@Cleveland Cavaliers

POSTCAST: Cleveland Cavaliers Cool Off Atlanta Hawks, 116-95

POSTCAST: Cleveland Cavaliers Cool Off Atlanta Hawks, 116-95

You are locked on Hawks postcast part of locked on Atlanta on the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome into the locked on Hawks postcast your home for the best Hawks talk it’s local Insight you can’t get anywhere else but right here at locked on I’m tanra batist

Joined with me is Deshawn Tate this episode’s brought to you by prize pick the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to priz lockon NBA and use code lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 the locked on

Hogs postcast is part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day well deshaan the Hawks were going for their fourth win in a row this would have been the first stretch since October 29th to November 4th if they could have got it done but just wasn’t their night we’ll

Talk about the 116 and 95 loss to the Cavs in the and one we’ll also talk about it and who got next but first let’s get TN T takes on tonight’s game against the Cavs and desan you say we’re back to being consistently inconsistent yeah no doubt you know unless there’s

Truth to you know when people say that sometimes you have to take one step you know uh one step backwards to take two forward and all that kind of stuff unless you’re one that believe highly in that um narrative then you know obviously um this was disappointing the way that it

Happened um believe it or not I almost fell asleep during the game it kind of felt like watching paint dry to a degree but felt like there was definitely a lid um on the rim for sure and that these guys were just kind of sleepwalking um a

Little bit and so the last thing that I want to do is hear people make the excuse reasoning behind you know what we saw on today being you know the travel and all of that you know having to get in late you know middle of the night and

Got a game the next day I mean that’s just been life it’s not the first time these guys have ever had to experience that it’s not the last time these guys are ever going to have to experience that and um you know other teams are having to deal with the exact same thing

So um there’s no reasoning for that but when you start talking about being consistently inconsistent you start talking about the you know inconsistency part um the Atlanta Hawks only and three statistical categories on today on tonight being offensive rebounding turnovers and fast break points um credit to them for at least doing

That but it just really felt like a letdown we always talk about standing and fighting standing in the Gap and just being competitive if not nothing else and I would be willing and okay like I’m said you know in in previous um you know postcast that we’ve done is I’m

Okay with losing games it’s going to happen sometimes the way you lose games when you see somebody just kind of lay down and ironically enough um you know it happened at home which the Hawks are just not feels like they’re never really good there um why we couldn’t be playing

Another Florida team tonight I don’t know but I wish that that was the case nonetheless uh it was a stinker and you got to you know move forward but the the energy seemed like it was definitely sucked out yeah I think so and I think that like you said you you’re weary to

Make excuses about the travel because ultimately every team in the NBA has to do the same thing at some point they’ve got to play back to backs and those back-to-backs sometimes are going to be Road and home versus two aways or two homes that’s just how it goes in this

League and so you kind of don’t want to use it as an excuse and last night was a night where you know you did play nine players but a lot of them didn’t get a above 30 minutes so there should have been some pseudo fresh legs that maybe

If we didn’t see in the first quarter them kind of being that team maybe we could have seen it in the second quarter should have seen it in the second quarter but we didn’t because the Hawks got out scored 34 to 25 and in that quarter and then they got outscored

Again 34 to 25 in the third quarter and that’s after you have halftime where you know you’re able to at least kind of get your bearing straight get your SE legs under you as they say but I don’t feel like at least not the entire team ever

Got their SE legs under maybe one or two guys and we’ll talk about those guys in the n one and my top takeaway was well they kind of sort of listened to me on one thing but not the other and you really needed to listen to me on both

Because there was no way you’re gonna win this game if you just listen to me when I said hey make sure you don’t let Jared Allen and Max Shu go off they didn’t let Jared Allen go off 14 Points 11 rebounds to me that’s still fairly pedestrian Max Drew 13 points off of

Five of 10 shooting from the field but he just hit one three and granted out it I know he was a little bit hobbled but he was a guy who we’ve seen time and time again when he was with the heat just absolutely destroy the hog so glad

That at least they listen to me and not letting Allen and stru go off however that other piece is the one it’s pesky and it always seems to get them and that’s the one where I told them don’t let random dude go off on you don’t guy

