot of sense this was a good thing for the Kings to lose these games it may not feel that way at the end of the season if they they miss a play in tournament or or anything else

But they need to learn how to win these games and I don’t think they had had that process yet well they’re now the seven seed yeah so I I I I I I would like you to explain what you mean by it’s a good thing that they lost these

Games because I’m struggling to find like where blowing a Sixpoint overtime time lead and then blowing an 18-point lead with 537 left in a game is like yeah hey this is good no no I I totally get you I get you but like I would look

At like how many times Brock py needs to be in games that matter he needs to be in games that are close in the end and in a lot of sense part of the the problem with Brock P’s development and why people feel the way they do is

Because he’s never had come from behind victories right and it’s because he plays for a team that s on everybody sure and then the three games they lost that were legitimate losses in the middle of the season they they didn’t play well at all right and so those were

Just blowout games and sure he was part of the reason for that but that’s what kind of where I’m at with the Kings like they’ve never had these games a season and every season is different this is clearly not last season Sacramento Kings so we can’t just say hey look this is

Where they finished last year and they should be able to build directly on that well hey you know what they have they’re still six games over 500 whatever it is yeah uh and that’s further ahead when where they were last year on January 15th or January 16th so like their

Progression is there but what they need to do is they need to find ways to win these games and you don’t find ways to win these games without actually being in these types of games the problem for me with last night specifically is this should not have been one of those types

Of games no it shouldn’t and and the problem was the the Suns had multiple times in the first half and then and then earlier in the second half where they’ chip away and get the get it to 10 yeah the Kings would have a response so

Suns respond back they get it to 11 Kings respond back to 19 you get it as high as 22 in the fourth quarter the Suns battle back a little bit but again 18 points with 537 left that’s borderline like okay get a couple of stops and coaches are emptying their

Benches and they they end up smoking that game and that that is where I understand what you’re saying and I and I totally agree like at some point you need to play in these close games you need to learn how to win them it’s the same thing like in the playoffs last

Year went man you know what part of it is just experience you need to to gain that experience and that’s why it’s so hard for any NBA team to just jump into the postseason for the first time and go go win a title yes there’s there’s

Levels to this and their steps like you were talking about earlier last night specifically though I think the Milwaukee game is way more along those lines that is a team that has won a title that has two great players in janisan DMO and Damen Lillard and you

Fall behind late but you get a bucket to send it to overtime and okay you falter it in overtime but you know what that’s really good experience this was just a coll this was just this was fall this was face planning and I I don’t I don’t

I don’t think there’s a a ton of like silver linings for for me anyway in yeah you know what it was close well it shouldn’t have been they they they had Miss jump shots they had turnovers multiple turnovers yep there they were having layups blocked and then on the

Other end they just start giving up buckets and that inability to okay hey walk in get a stop okay here’s our go-to we’re gonna get a bucket here the inability to do that in every big spot last night is really really concerning yeah I get that but I would also tell

You that the way that the Phoenix Suns played the way that they switched their what they were doing where how they went small right so they they used Kevin Durant at the five right and they went super small the Kings didn’t adjust to that and that’s where I think Mike Brown

Talks about like a teaching moment like you can look at that and go okay we just saw why when a team goes small we can have problems and and part of the problem is just like look it doesn’t matter how good Deus sabonis is and we

Do a lot of praising of deonis sabonis on the show because I think he’s underappreciated I think he needs to be put out there more as a star level player even a superstar level player I mean he’s got 11 triple doubles on the season he’s he’s got 23 consecutive

Double doubles but you watch what happened in that game last night he was still trying to run the standard offense at the top of the key when they didn’t have anyone who could defend him in the post so I need him to go full Jackie Moon and go position himself down low

And then throw the ball out and then get the ball back and then throw the ball out and keep working until he’s under the basket and and you know give me the ball again I’m not ready I’m not ready okay back to me back to me like I needed

Him to do that and and then on the defensive end like what we saw from sabonis was unfortunately he ran back into the blocks thinking he was going to have to go up against nkit or go up against a big a big body yeah and all of a sudden

By the time he made an adjustment it was too late they had already released a three-point shot yeah and so that’s something that you know again he needs to work on he needs to figure out but also like look this team has a problem complaining to the

Officials we saw the play last night where uh dear Fox is is screaming at one official on on on the far end as they inbounds the ball they race right down the court deona sabonis you pan forward he’s yelling at the other official underneath the basket because he clearly

Thought he got fouled you got two guys that are yelling at the officials Kevin herder is trying to defend three dudes and then afterwards Kevin herder goes over and says something to domas like you’re like hey man we can’t do that like what are you doing like I can’t

Leave a knockdown shooter in the corner because you’re yelling at an official and so like look I think there’s some growing up this team needs to have happen here and they need to make some adjustments in these key spots but like how many teams out there can go small

With Kevin Durant at the five it’s one because there’s only one zero other ones there’s only one Kevin Durant that you can do that with and you know there are like nuanced issues that have cost them games in the last couple of G uh the last couple of days totally the the one

Of the critiques I’ve had of Deus zonis has been that lack of assertiveness offensively and I know that’s not the type of player he is I totally get he’s going to look for other guys to get their shots and okay maybe he has a good shot but he’s looking for the great shot

I I understand but he is supposed to be this team’s second best player and in the NBA in crunch time your best players need to go get you buckets we have seen him push smaller centers around before he does it all the time we’ve seen him

Have 25 30 35 Point games just moving centers out of the way and going and getting easy baskets you need to demand the ball in that spot dude yeah I don’t care who it’s against I don’t care if it’s Kevin Durant or Draymond Green or whoever it is whatever undersized Center

Is playing you you cannot be a a dominant Center in the league who gets played off the court by small ball and Deon sabonis does that to himself yeah no I’m with you go back your ass into the post call for the damn ball and score get Kevin Durant in foul trouble

So he can’t kill you on the other end yeah do something but setting screens and flipping passes is not is not it that’s not what you want from your second best player in that spot correct yeah yeah anyways plenty more on this coming up we’re gonna get to James six

Quick thoughts sponsored by nobody but it could be you rich. riple if you would like to sponsor six quick thoughts that’s coming up next on ESPN 1320 what’s going on everybodyy um sabonis definitely needs to figure out a way to play against smaller

Players not to brag but uh we got out of the first segment on time for the first time I think in like three months so nice go us H aside from basketball how’s everyone doing today yeah aside from aside from that fedra is such a funny name this a ter this is ridiculous but fedra is really funny what’s up TC yeah and I would say oh not that one that one um ched is very similar in size ktie

And sabon sabonis Domin hey Patrick uh I don’t think it is there’s no comparison between Kevin Durant who is one of the greatest scorers in the history of the NBA and Chad holgren in year one no but but I think offensively domas just moves homr around now Grant Kevin Durant is a

Is a seasoned Defender and a good Defender but yes yeah and I like look I I think Chad is going to be phenomenal but right now like what basketball is not just one side of the court and you can’t like the offensive bleeds to the defensive side when all of a sudden

You’ve got to go out and somehow defend Kevin Durant on the perimeter if you’re demon sabonis or somebody else on the perimeter I think that they got caught up in like a snowball and they they weren’t able to slow the game down in their mind and and figure out even who

Is sabonis supposed to guard when they go small like that because it’s not Durant he’s that’s a disaster waiting to happen so like where do you hide sabonis or do you not hide sabonis you put sabonis on the bench which is what Mike did for about 45 seconds and that didn’t

Go well either so yeah it’s uh like every once in a while you’re going to have one of those situations and look the Kings haven’t had somebody go small like that that I can remember that caused that many problems yeah but like you said the good news is

There’s not that many teams that can go small that effectively yeah I mean small with with five Shooters straight up five Shooters I think Boston can yeah I mean maybe with Horford shooting and I don’t even know poras yeah yeah maybe I mean porzingis is really five anyways

Yeah I mean Durant is more 34 still than he is like 45 um uh all right here we go five seconds uh if you’re hanging out on hold please continue to do so we will get to you shortly I’m Kyle Madson that’s James ham 91699 1320 that’s 91699

1320 if you would like to converse about what the heck happened to the Kings last night against the Suns and Phoenix of Kings with uh 537 left LED 112 to 94 and they lost 119 to7 in regulation it was a little bit ugly but let’s get to James ham six quick

Thoughts how’ yesterday’s Kings game go Kings Insider James has six notes you need to know here are James ham six quick thoughts six of them things James get us started number one uh dearon Fox looked extra motivated to race of bad taste left by the loss of

Milwaukee was probably going to feel the same way 33 points 12 24 shooting uh six makes from long range but uh lots of turnovers in the final frame lots of bad shots in the final frame and his foul with 1.6 seconds remaining brutal man brutal man like you can’t I

Get he’s in an impossible spot there right impossible like Kevin Durant if if of all the players all time if you need a bucket Kevin Durant is one of the like Five Guys you’re going to yes he seven foot he’s gonna get to his spot he’s going to rise up

There are very few people in the NBA who are impacting his shot much less 6′ three dearon Fox like that’s an impos but you can’t foul you can’t let him go to the line and shoot two free throws no I I totally agree and I mean it’s

Basically two games in a row where the final play came down to a defensive error by dearon Fox yeah and the Milwaukee game I’m gonna like carve out a little bit he took a bad angle on on Damien and then didn’t spin around fast enough but there were other plays on

That there are other things that happened like demonis again didn’t shift up yeah to to seal off uh to go defend uh Damen Lillard as soon as he came across the line right and there’s something else that was hidden in that um Yannis Sant dbo tried to call for the

Ball on the inbounds and Malik monk completely jumped it and took away Giannis and I don’t think Giannis could have brought the ball up to court and and done what Damen Lillard could have done he might have dunked it takes him about three steps to get there it it

Does but it would have been I know I know 100% what you’re saying it would have been a lot more difficult so yeah no doubt um yeah but the good news I I’m gonna try and find a little silver lining here because like I said you

Can’t foul on that spot Darren Fox like you said looking a little more like dearn Fox after a rough a rough couple of games offensively yeah yeah he looks like he’s he’s fully back and I think people should be excited about that it’s just you know I think there’s still some

Mental errors and yep fourth quarter Fox he wasn’t there it wasn’t it wasn’t the same as what we’ve seen in the past yep for sure all right number two uh sabonis was a problem he posted his 23rd straight dou double is 11 triple double of the Season 21 points 12 rebounds 11

Assists uh I thought they should have run ball through him more lately uh late in the game um as things were falling apart but again I think he needed to figure out what was happening as well uh so maybe that’s a little bit of a strong

Take by me but at the same time you know he deonas sabonis is a great player he is an all-nba player in a spot like that he needs to demand the basketball if we ran through the all-nba team right now and then maybe give it a fourth team

Let’s go through the top 20 guys in the league I think 19 of them are calling for the ball in that spot and going and getting the ball and making something happen for their team okay so two things about it number one he should have recognized he’s going up against a

Smaller player and got down low uh number two I think everyone in the league knows he’s a horrible file shooter he needs to clean that up before he becomes that guy in that situation because I don’t think I want it because he did miss one of two in the final five

Minutes yeah yeah so and a onepoint game yep um need to hit free throws man say it every 73% as a team is not is not GNA cut it no all right number three k Murray continues to show new wrinkles with the game uh he tried to put KD on a

Poster finished with 18 points four rebounds three assists a block and a steal but Kyle the Kings forgot about him and that’s on him and it’s on the Kings his teammates need to not forget about him that’s not okay because he’s spectacular in a lot of these situations

He had a big three in that game down the stretch they needed at least three or four more opportunities for Keegan yeah and when you talk about like how many times at this trade deadline have we or or as we approach a trade deadline and we talk about it how many

Times have we talked about the need for like another Creator offensively man if they get somebody who go that’s what like last night is where and I think Keegan Murray is a guy that you would love to see hey they are playing small he’s going to be guard by somebody

He can rise and fire over get into the midrange he’s so good there yeah and get to the bucket there there there are ways that Keegan Murray is creating his own shot and has created his own shot that I would like to see them uh go to him in

That in that spot if it’s not going to be demonus sabonis yep number four the Mediterranean diet you want to make this happen so bad this is this is my new Sasha zenov I’m I’m calling him like when you have a game like this he was he

Got cooking in this one yeah uh he moved so well without the ball man uh I you know it’s funny I put up the Mr Deeds the John Toro clip of I’m very very sneaky it’s it’s crazy he just like shows up under the basket like ready to

Catch and and put it in the basket uh he’s still off a little bit on the three but man he was he was fun to watch 14 points six and9 Off the Bench uh he was impactful especially in the first half where he had 12 points every once in a

While there will be I think I’ve compared him to Hunter Pence before oh yeah Hunter Pence really good player with the with the Phillies and the Astros and the Giants and everything he did was unorthodox yes his swing looked funny his throwing motion looked funny the way looked funny his batting stance

Was weird but dude it was so effective yeah and you watch him and you’re going there’s no way this guy can hit bang 420 foot Homer you’re like what the there’s no way this guy hose the guy at third base you’re like what is that’s Sasha to

Me every time he hits the court it’s like oh boy and he just produces just good Hunter Pence looked like stop judging books by their cover you know he always to me he looked like he just jumped off a horse and started running like like bleed like like everything

About him was just so awkward and like what are you doing bro like I’m not quite sure but he man he’s work heck of a player yeah yeah all right uh number five uh Malik monk set the table for uh his teammates early running the offense Perfection uh again early in the game

There some spelling um 13 13 points eight assists uh but he he also finished with t five turnovers and kind of melted down late in the game um forced a lot of things and not a great finish for him at all yeah three turnovers in the fourth

Quarter one of six from the field one of three from three that’s and that’s kind of the give and take with Malik monk right you’re going to have games like that he’s not whatever Malik Monk Is as a player it’s not a consistent hey you’re going to get 18 and six a night

Pencil it in sometimes you’re going to get nights like last night where he really struggles in the fourth quarter and he turns it over a few times but then there’s going to be other nights where he scores 30 and has nine assists and that’s just kind of what you live

With because the highs are high enough that it’s worth a fourth quarter like last night yeah I mean that’s kind of where it’s at yeah uh it’s it’s definitely he’s a mistake player and you got to live with the good you got to live with the bad yeah and and again a

Lot of people want him to play 40 minut night and some nights like in my opinion last night Mike Brown should have gone back to Kevin herder Kevin herder played really well and and late in the game I thought Malik had made a couple of mistakes and you probably needed to go

Back to the guy who had played really well defensively he had just hit a three who has started to come around a little bit and been giving you a different energy a much bigger player and I’m not saying all the time I’m saying in that game yeah sometimes you don’t got it I

Malik you know ran into the middle of the key looking for a foul way too often late in the game and sometimes that happens yeah Kevin herder just three minutes in the fourth quarter last night yeah yeah I don’t we can put a pin in

That and and talk about a little more uh number six finish this up hey well well here’s the pin right here uh the Kings have been waiting for Kevin herder to awake from his Slumber and appears the patience is finally paying off uh he was active man he scored 10 points grab

Three rebounds and picked up two steals um his steal early in the game was crazy where just jumped up and like yeah and just like grabbed the ball interception yeah U but from like eight feet away yeah yeah it was like really I thought he he’s finding his game again and

That’s a good thing for the Sacramento Kings whether it’s for him to be here in Sacramento or if it’s if he’s somewhere else after the deadline whatever it is this is a good thing for the Kings you it is just really apparent even when he’s hitting a couple of shots how much

Different their offense is oh yeah he he wasn’t spectacular last night he went four of nine from the field and two of six from three but it’s like once he knocks a couple down it just really feels like the entire offense starts rolling yeah when you see him come off

The high dho D the entire defense moves towards him and it just changes everything for the team yep yeah really crazy all right anyways that’s six quick thoughts if You’ like to sponsor that rich. riple there it is it’s wide open for you or your business all

Right 91699 1320 that’s 916 9913 two up next we have somebody on hold we’ll get to them we also have your Jiffy Lube fast break player of the game which of course not only now qualifies you to win a $100 Jiffy Loop gift certificate you also might win a king’s

Jersey we’re giving away Kings jerseys and when you enter to win that $100 gift certificate you also entering to win a Sacramento Kings joisy very nice yeah dog we’ll tell you who that player is next we’ll tell you what the code word is right here on the inside or

Sponsored by JY L on ESPN 1320 oh uh okay so I don’t know if anyone seen the most you guys have seen But The Warriors Utah Jazz game tonight has been postponed because uh one of the assistant coaches for The Golden State Warriors had a medical emergency uh a Serbian Outlet Sports Club has reported that Milo Jess uh

Jevic uh suffered a heart attack during their team dinner last night um so I’m not really we don’t know how he’s doing or anything else at this point but uh the game has been the the Warriors are pretty shaken up dang man yeah yeah so the official from the NBA

National Basketball Association game scheduled for tonight between the Golden State Warriors and Utah Jazz has been postponed due to a medical emergency in the Warriors family the date for a reschedule game will be announced at a later time wow yeah ESPN reported early this morning uh just not a great scene you

Know again for them to postpone a game that’s tremendous right like he didn’t have minor swelling and itchiness and always going to be fine no he didn’t have a like a anaphylactic shock or something it’s not like he ate something wrong and and had an allergic reaction

Which again we don’t know for sure that’s reporting out of uh out of Serbia but I’m guessing he’s Serbian who was jokic’s coach I think oh yeah I believe I believe that’s the case okay yeah not good so so the Warriors PR I sent out just just tell you how good the war

PR is his name is not easy to say and in their press release they phonetically spelled it that’s nice yeah uh Dean milovic one it cool I’m gonna get to go to practice today Kyle I’m excited oh nice so are you jetting right after the show yeah okay well they’ve practice is

It I think 1:5 oh so it actually like threw me a bone here oh hey by the way this is chatty house info only oh I’m sure it’ll come up on the show you guys um they we have a meeting tomorrow James and I do with our engineering staff

Jonathan shout out to the homie Jonathan and we are continuing work on a setup where James and I will be in the same room I’m really excited yeah next week we’re gonna have uh James and friends yeah I’m going to uh Kyle won’t be here going to Kawaii

Nice my honeymoon I went to Kawaii yeah you’ve mentioned that many many years ago many moons ago all right five seconds here we go all we back talking about an ugly King’s loss last night BW a 224th quarter lead man that stretch from 537 to 222 was tough so Fox misses a jumper

With 537 left Bradley Beal hits a layup sabonis misses one of his two free throws on the other end that’s what you were talking about earlier Grayson Allen hits a three now it’s a 14-point game Malik monk turnover Kevin Durant dunk 12-point game Dar Fox turnover Kevin

Durant 3 ninepoint G you get the gist and it just they it felt like that entire time it’s like okay they get they get a bucket here it stems away and then they continue to just turn it over there’s a like I said there was a blocked layup in there

From Malik going in looking for a foul yeah it’s tough you know Kyle though I will say this and I’ll keep saying it I know some Kings fans won’t agree with it you might not agree with it I would so prefer to lose a game like

That than to lose a game like you did to Philadelphia because I can look at like fully I can look at the game against Phoenix and I can I can pull guys aside if I’m the coaching staff show them specific things I can figure out the why there have been like 10

Games this season that I Can’t Tell You Why the Kings lost other than they just flat out didn’t show up sure and that’s not okay and so for me like look I I I don’t think there are moral victories as so much as there are games where you can learn

Something and games that are just flushes yeah that you just want to you you want to forget so quickly there’s so much good game footage from this somebody tried something different against the Kings they didn’t adjust to it and they lost yeah the Kings didn’t

React well so how do we figure that one out yeah we sit in a game in a film room and we and then we take it out onto the court and we work through a couple of things that make sense and that’s how you get better the other games you can’t

Get better from that you can’t get better from just not showing up like in my opinion like I like if you can’t walk out of a game saying hey I know why this this and this happened other than oh we didn’t have enough effort we didn’t

Bring energy and effort to the game we didn’t play hard enough yeah well that if if you have too many of those that’s where you get to the point where you need different players sure if they don’t want to play hard enough okay let’s go find some other guys that do

Want to play hard enough yeah this is a game where you got schematically beat by somebody coaching staff didn’t adjust quickly enough the players on the court did not adjust quickly enough you had guys that tried to do things that weren’t part of the scheme that weren’t

Part of the idea the soul of this team sure and when things get chippy and things get like crazy and Wild players usually re regress to who they are deep down and I think that’s what happened you had some guys regress and and really play poorly in a really big situation

And you lost but again teaching moments all over the place let we’ll hear from Mike Brown here in a second he had some really interesting things to say post game we will hear that in a moment but Matt has been hanging out on hold in West Sack very patiently thanks for

Waiting Matt you’re on uh the Insiders on ESPN 1320 what’s up hey thanks guys uh appreciate all you guys are saying I I’m I have a few disagreements with you James I appreciate your perspective you’re a very positive dude and and I’m I’m kind of the same way I’m not a very

A hyperbolic Kings fan that likes to fly off the hinges after every loss but I have to say you know and you you’re talking about learning experiences and and then these are going to be good you know productive losses I guess you could

Say come the end of the year but to me I just see a team that continues to find different ways to lose games um and and I know that you know we can talk about free throws and turnovers and all that but overall I feel like this team has

Lost to their identity you know dearn fox has come into the season he’s a great three-point shooter now we’re all happy with that but he’s not the same player that he’s been that kind of made him amazing last year this team was so efficient they shot I think it was the

Highest percentage in the league or top two or top three or whatever it was and I think that’s because we saw the ball movement you know they they played a lot like the prime warriors did where every you know every player was touching the ball on every possession and we’re not

Seeing that we’re seeing dearn Fox Ram his head into a wall and Malik monk Ram their head into a wall and you know the end of the game was a prime example of that last game you know it was two or three dribbles and and now it’s your

Turn two or three dribbles and now it’s your turn and it’s like when you see Kevin herder starting to come back you see Harrison Barnes having a nice game okay well get those guys back into the game play as a team like you have been

Doing you know that to get you to the playoffs last year and and go from there but I just feel like they’ve lost that plot a little bit they’ve lost their identity and and and I don’t really see them getting it back right now man all

Right thanks Matt that is hey look that is dark hey man I I agree that they have lost their identity their identity last season was just a team that played out of their mind on offense but I would also point out that the Kings had 34 assists last night like it’s not like

They they didn’t move the ball and to be honest with you I think that assist total is low like the Suns whoever is doing stats there for the Suns like I watched Malik monk come out of the first quarter with two assists and I remember like four or five

Huh interesting like him on the in the Twan game with sabonis kept rolling he kept hitting guys in the corner for the open three like there were things where you’re like hang on a sec that’s he had the two uh like dump offs to Sasha for layups which were his assists so they

Weren’t giving him the roll they weren’t getting him the assist on the roll with the bonus I’m like what in the world where’s like what are we doing here um so I don’t think that I think in crunch time yes that that’s that’s that’s exactly it so that’s what what’s funny

Is I jumped into the rundown last night this is on me flag on me I jumped into the rundown last night and just put some really cursory just like hey initial thoughts I had a couple other things to do I didn’t want you to look and sit

Think i’ done anything so I jumped in I just put a couple things and I I wrote like mid third quarter this looks like the Kings because it did yeah it very much looked more like the Kings from last year I also said sorry to Matt

Ishia who just bought the sons and now the Kings own them but that’s again flag on me for for writing that joke prematurely it’s my fault I’ll wear that but no um I didn’t actually write um no it just I I thought like you said that looked like kings basketball last night

Until crunch time until the I I mentioned it earlier until that 537 Mark where the Suns cut it to 14 or to 16 and then to 14 and then to 12 it’s like at that point you need to be able to settle and go okay take a

Time out everybody lock in still up 12 there’s a few minutes left we get a bucket and a stop this game’s over and they just never did and the fact that in crunch time there’s not everything Matt said to me was correct in crunch time

Yeah it is my turn your turn bad shot bad shot getting out of the offense it’s demonus sabonis trying to run the offense and I I just I don’t think they have a plan when games get tight and that’s something I think they need to lock down yeah but I would say last

Season they did they were so good in those situations last year and I do think think that they’ve lost their way when it comes to all of that but like the Kings have not been in this situation hardly at all all season long how much of it how much of it was just

Dearn Fox being individually brilliant in fourth quarters last year though and what he did in fourth quarters last year wasn’t something I thought was particularly sustainable and that’s fine like what he did last year was unbelievable and he’s still a player one of the best crunch time players in the

League but if it’s not going to be hey dearn go help go do this I then I need a different plan than whatever they’re doing right now no I got you but I would also tell you that while dearn Fox led the league in clutch scoring last year

Which is in the last five minutes what what is it five point game fivepoint game in the last five minutes I think that’s right I think he’s probably not even registering on the meter this year because they don’t have any clutch any crunch time minutes there’s just there

There’s just not this team this particular team has not been in that situation at all all season long they just haven’t and so I I think that again like experience can be gained from these situations but you also have to like kind of settle down and be and be part

Of a game like that like you need these games these matter like having this experience it will matter if you make it to the postseason it will matter like going forward and I expect them to get better and I expect them to learn from these things and you can’t keep having

These things again I would much rather this than losing to the Pelicans by 25 or 30 you know to me like there’s no value in that in that game at all yeah and so while I agree that yes they have lost their way uh as far as their

Identity I still think that they’re a good team they’re just trying to figure out like they they they’re not firing on all cylinders according according to the Kings have played the eighth most crunch time clutch minutes this year oh wow but their offensive rating in those clutch minutes is

108.0 that is 19th yeah that’s not great that’s behind Toronto Houston Charlotte Chicago Golden State yeah Brooklyn like that’s they have to be better in those spots yep I that’s just I think that’s I’m going to look up some player stats too or clutch stats here at uh at the

Break but let’s hear from Mike Brown last night you we talked a little bit about this earlier where you went you’d prefer a game like last night versus a game in Philly where Philly they were just kind of outmatched even without Jo be whereas last night you’re up 22 in the fourth

Most teams are chalking that up as a win and you let that one slip away here’s what Mike Brown had to say about it after the game the reality of it is they went small and we couldn’t score we couldn’t score inside KD did a heck of a

Job uh or we took some bad shots I thought we drove in traffic two or three times and instead of playing the way we normally play you drive the ball you touch the pain if help comes play off of two and spray it uh we try to go for the

Foul and shoot over uh two or three guys at The Rim um and then we took some tough threes and they forced us into tough threes uh we had no Pace in the half court to end the game uh we were holding the ball a lot and so uh their

Ability to play KD at the five and still match up with us uh because we couldn’t score uh really slowed us down and we have to figure that out because that’s happened to us in the past so great great uh Learning lesson for us all yeah

I I think when he says for us all I think a lot of that is on the coaching staff like you said this is about to me not just going hey domas next time we’re in that situation go get on the block or hey hey Malik next time we’re in that situation

Uh spray it out when you drive don’t try and shoot like this is going to be I think a concerted like sit down with film here are a dozen plays that need to go differently in X Y and Z Spot yeah it I I think that when you’re thinking

About this season right how many games last year did they go through this exact thing where they’re learning how to do this you know a 48 win team they’re good right but a lot of those games were tight a lot of them were the Kings barely getting over the hump even like

Their projected win total even at the end of the season versus what you would have thought it would have been was like six or seven games over what they should have been it’s because they came up with clutch moments so when you take away like a basically a standard buildup of a

Season where you’re having games like this all the time and you’re not getting to a point where you’re you’re experienced in those games and and we can talk about how this is the same group of players but it’s really not Kevin herder is certainly not the same

Player but also Keegan Murray’s not the same player Daren Fox is averaging four more points per game dam sabonis is his stats across the board are different Malik monk wasn’t playing in the fourth quarter down the stretch of every single game that’s not what happened last year for people who weren’t remembering that

Right there were other players Harrison Barnes Kevin hurder they were playing Major minutes down the stretch Harrison Barnes is not the same player he was last year so you have a change in balance of all of these pieces where guys just aren’t doing the same things

They were and some of his positive and some of it’s negative but that’s what what we talk about like the organic growth of a team this team has grown together differently this season than they did last year and they look totally different to me like again it’s not the

Same offense it’s not the same you know again flying off the dhos all the time the dribble handoffs it’s not it’s not any of that stuff it’s it’s a very different Nuance changes to the offense that makes it look and feel differently and also this team just doesn’t compete

Half the time and so which is wild that was that was the that was the you you said two things there that one and then one other thing you you mentioned Kevin herder I want to get back to but that’s the thing when we talked before the

Season the compete level was never a thing I even questioned would be a problem no you said you could talk about their physicality whether they’re soft or whe whether that was an issue whether they were physical enough but the compete level no right we we sat there

And we said because a lot of the preseason prognostication about the Kings was now they’re going to get hurt they’re going to be 11th in the west because they’re going to get hurt and that’s just what’s going to happen and so we you know in pushing back against

That we would you know kind of lay out okay well hey here’s the opposite way this could go instead of that worst case scenario and so much of it was hey they’re going to be able to stack some wins early on because there are a lot of

Teams where the Clippers or the Nuggets or all these teams that have been to the playoffs and they’re the Lakers another one all these teams that have been to the playoffs and they go to the playoffs it’s like yeah they don’t care about November October November December like

They’re their their season starts in in on Christmas yeah or even February after the deadline sure yeah that’s when and so the kings are going to go out there and they’re going to compete they’re going to try their asses off and they’re going to be able to and they they

Haven’t and that’s that’s shocking to me the other the other thing real quick is you just mentioned Kevin herder which I want to pull the pin out of the Malik monk Kevin herder thing you mentioned earlier that last night if if if you were coaching you would have pulled mik

Monk in the fourth quarter and put Kevin herder in well and I don’t mean at any point in the the fourth quarter I just think that there was a point in that game where Malik had like he turned the ball over he’ missed some shots it like

He had gotten Reckless okay yeah and he’s a player who plays on the edge right we all know that he’s he’s a mistake player and mistake players are great because sometimes they make good mistakes and sometimes they make bad mistakes but the energy and everything else they bring to the court is is

