@San Antonio Spurs

WHAT A TERRIBLE GAME TO WATCH (Spurs vs 76ers Takeaways)

WHAT A TERRIBLE GAME TO WATCH (Spurs vs 76ers Takeaways)

Okay a lot of people going to say we’re complaining about fouls okay um cuz obviously I was on Twitter and I I kind of lost my mind I I I I that was such a awful game I mean no it was it felt like

It was no play without a foul uh it was infuriating and a lot of people are going to say well it’s because it’s because Joel embiid is just so dominant Clan like what what what what do you want what are they supposed to do what

Are they supposed to do I I don’t know I don’t know allow people to play defense maybe I don’t know cuz Joel embi seemed like he can get away with just about everything but then when it came to our team it was every single call and I

Wouldn’t be saying this and I know some people brought up the argument well the Spurs are a bad team yeah we’re a bad team but we’re not a bad fouling team the San Antonio Spurs are a really good team when it comes to fouls we’re fifth

We’re fifth best in the league when it comes to foul call calls we don’t foul a lot we don’t and if you want to use the argument well well it’s because he’s just so dominant he just he just muscles his way into the paint well you know who

Else muscles his way into the paint Giannis Giannis Giannis has 11.5 free throw attempts per game thank you Dan I love you um 11.5 free throw attempts a game a g opposed to dwell and be’s 12.2 but you know we held him to six he has six free throw attempts

When he went against the Spurs last we don’t foul a lot this game was BS this was absolute BS every single call I mean it was just ridiculous to the point where I I I would see those clips circle around Twitter cuz I didn’t watch a lot

Of Sixers games okay but I would see those clips circle around where Joel and beat is just flopping all over the place and I’m like ah you know it might be one of those things where people taking one clip and you you know everyone’s replaying it and now everyone has in

Their head that this is what he’s doing I know he’s done it in the past but I was like no no they’re probably being a little unfair heck no dude heck this dude hold on he had 23 free throw attempts opposed to our entire team who had 27

27 the 76ers had 40 and then watching this game the 76ers their entire team looked like they were fish fishing for calls it’s just a plague and and it’s one thing if he’s getting calls and they hard calls you know it’s it’s it’s he’s getting physical we’re getting physical whatever

And they call some f no they were calling like just about everything I mean it was ridiculous it got so the refs were so used to giving him calls that it was a play where lit hold on actually I’ll show you I’m going to risk copyright for this cuz this is how bad

It was let me see if I can find it I think uh Bala posted let’s see it got so bad that blad and blocks became fouls let’s see where did he did he post it yeah just just just straight up blocks became fouls just just straight up

Blocks well that’s a bad angle Clan can can you yes we need another angle oh I’m sorry just straight just straight all ball all ball foul foul foul he’s 7 feet tall he’s like he’s like 300 lb why is everything a foul it was ridiculous and

Then he has the audacity at the end of the game to flop and people can say well Blake Wesley I mean that was an uncalled for it took them a millisecond to call a flagrant foul it took them a millisecond half half of a millisecond to call that

Call that flagrant oh my God they didn’t even have to think about it they they didn’t even think of usually it takes a while you know just have some type of discussion they looked at that and they were like well I don’t even know if they played the replay they

Were they this a flagrant like come on dude what do you do I I just don’t know and it’s so frustrating this game in particular is so frustrating because it’s like pick what you want NBA like if if you want the game to be physical allow the game

To be physical I think that sometimes the game has gotten out of hand with the physicality I was fine with uh them being a little bit more ticky tacky with fouls but now it’s to the point where well Joel and B can just do whatever he

Wants and then we just can’t touch him he he just like at that point it’s like just take off your jerseys put it on some cones and and just go home and just allow Joel em be to do drills and and get up to a 70 points why not they’ll

Still call fouls just why not just just it the game will be no different I’m I’m sure the 76ers fans will still enjoy it it’s crazy dude and you and you can sit here you can sit here and say oh you know you’re just hating you’re just

Tripping I’m not I don’t complain about if anybody’s been on this channel you know I do not complain about refs I don’t I rarely do it we rarely talk about that but this game was so blatant it was so ugly and Joel embiid he is a phenomenal player like I’m not trying to

Take that away from him he’s very SK at that size he’s strong he he is he’s all those things but then it gets to a point where it’s like well how do you how do you guard him do you just not because they’re just going to call a

Foul every time and like he was foul baiting to the point where the Spurs had to just kind of play off of him just kind of let him do his thing a little bit it’s going to be a foul call this this leave it alone what’s the point what’s the point of

