@Golden State Warriors

Browsing other random games and one thing stuck out to me in terms of how “off” the warriors are

Celtics vs. Mavs, Jan 22.

10 TOs to 6 TOs. They stuck out to me as an avid warriors watcher as rough expectations for a moderately bad quarter, average for a half.

The warriors standards are just *absurdly* low for taking care of the ball.

by jimjamiam


  1. Spirited-Cap-9779

    This is because the warriors system probably involves the most ball movement in the league, so naturally they’ll have more turnovers.

  2. livecents84

    Wiggins steps out of bounds once a game. Steph and Dray are usually good for 1-2 passes you yell wtf at. JK pitches in a few from driving with no moves. Klay has a blond moment about once a game. Saric contributes when he wants to do anything other than pick and pop.

  3. Appolonius_of_Tyre

    Does Steph bear a lot of responsibility for this? He is the leader, setting the tone, and he is too often frustratingly careless with his passes.

  4. Remarkable-Cup-6029

    These teams are both iso heavy teams that run little sets and don’t have much motion in their play. The Celtics run a lot of mismatch post ups and isos and the ball movement they have runs from these actions whilst the Mavs run everything through their iso heavy guards. They are both fairly slow tempo offenses as well. So yes we have a TO problem but it’s not a great comparison for us when we run motion high tempo game with a lot of off ball action which has dominated the league for years. Our issue is we don’t have guys who can execute the current system but we aren’t about to run heliocentric or high iso/post up offenses. We have actually done a much better job TO wise this year and in recent games. Our issues are elsewhere, POA defense, overhelping, fouling and a lack of spacing and our shooters shooting terribly.

  5. MiNDGaMeS87

    Also randomly low TOs. We also had a game with what.. 39 assists on 2 TOs recently. Imagine you watch this and judge everyone based on that 1 game

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