@Golden State Warriors

Steph Curry & Golden State are STILL DANGEROUS, Warriors-Lakers potential trade? | Hoops Tonight

Steph Curry & Golden State are STILL DANGEROUS, Warriors-Lakers potential trade? | Hoops Tonight

What’s up everybody thanks as always for supporting the show it would mean a lot to me if you would take a second to scroll down and hit that subscribe button to the Hoops Tonight YouTube channel and then follow me on social media on Tik Tok Instagram and Twitter

So you guys don’t miss any of our content over the course of this season all right let’s talk some basketball I recently watched an old video you did right after the Warriors last championship about how strong their organizational structure is from Joe lob to Bob Myers to Steve CER to the players

In your opinion what has happened to this team since then why are they where where they are in seemingly such a bad spot now that we are witnessing the end of a dynasty love the show thanks for everything thank you for the kind words

Um I really put it down to a couple of different things Bob Meers just wanted to retire I don’t think Mike dun leevy is incapable or I mean it’s too soon to tell obviously I don’t think Steve Kerr is unmotivated or lost his touch I think

It’s just he’s dealing with a lot of the Personnel limitations of this roster everything to me comes down to just a couple of things I don’t blame clay he’s getting old that was super predictable right it comes down to three things in my opinion Andrew Wiggins went from

Being the second best player on a championship team and one of the best 3 and D players in the league to a bad NBA player like that like overnight like it just to the point now where it’s like you’re you’re hoping he gets it together but it’s like he probably should be

Coming off the bench like it’s like like he probably doesn’t even belong like he probably doesn’t belong in the starting lineup right so and and he has come off the bench at for stretches this season so it’s like like that’s just a huge decline how do you account for that how

Do you account for like like take a really good team take the Denver Nuggets what if Aaron Gordon went from being one of the most useful role players on a championship Contender to a guy that wasn’t good enough to start and then suddenly they had to put pton Watson at

The four who’s a very good player but that’d be a downgrade a significant downgrade right and so like that that’s just difficult to account for secondly Draymond Green removed himself from the team like like Draymond Green took himself out of the lineup for more than

Half the season that’s a that’s a a a a a thing that’s going to to hurt your basketball team when he’s one of your most important players and then lastly Steph Curry just hasn’t been playing like Steph Curry for a few months and what a lot of times like people focus on

Lineups and coaches and role players and all these different things but it’s like is your star playing like because if your Stars playing like it’s going to be hard to win and and those three things kind of amount to why they look as limited as they have I’m not

Worried about Steph I think he’s frustrated I think he’s annoyed and I think he’s not motivated by this group I don’t think he believes in this group enough to like really apply himself at this point in time and I think he’ll re-engage if they make a trade at the

Deadline Draymond Green’s back so that’ll be fine you just have to find a way to replace Andrew Wiggins from a talent perspective you have the means with which to do so with Jonathan kaminga although we’ll talk about it in a little bit but missing out on seak is

Definitely a below there I love the optimism but do you but do honestly believe the Warriors are one move away from turning their bottom 25 25th or worst defense into a top 10 required of a championship team impossible to make a run this season personally I feel like

This season is gone play it out with who you got make decisions once Chris Paul clay and kerr are gone or looking for extensions so here’s the thing it can look really Bleak right now and I get that trust me as a Laker fan last year I

I can familiarize with the feeling but the dead giveaway to me is like Steph’s not playing particularly well and I can tell everyone’s just kind of frustrated and annoyed at the situation so January in the NBA motivation plays a huge role in the outcome of games and

You make the right trade you get a re-engage step everything kind of slots properly things can turn around like that and then you start to look down the the the playoff field and it’s like if I’m golden state am I scared of Oklahoma City in a playoff series if I have Steph

And a and two really good players that I got back in a trade and and Steph’s re-engaged like no I’m picking the Warriors right like you’re going to pick them over a lot of teams except for the really really big teams right like it’s Minnesota it’s Denver it’s the Lakers

That would concern you but like the Warriors still have a chance to beat just about everybody else in the field is currently constructed and if they hit the if they get if I have a home run Warriors trade that I’ve pitched before and I’m going to mention again later on

