@Phoenix Suns

Love mikal and cam and what they did to change the culture but I still can’t believe people are still tripping about the KD trade

Love mikal and cam and what they did to change the culture but I still can’t believe people are still tripping about the KD trade

by Trinity12123


  1. Nets fans are asking for Cam to be traded or waived

  2. semibigpenguins

    Haven’t seen a fourth quarter melt down like that since last week

  3. AquaShark00

    I thought Mikal would be doing better. He was pretty good after the trade last year.

  4. lonny__breaux

    Mikal hasn’t been bad he’s just not a first option of a serious team. If they get a proper star/trade him to a contender he’ll look much better.

    Cam has been pretty bad honestly. Can’t even excuse him there

  5. Imthegoat175

    Cam Johnson’s contract is not aging well. Him and Ayton are finding out how much more difficult it is to get easy looks and score without CP3 dishing you up and not having Booker’s gravity.

  6. po0nlink_

    Yeah Grayson Allen is for sure going to command at least what Cam Johnson is making right now.

    In regards to CJ, sucks that he’s had his own struggles of just staying healthy. His shooting also has taken a dip this year at 39%, which isn’t terrible but for a guy who’s known to be a knockdown shooter is pretty underwhelming.

    Just goes to show that at best Johnson and Mikal are high quality role players, sometimes fringe starters but not number one option guys. They’re the type of players you surround a superstar with, not the other way around.

  7. growsonwalls

    I live in NY and thus watch almost all the Nets games. The twins are … not doing good. Cam is having an awful season. Mikal is having an okay season but seems to be playing through an injury. Both are great guys but not stars

  8. epicblitz

    Nets fans were also talking all that shit about winning the trade just a few weeks back. How the tables have turned…

  9. bungajaji

    They need to have a cold look at Mikal’s 2023 stats and realise what we ‘missed out’ on lol

  10. That nets chokejob vs the clippers might have been worse than the kings choke vs us last week lmao.

  11. Ppl here say to trade KD back when the suns are usually losing a game lol

    I think during the kings game I saw during the live thread a bunch of ppl saying trade KD back, we want cam and Mikal back, why did we trade for KD.

    I stopped tuning in to the live thread because of that. Once the suns went on that miraculous comeback, I tuned back into the live thread and all the KD slander stopped lol

  12. p0tatoman

    Cam J is mid and Mikal is an elite role player. You trade that for a top 10 all-timer every time.

  13. Fordraxel

    Oof. Mikal as first option is doing that?! Id expected more on how people been talking.

  14. All part of the plan. Mikal is doing his part. He’s coming home in 2026

  15. Significant_Sort8948

    Mikal is exactly what the Suns need now.

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