@Milwaukee Bucks

Is Doc Rivers the best fit for the Milwaukee Bucks? 👀 | Numbers on the Board

Is Doc Rivers the best fit for the Milwaukee Bucks? 👀 | Numbers on the Board

J wrapped up numbers on the board few minutes later Adrien Griffin gets fired by the Milwaukee Bucks live reaction how we feeling where would we be without cell phones right we had to wait to go home we would have went home and saw it

On the we would have got in our car and turn on the radio yeah yeah ESP in 1000 here we go man wow 13 I mean 30 and 13 season it just feels so early I love it though the timing is just the timing yeah I love it because it means that

They have they they know they know them they’re self-aware the organization is self-aware maybe giannis’s Dame is self-aware as well do y’all think they had to have gone into the office and said something you think it was a nudge or a push uh I don’t know CU they didn’t

Tell jannis about the Damien Lillard trade just because he didn’t say no and Yannis potentially probably fought for Adrian Griffin to be there so they probably didn’t want him to say not potentially that was the number one determining factor for Adrian Griffin a lot of things have happened in Adrian

Griffin’s tenure as a Milwaukee Bucks coach a couple days before the season started Terry uh Terry stots was like I’m out of here y boy stuff is not right uh I I guess there they had one confrontation before a preseason game and that was enough for Terry STS to

Walk away and Terry STS was the the owner of like the offensive system and stuff like that he must have thought he knew everything and Terry was like listen yeah first year coach um something else happened about seven eight games to the season they were playing a specific defensive coverage

And Brook Lopez and Giannis and them said hey Adrian we respect you but the way we used to defend is one of the reasons why we won championships okay cool Damen Lillard went to a Griffin and said hell I don’t like the way your rotations are I want to play the entire

First quarter and adri Griffin to his credit he said you got it you got it but we don’t know about the stuff that he may have said no to you know what I’m saying we only know the adjustments and maybe that was one of the reasons I

Think the timing of it is just the crazy part uh before the allstar break but that is that why is good timing I think they I think you going to the allstar break it gives you a little bit of time you know what I mean it’s just like I

Just it’s just crazy that that means that they they didn’t see a world where he will progressively get better they said what he’s doing right now is just not going to cut it and we think Doc Rivers is the one get timeline matters too like even though it’s their first

Year it’s just like you don’t really want to waste no time and have no early disappointment with but I asked y’all that at the beginning of the year I said are they Championship or bus and y’all said nah they not Championship or bus they got to obviously do something they

Think that they are Championship or bus which is why I like this move because I agree I think they were a little bit of Championship or bus I understood what y’all was saying but there was definitely a bar that I was looking for them to hit and throughout this half of

A season they definitely did not hit it like not not at all they’re not a favorite games though I could tell early on that Adrien Griffin probably wasn’t the right coach to get them like to that to that Pinnacle it’s a lot to handle as a first time head coach man you managing

Personalities you got Dame coming into a situation that was new for him that was a lot to put on his plate do y’all think they regretting not having coach bud maybe if you have Coach bud it’s uh it’s Le like familiar familiar you familiar territory for them for sure yeah this is

A lot of new going on with a new Fresh coach that is kind of you know I’m not trying to throw Adrian Griffin under the bus but I just know number one inheriting a team that is looking for championships is already a lot as you

Know as a Laker fan it’s already a lot of pressure but then that championship team then goes and makes a big a big cultural change and then you got to adjust with that that’s a lot bro that’s a lot that’s a lot even though the defensive Personnel isn’t great the fact that they

Are as bad as they are defensively has to be schematic at some point that’s always been my biggest issue that’s always been my biggest issue and it’s not even from a you know the stats they alloted and all of that as well too um sorry we’re trying to

Check to see if there’s more and stuff but um just watching certain bucks games you know and there’s always games I always go back to like the Spurs one was something that I really was just like well even the Cav game a little bit after that when the Cav yeah it’s just

Like man and some of the games where Yiannis don’t like they played a game where Giannis didn’t play was that against the Pistons that was the Cavs game the oh okay the Cavs game and then they had a game not so long ago against the Pistons that the last two games gets

The piss the pisses are in that game with four minutes left and I I get it I get it it is the NBA they’re all professional anything can happen on any given night but I just look at that bucks as like a team there’s certain

Teams where it’s just like man we got to come out and take care the Celtics don’t play with their food yes the Celtics do not play with they food they can be beat On Any Given night but there are certain games I’m not even watching that it’s suppos because they handling

