@Washington Wizards

Could the Wizards be asking to much in return for Kyle Kuzma? T-Wolves preview.

Could the Wizards be asking to much in return for Kyle Kuzma? T-Wolves preview.

What’s good everybody today we are going to talk about Kyle kman is he on the go or maybe not maybe he might be here for a little bit so we’re GNA talk about that Terry Rosier is on the move to Miami so we’re going to compare that

Move to a potential tus Jones trade and see what we truly can get back for TI Jones and we’re GNA do a preview for tomorrow night’s game against the t-s next on locked on Wizards you are locked on Wizards your daily Washington Wizards podcast part of the locked on podcast Network

Your team every Day what’s up everybody it’s your boy Brandon Scott again with my guy the real Ed Oliver and tonight’s episode is brought to you by fandu make every moment more right now new customers get $150 and bonus bets guaranteed when you place a $5 bet all you got to do is

Visit fand lockon to get started so again to get you guys our inary for the night uh we are going to look at Kyle kman is he on the move or maybe not he might be sticking around for a while Terry rer is going to move to South

Beach but we’re going to compare his move to a potential move for Ty Jones and truly see what can we get in return and we’re going to preview tomorrow night’s game against t- WS uh so let’s get right into it uh looking at uh this

Was this is a uh coming from the Adrian W norowski show and he said that the I’m sorry Michael Winger and Will Dawkins have been reticent on moving Kyle kosman receiving offers but no counter offers doesn’t seem like they’re active in trying to move him so this comes after uh they the asking

Price was two first round picks then the first round picks they did not like the 2024 draft classic was 2025 and better and now they’re not getting many counter offers so e um are they asking too much do they need to be realistic and are they kind of

Overvaluing kind of overvaluing U Kyle kman and what his trade value really is yeah that’s a good question um I think they you know they’re playing I’m not gonna say Hard Ball but they’re trying to get the most value from for K kosma I don’t think you would get two

First pick two first round picks but I do think you’ll definitely get a first-rounder um recently he has not been playing well but his overall body of work certainly is worth a first round pick I mean you have a lot of te a couple of teams that have called

Apparently per reports the Mavericks uh we talked about the Mavericks yesterday we talked about the Kings uh we talked about a couple playoff teams I know the Pacers were interested before Pascal cakam uh so there are a good amount of teams that are certainly interested in

Kyle kma for sure um but they do have time they don’t have to trade him this year year he’s on a good contract we talked about how the money goes down each year it’s a descending contract which was smart on Will Dawkins move and Kyle kman still got a a nice contract

Even though the money’s going down so there were it was smart for both sides uh and teams look at that too that you know he’s on a really good contract so they don’t have to really break the bank to move him over here to wherever team

That they they trade for uh trade for him so I I I I think they they’re they’re being smart they’re taking their time with it but I think honestly I don’t think his value will go up any more than what it is right now so they

May just want to capitalize on a couple teams trying to trade for him at this point and um just really just take kind of if if you’re getting to get a first I know it depends they’re they’re really looking at the year they there’s reports saying that they don’t want a 2024 they

Went you know a little bit later they wanted to be higher and better than what Pascal seak got so I don’t I don’t know if they’ll get that but I get them not jumping the gun but at the same time you know if somebody comes up with a good offer I certainly would

Take it so but I understand them them kind of playing hard ball being patient taking their time that this could H it could they could trade him in the offseason they could trade them next year yeah they have time it’s not a rush where with tyus Jones his contract is

Done this year dong W his contract is done this year they’re both those guys are free so you have to get something for them you can’t let those guys wall for nothing you got to get something for TI gotta get something for Del you just

Have to where with kma you got a little bit of time you can be a little bit patient with it and um you know so I get it I think Will Dawkins and Michael Winger they know what they’re doing of course so I understand that they’re being reticent I like that word reticent

Which is definitely a new word I you know I’ve I don’t think I’ve really seen that word before either n honestly so thank you w for the using the word retis yeah I mean I agree with you man I mean there’s no they don’t have to move him right now

They have time he’s a very Team friendly deal um he’s a good leader in the locker room he likes DC he’s playing well um so there’s really no need to rush it but we’re in a rebuild so like I mean if you look at the contract yeah a team for

Contract we don’t need to move him obviously you need to get something for tus you need to get something for D if you want to move on try to get whatever you can for Shaman but here’s my thing and like I said I’m a big fan of this

