@Minnesota Timberwolves

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: Minnesota Timberwolves surge late to overcome shorthanded Grizzlies

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: Minnesota Timberwolves surge late to overcome shorthanded Grizzlies

Hello and welcome into the lockdown Wolves postcast of course part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day I’m live with Tyler metf from kis hoopus we’re talking wolves Grizzlies we’ll break it all down here next welcome in you are lockon wolves you are locked on wolves postcast

Part of locked on Sports Minnesota your team every Day Hello and welcome to the lockon wolves postcast part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day my name is Ben Beacon I’m the host of lock on wolves I’m here with Tyler meta from kada suus we’re breaking down wolves Grizzlies and uh this was one of those

Uh you know games that the Wolves I mean I don’t know there’s there’s things on both sides of it right you know second night of a back-to-back the Grizzlies I think are are better even given all their injuries it’s a Well coached team a top 10 defense a good team yet still

It was one of those sluggish Timberwolves games for two and a halfish quarters um some issues late third early fourth quarter too and eventually they end up winning kind of going away but obviously this thing was pretty close throughout uh what are your immediate takeaways from this one

Tyler um it it kind of felt like a team just kind of going through the motions for a lot of the game until they realized hey we’re really talented and the best team in the west let’s just put this game away and then once they kind of

Put their mind to it and paid attention to the little things and started executing uh consistently on both ends of the floor that’s exactly what they did they just kind of ran away with this down the stretch because they everyone kind of stepped up started performing their role and they weren’t just leaning

On one guy per quarter like they did for the first three quarters yeah it was um it was weird I mean like it was such a slow start to the game excuse me for Minnesota and um you know tons of turnovers early they had I I I know they had 10 turnovers by

The Midway point of the second quarter I think like six of them were in the first quarter um Nas Reed of course gives a jolt Off the Bench late first quarter the Wolves were down I think they were doubled up I think it was 2412 Nas comes

In hits a couple of Threes um you know hits a tough layup in the lane gets the crowd into it it’s tied at the end of the first quarter sloppy quarter is extremely messy or or the second quarter is extremely sloppy they have 10 turnovers mid through the quarter um a

Lot of jiren Jackson Jr I think he had 21 points by halftime um I thought the most fun thing about this game is of course of course no Desmond Bane obviously no John marant um this was this was kind of the jiren Jackson Jr show uh you know with with

Kind of cambos by Luke Canard along the way but like this was jiren Jackson junr taking it to Rudy goar and Carlon Talon obviously there’s something to uh you know jiren Jackson Jr being the reigning Defensive Player of the Year wanting to take it to Rudy a multi-time Defensive

Player of the Year Award winner but I thought that was kind of a fun you know side plot to the whole thing and really jiren Jackson was the reason that this game was so close for so long and the fact and and the reason why the Grizzlies were winning at halftime I he

Was incredible tonight and just absolutely could not miss I mean ended with with 36 points 65% from the floor 50% from three couple poster dunks on Rudy um I it was a really really fun matchup and that’s you know part of the Intrigue and you know here’s one of the

Main reasons why this game was a nationally televised game to begin with obviously so is John Moran and obviously so is the you know kind of pseudo rivalry from the playoff matchup uh two years ago but he showed out he carried his his load you know he carried his

Responsibilities and then some he really raised the efforts and the overall play of this entire team he probably should have fouled out there down the stretch when Rudy had that tip dunk and he grabbed Rudy’s arm um but you know again he kind of got into that same pitfalls

Of getting in foul trouble where he had to sit a lot of that second half and the way he was playing if he gets his fouls under control if he um you know kind of Reigns that in and doesn’t have to sit for really extended minutes you know

Will’s fans are familiar with that with jayen McDaniels this is obviously something to a whole another level that we can you know hopefully Jayden gets to but if jiren’s not in foul trouble is he going for 50 tonight is he kind of single-handedly willing this Grizzlies

Team to a win it’s kind of hard to say no but he did get in foul trouble and the thing about that is that that’s not uncharacteristic with him because he’s been doing it his entire career yeah watching Jen Jackson Jr like it’s it’s similar to Carlon towns and jadeen

McDaniels where it’s a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy where where those guys are they are foul prone because they do foul a lot like for real but then it’s like the officials are anticipating foul calls opponents are hunting it and so with all of those guys

And it’s it’s like it’s like looking in a mirror with with uh Jen Jackson Jr in carony towns obviously Jen Jackson being a far superior defensive player but the way he’s officiated U that’s why I say it’s kind of a cross between MC Daniels in towns because obviously Jaden’s an

