@Dallas Mavericks

What the Mavs Learned in their Loss to the Celtics, Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving Outplayed?

What the Mavs Learned in their Loss to the Celtics, Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving Outplayed?

On today’s show the Dallas Mavericks fall to the Boston Celtics are they just a better team did the Mavs play terribly what was the difference between the Mavs lost to the Celtics Only by Nine we’ll talk about that any more today’s lockdown Mavs I’m lukic and this is lockdown

Mavas Mavericks are NBA champions bang bang it’s good and the Mavericks of won the game you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here And welcome you are locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member at NBA channel manager for locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making locked on maps your first listen today where the best

Way you can help us grow the show listen every day listen okay wait just one second listen Tuesday when you’re listening to this my birthday I want to I want to hit 100,000 subscribers that’s what I want we got 30k we’re like a third of the way

There almost I want 100,000 if you can’t hit that subscribe to the subtext for me that’s what I want subscribe to subex for a month or so happy early birthday just do that subscribe for my birthday am I using my birthday to get subs yeah I am yeah happy birthday capitalism baby

That’s what I’m that’s what I’m all about uh but the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a festar review comment anything below let us know what’s one reason why the Mavs lost this game to the Celtics joining me on the post game show as

Always what you got for me slightly biased why did the mavick L to the Boston Celtics sometimes guys a team is just better sometimes a team is just better they were we’ll talk about are the Celtics just better are the Mavericks just Talent deficient and that’s why they can’t win a game like

This H we’ll talk about the foul deficiency between the two teams we’ll talk about a bunch of things but I want to start here there is one reason why the Mavs lost this game it’s because currently there is a 10 game ticket package that several fans have bought that has been cursed

Really yes Mo Alum on Twitter is somebody that’s followed the show for a long time that I know he had this ticket package he is now like I think six games in or five or six games in and they have been some of the worst losses that the

Season that this steam has had this year this this game was another one I had a dad a son come up to me before the game and say hey we have that exact same 10 game ticket package all the people around us in our section have it and

We’re all like what is going on they have lost every single one of these home games in this 10 game ticket package it’s cursed slightly I’m telling you there’s something about it that is honestly hilarious we need to know the other games we need to have them

Penciled into the calendar to know what are these other games because the Mavs will sell season tickets where they’ll sell the entire season or they’ll sell mini packages where it’s like 10 games or or however many like that yeah uh at a time and so yeah that one it’s cursed

Yeah just just let us know what the other games are so we know like hey guys there’s not gonna be an episode tonight yeah we’ll just we’ll just it be like it’s it’s curse we don’t need to mess with the curse We’re Not Gonna or we do

Some kind of snow dance before do you ever do a snow dance no growing up like a rain dance but a snow dance maybe this is not a Texas thing but uh I grew up in in Ohio and it sounds like a it sounds like a very white person

Thing it is it is not gonna lie but before a day where you’re like all right maybe there’s going to be snow tomorrow well like you turn your PJs Inside Out you do a dance and then you like and then uh you get a snow day the next day

That’s like the Hope oh okay in elementary school we do that but yeah yeah the difference to me was the two stars in this game if we’re GNA actually talk about basketball and actually talk about why the Mavericks lost this game you look at the two stars and you just

Go all right let me see the difference between these two Tatum and brown combined for 72 points 24 of 43 from the field that’s 50 almost 56% it’s really good Luca and Kyrie 56 points 21 of 50 from the field that’s 42% Mavs lost by nine and the stars of the Celtics

Outscored the MAV Stars by 16 yeah no I mean this I to me I feel like this is really the Celtics are just a better team they just are they’re 10 wins better in the win column I mean they’re the best team in the NBA second night to back toback there’s some crazy

Stat going around that the Mavericks are one and five against steams on the second night of back Tob backs it’s not a stat that you want yeah tat and brown according to me like just my feeling of this season they’re o and 100 against when they had any kind of advantage

