@Golden State Warriors

[Poole] “All the players, coaching staff were there. They initially thought [Dejan] was choking. On top of that, they had issues trying to find a way to revive him on-site because the restaurant wasn’t equipped with something to help him…Friday’s game vs Dallas is in peril & very likely postponed”

[Poole] “All the players, coaching staff were there. They initially thought [Dejan] was choking. On top of that, they had issues trying to find a way to revive him on-site because the restaurant wasn’t equipped with something to help him…Friday’s game vs Dallas is in peril & very likely postponed”

by NokCha_


  1. Robotsaur

    Good lord that is disturbing as hell, feel awful for the team and Dejan’s family. What a terrible situation.

  2. lastinglovehandles

    You’re telling me a properly administered defibrillator could have helped this man??

  3. What an unfortunate situation for everyone involved. They definitely shouldn’t play tomorrow. Rip Dejan.

  4. shanks_you

    My god, this is some lifelong traumatic experience.

  5. vulcans_pants

    Gross that they would share some of these details.

  6. parisdubs

    This was sad to listen to. No defibrilator at the restaurant, difficult to revive him there. Who knows if it would have helped, but still so sad. Kerith and Monte also choked up and a mention of uncertainty about Friday’s game.

  7. SummerGoal

    This is all just so horrible, I can’t imagine the feeling of helplessness they might have felt as there was nothing a room of 35-40 people could do to save their friend and coach. The Dallas game should definitely be cancelled. The players getting their minds right is way more important than basketball right now

  8. RIP.

    I was hoping for an event that would galvanize this team and I never in a million years would want this to happen. Hopefully the team rally’s around this unfortunate incident and start playing for each other again.

  9. ChewieSkittles53

    loosing a friend is hard

    loosing a friend in front of you whilst feeling hopeless on saving him would kill me

    rip coach dejan

    rooting for the organization.

  10. It appears that Utah does not have a blanket law requiring all establishments, such as restaurants or other businesses, to have an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on site.

  11. SirSubwayeisha

    Isn’t this how David Stern passed away too?

  12. WhenItsHalfPastFive

    This is so incredibly heartbreaking

    Just so tragic all around. RIP Dejan

  13. I lost my dad the same way. I really feel for Dejan’s kids and family. But the players and coaches that witnessed it, and especially those that were very close to him (Loon)… it’s like watching your own father die.

    To anyone questioning why the players need more time off. This is hard. You see them struggle, you see something in their face that at first is confusing to you, but in hindsight is their realization that they are dying.
    And all you can do is witness. If you gather yourself, maybe you can offer comfort to them in the moment. It’s haunting and really hard to get over.

    I lost years of my life to depression after this and can’t imagine how our players/coaches can find the drive to compete at a high level this close to a tragedy. It’s going to take time to heal, and the NBA season doesn’t give you time.

    It was a big relief to me that his family may have gotten there in time to hold his hand and say goodbye.

  14. EloWhisperer

    Probably in better shape than most of us too.

  15. codez0mbie

    Is it possible that he had some sort of food allergy that triggered this?

  16. DaUnionBaws

    Seeing someone pass away like this can really fuck with your mental health. I hope everyone can heal properly from this.

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