Amazing and so positives far outweigh the negatives yeah yeah yeah especially with him like like the Kings have had mistake players in the past like the Buddy helds of the world again like Francisco Garcia used to throw a ball into the stands every single game like

You just didn’t know when it was going to happen but like people three rows deep knew they were going to get hit if they weren’t paying attention they got the signs like in Baseball games watch out for flying bats and balls exactly so for me when you have a player like Malik

You live with it right you and again you’ll live with a game like this for as good as he’s been you’ll live with him having a bad game in crunch time same with fox like Fox is still a dominant player in the fourth quarter you’ll live with

What’s happening with him in the fourth quarter but it just can’t be all the time and and so for me again I looked at the game that Kevin herder was playing I saw that he had hit a three there in the fourth quarter that you know his confidence is coming back his defensive

Presence was was really high level plus the fact is like Kevin herder is a is a lot bigger than a lot of the players that are running out there that’s true and so getting Kevin herder even like in and around the basket he’s really good in that situation and it’s possible that

You could have got and the rebound situation how do the kings get demolished on the glass I have no idea well that’s again like where is somebody stepping up and saying okay we’re not going to get killed on the glass both teams shoot around 50% one team has 14

More rebounds or 12 more rebounds whatever the in total was yeah so for me like there’s a lot of things that happened here but like you’re a coach you gota you got to sit there and work through what’s happening and it’s really hard when you know if

You pull Malik people are going to blame you for pulling Malik and and Malik might not be happy about it and and but if you’re and then if Kevin herder doesn’t hit a shot people are gonna be like oh come on you know we know what

That guy does and so there’s all this negativity and and like again I I think I I’m not advocating for bad losses because I would have much preferred the Kings one that game and learned from it but at the same time I would take that

Type of loss over the other type of loss yeah I I I think I the the thing for me with Malik and herder specifically one I think herder is a really logical answer for when teams go small against kings that just seems like a a logical fit

Because he six seven and he’s likely going to be bigger than the shooting guard or small forward that is also on the court so okay that that’s there I think Trey ly another answer that that if they want to put the if if another team wants to go small I

Think you can go Trey lyes at the five and I know that okay then you’re pulling domas off the court but um I mean based on last night maybe that’s a preferable option but again we’ll see if that’s something teams can employ because not many teams have Kevin Durant that they

Can just throw at the center well that and like look Deon sabonis is has been incredible all season long yeah you’re waiting for the moment where he figures it out on the Fly he didn’t figure it out on the Fly sometimes that’s going to happen like like not you know again

Think of all the times where we see overreact yes I get it I get it but like think how many times we see deonas sabon is like twirling his finger asking for a replay and then we watch and then we watch replay and it’s like bro you just

Shoved him on the hip and he fell out of bounds like that was that was a foul yeah so I I think in the moment domas gets so hyperfocused and so intense that sometimes he’s not he’s not seeing the force through the trees and so so for me

There are times where you’re just so like so amped up and so in it sure and you just lost a bad game you want nothing more than to come back from the road trip three and two you know what this means you know it’s a team if you

Get that win you now you’re three and0 against the Suns and you win the season series even though you still have two games left against them which is totally bizarre um the Kings still have two more chances to win the season series but but it’s it’s one of those things where I

Think you’re just so amped up and so in it that you can’t calm down for a second and make an adjustment that was crucial and I’m not ever gonna say hey like the best thing to do is to pull demonus savonus he still if if a team goes small

He should be able to be an absolute mismatch problem for the other team I agree he should be able to rebound every single ball he should be able to go scoring the post the entire time because he can bull rush anybody in that situation yeah he didn’t do it right he

Didn’t get in the post and actually do it he kept setting screens out on the perimeter he didn’t get back and go try to defend a three-point shooter because that’s all they had on the court right so there are all these things that kind of lead you to like it was just it’s

It’s a oneoff it’s an anomaly it just because two of them happen in a row doesn’t mean it’s a trend those chose a coincidence those were yes they were two totally different types of losses that you had yeah and you know sure they don’t NE neither one

Of them feel good but you know I I’d much prefer that than losing to the Charlotte Hornets at home that’s a good point you know yeah a couple of clutch time things real quick uh Malik monk actually leading the kings in clutch time scoring this year at 4.2 points uh

He’s seventh in the league dearen Fox at 3.6 he is 15th in the league according to stats player clutch traditional okay whole URL uh Darren fox has not made a three in clutch time this year that’s shocking that’s maybe I’m conflating some with like maybe I’m got a couple

Like where they’re up eight and they need a big shot to kind of put it away that he hits how many games are we talking about though 26 nope that’s his age uh 14 14 games nope that’s his age 14 games yeah at uh he’s about 4.6

Minutes per game of clutch time yeah that’s it’s not a lot of clutch clutch play this year not a lot of opportunities and he’s also he’s not the same player that he was last year in some senses he’s way better and in other senses he’s got some work to do do you

Know who’s leading that just quick aside do you know who’s leading the NBA in clutch time scoring this year I would give you you 10 guesses and I don’t think you’d get it Kyrie Irving no he’s third oh this is a fun game this what

We’re gonna do to the break oh wow we have more Mike Brown sound um best in clutch time it’s not Luka uh Luca it is not he is oh geeez really wow 35th oh well because all of them are going to the other guy yeah uh Tyrese halberton tyres halberton is

Sixth 4.3 Shay gilis Alexander Shay guildas Alexander is oh he’s way down here 30th oh that’s kind of shocking I don’t know if I’m gonna get this Kyle ever he’s only played seven games of clutch time this year oh so it’s someone who’s not on a good team correct oh wow

Well it’s not Marvin Bagley nope it’s not I’m gonna guess captain salary dump over there yeah Captain salary dump that’s weird I don’t know man you got to give me Anthony Simons oh my goodness of the Portland Trailblazers is your leading clutch time scorer this year 5.4 points interesting Mel Bridges is number

Two Kyrie Irving three Dame Lillard four Steph Curry and Tyrese halberton tied for fifth oh man all right so I wasn’t that far off with halberton yeah but Malik Monk’s been good in crunch time man yeah what was what did you say uh SE uh seventh okay yeah 4.2 47.1%

From the field but 27.8% from three yikes all right anyways clutch time scoring him all right yeah it’s a h no I I know and and especially in a spot like last night and it’s not even the I think there’s a huge difference between hey this has been a back and forth game

And now it’s it’s time to buckle up there’s a huge difference between that and we’re up 18 with 5 and a half minutes left oh no it’s a clutch Time game oh yeah no no no three minutes later like that that recovering from that and that’s just something the kings

Are gonna are going to have to like you said there’s kind of growth and their steps and ideally that’s a oneoff yeah ideally they they kind of put teams away going forward and I I I believe they will like you said I think a lot of what

They did last night was correctable yeah but if they get into another spot where it’s close late and team goes small and they have a lot of these same problems now it’s more than just a coincidence yeah and hey Kyle I’m I’m gonna add one last

Thing before we jump into the break like there is something to like half of the roster knowing that the kings are trying to improve the roster and knowing that their time in Sacramento could be short and a little bit of panic on some of these guys yeah so a little bit of

Uncomfortability and uh like don’t forget that at this point because I think this is that moment where they could have taken a huge step forward and they’re just kind of Treading Water yeah yeah yeah tough times all right we will tell you the gy fast break player of the

Game first thing coming out of the break qualify to win a $100 Jiffy Loop gift certificate qualify to win a Kings jersey yep like an actual Jersey not like a t-shirt not a it’s like an actual nice Jersey you qualify to win one of we will tell you how next and the Sacramento

A exact same thought W hey everybody we’ll update you on that next hey I’m going to refill my coffee I’ll be back chatty house oh James going to get coffee tea coffee yeah no you’re good I think it’s a coffee I thought it was tea but that

Was his ifb hanging down ifb is a Zer piece I don’t even know what ifb stands for I just know that that’s what it’s called I could Google it but why would I Google it when someone in the chatty house is GNA know and I will just find out the answer

There shout out to you guys what do we got how we doing uh he’s not but he definitely could have been that was outrageous you know how you know how I can’t stand Zack Collins and I just want to punch Zack Collins in the face no reason I’m sure he’s a nice

Person and I’m sure that he’s his family loves him and he loves his family I’m sure there’s just something about him that just irks me and that’s not to say that I don’t have that kind of face like I’m sure there’s people that just want

To punch me in the mouth and I get it like I totally get it sometimes people just have that face Grayson Allen tops that list I mean and I’m definitely not alone in that Buell gang let’s go I’ve still got five cans of it in my house I just

Ordered a sixpack of the the cans um uh okay that’s great um yeah I love entanglement from voui it’s a GSM it’s my favorite wine um I will uh Mata I’m going to take a photo of that and I will keep it in mind oh there it

Is I’m not even sure if in his own locker room likes I don’t know how many people that’s that’s that is kind of funny I wonder how many NBA fans there are who are just like yeah Grayson Allen NBA fans like that who aren’t also Duke

Fans like just random just like is there a is there a horn fan who doesn’t follow college basketball is just like yeah I rock with Grayson Allen I don’t think there is yeah I’m pretty excited I’ve never been to that Island before I’ve only ever been to Maui

What H I’m out on Emma Stone oh Apollo this is great thank you so much I love I am big wine guy so if anybody um as wine Rex let me know I’m a more of a red wine guy though I prefer like a kind of bigger Bolder red uh not

Big on like like a fruit forward red is fine but it’s not my favorite um give me some give me some heavy tannin though it’s the best Manny stop stop get super mad knock it off uh TBD I don’t know we’re just kind of of like flying

By the seat of our pants a little bit on our trip just like pulling up and uh yeah dog send over food Rex please James if you see me saving a lot of messages because I’m saving food and wine recommendations oh nice we’re coming back we’re coming back second hour here we go

Chrisis averted everybody as we begin hour number two I’m Kyle Madson that’s James ham we’re taking you up to noon before we hand it off to DLo and KC right here on Sacramento sports leader thank you everybody for rocking with us on the radio on the free odysse app on

ESPN 1320 TV ESPN 1320 ESPN 1320 somebody at the break said that Emma Stone is a big Grayson Allen fan because I was positing that there’s probably not anybody who doesn’t like not a Duke fan but also not a fan of a team that like there’s no

Hornet fan who doesn’t follow college basketball who’s just like yeah I love Grayson Allen I don’t think like if he’s on your team I think sure you can like Grayson Allen but outside of that I don’t think there’s a lot of people yeah no doubt it doesn’t help that he really looks like

Ted Cruz yeah I mean depending depending on your political leaning sure well well yeah I mean totally depending on your poit but he does so no doubt no doubt and I definitely don’t think that helps for a certain segment of the population uh but somebody said that Emma Stone is

A big Grayson Allen fan and that was gonna be devastating to your boy yeah because I I rock with Emma Stone I think she’s great yeah I can’t wait to see poor things um but uh my buddy sharp who lives down in Phoenix said uh that Emma

Stone cleared up she was talking to Devon Booker I’m sorry Grayson Allen cleared up that she was talking to Deon Booker not to him yeah I’m sure Grayson’s pretty bummed about that although Grayson may have a perfectly dude the game’s the game like you got to know if you’re standing next to Devin

Booker you and you’re Grayson Allen you got to know there’s a there’s a level of awareness she’s not talking to you yeah she’s talking to me it’s like no when we’re when we’re smoing with people at something people are and I’m St like people are talking to James not Kyle

You’re the guy who knows everybody like I get fist bumps from the ushers but only once they see like I’m with you basically the same thing those are my people it’s basically the same thing Jiffy L fast break player of the game from last night H not a fun one guys

Sorry it’s gonna be Fox is gonna be your code word just Fox oh yeah that’s what I went with and Kevin herder was already there I thought you might have gone KD well I did see I we I don’t like doing a a player from an opposing team and I

Know the Kings had a big collapse last night but I mean Darren Fox looked a little more like himself he wasn’t great in the fourth quarter I get it like okay fine that’s over but it’s Fox so you go to ESPN go to the contest page it’s

Front and center you can’t miss it the fast break player of the game click on that enter the code word fox fox for your chance to win a $100 JY Loop gift certificate and a Kings jersey that’s a Sacramento Kings jersey by the way not an LA Kings jersey oh okay not a

Stockton Kings jersey it’s an anre Kopitar Jersey coming your way we didn’t get you a Jeremy Lamb Stockton Kings jersey I would wear that so so fast or uh shabaz Muhammad who they just traded for shabaz M yeah like Bazi is on the Stockton Kings now the Stockton kings

Are I’m not quite sure what’s going on there Kyle they’re they’re going all like middle-aged men like I I thought that I don’t think you understand the love I have for shabbaz Muhammad okay he is one of my favorite NBA players of all time all right because my man averaged

Like 04 assists per game he doesn’t he is a black hole on offense and I love that for him yeah he’s uh slightly better on the assist than the late great yank kadare who right we yes we’ve talked about this before the worst assist man of all time yes yeah so uh

Like at this point like they’re starting all like guys that are between 28 and 32 so like Jeremy Lamb you got scaler down there you got Deontay Burton um you just keep stacking up these guys who are are you know again I’m not quite sure it’s no longer called the D-League the

Developmental League it’s now the G League which I don’t know what the G stands for outside raade yeah I literally think that’s what it is no I think so too but uh but outside of it being the Gatorade Gatorade League it’s supposed to be like a developmental

League and the Kings don’t even have a roster spot to bring some of these guys up although we are coming to the end of the 10day contract for JTA I’m not sure what’s happening there that’s a good question maybe I should get on that maybe I should be the reporter we should

Yeah hey if you want hey James for the latest on that go to the Kings and subscribe there we go there we go uh yeah no no it’s not you know I panicked this morning when choosing you know I I have to get to no I did and and enbo

Makes a great point in the chat like dear Fox is not a great pick for last night’s game and I you know what I’m with I’m with you that’s not our that’s not I’m not even gonna say our best work because I did not consult you that’s my

Fault not my best work I saw Megan from our promotions manager director I forget her exact title but the person who runs promotions here yeah it’s a large title she does a great job do and so I don’t want to let her down and so I see her in

The mornings when I when I leave a 98 Rock Studio and I was like oh ah Fox oh just kind of I just panicked because I didn’t want to be like yeah I’ll get back to you and then forget about it yeah yeah no so bad work by me enbo

Thank you for holding me accountable all right I failed either way go to ESPN click the giant logo that says Jeffy Lube yep put your uh put Fox in there and you’ll get put in a drawing to uh not only get a $100 gift certificate but a Sacramento Kings jersey will be

Given away one a month for the next four months yeah so get those entries in get them in on early and often we do this after every single Kings game and I promise after their next game I’ll have a better pick for player of the game yeah I’ll consult you next time okay

Yeah or at least uh at least Jackie over there I mean at least she would have like yeah Jackie wasn’t here yet she would like like straightened you out like oh I don’t know Kyle she’s I think she’s she’s at 100% guessing who the player of the game is going to be

Yeah yeah she’s very very good at that um in fact you know what maybe I’ll just start bequeathing that honor unto her okay like hey you pick you tell us who it is shout out to promotion staff they do they do an awesome job that’s right um Mike Brown mentioned um actually you

Know what we’re gonna put a pin in the Mike Brown sound the Sacramento A’s Kyle this is a thing that has been hitting the news that the a is because if you’re unfamiliar the Oakland Athletics are moving to Las Vegas shovels aren’t in the ground yet in Las Vegas so it’s not

Like official official but eyes have been dotted te’s have been crossed they’re just kind of waiting to to put the thing in the mail right they have no pictures they have no financing but it’s all it’s all other than that sign deliv like ready to go right yeah yeah yeah

But they can’t play their lease Runs Out in Oakland after this season in 2024 and the new building that is nowhere near being built correct uh it won’t be done until 2028 so they’re going to be homeless homeless yes so there’s word that the A’s in the city of

Oakland aren’t that that relationship is not super amicable at the moment no it’s over amicable so it doesn’t sound like the Coliseum is going to be an option so they’ve talked about hey maybe they play some games at Oracle Park yeah play where the Giants play maybe they go and

Play at the Minor League Stadium in Las Vegas now it’s being floated that hey maybe they come up here and they play at uh the rivercats park Suter health cter health field Suter health field um that’s now in the news so here’s what Casey Pratt from ABC7 out in the Bay

Area he’s been covering the A’s relocation Saga for years now here’s what he had to say about a possible A’s move to sack you really think for even a second that these same Kings fans in Sacramento these same people in Sacramento many of whom are also A’s

Fans are going to Grant amnesty to John Fisher’s Oakland A’s help him out throw him a bone keep him going so he can kick the can down the road in Las Vegas Before Time runs out I don’t think so this is going to be an extremely unpopular idea for Sacramento residents

You’re already seeing it all over social media many of the biggest players in Sacramento media already saying it makes no sense why after everything the Kings went through after everything Sacramento people went through after everything many of them also a fans went through would they help make sure that John

Fiser can keep the A’s rather than force him to sell the team doesn’t add up I don’t see it happening James your thoughts yeah see I love Casey Pratt and he’s been all over but as someone who covered relocation here in Sacramento uh sometimes you get too close to the flame

And you’re in it so deep that you can’t understand why someone would do something number one I found it very interesting that V ronad bought the rivercats I had no idea why he would possibly buy the rivercats last season we saw John fiser sitting Courtside next to VC ronad they’re friends they know

Each other now why would Sacramento do this because vron D has tried to buy other sports franchises all over he talked about a hockey team he’s he’s been he’s tried to buy a couple of different European soccer teams he’s figured out that when you buy a franchise for a $535 million valuation

And 10 years later it’s worth three billion you probably made a wise investment so if I’m VC I can see a window where V VC might be able to talk himself into bringing the A’s to Sacramento for three seasons letting him play there showing Major League Baseball that SA ACO is a

Baseball Town potentially asking for a expansion team in Sacramento and trying to build the base that way I could see that happening um do I think that VC is gonna worry about the appearance I don’t because you know what each of these situations is they’re they’re very

Separate and I would much as an A’s fan as a lifetime a fan I would much rather see the A’s in sacrament California than Las Vegas and if they go to Las Vegas I’m done with baseball but if there was baseball back in Sacramento I would consider it and they could build

A beautiful waterfront park right there they’d have to or expand the stadium which would be very difficult but it’s possible and I thought it was strange when V bought the the team but it makes a lot more sense right now yeah yeah and to baseball in Sacramento shout out to

The rivercats you Major League Baseball yeah in Sacramento and what’s the worst case they move the aviators to Sacramento and if you if you break the ties with the Giants and where their affiliate is now with the rivercats and then you get the A’s affiliate back in Sacramento you might have something yeah

Definitely sell the team dude exactly Pascal sakam on the Move we’ll tell you where next you’re listening to the Insiders with James ham and Kyle Madson sponsored by Jiffy loop on ESPN 1320 and 98.5 HD2 Sacramento sports leader oh thank you no there we go yeah you’re all welcome for getting the outro

There yeah hey look I don’t like it I’m telling you that I think that that’s where I that V is Like there’s there’s a big issue with the television contract as well yeah if they leave the Bay Area then NBC doesn’t have to honor their $35 million a year um contract and again I don’t know why NBC wouldn’t be trying to get out of that contract already if they move to

Sacramento um NBC could renegotiate but uh the the would not it would still be a breach of contract and so there’s a possibility that they could renegotiate a much lower fee for the three-year window with the potential of like again proving that you’re a baseball Town

Proving that you can you can support it and uh that you’re the next one of the next relocation places especially with the A’s gone in Oakland so and I would like it to be the Zach o I think that that makes more sense I yeah oh here we go um yeah I would

Definitely hate that way less like I would still hate that they left Oakland but it would be with a lot less vitriol than yeah now baseball is my first love like same oh no uh the Warriors assistant just passed way from someone in the chat um

Oh God damn man I don’t know the word I’m not seeing that yeah so wait on that 90 seconds oh got it yeah we’ll uh we’ll wait yeah we’re gonna wait for that we’ll definitely keep an eye out so thanks for letting us know all right 10 seconds here we go

Thank you for that taking you right up to noon I’m Kyle he James noon we will give away to to DLo and KC I believe DLo will be in here hanging out with us for the handoff coming up in about 30 minutes so stay locked in for that um Pascal cakam it

Came down yesterday via the athletic via sham CH of the athletic that the Pacers and the Raptors are I not closing in on but have discussed a deal involving Bruce Brown salary filler and three first round picks going from Indiana to Toronto in exchange for Pascal sakam who is due to

Be an unrestricted free agent this off season we’ve already heard reporting that Pascal sakam isn’t gonna sign anywhere he’s not excuse me let me rewind he’s not going to commit to signing anywhere he could land with the Los Angeles Lakers or the Boston Celtics or the New York Knicks or

Whatever team he is not going to commit to signing long-term to that team he’s going to test free agency it’s it’s breaking right now he is they are finalizing a trade to uh send Pascal sakam uh Bruce Brown Jordan noara and three first round picks to Toronto as we

Speak so it’s it’s just Bruce Brown noira and three picks yes that salary Works um I don’t know how the salary Works uh I haven’t looked but that’s that’s as of right now that’s WJ and shams uh Dueling Banjos uh actually w beat Shams by 13 seconds wow

Congratulations to to wge on on that one so uh real quick that for now is our breaking news Downer so Pascal sakam is headed to the Toronto Raptors I think we fall a little bit on different sides here yeah I love this for the Pacers well I I think it’s a good trade

For the Pacers for sure but if if you can get the deal done if you can bring him back sure uh Indiana is sending two 2024 first rounders and a 2026 to the rappers Raptors U so again something the Kings couldn’t could not offer at all uh

They had an extra 2024 and it’s kind of a funky pick it’s the worst of like three different teams picks I looked at it last night and then their own pick um yeah no no I don’t mind this trade for them but it’s just a high-risk no doubt

Situation because you’re giving up two first round picks this year and then in 2026 I don’t love this year’s draft but it’s still an NBA draft and there could be players there’s always players in every draft but uh yeah I mean like good players I mean you know but this is one

Of those trades where you’re putting it all out there I really like Bruce Brown as well no doubt and for me like talk about you lose you lose OG an anobi and you’re Place him with two players but now this is sort of an OG an anobi type

Player who’s not nearly as good yeah kind of offbrand yeah yeah but but still a really solid solid player so so I Pascal sakam is a is a good Defender and that has been Indiana’s problem all year they are the they’re number one in the league in offensive rating at

122.1mi 2.1 net rating which is 11th in the league desite leading the league an offensive rating and the reason I love this for for the Pacers is like you said it is high- risk and the odds that he signs with Indiana long term probably not great okay just from a

City standpoint but again you don’t know until he hits free agency you see what other offers are out there Indiana can sign him to the most money and I think that will certainly play a role I haven’t looked I don’t know how many teams are going to have cap space to go

Sign him to a a huge deal there’s a handful of teams but again it’s got to be the right team who’s willing to put that money into a 30-year-old guy I mean the reports this morning is that Toronto had informed Pascal cakam that regardless they would not be offering

Him the super max which is something again I think that the Kings probably said as well yeah like we would love to have you but we’re not giving you the max right not guaranteeing that yeah the max I mean five years at 250 that’s a

Lot it’s tying up a lot in one player especially in year five when you’re paying him like close to 60 million bucks a year yeah that’s a lot of money and so I don’t blame the Kings for Bowing out of this because the risk reward for them just wasn’t there

Totally now I I’d also point out that the Pacers are in a much different position when it comes to salary they they’ve got you know Miles Turner under contract for a good amount of CH a good chunk of change Tyrese halberton his his extension I believe kicks in next year m

So he’ll make like 28 million bucks yeah but they don’t have that other guy who’s making an extreme amount of money yeah and what I told you Kyle is I look at this for them it’s their sabonis deal it is it’s it’s the deal that they’re making to go get a player like

Sabonis that can be the second best player on their team next to Tyrese halberton yeah and for that it makes sense for them with the Kings it’s just so hard to do that with when you’re talking about another 40 50 $60 million salary because 3 years from now four

Years from now you’re totally cooked you’re the Warriors who are paying 186 million bucks in luxury tax and and SE yakum I don’t think was going to be the piece that put them over the hump to win a title this year no which is which is

What maybe makes that worth it but yeah you can’t take that risk for this year thinking that it’s gonna make you a title uh Contender at all I mean that’s really tough you you had a stat that I thought was was really incredible from the ringer yeah yeah Z cram of the

Ringer wrote this piece today it’s it’s uh he’s going through and he’s talking about the Deonte Murray specifically was who he was talking about but he laid this out only four championship teams this Century have added a player via inseason trade who went on to average at

Least 20 minutes per playoff game it was the Bucks in 2021 with PJ Tucker the Raptors with Mark Gasol in 2019 the Spurs with nazer Muhammad in 2005 and the Pistons with Rasheed Wallace in 2004 it’s the only four times that a team has made an inseason trade won a title and

Had the player they acquired play 20 minutes a game in the playoffs it just doesn’t happen that often so I I think that I don’t I don’t think the Kings looked at that specifically but I think if you’re the kings that highlights why you’re not going to go jeopardize your

Future potentially for a player who you’ve said it before and I I I agree with you if I’m betting over under half an All-Star game for Pascal chakum the rest of his career I’m taking the under yeah oh no I’m taking the under on that that’s 50 million bucks for a guy who’s

Not going to be an All-Star well that and and Kyle what I’ve told you too I would rather Kyle kosma who is a much right who isn’t as good a player but it’s not that far off he’s not that he’s not a horrible player and he’s not but

He’s the same type sort of like in the same ballpark sure and especially for the next five years yeah at like as far as salary at a 60% discount on what you’re gonna have to pay for him yeah it’s Kyle kma plus the players you get

To either sign or keep because of his salary versus Pascal SE yakum minus the players that you’ll have to not sign or lose because of his salary yeah it’s in year three of that deal Kyle kusma is down to $19.5 million crazy affordable and seak is up to $53 million and you’re

Like oh wait what have we done yeah that $24 million can go to a lot of different assets yeah I mean but if you’re Indiana I love this like push it push your chips in you are going toe-to-toe with Milwaukee every time you play him you’ve gone toe-to-toe with Boston if you think

Pascal cakam is gonna get your defense at the middle of the league and keep you at a 122 offensive rating make a run why not no I get it I’m I’m I’m here for it I’d even say like the one downfall for them man the the East is a lot more

Difficult to get to the top than West yeah no doubt that’s true like I mean the Kings might be a major piece away from competing with the Denver Nuggets MH the Pacers are not one piece away from contending with the bucks or the Celtics or the 76ers they’re just not I

Think they’re like three in one against bucks this year yeah I mean anyways I love it I mean here for teams being aggressive and trying to win championships that’s right so anyways Pascal sakam is going to the Pacers that that was literally during the break it

Broke I didn’t see that it broke as you were talking it was like 32 seconds ago I’m looking like uh it just happened what was what was so funny is I teased going to the break like Pascal seaka on the Move we’ll tell you where next and

At the break I’m going that was stupid he’s not actually on the Move then he’s on the like literally as he moves I I spoke it into existence I have a million dollars in my bank account yesh I’m just looking that there are more reports now that it’s it’s possible that the um

Warriors assistant has passed away so um yeah it’s just absolutely absolutely tragic man um all right well we’ll hopefully um hopefully that’s wrong but yeah already kill the mood going to the break but multiple reports coming out now yes that uh I want to make sure I’m

Pronouncing his name right here that uh dehon Milo uh me milovic milovich milovich has has passed away those reports coming out now as a Warriors assistant the Warriors Jazz game tonight has been postponed um after he suffered a heart attack at a team dinner last night um we will have any

Confirmed updates on that we will uh bring them to you here on ESPN 1320 um and now we need to break there’s no real transitioning out of that so um we will will be right back yeah started to be a downer there at the end of the segment

Um Euro hoops. net is now reporting it jeez yeah 46 years old damn man yeah yeah Euro Hoops has confirmed it um it’s yeah it’s tough tough that half the NBA is is you know like enthralled with a trade and while that’s happening something else tragic is happening yeah ug what

Woun w yeah W yeah sorry I got a text at the same time I just got confirmation uh Pascal seum is excited about the deal to the Pacers and expected to be eager to work out a new contract with the franchise this summer what hm well again it always comes down to

That right there yeah yeah so the they postponed the game tonight the Warriors play Friday but then they don’t play again until next Wednesday damn I’m intrigued to read up on some of this stuff I’m not sure uh um if if the kings are even mentioned in the writeups all right 10 seconds all right final segment here at noon we will hand it over to DLo and KC um mentioned it right before the

Break but then during the break a confirmation came down that Warriors assistant coach dehon milovich has passed away he suffered a heart attack last night at a team dinner he was hospitalized he was operated on but he he uh has passed um so our thoughts um are with with his family and

Uh with the Warriors organization their game against the jazz tonight has been postponed they were in Utah it’s unclear about Friday’s game against Dallas uh and whether that will go on as scheduled I’m sure there’ll be some news coming out from the NBA about that over the next over the next few

Hours in the next couple of days but uh yeah thoughts uh prayers are are with his family and with the and with the Warriors and anybody who is impacted by that that’s a tragic tragic loss yeah sad day um yeah no other way to to put it it’s tough because when

You’re you’re part of a basketball franchise like this like it become such a family you spend so much more time with the team uh than you do with your own family during the season and uh so it’s just uh just really really tough to see something like this happen you know

And especially for the family uh you know yeah um absolutely tragic yeah so all right um awkward transition yeah two man um all right so Pascal cakam is headed to the Pacers Bruce Brown and who’s the other player going with them uh Noir um I believe and there there’s

Rumors of a second team I mean of a potential third team the first round picks involved are uh two 2024’s which are of course the Pacers own as well as they have another pick that is the worst of the Utah Jazz Houston Rockets Los Angeles Clippers and Oklahoma City