In the show but like if they hit on that trade everyone gets re-engaged and they go like the Warriors are are dealing with Personnel limitations no doubt but they’re also dealing with January basketball with a bunch of frustrated veterans and that’s what this can look like from time to time next question hi

Jason I love watching the NBA and fan reactions to their team winning and losing my question is why do we as fans including me overreact to regular season wins and losses at this part of the season I understand overreacting to wins and losses close to the end but to the

Middle in beginning reactions are crazy in my opinion for example a team like the Lakers who just won team two in a row people are talking about them being amazing and saying maybe they don’t need to trade on the other hand the Warriors who lost two in a row have fans begging

For them to trade and saying they aren’t contenders literally a week ago the Lakers were the team that were seen who needs to make a trade and aren’t contenders and the warriors were seen as contenders and didn’t need to make a trade both fan bases want them to make

Trades but they only seem to beg for them when they lose two games in a row or more it’s a long question and an interesting one in my opinion uh if you’ve listened to the show over the last couple of years you guys know exactly where I stand on this I no

Matter how bad things have got for the Warriors this year I never took them off my list of contenders not ever right no matter how bad things got for the Lakers this year never took them off my list of contenders like regular season basketball comes down to so many factors

That go beyond just how good your basketball team is and and so it is it is possible to kind of get misled by results right I think part of the issue is is fans are emotional what does fan mean fan means stands for fanatic like that’s that’s we’re all emotional

Because we’re fans right like that’s just how we react and then I think the television product is part of it too so you know the a lot of uh National NBA shows especially on cable like on ESPN and stuff like they they have legit pressure from production staffs and

Executives to be like hey time to panic or not with Team a or time to panic or team not with Team B or is you know a young team with a young player wins 10 games in a row and plays awesome and it’s like is this player the best player

In the league is this team going to win a championship right like that’s kind of the that’s kind of like the pattern of that kind of stuff and I think that noise kind of colors the way we all see things but more often than not it’s like

Like the Lakers play the Nets tonight if uh there’s a chance I think the Lakers are going to win game but if they come out and they play uh super lacad isical and the Nets kick their butt like it’s just not going to change my opinion on

That team because in the regular season so much of this stuff is like that like the the Sacramento Kings went out and got their ass kicked last night like and they’ve lost four games in a row they blew a 20-point lead against the Suns the other day like you they’re just

Going through the the the muck of January they were one of the most impressive teams in the league over the first third of the season they were going into opponent’s Arenas like Championship contenders Arenas and kicking their ass so like this is this is just kind of part of that noise and

You kind of have to find a way to sort through it as best as you can next question now that se yakum got traded to the Pacers what big trade do you see the Warriors make and do you think it’ll make any difference should they jeopardize their future to have a

Chance to win it once again now and in the coming Seasons with Steph okay I’ll answer the second question first yes you you can’t win the title unless you have a top tier Superstar you have a top tier Superstar unless you’re under the impression that Jonathan kaminga is

Going to be which there’s a chance but it’s a long shot at this point then you this is your chance to win so you got to go for it you you you owe it to Steph you owe it to the fans because like I promise you guys if you trade Steph for

A bunch of draft picks and you trade and and just build around kaminga will look up two years from now and they’ll be 32 and 50 and you’ll be like but hey Jonathan kaming is averaging 26 this is cool like it like don’t forget that every team out

There that doesn’t have one of those guys desperately wants one of those guys you don’t think Brooklyn would love to be like hm what mov should we make at the deadline since we have Steph Curry on the roster right now as far as which trade I think that they should make now

That siakam’s gone it’s going to be really tough but the one that I pitched on the show the other day that I really like is I call the Nets I’d offer him Jonathan kaminga I’d offer him Moses Moody and I think it’s Andrew Wiggins was the third guy if I remember

Correctly and I’d ask for male Bridges and Dorian finny Smith and I’d run those two guys out between Draymond Steph and Clay I’ve got two excellent perimeter Defenders that can both shoot Mel bridge is one of the best role players in the league and then I’d make another run at

It with Steph I’m not even sure if that deal is possible but if I’m Brooklyn and I’m like I can get Jonathan kaminga and we’re going to talk about Brooklyn in a minute as a matter of fact I’m going to wait to kind of a lot I’m just going to