New front office man big big fan I’m big believer um I know they’re going to make the Right Moves they have so far but I will kind of use I’m G say this we didn’t get much for Bradley Bill and we should have got a lot for Bradley Bill

Which if you look at all the assets we had the last couple years man if you were gonna get a king’s rans for anybody it should have been Bradley Bill KP and we didn’t and we we seem to overvalue our guys um the last three years we’ve

Overvalued our rookies um in my opinion I like Cory kissman I like Denny AIA I like I like Johnny Davis even though seem like his time is up and obviously I like bow man but we’re over valuating our guys man we’re overvaluing them um once you put Kyle kman like I says no

Disrespect I love Kyle kman as a player man but on a contender he’s a third or fourth option PX SE Alum I mean to put him in the same sentence talk about this is what we want I I I don’t see we don’t have no leverage we have zero leverage

Teams don’t have to do a deal with us man like we’re in a tight spot and teams know that look other GMS other Executives know the spot rant we need them more than they need us and let’s be 100 about that you know we’re trying to move on off of these veteran contracts

Because one we’re trying to finally start a rebuild and get these young guys a lot of minutes including jny and bow especially bow because he’s on the bench right now but I mean there teams don’t have to deal with us because we’re in a bond right now we have to move on we

Have not started a rebuild yet we are still in the same spot we were last year minus KP and Bradley Bill which is you have veteran guys fighting for minutes and you have young guys are fighting for minutes and you’re trying to find minutes for the the vets and showcase

Them and and still develop and we said it last year e you can’t develop at the same time as you’re trying to Showcase to a certain degree no you got to you got to choose one or the other and right now they have to Showcase you’ve got to

Move these contracts now so looking at Kyle kman yeah they don’t have to move on man but his value is not going to get any higher let’s be real he not going to get any higher because again he is a third or fourth op on the contender and

You know like I said I love Kyle kman as a player great leader great personality great do you know checks all the boxes but here’s the thing uh we know his play style which is very ISO he shoots a lot of shots you know he’s a guy who needs

The ball in his hand how does it affect a lot of these younger guys who are trying to develop I mean you know eventually I mean and that’s where I’m at man you know I’m I’m trying to start the rebuild I mean the longer we hold on

To these vets man and I get a you need veteran leadership and I know people gonna get in the comment section oh we need a vet I get all that but here’s the thing man I mean Anthony Gils a dag on leader I mean he’s he’s already a he’s

Already a coach so I it’s I don’t I I thought that they kind of aimed a little too high when they once they went past one first round pick now if you know we’re gonna talk about the Terry Roser trade which I thought that was a trade

We should have made but um but they got to be realistic man because teams aren’t they’re not coming back with counter office because the in my opinion seeking more than one first round pick for Kyle kma is bananas it’s bananas I mean you’re not GNA get that you’re just not

Because he’s not pasal seak and there’s no disrespect to K kman but he’s not Pas seak I mean is he OG and anobi I don’t believe so and OG anobi plays defense I mean he’s a guy who’s I mean just you gota be realistic what they’re

Trying to get man because teams again is that type of situation where we need other teams a lot more than other teams need us now you can look look at our talent and say yeah they are definitely guys on this roster that we could that that a contending team could use but

Let’s be real not a lot of teams are really heavily beating down the door to get any of our guys man and it’s just being 100 because look at the last couple years I mean look at these young guys nobody was asking about a young guys so I always felt like we’re always

Overvaluing our young guys man um again we got not much for Bradley Bill we didn’t get much for KP did we I mean either one did we get a first- round pick so I mean you know it’s just that’s the way the market is man we because

We’re fans of this team and we like these guys and he love these players doesn’t mean the league does you know the league may not value kyman the way we do like me and you we watched him come along as a guy coming from the Lakers going from a roll guy to a

Complete player you know we we we’re here upfront and and seeing his development but the rest of the league may not value him the way we do man because I mean if I’m an opposing GM I’m not giving you two first round picks for anybody on this roster nobody I mean I

Would probably give you a first ruz and and contending team is a lay round pick anyways but you’re not getting a lot pick for anybody on rozer and not I mean tus I think you get a really good kind of what they got for Rosier like I said

We’re about to talk about it but yeah I think we’re over valuing our guys man I mean we’ve got to be realistic because it’s we were talking about before the broadcast man about caving in I think that we’re GNA be the ones going to cave in eventually we’re just gonna have to