Go off on you don’t let the guy sitting on bench go off on you and that’s what you did you literally literally let Georges Nang score 14 points grab five rebounds and two assists on five of nine shooting going four of eight from the field I’m just trying to figure out why

How what the heck and he got a block and then he let Sam Marill go off 18 points to sewn four rebounds six assists and that was on five of 14 shooting from the field so oh I’m sorry six of 16 shooting from the field check that five of 14

From three okay fine we know you didn’t have anybody guarding on the wing that was worthy but that was the thing that disappointed me I just really had hoped that we weren’t talking about that because maybe more so than allowing Jared Allen and Max Tru to not go off I

Think I would have been even happier if maybe those guys would have gotten theirs but it was going to be but yeah not that Marilyn not that Yang not those guys today but it was those guys today and unfortunately that being the case I mean you know the the thing about that

Is like you said insert here random guys name um and we you know we hear so much um sometimes from you know I was listening to the postgame press conference and listening to head coach uh Quin Snyder kind of talk about how much that they have improved and how

Much better that they have been on the defensive side of the ball of course not on the offensive side but I’m not sure that I was able to see that on on tonight actually I am sure that I wasn’t able to see that on tonight um when it

Came to defending you know um the three and even in those instances where you did have like jiren Jared Allen who pretty much makes all his money from inside of the paint one of the best field goal percentages uh players within this within the league um even he hit

Some shots from outside I mean granted they were in threes but still anywhere right around that you know free throw elbow pointed area right up in that range it just kind of seemed like the Hawks really didn’t have an answer um and at this point we are just kind of

Keeping our fingers crossed hoping that um you know what we saw throughout the duration of this game I you know I don’t know what the status is on Trey as of yet but you know obviously kind of went down and out with an injury and just

Kind of you know hoping for a a positive bill of health right and you hate that because of course we know that he was out due to illness on Friday night so that’s a tough go especially as the Hawks prepare for a quick West Coast Swing so we’ll talk about this game more

In the end one but before we do got a little something I want to share with you guys this episode of the lock on Hawks postcast is brought to you by prize picks or Ebay rather let’s talk about eBay first guys but hang around we’ll talk about prize piix a little bit later

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Apply right let’s take a little bit of a deep dive into this game we haven’t given Jaylen Johnson his fers in a few games that’s kind of not like us but he’s not had any bad games and that’s not why we’ve done it it’s been more pedestrian but nonetheless tonight had a

Strong jayen Johnson type of showing was going into and approaching that double double status didn’t quite get there but still a nice stat line Deshawn he earned 20 points seven rebounds four assists a steel and a couple of blocks let’s give him his flowers but also I was wondering

Who else you wanted to give flowers to because hey you can always try to find some good in a loss right I like to think so it’s really hard to do that on a night um like tonight I think from uh outside of the fact that I I I want to

Give I want to give flowers to uh to to the Atlanta Hawks you know fan uh fan base the Hawks Nation for you know stay staying with us through this whole thing to be honest with you we’ve all kind of been you know fighting uh

You know trying to fight off the the the inconsist the consistent inconsistencies and so forth but um you know what I have been seeing lately for even if it’s just for the last two or three games um with Patty Mills you know I’ve seen him coming the game and hitting some shots

And you know trying to Def defend some some tough guards and you know being outmatched from a size standpoint and that just him really not allowing that to um you know just kind of you know prevent him from doing what he has to do on the offensive end of of the

Ball you need him to come in and you know make some shots we didn’t have Trey on last night he came in and he was still Relentless even on nights like tonight where the team was down and it’s good to see at least somebody in there

Since we’re not going to play you know AJ which is a whole different issue that I have but nonetheless um you know definitely seeing P yeah yeah yeah yeah getting being uh Petty Mills being one of the more you know experienced players um that we have on this roster um and to

See him come in and give some contribution I think has been good for him and has been good for this team whether it’s a team that you know whether it’s a time that the team is getting blown out by 20 or whether it’s a you know time that he has to come in

And play some legit minutes down the stretch on the road against you know the Miami Heat or whatever the case may be he’s definitely come in and contributed and showed exactly why you know he was picked up uh to be a part of the Hawks this year yeah I like that that thought