Thunder so not a super valuable pick actually neither of those picks are super valuable uh it looks like you’re getting to two 20s picks um around that and then a 2026 first round pick in the deal so go ahead well I was just saying like uh if

He wants to sign there that’s fine it actually makes a a very very good deal for them if he signs um and he can be their centerpiece alongside tyres halberton for the next five years that all makes sense uh I I actually I like this deal for Indiana I

Like a lot more than I like it for Sacramento again SE yakum the player is one thing SE yakum the contract demand is a whole another thing and the kings are not in a place where they can go out and get and pay a another player like that who’s not like a guaranteed

Difference making all NBA type player if you’re GNA pay Max money for a guy and you’re going to add another Max money contract to what you already have that player has to put you way over the hump totally Indiana is not in that same exact situation we always talk about how

Every every team is a different is in a different situation when they’re looking to make a trade they all have different motivations and all that stuff like look I I think this is a good play for for Indiana and they have a great coach and Rick Carlile and they can build around

Uh halberton and some of their young talent and they didn’t give up a bunch of young Talent that’s it that’s just it yeah although I do think they did take a step back this year I believe that you know like they because like switching out Bruce brown

Right now for SE yakum they may not have the continuity pushing forward it may take a little while to get seum up to speed and what they’re doing there because it’s just totally different style of basketball it’s putting a lot of it’s putting a lot of faith in Tyrese

Alberton right in hey yeah you’re the point guard you’re a great distributor you facilitate and get everybody involved so this is on you to get this guy acclimated into this high octane offense yeah yeah well that and and Kyle I think it should be noted that if

You’re Pascal seak and you’re looking at the two situations number one I’d much rather live in Sacramento um than Indiana that’s just my own personal sure but if you’re SE yakum and you’re looking at the opportunity and you get to number one play with the the best assist man in the

Game but on top of that you also get to be like either their number one or number two scoring option yeah that’s a pretty good situation for you and it’s better than the situation you’re going to get in Sacramento where you’re going to be competing for that with deonis

Sabonis and eventually with Keegan Murray yeah and so like the Kings just are built different than than Indiana yep and so to me as a player I think it’s not like a a slight on Sacramento the opportunity is is probably better yeah it’s tough to it’s tough to sit here and go yeah

Know the Kings after the the way they lost last night yeah and going like ah Pascal seak definitely would have helped and I’m not I’m not blowing it off and no no I know that I know that it’s just funny ju’s deposing that against the conversation we were having earlier

About the loss last night yeah yeah yeah I I I fully understand and and I get what uh why why he fits and and everything else in Sacramento you know advocate of Pascal seak in Sacramento but the contract situation was always going to be rough and sure sure and what you have

To give up and if you can’t guarantee that he’s signing back that’s tough and if you’re guaranteeing he’s signing back but it’s you know 250 that’s a lot so yeah I think it’s interesting yeah I thought for sure that a guy like Benedict Maan or Aaron dehart or

Somebody like that was gonna go in that deal and yeah they have to retain all their dudes and yeah that’s that’s kind of a although like again Bruce Brown has been a Difference Maker for them yeah straight up for sure for sure uh he’s

Still only how old is he 27 28 yeah 20 yeah almost oh yeah that’s right he me and him share a birthday oh August 15th you and Bruce we’re we’re de malos he’s six years younger than I am that’s fine uh but yeah no he’s a he’s a he’s a good

Player for sure and he’s not just a super easy guy to to immediately replace uh but on the other hand you like some of the talent that that Indiana has it opens the door for I think some of their guys to to see increased roles and certainly Pascal SE yakum and you know

What maybe he helps them enough defensively that they become more of a threat in the East instead of you know a first or second round exit you certainly just opened a window for yourself over the next couple of years ideally yeah um hey Nick Wagner wrote a piece in ESPN I

Want to shift gears to football just real quick a lot of good injury news for the 49ers yesterday Drake Greenlaw Logan Ryan and Cleland furl were the only players out of practice Greenlaw and Ryan are both expected to return to practice today um Christian mcaffry was

A full go George KD Trent Williams was out but he was rest in good injury news all around for the 49ers Nick Wagner in ESPN wrote a piece about Brock pie and just kind of how he’s gotten to this point and the uh the adversity he’s faced and you know some

Of the mental hurdles he’s had to get over and this and that one of the anecdotes that pretty shares in this story is that during this past offseason Shanahan sat him down and said hey you’re the starter in 20 23 once you’re once you are healthy it’s not Tre Lance

It’s not Sam darnold it’s you MH unless asteris asteris Asis Tom Brady wants to give it a go and I I know it’s been speculated on and I know it’s been every time Tom Brady was even mildly available it’s was like well he grew up in the Bay Area he

Was at the catch game in January of 82 he was there Tom Brady big Niner fan here’s this photo of him in in a Niner jacket yeah no we know um it’s just wild that they they that they would consider like that like that was it not Sam Dar not Trey

Lance the former number three overall pick they don’t get to compete but if Tom Brady wants to come here 46y old Tom Brady by the way wow and like hella 46 like turn 46 in August yeah not yeah not a single 46 yeah know unattached 46y

Old it’s a good point no but I so at first I was like this is crazy why would they do that he was clearly like not the same player with the bucks but then you go look at his season last year with the Buccaneers and he was still really good

The season before that he was MVP and get robbed he was incredible he was spectacular he had more I tweeted this last night Tom Brady had more passing yards between the ages of 35 and 40 36 and 45 so in the 10 years between 36 and

45 than Joe flacko had in his entire career that’s wild insane totally insane so my question was I’m not I I I think Brock P’s good but I’m I temper my my enthusiasm a little bit of him like in a vacuum as just like an individually great Patrick Mahomes Lamar Jackson

Level play I don’t think he’s there um but I also wonder if the 49ers would have been better if Tom Brady was our quarterback oh and it sounds insane because like of course he’s the goat but also he’s 46 yeah behind a not great offensive line in an offense that doesn’t have an

Awesome like drop back passing game I I think he would have just brought like suitcas his his guards and brought him with him like Hey I’m still GNA play who wants to join me in San Francisco and a bunch of guys like okay yeah I’m in yeah let’s get the band back

Together it’s a good point yeah I just man at first because at first I was like no way 46y old Tom Brady not a chance no way that they’re better maybe they’re about the same yeah but then I got I did I did a small bit of digging and I think

They would have been better if Brady wanted to give it a go with them yeah interesting I’m in like like like the idea of that like at the beginning of this season like sure this is the last time we’re ever going to talk about this

By the way yeah it should be Tom Brady to the 49ers was such a Sports Talk Radio thing for a couple years yeah and you know at the same I just wanted to give it one final send off thanks to Nick Wagner’s it would have been really

Fun to see like what that would have looked like and also to give Brock py a year to heal yeah and to get ready to learn under Tom Brady to learn under Tom Brady although that didn’t seem to ever really help anyone else no no doubt I I

I’m fascinated by the idea of what a Shanahan Brady mind meld would have looked like yeah does that even does it even work or if you like Tom Brady with that running back what oh dude Christian McCaffrey would have had 146 receptions oh he might have set records as a as a pass

Catcher wow yeah no there’s there’s a good shot and the tight end like k have been better feasted I don’t know what I’m talking about I don’t know but would iuk have ever developed I don’t know because that’s one thing Tom Brady never I mean slot receivers sure but yeah uh

Interesting side note uh the Indiana Pacers were actually under the salary capab coming into today at 130 million um and so with Bruce Brown’s contract and you know Bruce Brown got paid he he makes 22 million this year but he has a a $23 million team option for next year

Which is is crazy MH that the team can just walk away from that but uh yeah that’s that’s pretty big um so they were able to get that deal done and I think David uh let me see where is it noira $3 million uh noira um so yeah that’s how

They were able to pull off that deal U which still I’m not sure how that salary totally makes sense but um sure enough they were able to do it last thing before DLo comes in here for the handoff DLo of DLo and casy fame they’re coming up at noon Mike Brown the

Fine came down yesterday oh yeah 50 G’s for his postgame film session where he diagrammed what plays he was upset with by the officials and I watched it and I you know what I tried to help Mike I did I tried to help B went you know what this is tasteful he’s showing

Exactly what he’s upset about he’s not just ranting he’s not just he’s not just out here like it’s a complete crap he wasn’t just saying all that he’s not saying shame on the league he’s just going hey I just want a fair interpretation of the rules I just want

To be to be um communicated with he brought props I want he brought props he had the whole thing I was like he you know what this about is tasteful of white he said the rest did a great job I was like d maybe he avoided some NOP 50k

I would have liked the table next time if I’m here if I’m uh if I’m you know Mike Brown I’m bringing out marionette puppets and I’m I’m like illustrating it with puppets there you go like oh like you can’t find somebody for you see you see his arm up you see

His arm up his arm is up one hand is high the other hand is bent and in front of him uh Damian barlings here dowlo and Casey they’re coming up here at noon a tough one for the Kings last night man yeah it is um well first of all send

Some love to the Golden State Warrior yeah absolutely tragic that story is tough yeah tough tough tough tough uh yeah it was a bad loss um it’s it’s difficult I don’t know what to I don’t know what to I don’t know what to say at this point about this team they’re

Finding different ways to lose games like in the in the last three games you know they get blown out by Philadelphia they lose uh an incredibly competitive buzzer beater uh game against the bucks but a game that they were in firm control of is I know this phrase is

Silly but like they were in control of whether they won or lost yeah with one of the most fundamental things that you do on a basketball floor on the free throw line and then to watch what happened last night I just shook my head it’s just like this is

They this is incredible they blew a 20 something point lead in six minutes like they threw the ball out of bounds repeatedly they showed no like urgency um they just stopped doing everything that got them that 22-point lead and you know whether it’s mental toughness whether they’re soft whether

They’re entitled I don’t know what it is I don’t know what to say about this basketball team anymore we’re going to spend four hours trying to figure it out yeah but you know they’re in the playing for the first time they’ve slipped out of the top six they’ve flirted with

Danger for too long they’ve relied on teams like the Pelicans losing now you got a team like Phoenix who’s starting to creep up on them you you’ve youve you’ve put yourself in a position where you know now you at some point you’re GNA have to string some wins together

Yeah and if you don’t then you’re gonna have to win some games that you didn’t I this this this isn’t a team that’s going to miss the playoffs in terms of the postseason like they’re they’re not going to miss the top 10 right but they could very very easily be a team that

That has to win in the playing tournament to get back to the playoffs yeah but if they if they don’t fix something for sure I think last night and James and I talked about this a lot and I’m interested to get your thoughts on it last night so much of it to me

Was a debas sabonis not being involved late and be to me that’s where he has to demand the basketball like he has to be the guy who says Hey Kevin Durant is a good is like a good Defender this not to say that Kevin Durant is a is a is bad

But Deon sabonis can get him into the post and move himh he should be able to get easy buckets in a spot where there were so many times last night where okay they cut it to 12 it’s like okay King’s gonna bucket and a stop they’re good is

Need a bu okay they’re down okay bucket maybe a couple stops and you’re good and they just never got the bucket Keegan Murray got an offensive Rebound with like a minute left a little over a minute I was like okay that’s they were up three at I was like that’s it okay

Settle down take time off the clock you get a basket you’re fine it this this sucks to be clear this is terrible but you’re going to win this game and it’s fine right and Daren missed another I don’t even think he took he might have

Taken a three it might have been a long two but Daren you know got the clock down to five seconds took a shot they missed and wound up the way that it wound up yeah no you need more from your second best player in that

Spot that’s what it came down to I just think the adjustments weren’t there and like and it can be get some point you have to put on your big boy pants as a player and make the adjustments on the court yourself it can’t all be about what’s happening you know with your

Coaching staff at the moment and like look I’m not saying that Mike Brown wasn’t coaching because he was but if they go with five Shooters and Demar damus sabonis races down on the defensive end and goes down in the post you’re done you’re cooked It’s Over The Possession is over they’re moving too

Quick they’re down too many points they’re coming right down and firing and no one is guarding somebody somebody’s wide open because your big ran down waiting for another big man to go like fight him in the post yeah and that’s what we got to and then again he didn’t

We didn’t see some of the adjustments on the offensive end or again sabonis in that situation go go down in the block get all the way down to the block and just dominate them it’s not what they do but it’s it’s also it’s not even what sabonis didn’t even try that it’s not

That he failed to go down and and go post up he didn’t even go try and it’s like the the mindset didn’t shift that they went small and the way to beat a small team is to do this this and this like when a team goes into a Zone and

The Kings tried that for like two seconds and like oh no no no no no no no what are we doing here um you know when a team goes into a Zone deonis simonis knows the first thing to do is run to the free throw line put his hands up and

Destroy the Zone like he’s a Zone breaker but in this situation they didn’t catch on to what the suns were doing the the pace got frenetic and out of control the fans were fully involved it became like a hostile environment where you’re watching a lead slip away

They have the moment where Fox is yelling at one official and domos is yelling at another and a guy goes right down for a wide open dunk on the other end and Kev like like come on man what what are we doing you know so there were

Like some mental breakdowns but I was telling Kyle I like these are games that you can learn from you can’t learn from the Philadelphia game you can’t learn from losing to bad teams by but like you can learn from something but at some point you’ve got to execute it if I

Learned if I you know I learned chemistry I can’t execute it you’ve got to be able to execute what you learn and and that’s why that’s why Mike’s press conference it’s funny it’s haha the the the the screen hey give me the video Let’s show the video that’s fine

Privately you you had to have a completely different discussion with your team privately yeah like hey that I’m G take the fine for that but I need everybody to see what we’re dealing with Y you in this locker room you need to make free throws and stop turning the

Goddamn ball over in the fourth quarter yeah and that right there they didn’t learn how many turnovers in the fourth quarter yesterday more turnovers in the fourth quarter yesterday than the entire game yeah and domos had um he missed a free throw in crunch time with with like

Three minutes left two minutes left so if you’re not executing are you really learning like what what did you really learn from the Bucks game at this point yeah but I I would say that’s one game that’s one game to the next that’s that’s a three-day stretch that should

Be the freshest if I cram for a test the night before the the that’s my best shot at passing now if the test is a week away man I might have forgot something on the way a new song came out I memorize those lyrics God knows how long

I was on Tik Tok I was tweeting I was watching games I might have forgotten what I studied it was two nights later and they couldn’t execute in the fourth quarter it’s becoming a problem for this team yeah it’s not becoming a problem it is a problem eight turnovers in the

Fourth quarter six the rest of the game awful yeah awful really bad my bigger my bigger concern is getting just mollywop by people like stop getting thumped I’d much rather see this where you can actually use the game footage the other ones where this team doesn’t show up

Those are way more concerning to me and I get it they need to be better but you need to be better the the fifth game of uh five-game road trip that you need to be better like against three really good teams I I get that but at the same time like I

I would prefer a tight game that you found a new way to lose over not showing up which this team has done way too many times this year yeah I guess at least they showed up they just didn’t show up in the last five minutes well that’s it’s it’s great all right hey

Participation trophy yeah if you’re a team that wants to win games if you just want to show up and not be the 2019 or 20120 Kings well fine I’m all for it but if you’re you you had the nerve to talk about playoffs in training camp you had

The nerve to talk about championships being a contender in training camp You’ you’ve moved the bar a little bit for yourself now if you want to backtrack that’s fine backtrack but at this point I’m not I’m not I’m not applauding them for not being for for for not being the

2019 Kings anymore yeah they’re better than that oh yeah gota be all right anyways standing on business standing on business that’s what they’re going to do next on dowlo and KC we’ve been The Insider sponsored by JY see you tomorrow it’s funny James and I are on like the

Back of hour or to like we’ve been talking about this and then Dow just comes in just throwing fast balls it’s like ah yeah yeah we’ve been talking about this for a while all right thanks everybody hit the thumbs up if you don’t mind yeah please

410 people in here let’s do this thanks for the wine and food wrecks everybody much appreciated oh yeah Kyle’s vacation start till see you oh you brought Flags I know things are about to czy I always got to keep the flags oh my God that sweater so sick

So sick I’m trying toat to get another take nice dude hell yeah that’s fire yeah that’s what we ran with I didn’t you know Jord guy sends me just terrible yeah feel bad for those guys yeah I thought when they canceled the I was like they canceled the game

Already oh this isn’t this isn’t this isn’t just a no they this is something um yeah are we muted or No K Rex yeah yeah yeah yeah we got him screaming D we got screaming K we a number one spot we a number one spot for some sports huh got the going crazy when we work huh we top two but we ain’t two we in first huh and when you

Need the real we is who you search huh Dow KC KC KC we your number one SP here I’m Dam Barling the ultimate needle mover in God B himself is Kenny carway yes sir acknowledge me we in here man we’re going to talk uh first off man thoughts and prayers to the Golden State Warriors and their organization what a

What a what a just terribly terribly tragic situation uh for um that man his family uh that that Basketball family that staff just uh awful awful news out of out of out of uh the Golden State Warriors organization um so we start there uh I don’t think we have a lot

More to to offer that uh other than our our condolences our thoughts and prayers man but definitely a very very tough Story coming out of the Golden State Warriors um obviously a lot has already happened this morning Pascal cakam is now a member of the Indiana Pacers who

Will be here Thursday um lots of lot a lot a lot a lot to dissect in that trade um no you’re not stupid no we’re not stupid you see the first round picks it’s a pretty strong indication of this whole seum where he would and wouldn’t

Sign was about money the deal is deal is done and the Indiana Pacers have money and they’ve obious they’ve made the the the the decision that Pascal SE yakum can be a max player for them that’s been communicated to Pascal seum and that’s why three first round picks were traded

If you’re a Kings fan you can feel however you want to about that Sacramento doesn’t have the money to sign him to a Max contract it didn’t make sense in my opinion to sign Pascal cakam to a Max contract and Mike was still willing to make a deal but he

Wasn’t going to include excuse me Monty was still willing to make a deal but he wasn’t going to include draft Capital again as a Kings fan how much you like yakum you can decide how you feel about that uh three first round picks it’s a little too much for me a little even

Even even even with you know four four years or whatever the max they can give him coming up it’s a little too much for me I’m I’m I’m good with the way this turned out happy for Indiana Tyrese let him cook three first round picks um I

Think the inside start my $250 million deal it’s all too much from for me for Pascal SE that’s right that’s something that you give a franchise or borderline franchise player that’s not who Pascal seaka everybody everybody who has a problem with Zack LaVine should have a problem with Pascal seaka because I

Think lavine’s a better ball player but people get upset with his contract and what he’s owed and all this other stuff and if he’s a franchise player there’s there’s no way there’s no way if if I’m the Kings I’m giving Pascal SE yakum that contract uh no and he’s not

That type of player he may demand that he may get that on the open market or whatever you’re you know some people try to say you’re worth only what somebody’s willing to pay you so he may get that I he wouldn’t get it from me I’d move on

Somewhere I think Kyle koosman’s a better player than Pascal seak okay um and not that he’s bad I’m just saying I I think Kyle kosman is a better player okay well Kyle kosma isn’t a king either he’s a wizard for now uh hopefully that changes i’ I’d love to have Kyle kumma

Here but we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll get to all of that stuff uh later but obviously that is uh the the latest news in the NBA is that the SE yakum deal is finally over now we can stop talking about the Toronto Raptors they’ve made their deal for ogan anobi they’ve made their deal

With Pascal SE yakum uh I like this move for the Indiana Pacers at least for this season I think it puts him in a good spot I think it puts a good team already in a good spot but uh we’ll see how that goes integrating him in in in into that

Lineup into that pace of play uh pace of play was a big topic of discussion last night when the Sacramento Kings blew a 22-point lead uh in the final seven minutes and some change for one of the most epic collapses in NBA history one of the most epic collapses in recent

Kings memory I think the stat they put on TV was like teams trailing by 22 in the fourth quarter maybe with like seven minutes left or something were 0 and 1,244 and now the Sacramento Kings are very much on the the the wrong side of that number man oh man um goodness gracious

But the Kings uh after last night’s loss officially fall into playin territory and I think everybody’s going to have different feelings about this game I think it sounds like uh you and I have some different feelings about this game uh I think you’re a little bit more aligned with with James

Um but let’s get into it the hell happened in that final six minutes A lot happened in that final six minutes and and none of it was good for the Sacramento Kings I mean I I looked at that ending of that game and I saw um

Just a lack of focus a lack of awareness for the situation at hand um the Phoenix Suns got hot from three made some threes you allowed them to get out from three so so part is that part of that is on the on on the Kings um but just situational awareness and not

Understanding situations I know a lot of people um Mike Brown fans everybody goes into U the turnovers which is rightfully so I mean they turn the ball over far too much in that final quarter but there was a there was a moment in that game that where I’m stuck on the whole

Awareness situation minute 34 to go the kings are up by six I believe it’s 115 109 minute 34 to go first thing in my mind is you can’t give up any threes no threes that’s what beats you is a three-point shot and what do they do immediately

Domas is on Devon Booker for whatever reason and I and like I said I don’t know if it’s the players I don’t know if it’s the coaches in this situation if it’s the scheme whatever Keegan Murray for whatever reason leaves Eric Gordon to go double and help sabonis and that

Leads there’s a couple passes and it’s a scramble drill on the defensive end leads to a wideopen three for Eric Gordon now it’s a three-point game I I don’t understand what Keegan was doing in that moment and I don’t understand why the move isn’t everybody stay at

Home if Devin Booker Blows By sabonis and gets a two fine but the three can’t happened very next play Kings miss a shot and sabonis for whatever reason is denying dein Booker the ball or attempting to 75 feet away from the basket he falls doesn’t get the denial

For I don’t even know what we’re doing there all the sudden another scramble drill where Devon Booker passes to KD KD passes to a wide open R Gordon in the corner three now the game is tied and that to me is simple basketball simple basketball IQ you’re up six 134 to go

The only way they’re going to beat you probably is if you allow a three at least one three at some point in time if you’re working the clock the right way worst case scenario you don’t score a basket they the best they’ll probably do is tie you

And it’s the second time the reason why it sticks with me so much is it’s the second time this happened that happen against Milwaukee you’re up four with about 19 seconds to go or whatever don’t allow a three Giannis drives to the bucket they leave Brook Lopez open for a three now

All of a sudden a four-point game becomes a one-point game a one possession game regardless of it’s that you’re making free throws or whatever that’s the case these are little things that you got to be aware of and and I know other people are going to be upset

With the totality of losing a 22-point lead but even with losing it could have been Salvage with understanding game and situation that that has nothing to do with making or missing shots that un that’s about understanding where you’re at as a team and what the scenario calls for in the

Game they didn’t do it Thursday versus the Pacers will Mark the 41st game of the season we’re we’re at the halfway point of this thing the the the real halfway point not the fake one at the All-Star Game we’re at the real halfway point of this

Season the fact that you just spent 6 and a half minutes talking about simple basketball plays is concerning to me in that situation and this is what I was talking about with James a minute ago with James and Kyle on the Insiders when they’re talking about you can you can

Learn from this and I think you and James are along the same lines it’s like you can learn from this you can learn from this you can’t learn anything from Philadelphia maybe you can maybe you could pick a few things apart and and and figure out different things to do

Better but make or Miss League different things like that it it’s fine I don’t know that I necessarily agree with that but I certainly understand the sentiment I also understand the sentiment of what you can learn in games like this you go back to the Milwaukee game you miss free

Throws and you turn the ball over in the fourth quarter against Milwaukee you miss free throws and you turn the ball over in the most crucial moments of the fourth quarter that happened two nights ago you walk in to Phenix and everything’s going your way and when it

Stops going your way it’s a product of turning the ball over in the fourth quarter it’s a product of turning the ball over at the most crucial times possible not executing simple plays as you just pointed out the Kings at least is it at least on their first test following what they learned

Against Milwaukee didn’t learn anything they made the same exact mistakes they turned the ball over in the fourth quarter they stopped executing in the fourth quarter simple basketball plays that’s what you just said I wrote that down that’s sticking with me simple basketball plays what’s the simplest basketball play that

Absolutely drives you nuts free throws two games in a row now if we change the term from free throws to a simple basketball play two games in a row now we’re talking about the Sacramento Kings a 48- win playoff team last year that had the nerve and training camp to talk

About being a contender not being able to execute simple basketball plays against contending teams that’s a problem to me that’s not a hey kings are uh uh six and four I get it yo we’re 30 games in we’re 40 games into this thing and we’re talking about simple basketball plays that’s

Concerning to me you’re going to be able to execute those simple basketball plays now that you haven’t been able to execute the last two games your wins and losses depended on simple basketball plays and you couldn’t execute those and I’m supposed to think going against Indiana just because you’re at the

Golden one Center you’re going to be able to execute them or the next time you go on a road trip which is only like a week away You’re gonna be able to execute it then I don’t have a lot of faith in that and that’s understandable

I I don’t I want to say I got a lot of faith in that but here’s where we we go to different roads that’s all fixable when you’re getting your ass beat by the Celtics at home I don’t know what to tell you I don’t know what to tell you

When you’re getting your your ass beat by Houston in New Orleans again what what we supposed to look at the film we supposed to talk about free throws that night no you’re uncompetitive and now you got to check your heart now you got to check your

Heart and I don’t I don’t know what the heart is saying see but that’s that’s that’s what bugs me because free throws simple basketball plays have been a problem all year but because of what you just said they haven’t really been focused on Kings win by 30 blah blah

Blah blah blah blah blah domas thean fourth quarter Fox blah blah blah blah blah yeah they got to hit their free throws better Kings lost by 20 Harrison Barnes blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Kevin her blah blah blah blah blah blah damont Simone is triple double they

Got to hit their free throws their afterthoughts up 20 down 20 afterthoughts but now simple basketball plays are costing you victories and that and that I’ll I’ll tell you something when we come back I’ll tell you something that may may blow a lot of people’s minds yours included that was a

Hell of a tease right there steo and KC brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 I don’t know what’s worse I really don’t know what’s worse right now I’m pretty upset the Kings losing or the fact that this sweater that I love so much is

Ripped oh no that sweater is fire so upset oh no oh that’s fixable that’s fixable that’s all right yeah we got get we gotta get you a new one or something that’s fixable that’s fixable it’s right down the damn scene yeah that’s wild that’s really nice though this is what

It should look like now that’s really nice that’s fixable though Cheryl and El Grove can fix that Jasmine could probably fix that maybe J no Grove is really uh if not a Taylor can fix it that’s that that that’s too nice of s to lose it’s all right pisses me off matter

Of fact until it gets cold I gotta come out of sweater because this is it’s messing with your head uh roll the sleeves up roll it up to the to the scene more oh like it it started off like here and in the last 30 minutes

It’s now to my forearm I got you understand I think it’s a sweater that I’m more upset about it’s understandable but according to you both can be fixed so it’s all right this is true this is true that’s all right that’s all right the 24 in pythons

Brother well let me tell you something dude and to be honest with you I don’t know if the studio is built for short sleeves right now it was hot out there in the uh other room The Vibes up today in The building: Vibes are up a lot of people talking a

Lot of happy people today the hell y’all so happy about the hell is going on out there I’m just observing what’s going on Happy people for [Laughter] what that’s not true Kamar it’s not true Kevin herder was awful free throw shooter for the first two or three

Months of the season last year and he finished really strong he worked on his free throws he whatever Focus he needed to do and he finished the season a much better free throw shooter than uh he ended up being dear Fox wasn’t a great free throw shooter for much of his

Career before last season got back in focus and had a really good free throw shooting so I think that can be fixed not where they’re going to all of a sudden be the number one free throw shooting team in the league but they don’t have to be the worst

Team Drew it’ll be the first good Sunday we’ve had in months man 46 years old goddamn man d3500 stop hating on your boy man come on man stop hating on me man and look I wish I could have kept the sweater on it ripped you want me to to

Do does look kind of funny you want me to do I even we got climate controlled studio uh spots here I even put this shirt luckily like it’s just this shirt I put this shirt on with no expectations of ever seeing the light of day thought the

Sweater was gonna be on all day that’s like one of like the biggest fears like when you had like an undershirt you know this is just an undershirt for the day like if you mess up the sweater whatever it’s like oh we’re we’re screwed tragic n d you can’t roll the sleeves up

It’ll rip it even more H all right you set up a hell of a tease before that commercial break yeah man I got I got something that’s probably gonna be unpopular and I promise you you guys know I don’t do I don’t do anything to be like aaran or anything like that it’s just honestly

How I’m feeling like we got a we got a a text message last night from Kamar talking about man I can’t wait for KC’s rant and how angry he’s going to be today I honestly wasn’t that mad I was sitting there maybe I was in shock I was just sitting there like

For real like really unbelievable I couldn’t believe what I saw um and you know what you know what bothers me about that is I was the same way and I think with couple minutes left maybe maybe that six-point possession you were talking about right there or that six-point lead but before that three

Possession I text I text the homie Jill text Jill a like we’re gonna lose this aren’t we like I I think everyone expected when it went that sour that quickly I think Kings fans just thought they were going to lose part of me wondered would Malik hit that shot or

Whoever well one that was like one second one and a half that’s enough to get up a if you run the right play you get a decent look Brad did a great job of holding uh Daren Fox to the point where he he he he fell forward so nice job by Brad there

But we all expected to lose I up by six with 9 seconds left we all thought the kings were losing I didn’t but I mean good for you the one the one moment where I didn’t was the Keegan Murray offensive rebound I was like okay all right Daren ain’t gonna

Miss another one or who Kings ain’t gonna miss another one we got it nope we did not have it the narrator said it was all so simple it’s right there for you like I said and I expected them to execute and understand the situation the way I did like it wasn’t

Rock signs what I thought I wasn’t all super deep right now you know thinking about uh the the way to win this game no foul no foul you’re all right Brad right keep play play through it I didn’t touch him wa through it um but it’s like nah I’m not doing