Take the deals that the best deal the the the the best worst deal kind of like Bradley Bill you know we’re not really Bradley Bill because he had a lot of um say so where he wanted to go but KP you know that deal sending KP to Boston was

The last minute deal because then it came down to a hurt player and for for the Clippers so we got to take what we can get man to move on that and that’s why I said on the last episode man is that you’re not gonna like the return

You’re gonna get because if you weren’t going to get a first round pick for Bradley Bill KP You’re Not Gon you’re not gonna get a huge return for Kyle kman or tus Jones and Shaman is going to be a he’s going to be a salary filler I

I no I mean just it is what it is I mean d you I mean then that’s where I’m at get these contracts out the books I get Aiming High but be realistic because at the dayline we got to start a rebuild man we cannot go through another season

Of trying to juggle veteran guys and young guys because you’re just you’re gonna waste time we wasted how many years of Denny’s time of development because we’re sitting here trying to play be a playing team and we’re not developing anybody you know we have to literally we got to strip this thing

Down and start developing guys bow needs to be developed he is a star and if we mess this up I’m trying to tell you man that’s going to be a Monumental mess up I mean you cannot Jack that up B is a star in the making man he’s just begging

To be develop and if you develop him right you got a star a homegrown star Denny develop him he still needs to be developed develop just get what you can get I get aan high and look like said I’m a big believer in Will Dawkins Michael Winger Travis sling the track

Corers are mcklin but here’s the thing you know Aiming High is one thing but you have to be realistic and that’s where I’m at e man I I think that you need to take the the best deal you can find and kind of lower the price a

Little bit you’re not gonna get more than first one first round pick for K and that’s what it is yeah yeah they can they can only play hard ball so much uh right now and and the other teams the Grizzlies the Spurs the Warriors are among those who could have interest in

Kyle kusman so there there is a bidding war but like you brought up man you can only play hard ball so much and you know them getting a first round pick for kozz to me is a win just getting one is a win getting two is a is certainly a home run

Hing out the park and all that but the most realistic thing that they’re going to get back is probably a first you look at Rosier who we’re gonna talk about Rosier and kman they’re kind of like in that same uh Talent range both scores both you know they they can heat up

Sometimes the shot selection can be a little questionable here and there but they both are legitim like Tera Rosier is putting up 23 points game and then just look at AO is you know scoring about the same around like 21 22 something like that um I’m just yeah K

He’s averaging about 21.8 so we’re gonna get to him real quick but that they’re probably gonna have to look at that and be like hey that’s that’s probably similar to what we’re realistically G we’re gonna get we’re not going to get a pascal SE yakum deal so I think other

Teams they may hang up the phone and then Michael Winger and Will Dawkins they’ll get the memo and be like hey we we we just got to take what can get if it’s a first you know we’ll just take it you know because that that to me getting

A first is a win for Kyle kman because like you brought up too a Bradley Bill you didn’t get a first for him porz you didn’t get a first you know he would be he would be the first guy out of the solid three to actually get a first

Round pick back yeah I mean so that’s where I’m at e um lower the price a little bit and get what you can get because the biggest thing is we have to start rebuilding which starts at the deadline we’re not a rebuilding team yet we’re in flux we’re in the gray area I

Mean we have to officially start developing and see what we got these young guys so we can build through the draft and go from there we just you know you’re not going to like the return but it is what it is so um we’re gonna go

Ahead and move on we’re gonna talk about the trade uh Terry rer we’re gonna talk about that trade and what can we get for tus Jones and we’re gonna preview tomorrow night’s game against the t-w but before we do tonight’s episode is brought to you by hungry Roots so you

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Should know um Terry Rosier of the or formerly of the Charlotte Hornets was sent to the Miami Heat for I’m trying to bring up the trade right now Kyle Lowry in a first round Kyle Lowry and a in a first round pick and I believe was a 2025 first round

Pick um I gotta pull that up too actually let me let me see if I can find it to the Rosier trade but yeah basically him for Kyle hour in a first round pick um of course the year definitely does matter u in the heat it’s going to be

You know it’s not it Mo most likely won’t be a lottery pick but I gotta see oh I got it right here man um so Terry Rosier was sent to Miami for Cal low and a lottery protected 2027 first round pick okay to the Charlotte Hornets which

A little down the line but I mean there’s a definitely the next four after or the next three after this one definitely have a lot of talent in it so I’m kind of comp it becomes unprotected in 2028 which that’s a good thing for the Hornets oh yeah I mean we we our