Elite defensive player but the way that he’s officiated it you know a couple of those were fairly Ticky Tac and he wasn’t getting whistles on the other end as much and and it was very much like watching the Timberwolves um the way he was officiated picked up his fourth foul

Then picked up his fifth foul early in the fourth quarter both of those are huge moments um The Wolves actually didn’t take great advantage of it in in the third quarter now uh saying that of course they were losing by five at halftime so obviously Memphis was actually outplaying Minnesota when jiren

Jackson was on the floor till that point but he picked up his fifth or excuse me his fourth foul a little over two minutes into the third quarter the Wolves were up by five or excuse me down by five and then at the end of the quarter exact same margin they were a

Net zero in the third quarter with jiren Jackson Jr off the floor and that was with that ant flurry and the the crazy self Alle up had uh in the third quarter but they um The W didn’t quite take as much advantage of that as you would like

To think that they would and I felt like the defense overall in this game you know we’ll talk about the offense and I do want to get to ant but the defense overall from Minnesota I thought it was sloppy and not great in the first the

First part of the game but then as the game were on I think Memphis just started hitting some tough shots I mean like um you know Canard hit some shots in the third quarter I thought the interior defense overall for Minnesota was better um and then it was just like

Wait a minute you know the Grizzlies are a well coached team a lot of these guys have been on good teams the last couple of years I mean obviously there’s there’s younger guys mixed in but you there’s there’s some of these guys that you know they know what they’re doing

Taylor Jenkins knows what he’s doing and uh I thought the Grizzlies were certainly a worthy opponent even as the Wolves started playing better as the game wore on yeah and their their point of attack defense in particular um especially in the first half was really really bad and

What I mean by that is obviously the on ball Defender just kept constantly giving up really really easy drives uh whether is out of the pick and roll or just isolation and that the the issues with that is that it leads to really easy kickouts or dump off passes because

The helps side and weak side Defenders have to rotate they they have to take away easy shots at The Rim which they did but then that frees up guys like jiren Jackson sitting in the corner or you know pick and popping at the top of the key and Anthony Edwards is sitting

On the opposite Wing not rotating over and leaving him wide open and with a guy like jiren Jackson whether he’s hot like he was tonight or just normal he’s normally a pretty good shooter you you have to make that rotation similarly you know you let guys like Luke Canard get a

Couple easy ones get in that Rhythm now when nil’s flying at him and has a hand in his face it’s he’s already in that Rhythm he’s knocking that shot down anyways and he’s going five of seven from three and getting up to 18 points which is just an absurd statline um you

Know especially for him he’s an awesome shooter but luk Canard should not be putting up 18 against you so it was that that really kind of sh shaky point of attack defense where they were causing putting themselves a step behind forcing everyone else on the defense to kind of rotate and cover

Cover for them and then even when they missed those threes were resulting in Long rebounds that the scrambling defense couldn’t get to in time so now Memphis is getting a second and third chance at it too so late third quarter fourth quarter all of that really picked

Up their like you said their interior defense especially Rudy was awesome all night I know he got put on a couple posters but handful of those were right after he had just blocked the shot um you know they didn’t credit him with the steal I think he should have easily had

At least one maybe two on there uh felt it felt a little harsh by by the scorekeepers but I I thought he was tremendous tonight um on the interior and then jayen uh his his point of attack defense really tightened up late um especially that one possession on R

Where he really shut him down and just destroyed that entire Memphis possession yeah I thought um I thought down the stretch in the fourth quarter uh the defense overall I mean there was that kind of flurry where the Wolves it was like right after they briefly took the

Lead or not briefly I I guess when they took the lead for good um and there was kind of you know there was a timeout and then the crowd got really into it and the defense was it was just you know like watching this wolves defense for

The vast majority of the season to this point not just the like third quarter it was like the interior defense got better Rudy was great they were starting to contain a little bit but then fourth quarter it was like all right now they’re not getting dri dribble penetration like we’re actually

Extending the defense beyond the you know beyond the three-point line and and Jaden and Alexander Walker and Conley and guys were getting into guys on the Grizzlies and actually forcing the ball out of out of guys hands and um you know forcing them into difficult shots and

That was adding that layer on top of what Rudy was already doing it was really only jiren Jackson Jr and then that flurry of Threes from Luke Canard and nobody else could do anything for uh for the Grizzlies Alama was the only other player that had more than 10