Anything super introspective by saying no threes right now it was just simple it’s was like yeah that’s what’s going to beat you is if you give up the three-point shot now I have to after they hit two threes to tied up I was like oh well yeah maybe this might be

About it at this point um but I felt good when dearen hit the 117 shot too I thought okay maybe you can get a stop get a stop send him to the foul line instead couldna get a stop um but I’m looking at this this team right now

And I’m looking at this road trip specifically and they did not reach the goal of what what they needed to do they they needed to win um two out of or excuse me three out of two that’s what I was looking for him to do or three out

Of five excuse me three two um and they didn’t achieve that goal so that’s that’s not good especially when you had two opportunities to win and get that third win and you didn’t uh you didn’t handle business but I honestly look at this team right

Now and I look at this road trip and you can go back a little bit before the road trip like you can this thing can can go all the way back maybe another seven eight games and I honestly believe the kings are playing good basketball maybe the best

Basketball they’ve played all year right now even with results included and I feel like I can say that because it’s got to go both ways right so when they were seven eight games over 500 we would take calls we would even say ah they’re not playing well though like yeah the

WIS are there but they’re not playing good basketball so if we can look at when the wins are there and say they’re not playing good basketball and it’s not results based we can look at the way they’re playing and kind of disregard the results to a certain degree and say

They’re playing good now I’m sorry now to be able to turn that into wins there’s little pieces within each of those games outside of Philly there’s little pieces within each of those games where execution has to come into play whether it’s time management clock management scoring scoring situation

Free throws little things like that but those things to me can be fixed they can be fixed doesn’t mean they will be fixed teams go all year and don’t fix any of it understanding scoring situation making free throws it can never be fixed but they can be

Fixed and I look at I look at them right now and I think they’re playing good basketball they just got to tighten some things up let’s look into that a little further and let’s start with is there something be to be said for the way that they’re losing these games

We talk about they’re playing well okay if it’s a back and forth in Milwaukee and free throws aren’t a a thing it’s Dame versus dearon Dame gets the last shot you lose I think there’s something to be said for that Kings in firm control of whether

They win or lose that game and they lose last night you have a back and forth with Phoenix all the way till the end Kevin Durant closes it out because he’s Kevin effing Durant okay Malik’s Malik’s three Falls you know hits long doesn’t happen that’s not what happened Kings were in firm control

Of that game and blew it and you start to talk about clutch minutes clutch and and and again when you talk about a falloff from last year I the focus is on dearen rightfully so when Nar clutch player of the year but the team obviously domino effect here the team

Was clutched and everyone fed off the ering now it feels like that’s they’re not that’s not the case I don’t have this I had a lot of confidence with them going collectively in a close game last year against anyone I had confidence in them winning that game I don’t have that

Confidence anymore it’s it’s it’s the text message they’re gonna lose this game Sixpoint game with 90 seconds left they’re going to lose this game they’re winning by six they’re not going to win this game lost confidence in their ability to execute why didn’t feel that way cuz I don’t think they’ve shown that

They can execute late and I guess part of the problem is they have Orlando Toronto Orlando yeah okay they also haven’t yeah I mean but they have right so you’re saying they haven’t shown they have they they have the ability to they can do it have they done it enough this

Year to to get your confidence that’s a whole another conversation but to be honest that is the conversation honest with you they’ve done it more this year than they did last year to this point the record’s better yeah but yeah but that doesn’t mean and in close games we

Talked about close gamees yesterday games within four points they’re like no now they’re six and four going into last night they were six and three yeah we might have to pull the receipts a lot I’m not buying that they’re better in the clutch than they a lot a lot of

Their losses this year have been ass whoopers a lot of them like 12 of them yeah there’s a lot of them the close games they tend to they tend to show that they have the ability to do it so that’s what I’m saying I’m not saying you’re wrong filling that because that’s

Your there’s nothing to be wrong about it’s a it’s a feeling that you get you don’t this team doesn’t Inspire confidence in those moments from a lot of people not just you myself included in a lot of times but it’s not because they haven’t shown it it’s just the feeling that we have

Like look at this look at this schedule this schedule is a circus dude look looking back at coming no no look looking back at their game logs it’s a it’s a circus like win by 20 lose by 20 by the way last last night marked a a three-game losing streak it’s the first

Time they’ve lost three in a row since game four five six and seven of the season a Warriors game and back-to-back Houston games so through all of the ups and downs let’s let’s look back at what you said talking about playing you know good basketball as of late uh you’ve got that

Tough loss last night you got the tough loss against Milwaukee you you you you threw out Philadelphia uh you beat Charlotte you beat Detroit you got blown out by New Orleans you had that fight with Toronto and that fight with Orlando those two games came after getting beat

Up by Charlotte losing to Charlotte no they get beat up they got beat up by Charlotte gave up the lead with under a minute too yeah they got beat up by Charlotte or whoever that was I don’t even know that was actually the Charlotte Hornets that was the what’s

The what’s what’s the sting or whatever they’re called in the G League that’s who that’s that’s who they were the 49ers the UNCC Charlotte 49ers is that really what they are oh that’s spectacular um you got Memphis and Atlanta two wins before that blown out by Portland 12-point loss to

Minnesota then you beat Phoenix I started thinking at at at at at at a point last night in the uh third quarter man it’s nice to have our own little New Orleans Pelicans here we’re treating the team the way the Pelicans are treating us I’m all for it it’s nice to have one

Of those it’s my fault I didn’t even say it out loud I just thought it sure enough sure enough there you go um they got Indiana coming up as we said that’ll Mark the halfway point of the Season Atlanta after that and then another two four six seven game Road

Trip that goes through Golden State Dallas Memphis Miami Indiana February 2nd will’ll be live at Sky River Casino yeah Chicago and Cleveland so that’s what this upcoming stretch looks like for this team so our our H says Kenny’s putting too much sugar on his cereal or what I guess I

Don’t even know what that phrase means I’m not sure either I think he’s talking about there’s there’s no excusing what happened last night no excuse that’s an embarrassing loss it’s a bad loss but but one of the reasons why it is a bad loss is because you played a certain way

To get up by 22 M and you played a certain way to lose the 22-point lead for sure but if if I’m if I’m Mike Brown one of the things that I’m doing right now is I’m saying man that was unacceptable that was embarrassing we’ve had a day to sleep on

It instead of harping on the 22p point loss let’s figure out what we did did to get up by 22 what what were some of the good things you’re doing you don’t always do that right like I didn’t obviously there was no game to get up for but uh or no

Lead to get up for but after Boston I wouldn’t like all right well just throw that away and don’t worry about no that’s something to be worried about you can’t keep getting slapped up right close game against Milwaukee you you focus on missing your free throws and

Things of that nature and you still focus on the things that you did wrong to lose that lead against Phoenix but don’t lose sight of up 22 what did you do was it I think I think I saw um at the end of the third quarter they

Had I I’ll double check but at the end of the third quarter did they have 30 assists already I think I saw because J wrote some I was reading his article I think he said after three quarters the way he phrased it after three quarters they were shooting 51% they already had 30

Assists on the game correct all right well what were we doing off offensively we were taking care of the ball we were moving the ball we were getting stops on the defensive end that’s that’s what we need to channel back into yeah we got to make our free throws

Yes we have to take care of the ball that goes into the assist but you look at that and you look at some of the ways eight turnovers and 50% from the foul line in the fourth quarter that’s losing basketball it’s losing basketball so I I I don’t there’s there’s no covering up

Losing the game but that’s that’s not all that happened last night I feel like it’s tough to focus I see your point like they did do good things like they playing good basketball against the Bucks they’re playing good basketball but they fold in the end but

That’s just the name of the game for them this season the inconsistencies you’re playing well and then you blow it all of a sudden with six minutes left or whatever I don’t think you can count on this team to continue playing well I don’t think they deserve the benefit of

The doubt at all 40 games they are so hot and cold doesn’t even make sense I don’t get how you get to like you said you do all those great things and I’m not going to going to give like I’m sure the Suns made some adjustments and stuff

I’m not going to give them credit for scheming you up you blew that game it’s just the team is too inconsistent I think to count on so so let me ask both you guys this look at the standings right now and do we believe everybody is just where they’re going to

Be because that’s essentially what we’re saying we’re like that this team as they are just can’t get better can’t play better I think there’s a ceiling on this also I also think that’s not fair to ask because I haven’t watched 40 New Orleans Pelicans games I haven’t watched 40

Dallas Mavericks games that’s fair um I think the Clippers will move up I think Denver is going to move up I think Oklahoma City might slightly drop down I don’t think they’ll fall any lower than four but I I I think they’ll they’ll come down just a little bit and I think

It’ll probably be the Clippers that you see turning on I think Denver’s perfectly comfortable being in the three four five six spot I don’t think they care um I don’t know what to expect from Phoenix I have no clue anyone who says they does is lying I have no clue what’s

Expect from that basketball team uh I don’t buy the Lakers I don’t buy the Utah Jazz so of the top 10 teams that just leave Sacramento through 40 games to me they feel and they could change or whatever but they feel more like a playing Team than a solid it’s just

They’re too inconsistent to put like put a pin like I don’t know like they’re just to definely say something but do and once again to this point he’s right we we we haven’t seen all these other teams games but does Dallas feel like a top 16 I don’t know they’re in the top

Six I I I I don’t know so you trust them more than the Kings right now or I don’t I don’t know like I don’t know I haven’t missed the second of a Kings basketball game I’m not locked into the Dallas Maverick part of Sacramento is it’s not

The record it’s what you see when you watch them play it’s it’s it’s it’s like there’s Vibes involved and The Vibes are bad it’s just something’s off and team that executed so well late falling apart the way that they did two games in a row

Is baffling you want to pull up the the the uh the Toronto and Orlando game fine those were one after another just a handful of games before this road trip execution execution those look like two completely different basketball teams those teams especially against Orlando look desperate that that that team last night looked

Complacent I think that team last night thought what we all thought what you just said this one possession just one basket it’s literally all they needed for like two minutes one basket you probably got this have they taken I think they thought like that too have they taken a step

Back this season last year they were a firm playoff team I think right now you look at the West the top four that’s firm everyone else like five and six and then the Kings and the Suns like that’s U maybe you’ll top be top six or maybe you’ll be playing you’re kind of

Teetering right now so the ey test says to me that they’re not as good as they were last year but here’s where I think the the true difference is and this is this is where I really really really get stuck and I’ll and I’ll pose it as a question has Minnesota surpassed

Sacramento right now you gotta say yeah has Oklahoma City surpassed Sacramento right now you got to say yes those are the two that I’m locked in on the most Dallas again I I I don’t want to overanalyze that I don’t buy it I don’t think I ever will it’s certainly not

This group like I’m adjacent kid Le team I’m not gonna buy sorry watching like us yeah yeah I could coach them he made he’s made very wow you’re not wrong on that and I don’t know what to think about the Pelicans I I don’t know like the the Pelicans I

Feel like we’ve watched the Pelicans play 15 times I don’t know what they are I think the Pelicans are pretty good so and and but but okay they’re 24- 17 the kings are 23 and 17 so you believe the Sacramento Kings are pretty good okay I think the biggest hangup in have

They taken a step back is the fact it looks like other teams have taken a step forward Minnesota and Oklahoma City for sure New Orleans jury’s out but no one in Sacramento could say anything bad about the Pelicans after what they’ve done to this team this year so I think that’s

That’s that’s the other part of the the conversation is maybe the kings are in fact a little better it doesn’t look the same because these other teams are a lot better I didn’t think Minnesota would be at the top of the Western Conference I didn’t think Minnesota would be at the

Top of the Western Conference by a couple of games I expected Oklahoma City to be better I did not expect Oklahoma City to be where they are right now and they’ve lost a couple too straight can I see them having some stretches where they lose three or four three or five

Something like that moving forward absolutely but they’ll still be a good team and I don’t see them falling below four I don’t know that I see the Kings getting up to four so that’s that’s part of the hang-up is we watch this team night in night out

We get frustrated with what we see then we go to the standings and even you know before last night’s tip off well they’re stuck there at five but man doesn’t feel the same there’s Oklahoma City up there there’s there’s Minnesota we we wrote the clippers off weekend of the season

And there they are after a you know 22- six 22 and seven stretch or whatever they’re at yeah I I I I hear you everything you’re saying is wrong and I know I’m I’m PR I’m on a on an island with this one I just look at the way they’re playing right now

And I think there’s there’s things that they can do to to to build off the way they’ve been playing as of late and the result isn’t what we wanted um last night especially with the lead that they had but I look at somebody like Kevin hder I look at him starting

To score just a little bit more and be active uh I see the production they’re getting from Alex lint I see obviously the way sabonis Fox monk those guys are playing as well and I I think if if you can do simple things like make your free

Throws end the game I I looked up too by the way the difference between the Magic game and the Bucks game is the Kings won they missed 10 free throws in that game M like that that’s that’s the D we look at that game and said they showed something because they won not

Necessarily how they play that and that’s more so what I’m looking at the wins and losses they have to add up at some point like you have to find a way to win these games but I’m as just the feeling that I have and like I said I’m

Okay being by myself with this one I just think they’re playing they’re playing some solid basketball they have to shore up some things that’s all and last night was unexcusable inexcusable can’t lose that game you have 22 with seven minutes to go come on now come on find a way to

Bring that one home and they should feel that way I wonder if they do I think they do I mean they said as much a couple guys said as much um Malik talked about it y didn’t talk he didn’t want to talk to that’s I mean that was the report J

Said he was very yeah he said he was upset very upset with with the game and didn’t want to talk so I think they uh I think like in a lot of ways to be honest with you I think they’re a little bit more embarrassed and upset about what

Happened last night than they are 30o loss that’s just oh they should be that’s the feel that I get that’s the feel that I get all right I’m I’m really strugg will to find something here oh no wonder I’m I’m on the I’m on the wrong date you said

Something and I’m not going to let it go so I I’m just and if I don’t say anything it means you were right and it doesn’t matter but you said something and I’m I’m I’m not going to let it go so now I have to find I have to find the

Entire game book and I’m gonna start with Orlando and you said Alonso says Fox gotta start talking I like for him to start talking but he don’t have to like it’s the job of a leader though isn’t it even if you’re out there saying nothing

You gotta stand up for your team yes and no I but I look I look at the media stuff a little different as well though right like if he doesn’t talk and they win seven games in a row like who really cares if he if he talks every time and they lose seven

Games in a row I’m not gonna feel any better because he’s talking after the game like it’s a it’s a bottomline business that’s why a lot of people are upset with what I’m saying because it’s not about whether you’re playing well or doing some good things did you winner

You lose that’s how some people are looking at this situation you lost so a lot of that other stuff don’t matter and this is a situation with Deen Fox and talking did you win or you lose if you won I don’t care if you talk or not if

You lost if you’re talking all the time that’s not fixing things bottom line business and I just think I I I I like for him I would if I was talking to him i’ tell him to go talk i’ said that’s what you should do but he probably would

Think if we start winning nobody’s going to care about it I don’t think it’s just the fox thing either like simonas don’t really hit the podium as it is too it feels like well he ain’t the only one there’s there’s there’s other people that aren’t talking just no one’s paying attention to that

Fact and there’s um there’s there’s the the difference that you talk about I can’t decide if this helps what I was going to say or not I I did not I did not find exactly what I hoped I would find say it and if it doesn’t we’ll dump it okay all right

Get your hand on the green button cuz Kenny just said here here’s the here’s Here’s the the the Raptors game you said in the Orlando game and the Raptor game they missed 10 free throws is that say the Raptor game oh no you just said Orlando Orlando

Which one did I just pull up here I just pull up the Raptor so I have the Orlando number they were nine of 13 in the fourth and the first overtime the fourth quarter in overtime I can’t decide whether that’s good or bad but that’s the number what’s the vote no to because

We got about 30 seconds before we have to dump it it doesn’t matter that was the point though like hitting free throws in clutch moments that that was that was that’s that’s understand you can miss a 100 free throws but if you make eight in the fourth quarter and you win the game

That’s the difference I I I understand what you’re saying I don’t make the free throws no no you’re 100% right no no no I’m I’m not I’m not I’m not arguing that I’m not arguing that at all seven of eight against Toronto in the fourth quarter oh in the fourth in the fourth

Quarter sorry sorry sorry sorry seven of eight in the fourth quarter a that was a a five-point win uh yeah uh 135 130 it was a five-point win yeah I don’t know if that did anything I just I you you said you said it and I got obsessed with it and started going

Back through all of these these these game boys I wish you tell the whole story because if I told you half the story I’d say they shot 67% from the free throw line against Orlando in an overtime game we might we might not have had go to overtime if and

Do all that if you would have H your free throws throughout the game well and and but but I I guess the argument is I don’t know what nine of 13 is someone else do the math that’s better than 60 something percent isn’t it or that might

Actually yeah I don’t do yeah remember I told you percentages are not fair like it’s not fair nine to 13 doesn’t feel like it’s that bad but it’s probably like 58% or something like that probably not very good I don’t think it’s 58% percentages are I don’t think it is

Either but percentages are not fair it’s it’s really unfair lines math the math needs to be a little more forgiving okay fair enough um what was I gonna say oh phone lines are open uh we’ll turn things over to you how you feeling uh what do you think

Is the team playing good basketball it’s no big deal or are you concerned 91699 1320 stean Casey brought to you by Sky River Casino on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 oh man it’s 69% it’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not fire yeah so that’s trash dump it

Today yeah edit out of the podcast if you know you know Dr David if you know you know and I fire it’s a wild number come on Kamar about to go ape for 45 minutes that uh that game really just ruined my move last night I have my homeboy in town from uh

From La he’s staying downtown he was over at the crib I was about to be like yo on the way back look at the beam you see the beam over there man it’s lit in the sky like I was about to show him and everything had nothing to show him on the way

Back tragic oh the I kept thinking where was I Sunday the night of the Bucks game where I was like I would be look I I was driving through downtown when Dame hit the shot I was like I’d see I would be seeing the

Beam right now I was on my way to to see you and and and Matt and Kevin thanks a lot Kings remember HBCU Night February 26 second be there be square we will be there as early as possible we might ask to do our ksfm show live live live under

The uh Tower record sign complex understand like hey hey uh this is much more important than ice rink we were down there for the ice R yeah we need to be down there for we need to be down there to do our show we we need to let these HBCU knows we

Important also little cross promotion y’all haven’t heard Jenna Jackson is coming to the golden one Center and we have your tickets on 1025 only on D and KC right we’re right no just us so uh tickets don’t even go on sale until uh Friday yeah it’s funny you just said uh you

Just told our streaming audience that uh we’ve got Janet Jackson tickets over on 1025 all week Janet Jackson’s gonna be at the golden one center it’s amazing someone’s actually coming to the golden one Center not going to Oakland or the chase Center and then I it dawned on

Me I have a code what tickets that go on sale today oh so with Janet that’s VIP right there that’s VIP right there you should hey God damn it you got got to log in quick you got to be quick hey this dude this dude being don’t think

Don’t think I didn’t peep the uh the devil back today come on now stop doing that to him you beat that boy duffel bag I can’t even touch that duffel bag oh man come on man don’t think I didn’t beat that why they got third row seats for

$1,000 what are we doing right now sounds about right well it’s close enough for you to go on stage man well so much for this code anyway anyways Janet Jackson tickets go on sale Friday we’ve got your tickets all week long over on 1025 and we’re sending you

To see jodessy yeah in Las Vegas oh yeah Babe okay uh so stay tapped in with us uh beginning at three o’clock um phone lines open for you 91699 1320 I guess Kamar is up first buckle up this this is not going to be pleasant I I could read the text right to you go ahead

Kamar I don’t like when I come on you have no excitement bro no cuz I I know I know you about to unleash on this team we’re on the conference call phone too oh yeah yeah you can yeah you could tell uh I’m not about to unleash man I

Just you my thing is I I put it in the chat I don’t know if I trust this team um and I asked you you know Kenny directly do you trust his team in the series now I know it’s all matchup based but you know we were halfway through the

Season coming up on this Friday and we don’t know what we’re going to get in night in night out from this team we don’t know if we’re going to get a blowout loss we don’t know if we’re going to get a team that’s shoot if they shoot well you know if they’re playing

They playing great um we don’t know for what kind of defensive performance we’re getting and I think that’s a problem and they’re symptomatic about something deeper we’ve talked about it all season there’s something going on deeper within this team we don’t we can’t put a finger

On it I don’t know if it’s Mike Brown too much tinkering in the offseason by you know not instilling confidence in Kevin and that kind of R ruined the The Vibes you know on this team but something is deeply flawed within this Bunch that and and it’s not even

Symptomatic of this these last two losses but there’s something off and you know for me personally I think this team does if I don’t trust them I don’t think they trust each other and hear me out with this because when the going ISS tough on on

The floor they don’t move the ball they don’t they don’t uh when when things get tight they kind of just like either get in a hero ball or they stop playing it all together and you didn’t see that last year I think a lot of these losses whether they’re close or they’re big

Losses they’re coming from places of they don’t trust each other for some whatever reason the ball either the ball stops moving or they stop moving all together as a team and I’m not sure what that’s about I know you said things could be fixed free throws all that but

There’s something else there that I don’t know if he can fix fix that the next 40 42 games well I mean him not trusting him that’s something that can’t be debated like that’s a personal feeling and I understand why um I just I I’m not at

That point with this team yet I’m not at that point with this team I think that um a lot of the stuff you know the iso ball and all the other I think they were doing a lot of that last year there’s a reason why Fox

Was able to put up the the numbers he did in the fourth quarter it wasn’t because they were running dribble handoffs with domas sabonis like they they was the ball the ball was in his hands he was going one-on-one or pick and roll and he was going to work he was

Making shots last year and for a lot a good part of this year so like when the shots go down we don’t have a problem with it when they don’t they don’t trust each other and I don’t think that’s the case with this group I think that there’s

I think that there and it’s not I’m not saying it’s their fault or anything else like that but there’s three guys that aren’t sure what their future is with this team last year that wasn’t the case for anybody so it was a little easier to be quote Allin or just completely

Invested in what we’re doing it was sort of the case with Harrison you you your point stands but remember Harrison was in a final year of his contract last year true true which makes him a prime candidate to be traded which was but we talked about it though

I don’t think there was talks about it no there was there was never chatter no there was nothing there was nothing like what’s going on right now right so now these guys herder Barnes and Davon even though Davon doesn’t play much um they’re dealing with that right now and

I do think it has affected their game play Kevin’s kind of kicking out of it a little bit it feels like um but I think a lot of the time it really affected him so I don’t think think it’s a a team thing like they don’t trust each other

Or anything else like that I think there there’s things that they that’s one of the things that they’re dealing with this year that they didn’t have to deal with last year and they’re trying to navigate through it and really they’re just navigating through it at a pace that has them six game above

500 like that’s really what it does and they’re they’re good enough where they don’t get too far below that at least they haven’t so far this year but though those those um those uncertainties and just you know not being in the in the on the same page completely has allowed them to not

Really go past six games I think they got the nine games last week or something like that but they they haven’t been able to excel because of you know they just trying to navigate through all the stuff that they got to navigate through this year so I I I look

At it where I think can turn around I think they can we can wake up on March 1st and they’re 12 games over 500 I think they have that capability now in the playoff series can they win a series maybe maybe it depends on the if they

Play the Clippers tell you know you know what I’m saying so it might not even depend on the matchup it might be it might depend on the type of vibe they’re in at the time that’s true too are they are they up or are they down right um let’s get Maddie in here

91699 1320 what’s up Maddie hey what’s up homies how you feeling I’m good man how you doing uh I’m good man just uh kind of running through some cash right now uh been on Amazon the last few nights broke about three or four of them Roku remotes watching this team last few

Nights it happens it happens yeah I just I did that when I was 13 though bro so grow up stop breaking remotes knock it off oh man man hey this is 20 years of this is 20 years years of uh frustration that kind of went away and now now the

PTSD is picking up again what you need what you need B is you need like a like a smos doll or something like that next to you so you could throw that you need a wrestling buddy you need that old that old Macho Man wrestling buddy or

Something never got one of those I was upset me either too poor for that yeah I’m G bring that up bring bring that up to my therapist next there you go what’s on your mind man yeah yeah I wanted to post something to y’all um I

Know you know Kenny touched on it uh probably about a week ago but um when it comes to Mike Brown and like his rotations I know it’s kind it feels like kind of taboo to criticize him a little bit because you know he W coach of the

Year and he turned turned the squad around last year but um I haven’t been a fan really of his coaching style and the rotations um I’m not saying firearm or anything like that but I think it’s a fair question to pose what do you guys think about how Mike Brown has performed

As a leader this season no it’s a it’s a it’s fair to question or if nothing else maybe not question maybe wonder about his rotations I think that’s perfectly Fair they’ve gotten significantly more snug in the last couple of games I always find you know these these weird like

Chris dorte is gonna start over Kevin herder and then he’s not and he’s not even gonna play like so what like he can’t get on the like if he’s not starting he can’t get on the floor right which which maybe maybe lend something to an argument that he was trying to

Make a point to Kevin herder I I don’t I don’t know I have no idea um Davon and and and Keon swapping spots in the lineup now neither one of them are playing Malik getting and and this is probably a product of what we asked for following the Toronto game Malik needs

To be playing 30 something minutes tonight and tightening up the road that’s a that’s a byproduct of this he’s either going to play Alex Lyn or javel McGee he’s never gonna play both of them Sasha I don’t know bro your guess is as good as mine Sasha wasn’t playing

A week ago he had uh I think he had double figures against Milwaukee you 14 last night I think that was matched his career high last night I’d like to see more I don’t I I don’t it’s fair it’s perfectly perfectly fair to wonder that that goes

Into I was after after we left I was watching watching the uh the game of one of the alies and Sasha came in and did a couple things and they were like that’s why I don’t play yeah you know what I’m saying so and I don’t think that I don’t

Necessarily buy I don’t know why he doesn’t play but just like he was cooking last night we saw moments on Friday against Phil where it was like what are you doing you know what I mean so the the interesting thing about that in his rotations I I’ll be the first to

Tell you I’m not really the one that like focuses in on coach’s rotations and stuff like that so I mean maybe I’m the wrong guy to ask but a lot of the stuff we talked about and you just mentioned it feels like a lot of the things that

Were happening last year Terence Davis would play two three games and then wouldn’t play for a week metsu wouldn’t play for a week and a half and then all of a sudden be in the rotation um that seems to be his philosophy with this group and last year we talked about

It we were we were baffled by it you know what I mean but we didn’t we didn’t criticize Mike Brown about it the way people seem to want to criticize him about it right now and I just think this year is it’s just we talk about the

Kings having different Vibes I think we as viewers and Kings fans have different vibes from last year the team has a the same or better record a lot of the same things that happened last year that we were in love with and rightfully so because it was the first time being good

In a while we’re not in love with this year and I just think we all have different we all have uh different Vibes than we had last year on January 18th of 2023 the Kings went to 25 and 18 seven games over beating the Los Angeles Lakers

When they beat the late which that was seven was that in La was that at home that was in Los Angeles it was part of ah yeah I remember that game a winning streak that inclan holes game that’s what that was think he had like 22

Um okay yes there’s ran uh ran had uh he Zas didn’t play he yeah he was seven of seven in that game had 16 points and 11 rebounds yeah yeah um 31 for dearen in that one 18 you had uh 10 points from Trey ly uh but a part of

A six seven game that’s the seven is that the seven game win streak uh one two three four five six it’s the six game win streak yeah it’s the six game they had a seven and a six um but that what what you say seven games over 500

And and here we are 23 and 7 they win tomorrow tomorrow’s January 18th they’re seven if they beat the Indiana Pacers they’re seven games over 500 at 24 and 17 and and look I’m including myself in all this I it feels different this year than it did last

Year I’m I’m I’m not excluding myself I’m just like everybody else in this respect it feels different but I’m just trying to look at the situation and be like all right well number one what is the difference in number two are we different you know I

Mean is is what we’re expecting and what we’re looking for out of this team different and they’re more or less the same once again even though I’m like you guys it feels different than last year we’re talking through it we’re just talking through it that’s it that’s fine

That’s fine we said it last year it’s going to be different and this is different this is what it is uh you’re listening to DLo and KC on ESPN 1320 kfm West Sacramento 98.5 FM KX qd2 Sacramento always live on the free Odyssey app live on 1320 TV as well if

You want to watch the show you can twitch YouTube and over ESPN 1320 on Twitter you can weigh in if you’d like we’d love to hear from you show is yours uh 91699 1320 and also real quick also uh people criticizing Mike Brown I mean I think

That’s just the nature of sports yeah Joe moula gets criticized for what he does as a coach some of the criticisms have pretty dumb but they criticize his root more connected I am I right Jesse like well the Steelers fans want Tomlin out the Steeler fans want to time on it

He criticized missoula’s rotations and all this other stuff they’re still calling for email DOA still I Celtics fans are idiots they I’ll just say right now Celtics fans from Boston you guys are idiots flip that and send it to them send it to him send it to

Eii let’s get uh Jam in here 91699 1320 what’s up Jil what’s going on what’s going on just sitting here with you guys man on the same page with everybody had a question about the Bucks game there from uh is that a strategic just a rule of thumb

From the majority of the you know NBA teams in that situ situation that you’re going to try to get that defensive stop because obviously fouling right there like Dame dollar whoever gets the ball I wanted him to inbound it to yonis but fing kind of secures you a second

Overtime am I correct or not just no just wanted to clear that up on you guys no no no you’re you’re a little incorrect on that because they’re up too so so you rather just foul and going overtime that’s what he was saying he was trying to or or you say he’s going

To make her miss a 30-footer no he was he was saying foul so you don’t lose like you you can’t lose if you foul there you you obviously can win but you put him in it just guard the 34 that’s that’s it because it was a two-point game it wasn’t a three-point

Game yeah yeah I’m not in favor of that I’ll take so I’ll tell you the truth I did think of that for a second like do you foul and just hope he misses a free throw because it’s Dame Lillard no you pick up Dame Lillard at the free throw