Pick has got like a thousand protections on right right um so looking at this deal man uh and kind of comparing to a potential tus Jones trade is this kind of what you’re kind of expecting that and we can kind of throw in Kyle kman a little bit because we’re just talking

About it U with Kyle kman and Ty Jones is a first round pick and an expiring and or a young player kind of the package is what you’re looking for in return for TAS Jones or cusman yeah I’m looking right at the Sixers the Sixers

Um you know Marcus Morris I got to look at his contract but he’s a guy that’s you know in and out of the lineup and you know he’s not it’s more about getting the pick instead of the value of the player Kyle Lowry you know he’s he’s put up some

Good he’s had a couple good games here and there this season uh Marcus Morris I’m not sure let me see how much does he even play this year because I know he’s not really in the rotation he’s averaging about six points a game this year he’s played in 33 games so far 16

Minutes per game so he’s really not playing much um Kyle Low’s actually contributed with the Miami Heat he contributed last year in the playoffs here and there uh so but like I said it’s really just about getting the Contra just getting the pick back and you know you think about having forier

With the Knicks too you know that we talked about yesterday trying to get our first- round pick back which the Knicks probably will decline something like like that but right now and they already they already announced it that they were willing to take on you know quote unquote bad contracts

Yeah just to pile up on picks so I think that’s something that the Hornets did they were willing to take on Kyle Lowry just to get that first round pick because they’re they’re gonna they’re building around lamelo Brandon Miller and Mark Williams That’s those are The Untouchables with the Wizards it’s

Really just blow and then they didn’t say Denny but Denny probably is if if you had to say anybody else out of everybody on the RO he’s probably the least Untouchable compared to everybody else so basically the point of it of it all is just just to get that pick just

To get a first round pick I think that’s probably what it would take with the Sixers um because the Sixers are are reportedly intered in in um excuse me tus Jones so I could see something like that happening um that in Marcus Morris he’s on a four-year $64 million deal

Which is about you know 14 to16 million per year year and then we looked at tas’s Contract his contract is pretty similar to that too so I think honestly the numbers could work your tus is making about $14 million per year so the numbers aren’t too far off and we

Have those traded player sectors as well where we can absorb money that’s to help us with trades too so we can take on contracts and just get picks so I actually think that’s something that’s realistic uh there with that with the Sixers getting getting the first round

Pick back from the Sixers oh absolutely I think I’m with the E uh they say great thinking like well I’m trying to say that I agree Marcus Morris man uh looking at his contract real quick is making like you said 17.1 and Tai is making 14 so it

Definitely lines up a pick in and Marcus Morris I’m cool with that I mean you get an expiring contract you get a pick boom I mean kind same thing with Kyle kman man um the thing with CZ as opposed to Tai Tai is 14 that’s a workable contract

With most of your spa contracts in the NBA as opposed to Kyle kman which he is making what $25.6 million a year so you got to match that money and obviously the time you know the the salary goes down actually each year but he is currently 28 years old so you know you

Wait two three years how many people gonna throw you a first round pick for a 31 year old guy which in the NBA is ancient I’m just saying like you I mean that’s that’s another reason why you got to make a move man in my opinion I’m

Sure there’s going to be somebody going to disagree but um you got to make a move I mean like I said um with ti and expiring and in a pick that’s a win because you’re not gonna get a king king’s Ransom um just like we said

Before man and I’m kind of going to reiterate man we got a trash return for Bradley Bill which should have been the king’s Ransom you know we got a trash return pretty much for I mean I’m not gonna call it trash you know we got

Jordan P but I mean right now what are we talking about with Jordan P we ain’t talking about somebody who’s gonna be like a future like now we’re talking about down the line can we flip him so I mean his contract is looking like a bad

Contract so you know I we didn’t get it first for those guys so with tus if you yeah if you can get a first and expiring that is a really good deal because I don’t see any more than that man I don’t see I think Philadelphia that would be

The move that I would pull the trigger in my opinion like I said um I think they’re GNA do what’s best do I think that there’s aiming a little high yeah but we got a good front office you know Will Dawkins Michael Winger Travis schlink they know what they’re doing

They’re gonna they’re going to do what it needs to be done so I have all the faith in the world in this front office um and ownership I mean ownership is doing what he’s got to do right now you know just by hitting that reset button

