@Chicago Bulls

It’s Unreal How Few Moves the Chicago Bulls Have Made the Past Two Years

This isn’t surprising at all but the lack of moves from this front office is astounding

by BMan2505


  1. And of the moves they HAVE made literally every single one has been garbage.

    Bidding against themselves for Demar

    The Vooch trade and then extending him

    Trading/not extending Lauri

    The Gafford trade

    Giving Zach a max when no one else was

    Giving Lonzo 80mil when he’s proven he can’t stay healthy.

    I genuinely can’t think of one good move AKME has made since coming here. Maybe you can say extending Coby, but these clowns tried to dump him every chance they got after trying to replace him every year which tanked his trade value.

    Damned if they do damned if they don’t.

  2. Their only good moves were signing Caruso and resigning Coby and Ayo to friendly deals

  3. bigboiprime

    Raps fan coming in peace. What do y’all think the plan is? You have some nice pieces with Williams and White etc. but I don’t think the team is in a good win now position. Move vets for picks or young players?

  4. It’s just like the white Sox! Had a good year and then the front office decided they’ll keep running it back with only 1-2 minor roster changes.

    I wonder what the common denominator is here..

  5. Articles like this mean nothing because they would blasted him if he traded guys like AC, coby, ayo, pat, drum…. Just how I see ppl blast him for trading lauri wcj gaff etc

  6. ManWOneRedShoe

    Here’s the thing, Bulls fans are tolerant. Even if they made moves to start planning for the future, attendance wouldn’t suffer that much! This FO just can’t steer out of their MID mess they created. I want to be wrong.

  7. volantredx

    This is just revisionist history. Fans act like they were totally happy with the years before AK came in and made win-now moves, but they literally paid for a billboard demanding the owner fire the GM. Everyone in the league saw the Bulls as a joke. A failed rebuild that traded the last great player here for Lavine and picks and spent all that time since living in the gutter and making no attempts to get better.

    AKME were brought in to essentially end the rebuild. People are mad because it didn’t work out but shit happens. A key piece got hurt, some of the players didn’t fit the system, and again it’s only been three years. The first year looked like a total turn around derailed by injuries that led to a playoff run that flamed out instantly against the higher seed.
    The next season was seeing if Lonzo would get better and trying to move on without him. It would have been insane to sell at that point seeing as it was less than a season since the Bulls were hot and it’d look like a reactionary move from a panicked FO.

    Now it’s clear that the goal is to move on from some players in order to try to avoid a full rebuild. Almost like breaking a leg intentionally because it healed wrong. The issue is that Zach is the clear piece to move, but the market isn’t really starting to move. People act like trades happen constantly in the NBA, but other than the Raptors no trades really have been made. Most trades happen on the deadline itself.

    So it’s mostly a question of what moves could they have done. Going right back into the tank with a rebuild would have seemed crazy and panicked until literally right now, but not one player on the Bulls nets you a return better than who you send out.

  8. Status-Albatross9539

    u realized they made garbage moves by trading all the young core lauri carter for garbage vooch. they dont have any assets to trade minus lavine.

  9. A1Horizon

    I can’t even remember what the one trade was. It it the Julian Phillips trade? If it is then holy fuck the FO should be embarrased

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