Against any team like rest Advantage Talent Advantage doesn’t matter they just lose any of those games well also too the weird thing about the rest Advantage if the Clippers broadcast yesterday that I was watching was correct you tweet the teams on four plus day four days or more rest are now two

And nine this season which is kind of weird it is weird but it makes sense because basketball is such a rhythm game too at the same time where you know even over the course of the of a game you guys get into Rhythm and the shots go down so

That could have something to do with it but no like you said Tatum and brown were just really good tonight they were hitting tough shots it sucks because Jason Tatum shoot been shooting like 7% from the field it feels like over his last four games and then he comes out

Tonight and he just scorching hot Jaylen Brown is hitting some incredibly tough shots and that’s what these two guys can do but with both of them this has been my thing all season if the MS to win anything real right if they ever want to com like really compete and I start

Looking around the league and I go man I just wish the Mavericks could have that one run where we go all right they’re a good team we expect them to win like 55 maybe 60 games like can we ever get a Luca team that gets there if they want

To ever get there you have to have an elite Wing Defender somewhere like you’ve got to have one guy to for Knights like this it can’t be both Tatum and brown just going off and there’s just no answer for him throwing Grant Williams at them you’re like they’re

Taking it like every turn that they took it’s like they’re they’re attacking Luca they’re attacking Kyrie they’re attacking Grant Williams they’re attacking Derrick Jones Jr they’re attacking Josh Green it’s like wait Derrick Jones Jr Josh Green Grant Williams those are the guys that you want to cover those guys and they’re

Attacking them as if they’re just normal def like like Advantage Defenders like mismatch Defenders basically because first of all they are very good right like let’s be real they’re both very good they’ve been all NBA all you know Allstar type players Brown’s making more money than like some gdps of of like

Entire countries and like they are very good but I mean it was just too easy for them at times yeah no yeah the the defense tonight I thought was pretty porous um yeah statistically if you look at it like it’s it’s not one of their worst offensive games as a team but it

Was a little bit easy at times the Mavis just couldn’t defend without fouling either and I think a lot of that is the Celtics play like this where they’re aggressive and they’re they’re just they’re a really hard team sometimes it I I know that we want to get mad and

Blame guys sometimes I mean the Celtics are really really good and they’re really difficult to guard there was one possession like in the second quarter I thought the Mavericks did such a good job defensively and the way the NBA is you’re going to rotate you’re going to

Send help and the Celtics just move the ball around enough that’s great individual defense and Al Horford’s open for three in the corner because you just have to help off somebody somebody and it’s and it’s Al Horford who’s a knockdown catch and shoot three-point guy like they’re a stacked team and the

Mavericks didn’t give didn’t help themselves they shot themselves in the foot a bunch I thought there were some really lazy defense some terrible transition defense um and some of these like long threes the Mavericks love to shoot that just 100 mph balls off the rim because they’re so off and they go

Out to half court like those are those are basically live ball turnovers right uh but you know like you said yeah the Mavericks definitely at some point and it’s from what they what it sounds like and what they’re saying in like interviews about trades they know that they need a guy like

That they do like that and like I don’t think they’re gonna get one this year like during this season um it was reported over the weekend that you know Mark SN sent this to the subtext subscribers if you want to make my my birthday well and good subscribe to

Subtext but I sent this to the subtext subscribers that Mark Stein reported that the Mavs have looked into Denny Avia who is like a type of player like that can play some really good defense can playmake a little bit is a 69ine wing like they’re looking into these

Guys they’ve looked into PJ Washington they’ve looked into uh you know some other guy like they just looked into a bunch of dudes and there it’s it’s gonna be hard to find one we talked about herb Jones yesterday Reggie and I talked about him like that’s the dream like

That’s that’s one where if you can get your hands on him I don’t think with the assets they have right now maybe they could because it’ll it’ll be a bidding war for him this Summer this summer you’ll have three picks and maybe and then you definitely can make a move