And you know I have nothing bad to say about any of them but just I think that’s the most realistic return you going get for both of them and even if you look at Shaman and even Delon with their contracts now Shaman is making 10 so I mean the potential deal to Dallas

Maybe you throw Shaman in there I mean just to try to get the money to work man but and then looking at D he’s making an 8.2 so I mean those guys I could definitely see all four of them being moved but we’ll see I think the best

Case scenario with Kyle kman in these guys man is a first round pick is is you can definitely get a first- round pick for um CZ you you know it’s a blessing if you get one for ties but you’re looking at an expiring deal or a young asset you

Know and you mentioned in the last episode man in Dallas with Jaden Hardy man that’s a move I would definitely throw in there for Kyle kman man because I mean homie could play some basketball he’s a dog man so yeah oh yeah me too man I mean he he can definitely play I

Think he would fit here in DC and what we’re trying to do but that’s the thing man um that’s what the return is goingon to be it’s not going to be a massive return you’re not going to see see y return you’re not going to because

I and that’s what I’m saying is that and it really goes kind of deeper and I this is a whole another conversation or another episode man but it just shows you how just how trash it was underneath Tommy Shepard I mean we’re still trying to dig our way from underneath his

Regime you know and it really shows you how bad it was under this regime because I mean how our team’s really looking at our talent I mean they’re not looking at our talent like they look at a seak or an OG and a noi or all the guys are are

Tra I mean even Kyle Lowry KY Lowry’s got Championship experience you know I mean I mean he’s a guy that played on championship team I mean he’s a guy who played a lot of good years as as a lead point guard in Toronto so it’s just you

Get what you can get and that’s where I’m at right now with the deadline man um would I be disappointed if Kyle kma stayed no I wouldn’t I like C you know I think he’d be really good for the rebuild now I brought up the inefficiency you know those are things

That you can work on but leaders leadership wise I wouldn’t mind him being here around for another year but we talking about two three years man I’m nah he needs to be moving at some point because he’s getting up there you know like is a 30- year old dude I don’t want

To say the 29’s old but in Pro Sports once you hit that 30 man look expectations change and the way people view you as a player change and you do not want to have that contract on the books when he’s 30 years old you just

Don’t you need to you need to get what you can get and especially when you look at the realm of rebuild we got to start rebuilding so that’s why Maddie um with with ti I I can definitely see a similar deal with uh Rosier similar play style

Um but I think that’s what they need to expect and that’s kind of where the Bar Needs to Go definitely yeah so we’re gonna get into a quick word from FanDuel then we’re GNA get into the preview with the Timberwolves um but before we do that we got a quick word from

FanDuel the NFL regular season has wrapped up it’s playoff time and there’s still time to get on the action with fandel America’s number one sports book right now new customers get $150 in bonus bets guaranteed when you place a $5 bet that’s 150 bucks in bonus

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Bet a layup um tomorrow you can definitely take the actually excuse me I’m not going to say the Tim rule money line as a layup which it probably is they actually lost on Hornets last night when Carl towns put up with 60 points which is just insane good God but

I would pick I’m trying to see if they have some of the stuff out for tomorrow already so they do have the money line so the the timber rules are 11 11 Point favorites I probably would take the money line but if they take if they put

Up double double for Rudy goar like double double and win for goar probably take that Carl towns his line is probably going to be at like 29 and a half points so that’s what I’m assuming his points total would be and I probably take the over on that I think he’s going

To get at least 30 but you can’t sleep on Anthony Edwards so so many angles you can really take on that and um baggley I’ve been liking his uh point total as of late but it is a tougher ma excuse me match up so I might stay away from that

Tomorrow for his over under but um I would definitely take a look at um and then Gafford I probably go under on his rebound really under on his rebounds tomorrow night that’s probably what I’m looking under on his boards double doubl and win for Rudy goar on

FanDuel and then uh Carl towns i’ probably do a 25 points and um 10 rebounds parlay for Gober and uh Carl towns it probably won’t be the best odds probably like minus 150 or something like that but a win is a win is a win all right so let’s get into the preview

Here for um and then I would add on Timber’s money line that might get to that might get to plus 100 so we’ll see what that when they come up with the lines for that one but uh let’s look at the timber wolves here and their preview

And their roster uh of course to Carl towns last night he had a historical night with about 60 points last night uh defensively they give a lot of points to the Hornets as they lost to the Hornets and their coach Chris Finch said that their defense was