Business it’s supposed to be certain traits within a championship team that’s just like expectations yeah cuz if you struggling with the Pistons how I’m supposed to trust you in the Conference finals against the Celtics like I there’s a certain expectation that you’re not hitting at that point yeah

It’s uh now we know that Doc Rivers is at the top of the list as far as people right now it’s Joe prudy until they figure it out how do we feel about Doc Rivers coming back to the association potentially well to before we dive into Doc

Rivers the was it Chris Haynes or was it wge or Chris Haynes one of them said I think it was wge they’re looking for a decorated what was the term that they use I I know no you’re talking about like their uh the type of Coach they’re

Looking for a coach that has won before like proven and like accomplish it might have been like they’re looking for accomplished cultures and my first reaction was accomplish and available veteran head coaches hey accomplished coaches usually have jobs yeah if there is if if they are as accomplished as you

Were looking for they probably wouldn’t be on the market but you do have Doc Rivers out there Mike what you thinking about Doc Rivers as the buck head coach about to be your next ha coach low key we hey daram still got his hands in his

Pocket so we gonna wait yeah um I feel good about Doc Rivers like I said they they’re a team that already has the expectations and you already mentioned it earlyer that’s a lot to put on a rookie coach or someone that’s really starting to like get his foot in the

Door I think it’s it’s easier to manage when you do have that experience already and you’ve been to the playoffs and like you’ve had championship teams under your belt I think it’s a little bit more you could work with they’re falling with Doc Rivers he’s going to be objectively a

Better guy than adj Griffin as far as coaching right now adri Griffin again first year coach but Doc Rivers puts them in a familiar territory than when they were with Coach boser one of the main reasons why fandom didn’t like bu bud is that adjustments he didn’t make a

Ton of adjustments game to game playoff to playoff series he didn’t make a lot of adjustments and Doc Rivers falls into that as well and that’s how he gets to the point where he has the most 3-1 blown leads in any coach in NBA history so it’s it’s definitely going to be an

Upgrade on a day-to-day basis but as far as like putting you over the top and the adjustments that you might need to win a championship I don’t know if that coach is out there right now in in January yeah that’s something that Doc Rivers has always struggled with getting over

The hump his teams haven’t gotten over to hump except for [Applause] once on is

On the latest edition of Numbers on the Board, Kenny, Pierre, Mike and Darrick discuss the Milwaukee Bucks firing their first-year head coach Adrian Griffin and the news that the Bucks are talking with long-time head coach Doc Rivers to take over.

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  1. Doc Rivers is overrated!!! Ever since he won the chip in Boston, he hadn't won anywhere he goes and plus his overall playoffs run are terrible!!!

  2. Doc rivers must have the best publicist in history. No body has choked up with great teams than this guy

  3. Adrian was a bad coach, good guy. Listened to the players, but he just wasn’t a great coach at all. Doc is better but his resume is terrible, he’s basically Joel embiid but as a coach. But no coach is gonna fix the bucks defence, you have a 7 foot bug man who is slower then a snail, Beasley and dame as your backcourt, then Middleton to? Yea your defence is fucked, then your bench has 0 defence to besides a rookie Ajax. Your absolutely screwed, no assets to trade either. I think the bucks have 0 first round picks and only 2 2nd round picks💀 if they don’t win in the next 2 years, then they sold their soul for nothing

  4. The bucks traded offense for defense Holiday/Allen were their best defenders on the wing even with a winning record head coach was fired lets not act like they were blowing teams out every game last year and the Bucks hired a mediorce coach

  5. Does anyone honestly think the Sixers were a championship team? With Embiid hurt in game 1 and playing like trash when he came back, he took a way more talented Boston team to 7. Milwaukee is going to be much better than they were with him.

  6. So fire a coach that is 30-13 annnnd people think this is smart smh….other coaches gonna avoid this organization going forward

  7. If you want to improve your defense, don’t hire him. Checking Sixers’ defense ranking, team defensive rebounds, etc under him. Not good! Guys just standing around watching the other team scored!! Go watch some Sixers’ games and you’ll see!

  8. Literally to the 1% of people reading this, I’m sending hugs to everyone who needs it. Always stay safe 🥰

  9. Bucks was forced to make a move of some kind since the Pacers and Heat improved. I think they will still chase that defensive guard or wing this trade deadline.

  10. As a sixers fan I'm so glad the Bucks hired Doc. He's an average coach with a horrendous record in playoffs. The man does not know how to make in-game adjustments, so very happy

  11. Smh. They hire this choke artist. I hope the bucks meltdown and lose in the first round now. GO NUGGETS

  12. I didn't know you guys were on ESPN now, this show looks just like the old one but with the big-time production. Wow guys

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