Wait until until I get to the Nets on that front because I did have a Nets question in there hey Jason appreciate the content got a quick mailbag question here do you think the Warriors and Lakers should do a trade surrounding ruy Gabe in a first- round pick for Andrew

Wiggins in a second round pick feels like this might help the warriors with size and ISO scoring burst whereas Wiggins is the perfect addition for the Lakers so I actually heard a uh uh from one of my friends who covers the league I heard that uh the Lakers I guess

Called Golden State at some point and offered uh um D’Angelo Russell for Andrew Wiggins which would have been super hilarious because like the the first of all D’Angelo Russell was with the Warriors and the Warriors traded him and then slandered him on the way out the door so that would have been funny

Uh also I think you could argue that uh given their contracts D’Angelo Russell might be a better asset right now which is actually kind of crazy uh just because of how poorly Andrew Wiggins is playing but here’s the thing uh Andrew if I could get Andrew Wiggins from 2022

On the Lakers I’d do it in a heartbeat but I just if if you really start to zoom out from the Andrew Wiggins thing it’s like we viewed it as like oh he was here in Minnesota and then okay he’s with the Warriors and he’s going up and

And then it like tank but if you zoom out it’s actually a lot of this in the one spot that’s up high meaning like it’s actually more likely than not that Wiggins is who he is and that 2022 is an outlier so um it’s an interesting trade

Idea uh ruy hura would help the Warriors a lot so with Gabe but I just think Ru is a better player than Andrew Wiggins right now and so I don’t think that deal necessarily works and um unless Andrew Wiggins can get it together I don’t in the next couple of weeks I don’t

Necessarily think he has a ton of trade value next question are there any rule changes you would Implement in the NBA and why just curious if you have any ideas I thoroughly enjoy the show and appreciate your Insight and takes on the game so what I would do is I’d give the ref’s

Discretion to never call any sort of non-basketball play there was a play at the end of the Denver Nuggets game that I’ll give you guys as an example Joel and beid went up underneath the basket and clearly got fouled I think by Aaron Gordon if I remember correctly and he’s

Complaining to the refs and it was a foul it was I 100% agree with Joel embiid that it was a foul here’s the thing they didn’t call it and embiid was underneath the rim and had an opportunity to power up and put the ball in the basket and instead he stuck his

Arms out and went like that to try to go up to the basket and Aaron Gordon came across his arms and they didn’t give him the call I would not give him the call either because there’s no place in the world where you teach a basketball

Player to do that it is not a basketball play to put the ball out and deliberately expose it to get knocked away they do that because they get calls it’s a non-basketball play that grifter used to try to get to the line and he’s not the only one I’m not targeting him

Be I’m just using that as an example I would give the ref’s discretion any sort of non-basketball play that you see in any way shape or form even if it’s a blatant foul just don’t call it because that would be what’s best for the league and I I thoroughly believe that the ref

Watched him do that in that moment and made that call I think he looked at it and was like oh this is a nationally televised MVP showdown between Joel embiid and Nicole yic it’s a close game late I’m not giving him that like that that’s what I think that was

And I think if the NBA did that it would go a long way towards helping um helping the television product all right four more questions dream trade at the deadline for any team favorite show on YouTube keep going man thanks again for the kind words I’m

Going to go with that Warriors one for Dorian finy Smith and Mel Bridges I just really want to see the Warriors have last shot at things and I think that would be the most fun trade that would kind of change the landscape of the league next question it seems as if the

Standings are not as important as they used to be and I just want to know why that is it seems as if the young teams at the top and the veteran teams at the bottom and the funny thing is that most NBA fans including me trust the lower

Seated team more than the higher seated teams now because of that do the veteran teams do this on purpose or is it something else talked about this earlier in the show but to make it simple like I think these veteran teams are just trying to get through to April and I

Think that they love playing basketball but that the grind kind of gets to them more and these younger teams they love the they’re not sick of it yet they’re they love the grind they love being in the middle of January like do you think the Jazz are bored right now no they’re