Line you don’t let Dame Lillard cross half court that freely the the other thing but and I’ll defend Fox a little bit on that as well because it’s not it’s not a fox thing I would have sent two three guys out he’s the guy that’s that you’re right you’re right and I

Said sabona should come up and and help and double team him on that but I saw I don’t care if anyone else hits a three it would suck but just don’t let him have the opportunity to do it no and people were talking about fox in that situation of you know he

Just let Dame come up the court well I mean we’re talking about Dame lard right here if you breathe on him you’re liable to get a foul call and now he’s going to the line to tie it up so I’m not I’m not touching Dame Lillard in that situation

I’m gonna stay in front of him and try to you know make sure he’s as far away as possible the only thing that I would see that is sabonis should have came up because Brook Lopez was behind the play Brook Lopez was at half court sabonis was inside inside the three-point line

At one point you should have been up there at half court with Brook Lopez ready to trap because if he if he gives the ball up which I didn’t think he was ever gonna do you’re talking about Brook Lopez shooting it from 31 feet away and

He can make that shot but I’d rather him take that shot than Dame Lillard in any situation say what you wrote in the text message why would I do that sometimes yeah sometimes you just got to be aware of what’s going on around you and some yeah

Just just be aware of what’s going on around you critical thinking in these situations 91699 1320 if you want to talk vent uh if you want to foul when you’re down to I I I don’t know or up to you guys you guys make the call uh get in on these

Phone lines I hope um I hope tomas’s season isn’t being wasted at this point it’s not wasted like it’s wasted if you’re if you know if you’re 10 and 30 that’s wasted uh but because the kings are a playoff team I I I don’t and and domas is

Already into this weird bordering on one-of-a-kind microscope of like he sucks like any any you know now the Kings have the you know the distinction of blowing up you know being one in 1,100 or 1,244 or whatever it was oh that’s somehow gonna Trace back to domas like I

Couldn’t help but think a few a couple hours ago when that when the when the when the the trade stuff about cakam came through cakam isn’t better than domas no y’all have been fawning over Pascal cakam getting traded to various organizations for a year and a half

Now and he’s not even as good as Damonte sabonis you aren’t gonna think twice about Milwaukee or excuse me about Indiana signing a dude who’s 30 years old to a four-year contract for 200 whatever whatever the money is but y’all thought you thought Dom’s deal was bad yo the that’s we talking about

Critical the people who cover this game are wild they are absolutely wild absolutely are absolutely Wild uh we got more phones to get to 91690 91320 uh start with our brother Manny Manny what’s going on baby what’s up y’all I got two things one on the Kings

And I got a hip hop t for you okay but with the with the Kings I think just like you say fans have have different expectations this year right uh with the players there’s also their own expectations they’re not the same team right they’re not the they’re not the

Old Kings anymore there’s people are expecting I want to say greatness but growth and when you’re growing right your bones hurt at first because you’re not used to coming from that from that point of view so it’s gonna take I mean I’m not saying that everything this is

The team that’s going to be there but there’s Growing Pains to this too even after you have success to be able to learn how to adjust and navigate it’s a whole different landscape for them anymore it’s not like oh if we just show up and play whatever nobody expects

Anything now they have expectations not only for themselves but expectations in general from the league so I think that takes some time and then talking about the hip-hop part right I for my Mount Rushmore I mean it’s always interchangeable but I always gonna have Cube up there because from 88 to 92 from

America’s Most Wanted I mean from Straight Out of Compton America’s Most Wanted kill at will going all the way through the lethal injection there wasn’t a better run ever of albums in hip-hop this dude went straight five straight albums albums almost Flawless hip hop so for me he’s always regardless

Of whatever the other stuff he got going on that is a hard thing yeah I’m fine with that yeah I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m perfectly good with Q being up there uh that stretch of albums is it’s phenomenal you know what I thought about and this doesn’t have anything to do

With Ice Cube or whatever but um when people talk about like the greatest rappers of all time and what I think is a flawed way of thinking about it did you notice how when people bring that up the greatest so you mean to tell me the greatest rappers that will ever exist

All happened in like a fiveyear span it’s like there’s nobody before there’s nobody we talked about that before though like that stretch of 94 to 96 like ready to die came out IL Matic came out Reasonable Doubt came out uh Enter the 36 Chambers came out

All eyes on me came out like those are like someone somewhere has one two or three of those albums as one two and three in their greatest albums of all time for sure for sure yeah like but it’s like the Sugar Hill Gang like it’s not grandm flash yeah um NWA is always

Fascinating because it’s literally one album like what we know as NWA is one record that’s it for life that’s that’s there’s no cube in that group yeah like it’s it’s it’s different and and The Chronic came out in that time the but the whole thing is so that was like for

People who would say that in four of the or three of the F my top five from that era right but so you mean to tell me just rap just never got any better after that well I I also think rappers didn’t get any better no I I just think it’s

Who you’re talking to and how old they are because there are some people who would say Kendrick Cole Drake that group that dropped albums from 10 to 14 are that’s that’s the group that’s their version of Jay Nas big Pac woo all of that it’s just I think I think as fun

As the conversation is I think it’s as simple as how old you are yeah and I think I think there needs to be a meeting of the mind I think there need to be interchanged yeah I mean Manny says no one ever has had a great as

Great of a run as as cube and I could argue Kendrick did yeah Kendrick did and it’s a different music is made differently nowadays too like nobody it’s not better or worse I’m just saying nobody’s like trying to put out this classic album anymore no definely not defin doesn’t that doesn’t make it

Better or worse there’s advantages and disadvantages to that but nobody that’s not how music is consumed and how it’s made nowaday I didn’t love late registration but college that d College Dropout late registration graduation you start yeah you start getting into beautiful dark twist like that’s that’s gamechanging

Music it’s all it’s just something that I thought about like I don’t know guys yeah I I thought about that we can’t have the greatest rappers of all time being in a fiveyear it’s yeah it’s like a it’s like a three and a half year span

Between The Chronic and if we went to the last one being all eyes on me which was 990 six it’s crazy um well that was oh when we when we come back I do want to talk about his Kings Point as well I forgot what his Kings

Point was about growing pains oh yeah that was interesting okay we’ll talk about that uh kings are approaching the 41st game of the season on Thursday we’ll take more of your phone calls as well 91699 1320 stea and KC brought to you by Sky River Casino where we will be

Live at 32 Brew Street on February 2nd hope you’ll come through hang out with us we’ll uh do a live show and watch some basketball man we’ll talk more about that as we move along here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 uh Jordan Meeks I am from that eror

I appreciate the album I think the fact that an album would come out and no like you time to sit with an album right now you’ve got 30 songs every Friday that come out so I’m I’m not a fan of that but I also recognize it’s it’s a

Different time when it when it’s consumed the way it’s consumed nowadays I like that the area I grew up in where you can sit with an album you can hear it multiple times and all this other stuff there’s there’s nothing that I like it’ll have to be a dope dope album

For me on the first listen to be like this is fire oh my God how can I tell I gotta I’m I gotta listen to it a little bit I gotta live with the album a little bit I may like what I hear but there’s albums that I like what I hear

The first time and I never listen to it again and there’s some that I listen to Utopia for like a full weekend it’s good I’m good a great album I’m good right and there’s some that I wasn’t crazy about at first I listen to a little bit I got like this song A

Little bit kind of like this song so I’m a Believer and this is just the way I consume music not saying how anybody should consume it but I consume it where I like to take my time with the albums and listen multiple times before I give

Uh you know a stamp of approval or disapproval now Carlton that was the first listen I said oh my God talk motivation when I want this is fire MH ah n there’s there’s something that you know when you know you know when you know you know I understand that I felt

That way with blueprint too what was the last album I felt that way with you knew it was great yeah it might have been and there’s been great there’s obviously been great albums since then but I it might have been uh good kid Mad City I was like yo this is

Amazing yeah P know same thing it might be good kid said this is amazing uh alen I’m what I don’t even know what your Wayne take is how I just gonna agree with it blindly I think you said he’s top four it’s debatable I really do believe or at

Least he put him up there before Cube I saw that I really do believe after having some conversations with about this couple couple weeks ago I think it for me at least it does come down to Wayne or M I think those two and they might both be in there and

Somebody else gotta go I’ve noticed with Lil Wayne I might be off but either people think he’s the goat or like like there’s no there’s no in between Queen with him I feel like you know what I think people really like are limited sample sizes of

Music right like no no one’s like those people who argue tupacalypse now is a classic or you’re just stands like it’s not but if we keep going what we were talking about during the commercial break that’s a two-hour conversation so we we’ll pick it up on 1025 later

There’s a lot of music out there and a lot of people like different stuff that’s basically what it is not only wrong opinion is Jesse liking Gucci over jezy that’s not that’s not a wrong opinion I like jezy too I like Gucci too I do like Gucci I thought the last album

He did was all right I just don’t know when I’m really listen to it but I ran it through solid solid solid work um you wanted to address what Manny said Manny called if you want to get in on the phone lines you can by the way 916 99320 um

Talking about growing pains for Sacramento and you had something you wanted to ask yeah so Manny talked about growing pains um that this team is trying to probably going through when trying to go from being a good team to going to another level and last night I

Want to know what both of you guys think about this last night Mike Brown came out and and I don’t have the full clip I should have had the clip but he he said that was a great Learning lesson for this team and a lot of people

Didn’t like that they didn’t like that at all and I wouldn’t have liked for them to lose that or learn that Lesson by losing that game or anything else like that I’m like everybody else I was unacceptable but I understand what he’s saying you like you played really well

You gotta find a way number one to keep that up all the way through for a full 48 and if things do go arai you have to learn how to have a composure and execute to make sure it doesn’t fully go off the rails I understood what he was

Saying I didn’t think there was a problem with what he said do you want to hear yeah sure absolutely but a lot of people weren’t happy with them uh courtesy of NBC Sports You Gotta Give Frank Bogle and the entire Phoenix Huns team a lot of credit uh the reality of

It is they went small what’s that I’m tired of that gives the other team credit yeah I actually got confused for a second I was like Frank vogle what year is this clip from oh that’s right he is the sun’s coach all right Mike Brown uh and we couldn’t score uh we

Couldn’t score inside uh KD did a heck of a job uh or we took some bad shots I thought we drove in traffic two or three times and instead of playing the way we normally play you drive the ball you touch the pain if help comes play off with two and

Spray it uh we try to go for the foul and shoot over uh two or three guys at The Rim um and then we took some tough threes and they forced us into tough threes uh we had no Pace in the half court to end the game uh we were holding

The ball a lot and so uh their ability to play KD at the five and still match up with us uh because we couldn’t score uh the audio is going all right we back we back here we go back back we back back I guess this is

DLo and Casey you’re one again baby Jesus somebody pay the internet bill I just thought Kimber somebody pay the bill I just thought it was funny where Mike was frozen I don’t know if anybody else saw that it’s frozen like the Kings on the last six minutes the game wow that’s

That’s indicative of what happened last night uh my I just had the little spinny Circle uh I don’t all I was more irritated with the with the with the truck lazy a couple of times with the ball instead of making sure passing one time passing one target two hands and

And uh it was just a recipe for what uh what happened and uh hopefully it uh it’ll be something that we can learn from uh in the future because we’re going to face teams that uh that uh go small and put a guy on domas you got to

Give Frank people were not happy with that uh response not a lot of people not not a whole gang of people but I saw multiple tweets were like I don’t want to hear that tonight we could look at see there’s 35 let’s let’s let’s look to

See what some of the quote tweets uh say uh King’s Muse we’re not trying to hear that uh John Wilson I love Mike Brown but the Kings have had enough terrible losses this season that should be past the quote learning lessons point Point um Mitch says what exactly did you learn

Our Mitch it’s not our Mitch uh it’s Mitch deala uh what exactly did you learn every Kings fan knew we’d blow the lead at some point and we knew the second it got under 10 we were losing the game uh learning lessons comical this team is cooked until further notice come on man

Uh Professor Oak well respected member of the king uh Twitter Community nail meet Hammer well said favorite tweet um I don’t Keith says I don’t feel like you need to learn to not do something that hasn’t been done in 1200 games that’s that might be the winner

That might be the winner K to the city right there uh looking at a couple other ones how many of these lessons have we had enough is enough king boss king boss says learning that unless something changes the second half of the year is going to be tough to watch oh yeah we

Were down bad last night yeah damn we were we were uh I was getting it was even getting stupid ass tweets from Bonte yeah well when a Warriors fan is getting their jokes off on you boy it’s a it’s a tough night uh if they haven’t learned at this

Point they’re never going to fing learn that last part was in all caps uh the curse is over said man you were right people were really upset about this yeah I love you Mike but you guys ain’t learning s oh my God the only thing you guys are learning is how to

Choke games way man STFU with all that s and bench Barnes oh my gosh they’re not good not good uh yeah there’s a lot of f bombs in some some of these some of these messages yeah quite interesting to read the quote tweets to that video from NBC

Sports California so what do you what do you think of what did you think about uh what he said um I don’t think you need to go out there and publicly it I feel exactly the same way as I did after the the the Milwaukee game whatever ever you say publicly is

Fine I don’t care because the way King Voss feels or Alex feels or stf and up and bench Barnes the way they all feel it it doesn’t matter you’re doing your media obligation do your media obligation you want to shout out Frank vogle shout out Frank vogle the team

Whatever you want to discuss the surface points that’s fine I don’t care what are you saying to them today right now at the golden one Center what are you saying what if he says the same thing to the team I don’t that ain’t it to me well

Well I I’m fine if he tells them hey look we can learn from last night’s game as long as you’re going into hey here’s here’s here’s why we didn’t get to the basket here’s why our shots at the basket were bad um there wasn’t enough ball movement in

The final three minutes if as long as you’re specific with with as long as you’ve got film the way you did after the Milwaukee game with your team and I know Mike does that’s it’s it’s fine if he I don’t even think there’s that there’s not that’s not even a

Hypothetical worth doing Mike’s not rehashing what he said publicly privately I just hope he’s diving further into yo Malik you’ve turned the ball over five times in crunch time in the last two games guys we collectively have missed eight free throws in crunch time in the last two games what are you

Doing about that what are you going to do these aren’t these aren’t Uh Kevin Durant 2010 you know Defensive Player of the Year type Defensive Player of the Year candidate type stuff this was unforced heirs this was sloppiness what are you doing about that because we can’t collectively fix it

Until you all individually decide what you’re going to do about those things right before practice started I heard Kenny carway today say simple basketball plays are you guys capable of making simple basketball plays we’re not getting our ass kicked we did against Philly we did against Boston we’ve had

Those m in these recent games simple basketball plays have cost us two victories those two victories has slid us into the playin category y’all want to be a playoff team or you want to be a playin team you want every everything we’re working for right now to

Potentially come down to a single game or two games what are you gonna do to fix it and that’s and and that’s where I look at where they’re at and the way they’re playing and saying I feel I feel better than most about it because they are simple basketball plays

And with the simple basketball they’ve shown that they can do it like whether whether it happens in crunch time or in the second quarter like you’re making you’re not turning the ball over right they had 30 assists in the first three quarters so you’ve shown that you can do

It what you have to do now but why why didn’t you finish it then like because if if Milwaukee had been four weeks ago the same exact Milwaukee game if it had been four weeks ago maybe I would be looking at this different but these are back-to-back games now that you have let

Yourself lose well there there are also two different reasons why right so I don’t think they they they’re they had some turnovers and stuff like that but their lack of taking care of the basketball wasn’t and not scoring in general wasn’t why they lost but put in umbrella over it simple

Basketball plays yeah you can fix simple basketball plays and this is where I said like the way I look at it you’re getting beat down by 25 30 points I don’t know how to fix that a lot of the time I don’t know how to fix that

But if you’re missing your free throws well hell let’s just stay over 15 more minutes and shoot free throws for the next two weeks or bring a a lot of the times that stuff is uh mental I’ll bring in a therapist I’ll bring in Lethal shooter to help you guys with the free

Throw line sabonis you work with him before I’ll bring him in for two weeks and we’ll work on our free throw or taking care of the basketball hey just make the simple pass every time out reminding him in the fourth quarter hey just make the simple pass you’re right

There for you we don’t need the spectacular make the simple like those things you can coach and the players they can reinforce what they have to reinforce to remember not to make those same mistakes that can that can that can change some of this other when you’re

Just not good enough when you’re not talented enough there’s only so much you can do about that Johnny D brings up a good point we’re 41 games in and we’re still talking about like fixing this stuff I don’t think it’s gonna happen like they’re free throws and all like we like

We’re halfway through the season this is who they are is it not maybe I don’t disagree I mean it could it could be so we think so do we think that the kings are gonna finish 30th in the NBA and free throw shooting probably’ll be yeah at this

Point yeah I’ll give him yeah it’s hard to like like you have you’ve had it’s did they just notice I mean they just got to 30th but you know but did they fall from like top 10 to 30 no no they haven’t beeno all year but that’s what

I’m I’m saying are they going to be 30th they just got to 30th but what would be acceptable 28th I mean to me no my my my answer is I don’t believe they’re going to get better last year they were 13th they’re 5% worse at the

Line this year going from 79 to about or 6% it’s about 79 to 7 three this year I do think they’ll get better from the line uh there’s a lot of people on hold let’s let’s get to the phone lines now 91699 1320 let’s start with Jeremy

Jeremy what’s going on man what’s up guys how you guys doing we good baby I don’t um I was watching the game last night and kind of as it was unraveling I think the first thing that came to mind was there that clip of Malik when he was

Back in Char Charlotte and then Jordan slapped him in the back of the back the head you guys seen that clip of course seen it yeah and that’s kind of like the first thing that popped in mind um my question to you guys is who do you think

Should be like handling the ball towards the end of the game um like I love Malik and what he brings to the team but I do feel like his playmaking or lack of better terms a little sporadic I would prefer to see Fox handling the ball in

Those situations and creating a play for the team but um yeah that was just kind of first thing that came to mind um I got you I’m good I’m good with yeah either one I’m good with Malik and Daren having the ball there was a time last

Night uh late in that game when Fox kept giving it to Malik and I wanted Fox to have it and it was no there’s nothing wrong with uh Malik or anything like that just in that situation as far as like getting to the bucket and doing that I felt more comfortable last night

With Fox having the basketball so it depends on the game but that for the most part and you’d rather see this kind of loss than um you know a blowout loss obviously but at the same time they’re finding ways to lose you know they’re not they’re not finding ways to win they’re

Not finding ways to get better they’re finding different ways to lose and I think the overall the overall um overarching them that I’ve seen this season is this team has no identity at all like you can be six games over 500 seven games you can have this record and

You know be inconsistent and still have an identity but this team has zero identity now last year they they were efficient they played with pace they shot the ball well they got out on the break this year you know you don’t know what they’re going to do even in the

Winds you don’t know what they’re going to do you know you don’t you don’t know how they’re going to win and to me that’s a problem you know identity needs to come first at this point so so I don’t disagree with the identity thing but I do disagree with the they’re

Finding ways to lose they week and a half ago they just found a way to win two very close games one you said probably shouldn’t have been close with the Toronto thing it was and then aot game with the magic I think what he and

I want to I don’t want to speak for Matthew I think what he meant was in the last three games the final three games of this trip you got blown out you got beat on a buzzer beater in a in a competitive game like even though the kings were in control of

That that was that was a competitive game for 48 minutes and then you you blew a 22-point lead like in near his I think that’s what he meant um those are three games where the Kings lost all three and they were all different in their own way Philadelphia you could

Walk away from Milwaukee you’re gutted by and some people were just left dumbfounded last night after Phoenix yeah I I don’t know I just I it it all seems pretty reactionary of course it is that’s like very reactionary and what that’s what this this what we do for a

Living we’re reacting to what we saw last night yeah and we’re reacting to what we’ve seen the last handful of games necessarily overreact maybe that’s what I’m saying that’s a 100% what we do that’s what sports fans do you you you you overreact to it yeah I’m not gonna

Overreact to it but I don’t think some of the things that are being said are overreactions I think they’re Fair criticisms I think it’s fair to wonder um if this team is going to be able to uh uh consistently hit free throws for the next 41 games it’s it’s fair to

Wonder it is I I shouldn’t even say it’s unfair but it’s not wondering it’s they won’t well that’s different like but they’re not going to get better oh no no you asked you asked the direct question I said do you guys think they will get

Better you said get better I no I I don’t think I’m say but but it was a specific do you think they’re going to finish 30th in free throw sh yeah like I do what reason have they given us to believe otherwise I think they have the ability

To be better at the free throw line yeah they do but will they and they have the ability to hit free clutch free throws you that goes to the point that you looked at when you were looking for the numbers they can do Toronto and Orlando

Game yeah they can yeah and that’s not right and that’s but but what was but I looked up those clutch numbers for a point like you they had missed 10 free throws in that game it was still a 60s something perc free throw shooting game

61 I think it was yo that’s that’s not good and that’s good for bottom of the league they hit the ones late that that that that helped them secure victories which which is dope which is part of the masking of what I feel like has been a

Problem for a large chunk of the Season you shot poorly from the free throw line but you won a fight cool you shot poorly from the free throw line but you got your ass kick no one’s thinking about it in either scenario but when you can

Point to it and say that’s probably a big reason we lost or you go to the Milwaukee game and go that’s actually why we lost you there’s there’s no navigating around that and and it and it’s we were all complacent to it including the Sacramento Kings you guys

Are a bad free throw shooting team you’ve done nothing to address it and now you’re losing games because of it so man this is what I’m saying now we’re losing games because of it we’re on here addressing it you’re saying they will not respond to that they will not not

Not that you don’t believe there CU that’s two different things you cannot believe like ah I don’t have confidence that they’ll do it no I don’t believe that and that but that’s two different things to me how as saying they won’t do it they will not no you’re this is

Semantics you’re playing with words at this point okay okay I’m just saying like I’m sitting here saying I believe that they they can respond to that and I don’t like I don’t believe they’re going to shoot better at the foul line all of a sudden okay but that’s what but that’s

The whole point of this was I said people are overreacting and they’re putting a stamp on something you said no it’s fair to wonder if they will this isn’t wondering this is saying they will not but get better but without without it happening that’s that’s what wondering is okay like it hasn’t

Happened so all we’re doing is like I neither has happened right they haven’t shown whether they’ll get better or not right that’s you believe that they can I believe that they won’t I think will we seen from these first 40 I’m not getting it tattooed on my chest like I I ain’t

That Ser it ain’t that serious but we now get it the Kings won’t shoot any better get it tattooed I think what we seeing through the first 40 games what we’re going to see through the next 42 or whatever like they’ll have games where they turn it up

And they’re going to have games where they look how they did yesterday it’s just what they are now with this current roster I’m pretty confident is what they’ll be at the end of the season I don’t see them really in I think they’re an inconsistent team where sometimes

They’ll turn it up and other times they won’t right now I think like I’ve been asking all year do they have a ceiling as far as this group now I do think think they think they do for this season so let me ask you you’re playing kind of

The optimistic like you’re you’re you’re you’re a little less phased by what we’ve seen do they have a I don’t know who else to use an example do they have a Clippers like run in them where they win 20 of 27 uh no but I think the Clippers

Are a better team right like I think the ceiling for the Clippers are better so I don’t think the Kings can do that so you said 20 to 26 I don’t think they can do that I think they can do uh 10 of 15 okay yeah I don’t that’s not outrageous

That’s essentially what they are I’ll go they can go 12 or 15 okay all right like I think they could do it but I I I think they have it in them but part of that they Haven part of that comes from um I think they did at one

Point because they they had a six game winning streak right yeah I think part of that comes from I well they lost they lost three games before and the two games after so like you had a six-game winning streak but you were six and five in 11

Games so I I think that um or they were six and two in eight games just depends on how you want to play it guess I that’s true that’s true hey you could go you could go a step further I can give you I can give you eight and two because

They lost the two if you start at the win streak they lost the two to the Pelicans came back beat the Wolves had that Thriller against the Warriors so so I guess you could do anything with the way you could do anything with it especially with the way

The kings are playing this year there’s a lot of different ways you can go with the numbers but that’s really the only place that you can go to do that because there’s a lot of you know once you get after that you have the you have the

Loss to the clippers but then they beat the Nuggets lose to the Pelicans beat the Suns beat the Nets lose to the Clippers they win three in a row lose to the Celtics beat the Suns lose two in a row like there’s a lot of that’s kind of

Just what it is and I I’m not saying that you or just are necessarily wrong for how you feel about this team and what you think because that’s what they’ve shown so far there are little things that I’ve seen mainly on this road trip that have me

Thinking they could Trend in a in a positive direction because their play is trending in a positive direction not the results not the results but I’ve seen Kevin herder wake up now and play good basketball um I’ve seen Alex Lynn play good basketball so let’s go further into

That if we go to the Magic game they obviously won that no one would argue they played poorly you got the Raptor game after that you got the blowout some would argue they played poorly against the Raptors the Raptor game the difference between the Raptor game and

The Suns game is the Kings won and loss they were up 20 for most of that game it got to one with like under a minute to go the difference is they won and lost but nobody talks about the Raptors game that no that is the differ I actually

Think we talked about that the next day it the difference is winning and losing but they played the they played the same way so but my point is people will look at like we just glost over there like oh yeah they won the Raptor game like they played the same way so if

You thought they played bad last night but I don’t think anyone’s saying they played bad last night like I was actually I was I was trying to propel your argument forward by the fact that they played well and this is I think this is what Mike said for 42 minutes

Last night or probably probably closer to 43 minutes but that’s what they did they played well and then they didn’t they it’s just the problem is they didn’t go from playing well to oh not so good they went from playing well to Dear God it was a complete collapse yeah it

Was a blood bath complete collapse but Orlando 138 uh uh Toronto 135 that’s Kings basketball they get blown out by the Pelicans you beat Detroit you have the bad quarter against them but your final three quarters is solid you have a pretty complete game against Charlotte

You get blown out by the 76ers you have that 143 142 loss to Milwaukee and then you have last night and one of the reasons why I may feel like um well I’ll talk about the other reason why I feel like they might be playing a little bit

Better Ste one KC brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 guys on hold hang tight is that is that is that Terry who else Sam TC and Ivan okay tell them to hang on Sam TC Ian what’s our record for today is it Rosco is that

Today uh might be yeah Wednesday D per King you ain’t even know it that was positive he might not be able to find a clean version I was a little bit worried about that oh oh oh that was that block oh yeah didn’t the Lions beat the hell out of him in this

Okay the Bucks yeah I’m always interested when people cut their shave their beard off who made you do that was it a situation where the line wasn’t where you want it and you have to restart I don’t know because I I can’t could have been

Trying to do the touchup at home and it went bad yeah I couldn’t uh I can’t willingly go back at this point I don’t even touch my beard I leave it all to my barber I’ll mess it up you could do it you got it n cuz dude I’m like 56 I

Shaved my beard on they going to me back to high school and that that brother had two kids man every time I see crazy like this like I I got to go to the doctor yeah yeah I definitely got to go to the doctor oh yeah go sharks go sharks did we win

Yesterday I know they played the Blackhawks oh that’s probably a loss yeah they lost in um penalty on now remember don’t the don’t the black cks have like that Conor Bard yeah sharks ended up winning a bunch of games at the end of the season so they screwed up their chance at

That I’m about to go full k carway in Vegas in March oh what do I do in Vegas oh going to Vegas sh yeah going to Vegas first of all shirt going to be buttoned to like right here SP Cod over the top yeah it’s should be Fire full

Effect let’s get back to these phone lines uh don’t forget what you were gonna say by the way I might have already forgot yeah I I I I forgot the whole lead Ino Kim just gave us these nice little notepads I know I know on now uh 91690 you you’ll remember you

Always do 91699 1320 uh let’s start with our man Ivan Ivan appreciate you for holding so long man what’s on your mind all right okay I just want to you know let everybody know like I was telling the other guy that I was never a Kings fan and I just started watching

Him a few years ago and I think everybody should just relax they’re going through some Growing Pains you know that’s fa it from last year to this year their defense is a lot better now they having struggling because they playing more better defense this year than they did last year

So if they ain’t gonna win this championship in the next year or so but they they have improved okay c c can I can I ask you just just just just one quick followup where do you where do you think they they’ve improved at I think they improved a lot on their defense

Okay okay I appreciate you Ivan man thank you brother Um okay I think we’ve seen individual growth defensively uh particularly Keegan Murray Darren Fox Um I think that’s where I’ll leave it though I think that’s where I’d leave it yeah not not saying everyone else like is is awful like we’re seeing Kevin herder do some things better I just don’t know that i’ i’ I’d hang my hat on um them being better defensively yeah I

Think I think they’re to me they’re about the same defensively uh maybe maybe a little better maybe a little bit better but not anything drastic let’s get our man uh TC in here TC what’s going on boy man what’s up with my two brothers what up TC man I’m just vibing now hold

On real quick Jesse hey Jesse and DLo hey I’m with y’all bro like Kenny let me ask you a question before I get the cook you’re inarm first of all TC so I’m not surprised like you’re worst case scenario every time yeah like like seriously like are are you trying to pay

The good guy bad guy like I know last time you was flipping your top Now you kind of like super optimistic about the team like I don’t know what’s going on with these free throws like as far as with the whole that’s what I go back to

With Mike BR Mike we’re not the P Chicago Michael Jordan bulls or Kobe and sha where you could just sit back and hey these guys are going to figure it out I’m not going to call a timeout no bro call timeout you probably did but keep calling the mic and then like you

Said Kenny when you get in the Huddle Hey listen don’t turn over the ball make the smart play like you gotta get you gota like walk these guys down the line we’re not established enough to just hey I’m a fall back and this team can just

Go get us a win tonight no bro it’s it’s not like that uh what’s my boy over there the the offensive coordinator what’s my boy’s name I’m blanking out Triano Triano listen the whole spray the paint touch and spray that’s cool bro when we’re hitting but we we got to add