Points and he looked like he was seeing ghost all night after Rudy had that initial block on him and and you know kind of said something to him afterwards early in the game uh but after that it was like Alama was was you know he got

Up 14 shots but he only scored 13 points so I thought like fourth quarter and and this is like this is typical I mean just kind of like a a PSA I don’t want to like tell people how to root for a team but like good teams this happens like

You aren’t going to have your aame for four quarters every night especially in the second night of a back toback after traveling a late start the whole thing it’s not really excuses it’s just reality I mean they still ended up winning this thing by 15 points um and

It would have been great if either in Detroit or in this game they could have gotten guys a little bit more rest and not had to play you know Rudy what like 38 minutes in Detroit in 39 minutes in me against Memphis and maybe it hopefully it doesn’t catch up to them

Too much down the stretch this season but um you know there’s plenty of examples I always like to you know if people have heard me say this on lockdown wolves like the Golden State Warriors when they lost nine games games and won 73 they lost to the Timberwolves

That year like teams lose to bad teams good teams lose to bad teams all the time and I thought this is a pretty good example of the wolves like getting it together and not just like squeaking out of wind but like decisively putting their foot down in the fourth quarter

Being a plus 20 in the fourth quarter holding Memphis to 17 points in the final frame and saying you know what we are the better team and even though you guys are put up a great fight like we’re going to put you guys away here down the

Stretch yeah it was just another example of their kind of growing maturity um you know and we see that in guys like ant but that’s where the kind of spillover effect of having guys like Kyle Anderson and Mike Conley and Rudy goar um on this team kind of comes to fruition and that

This is really where it shines because um you know in in the TNT postgame interview they asked ant like hey what happened what switch flipped uh between the first half where you were non-existent and the second half where you completely took over and looked like a superstar

Um and you know he’s flat out said that he came out flat and wasn’t ready to play and you know even referen Kyle Anderson getting on him in the locker room telling them he looked like a scrub so it it’s that kind of leadership that kind of mentality with and then

Obviously you have to have the Raw Talent like Aunt has to do it but it’s stuff that just kind of comes with changing the culture of an organization which this coaching staff in front office and players seem to be really adamant about so you’re not going to

Blow out everyone every night but for a team that has been unfortunately basically awful for its entire existence changing the culture and having these all of these games basically be a must-win and demanding high performance out of your players every single minute of these games it it

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Apply all right uh let’s talk a little bit about about how important Nas Reed was to this win and early in the game when the Wolves needed a shot in the Y we kind of mentioned this in passing um Nas you know came through got the crowd

Going then in the second half he did a little bit of everything as well um you know I thought he was pretty good defensively had that play where he knocked the ball off off I forget who it was on the Grizzlies might have been off

His leg out of bounds on the Baseline um and had a I think he had a a dunk there late in the fourth quarter just kind of a well-rounded Nas Game and he’d been a little bit quieter had some um you know overall been playing really well lately

As he has all season but he had a couple shorter minutes games just with the way the rotations worked out I thought he was huge in this game where you know cat was it was a relatively pedestrian cat game all the way around as well so to

See Nas come through and be as productive as he was in just 24 minutes I thought was was a great sign yeah and especially early because in that first quarter no one on this team could make a shot um Anthony Edwards looked non-existent no one else could

Get a three to fall C had a couple Rim out got a couple I think he picked up two early fouls and then didn’t have another one um but after that second one that’s when Nas came in and went four for four five for five something like

That and racked up 12 points in the blink of an ey and immediately put the Wolves back in back in the game and that’s what he’s done all season for this team where whether it’s cat that’s in foul trouble or not playing well or injured or Rudy who’s in foul trouble or

Not playing well or injured um Nas just kind of keeps stepping up and stepping into those minutes and performing at a really high level and it’s been really nice that some of his off nights have kind of coincided with some of Kat’s bigger nights and you know they’re

They’re I’m sure there’s some Rhythm and uh minute um correlation that goes along with that but we really haven’t seen a whole lot of all three big men completely being out of sync and being out of rhythm in a game so H having that flexibility to kind of really rotate and

Move the roster and rotation to the hot hand has been so incredibly valuable and a big big big reason why they’ve kind of grown the their lead as the number one team in the west yeah what are your thoughts on this is more of a I guess a big picture um

Conversation but this game got me thinking a little bit about it there haven’t been very many bigs that have um that have really seen sustained success over the course of a game like Jen Jackson Jr did in this game against Minnesota and when you hear people that