In in excusable now their record right now they are 30 and 13 which is a darn good record um just looking at some of the stats here as well they are uh 21st in points per game they eight in blocks which makes sense because of gobear yeah they’re two in defense they’re number

Two in defensive Rebound in the league which makes sense because of goar and Carl towns they’re 12 overall in rebounding their ninth in free throw attempts they’re third and three per percentage um uh Anthony Edwards is a good three-point uh is a good three-point shooter as well um and then

Defensively they’re number one in points where that makes sense again because because of goar once again so uh they they are a good defensive they’re number one in defensive rating they’re 2 second in Pace once again that makes sense because they just have two bigs so

They’re a slower team uh so Brandon what are your thoughts on this game and who who are you looking forward to seeing in this matchup um I’ll say say this man I don’t want to do keys of Victory but I’ll say this how I would attack

Them would be this man um cat is not the most defensive Center SL power forward so I would definitely try to spread everybody out and attack the basket go at goar try to give him in foul trouble I think that’s the best bet um to attack the basket I’m looking at Denny I’m

Looking at CZ man especially at B forward attack the Bas got attack attack attack try to get Rudy goar in some foul trouble um you said they slow man push the pace ties push the Pace push the pace man definitely getting transition get down him man uh so look at at the

Lineups man you know Gafford you know is he ready to run if not he’ll Bagley in there you know but I think that with a team like this if you want a chance to win you gotta push the pace you gota because know cat and and goar they they

Ain’t beating winning any races against anybody probably against only against you know galinari but um so that’s what I would do and defense man has to be fluid because look Anthony Edwards is a monster man I mean homeboy St Ali off the backboard duning them man I mean in

My opinion right now he’s MVP and and probably he’s gonna end up being the face he’s gonna be the next face of this league man I mean he is that good I mean he be 70 points last night oh I don’t man I don’t want to put that on this team

Man but I I say this man he’s definitely gonna eat now at the two guard man well I mean you can’t really use two guard I would definitely put Denny on Anthony Edwards I think that you want to see what Denny can do on Anthony Edwards I’m definitely putting him on Anthony

Edwards but I mean they got a team that outside of towns man I mean connley is a crafty veteran guard so Ty is GNA have his hands full because I mean con’s been in the league forever it seems like so yeah I mean to me defense has to be

Fluid we got to push the pace and to me you got to attack the basket and then you know but if you want to spread the floor out definitely on Perimeter wise man shoot high percentage shots don’t push don’t rush shots don’t shoot a lot of contested shots shoot high percentage

Shots try to spread the floor out and attack the and attack the rim because to me I’m G try to get goar in trouble and I think if you can do that get him out of the game and try to get their back up

I mean Nas Reed he can hold his own but I believe he’s what 69 he’s he’s a kind of a shorter Center so I would definitely attack the basket e um so I’m not gonna do I think this is gonna be a loss but I think that look we say it in

Football Any Given Sunday you know the NBA you just mentioned it they lost to the Hornets and the Hornets ain’t too much better than we are so I mean you can win any given night and I think that they holding those keys man they have a good chance at least keeping it close

With the T Wolves yeah definitely yeah I’m looking at um just baggley I want to see how he matches up against towns and against goar um they don’t like to step out to the three-point line so if he could you know take him off the dribble and get to

The basket I think that is a way he could score um baggley you know he’s not the best three-point shooter but I would you know definitely try to stretch the floor knock down some threes try to pick and pop just to space the floor out there too Gafford has actually done a

Good job against the timber rules in the past you know lob getting some lobs finish around the rim and um you know we’ll see how Jordan P’s been consistent Kyle kman just has to he has to have better shot selection I know recently you know I don’t know what’s going on

With him but ever since the baggley trade you know he’s kind of been a little up and down it’s only been three games but he’s been a little up and down just the side selection has not been great at all and then uh blow just keep doing what you’re doing keep getting to

The basket keep putting the ball on the floor keep being aggressive getting the ball in transition the Euro steps finishing around the finishing Above the Rim Ali oops he been doing a great job of that Danny’s been playing pretty well as of late to rebounding they gotta

Rebound the ball this gonna be a physical game with goar and Carl towns and then just defensively man they got to rebound they got to be physical and uh Carl towns is going to be it’s going to be tough he just came off a heater and you got like you said Anthony