Like that this summer and they kind of have to make that type of move this summer it’s the move I’ve been waiting on and they finally will have the picks that’ll finally catch up because that stupid porzingis trade which by the way he ducked the Mavs again uh but gotta

Get the shot in got to get the shot in even after the loss but uh but yeah since the first porzingis trade happened they still owe a pick but I mean they’ll have to make that move they want to move forward at all with this team yeah I

Mean some of those names are interesting the herb Jones stuff makes no sense to me I I don’t know why the Pelicans would move off yeah for the Pelicans for the Mavs it makes all the sense in the world for any team it makes all the sense in

The world I I have no idea why the Pelicans would do that and then uh who was the other guy oh Denny obia yeah Denny obia is interesting the problem is is he’s like playing the best basketball of his life now and if you’re the Wizards it’s like well I’m not just

Giving him away for free and then if you’re the Mavericks is like well we don’t really have the trade asset so we need to get guys who are pretty much getting given away for free at this deadline it’s like him and kabali are their only interesting young guys like

They’re not just going to give him away for nothing right it’s like the Mavs with omx and obviously Lively and you know even Hardy they’re just going to give him away for nothing we don’t we’re not like overflowing with young guys here they’re not that Thunder um but

Coming up let’s talk about I want to talk about is it just was it just that Boston was just better or there were actual differences in this game let’s talk about the free throw difference too because I thought that was really interesting and then we’ll get into some

Of the the ins and outs of this game coming up today’s episode brought to you by FanDuel FanDuel sports bike has all kinds of props and odds and lines that you can get into uh check it out the NFL this weekend all kinds of stuff that you

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I’m just gonna throw the big one out there right I want the little plaque that’s what I want yeah that that that is a dream it’s not PL pla would just be cool uh all right slightly let’s get into this game um the Celtics are a better team and at some point the

Mavericks did not play their best basketball at all in in this game for sure we talked about the difference between the stars but the two teams they were fairly even coming out I mean Mavericks Dro by two at the end of the first quarter and it felt like all

Right the Mavs have an opportunity here and then the second quarter Boston’s threes just started going down and then I felt like the the Celtic stars just started scoring a little too easy like it just became too easy for them to get certain buckets and get into things and

Then the third quarter that’s when it you know it felt like it kind of opened up a little bit even though the Mavs made a come back towards the end and to me what the Celtics did to the Mavericks on offense is what the Mavericks uh was what a lot of teams do

To the Mavericks they try to just make it a one-on-one game yeah we’re gonna stay home on it it was like what the game plan the Clippers have had against the Mavericks for years we’ve got all these Wing Defenders so we’re just going to play this one-on-one game where Luca

Has freaking Sam Hower in front of him he’s so he’s going to look at him like barbecue chicken and just go at him but we’re going to send help at right the exact moment and it’s going to make it difficult for Luca to try and take advantage of that matchup we’re not just

Gonna put Sam Hower on an island and that’s it right yeah and so I felt like that made it into a one-on-one game and then they didn’t win the one-on-one game with the two with the two sets of stars no yeah that’s a great point and we we

Had moments at like when luk was having his absurd hot stretch we were coming on here like our teams at some point just going to say you know what we’ll live one-on-one we can’t just keep helping off and giving these guys wide open threes because it was just torch they

Were torching teams with it but uh yeah and this is why even a guy like Dante exom would like having him back would help so much because when true the game gets to that and you are you are matchup honey you need to find the weakest Defender and it’s tough whenever you

Have maybe at most two guys you feel comfortable like dribbling the basketball which was the cas yeah I mean it is still a problem because luuk and Kyrie break guy break guys down you miss a shot so be it you tip your cap to the defender other guys on the court it’s

