@Charlotte Hornets

Monte Morris Returns And The Detroit Pistons Beat Charlotte Hornets For Their 5th Win Of The Year

Monte Morris Returns And The Detroit Pistons Beat Charlotte Hornets For Their 5th Win Of The Year

Monte Morris returned for the Detroit Pistons and guess what everybody they actually won is the change of the tide of the season coming for them now that Monte Morris is back we’re going to talk about that in his return today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your

Daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Johnson with second what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host kah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at cooka Hill I want to thank you guys for making lockon Pistons your first listen of every

Single day we’re free and available on your podcast platforms if you haven’t ready head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review whenever podcast platform you’re listening to this on and today’s episode is brought to you by Prix the easiest most exciting

Way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockon NBA and use code all lowercase Lockton NBA for our first deposit match up to $100 Monte moris returned for the Detroit Pistons and their win against the Charlotte Hornets we’re going to talk about his impact in this game how

The Pistons played within this game then I want to talk about a concerning uh something that came up within this game something that was hidden watching this game a concern of mine for the Detroit Pistons um and could be could a win streak be on the way for the Detroit

Pistons we’ll talk about all that in today’s up episode also I want to apologize um me and my wife were sick we got you know we got Co you feel me so U I may sound you know a little snuffly I’m sorry if that’s the case um but just

Want to apologize for that before we get into anything but anyways yeah Monte Morris returned for the Detroit Pistons after missing the entire season which means you can finally evaluate the the Pistons right well not even technically because Kade didn’t come back back in this game I know he was probable to play

In this game but then he was downgraded to questionable I me Monty Williams said it was due um to his conditioning they want to make sure he’s all the way there conditioning wise before they bring him back so they might he’s probably going to be returning tomorrow by the time you

Guys listen to this tonight the 25th um for the Detroit Pistons and then you’ll be able to actually evaluate this basketball team because then they’ll be out 100% all year and then the playoff push actually will begin um but at least Monte MO his season started tonight for

The Detroit Pistons and he played pretty well he only played 11 minutes in this game he didn’t play a ton of minutes I’m sure his minutes will go up the more he plays and the more you know the more in shape he gets playing in the NBA after

Missing how much time he’s missed I believe actually they say he hadn’t played since March last year I didn’t know he didn’t play at all last season at the end of the year for the wizards but um yeah so he’s went a long time without playing and in this game with

The Pistons um played 11 minutes seven points point three assists three rebounds no turnovers hit a three um he he looked he looked like a he looked like he was avertised he he doesn’t turn the ball over um he was a good shooter um tonight in this game same player he’s

Been throughout his career looks like it’s G to be a calming presence um and definitely when Kade Cunningham gets healthy I think you’re going to see Kade and Ivy in the starting lineup and then you’ll see Monte Morris and Alec Burks Off the Bench which will help the

Detroit Pistons and in this game against the charlot Hornets they won this game and he contributed to that now he only played 11 minutes so it’s not like he was like the biggest reason why they won but he he had a part to do with it he he

Played fine and he did his role Off the Bench um but I will say that I don’t think I think all Pistons fans almost all of them at least I saw that were talking about this on Twitter um I think everyone knows that like watching this game I don’t think you come away

Thinking El Monte Morris is back here comes to the wins because the Pistons got lucky they won this game the Charlotte Hornets I don’t know what they were doing in the end of this game particularly miles Bridges I don’t know what that do was on at the end of the

Game but he he was he looked like he was playing for the Pistons like he was playing for the Ops like I I don’t know what he was doing same thing with lamelo lamelo had an awful game up I gets the Pistons he was six of

21 this is another team that the Detroit Pistons beat that are without a player that they traded they had just traded ter rir the day before they don’t have him who is their second leading scorer they didn’t have Mark Williams and they didn’t have Gordon Hayward either along with Lamela ball playing as

P as badly as he did on the Pistons were able to squeak this one out watching throughout the game this was just a this was not a good game by either side this was a a a bad performance by both teams all throughout the game it was

Just a back and forth bad performance back and forth by this team by both these teams and the Pistons are down by three with two minutes left um and then the the horn is is self-destructed so the Pistons will take it they don’t have many wins in the year they will take