As well and you know we kind of take for granted but he did have a good night tonight like a solid night and that’s bogdon vodanovich because the whole bench didn’t have it but you do want to call out when you have a player here or

Player there on the bench that did have a solid night or a few minutes when that player is given like Patty Mills same player who last night knew he was going to have some extra minutes so he went to the arena early to be able to give

Whatever he needed to give in the absence of Trey young so you got that out of him a little bit today and uh tonight and I know that sometimes you kind of look at some of those who are veteran veterans and say okay what does that guy bring to the table this reminds

You of why you bring on a Patty Mills in addition to of course what he’s able to do in the locker room to continue to help a young team to mature so yeah I I agree with you I think absolutely give Jaylen Johnson a flowers because he had

More of a Jaylen Johnson night tonight but also a Patty Mills and even a budum bogdanovich giving the Hawks what little Effectiveness they have behind the perimeter it seems like if everybody else is middling with it he’s always good for it now one of the things that

Bothered me in this game and really made me want to talk about it in the end one is exactly what the Hawks allowed that we saw them do last night last night there was so much distribution of the ball there was so much movement there was such good spacing that we literally

Said that there were so many players every player on that touched the ball that got in the court every player that got even one minute for the Hawks last night seemed to really make it work and they did something to contribute I felt like tonight that was actually in the

Reverse the Cavs were that team and they started early yeah they were that team and they started that early DeShawn they went out and we know they ultimately scored more points but for me more points coming out of the gate but for me it was what they did with those first 10

That was kind of telling about what the rest of the game would look like and it was the fact that they scored 10 points as the first 10 of the entire game but it was more that the Hawks had four scoreless possessions with their first four possessions they had two turnovers

And within that 10 10-point stretch for the Cavs five different Cavs scored and ultimately seven different Cavs got in double figures and the assist number shows it because you see 32 assists for them versus 25 for the Hawks but was there any other thing that you saw

Specifically not so much what they did which was distribute the ball well but maybe why well you know I I do think that there were you know some moments where and this where I definitely you know didn’t think about when we were talking about giving some flowers um to guys like Deonte Murray

First of all because to come off of the kind of performances that he has had recently yeah um and then you know knowing that guys are pretty much going to be laser focused in on you to make sure that this doesn’t happen to them and then you know you have these type of

Celebration moments for the for the third time in a row but right um you know I think it was just a matter of it did help not an excuse but it did help that the Cavaliers you know had not played uh since I think Wednesday night or something like that and then they

Kind of had a chip on their shoulder a little bit um with the fact that you know they hadn’t won in at State Farm Arena since like 2021 back in January of 2021 or something up in that range um so they were definitely kind of Out For Blood a

Little bit on from from in those regards but um I think that they were just they were just hungrier you know they they have if not nothing else been playing like the better team that’s for sure and so they’ve been you know just hungrier and they let’s not forget they’ve gone

Out there and doing this without you know two of their better offensive players in some cases being Evan Moy and uh and also Caris LeVert so um those two guys being out uh I think you know you have other guys to kind of step up a

Little bit for them uh uh Isaac okoro and doing what they’re supposed to do take advantage of a team who’s kind of in disarray a little bit and still trying to figure some things out regardless of being on a three-game winning streak like the Atlanta Hawks

They saw the weaknesses they had them in the first meeting or two that they played them they exploited them then and they stuck to the game plan they did their homework and and they kind of made sure that they came out and did one of the one things that I wish also head

Coach Quinn Snyder wish that this team would do and that’s in terms of executing and communication they did both of those things and I think ultimately that’s why they were declared the winners tonight yeah and that was something that I thought about as well that communication seemed to kind of not

Be there again tonight and that was the thing that we saw so many times last night at moments where it was needed the most so yeah it’s something that it’s frustrating because it’s like well how do you have such good communication on one night or two nights or three nights

As in the three-game win streak but then all of a sudden it falls off the cliff that goes back to your takeaway which is the consistently inconsistent play or inconsistent factors or inconsistent little items or details that we keep talking about and they’re head scratchers as to why they keep coming up