Edwards who’s throwing the ball at the backboard too so they got their hands full tomorrow night they really do Anthony Edwards can fill it up so e either one Carl towns or Anthony Edwards can give you 30 any given night they can give you 30 to to 35 apparently Carl

Towns giving you 50 to 60 the other night so uh yeah it’s gonna be their hands certainly are going to be full I think they can keep it close but I do think it’s going to be a loss but we’re just looking for development de development from these guys uh tus Jones

Too keep doing what he’s doing as far as you know facilitating getting Guys open so um those are just some keys of development just getting back on defense defending the three-point line because they can shoot the three well and uh rebound is going to be huge tomorrow

Night oh yeah rebound he got their hands full go bear man I mean you know that’s proba outside of Defense in the paint that’s his that’s his money that’s his bread and butter right there his rebound um you know car Anthony sound is going to spread the floor he’s going if you

Saw he was hitting some threes man last night there was some deep threes but I mean they’re slow in transition so tus man I’m telling you tus pushes the pace he’s going to find some open looks in transition so I definitely want to see them push the pace man and attack the

Basket try to get goar in trouble you know if they can get him out the game and get NZ re in there and I yeah I mean like I said nazri can hold his own he’s hard noosed but he’s shorter so I mean you know you

Definitely try to get go be out the game to me that was that would be the way I would attack him because looking at Anthony Edwards man you ain’t going to slow him down I mean he’s just got so much energy athleticism he’s just he’s

Going to get his so I mean if you going to put down on the BET for 25 plus points for Edwards definitely do that but I think that we could play him tough and play him close man but we’ve got to be on a puse man we gota pick up the

Pace and transition and definitely attack attack attack so um so we’re gonna go ahead and roll e um before we roll man you got anything else you want to cover no we’re going to get to comments tomorrow the first after the the first segment we’re going to get

Excuse me we’re going to get into comments so early early we’re going to get into comments tomorrow after the game all right [Laughter] man yeah man y’all heard it here first man right that’s what we’re gonna do that’s how we’re gonna do it tomorrow yes sir we got we gotta back toback so

There’s gonna be a lot of comments oh yeah yeah absolutely man so hey appreciate everybody showing up tonight man uh we will see you guys tomorrow night uh the cap the te- Wolves game and knock out some comments so definitely appreciate you guys man so Hail to the

Wizards and everybody have a good night see you guys tomorrow night peace

Ed and Brandon debate whether the Wizards are asking too much in return for Kyle Kuzma on the trade market. Could the Wizards get a deal for Tyus Jones similar to the trade for Terry Rozier? Finally, they preview the Wizards matchup at home tomorrow night vs the Timberwolves.

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  1. Trade denni. He needs a clean start in a better team. Unfortunately the wizards will not win a championship in the next 10 years. Trade denni

  2. you have a couple of players worth a first a couple worth a second and if they hit or get close to 30 forget not saying to move anyone but just like Tim Hardaway jr. kuz will never get 2 first

  3. would be interesting if we traded kuz and tyus both to sixers, tobias' money lines up perfectly and they could send a 1st and some seconds or something

  4. One of the problems with tanking is that your veterans loose value. Both Kuz and Jones aren't all stars or even seen as potentially reaching such a level. At most they can be solid starters or off bench contributors for a contender. IMO, Kuzma's value is no more than a late lottery pick and Jones late 1st early 2nd.

  5. The Wizards are rebuilding rather than retooling at this point because TS and EG before him were both idiots for attempting to build teams around JW and then BB for far too long while looking for quick fixes, pretending to be contenders, and ultimately ruining the Wizards' future. Well, the future has caught up with the present, and the Wizards are suffering as a result.

    Imagine how this club would have looked if JW and BB had been traded for first-round picks in a timely manner. KP and Kuz may have both potentially been extended at the expense of giving BB his "last bag". Then add Deni, Billal, Kispert, or players close to their caliber from each respective draft they have been picked, plus those few first-round picks for JW and BB , and we might have possibly been looking at a contending team by now.

  6. Y’all are wild for saying all that about Kuzma, just because we had black Friday sale for Beal and KP, we don’t need to get ride of all of our assets the same way. I don’t think we should trade Kuzma to begin with, just because based on our last 6 first round picks. First round picks don’t mean shit if the talent isn’t available, it is all a gamble! We should definitely build around Jordan Poole, Kuzma and our young core players! We are in the first year of rebuild, give it time and trust the process. Y’all need to stop being emotional 👌

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