Playing God it was so frustrating and it’ll be one thing if if we had a a history that well let’s say this season of being a bad fouling team but we’re not like I said the San Antonio Spurs are a very good fouling team they don’t foul they don’t foul teams they

Don’t they don’t foul teams actually where are the 76ers on this list Ah Ah that’s funny that’s weird huh that’s strange huh that’s strange that 76ers one of the worst fouling teams in the NBA Spurs are one of the best but this game we just I don’t know magically we

Just became a trash fouling team we just foul all the time we just can’t help ourselves but the foul it’s ridiculous dude and like I said like I said uh Giannis he deserves he deserves his fouls he deserves his fouls for the most part he deserves his fouls um but the

Spurs like I said going against the Spurs we don’t foul we don’t foul on them we don’t foul him a lot you can’t you could even play good defense man it got to a point where it’s like just tapping his shoulder was a foul and I know it’s always it’s always

Going to be oh that’s loser mentality to complain about refs h no at this at this point it’s like what do you do you know I don’t even have any takeaways from this game honestly all I can say is I’m proud of the Spurs I think they played hard

Um you know while embiid uh got 70 points that’s a shame say embiid got 70 points um that’s great and dandy uh but wimy he still had a good game he still came out to play uh 33 points so he he came out to play also also Victor with

Manama getting five personal fouls that’s I don’t know he he doesn’t foul a lot wimy doesn’t foul a lot so yeah that’s another thing he doesn’t foul so I don’t know it was ridiculous it it was just they was just calling fouls back to back to back to back to back the game

Was unwatchable I never want to play uh in Philadelphia again I just wanted to watch a good game if we would have just lost if Joel em be just cooked us and the whole 76ers team just cooked us and it was a fair it was

If it it was a fair game I I wouldn’t trip about it but I I don’t know man Trey wimy he can’t guard come on give the MVP his props dude his okay you’re right I’m I’m I’m I’m being I’m being too much I’m being petty um

His shooting stroke from the free throw line was really good I mean it was really good I mean he knocked down yeah I mean that’s impressive he knocked down 21 of them out of the 23 he knocked down 21 that was really impressive that was cuz you know bigs can’t really shoot

Free throws that well but but he can he’s he’s a really good he’s a really good free throw shooter um so Kudos drill and bead oh wait oh you were being serious oh you’re just sad dude you’re pathetic Gman you’re pathetic he said wimy can’t guard anyone you’re

Pathetic I thought you were joking that’s why I laughed before because it’s so ridiculous that’s such a ridiculous thing to say that I thought was funny but um yeah you’re you’re you’re uh you’re terrible that backhanded compliment what you mean I say he has a good free throw free throw shooting

Stroke you don’t you disagree with me if you disagree I mean I think I think that’s uh I think that’s on you wimy 11 for 12 yeah wimy has good free throw shooting uh as well I mean I mean wimy that was really impressive to shoot 11 of them that was really

Impressive I don’t know if he would have been able to double it like uh em beat I don’t know but look he has 70 points but at the end of the day we lost by 10 like that’s actually really um that’s actually really impressive that we lost by

10 bro why is this chat so toxic I don’t know I think I think a lot of these people are just 76ers fans ah yes yeah I think I I don’t I don’t know I I don’t um hold on we’re going to we’re giving away some banss we’re

Giving away some bans G man you’re getting banned sorry sorry buddy sorry and then calling pop VI’s name you’re getting banned to sorry bye if I can do it where my mods at I don’t think I have mods on tonight make sure I don’t hit the wrong

Person here I’m I’m I’m just going to put you on a timeout okay Spurs poverty got it you’re on timeout okay bud ridiculous dude he said please don’t okay I’ll be nice to you you call papovich out his name again then you’re You’re gone ah dude very frustrating very

Frustrating um but seriously though uh in all honesty the Spurs played pretty well um I don’t complain like I said guys I don’t complain I don’t sit here and rant about refs it’s rare I’m usually ranting about us and what we did wrong but this was one of those games

Where I mean by the second quarter I was just like exhausted it’s just like well I don’t think we can win this like there there’s no way to win this way there’s nothing you can do but I will say this um once we get a little bit more Talent

Like next season this team’s going to look completely different I’m expecting most of this bench to be gone like I’m expecting well not most but I expect Doug to be gone Osman to be gone um K to probably still be here that’s still kind

Of up in the air I I’m not 100% sure I’m assuming he will be uh Wesley will be here Mamu might not be here or Mamu might not be here Graham might not be here um I don’t know what happened with brandom uh and then yeah champeny I I’m

Assuming he’ll be on the bench so we’re going to have a completely different team come next year uh but man oh man and he’ll have more Talent we’ll we’ll all be good soan needs Talent around him uh I think that a lot of times with him you don’t necessarily get to