Having a blast and so again it’s our job to just try to sort through all of that noise two more out of the Suns Warriors and Lakers who are you more worried about I’m more concerned with the Suns as a team they have uh as the team they

Have is what they have whereas the Lakers and the Warriors can make trades to be way better I enjoy the show and I just want your opinion that’s an interesting take as it pertains to the Suns not being able to make a trade that said the Suns have Deon Booker Bradley

Beal and Kevin Durant and they I think they have the ability to play better than they have to this point in the season I’m going to go with the Warriors there just because since they missed out on SE yakum I think their job at this trade deadline gets significantly more

Difficult and I think the Lakers are just better than both teams as currently constructed I’d pick them over I’d pick the Lakers over the Suns or The Warriors in the series that started today so I just think they’re in a better position um that’s not to say that I think all

Three teams are going to make the playoffs and I think the Warriors will find something to do I just think that they have a little bit more of a long shot so I have them third in that group right now

Jason Timpf discusses what has gone wrong Stephen Curry, Draymond Green, and the Golden State Warriors during the 2023-2024 NBA season. Jason breaks down potential trades that could help Steve Kerr’s Warriors return to championship status, including a potential deal with LeBron James’ Los Angeles Lakers. Are the Warriors more dangerous than people think.

Watch the full episode here:

00:00 – What has happened to Warriors?
02:40 – Are Warriors one move away from fixing defense?
04:24 – Overreacting to regular season games
07:15 – Warriors next trade target
09:04 – Lakers-Warriors potential trade
10:30 – Rule changes Jason would apply
12:18 – One trade you want to see
12:34 – Why younger teams are surging
13:17 – More worried about Lakers, Warriors or Suns?

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  1. The Warriors definitely need very good wing and a solid big. They dont have a legit center now how they face west bigger teams…Definitely need to move on from Wiggins first because the Warriors gave him too much time and opportunity alraeady…No excuses! I like the Bridges move but add Clax in there definitely would give up more to get them 2..WORTH IT!

  2. The lakers suck along with the warriors πŸ˜‚ lakers aint a contender. This blind faithfulness is disgusting for someone who claims they are being objective

  3. The problem is that nobody wants to help the team that has been kicking everyone's ass for the better part of a decade. These GM's are petty bro. Everyone really wants to see them struggle

  4. Stop talking about Kuminga, Moody, TJD or Podz. Kerr will be gone in the summer and the Warriors will look different. Also if the Warriors are to good, they loose a draftpick. Its protected, so if its worse its good by draft night.

  5. They are 2 pieces away : a veteran big like Miles Turner, Dorian Finney Smith or Jarrett Allen, a 2 way wing to replace Wiggins.

  6. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts…what a merry xmas we would have. The Warriors are washed, Lakers too.

  7. Get rid of coach Kerr and steph curry πŸ› πŸ‘ŒπŸ» ka keti πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸŒŽπŸ™βž•οΈ βž•οΈ something else steph curry πŸ› πŸ˜‹ is not good man OK keep safe ka.pai πŸ‘ŒπŸ» πŸ‘πŸΎ πŸ’™πŸ’™

  8. The only move that can POSSIBLY shift the Warriors is a trade for Markannen. That's now near impossible given how well Utah has been doing, and other teams having far better assets to trade in a bidding war.

    The Warriors should take this season off and gear up for next year. Start Moody, Kuminga and Trayce and develop them along with Podz. Klay could be incredible as a 6th man moving forward. If they can somehow flip Wiggins for a big man, even Jakob Poetl, that would be a team-wide improvement.

    That's the lineup.

  9. I honestly don't understand why JK is not starting. The lineup should be Curry, Klay, JK (SF), Green, Davis. I don't believe POD should be starting at the #2. If you want him to start, Bench Klay. JK should not be coming off the Bench. I respect Kerr, and he forgot more basketball then I'll ever know. But for the life of me I don't understand why JK is not starting at SF. What the HELL does he have to lose by making this change? Our record already sucks. And JK is more consistent to Klay but he keeps him in the starting lineup.

  10. They need a couple trades (ideally). Try to get Capella and Murray by using CP3's salary, draft picks AND swap Wiggs + TJD, second round pick for Kuzma.


    Wouldnt wanna see them if im any team

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