Another wrinkle we got to add something like pick and roll when we can go to the basket when the three’s not falling it has to be a light bulb and everybody’s here oh hey team we have to do something different pick and roll let’s start driving to the basket now caus and

Drawing fouls it’s too many times when we get a team in the penalty and we don’t even drive the ball and get them into foul trouble to where we can get back in the game or like go on with the lead like seriously bro I know I’m like

B but it’s a lot going on like M Mike rotations DLo I heard you earlier Mike you got to get that under control bro with the whole like in and out bouncing around this guy might not Mike please get that under control Bro Other than that bro we’d be all right seriously I

Know hey Kenny you laughing all laughing but serious that’s that’s me that’s me laughing because TC like I said to get out the way but like I said earlier it’s the same things he was doing last year a lot of the same things I didn’t to be

Honest with you to be fair I didn’t like it a lot last year yeah yeah yeah we you know what I’m saying like I wasn’t a fan of it last year but it worked now what you can say is this is a whole new year you can’t do the same things you did

Last year this year it’s a new team new situations all that other stuff I understand that but this isn’t new this isn’t new the the whole thing is they what what it comes down to is people expect the Kings to be better expect them to be

Better is and and now that the question that you got to ask for that is is that fair or an accurate assessment or accurate Expectations by everyone else what what if um cuz for me it’s not necessarily well I guess the record kind of ties into it but it’s like they’re

Not playing the same basketball they were last year I I don’t think like it’s like it’s like hid and Miss mostly I don’t think like they’re not playing the same way they were last year if they were if they were playing like how they were last year I think it’s a lot

Different because like expectations are one thing but I don’t I don’t know if it’s expectations is what’s like kind of fogging people’s brains and stuff like that this team just not playing the same basketball they were last year I don’t think well there’s a there’s a different

Scheme a little bit but I think and I’ll I’ll check on some things real quick while while I talk about this when you talk about them not playing yeah when you talk about them not playing uh the same type of football as they did last year or basketball they did not playing

The same football either they did that’s King just not winning in the trenches this year I don’t know what it is that’s all right I had the Kings beating the Detroit Lions a couple of days go it’s fine it happens but um in this and I’m I’m not trying to

Single people out or blame anybody but Harrison Barnes and Kevin herder aren’t as good as they were last year it’s this really for me what it comes down to Kevin herder last year I want to make sure I have this it was 15 points a game he’s nine points a game

This year 10 points a game he’s 10 point he’s 9.9 10 points a game this year Harrison Barnes last year was I think he was 15 as well 15 points a game he’s averaging 10 they’re not hitting their threes they’re not so it’s going to look different because two of your starters

And I think that’s a generous 10 points per game for each of them because it feels like every night they’re under 10 like if it feels like they got to 10 because Harrison had a 33-point game and herder had a 26o game but if you’re watching the game it’s like herder’s got

Two Harrison’s got four like I think that and it’s I’m not saying it’s their fault I’m just saying that’s the difference sticking with those two guys because I’ve been kind been stuck on my mind those are the two guys this offseason where Kings weren’t talking to HB it’s been said on this

Show they weren’t talking to him for you for a few weeks he was plann C or whatever called him back signed him herder got benched I mean obviously DTE got hurt but let’s call spade a spade herder was going to hit the bench the start of the Season those are the two

Guys like is this deriving from the offseason uh I think it is it’s fair like it’s fair to ask that it’s perfectly fair to ask that yeah it it because Kevin’s not going into the season thinking like all right we’re playing basketball whatever he’s already on his mind I got to step

It up or else I’m going to hit the bench now before the season’s even start and the thing I just can’t get over is like did Mike really feel like that was the direction because Chris DTE is not playing because and and there’s two things at play if if Mike really thought

That was the direction okay but 40 games into the season he appears to have been very very wrong that’s equally is concerning and it’s it might even be more concerning about what he thinks of Kevin herder that’s the part that I keep getting hung up on yeah I don’t

Understand the Kevin herder situation I I never not once and I still don’t feel this way even through the struggles he’s played with I never not once like yo you gotta remove Kevin St line yeah and I I was against that in the preseason um yeah I’m still against it

Now like like through all the all the talk and all the trade talk and all this other stuff Kevin herder out of the three is the one I want to give up the least is I think if you if you if you you know scheme up what you got to

Scheme up and do things the right way for Kevin herder and have him feeling good about himself I think it changes everything about this team and what they could be and what they could do so I would be looking to empower Kevin herder this entire time as opposed to the way that it’s

Played out uh let’s get Sam 91699 1320 Sam what’s going on my friend hey how you guys doing today we all right we’re good we’re good hey well listen I give you a little golf analogy for some of your golf enthusiasts you know I am probably the best driving range player in Northern

California now when I get to the 18 H row uh I will probably top the shot about 90% of the time oh no yeah so that tells you it’s that pressure it’s that pressure of the 18 toll Sam he I appreciate it I hope you got the analy Sam real quick real quick

Don’t leave are you in a casino again uh I would like to say I’m at Sky River but I’m at the other one in Lincoln no you’re at Sky River buddy for for for purposes of the story Sam forever thanks boys all right buddy have fun at Sky River Sam

Yeah head over to 32 Bru Street tell them D Casey sent you it won’t get you nothing but just tell them we sent shout out to Sam he just listens to us while he’s he’s gambling I love Sam yeah big love Sam C Sam came over and saw us

At the ice rank he did he did he did uh and you can come see us at Sky River Casino on February 2nd uh we’ll be doing a live show from noon till 4 uh we’ll be hanging around to watch King’s basketball uh and most importantly it’s a Friday

It’s a Friday so we can cut up we can have some fun order some drinks some food hit the tables after we like the beam hopefully and I imagine the Kings team excuse me I imagine the Pacers team we see Thursday uh will look a lot different

Come February 2nd of course the news um you know outside of course the tragic news coming out of the Golden State Warriors coaching staff um the news uh today was pastor Pas sakam was indeed traded Pascal cakam is headed to the Indiana Pacers that’s long been rumored

Uh you could do simple math here the Pacers have the money to sign Pascal cakam to the exact deal that he wants uh the Pacers move three first round picks in addition to Bruce Brown to get this deal done still have shano’s contract really really interesting for Indiana

Moving forward with several weeks before the trade deadline they still have that deal to use or theyve obviously already made a little wink wink agreement with uh Pascal cakam and his people you could just let that money fall off your books next year and that’s probably something

You could really use right now uh given that you are almost certainly signing Pascal cakam uh to a pretty hefty contract extension I’m I’m I’m gonna say the deal’s done the deal is absolutely done no that’s that’s a perfectly Fair assumption Indiana is not moving three

First round picks uh if they thought SE yakum was leaving in a couple months they absolutely are not there’s nothing signs you can’t sign anything but this is the this is a relationship between an agent and a front office it’s as it’s as simple as that uh the Kings didn’t have

That money to offer and I am hopeful Monty didn’t have any interest in offering that money I would have loved to see I would have loved to see SE yakum here I never L the idea of SE yakum as a uh Max player next season um so congrats to the Pacers

Uh good luck yeah good good luck with that I think that’s a solid squad though I like the Pacers I think a little bit more than you do you’ve been you’ve been saying it since the summer man you you’ve been saying that’s that’s a playoff yeah I thought the makeup I

Thought the makeup of that team is solid I didn’t think Tyrese’s jump was going to be this big like T Tyrese had one of those he he had a leap um and that’s really the the Catalyst behind this and salute to the Pacers they were able to

You know they’ve been able to win a couple of games with uh uh Tyrese out and shout out to brother who hosted with Matt last night who seemingly had no idea that Tyrese halberton would in fact not be at the golden one Center on Thursday wait what happen what happened he said he

Said let’s let’s move past this game and look ahead on the host game on I thought you meant Matt George no no no no no no no not Matt George that’s uh that’s what I forgot D his name he does the I met Matt the guy who was hosting the show

With Matt Barnes he does the Niners in the Giants post game my man said coming up on Thursday uh a former Tyrese halberton Carlos Ramirez Golden One Center like sir and there was b-roll for it it was like guys like what what is going on did you see Matt cus that’s I heard

About I didn’t hear what he that was solid what did he say without saying it he dropped he dropped the s bomb on the on the and and hit and hit us quick with the like seeing Matt seeing Matt do that seeing Matt Barnes hit you with the

Oopsie because I think he was asking like yeah when you on the Lakers like what would happened after game like is Kobe would have yelled at or something like that Ron would have said something and then he dropped her right there yeah no it’s it’s it’s it’s

A okay you guys it’s a classic moment see it doesn’t just happen to us yeah it happens Matt Barnes was comfortable it happen amazingly of all the people who have cussed on this show Matt Barnes isn’t one of them we gotta get him on stream phone is too

Yeah yeah yeah I got you if we get Matt Barnes on stream Carlos Ramirez yeah well you know Kings the the DeMarcus Cousins is coming back to the golden one Center sir throw Aver Johnson on that pregame show too I I kind of felt bad for him because

I figured he I don’t know if he took like it was a short circumstance like he seemed like it was he a Bay Area guy I don’t think I don’t think he watches the king I’m just so confused as to why there why would was their b-roll for

This well he said it and there’s a video image of Tyrese Halbert yeah that’s that’s that’s a group effort a team effort you could have picked another former King who’s coming back to the golden one you could have put up the Buddy Hill three stat again thank you

All reliable all reliable buddy buddy he that was a team effort man my people over there you know they blew a 22-point lead too yeah they did tough tough night for tough night for all involved tough tough night for all inv involved I remember what I was going to

Say though okay why I felt better okay okay good I was going to let you uh let them know where we’re at though oh if y’all don’t know Ste and KC on kfm West Sacramento 98.5 FM krx qd2 Sacramento ESPN 1320 always live on the free Odyssey app my partner does that because

I’m legally obligated to read that so shout out to my brother right there we’re live on 1320 TV as well twitch YouTube and Twitter if you’d like to sponsor uh YouTube TV reach out to rich. Ripley rich is in his feelings because no one has emailed him about this yeah

He was he was upset I got and here’s the thing if you’re listening uh we’re getting commissions if someone calls and says hey I heard DLo and KC uh say uh I could sponsor uh the 1320 TV yeah that’ll be DLo and KC’s commission that comes in thank you otherwise go sell

Something I love you rich get your team to go sell something I walked away from that so soon as I saw that direction I was like nope nope ain’t gonna be me not today this did you think about doing this rich like no it’s a good idea then

All of a sudden I was doing the video wait a minute I didn’t that’s not what was supposed to happen we’re underpaid man we are terribly underpaid uh what were you gonna say about why you feel good about why you feel okay about where Sacramento is feel

A little bit more encouraged than most that’s because it feels like uh because I forgot who it was earlier might have been Jeremy talking about they don’t have an identity um the scoring is starting to come back okay the scoring is starting to come back and we’ll go from let’s just

Go from the first of the year I’ll count New Year’s Eve on that because it fits my argument very good 123 against Memphis okay only 104 with Charlotte but 138 with Orlando 135 with Toronto 100 with Orleans Pelicans 131 with Detroit 123 with Charlotte 93 with Philly and

Then 143 and9 or 117 in the last two games so one of the things that we talked about with the identity is what is this team’s identity they need to get back to being more of an offensive team and all this other stuff well it seems

In the last two weeks or so the scoring is starting to come back I think some of that also has to do with um and this hasn’t been a two week thing but a little bit more offensive production in recent games with Kevin herder I think

That helps as well uh let’s bring some context to that let’s go back to November uh 101 89 97 121 105 that 105 was a win um 132 125 129 you have the numbers pick up there a little bit uh at the end of November and

Then you get to December and they kind of go all over the place again um but I I I can see that I can I can I can I can completely buy into that um not as much the free throw Improvement that we were talking about earlier it’s

Got to happen but I can buy into this long term that that offense being more consistent and getting back to playing the way we want them to play the way that we saw them play last year the way that we see them we’ve seen them play through uh chunks and spurts this

Year and also when I started all this I talked about the unfortunate two and three road trip where you know they weren’t able to get that third win but I said the road trip I thought they thought they played well and if you look just at that I mean that’s 131 123

93 142 117 and that’s that is what kind of shaped my yeah they’re playing better for sure in these five games even though they didn’t result in the Wis that we wanted yeah I think one of the toughest things for our old 2023 stat you look at that

142 and it’s a loss you look at that 117 and it’s a loss uh those those those were few and far between last year where they topped that 115 marker and still wound up with L’s I I could be wrong the dowlo stat yeah if Will looks this up

Was that their first loss they were they were 16 and one going in the last night with 30 or plus assists do you know what the loss was I don’t know oh but I saw that on the broadcast was it Milwaukee it might have been it might have been

That would absolutely make sense Milwaukee yeah 34 assists going Milwaukee well going into before the last two games 16 and0 they hit 30 assists in the last two games and lost both of them yeah and and and and my my thing with that and with the 115 stat as well is

You’re not to go 43 and0 in that you’re going to have maybe five losses in that your 30 assists that you’re not going to go 380 it’s probably when it’s done all said and done I don’t know what they did last year when it’s all said and done they were

Probably 30 and four right so the the premise is still on point even with an ugly loss even with back-to-back ugly loss the premise of how you’re playing if you play that way you’re going to have a very good record with that you know what I mean that and that’s I guess

That’s the whole that’s the Crux of everything I’m talking about if they play the way they played the last two games specifically they’ll be fine I I do believe that they’ll be fine just unfortunate that it was a buzzer beater that you lost on and you completely blown a 22 game Jesse

What’s the record for Drake bars games after last night glad we didn’t have one last night yeah so since we didn’t have one last night they’re 96 and0 okay 96 and0 some would say just make it a drake bars game and you’re gonna get a win I

Don’t want to bastardize uh the record of a drake bars and for those who are unaware like there was a uh every once in a while there’s a runin during the ksfm show that nullifies the the Drake bars game it’s it it happens Jesse will come in right before he goes goes about

To leave game’s off no Drake bars and he’ll leave he he won’t explain why he’ll just come in it’s off and leaves like Magic Johnson at the summer league just nope question the stats remember question the stats not not to be when was the last time we had Drake

Bars if are we gonna be real right now yeah being very serious last we’re on a four game losing streak right now it’s been it’s been it might have been a well the last one was because I said something about Alex figs so it was

Around the time we got that we got those hoodies like a week or two ago okay let me see off the top of my head if I can remember the I think it was the Magic game it was the Magic game it was the Magic game okay because I

Said something about Pao and monk had 37 and I was like yeah it’s about two weeks ago yeah all right well where were we because we saw those what game did we go to then was it the Raptor game we went to the Pelicans game oh we went to the

Pelicans game because that’s where we saw people with the with Alex’s hoodies on all right did you see this story that unrelated to the Kings 15 people were hospitalized who went to that that Dolphins Chiefs game yeah next time don’t go to the game like it’s not that serious you guys is

That guys taking their shirts off and stuff like that come on yeah that that was dumb I don’t know were those people were okay but don’t don’t don’t do that for your sports fandom 70 calls uh Casey First Responders received at Arrowhead 15 people were transported to a local

Hospital seven of those were transported for hypothermia three for frostbite you lose a lose like a tower it was minus 9 degrees with a negative -28 windshield yeah you don’t need to be outside and all that I I you know a lot of people should every team play indoors

I wouldn’t be mad at it no the elements matter that’s that stuff is good like I like that stuff like Buffalo and all that like here’s the thing about Buffalo here’s the funny thing about Buffalo when they they show they posted a video the night the game

Was supposed to play yeah that was crazy and all I think thought watching that was this wasn’t about players or fans as I’m looking at the video they can’t show it on TV you can’t see nothing that’s why they canceled it moved it well there was also a travel

Band in Buffalo the mayor put a travel band for like 20 hours on the oh I remember travel bands they had travel bands in Connecticut don’t miss it why do people live over there I don’t know there’s there’s uh I thought I saw a report that work at the worldwide leader I guess

There’s um concern about another storm this weekend in Buffalo yeah there’s probably gonna be concerns for the next month I think Jesse I understand I like it too but there is an argument that every team should play indoors that two is going to the Super Bowl every year

Fellas well well like maybe Miami doesn’t need to be indoors maybe like the Cardinals don’t need to be indoors Minnesota Vikings the bills like that yeah Upstate New York yeah maybe it’s a good idea to or or everybody and I know like Minnesota did it Minnesota did it

They could have retractable roof was M Minnesota’s Minnesota’s first thing was a stadium though right what the the one that collapsed that was a that was a dome yeah but that was built in like the 40s put that together with duct tape yeah well that was that might was clear

Yeah definitely the same but I I think and the crazy thing about it is Buffalo’s going to have uh their new one is not gonna have any type of ceiling like you got an opportunity to build something I say I Jesse I say retractable roof retractable roof I

Think is a good compromise yeah I’m I’m good with that because you can’t like if if you can help it you can’t have people out there in minus 9 degrees right some guys can’t throw the football in that degrees that weather so and then you have to hear the awkward conversations

About how hard the ball is you know what pal what no I get him I’m referencing yeah yeah it’s a 15 yard penalty we’re going to call that unnecessary roughness right there unnecessary roughness yeah where were you when I needed you in studio 5 I don’t know dark match KC had a legit

Flagrant too a legit flagrant too I don’t know what this guy’s talking about what was said what was said well well bring it to the committee well we I it might be too much for the radio we’ll come back steo and KC brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento

Sports leader ESPN 1320 I believe what he said it was it was all up in my throat no I said I had a bunch of stuck in my throat bro I would have tossed you for the season right that was a Draymond that was a Draymond yeah he

Would have been out minimum three weeks needs counsel the hell is going on out here I don’t know meeting of the minds Charlie’s back all right man little 13th round action going up here little 13th round action going up I gota my 13th rounds popping off a little bit

More 13th round what’s your main man Kenny carway shout out to the Jordan brand shout out to the dope ones Big Ups to Cola seos you already know the Vibes go check that out 13th round over the weekend Arthur I say Arthur but I think it’s like Arthur Arthur I think

They pronounce it differently or whatever because he’s uh Canadian or something like that I’m call a man Arthur better be if took on Caleb Smith and knocked him out I think it was about the ninth round or something like that and he upped his record to 20 and0 with

20 Knockouts that’s crazy and when you talk about light heavyweight um there’s only one match I want to see I don’t want to see Canelo vers ball we don’t need to see that move on from that it’s better beia versus Demetri ball that’s what we want to see and biva has

A a certain amount of power to to to his game but he’s a tactician he’s more of a boxer puncher better be a I can’t lie to you it looks like it hurts when he when he hits you it looks like a lot of guys you know they get you know like Terence

Crawford for instance Terence Crawford were slick with it you know boom boom slick slick and I know he has power and it looks like it does hurt because he knocks people out or whatever but watching it looking at it it doesn’t look like it hurts when better be if it

You just feel it like oh like ouch my cheek hurts or whatever the case may be and because of that if those two fought as much as I like ball and I think he he’s he’s that dude I’d go would better be it now better of is is older he’s the

Older Fighter um at one night the age is gonna catch up with him we don’t know what night it is but one night it’s gonna happen it may be that night but if those two fight which there’s no reason there’s absolutely no reason outside of promotional politics why they shouldn’t fight in

2024 those two fight in 2024 I think I might go with a better BF I think I might go with him but we absolutely need to see that fight that is one of the bigger fights in boxing right now we need to see it and it needs

To happen now then that’s the 13th round I’m a little nervous casy Saudi Arabia’s already calling for Haney vers tank they want it the thing is you know they could pay for it you know all those people talking about all those people are talking about

Um you know the UFC is is killing boxing dying all this but this is where boxing might be D yes yes honestly yes stop putting the fights at one o’ during the day or in the morning stop seriously the Saudi Arabia stuff the Saudi bag is that could be what kills box nobody’s

Watching these fights no like the guys are getting paid and all that but nobody’s watching these fights that could be killing him man got a point a lot going on out there complex is sitting over there um it’s that time it’s about 2:15 and I guess

The air is kicked on and I’m almost about to put this broken sweater back on I’m G see if Kim has what are those safety pins yeah that’s the thing go flag her down she’s right there talking about meeting big well never mind never mind never

Mind can you sew PR can do you have a sewing kit why don’t you have one here those mics are solid picked up cam yeah picked up everything good Dr David brings up a good point Casey you could probably just go see promotions get you a sweater yeah I probably yeah I probably

Just do that think I wasn’t ready for Jesse bringing it back from the break I’m sorry that I needed to it was just on my that’s a good call might might might need to go get a a hoodie might go you might want to go you might want to

Run down to Promotions before it’s too late because once you get into that cold phase it’s tough to kick out in this room yeah I think this thing is I make it through the next one I think this thing is on a timer where it’s like yeah

68 degrees 67 degrees 6 just by the time we’re on ksfm it’s freezing yeah it’s Kansas City I don’t think we have control over these things I don’t think we do either I think they’re just props like yeah go ahead press the button Kim wants to know if you really need a

Safety pin because I think we have get I’ll get it on the break or if you don’t have one it’s cool if you do I’ll get it in the next break good oh never mind she just say she don’t have it so wow in other purse oh that was close you

Got to watch got give G giv Kimberly open open Mike man could get dicey you could get dicey Kimberly Kimberly Barnes that’s what I’m gonna call her Kim says she won’t cuss I don’t know if I could trust her kimly Barnes no she’s she’s she’s on a Hall of

Fame list of people who have cussed on this show tell tell her if she doesn’t have one it’s okay yeah she say she left another person well thanks a lot can’t get any good help around here hey that’s funny K comes in does he still need it yeah I don’t have

It thank thanks Kim oh that’s terrific tell them too bad um Kings this from will Z Kings when they scor 115 or more last year 44 and 12 12 losses this year 21 and five they’re on Pace that’s a win percentage of uh 786 versus 808 808 the big number this year is

120 this year the kings are 20 and one with a win percentage of 952 one very recent last year they were 36 and seven they scored a win percentage of 837 they scored 120 or more what’s that 43 times uh 43 times last year wow how many have

They scored this how many times did that happen this year 21 they’re on Pace yeah they’re on Pace to surpass it they’re the the uh ironic thing about all they’re almost on Pace to have the same exact season the path to get there it looks a little different or whatever

But the destination might end up being the same place shout out to our brother Terence Davis man TD to is a killes oh no for real for oh yeah I didn’t see that yeah no good oh no man wow wow you’re well soon TD yeah taures Achilles man

Geez we’re rooting for you TD always brother always always always always that’s not okay another thing that I thought about with the Kings not to transition from TD like that but um I’m looking at James ham right now at practice showing two minutes of dearon fox shooting free

Throws they haven’t been able to practice in a while huh yeah probably not like this situation like all right we practice like I’m not hitting my free throws let me get 200 up after pract like they haven’t had that in a couple weeks now they’ve had that doesn’t

Excuse the whole year of being last in the league in free throws but if it if now because it’s not a blowout or not a win it’s brought to the Forefront they they hadn’t had an opportunity to like all right man this is this is the straw that breaks the

Camels back I need to go fix this now today is their first opportunity for that although if you really wanted to find a gym in Phoenix you could have found the gym but that’s neither here nor there uh baxley’s dad might have been able to help Deen out with uh you know

Jim yeah I’m I’m sure he I’m sure he would have to not not that not that it ever needs to be discussed that Marvin got traded yeah traded to the Wizards and it was caught on video yeah yeah that was kind of tough yeah go bad for them dudes I do

Too um remember when dear at that IG story of Begley’s dad what was it again he said something like this clown oh yeah oh man I wish they could have just got along everybody that team was really an a team for a couple years yeah it was

A it was a it was a rough I mean we had Marvin and Buddy on the same team I can’t can’t believe buddy didn’t get traded today you said something when because we got everyone got alerted that it looked like like this deal was close to happening and I just assumed shyvana

Was a part of it and you were like man he’s going to miss the playoffs again and I fell out laughing he might make the playoffs of course there still there’s still three weeks to the trade deadline but he might make it he might make it good luck to you buddy

Sure sure what buddy wanted to come on the show oh bu anybody can come on the show literally anyone can come on this show buddy pull almost anyone pull up on us where they at right now did they play y they play today uh they might be here

Already buddy pull up on us dog yeah buddy buddy’s welcome to join the show uh there it doesn’t just don’t say what you said in the background of that one interview well Jesse Jesse Jesse knows how to work the dump button yeah it doesn’t look like they play today they

Might already be here they should already be here well let’s go meet him at the Sawyer let’s let’s bring it let’s get let’s get Ley Ley ain’t nowhere to be found it’s been a it’s been a couple weeks if if anybody has seen Ley heard

From Ley if anybody knows if Ley is okay hey Just sh him to check in Ley is done with we got we got some work for him we’ll grab him we we’ll grab Ley if we can find him we we’ll go meet shyano and head over to Solomon vinyl or something

We’ll take him to Tigers he he’s done with sports man Ley really ain’t never come back hold up Jordan is this a shoot I need to know is that real or you being funny I need to know I need to know if if if if Jordan being funny or knows

He’s safe over there if Le ain’t nobody to reply to him that’s saying he ain’t gotta worry about them lights over there poor Ley he kept saying man they ain’t you ain’t give my Eagles no respect ain’t seen that brother in ain’t seen that brother in a while come on jus

The notorious just at least he still got the heat he does still still had the heat he still had a heat did the Heat make a deal before the trade deadline they’re always in the mix though usually false quiet remember the year uh msai didn’t trade Kyle

Lowry yeah he did the same exact thing with Fred Van Fleet I did did the same exact exact thing do you think um as we talk a little NBA here do you think he did a good job um in this situation I think I man I

Wish I would have bookmarked it yeah but he got like like five picks RJ Barrett I like what he got back from New York quickly and Bruce Brown it it feels like it’s a it’s it’s you’re you’re you’re retooling a little bit the the the thing with Toronto is they have that one

Outlier where they acquire Kawhi Leonard and won a championship and it’s like you’re not a you you never really been a championship team been a really good basketball team like a really really good basketball team but second round Sly ka yeah Kawhi Leonard made you a championship team and

That was a a one ofone moment and Messiah executed it to Perfection lifetime pass in Toronto lifetime pass in Canada as it pertains to basketball but like yeah Toronto can be a playoff team but that like that’s it but that I mean that’s that’s solid like they’re

They could be a solid playoff team I’m good with that I just don’t think you can let like four guys walk in free agency you like you did it with Lowry you did it with uh Fred Van Fleet like you had to trade OG

And seaka right and he did and he and he got a seem like he got a good haul out of it you got a great haul from Indiana I actually like both deals for the Pacers the or excuse me for the Raptors you you you you get all of those picks from

Indiana and then you got two really solid players from New York I like RJ Barrett still and uh I like quickley too so IQ as they like to call him the question I’m kind of stuck on is looking at the Eastern Conference does this raise the Pacer

Ceiling uh I mean cu cu I mean because I feel like all were really talking about is Miami and Cleveland like we’re not talking about Philly right right right you didn’t you didn’t say that with a lot of confidence so okay I want to make sure I got you clearly here you’re you’re

Saying Philly Philly Milwaukee and Boston Lo in there they’re yeah they’re in the group yeah yeah yeah yeah like so with the with the Pacers the Pacers are 23 and 17 right now they’re at the six spot you got New York right behind them Orlando’s not too far far away that’s all you’re

Really talking about then you’ve got Miami in the fifth spot and Cleveland in in the four spot did this deal solidify their ability to get to four because I don’t think they’re cracking the top three and was it worth it to just move to four I think they basically

Potentially be four I think they basically just solidified like their plays from four through six like now they won’t be a play play I also I I think they solidified their play four through six not just this year but maybe for the next what I’m thinking too is like this

Is a this is a a team that has a foundation that they can grow from right like they won’t be any lower than the the six seed and that’s like feels like that’s worst case scenario even moving forward and you can grow on that right like if if uh mathine

Takes a leap or you’re able to sign a free agent or something like that like you can get into that top three but this solidifies that they won’t probably ever be any worse than six yeah as far as this season goes like right now they be

Slated to play Philly in the first round I’d still take Philly against them right now not this year next year you think they could crack the top three potentially yeah I do too I do too because like I one of them it could just be cluttered

MH where like if we’re just looking at this point of the Season not talking at the end of the season but just looking at like right now 40 games into the season they could all be at like 12 or 13 losses M all all four of those teams

Yeah all four of those teams um yeah yeah I it’s a it’s a big time move for them man it’s a big time move big ups for them so the Toronto stuff is done it feels like the next loudest team is Atlanta is Atlanta doing something or

Is this just noise I think Deontay Murray’s out of there yeah I remember I saw the Lakers was it was it the Lakers who who had the dejonte Murray talk the Lakers Lakers too recently I saw a tweet where he was asked about like the Spurs possibly having interest in in like he

Acknowledged likea he acknowledged like the fact like they’re shopping them or whatever somebody threw out um Trey young being open in his Camp being open to going to San Antonio I’m sure a lot of guys would be open to going to San Antonio now yeah I’m sure of it

I can’t lie I’d be curious to see Trey with pop in that organization and staff I’d be very curious to see that yeah C like if Trey can be multi-dimensional yeah it could be special I mean in you know the the the first tweet that went out after the

Trade was like Indiana’s got this tandem now of Tyrese and Pascal seaka yeah I mean that’s a hell of a followup say Victor wanyama and Trey Trey young I I’m I’m a little bit more of a Believer Still In Trey young than most I don’t think he’s like like generational or nothing like

That but I think he’s been discounted a little bit too much um as of as of late it all started like halfway through last year they were treating him like he was a scrub I was like hold on now this the guy can play like settle down did you see Shaq talking about

SGA I missed that I don’t think I’m gon be well I I wanted to play it for you but I don’t I’m not I’m probably not going to be able to find it quick enough yes I am can he just impersonate her well he doesn’t know what he said why do