Are um you know more uh I don’t know broadly following the league and aren’t following the Wolves super closely it’s just like oh well the wolves are big and you know they should be able to beat any team with bigs and they’re going to struggle with team with teams that are

Smaller when in reality I don’t know that that’s the right way to look at it right like we’ve seen the wolves struggle against teams that play small ball at times like the way that um you know when they played against Dallas last week and and and

Lost when Dallas had Kyrie and Luca uh we’ve seen other teams go small and have success but we’ve also seen the Wolves punish teams that go small like the Clippers game the other day um it’s like this kind of in between type of player that you know like for instance when the

Wolves played the magic obviously B Carol had a terrible game that night but that type of a player who’s a more versatile big or like a jiren Jackson Jr that I would worry about you know giving the Wolves trouble there aren’t a ton of those in the west that you really worry

About you know maybe Chad hren but at this point like you know obviously he’s very good but I don’t know that he’s the profile of the player that worries me a ton but in terms of the West like jiren Jackson Jr I mean Zion I guess fits that

Profile a little bit um joic is obviously unique cover but jiren Jackson’s like one of the few guys who’s versatile but also powerful enough to like go at the chest of Rudy and score through him and then obviously Rudy had his moments too it just got me thinking

Like what teams are there in the west what kind of matchups are the Wolves potentially going to see um that you know you’d flag and be like oh man like valent Tunis is another one I think of who’s always given the Wolves trouble which one of the reasons why the

Pelicans batch up is so tough is because of Zion and Val junis um but I don’t know what are your thoughts on like players like jiren Jackson Jr giving the Wolves issues in the front Court yeah and I just another two Joel embiid you know who obviously gives everyone issues

And then Julius Randall too who’s you know kind of a tier or two below that level of player but still really good and just goes off for 40 you know in his sleep against the wolves um but the I I think a common theme with all of these

Guys is that they all kind of they they’re able to put the ball on the floor they’re able to kind of get their shot in all three levels of the floor um and they kind of provide some real interesting mismatch issues and you know we kind of saw tonight with jiren

And Xavier where cat and Rudy were kind of hesitant or unsure or unconfident in who is supposed to be taking who and they their switches weren’t as seamless as we typically see um because jiren’s probably technically the four in that in in that two-man lineup but Xavier kind

Of is as well he’s not you know a real traditional five so I I I think when there’s some of that kind of lineup in positional ambiguity it just causes a little bit of hesitation and then when you don’t necessarily have the foot speed that Rudy does you know that

Slight hesitation on a closeout just either creates a bigger window for a three or puts him a step behind um when the guy attacks his close out so I I think that kind of stuff just creates a little bit of um confusion and then you know you mentioned a guy like Zion where

That positional ambiguity kind of comes up again because is he a big is he a wing do we want a you know a center like Rudy kind of lurking on him or like sagging off of him and just trying to overpower him with strength and

Uh size or do we want length with Jaden and you know again it causes some Mis mismatch miscues on that end of the floor but on the similar kind of sense or similar scope wolves give that to a lot of teams as well yeah it’s interesting because like a team like

Boston obviously tried to guard carony towns with Drew holiday and it worked fairly really well in the first game against wolf Celtics in the second game cat had a much better performance and and the Celtics do that you know to other teams too they’ll try and guard they occasionally will guard embiid with

Drew holiday like um they have the Personnel to do that and um it’s it’s just one of those things to give Star players different looks and the wolves like you said the Wolves can do that and it’s like you know when they guard yic you know that where they’ll they’ll be

Like in this game I mean both Carlon thwn and Rudy goar took turns you know trying to guard Jen Jackson Jr and neither one of them was super successful early yeah but I think it’s more just about showing those different looks you know mixing in a little bit of Zone The

Wolves did that I thought it kind of kickstarted them in Detroit in the second quarter when they played a few possessions of Zone um it didn’t wasn’t as effective I don’t think in this game and they didn’t do it for more than a couple possessions but um yeah I mean I

Think it’s just fascinating to to uh to think about the different ways and Zion to me presents and this is this is a whole I do a whole show on this but like terms of playoff matchups as we start to get closer like the Pelicans are the

Scariest one right now just based on you know how they played the Wolves the last couple times out uh for sure um a couple more things to get to um I we should talk a little bit about the way Anthony Edwards closed in this game and I say Clos really what the

Third quarter looked like and and while the Wolves played the third quarter to a draw with Memphis aner quarter was huge um he obviously had the dunk everyone’s gonna be talking about um and uh everyone already is talking about but he had you know kind of kicked off a flurry