Wins whenever they can get them no absolutely no doubt but the Pistons won this game because buan bonovich lost his mind he had 34 points in this game no one else really had a good game Jaylen Duran played ey but his defense was just it was really bad his defense um the second

Leading scorer was Alec Burks who had 15 points and four of 11 shooting which okay um but Jay and Ivy had a really bad game only played 20 21 minutes got benched because of some erratic play St didn’t have that great of a game Marcus Sasser didn’t have that great of a game

Assar Thompson didn’t have that great of a game like the only reason why the Pistons won this game is because their their 35y old vet LED them to a victory over the lowly Hornets who were without their second lead score in a trade and their best player having a horrific game

And missing two of their top I’d say four or five best players not in the lineup but either way the Pistons will take the win in totality I will just caution against the idea that has been you know kind of thrown at Pistons fans that hey Monte Morris isn’t here we

Haven’t even been able to evaluate the team like that you know if he was here things would have been better you know it kept going from boan then it was to Burks then it was to uh Monte I I don’t think that the Pistons fortunes are all of a sudden going to

Change now that Monte Morris is back you see the flaws with this team you see the flaws I I think in this game we’ll we’ll talk about it in a minute but you see the flaws within this roster Within These lineups and with how some players are being used just unless

Some drastic things change in scheme wise and and ways you want to use players and the the roster changes I don’t see Monte Morris’s return making this this crazy big difference especially while he’s in this minutes restriction trying to gain uh get his conditioning back so I he looked good I

Think for sure he’s going to bump kiling Hayes now out of the rotation once Cade comes back so I think that’s good for everybody um Monte Morris will absorb those minutes as soon as he’s able to because of his conditioning um and those will be good minutes those will be good

Minutes but the Pistons bench I mean the Pistons bench has been good or or been playing well like the last I’d say like the last week week or so week and a half two weeks um it’s their starters that just haven’t been playing well they’ve been getting blitzed by the other team’s

Best players which is I think is probably going to continue to happen um so maybe the return of Cade changes some things I don’t know I think we we know what this team is I don’t think Monte moris is changing it too much but it is

Cool to see Monte Morris back on the floor I know it was the question at one point in the season were we even going to see him in the Pistons jersey this year was he going to be traded before he came back but that was not the case he got to play

For his Hometown team I know that probably means a lot to him he played well I’m good for him it was cool to see him out there playing he played well when he when he played and obviously we like seeing guys play well um hopefully he continues to play a little bit more

Moving forward um but I don’t think that he’s going to be changing the Pistons fortunes like it’s been try to force onto the Pistons fans that he might uh he might actually do I don’t see that happening um but hey maybe I’ll be wrong we’ll see what happens um let me know

What you guys thought about Monte Morris’s return in this game tonight do you guys think his return will change the fortunes of the team do you think all of a sudden this team will start winning a lot more games let me know comment section down below over on Twitter

Cahill when we come back watching this game it really put out in the spotlight a concern I have it made it it made it very clear it it was popping off the screen when I was watching this team tonight um I’ll tell you guys what that concern is when we come

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So I want to thank you guys again for making lockdown Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re free and available on all your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at ldon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform

You’re listening to us on that’s another great way to support the podcast watching this game against the Hornets um first of all obviously it’s just a this was a really bad game like I said earlier it both teams played horrible and it was it was

Not a fun watch it was not a fun watch watch at all um from a for a basketball fan um but watching this game as a Pistons fan from a Pistons perspective from someone who watches the team I think most Pistons fans probably saw the same thing it probably is

Concerning to to Pistons fans it definitely is a little concerning to someone like me who has to you know was high on this player and covers this team has to analyze this team uh you saw brandan Miller on the other side of the floor and he was eight of 17 from the

Floor five of 10 from from Deep he had 23 points seven rebounds four assists and a block he played really well in this game and I I think all my listeners who you know have listened since the off season I was not high on brand Miller

Coming into the coming into the draft I thought he had a lower lower ceiling and I question his ability to finish around the rim now he has not been a good finisher around the rim that is true um and I I don’t know about how high his

