@Los Angeles Clippers

[Greif] This isn’t the kind of report I was planning to publish today: I’m among those laid off at the L.A. Times. I’m grateful for five-plus years at the best job I’ve ever had.

[Greif] This isn’t the kind of report I was planning to publish today: I’m among those laid off at the L.A. Times. I’m grateful for five-plus years at the best job I’ve ever had.

by iksnet


  1. nepats523

    Fuck the bum ass LA Times. Hopefully he catches on somewhere soon

  2. nomoneynopower

    Wtf. That’s some bullshit. I’m sorry Andrew

  3. Swingman23

    Not American and never had a subscription to read their articles. Was he a big deal over there?

    Edit: oops excuse the ignorance, sounds like it’s sad news

  4. Dahleh-Llama

    Newspaper business about to go the way of the dodo. Not just because people rarely buy newspaper these days. It’s because you can consume so much news, content, and information for free now.

    Sure, most of these free resources are shady at best. But it’s extremely difficult to convince people in this current economic and socio-political times we are in that newspaper folks have more journalistic integrity than some hack with a fuckin blog.

    Sensationalism, cash flow, and revenue are now king.

  5. Ok-Essay458

    that sucks, at this point he was the only Clippers-focused writer I enjoyed reading (a couple good twitter accounts out there but nobody i wanna read whole articles from)

    hope he finds a spot soon

  6. Technical_Cap_8467

    The Times was already running AP reports for away games (if they bothered to cover them at all). So now what? AP for home games too? It’s already roughly three Lakers articles to one Clippers.

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