You encourage this I’m a good friend when you talk about SJ that’s probably one of the top five players in the league right now um he’s special he’s a guy that he could have played with Shaq could have played in my time and when you give him the ball he’s electric

That’s somebody that you can TR with yourself I am I’m laughing in the studio right now I think he’s the best point guard in the league right now to be honest with you and that’s just what I see all right Chuck don’t tell me what you think because you don’t have no

Rings you don’t no no no Chuck no Chuck no Chuck you don’t have no rings see I’m mad at myself for laughing at the end to be clear I’m not laughing at you I’m laughing at Jamal Crawford’s accountant outfit that he’s wearing over here shout out to my guy

With the little clear box under him too so his feet don’t have to hang yeah they sure do he sure do at least they tried they made it clear shout out to the short well they all wait a minute all three of them got it they all do got the

Biggest Candace got it uh what’s my man’s name Matt I forget that guy’s with the Dior and then old Jamal over here ready to ready to make sure you save it H&R Block uh I came across this clip this morning and best point best point guard or best lead guard best leag guard

Is a point guard a point guard he’s a leag guard he’s a high usage rate and controls the flow of Hey listen I mean what is the point guard or L I’m gon have to take him wow luk is a fa player but this kid listen he plays the

Right way gets his teammates involved when he puts his head down go to B no one sh we’re talking about right now I’m right now right nowar yeah I’m taking them right now he’s he’s definitely he’s definitely emerged as one of my favorite players to watch because I like I like I

Like stories like this guys that come out of nowhere and then they’re forced to be reckon with he’s a hell of a player right now what do you think of that I don’t disagree I don’t disagree at all like I thought I thought I thought Candace and Jamal was way over

The top you’re talking about right now yes I think I’d take SGA too absolutely that does but you’re you again you’re talking about two like of the absolute best players in the league like he was talking about like jannis scub or something like that I no you’re talking about jannis right now Z

This caught my attention though I’m running this back to the street yeah like look at this he pushed the hell out of him this is literally on the man’s look extended arm and everything like what is going on Darren be thrown out the game if he did

That Dar be assess flagrant too and tossed offensive foul hey send this to Mike Brown let’s get this to Mike Brown immediately Mike look at this sorry for the radio audience there’s just a the in in sga’s highlight reel they have him just blatantly forearm shoving uh a Defender to get a shot

Off I like SGA now look everybody look here you see what sga’s doing that well that was fine that’s not in the third quarter but if you go and you continue to look they told me verticality was something look look now look can he do that there’s verticality there but look right here

When when he keeps going no one on the radio right there can he do that he can’t do that thank you radio audience he’s holding his laptop right now point at highlights thank you Shannon as Rob W says this is a radio show question mark well oh we’re kind of everything yeah we

A little bit everything man we multi-dimensional come on now we’re just a show that’s on the radio keep it real bro if you’re on the radio still listening to this show you know what it is bro like you’re not there’s no you got over being mad a long time time ago

A good point if you’re still here you love it shout out to the to those on the Odyssey app and the TuneIn app shout out to the mitches and the Big Al big Big Al where you at big we see you baby Big Al we miss you big dog 91699 1320 Big Al

Just just in case you’re still calling the old number with the will Kane might Studio he might be might be he he he emailed I remember big out emailed HR come on he emailed our HR representatives to tell us I’ve been trying to get a hold of DLo and KC oh he

Turned into Indiana Jones for that phone number oh he did come on man come on Big Al I haven’t I’m I’m assuming James is coming in for the three o’clock hour I’m not 100% sure yes TBD TBD but he um he he he said as he was leaving he he could

Uh he could miss our time today but we haven’t heard from him so I’m I’m I’m thinking maybe we maybe we’ll have James here coming up uh at the top of the 3:00 hour I had had uh Twitter open because I was looking uh to see if we had any I

Know Mike spoke uh about the passing of dejon I want to destroy his last name uh lovic I think it is but I don’t I I I don’t know if he spoke about anything else um so we’ve been monitoring with our you know our crew who’s at practice this uh

To see if anything’s has posted and that’s the only thing that I know Mike talked about today uh and actually wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the only thing he talks about today and obviously completely understandable for very obvious reasons uh Mike coached with the Warriors as everyone is aware of

Um yeah it looks like he talked for a while just looking at James’s video looks like he talked for a while on that so um you know talk of basketball for Mike and the Sacramento Kings will probably have to wait another day there was a report I don’t I don’t know if you

Saw this kind of flew a little bit under the wayar that the the Rockets were interested in Harrison Barnes yeah yeah I kind of a Mark Stein report I heard a little bit about that too I mean I don’t know what that deal would be one of the

First people that came to my mind uh when I thought about what you might get is maybe you get a guy like Jan Tate who I’ve always liked he’s not having the greatest season this year I much like you and the M that’s where you’re aiming I mean I don’t feel like there’s

Another like if we’re not talking Dylan Brooks or or Jabari Smith Jr I don’t like I’m good well I I don’t know if unless you’re sending draft picks over I which I don’t that’s not my bag I don’t care what do you think the market is for

I have no idea I think it’s sh Shante T what you think you’re gonna get for Harrison in the NBA I don’t know I don’t know I don’t think it’s I’m not hell been on trading him if the deal is there for something to be done and it works like

Fine yeah am I trading Harrison Barnes for J Shante I don’t think that I am to be honest with you I I’m okay with that I’m fine with that with not trading them I’m just I was just trying to think of people on the rockets that comparable

That you know you might be looking at that’s the only one I could really come up with that would work Tara e but I doubt it all yeah it seems like all of the guys we would like over there like why would they trade them and that’s

Where I came with Jan from maybe they move on from Jan didn’t the Kings have a chance to draft him they pass I think he was like undrafted guy or something it’s something close to that um and he hasn’t had the statistically the the greatest season this year but you know always

Like Jan man tough tough noosed dude hard noosed dude um get Scrappy all that other stuff so you could help Tates he’s played in all 30 he’s played in 37 of their 39 games this year think he’s averaging like four points a game so it’s not like it’s about five but I

Was more looking at the minutes that he’s played he’s at about 19 minutes per game yeah they ain’t gonna do it for me dog that’s fair I mean ain’t gonna do it for me once again I I said this after Milwaukee I guess yeah after Milwaukee

Um it it was clear as day that the Kings get production from one if not both of those guys in the starting lineup on a consistent basis it changes the forecast for this team and what they could be and you have to ask yourself now are do you believe those guys can

Play consistently or do we need to go get somebody because that’s what it is it’s just like one of these guys need to step up in that starting lineup if we get that we can start cooking and if you think if they if Monty is sitting there and thinking

Yeah I think the way you know things are starting to look that Harrison or Kevin can give us consistent scoring out of that I don’t want to make a deal I understand that I hope you’re right but if you don’t think that say hey I got to

Go go get somebody cuz to me that is it’s just clear but the but but I think there’s also we we we use terms like make a deal make a deal make a deal whereas like I I feel like Monty look at it like no I’m

Open me and Mike we’re open to doing this me Mike West be we’re all open to it now I’m not doing that deal right I’m not doing that deal oh interesting we talk about this one yeah I’m not doing that one either like I think it like it it’s not as

Simplistic especially when you’re talking about two guys who are starters you want to trade for Jon T J Davon Mitchell yeah that’s how I mean I mean hey look not working for you not really working for us let’s all figure this out together but so but I’ll ask

This I’m not trading Harrison Barnes but I’ll ask this Paul George Paul George Paul Charles he says LOL Tate for HB why would the Kings do that a starter for a bench player you think you can get a starter for Harrison bar right now see I I understand the point the point that

You’re making i’ i’ and that not himself that that may lead Credence to to to kind of what he’s saying right like and what you’re saying I’m actually okay you can’t get a starter for him then just hold on to him right yeah right I don’t but expecting to get a

Started for Harrison Barnes I don’t know if that’s the answer either I don’t think Harrison’s being traded oh the kings are making a deal I don’t think it’s Harrison that’s being traed I I honestly so I just laid out the scenario what you think you feel good

About I I’ll let I’ll let you know what I think is gonna happen moving forward because of what we’ve seen maybe on this road trip I’ll let you know after this I’m deal with K Steen with Casey brought to you by Sky River Casino and Sacramento sports leader ESPN3

1820 see I may come away with a baile oh oh that would be incredible incredible I’m so tired of drinking green juice man so tired of it need to get yourself a Gatorade oh that’s ter that’s terrible to me I only like Gatorade if I’m like thirsty yeah Kenny has gotten really

Good at the Cliffhangers paying off a lot better now too his Cliffhangers are actually his way of telling me it’s time to go to commercial break if I’m not paying attention Ken used to teas something going into break and then we just let us down before y well yeah yeah what was it

The Damian the snake was it earthquake which one was the one that was that was that was the arguably his worst moment on the radio ever I actually like Vitamin Water I like Vitamin Water zero more I actually think it tastes better as strange as that might

Sound but I don’t drink any of that stuff like those BCAAs I drink that drink I’ve been bringing in that’s like purple or red they have electrolytes in them and sometimes I just drink that for flavor because at 4 I just eat some almonds and drink that and then eat when I get

Home I can’t eat too much man your boy your boy ain’t built for that I like body armor body armor solid see body armor is disgusting to me I don’t like that really yeah we thought body armor was good again I don’t really drink any of this stuff I had I had some

Of book stuff but I realized I just don’t like sports drinks it’s not a thing for me I actually did buy some beer Cousin Pete which I’ve never done before I bought some beer to support my brothers at Urban root uh uh yeah Urban Roots showed me around their Distillery uh saw their

Uh saw their uh brands at at at um at uh nugget and got a couple never drank one all right James ham is on the way uh he’s coming here he is on his way oh that works I I would have laughed like hell if you had a Bailey show hoodie

On yeah let me get one of them Insider joints a’t even they they made they made gear for every show here except for one wow y’all just continue to do your own thing fine yeah hey as long as they don’t ask no questions well no no it’s true though they’re

Talking about the Sixers what the hell does that have to do with the Sixers windurst and his backdrop he got switch that Clippers that’s the best team in the west God says hey what you see from thepp right now are I love Mike how was Mike man Mike’s gotta

Be Mike’s got to be in his 70s right yeah I think so I guess you really can do this job forever yeah all you got to do is watch sports and talk that’s it some people make it a lot more complicated man boy Kawai got two things real quick okay

Shout out to the Insiders for having hoodies here put a hoodie on after I was almost like I was in Kansas City uh with this short SLE it’s not even that it’s 59 degrees outside that’s relatively warm I think it was supposed to be high

You was in here with the gun show like the the the tats the tats were showing and the biceps were were out I was cold it was cold so after the arm on my sweater split i’ take that off and shout out to the promotions teams love the promotion team had another Insider

Hoodie and got it to your boy so now I’m back I’m warm I can work again so there’s that we do have a dope ass promotion team I’m hot I did a lot with this I’m wearing yeah I’m good what you about well I know that’s what I thought

Like I I I I saw it on league pass I was like I I think I could do this or or League fits I like I think I could do this I looked in I’m G do this just forgetting like it’s hot in here you got

It I don’t know how you I don’t know it’s never hot in here I know how that’s I got a a a turtleneck and a Sheen jacket over the top of it should just be comfortable do look fire though the other thing I had Kim take a picture I

Didn’t I didn’t tell her this I didn’t like any of them oh I had an idea I wanted to walk in and she was likew the light’s bad let’s do it over here we’ll sit down I was like well I was sitting in my last picture you can’t sit down in

Two pictures sorry Kim never mind thank you for taking the picture I’ll post it on the story um you do you need to do an NBA walk with the back bro I’m telling you now he hey and he tried to gloss over that earlier when you did you kind

Of know sold it you did that’s not new that’s my travel bag I was just like I’m startz I start utilizing just a little old travel bag you hear I hadn’t seen it it’s part of the outfit the the bag is legitimately part of the outfit I’m

An accessorized to a bad bad bad fault but the other thing some people buy jerseys I buy other stuff everything but jerse accessories I pretty much pretty much I gotta get my Debo jersey sold too I did buy the Kings hoodie though did did buy that that most expensive hoodie

They have well shout out to advisory I was trying to support our people I know I know I I understand that I respect that I didn’t buy the most is the most expensive one they have no it wasn’t the most expensive thing that he had on sale

That day though okay all right semantics I think I bought the cheapest thing the semantics the Kings uh could get better the Kings won’t get better semantics look at this guy this $700,000 whatevered this guy sorry Kenny that the team doesn’t shoot well through 40 [Laughter]

Gamesz rich is Rich okay just is what it is don’t you agree Jesse Yeah rich is Rich by the way what backpack did you put on yesterday settle down oh oh oh now I need to settle down settle down yeah what what design is that

Called up here trying to get to my next Point go ahead get to your next Point what’s the designer of your bag though it’s a B I don’t know Li look at that stupid wipe that stupid look off your face that’s a new bag that ain’t even

The old bag it is a new bag I think you’ve gone long I think you’ve gone through a fendy bag a Gucci bag and your new bag it was I’m sorry my bad I’m sorry Casey what was your next point this this boy right here man got

Some neres um I wanted to give a shout out asberg get your boy over here he’s the bad influence he you’re the you’re the bad influence oh you ain’t gonna miss that money in a year oh is true I said three years three years it’s fine shout out Mark Jones wear your blessings

Mark Jones is the absolute worst if you’re not in debt you’re not living the absolute worst in Mark comes over before games and it’s like oh no how much money am I gonna spend tomorrow after talking to Mark Jones yeah he’s the the one he’s

The one um I I just wanted to give a shout out um to the San Francisco Giants who really can’t do much of anything right these days but they did get this one right don’t know how much it’s gonna help but you see they brought

My boy Dusty back I did yeah I did I’m always for that I did okay I didn’t know I would I didn’t I I didn’t write it in the show I didn’t bring it up because you you just have been looking at me for like every hey the Giants dot dot dot dot

So you hit me with the Ramsay like four times in a row so like I just bring the guy they traded for won’t even be able to pitch until mid season at best coming Tommy John weren’t you hanging out with Dusty Baker like two weeks ago settle

Down wouldn’t say hanging out were you I yes I came in contact and was speaking to to Darren shout out to Darren Baker that’s my that’s the homie right there were you or were you not hanging out with Dusty Baker a few weeks no I wasn’t hanging out we stopped we talked how

Long was the talk a minute that’s a lot you you hesitated you’re no no that’s a lie shout out to my man Darren Baker uh saw him and Dusty at the game Dusty you know quick with it man he got what is his what is his official position he’s like a special

Advisor like Alvin chief officer he get the he he’s the he’s the he’s he’s the old Kyle Matson title he’s the curator of Vibes what it see like okay I’m with it at least good VI I love see I just love seeing Alvin I don’t know what

Alvin does hey there’s Alvin Alvin looks happy every time you see him too he’s living his Alvin’s got major swag like on 10 every time I need to be that cool when when I’m Alvin yeah absolutely that’s the goal absolutely that is the goal so yeah uh Dusty Baker coming back

To the Giants man so glad to see that and uh as long as you happy yeah that’s that’s great that’s great to see uh before we dive back into the Kings as we just mentioned I I I don’t think I said this to you I said James ham is on his

Way uh he he left downtown oh he’s coming back in studio yeah he because he was downtown uh so he’s just coming through back here to the studio uh to talk Kings basketball with us um so he’ll be a little late but we’ll we’ll we’ll talk to uh James ham about

Practice today uh real quick uh just as since we were talking about the Giants Jess is correct Giants FanFest on Saturday here in Sacramento they’re doing thing where they’re doing like WrestleMania too we all know how well that played out where they have fan fests in different

Cities they got like four FanFest in different cities Mr T and rowy Piper headlining this one what is that the Sacramento one is G be Saturday at the heart health park or whatever I got an R&B brunch to go to with Solomon vinyl so I’m gonna have to

Miss that but what is why why is it in Jan anuary I mean because that’s what that’s what are they gonna do well FanFest is like um you know what a FanFest is I know what a fan but like players are here I don’t know if they’re well

Because they’re here and they’re doing to these different cities I don’t know what the player situation is gonna look like see it’s just you’re right it’s just like WrestleMania too right there’s Piper and Mr T over here and Andre the Giant over here and Hogan and Bundy are

In La exactly I pay I pay $900 for Wrestlemania tickets and I don’t get Hogan n get the NFL battle get Refrigerator Perry and Ed two Tall Jones in a referee shirt and Dick buckus what a disaster that was but um yeah I don’t know who’s gonna be here but usually

Like I said when it’s in San Francisco the one FanFest it’s uh you know you get your players there do their interview it just feels really it’s January that just and catchers reporting like three weeks all right dude good luck giving getting me to give a crap about baseball at Valentine’s Day

Yeah so they it’s when they do it I’ll see you on Memorial Day maybe spring training is way too long way way way too long I don’t know what they need to what they probably really should do which is they can’t do it maybe because of weather they need to start the season

Earlier uh earlier why that won’t that create more problems that will probably put the World Series around uh NFL season starting yeah but you still got snow and New York and yeah Chic well well when I say earlier I could say I mean you still get

Snow in these places but I’m saying like March I mean what is it now early April yeah and they still deal with snow but all MLB teams need to have a retractable roof did the World Series hit November this year maybe maybe yeah I’m sure it did yeah it

Did absolutely did because I remember the Giants won their first World Series on November 1st and that was before they added another two rounds so yeah I’m sure it was like mid November all right quick off top of your head who was in the World Series this past

Year um The Diamond Back Phil no the Diamond Backs and the don’t don’t say nothing Diamond Backs and you see how bad your product is MLB you see I’m going to send this to Bud cing or whoever the um wait don’t tell me don’t tell me Diamondbacks was it the it wasn’t the

Astros was it bro I don’t remember I thought you had it in front of you there’s the diamond I think it might have been the Astros Diamondbacks and Rangers the Rangers one the Rangers that’s right it was the Rangers it was the Rangers that’s right hit him with that

Mac he’s still snapping to this day that’s so awful so so awful good goodness gracious look Bryce said it matter of fact Diamondbacks and Astros no it wasn’t was how you know be we don’t even know Ranger swept that series I think uh memorable memorable series memorable

Postseason it was once the Dodgers got eliminated nothing really mattered the Dodgers and the Phillies getting eliminated was awesome the only Astros Rangers was a good series a good LC we watched we watched a lot of that together yeah yeah yeah that was good good I enjoyed the hell out of that

Series actually I think that was a seven game series matter of fact I enjoyed that quite a bit um yeah we we we had that on in the ksfm studio quite a bit uh speaking of 70 stuff we were watching last night 76ers beat the Nuggets last night uh big time

MVP games from Joel and joic I get it jokic’s Act is just so kind of played sometimes they asked him about going up against Joel embiid he was like why didn’t I went against the Philadelphia 76ers come on yic come on man like we know this is just a job for

You we know you’re just showing up in your Jamal Crawford outfit going to work he actually a great dresser yish is a great dresser um but he had two big big big time performances uh from those guys but a but a good win for Philly I

Was dead wrong about Philly dead wrong I was too I thought they finished uh Tyrese Maxi and what he’s been able to do this year has been phenomenal Tobias Harris uh you know what he did at the Kings the other day that was crazy but he’s been doing maybe not that

Specifically but a lot of that this year he’s playing really well and Jo and beid is probably better than he was his MVP season um big shout out to um uh hey once again uh um what’s what’s what’s coach’s name again Nick nurse uh he’s done a good job I give him

Credit and you know you are right over there well Nick I don’t know why I can’t remember Nick nurs but he’s done a good job this year yeah he has I I I didn’t expect like yeah I wasn’t sure this would be Philadelphia this year does it matter completely wrong given the like

Do we got to see it in the playoffs no I don’t have that Vibe with them yeah like I don’t feel like that with them more soc for me at least more so because um I like I didn’t expect them to be good this year and they are so they’ve

Already exceeded expectations from me um with how they’ve played so far this year so so if they went to the second round again and lost in the playoffs I wouldn’t be like oh they failed again necessarily because for what I had planned for them or expectations I had

For them they’ve kind of already exceeded them uh for those tuning in here first of all s talking about Casey having a tough segment like anybody remembered who played in the World Series hell I was the only one to get the Diamondbacks right that was the whole point nobody

Knows who played in the World Series I think you um Drew more attention to yourself by the well that’s what that’s what by Snapp directly in front of the in front of the camera um what was I saying oh for those tuning in he James ham he’s on his way uh James

Ham is on his way from practice he’ll be with us here pretty soon uh we’ll have we’ll have a ton of time to talk Kings basketball with James ham and and I and I just I I just get the feeling given what happened in Golden State uh with

The Warriors coaching staff I don’t think Mike talked about anything other than that um I could completely be wrong um but we’ll find out when uh James gets here uh coming up pretty soon and your Los Angeles Clippers uh there were only three games last night

So really nice to have the eyes of the world on Phoenix and Sacramento hey they they messed around and made me not watch Inside the NBA yeah yeah I wasn’t I didn’t stick around I watched office episodes I was like I’m not I’m not sticking around for

Any of this I was watching a a twist with with Ryan I I got up to work out this morning put put uh Sports Center on the iPad and immediately turned it off like I’m good only time I’m watching this is when I watched that I watched the final seven minutes back earlier

This morning and you already know Candace Parker’s hating ass had something to say I don’t know what’s with her man I don’t either and I like Candace but she be hating maybe a Shel Sheldon she hates this city this team you me Jesse she hates all of us I don’t

Know what we did her she said something slick I’m sure she did I’m sure she did uh but your boys the Los Angeles Clippers uh beat the Oklahoma City Thunder last night sent them to their second straight loss and now you talk about how you know the the the

Clutterless that’s not a word but how cluttered the western conference is La now knocking on the door of of of getting up there into the to the two spot I continue to say it I’m gonna keep saying it it’s the best team in the west

As of right now I expect them to go to the NBA finals and 38 points from Paul George last night o PG PG with the big time three and then the still on SGA reverse slam late in that game to help put it away I think they’re going to the NBA

Finals um I think they’re gonna keep playing like this I’d love that I’d love if the Clippers won I’d love if the Clippers won Harden would get a ring but w at all yeah yeah good I mean that’d be cool too Harden would get a ring but Westbrook would too so I’ll

Take it Harden gets a ring does that change the whole conversation about just as far as his playoff stuff and all that is everyone’s going to forget about that you think uh if he if he’s if he’s effective yeah you can you can I think

You can de it we don’t we don’t we don’t I think you can Deb it well like think about Andy Reid they always said Andy Reid couldn’t win the big game he won one and it’s like yeah okay it’s cool he’s a champion now yeah but the the Andy Reid not winning the

Big game is a little different than what we’ve seen in the entirety of the playoffs I understand every game from James hard but what I’m well that’s not true it’s it’s not like the playoffs get here and James sucks every game it’s getting further into the playoffs the

Worse he gets as it gets tougher and the pressure hits fall off but first round James Harden guys yeah first round yeah first round James Harden is fine it’s just when you get to when you get to James Harden versus the the the the the Warriors it gets second round is when it

Gets sketchy he had two big games against the Celtics last year hey I’ll say I’ll say and and I I’ll never change my tone on this regardless of how I feel about the guy his performance in Brooklyn with the torn hamstr in was phenomenal he didn’t play well but he

Played I think all 48 minutes because he couldn’t exit the game and every player mentioned whether um prompted or unprompted how big it was just to have James gunting through that and you know it doesn’t doesn’t change the fact he’s you know come up short uh in the

Playoffs on more than one occasion but I thought that was I thought that was pretty big time so if I have to deal with James Harden winning a ring to get my boy one I’ll take it do you think well obviously you think they can you think they’re the best team in

Basketball right now yeah I mean because I didn’t I didn’t think about I’m sorry to cut you off but I didn’t think about them winning a title I don’t think they’re better than Boston right now I don’t think they’re better than Boston so and that’s what I think they would match up

With in the final doesn’t Boston have like some some demons to they do to deal with as well yeah yeah I guess the demon F that you know that they do well yeah they have to go to the does Jason Tatum does I don’t what demons like as far as

Like winning a title or showing up in big moments because I don’t subscribe to he he comes up short no I mean like yeah he’s have bad games but like I said I’ve pointed out like well game 16 like he’s not I don’t buy into that they need to

Win a ring that that yeah I’ll subscribe to that but I don’t like Tatum needs to prove it like he had won Bad final Series in a handful of other games he shown up he should down Philly on his own okay he did he got Philly twice and Milwaukee

Once with season on so there’s there’s no narratives around Jason Tatum I just made that up no there are I I said there are but I don’t subscribe to him okay like they need to win a ring but I’m not like oh he doesn’t show up in

Big games that’s not true and on top of that Jason Tatum is like 12 years old like he’s got plenty of time to he ain’t James Harden he’s no no no he’s absolutely not say like performance- wise or but like like history in the playoffs like I I don’t think he’s on

That he’s not there yet it it goes you know we talk about how over done that Warriors title is part of the reason is because it felt like the Celtics were that much better like they were so much better than them until they weren’t let’s get Ramsey in here real quick

91699 1320 what’s up Ramsey have a pending and pressing question about the Clippers how do we think the Clippers are going to hold up for at least the next month if not longer with the impending losses block out with a uh VI zubac out with a c

Injury that man has been balling for the Clippers and he’s he’s almost been the glue guy that they really need this whole neigh team again uh it’s a tough loss for them for sure but I’ll point out he didn’t play last night uh and you may have forgotten uh Ramsay that uh the

Lord and savior of last year Mason plumbley is in fact there and you know what Kings would have gone to the finals if they had gotten at the trade deadline I do feel like CU zubach has been playing really well I think I think he’s

He’s a he’s a good Center for for what they’re trying to do but I do feel like Mason plumbley can give them like 70% of what Zub box did hell he did that last night I Mason plumbley I mean he did more than that last night he had 14

Points last night and three blocks yeah between plumbley and Daniel th um is it Ty or th I don’t know it’s th isn’t it Ty Ty yeah I thought I thought it might have been say it WR but him Andel Ty Fido and tibs very confusing I think those two

Can hold it down why zubach is out yeah I think so too but I I don’t want to diminish how well zubac’s been playing like he’s been a stud we um speaking of the Clippers we asked yesterday uh about the wall and what they’re going to do to keep make sure

Clippers fans it came out later or maybe during the show but I saw it after the show that wall That’s supposed to be all Clippers fans they got rules in it where you have to be a Clippers fan you can’t wear the other team’s gear and those spe

Specific tickets can only be resold on the Clippers Marketplace and if you’re caught breaking any of those rules you’ll be banned from the arena you like that idea ban for Marinas no I like the whole concept the concept overall like it in in theory it is I’m also I’m fine though if

You break a a clearly written rule I’m fine like yeah you can’t come back I’m I’m fine with you not being able to sit there I’ve never understood how they enforced that though I don’t either I don’t know I guess I don’t think we want to know either especially with Steve

Bomber I don’t think I want to know how they enforce that he G trust me he yeah he got all the tools necessary yeah he’s got tools we don’t know exist but um I I like I think and I don’t know if it’s specifically that area I think it might

Be just that area you’re banned from that area and that’s fair I wouldn’t say it’s fair to have you Bann from the arena I see okay I like the idea of the Clippers wall it’s kind of weird to but I get it like I get it like

Yeah it’s it’s a cool idea yeah they got a lot of that like on the soccer teams in Europe all that it’s good for HomeField Advantage I guess yeah it’s like a student section almost yeah exactly what it is the the the bomber crazies just rubbing thighs the whole

Time well well no let’s not do that let’s not by the way unrelated Josh giddy was apparently acquitted of or not charged with anything that’s probably better phrased all right James is here we’ll talk Kings basketball when D and Casey return here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320

Yeah yeah I figure we’re in commercial so we’re fine you know What perfect timing perfect perfect timing do you need me to log in over there my for close all this nonsense out no that’s not where I’m supposed to be what have we been talking about uh we just kept the conversation kind of NBA stuff because we knew you

Were coming in all right the last stretch that’s what we did my bad no that was me I didn’t have you set I got you all right better now yep we are good good good good ah what’s going on guys Dan Quinn interviewed with the the Panthers that’ll put some butts in the

Seats then uh I thought they were trying to I think it was on the inside iders you they saying that they think he’s going to Seahawks Dan Quinn yeah Panthers job the worst job in the NFL right now to take it might be just the owner is always in

There probably depends on how you feel about um Bryce young too yeah I think that’s a bad job because that’s a problem like I think a lot of people aren’t sure that he’s a franchise quarterback but you took him so high that if you take that job you’re going

To be stuck with him yeah you have you have to you have to be sure one way or another yeah or you got to be a coach that just has no other option well yeah yeah yeah that owner is kind of trash over there can’t take the Heat It’s funny I see all these clips of James Harden talking and all I hear is Kenny what he’s just there’s no I there’s just clips of his podcast they’re on my feed and all I don’t you Draymond yeah Draymond oh I was about say I a’t done a James Harden no I’m

Sorry so I said James Harden because he was talking about James Harden being an Allstar um but I’m looking at him and all I hear is Kenny that’s all like in here I mean I did that wasn’t a for an impression at all being real with

Ourselves y it was my fault to be completely honest James Harden is playing at an Allstar level and quite frankly if you understand the game of basketball James Harden should be an Allstar your thought Shaq no no no as we welcome James ham here uh of the of the

Insiders what’s going on James how you doing is that uh James Harden speaking in the third person that was Draymond that was Draymond oh that’s Draymond got it I don’t have a James James is I kind of know what he’s saying I’d have to work on that though it’s a little mumbly yeah

No I know James hard darl Mory is a liar I repeat darl Mory is a liar yeah uh James samam fresh from King’s practice uh I feel like I know the answer to this but maybe you could fill us in a little bit I got the IDE idea

Mike didn’t talk about anything other than what happened in Golden State or uh with uh the Golden State Warriors coaches yeah it was all it was all of that like uh five minutes basically four or five minutes me and Sean and I think Sam asked a question understandable um