Of scoring and and you know it was you kind of knew it was coming because he had two points at halftime but it still ended up being a pretty efficient night for ant he was only one of six outside the arc but he was 10 of 13 on two-point

Attempts and got to the line for six free throws only had three turnovers um I thought I I don’t know that the shot selection was all too poor there were you know maybe one or two sticky possessions in there but besides that I thought this was kind of the rare

Occasion where he flipped the switch but actually kind of picked all the right spots you know Reggie Miller was talking on the broadcast even about how ant was being really unselfish almost to a fault early in the third quarter but then it was like as soon as you know he hit a

Couple of those lobs to Rudy and and a couple of kickout passes for threes and then all of a sudden it was like you know it was almost like the Grizzlies were were starting to play the pass just a little just enough and an saw his

Window and it was like and one and then it was a tough bucket and then it was the dunk off the glass uh and it was just kind of this Avalanche of ant plays late third quarter into the fourth yeah and it it was just a really

Measured um and mature approach from him and again just the complete opposite of what we saw in the first half um I he wasn’t like chucking up bad shots and turning the ball over in the first half he just wasn’t there um and God was he

There in the third quarter uh the the off the backboard self alop insane um you know brought brought me back to being a kid and watching teamac do that in the All-Star game um but I a couple possessions before that uh they they set up a back door lob where Mike Conley

Threw a aob from near the Target logo um on the right wing and I I was trying to think back and I cannot remember the last time they ran that type of play for an I was like oh that’s fun just another kind of way to Leverage his athleticism

Especially when you they run him off of that kind of stagger screen so frequently and if guys are going to start kind of topl loocking them like that that back door Cut’s going to be there a lot so I I hopefully that’s something they look forward to uh in the

Future at least a handful of times um but going back to kind of his approach and his mentality there is one possession where he basically got triple teamed he’s dribbling down the clock he’s over dribbling and settles for like this step back three over three guys on

The left wing drains it it’s a horrible shot but it goes in it’s beautiful it pushes the lead to like eight or something it’s just like oh God this is not going to go well they’re just going to keep sending doubles and he’s going to start racking up the turnovers here

Next possession down they kind of Blitz him and double him out of the uh the pick and roll and Luke Canard really helps off Jaden in the corner ant takes another just one extra Escape dribble drags The Defenders a little bit opens up that window for Jaden a little more

Makes a kick out to him just and Jayden drains with Corner three just kind of continues to show how he steadily improves handling these different situations where if teams are going to keep throwing the same looks at him over and over and over again he’s GNA figure

It out eventually and he really trust jayen uh making that kick out to him so I I I I thought it was a really really encouraging performance from him in that second half let’s talk about our friends at game time you shouldn’t have to worry when you buy tickets to your next big

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Minute tickets lowest price guaranteed all right couple more to close it um Mike connley was obviously huge down the stretch uh 17- 10 in this game seven of 11 shooting three of six outside the arc uh missed a couple of Threes I think it was like a late first half and it was

Just kind of a you know like with everybody else nobody else was in double figures at half time except for Nas and then he turned it on late hit a couple of huge threes had a couple of nice shots in the paint um the rare game

Where I mean Conley’s I want to say his his three-point rate this year is like like nearly 70% of his shots are coming from outside the arc which I believe I believe it’s a career high for him but in this game he actually shot six threes

And he shot five twos and and they were all of course in the paint um just another like well-rounded perfect role player game for Mike Conley again on a night where you know Carl was relatively quiet Jaden did some stuff early but then was fairly quiet the rest of the

Game Nas did most of his damage in the first half so late it was all about ant whatever Rudy was able to do mostly at the free throw line and then Mike connley stepping up big and initiating like you mentioned the lob pass to ant um there were a couple of other nice

Passes I mean he had 10 assists no turnovers in this game too which is maybe not a surprise but the 10 to zero assist to turnover ratio is um is pretty unreal uh just another huge Mike Conley game it’s just consistency with him and one that was one of the biggest issues

With this team last year was we had no idea what team we were going to see at tip off um we we could see a team that looked like they were going to be one of the best in the west or you know not even sniff the playoffs and Mike Conley

Has been the absolute same performer since he came to Minnesota and it is absolutely incredible and just a really arguably one of the most important pieces to this team because his his leadership rubs off on everyone else he knows how to pick his spots how to get