Ceiling actually is but he has been been good this year that that that without a doubt he has been a good rookie this year we’ll find out in a few years if his ceiling was higher than I thought it was we’ll find out in a few years if his

Finishing improves that allows that to happen um but so far this year yes he has been he has been a good rookie he’s shooting 43% from the field 38% from deep and five and a half attempts he’s playing really well for as a rookie he’s playing really really well for the for

The Hornets um but what jumped off the page to me which is which is what makes this so concerned to me you saw that the Hornets knew whether whether Brandon Miller turns into a superstar or if he’s just a really good starter whatever he turns into you can

See that the you can see very clearly what the Hornets want from him you can see very clearly what The Hornet’s plan is for him how they want to use him that they’re putting him in positions to succeed they want to see stuff from him they’re putting him in on ball uh

Situations you saw him create for some for other players at times you saw him get put into pick and roll action you saw him isolate against other bigs you saw him hit catch and shoot threes come off off ball screens and shoot threes like you see that the Hornets are

Prioritizing his development and they’re prioritizing maybe not prioritize they are prior prioritizing his development but they’re also they have a clear idea of how they want to use him which is the biggest thing to me when we’re talking about this subject they very clearly know how they want to use Brandon Miller like

There’s no question of oh God we don’t know if we want how we going to use this guy like I I don’t know what to do with him like like that’s not a thought process watching this game you see very clearly the Hornets are not only prioritizing his development but they

Know how to use them and then you go to the other side of the floor and you go to the Pistons fifth overall pick and assar Thompson who only played 26 minutes compared to BR Miller’s 39 R Mill played 39 minutes for the Hornets thear Thompson plays 26

Assar Thompson or bah Miller shot 17 times assar Thompson shot four times brah Miller had 23 points assar had seven brand Miller had eight rebounds or seven rebounds orar Thompson head to you can just go up and down the list and this is not about me being lower on

Assar or being concerned about assar individually the player because we have seen assar at times this year at beginning of the year more particularly the first like 11 12 games where he was playing really well he was averaging like 12 points 10 rebounds uh I think it

Was like three assists four assists to two steals two blocks like he was he looked as advertising exactly how I wanted him maybe not exactly I thought there was there were still plenty of ways you could use him but he was giving minutes he was giv the minutes to impact the

Game and he was impacting the game the first first 12 games but ever since that that first stretch of the season I am incredibly worried that at the end of this season at the end of the year when I record a podcast and I say my saddest takeaways because that

Podcast will be coming that it’s not gonna be my my best takeaways from the season because this team’s going to be the worst team in the league they might have the worst season NBA history so we’re not going to be having one of those at the end of the year at the end

Of the year I will be recording my saddest takeaways from the Pistons season season and I am extremely worried that my number one saddest takeaway from this team this year will be they wasted completely wasted a year of vsar Thompson and this and again it’s not go

Back to what I said about how the Hornets knew you can very clearly see that they know how they want to use Brandon Miller the way when you watch the Pistons play and you watch assar Thompson it has been clear now maybe whether assar becomes a

A great player or not we don’t know yet maybe he doesn’t become a great player maybe he just doesn’t become one because he can’t become he’s just not good enough maybe he does become one we don’t know yet but what has become very clear I’d say over the last two months is that

This coaching staff does not know how they want to use assar and maybe it’s because they don’t think assar is good enough to do certain things maybe it truly is that he’s such a unique player that they’re struggling and figure out how they want to use him

Like whatever the cases I think it’s completely fair for anyone who’s watched the last two months to come away saying they clearly do not know how they want to use assar they don’t know what is the best way to use assar there was a good month stretch there where assar was

Barely playing he was playing 15 minutes a game there was a good stretch where that was happening and even now in this game against the Hornets he plays 26 minutes 27 minutes and for the large majority of those minutes I’m sitting there thinking like they have no no clue how they want

To use him he he looks so clearly when he’s on the floor half more than half the time I’d say like a a square peg trying to fit into a circle hole like I feel like that is what I Come Away thinking about watching AAR every time I watch the

Pistons maybe not every single time because he has had a good few good games over the last few weeks but most of the time they I just feel like they don’t know how they want to use him and the the the concern with that is not only that