Like okay that cannot be the best shot we could have possibly gotten right there and I won’t name name names second offensive possession of the game for the Mavericks Josh Green drives right at Derek white who’s like a very unique defender in the NBA he’s looks like a small guard he doesn’t look

Menacing at all he has no hair anymore you just look at him and you’re like I can score on this guy right like he’s just another one of those small guards in the NBA no he’s like the best guard rim protector in the league it makes no

Sense he’s just got this timing and he just figured out how to stop stuff at the at the rim it’s almost as if he uh played center when he was a kid and then he like you know stopped growing he’s like all right now you have to become a

Guard but he still has those instincts around the rim and Josh Green just drove right at him and got H his shot just completely blocked and you’re like H it’s just it just took away the confidence of just one more guy to handle the ball and they didn’t have it

And the reason why the Celtics could get away with that defense I was talking about earlier where it’s just one-on-one against Luca and Kyrie is because their team defense is so good like their team concept is so good that everybody knows when to help and recover and rotate

Exactly when they need to and it’s one of the reasons why the Mavs have struggled this year they don’t have that same kind of team defense but the Celtics do they’ve played together and they’ve got some really dang Smart Guys those those three role players white uh

White uh Horford and holiday I mean those those are like three of the smartest defenders in the whole NBA yeah I mean those are three like 20 plus million dollar a year players like in the open market that that’s how I don’t know about Horford with his age but I

Mean like they just got great talent they do and like you said their team defense is so great they’re so smart defensively and you know like they know who to help off of too like it doesn’t seem like there’s ever really mistakes like Derrick Jones Jr had multiple times

This game and this is something that I’m kind of watching and starting to scare me a little bit but derck Jones Jr you got to shoot the three like if the three’s open you have to take it yeah and there were times in this game where

He was was way too hesitant on threes and tried to you know attack the paint and Derrick Lively’s down there and three guys are down there and we’re just throwing up contested layups to against Horford except that double step back he took was it in the first was it like the

First half I think it was the first quarter he took a double he took a double step back three I was like what are what are you doing I mean he’s he’s had under 30% from three since the start of December so we’re at like a pretty uh

Extended stretch here of some poor SHO shooting from Derrick Jones Jr but between him and Grant Williams and uh between him and Grant Williams and then Josh Green’s like inability to like drive that’s really hampered the Mavericks offense a lot this season like yeah it really has Al the and then Hardy

Not taking a step forward either like all the and currying not being that that good he was out tonight but not being that good like that’s really hurt the Mavericks and then XM being injured like those those are the big things like that’s why the Mavericks offense has not

Been that good lately yeah and you you would like you would like to look at coach can say all right can you guys like draw something up to get us out the mud but it’s tough when when you don’t have a lot of like really great decision

Makers on the court like it makes it difficult it just does guys if like if the first Read’s not there okay then what next it’s like the the quarterbacks where it just falls apart well this is where I this is where I get frustrated the the coaching staff has

Not planned for these things when you’re like this is obviously a problem going in like all right they have all these guards but they don’t have enough ball handlers and decision makers like you said so can we install something else into the offense that’s that’s another different look this has been my thing

With kid for so long can we can we put in something else where it’s not just all right a pick and roll a double drag a dribble handoff it’s we gotta I mean there’s got to be something else they’re smarter than me figuring like he’s got to be able to figure something out

That’s been my frustration with with kid and you know the co the coaching staff at least on offense but the all this to say the Mavs margin of error in this game was very small yeah but they only lost by nine so you know one another one

Of the big difference is the foul difference yeah look at this and that was brutal the Celtics took 30 free throws and the MS only took 14 well I don’t think this Maverick should look at this and say oh we only lost by nine I think you got the Celtics like b game

Tonight like this was not the Celtics weren’t super sharp I mean they’re still the best team in the league and can still turn it on a record-wise the best team in the league I don’t want like nuggets fans jumping down my throat record wise they’re the best team in the