Everyone else going um you know when the offense kind of bogs down he picks his spots with that empty corner pick and roll with Rudy perfectly um and and he’s just so unselfish with the ball 10 assists zero turnovers um he he just knows who’s in a rhythm who’s the hot

Hand who he needs to get going and how to put them in those spots to try and find the Rhythm so it it’s just it’s so impressive every night with him it’s the exact same stuff and you know you kind of keep waiting for him to

Need a full day a couple games off or to play less than 25 minutes a night or to have a real stinker and it just never really comes yeah it it it it really is incredible and um you know we’re starting to get to the point now I think

After Saturday’s game will be exactly at the Midway point in terms of their schedule and it’s like yeah I mean are there are at some point obviously Conley did rest for that Celtics game last um on the second night of the back toback on the road so but that was the first

Game all year the wolves have actually technically rested anybody um and Rudy missed that game as well with the hip but yeah I mean like are they going to start to mix in a few a few of these days here and there or are they going to

Try and you know not load manage but just kind of like be careful with his minutes because obviously you need uh I know he said publicly it’s the best he’s ever felt and all this stuff but like you need him in the playoffs and maybe it’s it’s whether it’s trying to see if

Shake Milton can initiate some offense here and there you know with this I hate to say it but softer schedule I’m always nervous when I say that but up coming after Saturday um speaking of Saturday last thing and then we’ll go um the Ws have the Thunder obviously they’ve split

The season series to this point uh and the game in OKC right after Christmas I guess that one wasn’t uh you know it was technically close till the fourth quarter but it was not the Wolves finest Hour they gave up 129 points in you know a regulation game to the Thunder um you

Know like OKC they’ve lost a couple games here recently but you know just beat the Kings I think tonight and and overall are are still really really good two games coming up in the next two weeks against OKC they need to get at least a split to try and make sure that

There’s not a tiebreaker in OKC’s hands any predictions thoughts uh you know previe you know what are your thoughts on on Saturday’s game against the Thunder yeah and I Thunder were you know playing just as hot as the Wolves All Season uh beat the jazz tonight by like

Five or six um Jazz ended up coming back they’re looking really good right now uh but Thunder held on so it I I’m just fascinated to see how they kind of handle SGA he’s get his numbers but can they at least kind of contain him and turn him into like the only scoring

Output and kind of contain his drives make life difficult for him so off ball Defenders can kind of stay home because in OKC they couldn’t do that at all and that’s where guys like Dort um Jaylen Williams you know even giddy if he gets into a little bit of a rhythm he can

Punish you with a couple threes so if they can kind of at least make life really difficult specifically in that Twan game and in those isolation drives for SGA I think the wols have a really really good chance of kind of running away with it or at least holding on to

To a solid win like they did the first time in Minnesota um but if SGA starts getting to his spots at will and really forcing those weak side rotations and kind of forcing the defense to scramble that’s where the OKC offense starts looking beautiful and the ball starts

Skipping and they get whatever shot they want um so if if we see similar point of attack defense to what we saw tonight and against the Pistons it could devolve into uh the last matchup against them like we saw in OKC but I I I’m anticipating that they they come out

With a a bit a bit more juice than these last two games yeah I I think in general I like the matchup against the thunder it’s just you know are they going to come out you know ready for that matchup because yes I think if each team plays

Their aame the Wolves should win just based on the way the teams match up and and also the obviously game being in Minnesota should help too so wolves are now 17 and two at Target Center all right that’s all I have for you to here tonight A big thank you for watching the

Lockdown Wolves postcast of course we go live after each and every game usually over at the lockone sports Minnesota YouTube page through a bit of a curveball here today the audio is always available after the fact on the lockdown wolves audio feed wherever you listen to podcasts be sure to subscribe and follow

Uh wherever you listen for to lockdown wolves and also subscribe to the lockdown Sports Minnesota YouTube channel as well uh again all audio platforms and YouTube for lock wolves a big thank you for watching or listening if you’re listening afterwards and we’ll catch you next time Saturday after the

Thunder game we’ll be live on the lockone sports Minnesota Channel as well uh thanks for listening have a good night

The Minnesota Timberwolves started slow but it all came together late in the game as they surged ahead of the shorthanded Memphis Grizzlies for the fourth Wolves win in a row. Ben Beecken (@bbeecken) and Tyler Metcalf (@tmetcalf11) have the immediate reaction.

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  1. 37-17 in the 4th. Sure I'd rather see a game long dominant performance, but it's nice to see when it's winning time they have the ability to turn it on.💯

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