Yeah he he took it hard and uh was pretty emotional and you know like the guy spent an entire year with you know in Golden State and those things are tough you know uh especially you know he’s got kids uh married with kids and 46 years old is insane absolutely insane

He’s a big guy big like six foot seven like a monstrous of a man like big teddy bear guy and Mike Mike took you pretty hard so yeah he’s really close with Steve K still and probably knew it early early early this morning what was happening because it sounded like it was

Like there was not a whole lot they could do yeah it felt like when the it went from there was a medical emergency to the game being cancelled it was like yo that escalated quick this isn’t good yeah this isn’t good yeah very very sad very sad um did you guys get the

Opportunity I’m gonna attempt to transition to like the basketball stuff I just wanted to like there’s there’s not going to be sound from Mike Brown breaking down what happened in the last six minutes last night because of what happened um with the Golden State Warriors but did you guys get to talk to

Anybody was anybody made available for you did anyone talk about what happened last night we spoke to Tre lyes um yeah I yeah we we were turned down for others uh which came as a shock because we had been waiting for like 45 minutes uh at

Least um but uh yeah I mean Trey was uh like the team is is not super happy with what happened uh they clearly understand that that they uh these last two losses were self-inflicted that’s what Trey said and I mean that makes a lot of sense like that they’re taking ownership

Of the losses and saying they’ve got to be better and everything else uh at the same time like look this team has been a work in progress from the beginning of the year and you can look at it all kinds of different ways but you know that their inability to consistently

Perform on a nightly basis has been pretty shocking and the last couple of games I thought that they were better as a team and then they fell apart late and so sort of the natural progression of a team growing and trying to figure things out that makes sense to me but I’m just

Surprised it took 40 games to get to this point where we’re finally worrying about how to close out a game and all that because for the bulk of the Season either they blow out teams or they get blown out that’s it yeah just a just a

Weird season so far a season weird you know things playing out in in a strange fashion I’ve I’ve been speaking all day James about how uh in a in a weird way I think the kings are playing playing good basketball as States ain’t good I don’t know but they’re playing solid basketball right

Now even with the with the two losses that just happened a two and three five game Road Trip um that I was expecting not expecting I was looking for them to go three and two at least and you lose the last two games the way you are is it

Out of pocket is it inconceivable for me to think that they’re playing better basketball there’s little things that they have to take care of and Sh up to to solidify a win in some of these close games but I think they’re they’re playing I think they’re playing good

Basketball right now I would agree with you outside of the Philadelphia game where I thought that they W they weren’t good at all they just no- showed like they have like you know 10 other times a season outside of that that I I think that they are playing better basketball

Um I I don’t like that you blow a 22-point lead I don’t like that you blow a nine-point lead in the fourth quarter uh or a six-point lead in the final you know whatever you know but again like for me it’s always this weird natural progression of a team of learning how to

Compete learning how to you know be in ball games late and then finally learning how to get over the hump and win games and usually by the time the Kings do that uh they have no chance of winning more than like 35 games so I I’ve seen this play out a million times

But this year they just kind of ski way ahead of that where it’s just like Hey we’re going to blow out teams and then like every third game they just get blown out and so there is like this weird disconnect with this season where

I would like to tell you that a team can grow from a game where they just flat out nobody shows up or or five people four people that are in the rotation just flat out don’t show up but I don’t think there’s a lot you can learned from

That like you walk into a game you know against the Houston Rockets early which we thought oh it’s just an anomaly they just something happened right but that’s been a continuing theme throughout the year they’ve lost a couple of games to the Pelicans that way the you know the

Celtics game like there’s so many games where you just point to and like where were you guys like what would you just didn’t even like try attempt to like put any passion or heart into what’s happening and that’s it that’s the reoccurring theme of this season so to have two

Losses where you know again against two very good teams and you make it a super close game and you probably should have win you should have won both of them that to me is actually progress I I don’t want to see 25 Point losses or 20

Point losses or or 14 15 18 point losses there’s just too many of those and like again you walk out of this game here with uh with the Suns you’ve got you got a whole bunch of tape of hey we have to be better at this this

And this and we would have won you walk out of the game with the Bucks like man we hit our free throws they win the game like flat out they if they if Malik monk hits one of two or hits them both and or dearon Fox hits one then we’re still

Playing right and and that game goes into a second overtime but those are things where you’re like mental lapses or or coaching moments and then again with the Phoenix thing Phoenix went small and the ks didn’t have an answer and the coaching staff called timeouts they tried to work with it they pulled

Sabonis at a point and and tried to work with it but then it just became like herob ball and weird like really random like forcing everything at The Rim getting blocked turning the ball over throwing the ball into the front row like it was a meltdown and this team has not done

That late in games that I can remember outside of the Charlotte game where they just waited to beat the Charlotte Hornets the whole time and then didn’t and you know you allowed Terry roier to get get hot late in a game and and you turn the ball over a couple of times and

You lose that’s the only other game where I can really think of that was built like this game here and uh again I I I think it’s it’s something you can grow from where these other losses I don’t know how you grow from a a game

Where so many people just like L don’t bring en energy don’t don’t bring any intensity do you know what you’re GNA get from the Sacramento Kings on a night toight basis like do you have any idea what we’ll see versus the Pacers tomorrow night no no and and if I were a

Betting man and I don’t consider prize picks a betting man that’s just for fun but if I were a betting man I wouldn’t touch this team with a 10-foot pole nightly basis not at all you can’t trust them and that’s a problem so I don’t know if it’s one player you

Know you make one trade or anything else but also say look at this point I think that plays into what’s happening with sort of the inconsistency it’s been out there for a month month and a half that the kings are shopping guys like Kevin herder guys like Harrison Barnes uh

Davon Mitchell it’s been out there and it doesn’t feel good to be in a locker room where you know that anytime the the phone can ring the the the Toronto game where everyone is walking into the night thinking this could be the last time we see like three or four these players and

Pascal yakum could be in the king’s locker room a couple of days from now or the next day that doesn’t feel good if you’re a player who’s got a family who’s who’s put down Roots who has a a home and a dog and like whatever it might be

It’s just really awkward and to have it be such a long prolonged situation which Kings just keep doing yeah I mean this is not new but how many other teams do you hear in every single trade rumor like three or four three or four okay but then there’s 20 teams out there

That are just motoring through the regular season not thinking about the trade deadline Minnesota have you heard their name once no they’re just cruising along like OKC just cruising along we’re just going to go do our thing they don’t have to worry about things like this the

Kings have to worry about it all the time and it’s been a constant theme of The Last Five Years or four years of Kings basketball but now I think we’re seeing it play out where a lot of these players like they see that they’re being

Shopped they see the light at the end of the tunnel is it fair sorry Casey is it fair to say it was pretty quiet last year yeah I mean we get through the trade deadline they did nothing yeah but I mean it was like I don’t remember I

Mean Harrison was on an expiring contract and we discussed that situation to death leading into the season about what happens if you’re playing well what happens if you know chemistry is cooking like how do you deal with that and ultimately I feel like the this trade

Season if you will kind of came and went and I don’t feel like it ever really got loud and I think a big reason for that is how they were playing it’s so loud right now because of the way that they’re playing and the fact that Mike nearly

Benched a starting two guard in training camp I don’t think that that helped I see where you’re going and and I agree to a certain extent where it’s just like a constant drum beating in the background that there’s something happening right and we go back to last

Season they were playing so well that anyone who was thinking the kings were going to make a move it wasn’t a earth shattering trading two 17 or1 18 million players to try to get a $35 million player was Mason plumbley it was Mason plumbley or it was matis styel or it was

Darius basley there were all of these tertiary players that you might go add to what you’re trying to do and not really change the dynamic of the you know the foundation of your team now that’s not what we’re talking about you know and I think you’re

Seeing a guy like Kevin herder find his way through finally he’s finally starting to play better he looks more like the player we saw last year the second he does the Kings look I don’t know they look different they look like a 50-some win team right away you’re like all right they

Can go into Milwaukee and realistically they should have beat Milwaukee that’s just that’s just bad free throw shooting it’s inexcusable you got to beat Milwaukee in that situation you go into Phoenix you’re by 22 you should have beat Phoenix that’s not like a you put it on the fence like well maybe they

Could have won that game no that’s a game you should have had in the win column and both of those games in the win column you’re 10 games over 500 and you’re cruising now you put yourself in a situation where you’re seventh but even that I I this is a the stretch of

Games coming up will probably Define their season and it’s two games at home and then seven games on the road and then a couple of games after that I the this 10 games right here you should be able to win eight of them dangerous game to play but I don’t

Know dangerous game to play yeah team did lose to the Hornets like two weeks ago yeah and but that’s that’s um that’s one of the things that we didn’t talk about that I think you’re you’re right am it does feel like this team can go one way or the other From This Moment

Does feel like it’s a bit of a fork in the road moment um I feel like they’re gonna bounce back and like I think they’re GNA play well tomorrow uh I think they’re gonna over these next 10 games that you talk about I think they’re going to continue to

Play well the frustrating thing is I don’t know if that always is going to result the W but I think because of what I’ve seen from them these past five games on this five game Road Trip I think they’ll play well but it does feel like this is a this is

A moment where you can sink or swim if you’re just this king’s team right now yeah and the tough part is that at any time they could make a trade and you could lose three or four games because you made a trade and and are you know going through the trade process that’s

Why they’ve been trying to push like you have these little tiny Windows here even this weekend you know they what do they play tomorrow and then they don’t play again till Monday so you got Friday Saturday Sunday off that’s a absolutely perfect time to pull off a trade because

Then you don’t have to you can get the players in they can have a practice or two get them ready for Monday and Away you go but I don’t there’s nothing imminent there’s nothing imminent right now that I’ve heard there’s no you know Earth shattering move that’s that’s

Happening we heard some Buzz last week I I think it was Thursday I started to hear that maybe there was something cooking uh that someone thought that there was something coming down the pipeline but then that quieted down you know I I’ve heard the Jeremy Grant rumor

Uh you know sort of the murmurs that the Kings might shift gears and be in on Jeremy Grant but now he might not be available like there’s just a lot of things going on I I don’t believe that I I think Jeremy Grant’s going to be available because if not like how are

You going to move a 30-year old with $120 million left on on a when you’re a horrible team um so there’s a lot of question marks there but that doesn’t mean that like this is a moment where you probably need to do whatever you’re going to do so the team

Can actually settle in be who they’re going to be figure out who they’re going to have with them the last 40 plus games of the season and you don’t want this to get down to 25 games because you can’t really make an impact on a team in the

Final 25 games of the year that’s more looking forward to next season and I don’t think anyone’s ready to look forward to next season yet with this club I hate that I can hear the announcers now talking about the long Loff the Kings just had and wow their

First game back they’re just so slow and not executing yeah don’t get me started I’m already preparing myself for that incredible absolutely incredible so you’re are are you you and you and Kenny kind of along the same the same Vibe here you’re not super down with what

You’ve seen the last couple of games the heartbreaker versus Milwaukee and then the obviously disastrous seven minute stretch last night yeah I think those those are major motivation pieces they are does this team look motivated that’s the part that I can’t get over though you got guys like dear ain’t out there

Talking to nobody like no one’s like Trey L is talking that’s what we’re doing I mean like are we are we sure that they’re motivated by this so or are we projecting our own feelings about how we’d feel well I can’t speak to them not speaking

Today went back at home in front of the media but they sure look motivated yesterday after blowing that game against Milwaukee I thought so too like they looked like they were pissed and yeah they sure did for 42 minutes they look motivated and then they fell apart

They thought they thought they had it in hand and they in this case they let go of the rope in a in a way to collapse and like lose a game then it cost them it cost them like they entitled they they got they they got caught you know

Just being being LAX desle yesterday but to answer the original question like they they lost the game in Milwaukee they should have won they looked like they were pissed off and ready to play in that game yesterday for 42 minutes yeah lost I think like to if you look at

Just the way the the Phoenix game goes Phoenix went small and the Kings didn’t respond and again I think Mike and his staff they tried to work with what was happening they even pulled sabonis out at one point and everyone in Sacramento like what are you doing pulling sabonis

Out and I I thought FX Fox and monk just made like like mistake after mistake like Fox did not take good shots Malik running into the key and getting blocked again and again and and the three turnovers in the fourth like none of that was great they forgot about Keegan

Completely he gets one shot drills a three they forget about Kevin herder took they didn’t even play him you probably needed to go back to Kevin hder at some point just because you can’t because you got to have Harrison Barnes out there because Lord knows Harrison Barnes is never yeah and then Harrison

Had the moving screen I hope someone loves me the way Mike Brown loves Harrison Barnes yeah they’re going small it doesn’t matter we got to keep Harrison out there you could have five guards out there you could have four guards in uh in in in sabonis out there

I I just thought it was strange you know again Trey lyes is a guy who’s played really well and then even when he doesn’t put up numbers it doesn’t mean he’s not playing well just means he’s not taking a bunch of shots and so I was

Surprised he didn’t get a little bit of a look again in that game they the Sasha fenov stuff was so successful in the first half they barely go back to Sasha in the second half but they let him they had him gave him some burn but they’re not giving him any opportunities and

That’s the problem I think a lot of times with this team when he gets into crunch time it is dearon fox and Malik monk show and sometimes you forget about the other guys and again was sabonis uh coming out of the game like sabonis did not adjust to a five like five Shooters

On the court for Phoenix he was running back and getting in the in the paint on defense and then four guys would walk up ready to shoot a three and sure he’s there for a rebound but the the Suns just moved the ball around and played four on five on the

Perimeter on the offensive end he kept coming out and trying to set screens at the top of the key like he always does it’s like hey man they don’t have a big man you need to get in the post and start raising your hands and calling for

The ball like go push Kevin Durant under the basket and dunk on him like you do everyone else his size and so there were I I don’t want to like let off dearen Fox and who again I thought like his shot selection late in the game was you

Know just not good at all and then the the turnovers from Malik but I think it plays into a larger thing that the offense just went to hell in a hand basket and it was all of their faults it wasn’t one player the one guy I’m going

To say it’s not his fault Keegan and maybe it is maybe he needed to be yelling give me the ball I’m the you know he had 18 points he’d been hitting his shots so look you can make M some mistakes like that and have a game like

That you just can’t have a bunch of games like that and as long as the Kings win from uh like learn from it then I think you know okay this is okay again I think this is the fourth loss is season I can think of like this right you got

The game where clay hits the the shot over Davon mhm um you’ve got these two games here and then you have the Hornets game where again the Kings looked like they were in control I think they’re up four or five with with four minutes left and then just forgot how to play

Basketball for a short stretch and got beat well and that reminds me too I talked about it earlier and and that’s probably the the fourth time now that this is happening and it’s just frustrating so I talked about a situation last night 13 4 left to go and

Kings are up six and I’m sitting there in the living room and I tell reys is there really what they got to do is make sure there’s no threes like that’s your job make sure there’s no threes suns were spreading them out for some reason sabonis was on Booker and I’m like if

Booker Blows By sabonis and makes a layup that’s fine the twos aren’t going to beat you the suns are going to have to make some threes for you to beat you don’t allow any threes at that point it’s kind of it’s It’s not like exact science or exact math but it’s almost

Math 134 to go if they go and make two layups because they blew by you and nobody helped on the perimeter that’s you still got the ball for another 48 seconds of the game like at some point they’re gonna run out of time and they they just they they had a situation

Where sabonis was guarding Booker and for whatever reason I don’t know if it’s the players I don’t know if it’s the coaches strategy but Keegan Murray inexplicably leaves Aaron Gordon Eric Gordon goes to double and that starts a whole scramble Gordon hits a three on the perimeter they’re up three they come

Down have an offensive possession don’t score sabonis for whatever reason is trying to deny Booker 75 feet away from the basket falls down Booker gets the ball now that’s another scramble drill and Durant hits ER Gordon again for another three all of a sudden the game

Is tied within 30 seconds and you talk about the Charlotte game that reminded me they were up four with about a minute to go and it’s the same principle the three is gonna beat you do not allow any threes what happened they don’t get too close to Scary Terry he

Steep back it’ss a three now it’s a one-point game now where things Canna have it’s a one possession game same thing happened on Sunday you’re up four Giannis drives to the basket stay home they don’t stay home they leave Brook Lopez wide open hits a three now it’s a

One point game with 11 seconds to go in this one possession game these are things that they have to be aware of somebody where I’m sure the coaches are I’m not exactly sure the players always are but it keeps happening and they got to be aware of score time and situation

Yeah the uh the Kevin hurder mistake defensive mistake where he almost went to double against Milwaukee and left a guy wide open in the corner and it was what are you doing like what is happening why is this happening even there’s a hidden piece to the final play in

Milwaukee Giannis came to go get the ball and uh and monk flew up and denied him the ball and so he went to Damen Lillard with five seconds left having to travel the entire length of the court I’m having Giannis an tumbo in that situation over Damen little every single

Step of the way go ahead let him take the ball in now you got a guard trying to defend him but the full length of the Court where Damen Lillard the second he gets the ball he can shoot the ball from anywhere on the court and hit I mean I

Don’t know about you guys but I watched him Two Steps early oh this game’s over boom boom ball leaves his hand that’s pure like there was no question in my mind and that’s a problem so again even if you break down that play Fox over

Plays to try to cut off Lillard has to race back sabonis stays back on on Lopez but all the way at the three-point line doesn’t push up to where Damen Lillard clearly is going to shoot from because you know the guy can shoot from 40 feet any time just these little tiny mistakes

That they make but it comes down to you made a tiny mistake in a game where you made a whole bunch of mistakes and there are so many ways that it should not have got to that point you know you hit the three free throws it doesn’t get to that

Point same with the Suns game there’s a play where Darren Fox is yelling at an official on one end for missing a call sabonis runs back and is yelling at another official herder standing over to the side trying to defend Eric Gordon because he’s standing at the three-point

Line again and someone just runs right to the basket and dunks while sabonis is yelling at the official and you see herder just walk over to sabonis like what are we doing like what like I can’t leave my guy to stop ball because he’s hitting all the threes M and we’re

Having too much conversation with the officials so you know again I the Kings like I I don’t even remember the officials being a part of that game at all except for maybe dearn Fox got fouled on a three again and he didn’t get the call but outside of that like it

Wasn’t really about the officials it was it was about the Kings not staying engaged 100% the entire game mental lapses monks shot at the end Falls Kings win by one what are we talking about today should have could have would have CA how much is different the shot the shot goes

In they’re three and two on the trip everything you’ve said James and everything you’ve said Casey is still the same but monk shot goes in what are we talking about is that stuff being discussed the learning experience that they they were able to survive feels like it’s a whole lot easier to learn

When the shot WS versus when it doesn’t well yeah but I mean it’s just two signs of the same coin it’s the learning experience when you lost or The Learning Experience when you won either way you got to learn from that game and I think there are teachable moments in that game

It it would certainly feel better the the I think I think what would change is we still should be talking about the the things that we’re talking the situational stuff that that you can improve on and be better but I don’t think we’re talking about this team just

A got it like I don’t think we’re having that conversation are we having that conversation now we did for three hour two hours no we don’t think the team has it yeah like they they Jesse was saying like they well no I I don’t think we’re calling them a playing team I think

We’re saying they’re in the top six yeah I don’t think that’s where we’re at I think right now you’re just you’re watching a team they are very literally a playing team right now just to be clear no I I know but I think right now we’re watching a team that’s just a

Little off and still trying to figure out who they are like they they’re having an identity crisis part of that identity crisis we see like glaring issues the glaring issues that are like Harrison Barnes or or Kevin herder you know both of them having stretches where they just don’t look like themselves at

All but then once you get past that now we’re saying okay the guys who have been backpacking you for the better part of three months they’re making some mistakes and costing you and and that’s tough because it’s you’ve become so reliant on the Aaron Fox Malik monk Keegan Murray and d

Sabonis and if they aren’t spot on each and every night you don’t got a shot and now the other guys are starting to wake up a little bit and starting to show some life it’s it’s like oh maybe maybe they can be a little bit more of who

They were last year but you got to give these other guys who are exhausted from carrying you for since October they’re going to make some mistakes and they’re going to cost you a game here and there and that’s okay because that’s that’s basketball but you just don’t

Want it to be too many of them and and everything else and have it stack up I still think they’re a good team I just think that they’re just a little tiny bit off of who they they they should be and who they think they can be and

There’s so many out outside factors that go into that the argument against that and I think it’s fair I don’t I may not agree but I think it’s a fair argument that has been laid out today by Jesse and and you kind of said it and others

Is we’re halfway into the season like they they you can make the argument they just are who they are like they’re gonna I don’t know where it’s going to land them ultimately sixth or seventh or eighth but they’re gonna be a team that offs around seven games over 500 I mean

If they win Thursday that’s right if they beat the Pacers tomorrow we’re at the exact 41 game marker and they’re on Pace to win 48 games yeah what they win last year 4 48 games and I think they’re I think I think this team it’s just a different

Path I think you said that earlier it’s a different path to get to 48th than it was last year I think they’ll they’ll end up for Better or For Worse in the same spot they ended up last not three se but like record-wise about the same

Type of record that they had last year it’s just a different path to getting there 48 will probably on Pace right now will probably be good for anywhere from five six or seven yeah a lot of that depends on does Phoenix ever turn it on what’s really

Going on with Utah what do the Lakers do over the next month and is this really the Dallas Mavericks that’s the one I’m hung up on the most like is is are the Dallas Mavericks a seven game over 500 team are they a team that’s going to

Keep a 48 49 win Pace because that’s a team I you know we’ll we’ll put them on here in just a few minutes when they play the Lakers but I’m not that’s that’s the one that I’m just not sold on yeah because I think at this point but everyone else

Around the league is saying that about Sacramento I think right now we can we we know that the Lakers are very iffy we know that the although some team out there for some reason is going to magically give them a star- level player for nothing which is like an annual

Event uh could be Dallas there we go I would expect Atlanta is the one like I’ve heard murmur of where it’s like oh what are they going to do here oh okay well does that make them great or not I I don’t know but it might make them better uh

The Warriors I think you can just kind of put to the side now n not me not me can’t do there yet not yet thought their big move they got trade pieces I thought the big trade they were gonna try to make though was Pasco seak yeah but you

Gotta but now that that’s off the table like they can and I I don’t know who can they get to change their season let the deadline go and Chris Paul still be there with this $ 36 million and then then I can write them off not because of Chris Paul

Because I thought that was always the contract they were going to turn in you know just like they did with D’Angelo Russell and Andrew Wiggins like I thought the Chris Paul contract was going to be the next contract they turned into something else when February 9th gets here fine but until then that

Contract’s still there and it can land any player in the league yeah um I agree but the problem that they have is that they owe $186 million in luxury tax this season well I also think they hate each other I think that’s the true problem yes I I I do think collectively that

Group of individuals hates each other no I don’t disagree with that I would just say like how State Eagles how can they how land a player because like we did the math last week if you can shave $6 million off their payroll right so a Harrison Barnes Davon Mitchell for Moses

Moody and and Andrew Wiggins all Warriors fans are like oh the Warriors would never do that right that only shaves six million bucks off of their salary it shaves $38 million off their luxury tax and saves them a total of $44 million uh they would do that they would

Do that in two seconds and so I don’t see them going out and getting a player that to take on more salary it’s the other way around yeah I got you in my apology it feels kind of weird talking about the Warriors right now so yeah we

Go on to some some someone else what about like Phoenix like I’m not sold on Phoenix not either yeah they made me Believers for seven minutes last night though and that that stretch in the fourth quarter you you see it oh look at there it’s Kevin Durant the other the

Other thing about last night and it’s it’s not a popular opinion like I said one man wolf pack over here but I mean that was The Perfect Storm everything what they hit like eight threes in the fourth quarter they hit eight threes the the Kings didn’t score for like five minutes or

Score field goal for like five minutes Grayson Allen scored 90 yesterday it felt like it he just hit every three-pointer there ever was was to hit I mean yeah man that was that that’s that’s tough man because everything that could go wrong went wrong in that scenario you and really with losing by

Two you needed one thing yeah not to happen that happened and you didn’t get that I told you I I think I told you both this when Keegan got the rebound I was like all right they survived they’re gonna they’re gonna survive this he got the offensive rebound extended The

Possession more time off the clock again you had another opportunity just to get a single basket nope nope G get it yeah uh pretty pretty incredible how Things Fall Apart like that but we also like we talked about me and Kyle earlier the other thing is this this

Isn’t a road map to beat the Kings there’s only one team in the league that has Kevin Durant and if you can run a a roster out there with four Shooters and one of the greatest Shooters of all time and Kevin Durant you you got something and it still took

Like I don’t even want to call dear Fox as a defensive play a poor play like at the end of like it was a foul without any question but at the same time I thought he played that close to as well as you can play it

You can’t just give him a wide open look because he’s gonna hit it because he’s Kevin Durant so yeah I don’t know I think it was I’m more of the perfect storm and I don’t even see a trend it’s a perfect storm against two great teams

Over two days like right now if they do this four more times or three more times or or they do the exact same thing against Indiana where they just get beat up out of nowhere then yeah we we got a problem but two games against the Milwaukee Bucks and then the final game

Of a road trip against a really good Phoenix Suns team that’s tough that sucked last week that sucked I wish they would have won that game that sucked watching a collapse was Kenny with the captain obvious moment of the day not great Bob wasn’t good literally ruined everyone’s night like you know

How much pressure is on that team they just ruined everyone’s night yeah they had it’s the it’s just the and and and and but isn’t it the perfect microcosm of the the season that game encapsulated Extreme highs and extreme lows all in a fourth quarter period That’s the blowout

Losses the blowout wins it’s the it’s the Klay Thompson onepoint loss it’s the the Kings 124 123 win like it it encompassed everything that has been this Sacramento Kings season in four quarters of basketball I even think if you look at the Atlanta game the how the

First half and second half at least this was three quarters and one quarter that because we saw the same thing where they they got clubbed or even you look at the the Detroit game where they quarter like what was it 47 in the first quarter they

Gave up 90 James 90 points 300 yeah yeah I think they hit seven or eight threes in first yo we were Kenny and I were chuckling last night no one was firing off jokes about the nuggets and and 76ers being tied at 78 at halftime oh I remember oh please oh

They’re firing their jokes off but it’s the nuggets in the 76 or 7878 oh that’s just normal okay all right right rough all right well the Pacers tomorrow and I assume it’s a Bruce brownless Pacers and the Pascal seamless Pacers and yeah Tyrese Albert it’s it’s it’s Buddy heel

Time at the golden one Center baby up buddy gonna get him up buddy heel time at the golden one Center that man gonna do everything he can to go for 40 and get booed the entire time for no reason oh there’s reason yeah I guess I guess should they just randomly says

Stuff during a shoot around when you when when you when you yell for a city to do something to your Anatomy like that’s true that’s true it’s gonna be the TJ McConnell game it always is oh we’ve seen that before yeah we’ve seen that before that’ be frustrating Stephen

Brown says Buddy goes for 40 on 40 shots that checks out yeah back checks out back good kid dad City said buddy heill sighting in Old Sacramento let’s go interview him it be like that sometimes shano with DLo and KC uh well I guess we’ll get ready for

It um it’ll certainly be a a a slightly different game obviously it it sucks the Pacers one trip here and Tyrese halberton won’t be here the next time these two play two teams play on February 2nd uh it’s it’s obviously going to be a different looking team than what they’re seeing tomorrow we’ll

Be six days away from the trade dead on it could be a really really different looking team uh by the next time these two teams play uh but it’s a chance for the Sacramento Kings to I guess execute some of the lessons that they’ve learned over the last two games either way we’ll

Be here uh tomorrow morning beginning at 10: a.m. with the Insiders to get you ready for it we’re going to head over to 1025 right now if you want more coverage on the Sacramento Kings don’t go anywhere we’ll run it back next on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 vamos nobody we did

It we did it Joe world’s best cup of coffee congratulations oh man CJ strad going to Baltimore good luck buddy boy he’s fun though isn’t he I love him so many I like that team a lot yeah I like that team a lot but like Baltimore a little bit more

Yeah shout out to my boy Lamar yeah those are my guys right there CJ and Lamar I’ll take that I’ll take that I appreciate you guys thanks for coming to hang out hi Jasmine uh bye Jasmine bye everybody uh thanks for being with us we’re

Gonna the three of us are gonna go do another radio show James is James is sticking around to weigh in on most St and and Drake I was listening to uh to like 90s uh hip hop on the way in this morning just you know being about the

Culture James is all about yourself for you wreck yourself I love it yeah I love Itor P I was all over very good that’s our man James right there we’ve done it guys we we’ve got James we got him uh M breed out here we’ve done it we’ll see you guys tomorrow

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0:00 Stream starts
1:45 The Insiders begins
15:20 break
20:00 James’ six quick thoughts
30:20 break
36:00 more on the Kings loss
1:00:30 break
1:08:00 Sacramento A’s?
1:15:30 break
1:20:30 Trade Szn in the NBA
1:30:30 break
1:49:00 The Handoff with D-Lo
2:02:45 D-Lo & KC begins
2:15:45 break
2:20:00 more on the Kings loss
2:46:35 break
2:52:00 calls from listeners on Kings
3:15:00 break
3:21:00 Learning lesson for the Kings?
3:46:30 break
3:52:00 calls from listeners
4:04:45 why KC isn’t down on the Kings
4:15:30 break
4:40:00 Rockets in on Harrison Barnes?
5:00:00 looking around the NBA
5:13:50 break
5:20:20 James Ham
5:58:30 Show is over

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LIVE Mon-Fri 10a-12pPST
ESPN 1320 Sacramento, CA

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ESPN 1320 Sacramento, CA

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1 Comment

  1. KC great breakdown (simple basketball knowledge.) SMH we need to make a move that improves now. Preferably, before the road trip.

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