See how good he is at times because he’s more of a compliment player like he he can make other people better because he’s that glue guy that connector um so he’ll have more talent and we’ll just look like a better overall team uh I’m not I’m not going to make the argument

That like the Spurs should have won this game right I’m I wouldn’t make that argument but it did get to a point where I’m just like dude I I don’t know what you’re supposed to do at this point the Spurs don’t and and this is coming from

People I think people that are saying you guys are just whining these people that actually don’t watch the Spurs the Spurs don’t foul there you know you can say what you want about them you can say you know our record it is terrible you can say all

That stuff you can say uh we don’t have enough Talent you can say we don’t have enough depth you can say that our perimeter defense isn’t great but I will say this they don’t foul Spurs don’t foul this fool said Talent around soan god dude oh my God some people just

Can’t comprehend anything oh my goodness did you not hear what I said when I said soan is connector what is Sohan what type of player is Sohan he’s a connector he’s a glue guy he would need talent yeah actually yeah kind of yeah yeah actually he enhances he will enhance

Other people’s games as well yeah yeah kind of yeah so’s not wimy wimy is a generational Talent wimby is phenomenal wimy is like perfect but soan yeah he he needs guys to connect that that’s kind of what makes him great do do you think do you think Boris di wait what what

Would Boris di be on the San Antonio Spurs you think he we will remember him remember him as fondly if he was on this team also think about uh Draymond Green because I think Sohan is closer to like a Draymond Green type player than a Boris di but like you think about Draymond

Green Draymond Green he’s he’s he’s a really good player when you get certain players around him he makes them better so yeah you don’t even know what you’re talking about can’t comprehend anything jeez dude say w wimy needs Talent around him and then I say Sohan needs some Talent around him too it’s

Like what he say so soan like God GE God man good God


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  1. We need a back up center so bad when wemby is off the court it’s night and day on both sides of the ball Collins is cool but he’s great at really anything he’s super mid all around

  2. We cant complain about flopping, it was our great Ginobili who made it common in the league. Also Collins sucks ass I prefer Barlow or Bassey

  3. Actually i dont think we are that far off either. You say we shouldn't have won that game, but if wemby wasnt in foul trouble because of embiid's floppin and he wasnt on minutes restrictions i dont know, we only lost by 10.

    Thtat's how ive been feeling lately, we are losing a lot of games by not much of a difference while wemby is on minutes restriction, that's why i wanna see what happens now, i dont expect us to beat OKC even if pop lifts the MR on wemby, but i expect wemby to take this game as a statement against chet so its gonna be really interesting. At the end of the day we are not a bottom of the standings kinda club, we are there because of a lot of different factors not by a lack of tallent.

    With a couple of twitches, next year we are gonna look hella better.

  4. Not even mad at Joel because this issue really escalated with harden but I never understood how the league has made so much of an effort of calling offensive for abnormal leg movements on jump shots but an offensive player can drive the paint and create contact then throw up arms.
    If a defensive player is back peddling with their arms straight up it should not be a foul on the defense for the offensive player running into them.

  5. You won’t cry in 2-3 years when Wemby will average 10 Freethrow attempts in 30 minutes per game, im French and a big fan of Wemby, but im sorry Joel is just unstoppable stop crying

  6. I think it's time for Zach Collins to be traded. Sure he's a good passer, but if he's not hitting threes, which he's not, he's just a defensive liability out there. Might as well get something for him while he still has some value

  7. I’m complaining about fouls. Holy smokes how can anybody play? Embiid benefited greatly. Meanwhile our guys were getting hit, run over. I heard, through the TV, when Keldon got slapped and no foul was called. I felt badly for the good guys.

  8. Boo hoo, Yannis doesn't live in the paint. Refs, you don't play basketball. That's obvious, when a guy is that big you have to foul. And the rip threws will draw fouls.

  9. OMG. Pick up your skirt, homie! Like, how long have you been watching Basketball? Giannis averages about the same free throws per game but you will never complain. You know why? He sucks at free throws. Grow up

  10. This was actually a blessing in disguise… 76 are just a name to compete with nuggets n joker .. I find it funny af when they kept say no one could guard Embiid lmao

  11. Giannis scoring 70 on us would be more impressive than Joel's 70. Sorry if I sound like a hater but I don't think anyone besides 76er fans were impressed with that 70 if you needed to shoot 20 plus free throws.

  12. Mad props to Embid, but I have to laugh at all the Wemby haters who are saying Embid bullied him. Embid maybe had three low post buckets where he bullied him but the rest of his buckets were mid range jumpers and free throws! But mad respect for Embid.

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