League um and they they they they like like you said the Mavericks have no margin of error in games like these the Celtics do have some margin of error and the Mavericks had to play almost perfect and they didn’t and yeah they couldn’t defend without fouling Tatum had 19 free

Throws gez I did not realize he had that many free throws but I can’t remember they coming from somewhere I can’t remember too many of the of the foul calls that I disagreed with I thought that there was maybe some calls the Mavericks didn’t get that the Celtics were getting but

That’s what got me I think Luca pulled the biggest Dwight pal in this game I think he got hit in the face four or five times and I don’t think he got a a free throw on any single one of them the Celtics were were allowed to be

More physical than the Mavericks and sometimes that’s gonna frustrate you Jason kid even said it after the game that the team got frustrated by the differential and the foul calls and that they didn’t think that the Mavs were getting certain calls that the Celtics were getting and they got frustrated and

Then they hung their heads it was the exact same story and script as last year where this team gets discouraged by something and then they hang their heads and you saw Luca on some of those plays like some of those defensive plays where he was not putting in the effort like he

Has been this season he’s been very good defensively and there was some times where he was getting frustrated and not putting in the effort yeah that’s that’s a problem that’s plagued this team for a while and it’s just we talked about it a bunch they need to weed these games out

Kyrie himself has said it like if they want to be a great team and be considered a great team performances you know this is different because you are going up against the Celtics this isn’t like losing to the Grizzlies uh but the Grizzlies without John Morant this

Season but uh you gotta weed games like this out of your system and you just can’t take yourself out of the game you know I I was listening to something about the hooers movie stay in the game that’s what kid needs to say to Luca I they should run picket fence heck run

It yes I want to say the thing I was someone was like it kind of feels like the Warriors ran some like formation of picket fence they probably did picket fence is probably what the Mavs ran in clutch last season like all 14 times when they had to get a game-winning shot they

Didn’t they didn’t get it all right coming up let’s talk about how the Mavericks move forward let’s talk about more this game guys that stood out guys that didn’t stand out let’s talk about that coming up today’s episode brought to you by prize picks prize Pi daily Fantasy Made

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Locked on NBA at lockon NBA thanks everybody for hanging out with us on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day we’ve got a daily lockdown MAV show for you also the 247 locked on Sports Dallas stream on

YouTube as well as fir stick TV the all the Dallas shows Rangers Stars Cowboys uh Aggies Longhorns You Name It We got it so check it out 247 Sports stream lockdown sports Dallas on YouTube and firei TV all right slightly one more thing I want to say

About I want to say a bunch more things about this game but the Celtics took 46 threes and 30 free throws that’s only happened 11 times this season for any team in the NBA hundreds of games have been played that’s only happened 11 times or team has done that

The Celtics have three of those games three of the 11 they just play that way it’s very rare that a team gets that many threes and free throws uh they just outplayed the Mavs and the Mavs just did not defend well enough or take the Celtics out of anything that they wanted

To do basically that’s modern basketball right there they’re the second best offense and I’m and I’m wondering obviously they’re Indiana who would you feel more comfortable with as a team like okay this team needs a score Indiana or Boston I’m just thinking in my head with SE yakum now it’s probably

Different still Boston probably because when when you need a score you’re relying on some some one Stars jumper right yeah and like I think Tatum and brown can get a shot better than Halle Burton’s weird jumper like Hal Burton’s weird jumper it’s also too it’s just

Like the the sheer amount of talent that the Celtics have and just guys who like Drew holiday is an a like it feels like an afterthought like a catch and shoot guy purely on this team I know he does more than that he’s had some really good

Games but tonight he was he shot 12 threes tonight 13 shots 12 threes just kind of insane okay one of the big things that I I failed to mention so far Jason kid opted to go with maxi C at the end of this game instead of Derrick

Lively he only played nine minutes in the second half why didn’t Lively close this game Celtics were just small I mean no KP tonight even with KP they they stretched the floor obviously but they were just going five out with five really good and capable Shooters and I I