I feel like they’re going through a season what is something you can say that assar has developed from the beginning of the year to now like last year you could say with the Jane Ivy that you saw him developing his on ball reps you could see that he was getting

Better in the in between game didn’t become fantastic at it but he was better at the halfway point of the Season at in in between game than he was at the beginning of the year you saw he was better handling on ball rebs in the uh

Halfway through the year than he was at the beginning of the year like you saw those things develop Jaylen durren you saw him get better in areas by the middle of the year or things that they had tried to develop with him by the middle of the Season what is that with

Thear what what have you seen them try to develop with assar what what they haven’t developed a role for him it’s not like he’s been getting he’s been fed like on ball reps and see okay let’s see how he did beginning the year with these

On ball reps is he getting better at it now that hasn’t happened he hasn’t been fed on ball reps he has he’s barely been used in the screen and roll game so every time this is how you know he’s barely used in the screen and roll game because every time

He he is using it that one time per game we all lose it on Twitter I I tweet about it and I see Pistons fans lose oh my God Sor was using that’s how you know that they barely use them in screen games because the one time they use it when it works

Everyone loses their minds because it’s like oh my god it worked and then they don’t do it again they’re not developing a role form they’re not developing a skill set for him it’s not like they have I mean maybe you could try to say oh they’re putting him in the corner and

Tell him to shoot threes because they want to develop the three-point shot I don’t buy that but if you want to try to take that and and force that as an argument I mean go ahead and try I think it would be a horrible one so they’re not developing anything with thear I

Feel like they’re not developing a role and they don’t know this coaching staff it it seems clear to me they don’t know how to use them so at the end of this season after 82 games if your takeaway from this season was that your fifth overall pick didn’t develop anything you

Didn’t develop anything with him you didn’t give him you know this Freedom that you’re talking about with Jaylen dur that we’re seeing that we’ve talked about you didn’t give him any extra you know responsibilities throughout the year to test him with and at no point throughout the season did it seem like

You really knew how you want to use him not just right now not just right now it seems like they don’t know how to use him period like what is his role moving forward can someone tell me what what role have you seen the Pistons use him

In this year that makes you feel like oh that’s how they want to use him next year moving forward like that’s their plan for him moving forward what is it because you don’t I don’t know I that like I maybe assar doesn’t end up being a good player because he simply isn’t a

Good one maybe that ends up happening in a few years maybe he doesn’t simply develop I think he already is does have a role in the NBA somewhere with his skill set but let’s just say okay maybe he doesn’t become a good player on his own maybe that

Happens you have I sitting here right now on January 24th my biggest concern is is that this franchise seems like they don’t know how they want him to be moving forward they don’t know what role it is they want him in moving forward and that’s a scary sight that’s a scary

Sight because the Pistons are four or five and 39 team right now and the the biggest thing you need to get from this season is some kind of development now from your young guys or I have an idea of which young guys you want to keep moving forward or which young

Guys you you you know you value what do you want from these young guys how do they fit together and I I would argue that you’re not getting answers to quite literally any of that despite the like e you’re losing you’re not winning games you’re not taking a step forward and you’re not

Getting an an answer or an idea to how any of these guys would fit together or how you want to use them moving forward especially the guy you just wasted the fifth overall pick on and I said wasted again I some people trying to say I said wasted last episode

When I talk about Marcus asser’s pick because I I literally meant like oh was a waste of a pick no I’m just when I’ve said that I just mean you you use that pick on that guy it’s not me dissing anything I said the same thing just now

With thear I I wanted the assar pick um but you just I let’s say you just used that pick on this dude last year at the fifth overall slot and I feel like you what it four months into his rookie year you have no clue how you want him to be

You have no clue what role you want for him you have no clue how you want to use him moving forward not just this year but next year moving like there’s no development happening with thear it’s like he’s just out there he just gets thr going out there he he stands in the

Corner sometimes sometimes he makes a crazy defensive play and then sometimes he’ll get Alle you and and once a game you’ll run a screen and roll he’ll score on it like that it doesn’t seem like there’s any role being def defined for him and it’s concerning it’s extremely

Concerning when you look especially in a game when you look across the across the the floor and you see another guy who went two picks before him and Brandon Miller or three picks before him and Brandon Miller and it looks so very clear what how the Hornets are trying to