Because they’re nights when we don’t have that conversation so I think that’s what makes it a head scratcher and I think one of the other head scratchers might be how some players can be so hot or this is what you brought them in for and wow they’re showing you that but

Then when it comes down to crunch time you don’t see that that’s sadique Bay like our guy Brad Roland and we definitely tell you guys don’t forget to check him out on lock on Hawks threw out a stat that was mindboggling to me said

That sadik is 33 of his last 130 from 3 Point range 25.4% over almost the last six weeks and that was kind of Midway through the game so the numbers obviously going to be a little bit higher because you could actually probably say now that he is 33 of 136

Because he didn’t make any three points pointers tonight and I bet you know obviously that would bring that 25.4% down slightly as well but it’s a two-parter for me DeShaun first what do you think is wrong with sadique in his shooting and then when you look at it

Does poor play make you miss DeAndre hunter or does it just make it obvious that whether it’s sadique or DeAndre or when DeAndre comes back that that small forward position they got to do something about that yeah I think um you know every player are gonna go through

Their bumps and bruises and stints and things like that I mean granted you know you gotta factor in wow you gota I mean that that that is definitely a stretch um but I feel like for that much time or at least it feels like somewhere relatively close to that is you know

Putting him in a role that he had not been familiar with which is in the you know starting lineup um he’s had some you know instances here and there spotty starting line up and things like that um but you know consistently asking certain things of him that um that he had not

Been consistently you know playing that particular role he can kind of come in and there is a high expectations for him when you don’t have a DeAndre Hunter and things like that I think is where um you know you kind of suffer but you know you’ve gotten you’ve gotten some the

Good thing about it I think is if you had to find some positivity and some optimism somewhere that he hasn’t been like atrocious on defense it’s not like he’s completely gone you know his mind is elsewhere or anything like that shots just aren’t falling and and you know

That at some point they’re going to fall now as far as you know the missing DeAndre hunter part I mean there’s a lot of these games where I’m honestly not even really sure that the outcome would be any different if DeAndre Hunter was was 100 you know 10% healthy and

Completely you know in the rotation and everything else um guys are I’ll say this much about sadik sadik is one guy that I don’t really question if he’s giving it his all now people might say well that’s pretty bad he’s giving it his all and he’s stinking it up but you

Know sometimes I see a a a questionable effort or uh questionable shot selection rather um and I don’t see that from him he’s just not I would just tell him to what he’s doing he’s not AER that’s going contribute in the Hawks losing per se he’s only really

Going to be a guy that can really help you win so I’m I’m actually okay with it to a degree and kind of somewhat willing to give him a pass a little bit yeah and he did get seven boards for the Hawks tonight in just one turnover we’ll talk

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Weeks I think it is to kind of figure it out and you know most of what we’ve heard it’s interesting because the buzz was totally the opposite of that until maybe I would say about two maybe three weeks ago and all of a sudden you started hearing this de jonte Murray to

This team or that team depends on the day of the week that’s probably what dictates which team he supposed to allegedly go to next right so he has now hit two gamewinners in a row and yes the Hawks did not have a good game but the

Jante sure did 24 points not just a team high but a game high nine rebounds five assists and a steal now that earlier first quarter draft that we talked about where the Cavs literally racked up and it turned out to be 12 points in the end before anyone even looked up well guess

Who ended the draft of course DJ so DeShaun when you look at what DJ’s brought to the table in these last several games and not to say that he has not definitely shown signs of that throughout the the season do the hotn DJ on the roster more or do they more need

To look to give him up to make up for the shortcomings on the rest of the roster like the one we just talked about at small forward where where should it be yeah it’s kind of confusing right it is it is it is um I think you got to be realistic

About a few things what what is what is likely going to be your end goal not what do you want to be your Endo goal yeah but what is likely going to be your Ino with dejon Murray um in this lineup playing beside Trey Young playing beside all the guys that he’s playing

With going to war with every night the whole nine are you able to execute and get the best out of him get out of him what you need him for get out of him what you’re paying him for um so many of those different elements and layers to