Just think the Mavericks liked having a guy like Maxi who can switch and play on the perimeter and you feel kind of comfortable with and also too I think another thing that you have to maybe consider is when you’re going up against an offense like Boston you you do have

To be very crisp and uh play almost perfect team defense and maybe they just feel com with maxi at in’s just more comfortable with guy like Maxi who been around the a lot I thought Maxi played good defense in this game like the offense stuff is a little concerning for

Him for sure but he had some moments defensively that were kind of impressive except except the one drive reverse layup that he had that just came out of nowhere just suned Luke cornette on that one drive that was impressive but the threes I mean and we were talking about this

Before the show is you know it’s it’s hard for fans we want to win every game and especially in stretch like these where it feels like they’ve been losing a lot lately you want them to pull out the mud and get wins we have to like we

Have to remember for the team themselves so this is true for every team that it’s they they look at it as a process more than anything else and this team needs Maxi like they need him to be good that’s right especially if the trade deadline goes how I think it’s going to

Go where the Mavericks don’t make too many substantial moves like if they want to make a run they need him to be like a a consistent guy for them off the bench so you got to kind of let him play his way back into shape it does suck that

That’s at the expense of of lively maybe but in a match up like this that that kind of made some sense to me I didn’t think that was like too terrible of a decision yeah there are two things that are true about this to me one of them is

What you just said is the Mavs do need Maxi to go farther because they they need that they need that like fifth Defender that’s a little bit bigger Maxi I thought his defense was pretty good around the rim he had a couple of good blocks uh at the rim and at least

Altered some drives and shots at the rim and at least contains some guys here and there um you know he’s not like an all defensive player I’m not trying to say that and then we did mention his offense was not that great but they do need him

To go forward like remember the teams that remember the the version of the Mavericks that worked in going to the Western Conference Finals Maxi was hitting like a bunch of threes and closing and Dwight Powell was playing like nine minutes you know they they need Maxi to be there to be that

Switching guy to to to work and so they do need to plan back it is a process and so I’m with you on that the thing about Lively though there’s also with a rookie Center you’ve got the this this ceiling right because as good as he’s been as

Good as he’s made the Mavs defense and and like the type of player that he is eventually he’ll be able to play in those matchups but as a 19-year-old rookie Center that has not played the in these situations that is not that great switching right now because he’s a

19-year-old center right like you’re not expecting him to be elite right away he’s not you know whoever like name whoever uh and so you’ve got some kind of a a ceiling there and he’s not going to be able to play some of these matchups like this there are a lot of

Centers that can’t play in MA in matchups like this yeah in general right if porzingis was playing it’d probably be different actually you think about it they play a little bit bigger and then maybe the Mavs go Maxi and Lively and you can play a little different against

The Celtics team but instead you got Horford who’s very switchable can be a three-point shooter and Lively was just like he got caught so many times under like under the rim and then that his rotation was all the way to the three the three-point line you’re like dang

Yeah and then he also wasn’t giving them that much of an advantage on the other end he was getting some rebounds like that was that was positive but he wasn’t giving them a huge Advantage because they know they know how to defend that pick and roll and not just get killed

Over the top unless it was Luke cornette the Mavs connected on that twice yeah with with Luca and Lively against cornette and I was like oh and then the Celtics adjusted and they never did again I was about to say how many minutes did because the Celtics ran a

Small ball group that had basically Tatum at the five at one point in this game that I thought was really interesting so how many cornette played six minutes in the second half okay because yeah I did feel like when cornette was on the floor they’re like

Okay finally we can do we can do the luk Lively pck control we can take our advantage here’s the thing I want to talk to you about this is kind of kind of related this game kind of not and Dana and I were talking about this the

MAV small ball units have not worked so far this season they’re like a minus 13 net rating with without like Lively Powell Holmes you know Maxi on the court like these small ball units uh first of all why have why haven’t they worked in your opinion that’s that’s not even