Use him he’s playing well in that role it it’s just a stark difference when you do when that happens within the same game so let me know what you guys think you guys have the same concerns you guys see the same thing as me let me know in

The comments section down below or over on Twitter atcu Hill when we come back are the Detroit Pistons about to go on a little bit of a winning streak we’ll talk about that when we come back but first you guys got to hear from one of our lovely

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Every single day we’re free and available on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast

Um we’re going to wrap up the podcast very quickly here but just want to hit on will the Pistons be going on a little bit of a winning streak and when I say a little bit of a winning streak I mean two just just a two game winning streak

Because they haven’t done that this year a two- game winning streak would be just like it would be out of this world it would be we might need to celebrate downtown we forget the Lions Pistons fans Detroit fans might need to run the streets of Detroit C

Celebrating if the Pistons are able to go on a two- game winning streak just because of how rare and how unlikely it felt that they would ever win two games in a row this season but they have a chance to do it Saturday they just beat the Hornets and on

Saturday they play at home against one of the only other teams they were able to beat this year and that is the Washington Wizards the Washington Wizards come to Detroit and the Pistons just beat the Wizards what was it the the 15th the 15th of January and in that

Game I believe wasn’t that that was the day that they traded that day happened uh they played that game the day they made the trade for galinari and uh um what was it U galinari muscala so I mean that’s another day you you know every single win the Pistons have has

Come um or at least since the first two in one start each one of each one of their wins have come after that team has made a trade and they’re without players um now I know galinari and muscala didn’t play much for the wizards but still they fall under under it you got

The Wizards again with the Hornets right here they just made a trade getting rid of uh Terry Rosier so they didn’t have him and what was the other team that did the Pistons win won again oh yeah the Raptors that’s right the Raptors made that trade with ogan noi and they were

Without all those guys and they get any of those players back yet um and they won that game anyways though Pistons beat the hornage they play the the Wizards at home on the 27th so they don’t play again until Saturday they get a long break you know they get Thursday

Friday off two days rest and they coming at home against the Wizards a team that’s not very good that who knows maybe over those next few days they make a trade because kozma could be getting moved anytime now like that could be happening so maybe that team makes a

Trade even if they don’t Pistons just beat them Pistons will be at home they’ll have Monte Morris they’ll have Kate Cunningham they’ll be at 100% health so if there was ever a time for them to go on a winning streak it would be Saturday we were told all year that

This’s 100% health Team and once they get there you know then you can really start evaluating this team it would be a different season if everyone was healthy well here’s your chance if it really would be a different season if it really would have been such a playoff worthy

Season playing worthy season then go beat the Wizards full strength and get your first two game winning streak go do that go do that because if you do that I’m not going to lie to you if you do that nothing’s going to change but at

Least you’ll be able to say you won two games okay like that’s at least you can do that nothing’s going to change I almost was gonna lie to you guys and say oh yeah this will happen no nothing’s going to change about it but at least

You can say you won two games in a row you can have some kind of you know I guess excitement that hey maybe if this team was healthy all year they would have won 10 games instead of five by now so may maybe that’s something you can

Come away with if they’re able to do that so I don’t know I’m going to go ahead and take a guess they lose the Wizards though I I don’t think they’re going to beat the wizards but we’ll see what happens you guys think they’re

Going to go on a little bit of a winning streak two game win streak beat the waston Wizards at home on Saturday let me know in the comment section down below or over on Twitter at CA Hill that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for making lock down pist

Your first listen of every single day you’re available on all your podcast platforms hit that subscribe button the YouTube channel leave us a five star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe till next time peace out

Monte Morris has finally made his long-awaited season debut for the Detroit Pistons as the Pistons won their 5th game of the season against the Charlotte Hornets. WIll Morris’ return put the Pistons on a winning streak and turn the season around? How concerning is the use of Ausar Thompson?

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  1. There has to be another major move made as soon as possible. The Beef stew Jalen Duren show cannot continue to go on starting out games together. That issue needs to be addressed & fast among other things like having too many guards. That said, any and everybody can go except Ivey, Cade, Ausar, wiseman & sasser.

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