The onion if you will um what are you getting in return you know you know we don’t believe in you know giving up guys for peanuts right um but you also don’t want to be holding on to something that you think is is going to get you X in

Return and it turns out that by holding on you end up doing yourself more of a disservice than anything by trying to hold on if that makes sense so I think you got to weigh all of those things um I think that you are kind of I won’t say

Limited but you are you do cap yourself out with dejon remaining on this team um there are some limitations there just because you know obviously the way that they want to play and who’s you know primarily the ball who whose hands the ball is in um and then yes he’s a guy

Who can create his own shot but in terms of being a guy that’s going to facilitate and get other guys involved he’s not nearly as as much of that kind of reminds me of Lou Williams in those regards yeah great player and a guy that

Can you know you could put in a starting lineup and do all these things but he comes from San Antonio where he left that situation as the one option um asking for him to be the two option here I think it’s going to be you know really

Tough if I’m just being honest I’m not sure that you can get he and number 11 um in a position of which you can maximize and get the most from what both of those guys can bring to the table on the same night consistently I’m not very

Confident in that um yeah when one of them isn’t playing we’re having a whole different conversation obviously and we’ve seen that um but I I I think the main thing is just making sure that you’re getting something worth value in return that you can play immediately

We’ve seen a move being made think it was John Collins or whoever it was brought Rudy Gay over and that had you know that did nothing for us I think another move was made where they picked up Carmelo Anthony some years ago that did nothing just salary dumps and just

Little stuff like that that’s not or you’re in situation right or if you’re in a situation like when they got Clint capella and you didn’t get to see what he was able to contribute yeah yeah so I agree with you on that one yeah I just

Want to see the bench I mean I’m okay with if it’s guys that you know can’t contribute right away in a starting lineup role but I do want to see the bench um you know look significantly better with Talent than what we currently have and what we had last year

For sure yeah and that may be the way to go just because of all of the restrictions that are in play when it comes to the assets that the Hawks have at the bargaining table so definitely understand that now the Hawks have another one of those cray cray type of

Oddball schedules where they’ve got to go and hit the West Coast for a couple of games with no real break and then they’ll come back home and that first team up is the Kings what do the Hawks need to do to try and reset themselves

And get a win against the Kings yeah um it’s going to be a crazy crowd we know how they like to you know light the beam and everything else up in there and um it’s going to be a little bit different but I think it’s just trying to continue

To build on the things that you’re not good at you know yes you ideally in a perfect world want to go in there and be expecting a win and go but I need you to compete yeah um if you’re going to win now at this point you win you win you

Don’t you don’t but I need to see you competing I don’t need you to see see you down by 20 points you know getting ready to open up or Midway through the second quarter and things like that it’s going to be interesting to see us link back up with Kevin herder again

Obviously there’s some ties between Sacramento and Atlanta for donovich again um so all those things will be interesting but um I would definitely like to see what this looks like with this team just competing keeping the game close and giving us a reason to feel like they’re at least giving

Themselves a realistic chance indeed and they did give themselves a chance didn’t get the win on December 29th lost by seven but gave them a chance the last time they took on the Kings they were here now they’re going to head to the West Coast to do it again so we

Appreciate you guys for stopping by the lock on Hawks postcast remember to like And subscribe to our YouTube channel for more on the Hawks check out locked on Hawks with our guy Brad Roland we’ll see you next time

On the tail end of a partial travel back-to-back, the seemingly lethargic Atlanta Hawks welcomed the defensive prowess Cleveland Cavaliers to State Farm Arena for what resulted in a matchup that Atlanta found themselves down by 27 points at a point.

Cleveland began the game on a 10-0 run and never looked back even in Caris LeVert and Evan Mobley’s absence.

Jalen Johnson led the ATL Hawks in scoring with 20 points with recent headliner Dejounte Murray chipping in 24 points and 9 rebounds on better than 50% shooting.

-Overall thoughts on Saddiq Bey’s recent shooting slump…

-Does anyone on the roster deserve flowers after tonight’s performance?

-The effect of DeAndre Hunter’s absence

Tenitra Batiste and DeShaun Tate address the team’s current state and weigh options as it pertains to the soon approaching trade deadline.

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