That’s like a different iteration of small ball small ball in my brain is like Maxi at the five yeah like that is small ball to me Grant at the five is like pushing it and like they’ll have even rotations where it’s even worse than that like their their iteration of small ball is

Just terrible like it’s the the I mean Hardy barely played tonight but over the course of the season it’s been like three guards including Hardy and then Luca I guess if you want to count him as like the four in this lineup and then Grant Williams as the five well he’s two

Inches taller than Grant yeah mean Luca is the biggest player and the best rebounder on on that group and that’s just not going to win you a lot of minutes or games uh it’s clearly something they want to do though they just don’t create an advantage like what’s the advantage that they’re

Creating that they don’t already do when they’re playing at least a little bigger yeah your offense has to be just dominating the other team basically in those minutes and they have not been able to do that and a lot of that is like Grant Williams hasn’t been very

Good lately Seth Curry hasn’t been which he wanted to and he’s for some reason always in those small ball lups I don’t know why Seth is always included in those he didn’t play tonight but over the course of the Season yeah you just had some disappointments you need to get

Better at the wing and you got a rookie Center that you you’ve got to work through at times so yeah interesting there you go let us know in the comment section what’s one reason why the Mavs lost this game and uh and let’s see uh oh Kyrie IR hold on hold on

Hold on Kyrie Irving sprained his right thumb early in the loss against the Celtics x-rays are negative he’s wearing a brace on it but it doesn’t anticipate missing any time it’s going to hurt SC said it’s going to hurt I I don’t think there’s anybody in the NBA that’s 100% night tonight what

Hand his right thumb oh show shooting hand on his on his shooting hand oh yay sigh this team man well hold on do you did you think this was an embarrassing loss did I yeah because I saw some people saying this was an embarrassing loss I did not no yeah I don’t this

Doesn’t even qualify for the Mavs embarrassing losses this season yeah somebody in my chat said this was the worst loss of the Season I’m like dude there’s just simply no way there’s there’s been some really bad ones it may be okay this is the only way I can can

Say it’s the it was one of the worst ones because it was right there yeah because it was like right there like you had an opportunity to beat a really good team like this if you think about the rest if you take the rest Advantage too literally like you probably shouldn’t

That’s probably like it should just be a little lean it shouldn’t be like oh because they have this rest Advantage they should absolutely win if you take that too literally then I can see where You’ think that this is a really bad L for him because it was just right there

Like it would have been such they just blew such a great opportunity yeah um but no I think part of they had way worse losses it’s more an indictment on the Mavericks than it is true true but I think part of it too is they’re they’re now under 500 since their eight- two

Start so I think every loss is start like frustration starting to mount a little bit just amongst the fan base I get it yeah I get it too trust me I feel the same way I want this team I just want to stretch like I get jealous of

These teams that are like rattling off wins every night for the Mavericks it feels like guys I have no idea what to tell you their variance their variance is so high and it’s it’s going back and forth each game and it’s because of how they’re set up right now there you go

All right let us know in the comment section what’s one reason why the maps lost this game we’ll be back tomorrow I think I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see how it goes guys thanks much for listening to lockdown Mavs peace out Boom

The Dallas Mavericks got beat by the Boston Celtics, Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving got outscored by Jayson Tatum & Jaylen Brown. Was it a bad loss for Jason Kidd and the Mavs? Or a learning experience?

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA & Slightly Biased @SlightlyBiased discuss the Mavs loss to the Celtics and if it was another bad loss. Did Luka Doncic & Kyrie Irving just get outplayed by Jayson Tatum & Jaylen Brown? How did the Celtics make it so hard for the Mavs? Why didn’t Dereck Lively II close the game?

0:00 Celtics Stars Outplayed Mavs Stars?
10:00 How Boston Made it Hard for Dallas
20:00 Why Didn’t Dereck Lively II Close the Game?

