@Oklahoma City Thunder

LA Clippers vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 16 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

LA Clippers vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 16 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Disppointed so far oh not at all the three-point shooting was bananas in that first half 12 made by the Clippers nine by OKC really the difference in the game is Clipper’s ability to get more three-point attempts up than did the Thunder identical shooting numbers Clippers by the way season high for made

Theses in any half this year as Paul George gets right back to work they hit 12 threes in the first half and just like that they build their lead to six talk about where these two teams sit Clippers 25 and 14 number 14 in the west entering

Tonight Josh gidy tees it up a little bit too much in the rebound by man look like kawi Leonard a little bit grimacing in pain as he makes his way up to his feet and that is another three for Harden Leonard laboring a little bit after that Collision

On the last offensive possession by the Thunder eight straight points for the Clippers going back to the second quarter trying to keep her eye on Leonard looks like he’s okay home boy a series of fakes and the man sends his shot into the bench that was a big

Time recovery by Terence man coming from that weak side corner that pump fake there allowed him to get into it and just goes up and a great block shot here comes Jaylen Williams the driving kick gets it to dorton he’s at a hot hand tonight giddy the offensive rebounding was all by

Himself and and that really was created by getting the Clippers in rotation there defensively didn’t allow them an opportunity to get that defensive rebound George on the box guarded by SGA what a match up between those two skips it to man wide open three perfect how about some halftime coaching adjustments

Let’s check in with Chris yeah I talked with thunder head coach Mark and listen I will tell you that he said he’s happy with the first half and how they play offensively say anytime you can score as SGA postseason caliber game plan he said it was a really good experience for us

It was a tough game to play their offense wasn’t at its best so far they’ve been much better here tonight against the Clippers leard jayen Williams turned back they’re gonna get a whistle here Oklahoma City is trying to weather the storm here as the Clippers outscored

Them 10 to5 to begin the half before that last sequence Harden slowly turns against dork ruggy Defender for Mark dagal in the Thunder DG trying to shake the defender and somehow puts it up and puts it down 14 for George and I like that set because they’re forcing SBA to have to

Defend and you get an offensive foul there PA Georgia of course those two seasons in Oklahoma City face of the franchise now doing his thing here in the City of Angels with the Clippers as he misses both free throw with Leonard hard and Pa all those guys are first option

And so if they get an opportunity to attack you can milk that match up so we move past the 9-minute mark of this third quarter Leonard is so deadly with that mid-range not that time as the rebound coralled by Joe and Oklahoma City Shay Gil just Alexander just four

Of 11 if you’ve just joined us 13 points has been quiet as well he’s two of seven from the floor taking him to the ground as holen draws contact officials are going to get Mason Plumley this is December the 21st this a maneuver he’s starting to like calling his own number off blast

Yeah I mean and it was a a right idea here but credit the Clippers defensively understanding what is going on plumbley there didn’t allow him and because he didn’t have possession just ends up being a common foul CS it up they get it to Wallace five on the timer this is D slithers

Into the paint a little fake Boy Leonard keeping his feet offensive sequence there on the rebound for Wallace shot clock been reset Wallace on the redirection underneath to homr the fade missed it off the floor quickly to man contact and Wallace got a piece with this kid

Can play D offering up his body at this end of the floor as well everything he brings is with his three-point prowess just did a great job staying vertical and the presence there to get the block at the end against man so the shot clock 18 seconds for the Clippers Harden inbounds to

Plumbley andon plumbley making his first start of the Season tonight as Leonard has given the Clippers their biggest lead of the night they just have so many ways to beat you in the half court and when they’re defending like they have been here to start this third quarter makes it really

Difficult Here Comes gilis Alexander the driving kick to Wallace weaves in kicks out open three Isaiah Joe on a three-point check tell you what that three-point shot the ultimate [Applause] equalizer Oklahoma City number two 3 shooting team in the league the only team better the Clippers ball knocked around Clippers

Turn it over anden getting his hands dirty keeps it alive Joe not to SGA the trailer Slither in the pain puts it down and with which he has become an offensive player how that part of his game has changed has been incredible yeah nobody could ever predict that he’d

Become arguably the best guard in the leag that that is high praise for that young man and estimate to his work ethic and and his desire to be great well looked like that one went off Mason plumley’s head look he’s okay go to Alexander keeps coming here’s Isaiah Jo the drive and kick

Splash Ty L sensing the moment V liking what they’re seeing from the Thunder clly Up and Under GRE just like what he brings to the table offensive versatility we know how can rebound to defend and in recognizing the Personnel on the floor right Thunder gone to the

Bench they don’t have a lot of size to be able to defend that R and he didn’t bail him out back door and theny gets a piece as he turns Wallace back in tight so he cross the Midway point of this third quarter flippers and thunder second of

Three regular season meetings first one taken by the thunder in Oklahoma City in late December Paul George buries it from the corner and I got to tell you that entire play was set up by James Hart understanding the Personnel he had Joe on Quai and told qu to post up at the

Free throw line there which forced that double and created that two-on-one opportunity on the weak side L Dort Isiah Joe had a chance Point Blank but cleans it up resets inside D the cutter and a little bit of C be terrific right uh but it’s it’s still hard to say you

Know Denver the defending champs are they going to be able to replace what they lost a season ago you know what are some of those other young teams Minnesota and all those other groups this Thunder team as well so I think there’s still a lot to

Be determined but I can tell you one thing if they’re healthy that’s not a team you’re going to want to see come postseason a lot of contact as you see the records Clippers top of the heaps in the 1st of December but you sense the urgency level within this franchise it’s

The fifth season here for Kawai and PG-13 everything they invested in those two Gregs to bring them here haven’t had the postseason success certainly that they were hoping for yet oh George that was a great job he talked to turn fortunes of this franchise is this finally the year for the Clippers

Westbrook there’s the steel poed away SGA again the lead leader in Steels Williams a driving kick this is Kenrick Williams three-o

LA Clippers vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 16 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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