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  1. I´m thinking about switching Grant back to the starting lineup together with DJJ on the wing and get his confidence back.
    He had a lot to do with our good start and I would at least give him some weeks to show that he is closer to his season start then what he showed after that.
    Yeah we knew that his shot wouldn't fall like it did in the first weeks but he is very vocal on defense and had a very positive effect on Luka (like taking away some of Lukas arguing with the refs and pushing Luka out of distracting situations ).
    Exum should be a huge upgrade if he comes back and probably will take his spot anyway from there on.

  2. Till luka dont learn how to play offball and keeps dribbling the ball till theres a few seconds left to pass it they will be trash i hope kyrie ask for a trade nobody wants to play with luka hes just a younger version of james harden. When kyrie is being the point guard they do so much better luka is just a stat paddler he wants stats instead of winning games 😢

  3. This team gets discouraged and hangs their head = LUCA. Also, this team has way too much money invested in two players with the exact same skills, and the same deficiencies.

  4. I'm as big of a Maxi fan as you'll find and he has a role still if he can stay healthy, but there's no planet I'm not closing out with Lively, for better or worse. Maxi is what..32? He's not your future. Play Lively for better or worse so he can get better and live with the results. He can't get better at those situations if he doesn't play in them.

  5. 3 key observations in this one.

    1) Mavs need a backup Center and it got exposed vs a top tier team. That's the Mavs highest need as Maxi can't cover as the team's Center. He is a PF at most.

    2) Luka has to change his style of play. He isn't a point guard, he is a small forward. The workload in trying to force this issue is the reason why his legs have been gimpy along with taking the team out of sync. The offense would flow much better if they had a solid foundation of a post threat which is Luka. His numbers in the post are comparable to Jokic, KD, and Embiid so I don't know why he focuses most of his shot attempts on 3s. Kyrie is an elite point guard in this league. USE HIM!!! Every game he sits in the corner while Luka Isos makes Jalen Brunson and his father's point in picking Knicks over Mavs as the right decision. The LeBron system is something you can't win with unless you have a bevy of All Stars and that isn't going to happen for the Mavs.

    3) We found out who is valuable to stay on this roster and who are trade pieces. Which believe me we will need a trade to contend for this roster. Grant Williams, Hardy, Seth, Morris, Holmes, Powell(yeah right😂), and maybe O-Maxx are now on the table. Josh Green has picked up his play and is the team's only option on the perimeter defense if Exum can't go so he should stay. THJ is only a trade piece if we can get a real starting Forward who is a 2 way force on this roster. Otherwise he is safe too. Bottom line is atm the Mavs need a backup center the most.

  6. I honestly think if the 3 and 4 positions are filled with big 6'7 or taller wing, defensive specialist with below average offense and can just rebound, crash the boards, and guard the opposing best players…. like players like Vanderbilt and Torrey Craig as the 3 and 4 with Kyrie and Luka as the guards and Lively as the Center, I believe we can be a top 3 team in the West

  7. I am simply amazed by the Luka haters. To point the blame on him is absolutely idiotic. Is he percect? Absolutely not. No one is. Here is a 24 year old young man who is already setting historic numbers and your on his case? What is wrong with you? Don't blame him when everyone is playing or coaching like crap.

  8. Come on guys. Luka MUST change his play style and get off the ball and get on the block or set more screens. It’s ridiculous how difficult he is to play with. I respect the platform but as a hoop fan and a Dallas resident, they are so hard to watch. Kidd tries to hold Luka accountable but he doesn’t care, he has the front office on his side. They could be so good if they played more fast and equal opportunity offense.

  9. Nick asks what caused the Mavs to lose to the Celtics and Slightly says the Celtics are a better team, that's all. Nick- please consider getting a new host. Slightly does not add much in terms of analysis. I like listening to this pod for analysis.

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